
Uffington - Part 156

Sermon Image
March 11, 1992


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[0:00] M Скристsk The Hymn of the Lord May we begin to commence the service with a hymn 318, tune 5-3 God of eternal love, has fickle our ways and yet how oft did Israel prove thy constancy in grace The Hymn of the Lord 318, tune 5-3 God of eternal love, has fickle our way The Hymn of the Lord 318, tune 5-3

[1:01] God of eternal love, has fickle our way The Hymn of the Lord 318, tune 5-3 God of eternal love, has fickle our way The Hymn of the Lord 318, tune 5-3 God of eternal love, has fickle our way The Hymn of the Lord 318, tune 5-3 God of eternal love, has fickle our way The Hymn of the Lord 318, tune 5-3 God of eternal love, has fickle our way", would ever die through my own place.

[2:13] Thank you.

[2:43] Thank you.

[3:13] Thank you. Thank you.

[4:13] Thank you. Thank you.

[5:13] Let us read together from the Gospel according to John chapter 17. John's Gospel chapter 17.

[5:26] These words spake Jesus and lifted up his eyes to heaven and said, Father, the hour is come.

[5:42] Amen. Glorify thy Son that thy Son also may glorify thee. As thou hast given him power over all flesh, that he should give eternal life to as many as thou hast given him.

[6:07] And this is life eternal, that they might know thee, the only true God, and Jesus Christ whom thou hast sent.

[6:23] I have glorified thee on the earth. I have finished the work which thou gavest me to do.

[6:36] And now, O Father, glorify thou me with thine own self, with the glory which I had with thee before the world was.

[6:52] I have manifested thy name unto the men which thou gavest me out of the world.

[7:02] Thine they were, and thou gavest them me. They have kept thy word.

[7:16] Now they have known that all things whatsoever thou hast given me are of thee. For I have given unto them the words which thou gavest me.

[7:35] For they have received them, and have known surely that I came out from thee.

[7:46] For they have believed that thou didst send me. I pray for them.

[8:19] And now I am no more in the world. But these are in the world.

[8:31] And I come to thee. Holy Father, keep through thine own name those whom thou hast given me, that they may be one as we are.

[8:49] While I was with them in the world. While I was with them in the world, I kept them in thy name. Those that thou gavest me, I have kept.

[9:03] And none of them is lost. But the son of perdition, that the scripture might be fulfilled.

[9:16] And now come I to thee. And these things I speak in the world, that they might have my joy fulfilled in themselves.

[9:32] I have given them. I have given them thy word. And the world hath hated them. Because they are not of the world, even as I am not of the world.

[9:48] I pray not that thou shouldest take them out of the world. But that thou shouldest keep them from the evil.

[10:01] They are not of the world. Even as I am not of the world. Sanctify them through thy truth.

[10:17] Thy word is true. As thou hast sent me into the world. Even so have I also sent them into the world.

[10:30] And for their sakes, I sanctify myself. That they also might be sanctified through the truth.

[10:41] Neither pray I for these alone. But for them also, which shall believe on me through their word.

[10:57] That they all may be one. As thou, Father, art in me, and I in thee.

[11:08] that they also may be one in us. That the world may believe that thou hast sent me.

[11:23] And the glory which thou gavest me I have given them. That they may be one, even as we are one. I in them and thou in me.

[11:41] That they may be made perfect in one. And that the world may know that thou hast sent me. And hast loved them as thou hast loved me.

[11:59] Father, I will that they also whom thou hast given me be with me where I am. That they may behold my glory which thou hast given me.

[12:17] For thou lovest me before the foundation of the world. O righteous Father, O righteous Father, the world hath not known thee.

[12:30] But I have known thee and these have known that thou hast sent me. And I have declared unto them thy name and will declare it.

[12:44] That the love wherewith thou hast loved me may be in them and I in them.

[12:59] O righteous eternal almighty God, give us, we are a spirit of prayer we would seek rightly to approach thee to art that holy, holy, holy God that inhabited the praises of eternity.

[13:36] And we are poor fallen creatures on this earth tempted by Satan, our arch-poe full of unbelief, conscious, constantly of sin and darkness and death.

