[0:00] The End The End The End
[1:29] Romans chapter 10 verse 12 last part with verse 13 For the same Lord over all is rich unto all that call upon him for whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved.
[2:20] Through the sparing mercies of our God we accompany of poor and needy sinners I believe are gathered with one accord in one place in this time honored sanctuary with this our chief concern we would see Jesus with thankfulness we acknowledge the great goodness of our God in bringing us together on this anniversary day and we would remember the years that are past the blessing flowing through the ministry of the former beloved highly esteemed pastor of this people and now with our dear friend called upon to minister to this flock in our reading we observe this the family that whole family in heaven and in earth some on earth in glory some severed only till he come our mercy our comfort our confidence trust is this the same
[4:45] Lord the same Lord that this God is our God forever and ever he will be our guide even unto death he changeth not he our God faileth not he hath said I will never leave thee nor forsake thee have not I commanded thee be strong and of a good courage be not dismayed for the Lord thy God is with thee whitherso ever thou goest and what a word that is brethren whitherso ever and it leads me to this even there shall thy hand lead me and thy right hand shall hold me
[6:08] I love it because I need my God to lead me but most of all I need his hand to hold me as I was with Moses so I will be with thee I will not fail thee nor forsake thee these lines of the hymn flowed sweetly into the soul this morning this God is the God we adore our faithful and changeable friend whose love is as large as his power and neither knows measure nor end tis Jesus the first and the last whose spirit shall guide us safe home we will praise him for all that is past and trust him for all that to come the same lord heaven and earth shall pass away but my word shall not pass away oh what more can he say than to you he has said you who unto
[8:00] Jesus for refuge have fled those three words in the acts so dear to my soul my first text at my home call cause on the first lord's day I tried to preach this same Jesus friend he's just the same this man receiveth sinners and eateth with them I know the words were spoken in derision but blessed be god their words are truth my friend I thank my god that Jesus came to die for sinners thanks be unto god for his unspeakable gift this same lord so then do I speak to a filthy wretched leper full of it head to foot feeling yourself to be the finest of the vile then
[9:33] I say to you beloved the same lord where are you in your leprosy you say I should be in hell but oh I would come says this poor soul I would cast myself at the dear feet of Jesus Christ and he is this same lord lord if thou wilt lord I know thy power is mighty almighty but oh is it thy will lord if thou wilt thou canst make me me this filthy me this sinful me whole why friend what does Jesus say what does he say now for that coming soul I will be thou clean he hasn't changed friend he's this same lord what a comfort this is what sweet consolation comfort ye comfort ye my people saith the lord speak ye comfortably to
[10:48] Jerusalem say unto her that warfare is accomplished and her iniquity is pardon and that she shall receive of the lord's hand double for all her sins the same lord I sometimes wonder whether my dear people I don't think they do but grow weary of me quoting a word that I suppose hardly a lord's day or a sermon goes by but it's so dear to my soul all that the father giveth me shall all that word shall Christ never died in vain he shall see of the travail of his soul and shall be satisfied all that the father giveth me shall come to me and him that cometh to me I will in no wise cast out beloved here is the word of the text the same lord what comfort and in heaven now the work at calvary finished triumphantly complete full salvation invaluable blood a fountain open for sin and for uncleanness the veil of the temple rent entwained from top to bottom a way made open the sword of divine justice is sheathed and my friend
[12:31] God is the just and the justifier of them that believe in Jesus but the work he continues in heaven in intercession there is the lamb in the midst of the throat this same dear Jesus that poured out his soul unto death whose precious blood was shed who manifests such love love that is incomprehensible in that the vilest of sinners he the holy one should give his life lay down his life suffer the just for the unjust in this place of poor guilty hell deserving sinners I say he's in heaven this dear redeemer a man there is a real man with wounds still gaping by from which rich streams of blood once ran from hands and feet and side the same
[13:50] Lord I've sometimes yea I've felt a poor filthy wretch like may may venture where the blood is may venture to that blood stained mercy scene may come as the word declares let us therefore come boldly to the throne of grace that we may obtain mercy that we may find grace to hell in time of need that word boldly doesn't mean to say like the proud Pharisee but it means to come confessing all come just as you are come in that little face that trembles in your breast that puts forth the hand of faith that cleaves to a precious
