Thanksgiving afternoon
[0:00] All needed help, I venture this afternoon to draw your prayerful attention to Ruth, chapter 2, and a part of verse 16.
[0:18] Ruth, chapter 2, and verse 16, middle clause. Handfuls of purpose for her.
[0:37] Handfuls of purpose for her. Father, seeking the all-needed help of our God, I desire to first speak of this great, tremendous word, purpose.
[1:02] And then, handfuls of purpose. I said this tremendous word, purpose.
[1:19] It leads us to almighty God. Purpose. I was looking at that word in Isaiah, that the Lord says, yea, I have spoken it, I will also bring it to pass.
[1:42] He says, and I have purposed it, I also will do it. We cannot say that with assurance.
[2:02] Because of our limitations. We have to say, indeed, if the Lord will. If God is pleased to help me.
[2:16] But with almighty God, nothing will overthrow, overturn his purpose.
[2:30] Viewed in providence, and we could include their creation. Viewed also in grace.
[2:43] I think of those great words in Romans, chapter 8. Where we read of the purposes of almighty God.
[3:01] And I just turn to it. You must bear with me. My mind does fail me somewhat now, even in well-known scriptures. And it does fail just for the moment.
[3:13] It was, yes, whom he did predestinate. Them he also called. And whom he called. Them he also justified.
[3:24] And whom he justified. Them he also glorified. Purpose. It will be done. The purpose of him. The purpose of him. That worked in all things.
[3:37] After the counsel of his own will. Beloved friend. In your own case personally.
[3:48] Can you trace out. This tremendous word of God toward you. This purpose in providence.
[4:00] This purpose in grace. I look back on my life. And as we grow older.
[4:12] We desire to remember all the way that the Lord our God has led us. And we see now. What we did not see at the time.
[4:25] This great word. Purpose. A God that makes no mistake. That we know that all things work together for good.
[4:39] According to them that love God. To them who are called according to his purpose. Friend. Just meditate.
[4:51] On your life. And trace out this great word. Purpose. See it in creation. I touch that point very briefly. See the purpose of God in the seasons.
[5:06] See the purpose of God in the sunrise and sunset. The phases of the moon. The tides. All that man cannot touch.
[5:19] Therefore. It stands as the purpose of God. Man. By wisdom God gives to him. Can tell. And foretell years in time.
[5:33] When there will be an eclipse of the moon. Or a partial eclipse. Where it will be seen. When it will be seen. It will start to a minute. It will end at a minute.
[5:46] Why can man be certain of it? Because it's God. God. And my friends. Sometimes we're led to think of it in this way.
[5:58] That whilst. We think of the great. Purpose of God. In upholding all things by the word of his power. That that God. That God. Has had a purpose.
[6:10] To me. Watched over. Guiding. Directing. Ordering. Great events. Moving on a very small circumstance.
[6:23] I look back on my life. And I can see. Spots and places. Where. Yes. I won't go into the details.
[6:33] Because the car broke down. But that was a means of. Eventually. Bringing my wife and myself together. Although I was all the way back from Singapore.
[6:45] And they had come down from Bedford to Tunbridge World. To find a house. Purpose. All to see the hand of God. And to be humbled under that hand of God.
[6:58] And to have faith in that hand of God. And when things seem dark. When things seem to go against you beloved. To seek grace. To trust him.
[7:08] And say. Yes. He's helped me hitherto. Is he going to fail me now? He's promised. I love that word help. Look back. Ebenezer.
[7:19] Hitherto. Hath the Lord helped us. This present moment. What goes from your poor heart. Lord help me. What comes down from heaven. I will help thee.
[7:32] Now. Seeking to look at this word purpose. And I do pray God will help me. It will be. In the life. Now. Of.
[7:43] Naomi. And Ruth particularly. And we first observed. That there was a famine. In. Bethlehem. Bethlehem. The place of bread. And yet.
[7:54] Of famine. And. Naomi. And her husband. Eliminate. Moved. To Moab. Now. I'm not going to judge. It would seem.
[8:06] That they moved. Without prayer. That I don't know. But. What I do know. Is this. Be very careful. What steps you take.