[13:52] for we pray that thou wouldst draw near to us. For we need thee this night as we enter thy earthly court.

[14:08] I see as the congregation before thee, searchest each heart and knowest each desire and each exercise of soul and knowest the prayers of thy people as they have already ascended before thee as they have come into the sanctuary of God.

[14:35] And knowest, Lord, where there is a earnest desire for health, for strength, for grace, for heavenly wisdom, for thy presence, for thy teaching, for thy mercy, for thy tender lovingkindness, for thy precious blood.

[15:05] O come, dispense the blessings which are in thy right hand in Zion. love, come and satisfy the desires of every longing heart, come and teach, come and reveal sin in the heart, that there may be gracious God, a feeling need of the, of thy precious blood, applied in the soul, as thy healing balm, the wounded conscience.

[15:48] Though where the adversary is busy, we read of him as a roaring lion going about seeking whom he may devour, the fire, casting those fiery darts into the hearts of thy dear children to them.

[16:16] O we pray, gracious God, for thou is draw near this night and renew strength, O grant fresh strength, fresh grace, to fight the good fight of faith, to lay hold on everlasting life, to run the race that is set before us, looking unto Jesus.

[16:45] Lord, we're thankful to come apart for a brief while into thy house and seek thy help, thy spirit's help, to be enabled to lay aside every way, the sin which thou so easily besettest, to seek thy faith, to rest a while, and have grace to leave the cares and burdens of life's pathway, to enter by faith into a sweet realization that as a God it's our pathway, the government is upon thy shoulders.

[17:33] Oh, look down upon thy dear people, Lord, and grant food for their souls, a crumb of mercy for their hearts, divine leading and guidance and heavenly commandments, and faith and grace to obey and to follow thee in sweet submission and in the exercise of faith, to be unable to venture all upon thee.

[17:56] Oh, grant it, we pray this night, where there are those impossible mountains, Lord, oh, may they be given that blessed way, to venture as thy dear servant Moses did to the Red Sea, there to stand still and see the salvation of the Lord.

[18:32] I know it's the pathway, Lord, thou hast walked it out thyself when here on earth, tempted in all points like us. We are not now a merciful and faithful high priest in things pertaining to God, touched with the feeling of the infirmities of thy dear children.

[18:52] We would remember all in sorrow and suffering and temptation and darkness, oh, grant gracious God thy presence, thy word applied in the heart, thy promises given to that unction of the Holy Spirit that there may be an entrance into the promise of thy dear servant Abraham.

[19:24] I am thy shield and thy exceeding great reward. Lord, we need words from thy lips spoken by the Spirit into our hearts to lift us up.

[19:40] We need heavenly commandments and divine revelations of thy love and mercy. Oh, may we be kept as we have read in thy prayer in the garden by thy dear hand.

[20:00] And may we be enabled to rest in thyself look down upon this little cause of truth and the deacon bears office in the church granting Lord thy gracious help and strength heavenly wisdom to continue to his dear friends from other causes of truth O Lord we pray for Zion still as here the withholding of the Spirit the famine of hearing solemn judgments of God upon Zion the great withholding yet we thank thee Lord for those who gather and pray for the rising generation before us this night that they may be taught by thy spirit established in the truth raised up in their own generation graciously led by thee and provided for by thee thy good hand may go before them they may be brought into the knowledge of thyself

[21:30] Lord Jesus Christ they may be kept in that straight and narrow way which leads to life through faith unto salvation oh look upon our young people as they grow up around us Lord they know that they are surrounded by many prayers and there are those in the house of God this night who have been the subjects of many prayers often of those now in glory often Lord of grandparents long in glory and we thank thee that we are indeed in this little sanctuary of God compassed about by a great cloud of witnesses who have worshipped here in days gone by and now worship in glory before thy throne who have left blessed hope but whose prayers in the fulfilment of them are still to be answered as they prayed for

[23:06] Zion and this hill of Zion and other hills of Zion and Lord we thank thee for the memory of the just which is blessed and all we pray that those prayers perfumed by thy precious blood and Mary might be heard in this our day and generation O come Holy Spirit of truth and work in Zion yet Lord we see creature effort all about us and we tremble O we would seek the throne of grace and the workmanship of the Holy Spirit of truth and pray that the