[14:54] Christ that comes nothing nothing Lord ah but sin I thee can give nothing but grace shall I receive nothing in my hand I bring but simply to thy cross I cling the same Lord over all we live in most solemn days days of blasphemy spiritual wickedness in high places it seems my friend that the world is tottering to its ruin the powers of antichrist and wars and rumors of wars but this is our comfort and assured consolation that the same
[15:57] Lord over all in Gower Street as you may well know engraved on the wall at the back of the chapel is this hallelujah the Lord God omnipotent reign beloved when you see these things begin to come to pass then look up lift up your heads look up for your redemption draw it nigh the kingdom is the Lord Jesus the risen triumphant redeemer said all power is given unto me in heaven and in earth over all and
[16:58] I do not wish to let this word or any word of God out of its setting but surely the church of God the flock of Christ that little flock may look up and see above all the clouds of evil error blasphemy wickedness devils and all that may cast you down to see that the Lord is over all and the very purposes of Satan he overthrows the persecution of the church in ancient days and in present time is used for the furtherance of the gospel even bonds of the poor minister sometimes used for the liberty of some poor bound soul in the congregation my friends thanks be unto
[18:02] God which always causes us to triumph through our Lord Jesus Christ thanks be unto God who giveth us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ and as we've read those wonderful words in all these things we are it seems incredible but it's true faith would lay hold on it the worm Jacob that bruised reed that smoking flanks that little one that fears God with a real holy ghost religion we are more than conquerors through him that loved us God a troop shall overcome him but he shall overcome at the last and let me just add this the same
[19:07] Lord over all these more than conquerors that one found in Romans chapter 8 that knows something about spiritual groanings that's the path to heaven that's the work of the Holy Spirit my friend the spirit itself interceded for us with groanings which cannot be utter but then I look at this word over all in the heart of his dear children now you see friend some will speak very glibly lightly easily of the gospel and of the death of Christ and the love of the Savior but my friend if this is real if the work of grace is that of the spirit as it must be then such who are born again favoured with the love of
[20:10] Christ will seek that not only to know their sin forgiven but that the Lord may reign in their heart take full possession of them in their life their spirit their words their walk their work only reserved for Christ that died surrendered to the crucified as the apostle says I beseech you therefore brethren by the mercies of God that ye present your bodies a living sacrifice holy acceptable unto God which is your reasonable service your bodies that's everything that you've got everything that God has given you that Christ may be magnified in my body whether for life or for death for to me to live is
[21:16] Christ and to die is gain for the same Lord over all earnestly do we pray that the Lord may thus reign in our heart and put under his feet all that is which is dishonourable under his name subdue our sinful lust our pride all that is of self dear George Rose he used to preach here I believe on occasion such as this one day a dear man said to him Mr.
[22:08] Rose the way gets narrower and narrower dear old Mr. Rose said friend it does and it will be a mercy if we get smaller and smaller that's it oh that men may take knowledge of us that we've been with Jesus and then this thought the same Lord over all the head of the church may all be done cleaving to the truth holding fast to the profession of our faith without wavering for the honour and the glory of his great and holy name for the same Lord over all is my old pastor used to make much of these little words and so would I too all these little words is why such a it leads us to this
[23:21] God is our refuge and strength a very present help in trouble you see it's always with us it's every moment of your life dear believer it's every step of the path it's every breath you draw that this word stands true the Lord is he giveth power to the faint giveth he we read of this in the word of God my help cometh see it cometh from the Lord which made heaven and earth ever flowing never failing underneath ah the everlasting arms friend you'll sink very low to find them sometimes wasn't it Mr.
[24:21] Frank Gosden once in early days was in such trouble said Lord if there's anything more I shall sink and rise no more and when he got back from his business there was a greater trouble than ever before and he said sink I did into the everlasting arms friend it's out of the depths that I cry unto the Lord it's out of those depths that you prove the reality of a God given Holy Ghost wrought religion in your soul and you can put across your Bible T and P like the dear old woman tried and proved and like dear Mr.
