
Cradley Heath - Ebenezer - Part 41

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June 23, 1982


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[0:00] Amen. Amen.

[1:00] Amen. With the Lord's help this evening, I will ask your attention to the 89th to 91st verses in the 119th Psalm.

[1:27] Psalm 119 verses 89, 90 and 91. Forever, O Lord, thy word is settled in heaven.

[1:44] Thy faithfulness is unto all generations. Thou hast established the earth, and it abideth. They continue this day according to thine ordinances, for all are thy servants.

[2:03] What an inconceivable consideration is the being of God.

[2:17] Forever, O Lord.

[2:29] Forever, O Lord. The eternal God. From everlasting to everlasting.

[2:42] Unchangeably the same. Forever, O Lord. Now such a God we need.

[2:54] None less would suffice. We need an eternal God.

[3:04] And the psalmist goes on and he says, Forever, O Lord, thy word is settled in heaven.

[3:19] The word of God. The word of God. The word of God. Or the decree of God. Is firm. It's strong.

[3:32] It's sure. It's durable. Forever, O Lord, thy word is settled in heaven.

[3:45] Beyond the reach of God. The word of God. Beyond the reach of change. The word of God. The word of God. The decree of God.

[3:59] Is settled. With God. Forever. Now amidst all the changes that affect this.

[4:15] Present state in which we are in. How wonderful to feel. That we have. In God. And his word.

[4:26] The unchangeable. He says, I am the Lord. I change not. Therefore.

[4:38] Ye sons of Jacob. Are not consumed. And my friends. The word. The word. That the Lord. That the Lord. Has spoken. Is an immutable word.

[4:50] A word. That knows no change. Forever. And forever. What a mercy. That we can take our Bibles.

[5:01] In our hands. And say. God will be faithful. To this word. Forever. And forever. Forever. And whatever change.

[5:13] Comes to the world. Whatever change. Comes to us. The word. Liveth.

[5:24] And abideth. Forever. Forever. O Lord. Thy word. Is settled in heaven.

[5:35] Thy faithfulness. Thy faithfulness. Is unto all. Generations. Now in. God's decree.

[5:47] There is a complete. Coverage. And. The coverage. Extends to. All. Generations. God's faithfulness.

[6:02] To all. Generations. Is essential. To all. Generations.

[6:15] If you. Could think. Of. Certain. Things. Changing. What.

[6:26] Confusion. There would be. God. Has established. The world. Upon. Certain.

[6:37] Principles. That are. Essential. To. The. Functioning. Of. The universe. And if. Those.

[6:47] Things. Could. Change. Then. The world. Would. Disintegrate. The world. Would be. Lost. In. Confusion.

[6:57] Thy. Faithfulness. Is. Unto. All. Generations. And my friends. We. Forecast.

[7:11] The. Moment. The sun. Will. Rise. And the. Moment. The sun. Will. Set. Upon. Any. Day. We.

[7:22] Can. Give. The. Seasons. Of. The moon. With. Some. Exceptitude. Because. God.

[7:32] Has. Decreed. Those. Things. Which. Affect. The heavens. Above. Us. We.

[7:43] Have. The stars. In. Their. Place. And the planets. Fulfilling. Their. Function. All. Working. Together.

[7:53] And working. Out. The decrees. Of. The. Most. Heart. They. Were. Made. By. Him. He.

[8:04] Settled. Before. Creation. Their. Position. Their. Function. And. In. The. Six. Days. His.

[8:14] Word. Brought. All. Those. Decrees. Associating. With. Creation. Into. Existence. And.

[8:25] They. Have. Continued. Through. The. Generations. According. To. The. Divine. Purpose. And. Decree. Down. To.

[8:36] The. Present. Moment. Of. Time. The. Faithfulness. Of. God. His. Power. Upholds. The. Universe.

[8:46] And. He. Works. Upon. Certain. Sound. Principles. Which. Govern. And. Control. The.

[8:56] Movements. Of. Matter. And. Of. Men. Now. They.

[9:06] Continue. This. Day. According. To. Thine. Ordinances. For. All. Are. Thy. Servants. When.

[9:20] We. Think. That. Everything. That. Is. God. Ordained. Its. Use.

[9:31] Its. Function. From. Eternity. Forever. O. Lord. Thy. Word.