[24:09] God ordained means of the ministry of the gospel may be blessed through the lips of thy sent servants whom thou hast ordained to the world that there may be fruit attending their labours and that they may have souls for their hire and seals to their ministry and every man may have his penny all look upon the church's law and grant that prodigals may yet return Zion has many prodigals oh gracious God thou art the God of the prodigal and we pray for the return of the prodigal sons in Zion and the daughter of whom thou hast saved

[25:11] I pray for them I pray not for the world but for those whom thou hast given me oh gather home lord those who have wandered and may they come back to their father's house who have been gone long may there be a gracious work of thy spirit may there be profession of thy holy name in the ordinances of thy house may there be those raised up who knowing from what thou hast called them may be made pillars in Zion for thou lord are able to do more abundantly than we can ask or even see oh build up this little church we pray and those represented here this night oh may there be a gracious work of the spirit may there be a gathering in and may there be a movement in thy workmanship which shall be the honour and glory of thy holy name lord jesus we leave this solemn and sacred work holy in thy hands waiting for thee to accomplish it in thy determinate counsel and foreknowledge in thine own time and way oh may there be joy in the church of god on earth as there is among the angels of god in heaven over one sinner that repent him upon thy servants as they labour in thy holy name this night they know how many are disconsolate cast down to think of thy dear servant who health permitting would have been here this night lovingly we remember him thou know for he is a brother in thee in deepest affection lord we commend him to thee and know as thy sovereign will regarding him we would not intrude thou know that lord we love him and desire that thou would spare him in

[28:31] Zion and use him greatly and bless him in his own church thou has raised him up as a pillar in the church and given him grace and help and wisdom to stand and lord we pray I would spare to poor Zion the pillar oh grant him thy healing mercy in his affliction look down lord we pray thee upon Zion send forth other labourers into thy vineyard those who shall have dipped their foot in oil and be made acceptable to their brethren oh we pray gracious god that thou would send out those whom thou hast ordained to the world upon whom thou hast solemnly laid the burden of the word of the lord remember this land in its vast iniquity oh gracious god we know that only these spirits work in the ministry of thy sent servants can in any way turn the vast tides of iniquity that are now sweeping this godless land thy judgments are heavily upon us and as we watch the confusion in the leadership of the nation even this day oh may there be manifest before the eyes of this land for the hearts of all men are in thy hands as he is the evil in high places condoning of sin in every particle of our life in the nation but oh gracious god may thy law yet once again shine forth in this land as the moral code of this nation may there be a turning to it in every commandment all remember us we are lord that which is impossible with men is possible with god we pray gracious god that there may yet be a turning to thy law to thy day and to thy holy word praise up god fearing men we pray thee in our national assembly statesman who fear thy name thou hast raised them up before but all raise up servants of thine in

[32:10] Jews with the mighty power of thy spirit upon the queen and the heir to the throne poor dad seest the darkness the mysticism the evil around the throne we pray thou have preserved the queen we thank thee for her moral upright example upon us now lord this night once more we fall into thy dear hands feeling our need of thee need of thy grace and thy wisdom and thy spirit to grant a door of utterance and liberty to proclaim thy word of truth o may thy holy word have free course and be glorified in thine own right hand grant us the fresh anointing of thy spirit grant us thy gracious presence in hearing and in preaching oh grant thy love and mercy to be felt in our heart come dear gracious god we pray touch our lips with that light coal from off thy heavenly altar of love and mercy be with us eat to ask every blessing with the pardon and forgiveness of every sin for

[33:55] Jesus Christ say Amen Hymn 61 June 375 to sixteen gods eternal mind when his dear son shall be kind from everlasting he tree when every good shall be conveyed say hymn 61 chum 365 I love you.

[35:25] I love you.

[35:55] I love you.

[36:25] I love you.

[36:55] I love you.

[37:25] I love you.

[37:55] I love you.

[38:25] I love you.

[38:55] I love you. I love you. I love you. I love you. I love you. I love you.

[39:07] I love you. I love you. I love you. I love you. I love you. I love you.

[39:23] I love you. I love you. I love you. I love you. I love you.

[39:35] I love you. I love you. I love you. I love you.