[25:04] Reg Hunnisett recently taken to glory could testify this I know whom I have believed and am persuaded that he's able to keep that which I have committed unto him against that day for the same Lord over all is rich what a word friend now to whom is this word attractive I tell you it's to a poor sinner but how poor are you a dear friend many years ago giving testimony before the church at Tamworth Road made mention something to this effect he said friends we read of a poor man and we may think of a poor man that has just a little we still say he's poor but he's got a little we also read of what may be spoken of as a poor man with nothing at all and he said friends that's me
[26:17] I believe the arms of that church in love and affection were stretched out receiving that dear friend they're the ones we can receive into a church for nothing those whose hope is in nothing but Jesus Christ so these riches I want just first then to look at what we are and why we need these riches and oh the wonder that there are these riches and that they're free they're without Christ and they're for the worst of sinners the finest of the vile the poorest of the poor why my friend I love that word in Isaiah when the poor and needy is that you poor sinner do you say Lord I can come in there that's just me well then there's two more descriptions about you then when the poor and needy seek water you're seeking and you're thirsty and there's a blessing for you the
[27:26] Lord says I will hear them tongue fainteth the thirst I the Lord thine will hear them I the Lord their God will not forsake mine open rivers in high places fountains in the midst of the valleys and my friend he's done it the riches of his grace in the flowings of the precious blood from the wounded side of Emmanuel on the cross and forthwith there came blood and water but I say first then this character oh it's a great mercy to be a feelingly poor sinner and with nothing at all I'm a poor sinner and nothing at all but Jesus Christ is my all and in all a poor guilty sinner blessed are the poor in spirit that theirs is the kingdom of God hearken beloved brethren hath not
[28:28] God chosen the poor of this world rich in faith heirs of the kingdom that he promised of them that loved it a beggar poor at mercy's door lies such a wretch as I and one says a crumb of mercy Lord I crave unworthy to be fed with dainties such as angels or with their children's bread so beloved here are riches for the poor you see the hypocrite the artificial religion man made religion he knows no poverty he's got a house he's built it on the sand what a beautiful house it is he says oh he can come right up in the front and pray a long prayer oh what a great Christian I am and so we could enlarge may
[29:31] God preserve us from it God preserve us from it but my friend what about that poor thing right at the back there he's bowed what about that woman that's there bowed down in double as it were cannot in any wise lift up herself ah there's a word for her God be merciful to me a sinner is the agonized cry so my friend here are these riches and in meditating upon this I thought of that word my pastor gave it to me when I was received into church fellowship and my friend I proved it and yet I still have fears I'm ashamed of them my God shall supply all your need according to the riches of his glory in
[30:34] Christ Jesus but in meditating on this word I was very struck in the epistle to the Ephesians of how the Holy Ghost sets before us these wonderful riches the unsearchable riches of Christ you see friend that is overwhelms all our sin we can never measure our sin we can never speak of how deep stained it is how dark it is how dreadful it is but here's something above all our sin the unsearchable riches of Christ now in what way are those unsearchable riches communicated in harmony with the justice of our God to the vilest of sinners for ye know the grace of our Lord
[31:39] Jesus Christ that though he was rich yet for your sakes he became poor that ye through his poverty might be rich the unsearchable riches of Christ and my dear pastor used to quote those lines is one line in the hymn invaluable blood is it so to you is it more than anything else to you that precious blood of the lamb do you know what just flows into my poor heart this morning and it's this my brethren are not five sparrows sold for two farthings not one of them is forgotten before God the very hairs of your head are all numbered fear not ye this is it ye are of more value than many sparrows such value that
[32:52] Jesus gave himself his blood shed on that cross invaluable blood the unsearchable riches of Christ but God who is rich in mercy for his great love wherewith he loved us even when we were dead in sins have quickened us together with Christ by grace are ye safe oh friend is this attractive to yourself because I'm just coming to this point now as we may be help these riches who are they for unto all not just to some of the family not just to all the family for a day but the whole family of God right through life right through death right through a never ending eternity and it's those that call upon him so I'm going to link this as the
[34:00] Lord may help me now as we just named our God rich in mercy and it's to them that call upon him it's that one that we just named God be merciful to me a sinner and what about you blind back Bartimaeus outside the walls of Jericho you hear a noise and you ask what it means you're told it's Jesus passing oh as soon as he hears that name friend oh his heart breaks forth into agonized petition a cry Jesus thou son of David have mercy on me oh friend and they tried to silence him and they are trying to silence you and the devil was there it's no good you praying it's no good you seeking it's no good you coming it's no good you coming to Christ you're not one of the elect friend if there's this cry in your poor heart you're one of the elect and what proof have
[35:05] I the word of God shall not God avenge his own elect which cry day and night unto him there it is and that word I quoted all that the father giveth me there's the elect shall come to me and that's the way they come with weeping and supplication with a burdened soul and with an agonized cry seeking mercy and coming with this mercy through blood I make my plea oh God be merciful to me now here is this same God over all who is rich unto all that call upon him the mercy of our God and that door of mercy is never closed and it will be one day when time shall be no more when you draw your last breath so seek ye the Lord while he may be found call ye upon him while he is near let the wicked forsake his way and the unrighteous man his thought let him turn unto the Lord and he will have mercy and to our God for he will abundantly pardon it was
[36:18] Jesus my friend when he hung on the tree that opened the channel of mercy for me and this leads us to this as the apostle says here in whom we have redemption through his blood according to the riches of his grace what blood my dear saviour thy blood to wash away my filthy dreadful sins hearts i'm just reminded of another dear friend more recently giving testimony before us and yes it was following and i may say to the glory of god the ministry of your dear pastor too right away from one of these little country chapels you know. This set time friend and there as her soul was blessed with the love of Christ and the sweet token of the pardon of sin and joy flowing in she told us yes and sorrow sorrow sorrow sorrow how could sorrow come at a time like that she saw a little what her dreadful sins had cost the saviour to put away yes it's love and grief my soul dividing with my tears his feet are paved rich grace grace taught my soul to pray pardoning love to know it was grace that kept me to this day and will not let me go. Oh friend who can measure the his riches inexhaustible and oh the wonder of it they're so freely and they're so fully bestowed upon poor sinners the same
[38:34] Lord over all his rich unto all that call upon him oh friend and there's no one else to whom dear Jesus oh to whom shall needy sinners flee but to thyself who bids us come our springs all in thee and this is the mercy friend that the work of grace begun will never fail it will be performed because of the riches of his grace to poor sinners oh why did Jesus show to me the beauties of his face why to my soul did he convey the wonders of his grace and wouldn't you then friend as you see those unsearchable riches flowing into your poor soul longing to taste more and more and yet more praying as we've read in that third portion this morning that ye may comprehend with all saints what is the breadth and length and depth and height and to know the love of
[39:43] Christ which passeth all knowledge as ye might be filled with all the fullness of God oh the wonder of it and I feel this Lord I feel to be just full of sin full of blackness and filth and putrefine swords but oh that precious blood that cleanseth from all sin as far as the east is from the west so far that he removed our transgressions from us oh the depth both of the riches of both of the wisdom and knowledge of God how unsuitable are his judgments and his ways past finding out for the same Lord over all is rich unto all that call upon him for whosoever beautiful word my friend this is the gospel and I think of that word the close of scripture which says and the spirit and the bride say come let him that heareth say come and let him that is of thirst come and whosoever will let him take of the water of life freely and my friends we preach it with a full heart we are assured that free will never will see
[41:28] Christ but a sinner brought under the power of God's grace subdued by sovereign grace my spirit longs that I embrace that thirsting soul that longing one that one with an aching void the world can never fill is this one this whosoever and my friend God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten son that whosoever believeth in him should not perish but have everlasting love who is that whosoever I will take you for a moment in meditation into the wilderness and see the serpent bitten Israelite and see them dying and perishing and never lose sight of this much people of Israel died there's a tendency for us to look at that scripture and say oh well they sin and then God made a provision and all was well but my friend some of them perished in that wilderness their carcasses were buried there but God made a provision and that whosoever it could be the one at the extreme end of the camp it could be the one the vilest the poorest it could be the richest one in a natural way it could be the one whose eyes were near closed in there it was to look and to live and my friend it's the look of faith and here is life here is the light of life of which