[8:16] Don't plan the way. You see what would be. Just what you would like. And then say. I'm going that way. Then I'll ask God to bless it.
[8:28] Now. Lord. Help me to tarry. In Bethlehem. With a famine. With thy presence. Than to go into a land of darkness.
[8:39] And idolatry. There. It seems. And there it is evident. The hand of death. True.
[8:52] Though two sons. Married. Know about his damsels. There's. Naomi. Her husband. Dead. Her two sons.
[9:03] Buried. In. Moab. And yet. You may say. But God. Had a purpose in it. Yes. We might just.
[9:14] Say. When. Jacob. Deceived. Isaac. God had the purpose. Overruling purpose in it. But I do not believe. That justified. Jacob. In the deception.
[9:25] Of his father. And I tell you why. I've just. I know. I've just gone off the track of it. Because of what Jacob. Suffered. Afterwards. He deceived.
[9:35] His father. And Laban. Deceived him. Over. Giving him. Leah. Before. Rachel. The. The sons of Jacob.
[9:46] Took. A kid of the goats. And dipped the coat. Of many colors. Into the blood. Of that kid of goats. And what did Jacob do. And his mother do. To cover his.
[9:56] Smooth skin. A kid of the goats. Was killed. Friend. It is a clear proof to me. That though. We may. And he does not give us.
[10:07] Any license. To go a path. Of our own way. And say. Well God will overrule it. My friend. If we go our way. We shall suffer for it. May grace be given us.
[10:18] To be still. Stand still. And wait for God. And here comes. The coming back. Naomi. Hears that there's. At last.
[10:28] The famine is broken. There's bread. Again in Bethlehem. And she's resolved. A poor broken Naomi. Going back. With sorrow. To her home.
[10:41] And the two daughters. And all. Going with her. With both of them. Mark it. Deep love. No doubt about Orpah.
[10:52] Those tears were real. That love was real. But only so far. She had a natural love.
[11:04] But she had a greater love. She wouldn't turn her back on Moab. She couldn't part with her idols. She was determined to go back.
[11:17] And her kisses were real. As natural love was concerned. But now. Here is a. Here is. A testing time.
[11:29] What about Ruth? Why doesn't she go back? We see a determination. We see a purpose. God has begun in her heart.
[11:42] I speak to the young. Oh my dear young people. Has God begun in your heart. And older ones too. That.
[11:55] You. Fearless. You just have a natural love. And a respect for God's people. Right. You may do so. But. I say. How sad and solemn it is.
[12:06] As far as it goes. It's another matter to say. I love to meet among them now. And at thy gracious feet. About. The finest of them all. Oh friend.
[12:16] I say. To have a real determination. A purpose. It was. A. A. A. Clear. Purpose. Intreat me not to leave thee. Not to return from following after thee.
[12:29] For whither thou goest I will go. And where thou lodgest I will lodge. And thy people shall be my people. And thy God. My. Not what she says.
[12:41] Thy God. Couldn't say my God. Not yet. That was a longing desire. And she says.
[12:53] Where thou doest. Will I die. And there will I be buried. And then she says this. The Lord. She. She's. Turning to the Lord.
[13:04] The Lord do so to me. If aught but death. Part thee in thee. And we reach. She was steadfastly minded. Steadfastly minded.
[13:15] Our mind determines how we walk. If we're steadfastly minded. We go with a direct purpose. Go steadily forward. If on the other hand.
[13:25] We were doubtful. We'd go one way. And then turn around. And look back. And so forth. If we go forward with fear. We go back. Looking and afraid. And so forth. The mind. She's determined.
[13:37] She's determined to cast her. All. With a people she doesn't know. And not to go back. To the land of idolatry.
[13:48] And there we see this word purpose. Little detail. They came to Bethlehem. In the time. Of the beginning of the barley harvest. You say what's that?
[14:00] Purpose. Because barley harvest is the first harvest. God's hand is upon it. God is directing. The next word we see with this word purpose.
[14:14] Is that when dear Ruth. Saw that she would go. And glean in the field. She went off.