[39:49] I love you. I love you. I love you.

[40:00] I love you.

[40:11] I love you. Thank you.

[40:45] The Gospel according to John, chapter 17 and verse 21. John's Gospel, chapter 17 and verse 21.

[40:59] That they all may be one. As thou, Father, art in me, and I in thee, that they also may be one in us.

[41:15] That the world may believe that thou hast sent me. That they all may be one.

[41:28] As thou, Father, art in me, and I in thee, they also may be one in us.

[41:40] That the world may believe that thou hast sent me. The word that has rested on my mind is the word in the center of this clause, this text, that they may be one in us.

[41:58] The oneness spoken of here is a perfect oneness.

[42:14] It is a walking in the footsteps of Christ, the following him in heart.

[42:30] This is the root of it. Brought into submission. And what a submission he did. A loving, willing submission to his will and his purposes.

[42:49] To be brought down as little children into a receiving of the truth from his lips by the power of the Spirit.

[43:00] It is described here in Christ's words. That for this cause I sanctify myself, that they also may be sanctified through the truth.

[43:19] The Lord's will was that the members of his body, his church, be brought into a blessed conformity to Christ. The apostle Paul prayed for this, and he prayed that he might be made conformable unto his image.

[43:40] And it is a pathway that the Lord is calling his dear children into, which he had ordained for them, which will contain much that is crucifying to their flesh, and yet will bring them into this oneness.

[44:06] And the oneness here is with Father, Son and Holy Spirit. I would desire to look this evening into this chapter to see the work of God in the soul, teaching, leading, and conforming to the image of Christ in answer to the word that was uttered here on behalf of the entire church in Gethsemane's garden.

[44:49] Here the Lord pray for them with the divine authority which this prayer alone contains.

[45:06] No prayer of man ever had the authority which this prayer had of the Son of Man. What a prayer it is. It ends with that petition, Father, I will.

[45:22] For those whom thou hast given me, be with me where I am, that they may behold my glory. We would desire as the Lord may help us to look into this leading and the footsteps which are here.

[45:38] And we see the gift of the Father in the second verse.

[45:53] Here is the gift of the church in the covenant of grace given to the Son.

[46:04] As thou hast given him power over all flesh that he should give eternal life to as many as thou that is the Father hast given him.

[46:19] What a solemn truth this is. It is the truth of God's electing love and mercy so offensive to fallen man.

[46:32] Vittly offensive. Here in this gift is sovereign distinguishing grace. The very foundation of that oneness they may be one.

[46:45] They will not only be the subject of it sovereign distinguishing grace but they will be the subject of divine teaching in their heart in experience revealing this doctrine in their souls as the truth of God and they will receive it.

[47:10] They will love it. That doctrine which places the crown of glory upon the head of Christ he has given eternal life to as many as his father gave him.

[47:32] And we see there the holy accord between father and son in the covenant of grace.

[47:43] a man who attempted to change this blessed truth but here in Christ's work is the glorious doctrine of particular redemption.

[48:02] predestination here is divine foreknowledge and predestination this is the foundation of this oneness with father son and holy spirit this is at the center of Christ's prayer.

[48:39] Here in its entirety is the election of grace and so consistent with it we read I pray not for the world not for the mass of humanity and we can rightly conclude from that I die not for the world either I shed not my precious blood for the world I pray not for the world but for those whom thou hast given me for they are thine and all thine are mine and mine are thine and I am glorified in them and in them alone glorified in this that the Lord raised them and will raise them in every generation from being a little lower than the angels to be joint heirs with Christ and heirs of the kingdom of heaven it is a wonder of wonders that God sees a glory in the salvation of his church it is a wonder of wonders that he should pray this prayer in the garden of

[49:57] Gethsemane for such forbidden sinners that he should love them it is a mystery which we shall never fathom but I believe if the Lord work in your heart bring you into wonder with this great doctrine that is here revealed as the root and foundation of the movement and activity of Father Son and Holy Spirit it is the determinant counsel and foreknowledge of God that the Lord Jesus speaks of here which he is well aware and the church will be brought into oneness with it into a revelation of it in their hearts into an understanding of it into an entrance into it into submission before it not in any unwilling or ungracious or hesitant or half hearted manner but wholly and fully and totally to receive it and we read here in this eighth verse of this chapter