[43:07] I was trying to speak to my dear people on Lord's Day light shining in your soul showing your sin and shining on the Saviour and my friend it's life it's faith it's all bound up as one it's coming just as I am without one plea but that thy blood was shed for me and that thou bidst me come to thee oh Lamb of God I come for whosoever the vilest sinner out of hell who lives to feel his need is welcome at the throne of grace the Saviour blood to bleed whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord and what does that name mean to you oh you say that name is dear to my soul how sweet the name of Jesus sounds in a believer's ear it serves his sorrows heals his wounds and drives away his fear whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord and then this comes to mind and thou shall call his name
[44:19] Jesus for he shall save his people from their sin and so friend is it just you and the Lord is it you as a vile sinner seeking the Saviour calling upon the name of the Lord this mighty Jesus able to save to the uttermost them that come unto God by him seeing he ever liveth to make intercession for them and what is the word shall be saved friend this is the word of our God they will never be broken and this we may rest with sweet assurance saved with an everlasting salvation here is the assurance of the blood shed to put away thy sin here is a robe of righteousness to cover thy filthy garments and cover thee here my friend is grace all sufficient here is strength made perfect in weakness here is thy unfailing
[45:28] God here is thy Jesus who says lo I am with you all way even unto the end of the world who is he that condemneth it is Christ that died or a rather that is risen again that maketh intercession for us in my reading this morning we came to this for he shall stand at the right hand of the poor to save him from those that condemn his soul is Jesus standing with you friend but since my saviour stands between garments dyed in blood is he instead of me is seen when I approach to God he our saviour shall stand at the right hand of the poor standing for them facing that fierce accuser and enabling you to say yes
[46:33] I can face my fierce accuser and say Christ died for me to save him from them that condemn his soul so then the same Lord over all is rich unto all that call upon him for whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved one concluding thought and my friend this salvation is a full salvation salvation from sin the demands of the law the justice of God the power of Satan who delivered us from the power of darkness have translated us into his kingdom in whom we have redemption through his blood even the forgiveness of sin and this is a salvation in every time of trouble every hour of persecution under every burden you may carry every dark path you may tread every deep valley through which the
[47:49] Lord may cause you to pass call upon me and in the day of trouble and I will answer thee I will be with him oh my pastor comes to my mind again he used to say yes in Psalm 91 God commands his angels to be with and over his people but when he's in trouble I and look at the I am I will be with him I will deliver him with long life will I satisfy him and show him my salvation shall be saved and don't we need to be saved from a world that can attract our lust of our flesh and entice us and ensnare us like Samson on Delilah's lap don't we need to be saved from the dreadful power of unbelief don't we need to be saved from black and gloomy despair don't we need to be saved from cowardice when we are called to bear reproach for
[48:51] Christ's sake don't we need to be saved every moment of our life kept by the power of God and my friend here is this full salvation salvation and here are these wonderful riches and I close with these words there's the apostle again says and hath raised us up together and made us sit together in heavenly places in Christ Jesus than in the ages to come he might show the exceeding riches of his grace in his kindness toward us through Christ Jesus it's revealed in the work of grace in a sinner's heart in the application of the precious blood in the sweet assurance that Jesus is mine and it will be my friend fully displayed in glory at last when in the ages to come and oh as we think of the riches of his grace and think of those mansions he's gone to prepare and of the eternity of happiness and peace and joy oh what can we say even to these things if
[50:17] God be for us who can be against us for I am persuaded that neither death nor life nor angels nor principalities nor powers nor things present nor things to come nor height nor depth nor any other creature shall be able to separate us from the love of God which is in Christ Jesus our Lord Amen shall we conclude the service by singing hymn 956 956 Christ has blessings to impart grace to save thee from thy fears oh the love that fills his heart sinner wipe away thy tears 956 hymn hymn hymn hymn up hymn n hymn by his children and sing with love aridity.
[52:07] The love that we'd feel for it is Lord of Heserbony and Lord of Heserbony I am never a king to die I am afraid to tell thy grace Be in the wilderness I live Doll con ritual To save you To save you medi questioned joke he never did I am unable to die
[53:11] And sin, sin, sin insight It lies a special spring, Jesus feels all like His grand.
[53:34] Praise God, Lord, first night shall sing How thou share in the Christian days Praise theibles truly when theyформ God bless you.
[54:42] The peace of the Lord Jesus Christ, the love of God, the communion of the Holy Ghost, abide with us.
[55:04] Amen. I just say, friends, that lunch is served in the Sunday school at the side, and you're almost welcome to go across and stay with us for a meal.
[55:42] Amen.