[0:00] The book of the prophet Jeremiah chapter 6 and verse 16 Jeremiah chapter 6 and the 16th verse Thus saith the Lord, stand ye in the ways, and see, and ask for the old paths, where is the good way, and walk therein, and ye shall find rest for your souls.
[1:05] But they said, we will not walk therein.
[1:43] We knew that God would punish them unless they turned and repented of their sinful ways.
[1:59] It makes sad reading sometimes. How God brought up Israel out of Egypt, wonderfully provided for them, and yet how often they forgot their God, and made to themselves idols, and worshipped those idols, hardly seems possible.
[2:42] But if we know a little of our own poor hearts, you feel we are no better than were Israel of old.
[2:57] But in our text, there is a word from God, not Jeremiah's word, but thus saith the Lord.
[3:16] When we read in the scriptures, of a thus saith the Lord, we may be sure, there follows something very vital, something very important.
[3:34] And so it is, in the words, of our text, stand ye in the ways, and see, and ask for the old paths, where is a good way.
[3:58] Now you younger ones know, if you was on a strange road, or a strange path, at night, and two paths met, how difficult, it might be, to know, which was the right path, or the right road.
[4:32] We might easily take the wrong road, or the wrong path, find we were going, opposite, to, our intentions.
[4:50] We need sometimes, to be careful, if a path, seems pretty fair, and easy.
[5:04] I was thinking, during the day of Bunyan, he speaks of, Christian, Christian, and he got, to where there was, another path, that looked easy, more comfortable, than the one, he was walking in, he turned, into that path, and, you know, how he landed, in the castle, of John, despair, never expected, to get out, felt, he paid, very, hard, for, having gone, in, the path, now, the dear Lord Jesus said, when he was here on earth,
[6:16] I am the way, the truth, and, the life, we read, elsewhere, in Job, there is a path, which, in which, the lion's will, has not trodden, a secret path, and, I believe, that is, the way, that leads, to heaven, what a mercy, if in these dark, and evil days, there is a gracious, standing in the ways, by faith, looking, self-examination, and, asking, for the old paths, nothing, is more sad, than, when the old paths, are neglected, we, in our little lives, some of us, have seen, some sad things happen, people, do not, generally, go wrong, all at once, churches, do not go wrong, all at once, but, it's often, gradual, one of our most, honored, churches, had, a man, and woman, join them, who, were, not true,
[8:20] Christians, only, nominal, Christians, Christians, but, you know, in a subtle way, they denied, the old paths, the good old way, introduced things, that, were pleasing, to the flesh, church, where, is that church, gone, gone, completely, you, could hardly, call it, a general, Baptist, there, is, a forsaking, of the old paths, today, and, going, what people, call, evangelical, that, is, having, those things, which, are, pleasing, to the flesh, in religion, and, that, said, gracious, godly, hungry, souls, are, starved, there, is, no, food, for, them, oh,
[9:46] I feel, my friends, how much, we need, keeping, in the day, in which, we live, whether, old, or young, lest, we should, depart, from, these, old paths, and, from, the good way, I, am sure, none, but, the dear, Holy Spirit, can, mercifully, and, graciously, keep us, paths, when, I, would, like, as, help, to, look, at, a few, of, these paths, experimental paths, which, we shall, find, is, the good way, and, the mercy, if we feel, through grace, we, can, walk, therein, one, of, the best paths, one, of, the safest paths, that, a child, of,
[11:13] God, is, called, to, walk, in, is, that, of, true, gracious, conviction, of, sin, and, of, the truth, where, there is, a lack, of, this, true, conviction, there is, a lack, of, the solemnity, of, our standing, of, eternity, our convictions, may, not, be, so, great, at, first, but, as, the Lord, leads, his people, on, so, he, deepens, conviction, in, in, their hearts, the dear, Lord, Jesus, promised, the Holy Spirit, before, he, as, to, his bodily presence, left, his people, and, he said, when he, the Spirit, of truth, is come, he will convince of sin, of righteousness, and of judgment to come,