[51:25] I have given them the word which thou gavest me and they have received them that is the oneness here spoken of these solemn and sacred truths are received by the children of God in their hearts and from them comes this solemn knowledge if my soul were sent to hell thy righteous law approves it well but from them also comes this blessed knowledge father I will that is centered in this blessed truth God acting in accordance with his sovereign will and purposes in election father I will I will the oneness of father son and holy spirit in the purpose of salvation so clearly and blessedly revealed that not a who shall be left to hide

[52:36] I repeat it again tonight it has left a deep impression on me dear old Mr. Davidson a few weeks before he died said to me in conversation that he had met many people who mourned over Zion and her state today but he said to them why all this concern do you not believe the government is upon his shoulders do you not believe in electing love and mercy do you not believe that not a who shall be left behind why all this concern the last sermon we heard him preach was from the words he has done all things well done all things well and you know when he come to look at this oneness here it is it is all oneness with the revealed will of

[53:51] God and it's not human nature that's great a sinner as taught by the spirit will see the bulwark of salvation in God's determinate counsel and foreknowledge in his eternal covenant of grace standing unalterable in this prayer of those whom that has given me I've lost none bound in that covenant in eternity past and Christ is seen in that covenant as the lamb slain before the foundation of the world as dying for the election of grace in the purposes of God in eternity past long before any of them were ever born in this world and given an immortal soul and so this is the opening part of the Lord's prayer and the doctrine it contains and how blessed that doctrine is as he came here into this world he came carrying in his heart the gift of the

[55:24] Father the church the body of Christ each one of them in his heart and here we see revealed peculiarly his love for them as he prayed for them with authority and power in accordance with the determinate counsel of his Father and foreknowledge he prayed for their salvation and we see the oneness for Father and Son in their salvation the Father sent the Son to die the willing Son obeyed he came here into this world to die for those he had eternally loved in eternity past and he came to gather them whole dear friends there's no offer to be made to them that's an affront to his sovereign grave

[56:25] Christ isn't to be taken or rejected by them he isn't to be despised or spurned they are not to be told this may be the last time you will ever have an opportunity to come to Christ tonight oh my dear friends who am I to tell you that scriptures say as many as received him under the mighty workings of the spirit of God in the new birth that a sinner is brought into a knowledge of their fallen and lost condition are taught by the spirit and shown the way of salvation and led in that blessed path and what the Lord is the alpha of he will also be the owner of it and the

[57:28] Holy Spirit who convinces of sin will also in the determinate counsel and covenant of grace lead to Christ and reveal Christ to the sinner Christ is not to be taken he is revealed his precious blood is applied oh how solemnly the errors that surround us today all about us but let us stand upon one standing only and that is the Holy Word of God revealed in our hearts congregation we shall never understand it otherwise there are many of you have a vast head knowledge of these scriptures and the original languages but oh to have one blessed truth revealed in our hearts by the Spirit God I think back in my youth when I used to come to

[58:32] Enfield Chapel to some of the dear godly men in that congregation one in particular the old shepherd Emmanuel Byrne I remember as a child his mass of white hair and his bronzed face and the channels that lined his cheeks with a weather beaten face but all the prayer he left a deep impression upon me the godliness the old tailor at Danton Jim Woodford called by grace out of a life of alcoholism and the first world war brought out all the love I felt to him the first answer to prayer I ever had in my life concerned dear Jim Woodford did indeed and you know when we see this mighty work of God it is in the hearts of the simple otherwise in this world here is the bringing of the sinner into oneness with Christ a love to his way a love to his path a love to himself and a love to his people it is simple but it is real to the world it appears foolishness but to

[60:01] God dear people it's this oneness and you know in our text there is this that they all may be one it is that these taught by the spirit may be one on earth and one in heaven not only one in Christ and one in the father but one together the Lord Jesus is referring to the living union that was to subsist and did subsist and does subsist between the members of his church nothing this world can ever produce this one between his people it is mentioned several times in this chapter in the eleventh verse the Lord pray for those whom thou has given me that they may be one as we are one in holy loving sweet blessed union together oh what a blessing that is in the church the poor

[61:15] Zion is rent and divided today but I say this here tonight fearlessly that the union is not destroyed between the living in Jerusalem it subsists and will ever do so and that union subsists between all age differences and peculiarly it often subsists at its strongest between young and old it does indeed well do I remember in my youth when the Lord was dealing with me some of the mothers in Israel that were the Lord used in my life your late dear precious member here in this sanctuary God Albert Jenkins lies in

[62:16] Hadox cemetery beside the body of my late dear friend and mother in Israel dear Miss Elizabeth Parker I knew her from the age of 75 to 95 but all the wonders I felt with that dear woman the love and union I felt to her and how the Lord used her as a companion to me in my youth these mothers in Israel are precious in the lives of God's dear children there is a oneness that subsists between the living in Jerusalem and the Lord's dear servant I thank you a father used to say when the servants of God younger ones and him went out in the ministry I've often heard him say now you're going into the ministry and you'll find the

[63:17] Lord will give you a place in the hearts of his people oh what a mercy that is in Jerusalem when the Lord's servants dip their foot in oil and are made acceptable to the brethren and know the sweet love and union in Zion when the Lord's dear servant Paul knelt down and prayed on the beach as he left Antioch for the last time or how they wept but they would see his face no more what a sweet wonder there was and you know dear friend he wasn't broken when he left them but love followed him in their prayers and either is it broken and those to whom we have felt this precious one are taken into glory it remains

[64:23] I never forget the Lord's dear servant Mr. Tyler as he took the funeral of his dear partner saying we do not know the distance between the church militant and the church triumphant but it may not be as far as we think what a sweet thought that is they're one in Christ the church militant and the church triumphant and the hymn is true of them for a season called to pass blessed mercy for that bond of oneness here in this earth that sacred tie that union known here is not broken because it is in

[65:24] Christ it is in his father it is in that covenant of grace but we move onward we see the time is fast going this is life eternal that they might know thee oh here is the beginning of that oneness to know Christ how vital not about him not of him but him to know him to know his voice to know his power to know his love to know his mercy to know his presence to know his peace to know his pardoning blood that they might know him and this was the desire of the apostle of the Lord Jesus Christ they might know thee the only true God and Jesus Christ who now has sent one word stands over this knowledge and that's this revelation the work of the Holy Spirit to reveal

[66:36] Christ in the heart of the sinner he that hath seen me said the Lord hath seen the Father how sayest thou then show us the Father when the Lord Jesus was revealed to Peter the Lord put his seal and stamp and mark upon the revelation when he said unto him flesh and blood hath not revealed this unto thee but my Father which is in heaven that they might know thee the only true God and Jesus Christ who now has sent and you know where there is that knowledge there will be an entrance in to the knowledge of the truth as it is the truth as the truth is in Jesus nowhere else when he's known there will be a revealing of the truth which he is the author all the blessedness of the knowledge of God in the heart of a sinner let me detail to you some of authority if I might show it in the light of the revelation of the knowledge of God which

[68:09] Moses was given on sign the eye it was this the Lord the Lord God authority sovereignty power what do us have here Elijah said there's still small voice of heaven there was authority God doesn't need to raise his voice or speak loudly the voice of God in the heart of a sinner is a voice of divine commandment there is a power of sacred sacred persuasive drawing influence no man can come unto me except the father which has sent me draw him or have you been drawn by that mighty voice of God and known him that voice of God will draw you out of this world by divine and heavenly commandment and call you out of powers of disobedience it will indeed what doest thou here and I do I in this path of disobedience and unbelief of fear and trembling and temptation what are you doing here it was the voice of

[69:19] God in love and mercy and sacred heavenly rebuke and the Lord sent him on his way in a path of obedience he did indeed he sent him on his way with a heavenly commandment all his fears that he was alone no there was to be a prophet to succeed him there was to be a king to be anointed who would destroy Jezebel destroy Ahaz a woman who had cursed him and threatened him by from that cave that he bowed his head before his God and heard that knowledge of God in his heart that's what we need you know if there was any true knowledge of the