[14:25] And desired to glean ears of corn. I should come back to that word. Ears of corn. It's very precious. And we read that. She went.
[14:37] And her hat. Was delight. Upon part of the field. Belonged a bow. As. Here she goes. A complete stranger. God is directing that damsel.
[14:53] She's led to the field. That she. Of the owner. She did not know. Her hat. God's hand. And my friend.
[15:03] Have not we seen. Providentially. How that God has led. And directed us. In ways. That we've not. We've walked in.
[15:14] That way. We've not walked. Heretofore. And yet. Been a purpose in it. God's provision in. God's hand in it. God's help in it. God's guidance in it.
[15:25] God's guidance in it. God's hand. And then we read. Of how. She labored there. We should come back more. To the reaping. In a moment.
[15:37] But now. Boaz. Enters the field. Enquires. Who is this? He doesn't know. Our Jesus. Knows everyone. That seeks him. That one.
[15:48] That's pressing through. The crowd. To touch the head. Of his garment. That one. That's under. The big tree. That secret cry. The upward glancing. Of the eye. When none.
[15:59] But God is near. He knows. That one. That's trembling. At his word. That one. That's hoping. In his mercy. That unworthy one. That trembling one.
[16:11] And then. We've come back. To more. To Boaz. Speaking to Boaz. But then. She goes back. The end of the day. And she tells.
[16:23] Naomi. The man's name. Is Boaz. Now word. This word. Purpose. We see it in the case of Naomi. What?
[16:36] Poor Naomi. When she came back. She said. Don't call me Naomi. Seeing the Lord. Has testified against me. And the Almighty.
[16:47] Hath afflicted me. A woman of sorrow. Grief. And pain. God's hand. Going against her.
[16:59] But. As she hears this. Word Boaz. Does a ray. Of light. Start to spring up.
[17:11] A little hope. That after all. God. Has a purpose. Because. Boaz.
[17:22] As you know. Was a near. Not the next. But a near. Kinsman. Therefore. It. Brought. Hope.
[17:34] Brought. A ray. Of light. Of comfort. To this. Dear. Poor. Troubled. Naomi. Just go a little further.
[17:48] With this. As we may be. Helped. Naomi. Then. They continue. Incidentally. Through the harvest.
[17:59] The boy harvest. And the wheat harvest. And then. Naomi. Speaks to. Ruth. To give her an instruction. That we. Rather.
[18:10] May be. Perplexed. That it. Seems so. Well. Doesn't seem. Very wise step. Bids. That.
[18:21] Ruth. Should go. To the threshing floor. And there. When. Boaz. Is asleep. Or resting. To lie down. At his feet.
[18:32] And to wait. Till he. Speaks. We must remember. That this is the eastern custom. We must remember. That Ruth. Being a widow.
[18:43] To. A. An inhabitant. Of. Bethlehem. That the. Next of ten. There. Should take. Ruth.
[18:54] To be. His. Wife. And she was only going. To. As it were. To. Seek. The unfolding.
[19:04] Purpose. Of her God. But I. Do like. This expression. Here. As. She went. To. The. Threshing floor.
[19:15] And it was. The custom. Of the owner. Of the threshing floor. To sleep there. Because of thieves. Watching over. The precious.
[19:26] Uh. Uh. Grain. But. As. Uh. Naomi. Said. A girl. Thou shalt go in. And I cover his feet. Lay thee down. And he.
[19:37] Will tell thee. What thou shalt do. Perhaps. There's somebody here. Maybe more than one. Say. Lord. That's just what I want.
[19:49] Just what I want. Why? Why don't you say that? Why don't you get on and do it? I'm afraid. You say.
[20:01] I'm terrified. I don't want to do anything. Unless it's right in the sight of God. A good place to be in. In other words.
[20:14] It needs much grace. To sit still. As it were at the feet of Christ. Waiting.
[20:25] For divine guidance. Waiting. For direction. As to what to do. Submissive.
[20:36] To the will of God. Not. Not. A harsh. Submission. Not. Well. I shall have to do it. Because God says so.
[20:47] But. A loving. Submission. A willing. Submission. And so. As we. Read.
[20:57] How. Bowers. Awaken. And then speaks. To. Bowers. Fear not. I will do. All. That thou requirest. For all the city of thy people.
[21:09] Doth know. That thou art. A virtuous woman. We do not know.
[21:19] What the neighborhood. Think of us. Do we? Are we setting an example? Maybe.
[21:30] They may think. It's a strange. People in that house. Is there a difference? I shall never forget.
[21:42] I was in Wales. Years ago. I went to a little chapel there. And evidently. A young man had been sent out to preach. I felt for him.
[21:56] And. In his sermon. I can't remember what his text was. But he said this. He said about young Christians. He said. He knew some.
[22:07] So called. Young Christians. But they think nothing. Of going to the dance. To the disco club. And so forth.
[22:17] But one day. The worldlings. In that club. Said to them. We can't see any difference. Between you. And us.
[22:29] What a reproach. Friend. If the grace of God. Is in our heart. And the fear of God. And love to the Lord Jesus. And a cleaving to the world. There will be a distinct difference.
[22:42] There must be. There must be. And this. Should govern. Every word we say. And I'm searching my own heart here.
[22:54] I fail so dreadfully. The spirit we're in. The company we keep. You say. But I can't. Avoid being in the world.
[23:06] The Lord. Said. These are in the world. I didn't pray that they would be taken out of the world. Until. The Lord. Bid them to be taken.
[23:16] But. Take them in the world. A Christian. Is to be a light in the world. A light. Of the grace of God. Shining in them.
[23:27] Not their own manufacture. Their light of their own manufacture. Would be a spark. It would be flashing. It would be gone. But the light. Of God's grace.
[23:39] Be shine out. Into the world. The salt of the earth. Men to acknowledge of them. That they had been. With Jesus. Oh beloved.
[23:51] And two. It's a witness. We hear. The expression. Outreach. Now I'm not against that. In some ways. It's right in his place.
[24:02] If the Lord has laid that. On upon the mind. In the locality. That I leave. But. The witness. Is first. In us.
[24:12] And we're watched. We're watched. We may be derided. We may be despised. What an honour. Oh you say.
[24:22] I can't feel that. I can't bear being reproached. I can't bear. That young person might say. Being teased. And so forth. My dear friend. The.
[24:33] The. The. The apostles of old. They. Went forth. Counting. A joy. And a privilege. Suffer reproach. For Christ's sake.
[24:44] Again. We don't parade. As a. We don't say. I'm better than you. We don't stand like the Pharisee. And say. I'm not. Like those other men. And that other man is.
[24:55] Rather you say. I'm a sinner. But. I say. It's like Moses. When he came down from the mount. He'd been in communion with God. Oh friend.
[25:05] What little communion we have. Oh Lord. Come. Oh for that closer walk. Oh that my life might be. More. In harmony. With thy word.
[25:17] But. I say. When Moses came down from the fountain. His face shone. He didn't know it. He didn't see it.
[25:30] Why? Because that would lift you up in pride. But it was a witness. Yes. And I believe we've seen. Not a face shining so much.
[25:42] But. We've seen. The grace of God. Shine out. Of the dear people of God. In some of their darkest trials. And sorest tribulations.
[25:52] I think of a dear. Member of my church. At Tamworth Road. In the. Some years ago. Most gracious. Oh dear. Mother in Israel. Her dear daughter.
[26:03] Was. Was. Taken by death. And just as she was about to retire. And her mother was just looking forward. She was a widow. Her mother. And looking forward to living together.
[26:14] All brought to nothing. At that time. She fell and fractured her. Pelvis. And was in hospital. I went to go and visit her. Thought now. Lord. Do give me a word to comfort the dear soul.
[26:27] Well. It was the other way round. She sat up in the battle. See her now. Beaming. She said. Go and tell the dear people this. The Lord is good.
[26:38] A stronghold in the day of trouble. He knoweth them. That trust in him. My friend. What a witness. Uh uh. I didn't intend. Enlarging on this.
[26:48] But it seemed to open up a little bit. As I've gone on. What does the world say? But what does God say? How do we stand up?