[9:42] Is. Settled. In. Heaven. God. Gave. To. The. Sea. His. Decree. God.

[9:57] God. Created. Every. Living. Creature. God. Has. Ordained. In. His. Creative. Wisdom.

[10:09] The. Length. Of. Life. The. Purpose. In. Life. Of. All.

[10:21] Things. Great. And. Small. And.

[10:34] My friends. In this. Consideration. We have a wonderful. Ministry. Because. The ordering.

[10:46] Of. God. In. The. Universe. Is. Essential. To. The. Smooth. Running. Cohesion. Of.

[10:59] The. World. And. Really. The. Fact. That. The. World. Functions. As.

[11:09] Well. As. It. Does. Depends. Upon. The. Ordinances. Of. God. That. Have.

[11:21] Been. Established. And. Have. Been. Maintained. Down. To. This. Present. Day. If.

[11:38] We. Can. Just. Cast. Our. Minds. Or. Our. Imaginations. For. A. Moment. To. The. Consequence. Of. A. Sudden. Lurch.

[11:48] In. The. Pattern. Of. Days. What. An. Effect.

[12:01] Such. A. Development. Would. Have. Upon. Everything. The.

[12:12] Season. They. They. Are. All. Ordained. By. God. Summer. And. Winter. Cold. And. Heat.

[12:23] Shall. Not. Fail. Seed. Time. And. Harvest. God. Says. To. Know. Assure. And.

[12:33] We. Live. In. Expectation. Of. The. Faithfulness. Of. God. To. The. Word. That. He. Has. Spoken. As. We. Continue.

[12:44] Together. In. This. World. In. Which. We. Are. Present. Living. And. My. Friends. Those. That.

[12:54] Do. Not. Believe. In. God. Depend. Upon. God's. Faithfulness. In. All. These. Things. Which. Concern.

[13:04] Them. And. Which. Maintain. Them. And. Direct. Them. In. Their. Course. Through. Life. But.

[13:15] How. Wonderful. If. You. And. I. Through. Faith. Have. An. Appreciation. Of. The. Greatness. Of. God. Who. Has. Ordained.

[13:25] These. Things. Decreed. These. Things. And. In. Faithfulness. Maintained. These. Things. Down. To. The. Present. Day.

[13:36] And. Will. So. Do. To. All. Generations. Forever. O. Lord. Thy. Word. Is. Settled. In. Heaven. Thy.

[13:47] Faithfulness. Is. Unto. All. Generations. Thou. Hast. Established. The. Earth. And. It. Abideth. They. Continue. This. Day.

[13:57] According. To. Thine. Ordinances. For. All. Are. Thy. Servants. Now. Do you see. The. Way.

[14:08] In. Which. The. Holy Spirit. Led. The. Mind. Of. The. Psalmist. To. A. Consideration. Of. His. Situation. In. The. Earth. His.

[14:18] Dependence. Upon. God. And. The. Dependence. Of. All. Upon. The. Creator. Who. Has. Ordained. And. Decreed. Certain.

[14:28] Principles. Which. Affect. The. World's. Revolving. And. World's. Continuance. As. The. World. Abideth.

[14:40] To. All. Generations. And. My. Friends. We. Come. To. That. Word. Do. We. Not. They. Continue. You. This. Day.

[14:50] According. To. Thine. Ordinances. And. We. Have. Witnessed. The. Ordinances. Of. God. As. We. Passed.

[15:00] Through. This. Very. Day. In. Which. We. Are. Meeting. Together. And. Now. We're. In. The. Evening. Of. The. Day. And. We. Expect.

[15:12] In. A. Short. While. The. Night. To. Come. Upon. Us. According. To. God's. Decree. And. Our. Life. Is. Regulated.

[15:23] To. Some. Great. Debrief. By. These. Unseen. Yet. Controlled. Decrees. Of. God. Which.

[15:34] Rule. And. Overrule. The. Workings. Of. All. Things. All. Are. Thy.

[15:45] Servants. Well. There. Is. The. Principle. Upon. Which. The. Mind. Of. The.

[15:56] Psalmist. Was. Directed. Under. The. Inspiration. Of. The. Holy. Ghost. To. Record. In. Those. Few. Verses. That. Which. Reveals. To.

[16:06] Us. As. It. Were. The. Background. Of. So. Many. Things. Affecting. Many. Affecting. All. But.