[70:23] Lord himself we wouldn't find these young people professing his name as they do today and still finding their way into the world in their genes and theaters and televisions going on in our own denomination going on in churches on our gospel standard list it is a solemn feature of the day in which we live but there is no knowledge of this God about him yet a head knowledge of him but there is no heart knowledge heart knowledge will manifest the tender fear of God and the solemn separation of this world and it will be true by their fruit she shall know that they have known him this then was the prayer of Christ for this oneness if ever they were to be one they had to know him they had to know father son and holy spirit they had to know that mighty

[71:28] God the lord the lord god then they had to know Christ merciful gracious the holy law of God had to be known in their heart this revelation was given on Sinai but they also knew Christ merciful gracious long suffering plenteous in goodness and truth forgiving iniquity transgression and sin oh what a knowledge the only reason Moses stood with Christ on the Mount of Transfiguration was because he as we read in the epistle of Paul to the Hebrews he was brought by the spirit to choose rather to suffer a picture with the people of God than enjoy the pleasures of sin for a season esteeming the reproach of Christ he was united to Christ whom he knew in this world chastened as he was for his sins of disobedience never allowed to enter the promised land yet he was redeemed gathered to heaven by his redeemer the angel of death passed over him in that

[72:42] Passover and he witnessed his God with him and he had this blessed sacred knowledge in his heart and so the Lord said I have manifested oh what a word it is I have manifested thy name unto the men which thou gave us as the sovereignty almighty power of God God being manifested in your heart as the precious blood of the eternal son of God being manifested in your soul not a matter of an offer whether you will take it or no my dear friend when it comes to the work of God in his dear son good physician did the man at Bethesda Paul when he came to him accept an offer from him no

[73:49] Christ came there in this blessed oneness to gather a vessel of mercy to himself whom he eternally loved there was a multitude around that Paul but one man was in the mind and purposes of God just as he must need go through Samaria one woman was in the mind and purposes of God one dear woman eternally loved in eternity past Christ had to be manifested in her heart and so it is to die has he been manifested in your heart and they have known ah they have known oh what a word it is they have been taught they have known that all things what thou hast given me are of thee and I have given unto them the words which thou gave me and they have received them what words divinely given by the power of the

[75:00] Holy Spirit have been given to you and you have received them you received them as the healing balm in your heart they were given by the Holy Spirit in eternal purposes of divine teaching into your soul with power as the very marks of grace in your heart that they came from God to your soul the promises of God that have been given to you are yours forever you've received them they were the gift of God and you received them as he gave them to you and no man can take them from you as the Lord said neither shall any man pluck them out of my hand

[76:03] I and my father of one oh what words have you in your soul tonight I trust I have a few precious promises a few precious words spoken into my soul which the Lord revives from time to time again and again and all the sweet savour with which they were given they are the revealings of the secret will of God regarding my soul salvation they are not without their trial but they remain and they stand manifested received given by him all the blessed mercy that surrounded their giving the cries were forced out of the heart in answer to which the

[77:20] Lord sent down his precious word the weakness apostle Paul has a very clear opening up of this most gladly therefore I glory he says in mine infirmity that the power of Christ might rest upon me oh what do you know of this sweet power of Christ that rests upon his beloved people and they have believed they have believed for what a truth it is this is the bringing of the sinner into union with father and son and holy spirit they have believed that thou did send me then we come to this I pray for them I pray for them let us not lose sight of the glory and majesty of these words here is the whole church every member of the body of

[78:26] Christ gathered in one in this prayer of the almighty eternal son of God in Gethsemane I pray for them gathers them into the oneness in his prayer gathers them in his arms and as it were presents them to his father given to him now he prays for them and we read of him in glory making intercession and we read in the 8th chapter of the epistle of Paul to the Romans of the intercession of the spirit and equally we read of the intercession of the Lord Jesus Christ it is Christ that died rather that is risen again who is even at the right hand of

[79:29] God who also make it intercession for us his prayer goes on oh to feel it in our poor petitions I often long and desire to feel it as I stand up to pray in public to feel that the Lord is making intercession in heaven above make it intercession by praying for them he is gathering his church in his arms for glory and feeding his own precious blood for them and he goes on to speak in his prayer keep them keep through thine own name those whom thou hast given me they may be one even as we are all this mighty security the Lord

[80:39] Jesus prays for this oneness that they may be kept you read of this word kept kept by the power of God through faith under salvation ready to be revealed in the last time your need keeping your wonder often in forbidden paths and ways but here Christ prays they may be kept from falling kept from apostasy kept from eternal death and darkness kept from themselves what a word it is keep them keep them in that covenant of grace let not Satan have them give them grace to endure unto the end hold them by thy mighty power for what a word it is here is the prayer of Christ here is his desire for his church that in this blessed bond of the covenant they may be kept never allowed to fall

[81:42] Satan did his worst with Samson but he was kept in the end and gathered the glory and his dying prayer was uttered under a saint who said to me not long ago a great old age in one of our Bethesda homes under I believe very real exercise in the last days of her life do you think I'm too old for him to come to me I'm waiting I'm waiting I've known all my life and only now in great old age am I witnessing a deep exercise of heart as she stands on the brink of eternity and longs for him to come to her and said in such sweet simplicity do you think I'm too old almost as though she was saying have I left it too long walking in complacency for years attending the house of God playing the organ in the sanctuary of God for well nigh forty years now brought and my heart rejoiced to hear her speak oh my dear friends what a blessed thing is this mighty work of God that keeps his dear children and gathers them each home to her glory and none of them is lost none of them is lost and then he goes on to pray that they might have his joy fulfilled in themselves all this wonder dear friends it is peculiarly blessed have you known a touch of it in the haste of

[83:46] God when the Lord has sweetly blessed you in your soul with a little liberty and melting apart and godly sorrow for sin you've known a little joy little sweet blessed happiness in your heart and peace not the joy and happiness of this world which is ephemeral and passing but a glorious sip and foretaste of eternal joy joy oh we hear so much in the religious world today and in our own denomination solemnly of loving the Lord and joy in the Lord and coming to the Lord and all this sort of thing but where is this joy that Christ prayed for this joy is the application of his blood in the soul this is the joy of forgiveness this is the joy of pardoning blood in the soul and peace in the heart this is the joy of repentance deliverance liberation from the bondage and chains and guilt of sin and filth and darkness and unbelief this is the joy of his presence little sweet access and nearness of the throne ever known it comes rarely occasionally suddenly in the reading of his word in the singing of his praises in the ministry alone in the field when the

[85:26] Lord drops the word into the heart the little sweetness do you know it this is the joy and this is the oneness there's a joy in this wretched oneness and the Lord goes on to pray that they may be sanctified sanctify them through thy truth thy word is truth this is the work of the spirit to bring them into the one this is sanctification as they are brought more and more closely to walk in the footsteps of their master to know the sufferings that he suffered to be brought humbly and obediently into the path of obedience this sanctification submission and it's a furnace a fiery furnace of crosses and losses and wounds and sorrows a bitter car but it's the path which Christ prayed for them in this oneness if they were to follow him who was a man of sorrows and acquainted with grief then they had to walk in this path as he prayed for them sanctify them through thy word it's a teaching a leading in to a knowledge of

[86:58] Christ thy word truth truth the lord when he first opened my ears to hear the truth in Manningport chapel when I was about sixteen and the village dear mr.

[87:15] evin clark spoke to me in the text through much tribulation you shall enter the kingdom it was teaching I little understood it I clung for several years to the word ye shall enter the kingdom it gave a ray of hope but I had to walk in the truth of the words the lord spoke to me in those days through much tribulation and what lies ahead none of us know but the lord told me it would be much and I didn't really listen in those days but he brought me into paths where I listened begin to look at those words so there's an equally blessed word there fear not little flock it's your father's good pleasure to give you the kingdom the lord says fear not

[88:25] I will be with thee in all places where thou goest I will not leave thee what a precious promise it is and so we come in conclusion to this lovely word that they may be one as thou father art in me and I in thee they also may be one in us that the world may believe that thou hast sent me and the glory which thou gavest me I have given them they may be one even as we are one I in them and thou in me that they may be made perfect in one Amen Hymn 755 June 395

[89:27] Forgiveness is a joyful sound the manufacturer is doomed to die Lord may this little me may I redeem in grace in your Lord Hymn 755 June 26 ages Thank you.