[26:59] And to the test of the holy. Precious. The word of God. Oh friend. I have to mourn over so much.
[27:11] I do. I fear I've got rather. Sometimes. I. I. How to be kept. From being flippant.
[27:23] Friend. At the same time. And not to be morbid. Not to be a long face. In. At night. A mock hypocrisy. But as dear old George Rose.
[27:36] The minister used to say. Bright. But not light. That's the path. But it was hastened on. He said now.
[27:46] Uh. He said. Tomorrow. Or this day. I'll attend as it were to this matter. Purpose. The hand of God.
[27:59] They go. He goes to the city. Burst goes up to the gate. Remember the gate is where all the transactions. Of business were done. And just as he comes there.
[28:10] Behold. The other kinsman. The next. Kinsman. Comes up. Why was he there at that moment? God ordered it.
[28:25] I look back in my life. I can see. That. I may just give a. Simple illustration. In a natural time of. Worry. Between. Northam. And breed.
[28:35] On the lonely roads there. It was. Snowing. Heavily. I was in business. A small car. And. I got stuck. With a car. No building in sight.
[28:49] But suddenly. A man. Appeared. God put him there. Through that help.
[29:01] I was able to get going again. I won't enlarge. I won't go into all the details. But you see. We see the hand of God. The mind.
[29:12] My life's minutest circumstances. Subject to his eye. Purpose. And at first. The next kinsman says.
[29:24] Yes. He would accept. And take Ruth. But. When all the details were given. He said. That. He said. I. He would not accept.
[29:35] Ruth. And so. Without enlarging the details. We see the purpose. We see here. That. Boaz. Takes.
[29:46] Ruth. To be his. Bride. Purpose. And from. This. Descended. The genealogy. Of their birth.
[29:57] Of their Lord and Savior. Jesus Christ. It's amazing. Isn't it? Wonderful. When you think of it. Wonderful. But I cannot help but thinking.
[30:10] I see something else here. I don't want to wrongly spiritually the word. Spiritualize the word. But I see a heavenly bridegroom. I see my dear Lord and Savior.
[30:23] Jesus Christ. I see those strangers who come from a far country. Called by divine grace. And blessed be God.
[30:36] In the word of God. There's hope for the stranger. The outcast. The ready to perish. Them that are far off. There's room for a Rahab.
[30:47] There's room for a Ruth. Oh beloved friend. Yes. And this encourages me. So the one. Moreover. Concerning the stranger.
[30:59] Said Solomon. In his prayer. And he says. No. Whom has the Lord taken. For his bride. His own dear people. But they were lost. Ruined.
[31:09] Far off from God. Nothing to attract. As it were. No merit in them. Whatsoever. No love in their heart. Toward him. They didn't know him. But he in love knows them.
[31:22] He was given that bride. By his father. In eternity past. He's determined to save that bride. And to save that. He can't be done by a word.
[31:35] He can't. I say for the deepest revenue. He can't be done. Just to come to this earth. He came to this earth. But it means a death. It means taking in union to his deity.
[31:47] The sin is humanity. It means pouring out his soul. It means blood to be shed. A ransom price to be paid. And oh my friend. Look at this.
[31:57] You see. Boaz loved Ruth deeply. But he didn't lay down his life for her. This dear Jesus loved his bride. Loved the church.
[32:08] Gave his life for it. Oh friend. Purpose. Now. What is the cross to you? I'm not speaking of the wooden structure.
[32:21] What does the finished work of Christ mean to you? Has it been a purpose? Has it been a purpose of God's grace toward your soul? Are you drawn to that cross?
[32:36] Bleeding that precious blood. But now I want to come to this next word here. Or the other word. Handfuls. She goes into the field.
[32:48] Not gleaning weeds. Nor tears. But we first. As I've just hinted. The ears of call. This has been very encouraging to me.
[33:03] Only more or less the recent. Last three or four years perhaps. Never seen it before. Often thought of handfuls of purpose. But before we come to handfuls of purpose.
[33:15] We've got ears of call. That's the smallest. But it's real. It's ears. If I can use an illustration.
[33:27] Many years ago. Standing in a vast field. Of one of my dear friends. Down in Wiltshire. Harvest field. Wheat. And there I stood. With this vast field in front of me.
[33:38] And I just put one ear. And there. In my hand. And I looked at it. I thought. Yes. Only one ear. But it's part of the field.
[33:49] It's real. It's not a weed. It's real. It's real. It's real. It's real. My friend. Young seeker. Old seeker. Those of hope in the mercy of God.
[34:00] Do you know what it is to have an ear of corn? That first little word that the Lord brought to your soul. To bring a little hope into your heart.
[34:13] Wasn't it wonderful? Wasn't it precious to you? Oh. And it wasn't humbling. It gave you a little hope. That this Jesus.
[34:25] Was. Loved you. You couldn't say that. But. It was. I. I go back. In. My. Early teens.
[34:36] I was about 16. 15. I suppose. Wednesday night. At Rehoboth. My old chapel. And. My pastor preached on that text. So the Lord will not forsake me.
[34:46] Make his people his great name. Say. For it hath pleased the Lord to make his people. It was that word. Pleased the Lord to make you his people. It raised up for the first time.
[34:57] It was the ear of corn. In my heart. That the Lord. Had. A purpose of love for my soul. And I can't let it go. I won't let it go.
[35:10] I won't let it go. But now. We read this. That as. Boaz said. Who is she? And then. He went.
[35:20] And. Spade to her. What's he going to do? Drive her out. Say. There's no room in my field. For. Such a woman as you.
[35:32] You're a Moabitess. You're a stranger. You're an outcast. No. He says. Hear is thou not. My daughter. Go not to glean. In another field.
[35:43] Neither go from hence. But abide here. Fast by my maidens. Did she. Go on. Cleaning. And. She said. When. You're a thirst. Go to the vessels.
[35:54] And drink. Now. What was the effect of this? Did it lift up. Did it lift up. Ruth in pride? Never. If. God.
[36:04] Blesses your. Soul. With. Touches of his grace. And tokens of his love. And you tell me. You lift it up. In yourself. You're proud of yourself.
[36:15] Friend. Does something. For. Dreadfully wrong. You're deceiving yourself. I say it. Not unkindly. I say.
[36:26] Where the Lord blesses a poor sinner. You can't get low enough. The dear old Sam Perry. People don't know him. He's a dear old minister. Years ago.
[36:37] Very deaf. A humble man. Visiting the chapels. Very hard of hearing. But he used to say this. When the Lord blessed him. And he did. Sometimes on his.
[36:49] Because he couldn't hear. But the Lord blessed him. In many other ways. He said. The Lord blessed him. He said. I couldn't get low enough. That's it friend. That's it.
[37:00] It brings you right down. Like this dear woman. He said. Why. Why. Have I. Me. This stranger. This one from Moab.
[37:11] Why have I. Found grace. In thine eyes. That thou shouldest take knowledge of me. Seeing the woman strength. That thou shouldest even look on me. That ever thou should speak to me.
[37:23] That I'm not cast down. That I may still come. And he could speak. The Lord recompense. Thy work. And a full reward be given thee.
[37:34] And this is it. The Lord God of Israel. Under whose wings. Thou art come to trust. Oh friend. Is it this. You see. At the seeking soul again.
[37:46] And right through these spiritual experiences. Is trusting. Under the wings of the almighty. Sheltered there. Protected there. Kept there.
[37:57] Oh. Handfuls of purpose. For her. And so. He. Said. Let me find. She said. Let me find. Favor. That thou hast comforted me.
[38:09] That thou hast spoken. Friendly unto thine hand. Often you read in the word of God. We say often. From place to place. When the Lord speaks. It's to the heart. When he says. Comfort ye. Comfort ye my people.
[38:20] Saith the Lord. Speak. He comes to me. Jesus. Right to the heart. And God does that. You know. God does that. Comes right there.
[38:31] With power. With power. That's it. Now. I do want guidance here. At all times. But. He said. At mealtime.
[38:43] Come hither. And eat of the bread. And dip thy morsel. In the vinegar. And she sat beside the reapers. Now the reapers. I believe.