[12:41] O, a mercy it is, to be, well convinced, of these things, this, is the old path, this, is the safe way, this, makes a sinner, humble, this, lays a sinner, low, before, that great God, this, preserves, one, from, leaning, to, their own, understanding, without, this, gracious, conviction, this, walking, in, this, gracious, path, God, shall never, want, a real, Jesus, a real, Savior, no, shall never, feel, our, need, of that, gracious, preparation, for, eternity, it's a good, prayer, in one of our, little, hymns, convince us, of our sin, than, lead, to,
[14:07] Jesus, blood, the, older, I grow, my, friends, the, more, I, see, and, feel, of, the, blessedness, of, this, path, to, be, well, convinced, that, that, I, I, am, a, poor, helpless, hell, deserving, sinner, and, that's, how I, shall have to die, now, you, will have to die, but, if, as, poor, sinners, we, are, by faith, led to Jesus, we, shall, find him, our, blessed, saviour, isn't, the, Lord, leading, some, of you, in this, path, making, you, to know, and see, and feel, you, you've got no, righteousnesses, of your own, nothing, that, can commend you, to God,
[15:21] I feel, tonight, I, haven't one, thing, in me, that, can commend me, to God, now, that's a very, painful path, to walk in, as a stripping path, but it's a good path, it's a safe path, to really feel, that we need, a righteousness, other than our own, otherwise, we could not truly sing, fell, lie to the fountain, fly, wash me, saviour, or I die, do you walk, in this path, are you being, led in it, so that, you feel, you need, another, obedience, other than, your own, to help, you to heaven, you cannot, you dare not, trust to anything, of your own, but as help, you have to flee, to the dear Lord Jesus, mercy, to be, well convinced, there will be, a judgment day, there will be, a judgment day, there will be, a judgment day, ministers, may preach it, but we, shall never, believe it, unless, our Holy Spirit, please, to, teach us this, though, that's very, solemn, to a poor sinner, when they, walk in this path, feel, they cannot, escape, that day, of judgment, they know, it is to come, may, have filled, some of your, hearts, with terror, oh, it may, have brought you, almost in agony, if not quite, before the Lord, that in his, love and mercy, he will prepare you, for, that great day, now, if you walk, in this path, or have walked in it, you'll never forget it, wouldn't matter, what anyone said to you, you would have, that solemn witness, within, that you know, there will come, a day, of judgment, you say, what comfort, can that bring, walking in a path, like this, it will bring you, here, my friends, as you walk, in it, seeking, that the dear Lord, will mercifully, and graciously, prepare you, for it, you'll sing, that limb, or the substance, of it, prepare me, gracious God, to stand, before thy face, thy spirit, must the work, perform, for it, it is all, of grace, for that's, a good path, painful, it may be, but, will make you, feel, how you, need, the dear Lord, and his love, and mercy, to prepare you, for that, great day, mercy, no, it's one, of the old paths, which, all God's people, have walked in, more or less, right, the way, through, none, have escaped it, what a mercy, mercy, if you, and I, are enabled, humbly, to ask, that, we may walk, in it, crucifying, to the flesh, it is, indeed, yet, a child, of God, sooner or later, will feel, that there is, such joy, laid up for them, will far more, than make amends, for the roughness, of the way, then, another, of the old paths, is repentance, that, dear Lord Jesus, is exalted, a Prince, and a Saviour, for, to give repentance, to sweep, a, a sacred path, and a safe path, to walk in, without, this, repentance, there can be, no forgiveness, no, remission, nowhere, the dear,
[21:58] Holy Spirit, leads a sinner, in this path, that I've mentioned, of gracious, conviction, I believe, believe, there will be, much, godly sorrow, flow, from their, hearts, they will often, feel, sinned, against God, ruin, their own, souls, sinned, against, a good God, and, if we, receive, that sweet, grace of pardon, I believe, that, will enable, us, very sweetly, to repent, of our sins, my dear friends, have we, walked in this path, are we, walking in it, do we, sometimes, feel, daily, daily,
[23:11] I'd repent, of sin, daily, wash, in Calvary's blood, it's such a, blessed path, and such a, safe one, that God's, dear people, do ask for it, and, and a, do desire, to, walk in, this, good way, then, there is, that sacred path, of forgiveness, happiness, you may feel, tonight, that's just, what I'm, asking for, I stand, in the way, I come up, to God's sanctuary, sometimes,