[16:16] Appreciated. By. So. Very. Few. May. God. Give. Us. An.

[16:26] Appreciation. Of. These. Things. As. We. Live. Day. By. Day. It.

[16:37] Is. Of. The. Lord's. Mercies. That. We're. Not. Concealed. Because. His. Compassions. Fail. Not. They. Are.

[16:47] New. Every. Morning. Great. Is. His. Faithfulness. We.

[16:59] Would. Consider. The. Decree. Of. God. Forever. Oh. Lord. Thy. Word. Is.

[17:09] Settled. In. Heaven. Now. God. Is. A. God. Of. Order. Essentially.

[17:20] So. Creation. Bears. Witness. To. The. Perfection. Of. Divine. Ordering. God.

[17:31] Is. Not. The. Author. Of. Confusion. Man. Creates. Confusion. When. He. Leaves. God's. Order. When.

[17:41] He. Chooses. His. Own. Way. Before. The. Ways. Of. The. Most. High. And. Every. Deviation. From. God's. Order. Is. Disorderly.

[17:53] And. It. Will. Lead. To. Confusion. My. Friends. The. The. Wisdom. Of. Man. Is. To.

[18:04] Conform. To. The. Decrees. Of. God. Because. God. That. Has. Created. Everything. Knows. The. Suitable. Function. Of. Everything. And.

[18:14] As. Everything. Works. Together. According. To. The. Decrees. Of. God. So. It. Proceeds. Orderly. In. A.

[18:25] Balanced. Cohesive. Way. And. Manner. And. You. Now. As. I. Know. In.

[18:35] The. Days. In. Which. We. Living. The. Progressive. Confusion. That. Is. Settling. Upon. Society. When. We.

[18:45] Choosing. Our. Own. Ways. Before. The. Ways. Of. God. Departing. From. God's. Word. And. Society. Is. Threatening.

[18:56] Disintegration. Before. Our. Very. Eyes. In. Consequence. Let. Us. By. Faith. Lay. Hold. Of. This. Principle.

[19:08] That. Our. Peace. Depends. Upon. Our. Conformity. To. The. Decrees.

[19:20] And. Commandments. Of. God. And. That. Applies. To. Natural. Things. And. That. Applies. To. Spiritual.

[19:31] Things. That. Applies. To. The. Things. Which. Concern. Us. In. Our. Relationships. Together. That. Applies. Also.

[19:42] In. Our. Relationships. With. God. And. In. This. One hundred. And. Nineteen. Psalm. The. Principle.

[19:52] Is. So. Often. Reiterated. In. The. Many. References. To. God's. God's. Word. I know.

[20:03] Various. Expressions. Are. Used. Thy. Precepts. Thy. Commandments. Thy. Statutes. Thy. Judgments. Thy.

[20:13] Law. And. So. On. But. Basically. It. Is. The. Decree. Of. God. The. Word. Of. God. That. The. The.

[20:23] The. Psalmist. Stresses. As. The. Foundational. Consideration. Of. Peace. And. Prosperity.

[20:35] In. Society. For now. Thy. Forever. O. Lord. Thy. Word. Is. Settled.

[20:45] In. Heaven. Thy. Faithfulness. Is. Unto. All. Generations. What. A. Mercy. That. God's. Word. Is. Not.

[20:56] Confined. To. Temporal. Consideration. What. A. Mercy. That. The. Decrees. Of. God. Do. Not. Comprehend. Our. Present.

[21:07] Requirements. Without. Any. Consideration. Of. Our. Spiritual. And. Eternal. Requirements. And.

[21:19] My. Friend. When. We. Read. A. Word. Like. This. Forever. O. Lord. Thy. Word. Is. Settled. In. Heaven. We. Realize. God. Has.

[21:30] Decreed. Salvation. God. Has. Decreed. Redemption. God. Has. Decreed. That.

[21:41] From. Every. Generation. As. Well. As. Every. Nation. Kindred. And. Tongue. A. People. Shall. Be. Called. To.

[21:52] Love. Him. To. Serve. Him. To. Follow. Him. And. At. Length. To. Be. With. Him. Forever.

[22:08] Now. Forever. O. Lord. Thy. Word. Is. Settled. In. Heaven. God. God's. Decree.

[22:21] It is the same word. That. Has. Saved. That. Does. Save. That. Will. Continue.

[22:32] To. Save. The word. Of. God. Peter. Peter. In.

[22:44] His. Epistle. Has. Something. To. Say. On. This. Subject. Being.

[22:58] Born. Again. Not. Of. Corruptible. Seed. But. Of. Incorruptible. By. The. Word. Of. God. Which.

[23:09] Liveth. And. Abideth. Forever. Verse. Twenty. Twenty. Three. In. Chapter. One. Of. The. First. Epistle. Of. Peter. Being.

[23:19] Born. Again. Not. Of. Corruptible. Seed. But. Of. Incorruptible. Thy. Word. Forever. Is. Settled. In. Heaven. Incorruptible. Seed.

[23:30] Not. Man's. Opinion. It's. Not. Man's. Purpose. It. Is. The. Decree. Of. God. And. God.

[23:42] Has. Spoken. And. In. The. Word. Of. God. There. Is. A. Power. To. To. Regeneration.

[23:56] My. Friends. It. Needs. God. To. Speak. To. Regenerate. Thy. Word. Alone. Can. Make. A. Dead.

[24:07] Soul. Live. All. My. Words. As. A. Preacher. Will. Never. Make. One. Dead. Soul. Live. I.

[24:17] I. Am. Firm. On. That. Absolutely. Sure. On. That. I. Can. Preach. Seven. Days. A. Week. And.

[24:28] Never. Quicken. A. Soul. It's. The. Prerogative. Of. God. The. Holy. Ghost. To. Regenerate.

[24:41] Now. The. Knowledge. That. The. Lord. Does. And. Has. Decreed. So. To. Do. To.

[24:51] Regenerate. Through. The. Preaching. Of. The. Word. Impels. Us. To. Are. Set. Apart. By.

[25:02] God. As. Preachers. To. Preach. And. My. Friends. We. Know. That.

[25:12] As. God. Sovereign. Sees. Fit. To. Use. His. Word. Through. Any. Of.

[25:23] His. Servants. Whom. He. Sees. Fit. Condescending. Me. To. Use. A soul. Will.

[25:33] Be. Born. To. Live. Forever. Isn't. That. Wonderful. Isn't. That. Wonderful. Wonderful. Wonderful. Wonderful. Wonderful. Wonderful. Wonderful. Wonderful. Wonderful. Wonderful. Wonderful. Wonderful. Wonderful.

[25:44] And. The. The. Word. Does. It. The. Word. Does. It. The. Word. Of. God. My.

[25:56] Friends. Forever. O. Lord. Thy. Word. Is. Settled. In. Heaven. When. The. Lord's. Time. Comes. When. The. Lord's. Decree.

[26:09] Finds. Its. Fulfillment. I. I. Say. The. Effectual. Call. Is. Given. And.

[26:19] That. Soul. Sleeping. In. The. Tomb. Of. Self. Destruction. And. If.

[26:30] Left of. God. Is. Brought. For. To. Life. Forever. Through.

[26:40] The. Word. And. Work. Of. God. The. Holy Ghost. And.

[26:51] That. Is. A. Settled. Decree. That's. Been. Operating. And. Working. From. The. Very. Beginning. Abel.

[27:02] Needed. That. Decree. Decree. To. Distinguish. Him. From. Cain. Jacob. Needed. That. Decree. To. Distinguish.

[27:13] Him. From. Esau. Moses. Needed. That. Decree. To. Distinguish. Him. From. Pharaoh. King. Of. Egypt. My.

[27:24] Friends. You. Can. Go. Down. Between. The. Saved. And. The. Lost. Generation. By. Generation. And.

[27:35] What. Has. Has. Unfolded. In. The. History. Of. The. Church. Of. God.

[27:48] This. That. God. Has. Fulfilled. His. Decree. His. Word. Has. Found. Gracious.

[28:00] Expression. In. The. Hearts. And. Eyes. Of. Those. Or. Ordained. To. Everlasting. Life. Elected.

[28:12] To. Be. With. God. And. My. God. Forever. Forever. O. Lord.

[28:22] Thy. Word. Is. Settled. In. Heaven. And. My. Friends. We. May. In. Our. Finite. Approach. To. These. Great. Concerns.

[28:33] We. May. Say. Well. If. I. Had. Of. Been. Born. In. Certain. Other. Circumstances. My. Spiritual. Condition.

[28:44] May. Not. Been. Now. What. I. Believe. Thank. God. It. Is. Well. Those. Are.

[28:54] Very. Reasonable. Considerations. From. The. Measure. Of. The. Finite. Mind. But. My.

[29:05] Friends. Forever. Oh. Lord. Thy. Word. Is. Settled. In. Heaven. God. For. New. God.

[29:16] For. Ordain. God. Decree. Before. The. Foundation. Of. The. World. The. Things. Which. Concern. Not. Only. Creation.

[29:27] But. Redemption. And. Salvation. Thy. Faithfulness.

[29:37] Is. Unto. All. Generations. God. Has. Promised. That. From. All. Generations. A. Seed. Shall. Be. Brought. For. To. Serve. And. My. Friends. It. Matters. Not. What. Happens.

[29:47] To. The. World. However. The. Ravages. Of. Sin. And. Satan. As. It. Were. Taken. To. Captivity. The. Universe. A. Seed. Should. A.

[29:59] People. Should. Be. Brought. For. To. The. Praise. Of. The. Most. High. And. God. Fulfilling. His. Decree. Will. Perform. It. By. Faithfulness.

[30:13] Is. Unto. All. Generations. We. Say. Well. We. Live. In. A. Degenerating. Day. And. A. Degenerating. Society.

[30:24] And. The. World. Seems. To. Be. Groaning. And. Crumbling. Under. The. Influence. And. The. Effect. Of. Sin. That. My. Friends. Are. Be. Of. People. To.

[30:34] The. End. Of. Time. God. Faithfulness. Will. Accomplish. His. Establish. Decree.

[30:50] Thou. Hast. Establish. The. Earth. And. It. Abideth. They. Continue. This. Day. According. To. Thine. Ordinances. And. As. Sure. As. God's. Decree.

[31:00] Finds. Its. Fulfillment. To. The. Accomplishment. Of. His. Purposes. In. Creation. So. God's. Purposes.

[31:11] To. Salvation. Will. Be. Perfect. According. To. His. Faithfulness. And. His. Power. Amen. Amen.

[31:22] Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. So in the church. We see the outworking of a very wonderful principle.

[31:37] Well then thirdly this evening. Here is a principle which is very precious to the individual.

[31:52] Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. There's nothing haphazard about the security and safety of the saint.

[32:08] I believe there's a great distinction between the fact of salvation and the enjoyment of salvation.

[32:25] The fact of salvation is settled. It's settled. God knows his people. The Lord knows them that are good.

[32:44] He knows them in their unregenerousness. He knows them. Whatever may be the determinate purpose of their hearts against them, he knows them.

[33:04] And at length, as I already suggested in general terms, the appointed time rolls on the face.

[33:16] Not to propose, but to call by grace. An effectual and irresistible call by the Most High God.

[33:32] And my friends, there's none that are called who can put up such a resistance as to frustrate God in the fulfilment of his purpose to salvation.

[33:52] However, a person may fight against the initial influences of the spirit in conviction upon their heart and conscience, God will bring them to his feet.

[34:08] And nothing in them will prevail to the contrary. Fight against God as a person will.

[34:24] They're fighting a losing battle because God never lost a soul whom he has chosen yet. And he never will.

[34:34] But having said salvation is sure, salvation is settled, there's no question that any chosen soul being lost, I do establish the distinction between the act of salvation and the enjoyment of salvation.

[35:01] The enjoyment of salvation is to be realised in the spirit of submission and obedience to the sovereign, gracious will of God.

[35:31] You know, naturally speaking, if you're going to enjoy the approbation, the smile, the good pleasure of your parent, it's by no means your purpose to resist, disobey, thwart their expressed wishes.

[36:07] And my friends, that principle holds in its spiritual application and in its relationship with God.

[36:18] Obedient souls enjoy the favour of God.

[36:30] Disobedient souls experience God's power. I say there's a distinction between the fact of salvation and the enjoyment of salvation.

[36:48] And you'll never enjoy salvation until you're brought into humble and contrite and willing submission to the mind and will of God.

[37:10] This does not allow the conclusion that souls in darkness are essentially lost, does it?

[37:31] And many of the fears of those that are in darkness is not because there is any question about their salvation.

[37:46] It's more in regard to their reaction to the revelation of God's mind to walk.

[37:59] I want you to consider that prayer. But God's decree stands.

[38:11] For ever, O Lord, thy word is settled in heaven, thy faithfulness is unto all generations. God is faithful to Christ.

[38:26] And his faithfulness is in matters of salvation, according to the decrees and testimonies of his mind and his word are absolute.

[38:39] They are sure. They are firm. They are not questionable. As to their fulfilment, we may cast our souls without question and reserve upon the word and promise of God because God is faithful to all generations.

[39:11] The times in which we're living in no wise inhibit the fulfilment of the word of God that has been verified in the experiences of past generations.

[39:29] God is the same to endless years. God is the same to endless years. Thy faithfulness is unto all generations.

[39:40] Thou hast established the earth, and it abideth, they continue this day, according to thine ordinances. For all are thy servants.

[39:51] And as we see the world continuing upon certain principles, so we can see the church continuing upon certain principles.

[40:06] And my friends, that is the mind of God. And that is what the church should ever be seeking for, the mind of God.

[40:17] And the mind of God in every way needful for us is revealed to us in the word of God. Therefore, it's search of scriptures.

[40:30] Therefore, it's to the law and to the test. What a mercy it is to have a reference to refer to which is stable, which is unchangeable, which is sure, which is absolute of substantiation and confirmation in the experience as God works according to his decrees and established principles in all generations.

[41:18] It doesn't allow for the differing approach and changed attitudes to a changed situation.

[41:42] Does it? It doesn't mean to say that I propound a rigidity that has no reference at all to the changes which God has ordained in the outworkings of society.

[42:03] And there's a section in America that refused to, publicly, refused to use motor cars and still drive around in horses and carriages because they consider God has decreed that the horse is the motivating principle upon which society should function.

[42:28] Now, I say that is ridiculous. That is, making the things of God to be despised.

[42:38] nevertheless, nevertheless, I do stand firm upon this principle that God works now as he did work.

[42:51] He uses his word. He uses the preaching of the gospel. He uses the gathering together of his people. He uses the ordinances of his house. He uses the teaching of his word.

[43:05] And my friends, all sorts of other things have their place and they are adopted and being employed as essential to the salvation of souls in modern times.

[43:34] I say, well, we appreciate the need of, the consideration of the environment in which we live, yet, when we come to salvation, salvation is of the Lord.

[43:48] And the way God has saved souls, he does save souls and will save souls. And we cannot wander from the ordinances and commandments of God and expect success in matters of salvation because God has decreed from eternity the methods that he will employ and that has pleased God by the foolishness of preaching to save them that believe.

[44:25] Well, the time has gone this evening. I hope sufficient has been said in these somewhat rambling remarks to convey the impression to your minds that there are decrees, divine, sovereign decrees of God which concern material things, temporal things, and God's working.

[44:54] And the change of the world hasn't altered the decrees which are the framework in which everything has and continues to function. and my friends in spiritual things I say there is a solid framework there's a solid framework in which God has determined to function in the fulfilment of his purposes to salvation.

[45:27] And there's no advantage to be gained by deviation for what does God say through his servant Job is in one line and who can tell him and what is so beside even that he doeth.

[45:54] you won't bend God to your ways. God must bring you to submit to his ways and then you can look for prosperity for fruitfulness.

[46:14] May the Lord bend our mind and will to Jesus for his glory is sain and our peace and prosper and man Thank you.

[47:00] Thank you.

[47:30] Thank you.

[48:00] Thank you. Thank you.

[48:32] Thank you. Thank you.

[49:02] Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.

[49:14] Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.

[49:26] Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.

[49:38] Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.

[49:50] Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.

[50:02] Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.

[50:14] Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.

[50:26] Thank you. is now of grace and hope And every grace was found in all thy blood.

[51:06] O perfect, truth, and righteousness throughout your life.

[51:35] and the incarnate word in all things are the same. We would look to that blessed incarnate word for our salvation, for our righteousness, for our final presentation without fault before the throne on high.

[52:05] Take away all iniquity and receive us graciously and pardon all that has been amused. May the grace of the Lord Jesus, the love of God and the communion of the Holy Ghost be with you all.

[52:26] Amen. Amen.

[52:48] Amen. Amen. Amen. Chờ.