[38:54] Sets forth the. Ministers of the gospel. But. They only clean. What they reap. What is left. You.
[39:05] And. No minister. Can bless. A hero. What a mercy that is. The minister. May be. And is. Just a vessel.
[39:15] A vessel. Just a vessel. And God. To pour in. And through. To the hero. But. She sat beside the reapers.
[39:27] And he reached her. Parched. Corn. I do want to be careful here. But. Meditating upon it.
[39:37] I feel this. Sets forth. The sufferings of Christ. The parched corn. The fire of wrath of heaven.
[39:51] His sufferings on Calvary's cross. This food for the soul. The broken body. And the shed blood.
[40:04] Of the dear Redeemer. What does it mean? I knew him as a lad. I couldn't understand that. It does not mean anything literal.
[40:16] What it does mean. Is that broken body. Shed blood. Speaks of all that Christ has suffered on the cross. And that faith.
[40:29] Not only looks to it. Faith receives it. And faith is nourished. By it. Strengthened by it.
[40:41] Comforted by it. And he reached her. Parts when she'd ate. Then. Leave some. Handfuls of purpose. Now friend.
[40:52] We must hasten. Because of the time. But. That's right. Right in her path. Now what do we mean by that? Now. What business.
[41:03] If I can put it reverently. Has God had to do with you. All the time. You've gone in and out of that chapel. Or wherever you worship God. Come to that.
[41:15] Has there been something for you. That it was distinct. By that. You see.
[41:26] Handfuls of purpose. For her. Right in her path. Came just where she was. Or when you've come.
[41:37] I think particularly. My seeking days. Oh. Those handfuls of purpose. My pastor didn't know. What was going on in my mind. Or the prayer of my heart.
[41:49] But the time and time. When. I would be exercised. Or perhaps. Meditating. Or say. He'd bring it out. He didn't know anything. But. It was for me.
[42:02] Oh. I could. Name. In Jesus. Perhaps one would just come. If I may be permitted to do so. It was particularly. In the. Last step. Before I was baptized.
[42:13] And I thought. How could I come. To the communion table. How could I come. To take the bread. And particularly. To drink the cup. My sin polluted lips.
[42:25] A sinner to that table. And the dear pastor. Didn't know anything. What was going on in my heart. And. I mentioned the case.
[42:36] Somewhere I think in Scotland. Where's a godly woman. And she's in much darkness. And there's communion. He'd taken the bread. And when the elder held her the cup. She shook her hand.
[42:47] Now the minister knew. All about the woman. He went up to the elder. And took the cup out of his hand. And put it in the hand of the woman. And said. Woman. It's for sinners.
[42:59] A handful of purpose for me. I couldn't stop anymore. I had to go. It's sweet.
[43:11] That's what we pray for. I hope you pray for it. Pray for clear dealings. From heaven.
[43:23] Under the ministry. Handfuls of purpose. For her. Oh friend. And how precious these handfuls. And you see you beat it out.
[43:36] It's yours. Is the omnipotent God. Looking down upon you. As though there was no one else. On the face of the earth. That's how it comes to me. It doesn't mean that.
[43:48] Of course. The Lord looks down on all his dear children. On the wicked too. But you know what I mean. It seems as though. Oh. That the Lord should condescend him. To think of me. And think of me.
[43:59] That I. He should give me some help. By the way. And bless me. And encourage me. To go on. Handfuls of purpose. And you know friend.
[44:09] If you had one. There's some more to come. You may say. It seems a long time since I had one. Perhaps you've lost appetite. Perhaps you haven't been gleaning.
[44:22] Remember gleaning means. Back bending. It means toiling in the heat of the sun. It means going on. Going on. Doesn't it? It does.
[44:32] But. Pray for it. Again. Is there some. Known sin. That's not being confessed. Has there been some wrong spirit.
[44:43] Oh friend. I don't think we think enough of that. A grieving of the spirit. You see. When famine came in sometimes. Because of sin.
[44:55] Because of falling away. Now I know. With the child of God. Once in him. In him forever. Thus the eternal covenant says. But there can be a withholding.
[45:06] A blessing. So pray for it. It's just like the showers mentioned in Ezekiel. The showering in season. And we'll give showers of blessing. If you've had one. There's to be more on the way.
[45:17] You know we've had a long dry spell. Sometimes we suddenly. I wonder whether it's going to rain again. But certainly it has rained today. Hasn't it? Heavy showers. And so poor soul.
[45:29] If you've had to wait. Search your heart. And ask God to search it with you. And show you. If any way. You are. That means. Perhaps you haven't forgiven somebody.
[45:41] Perhaps you haven't said sorry to somebody. You see. They think. Oh that's only small thing. It's a vital thing. For the enjoyment of their peace. It is.
[45:51] I'm sure of it. I'm sure. Let not the sun go down on your wrath. I remember at a church meeting. Years ago.
[46:02] A dear godly man. He did speak somewhat unadvisedly. I went home. Rather sad. Twenty past ten.
[46:12] The phone rang. Pastor. Forgive me. Before he went to sleep. Put right. It's a great man.
[46:26] A great woman. By the grace of God. And say. Look. Forgive me. I'm sorry. And equally. A great man.
[46:36] A great woman. That does forgive. Not. Say. Yes I forgive. And keep. Bringing it up. Just like. As I've explained before. The weed in your garden.
[46:47] Sometimes I've seen a weed. I thought. I've got it out. Oh. But it. It's a bit too stiff. I think I've got it out. But all I've done. Is take the top off. And it comes up. Worse than ever.
[46:58] Just one more thought. We must stop. I've just said. That when she was at the threshing floor. When they got up that morning.
[47:11] Boaz. Said to her. Bring the veil. That is. Upon thee. And hold it. And she held it. And he measured.
[47:23] Six measures. Of barley. And laid it on her. Friend. I believe this may be just an occasion.
[47:36] I've had it once. Or twice. In my life. When. The cup has run over. When the Lord has laid on one.
[47:48] Such a blessing. More. Almost. If I said. Lord. Almost. You can't. Take anymore. It's a sweet.
[48:00] Prostate of heaven. That will be heaven. When we shall receive. Of the fullness. Of all this grace. And in a body. We'll be prepared.
[48:12] To bear the weight of it. And in a spirit. That will enjoy it. With no. Old Adam. No. Satan. No. World. No sinful self.
[48:24] But to be with Christ. Forever. And ever. Well. Handfuls. Of purpose. For. Her.
[48:35] Just one more thought. And it just comes to my mind. I think in olden days. I don't know. Whether. This is. Carried out today. But.
[48:45] There used to be. I think. Harvest home. Doubtness. By the world. Merriment. Drunkenness. God's people.
[48:58] They would meet. And have. A little feast. Rightly so. But before the end of the day. There would be gathering round. Perhaps. Sing some hymns.
[49:09] And then. The reading of the word. And prayer. And thanksgiving to God. Well. May there be a harvest home.
[49:20] In our souls today. Even on the lowlands of earth. But look forward beloved. When the Lord says. Gather the wheat into my barn. It will be there.
[49:32] And it will be a harvest home. Forever and ever. To praise our God. Oh. May our hearts be. Tuned to sing his praise.
[49:43] May we be helped to continue. Though. Oh yes. It is gleaning. Hard work. But profitable.
[49:53] But profitable. Profitable. The Lord bless you all. And his word. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen.
[50:04] Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen.
[50:14] Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen.
[50:24] Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. In the light. The collections today are for the Gatsby Memorial Christmas Fund.
[50:39] All are welcome to tea, which will be served shortly after this service. If the Lord will, our evening service will be held at 6.30.
[50:52] Our closing hymn this afternoon is 519. The tune is Naz, number 50.
[51:03] Hymn 519 When Ruth a gleaning went, Jehovah was her guide.
[51:36] Tobias field, he led her straight, and she became his bride. The tune is Naz, number 50.
[51:50] The tune is Naz, number 50 to 4. Swish the King To be continued...
[52:33] Thank you.
[53:03] Thank you.
[53:33] Thank you.
[54:03] Thank you.
[54:33] Thank you.
[55:03] Thank you.