[24:13] I have to leave, things, during the day, pray, and plead, Lord, pardon, my sins, oh, portioner, is this, the path, you want to walk in, to know, your sins, are forgiven, how wonderful, how wonderful, is that case, in the gospels, I was reading, the other night, where the Lord, permitted, yes, permitted, poor, sinful woman, to wash, his feet, with tears, he permitted it, and he knew, those tears, were real, that she was, really sorry, for her sins, and that she, desired forgiveness, and the dear,
[25:33] Lord, granted it, to her, said to her, you know, thy sins, be forgiven thee, go in peace, so she did, she walked, in a path, she'd never known, before, path, of true, sweet, sacred, peace, peace, and I believe, this, the dear, holy spirit, is teaching you, making you feel, what a poor sinner, you are, so helpless, so dependent, upon God's mercy, peace, if he has, he has shown you, this path, he will lead you, into it, some of you, older ones, perhaps, than I feel, you stand, in the way, you come up, to the sanctuary, for you,
[26:43] Lord, I know, is the path, I want to walk in, that old path, which all thy people, have walked in, to know, and to feel, that my sins, are all forgiven, what a favour, it is, to be given grace, to ask, for these old paths, and, the good old way, in which, God's dear people, have prodded, never be, any other way, you know, never be, any other paths, men may make, religious paths, they do, but they lead, astray, but these old paths, they lead, safely, to heaven, now, you may, ask, for that old, path of faith, read, the eleventh, of Hebrews, wonderful chapter, by faith, through faith, we read, what God's people, were enabled, to do of old, we ask, in our opening hymn, really, we might walk, in this path, and a blessed path, it is, when, faith, is strengthened, when the Holy Ghost, so strengthens it, we read, we walk, by faith, not by sight, such a hard, lesson to learn, keep on, learning that, this I feel,
[29:04] I do, need to be, reminded of it, time and time again, we walk, by faith, and not by sight, used to baffle, some of us, perhaps, when we were younger, we heard the Lord's, people speak, thought they saw, something, with their, natural eyes, heard something, with their, natural ears, that is not so, no, God gives, that eye of faith, and by faith, his dear people, see the beauties, of the gospel, and the loveliness, of the dear Lord Jesus, and it is, by the ear of faith, they hear, the shepherd's voice, speaking peace, and pardon, to them, it's, the good, old way, you know, it's, one of the old paths, and safe, and sure it is, because, faith, faith, is,
[30:41] God's gift, and the true faith, will, sooner or later, lead us, sweetly, to the dear Lord Jesus, well, I don't want anything, new in religion, to you, it's, the old devil, makes new things, in religion, these people, are straight, but the dear, Holy Spirit, leads, in the old paths, and, in, the good way, we read, in Matthew, where the dear Lord, was preaching, that, he said to his hearers, strive to enter in, at the straight gate, and that word straight, hasn't got a G in it, and that means, that, it's a difficult way, it's a way, a person, by grace, has to press into, it is, they, who have grace, strive to enter in, sooner or later, they see,
[32:18] Jesus, is the only way, to God, you may be, striving, her tonight, so I'm afraid, I shall never get through, I'm afraid, I shall never get, to Jesus, do you think, poor sinner, of that woman, in the gospel, afflicted, must have come, to the end, of her strength, as she'd come, to the end, of all her means, yet, she said, if I may, but touch, the hem, of his garment, I shall be made whole, she pressed, through the crowd, must have been, very difficult, but she touched, the hem, of Jesus' garment, and she, was made whole, mercy, to being able, to walk, in that good old, path of love, you can't be lost, if you have loved,
[33:36] Jesus, if you have known, Jesus, Ruth, walked in this, old path, she had that, love, to Naomi's God, and to Naomi, and to her people, she walked, in it, and the Lord, wonderfully, prospered her, haven't some of you, walked in it, felt that, love, to the dear Lord, that love, to his word, that love, to, his earthly courts, well, that's a sweet path, a sacred path, but now, in conclusion, there is, a promise, in our text, as we are favored, to walk, in this good way, the way of life, the right way, to a city, of habitation, and as we ask, for the old paths, and ye shall find rest, for your souls, you say,
[35:02] I don't seem, to find much rest, on earth, plenty to worry me, plenty to, how distress me, suppose, suppose, we all find that, to some extent, but how wonderful, it is, to be led, to the Lord Jesus, and to find rest, in him, what did he say, come unto me, all ye, that labor, and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest, haven't some of you, found rest, rest, for your poor souls, in Jesus, through his cross, through his finished work, through his wonderful obedience, maybe, you have found rest, in the dear Lord, regarding the things, of this life, as you have tried, to walk in that way, of prayer, that way, of obedience, to try, to commit your all, into the Lord's hand, try to trust him, when things, looked so black, you may have felt, a little springing up, of faith, you may not have said, anything to anybody, but you felt,
[36:53] I shall come out, of this, I knew a good old deacon, he'd help many a child, who got over a style, things went against him, things went against him, but he said, I shall come out, of this adversity, the Lord will bring me, out of it, and the Lord did, for I believe, I believe it is possible, to find that sweet rest, to have some sweet assurance, when things naturally, may look very black, very much against us, cast, cast thy burden, upon the Lord, and he shall sustain thee, he shall never suffer, the righteous to be moved, commit thy way, unto the Lord, trust also in him, and he shall bring it, to pass, that's a sweet path, to walk in, when things, may seem, to be going, against us, when we may not know, where the scene, will end, yet faith, springs up, a sweet confidence, in the Lord, and that you find rest, shall I say, even in the midst, of the storm, a path, only God's dear people know, a secret path, but a blessed path, oh for grace, to trust him, brought safely, by his own thus far, the world may say this, that and the other, the world may say, well, he or she, he'll soon be done, they said that of me, when I started in business, he'll soon be finished, finished,
[39:15] I was very young then, but I even hope then, I knew that good old path, of prayer, not very well, and got very much faith, but I felt the Lord, could help me, and bring me through, and he did, thus, the world, can't understand it, how a child of God, finds rest, for their souls, when so much seems, against them, well, the secret is, blessed faith, in their Lord, have asked, for the old path, and, the good old, where is a good way, and humbly, they walk therein, relying upon the Lord, putting our trust in him, and, they find rest, isn't it a mercy, really, to have, not only, that God, of all grace, but to have, that God, of providence, to feel, poor sinner, your God, holds, all nature, in his hand, to feel, sometimes, that, he knoweth, the way, that I take, when he hath, tried me,
[41:09] I shall come forth, this goal, and I've only mentioned, a few, of these paths, where is the good way, by faith, being enabled, to walk therein, and at times, to find a little, rest and peace, for our souls, but what was the reply, of these, really wicked people, that they said, we will not, walk therein, also, I set watchmen, over you, saying, hearken, to the sound, of the trumpet, they said, we will not, hearken, their disobedience, brought God's, heavy judgments, upon them, and I must leave, these few things, here, amen.
[42:11] Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Son.
[42:26] I close by singing in the 7102. Christ is the keeper of his saints.
[42:40] He does them by his cow. He will do their numerous complaints in every gloomy hour. What though they fear each bread of life, crying and severely crying, hell to the Savior's mighty heart, now now, now have they lost, 772.
[43:06] Come true. 223 G applete Domino's наб CHOIR SINGS
[45:40] CHOIR SINGS and make the air come home.
[46:28] Take us now, dear Lord, under thy kind watchful providence. Keep us in their good way.
[46:42] Contending for the old paths, may the grace of the Lord Jesus, the love of God, and the communion of the Holy Spirit abide with us, now and forevermore.
[47:03] Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen.
[47:14] Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen.