
Fenstanton - Part 4

Sermon Image
May 10, 1980


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[0:00] The Lord has a little attention to the Apostle Jeremiah, chapter 31, verse 12. The prophecy of Jeremiah, chapter 31, verse 12.

[0:18] Therefore, they shall come and sing in the night of Zion, and shall flow together through the goodness of the Lord, for wheat and for wine and for oil, and for the young of the fostering of the herd, and their soul shall be as a water's garden, and they shall not sorrow any more at all.

[0:46] Therefore, they shall come and sing in the night of Zion, and shall flow together through the goodness of the Lord, for wheat and for wine, and for oil, and for the young of the flock, and of the herd, and their soul shall be as a water's garden, and they shall not sorrow any more at all.

[1:14] We shall not spend the time this afternoon in drawing your attention to the immediate context of these words, insofar as they relate to those great and great promises which were so valuable to Israel in the time of their captivity, so cheering to Judah when they were under similar restrictions.

[1:49] Rather, shall we attempt by the help of God to draw your attention in respect to these words, as they may affect us under the present prevailing circumstances.

[2:04] But therefore, they shall come and see in the height of Zion. First of all, we notice the emphasis which must be laid, they shall come.

[2:24] A building here has been created, and in many respects we have placed the exercise of faith as our friends here have gone from step to step endeavilling to seek the Lord at every point and to observe his manifested power and intervention and help under varying circumstances.

[2:53] The building reared is one thing to have the building filled as another. Well, it may be in some of your minds that it is even a preposterous thought to think that it would ever be possible for a building to be filled in these days.

[3:13] Be that as it may, we know not what the future issue could be or will be, but we know this, that everyone that shall come will come.

[3:25] This is not fatalist talking about it as a humble persuasion as we desire as we're told the mighty God of Israel and to believe that he is able to do exceedingly abundantly above all we ask or think.

[3:42] There are many times when we place a limitation upon what God can do or there are other times when our faith begins to fail us and immediately we might have had a thought that could be described as very large then the power of unbelief immediately begins to work and say of course it could never be.

[4:09] We are coming to a king large petitions with the king for his grace and power are such none can ever ask too much.

[4:21] The words before us are forceful. All the words of scripture are forceful. If there is any, if there are any weak words then it is because there is weakness in the people that speak them.

[4:36] The words of God, the words of the scripture are always forceful. They are spoken in clear and definite terms. It is quite true and understandable that we may have many fears because we are not capable of performing those things that we sometimes desire.

[4:56] At the same time we can look upon that which is written and see the positive teaching, the positive preaching, the positive prophesying that is to be found in the word of scripture throughout.

[5:12] that positive prophesying is before us. Therefore they shall come. the friends here were not sure how many would dare to rejoice with them to stay.

[5:35] Who have come? Those that shall come. By divine appointments unto him shall the gathering of the people be.

[5:46] we do not always realize that every congregation is gathered according to the will and purpose of God.

[5:58] If there should have been some that are prevented then it is the purpose of God. We do not always understand the purposes of God but it lays a strength to us they shall come.

[6:14] perhaps some of you might be able to tell your private story where you didn't think of coming and you didn't want to come but they shall come.

[6:25] Oh yes not in order that they may just be here that you may whoever you are gather with us on this unusual and special occasion but they shall come.

[6:40] Now as we proceed with this verse you will be blessed indeed you will be thankful if by the power of almighty God you have been constrained to come they shall come and sing in the height of Zion nearer to the great mercy if we come to sing and we have some of the praises of the Lord we are thankful not only to sing his praises but also to see his blessing upon us are there such fears rising in our hearts at times that we fear that we cannot sing oh we are in a complaining state of mind and we might wonder whether we have anything to sing about at all

[7:40] I remember visiting many years ago a gracious woman that had been long afflicted and laid upon her bed and I visited her and the only time I did so and I remember her telling me of the occasion when she felt that she heard the birds singing that they had something to sing about and she had nothing and then the relay from the couple announced the opening hymn of these demons in the humble souls complain no more let's pray to pray your future store and there was a singing in our hearts we before only those or two before have felt a complaining now may our spirits be moved this afternoon however much we might have felt my complaining about our lot however much we may have realized that sad spirit within us mercy has been past time yet may we be moved this afternoon to complain no more and that faith may to play this future storm it is when we see and behold our future storm that we shall begin to sing in the heart of

[9:21] Zion it is one thing for us to sing to sing and to give thanks for God's temple blessings and to look round over the days months and years and to freely acknowledge God's wonderful provision and the manner in which he has sustained us and comforted us but when our faith look forward this afternoon and survey our future storm so that we may sing in the height of Zion there is much singing in Zion but there is comparatively little singing in the height of Zion now what shall we say in respect to the distinction which must be made between near singing and singing in the height of Zion the singing which may leave us as it were on the plane of temporal things is transcended and translated into singing in the height of

[10:34] Zion when we sing of salvation I felt as our friend read account of the way in which the mercy of God had been shown to the cause of group here there was certainly a grace of a singing in the high Zion there was a reference to singing the praise of the Lamb and this is singing in the high Zion told that our hearts might be touched so today that we might remember this day certainly it was meant to remember the occasion but also that we may remember this day because by the grace of God and the power of God we sang in the time we blessed

[11:37] God the psalmist was touching such a point and he said bless the Lord O my soul and all that is within me bless his holy name bless the Lord O my soul and forget not all his benefits who forgiveth all thy iniquities who heath all thy diseases who redeemeth thy life from destruction who crowned thee with love and kindness and tender blesses who satisfied thy mouth good things so thy yield is renewed like the egos the Lord executed righteousness and judgment for all that are at rest you see that which caused the service to sing on occasion was not regulated or even motivated by those things which were temporal he did say indeed bless the Lord oh my soul forget not all his benefits nothing could be left there but he comes to these important points and these are the points which will cause your soul to sing in the height of science and we pray and we desire for the cause of proving here that there might be numerous occasions when their very souls will sing in the height of time especially when they consider such great and glorious soul fortifying truths who forgiveth all the unipotence now this gives us some idea of those people that will come yea the shall come because they must come and sing in the height of science in the ninth verse we have a little description of these people they shall come with sleeping and with supplication when I leave them

[13:29] I will cause them to walk by the rivers of waters in a strange way wherein they shall not stumble for I am a father to Israel and Israel and he is my first born from this we may deduce that there is a right way of coming and there is that way of coming with weeping weeping may be joyful at night but joy coming in the morning you may have had some weeping weeping nights it may have been a long night with some of you this is spiritually speaking not regarded in relation to a 24 hour 30 but it will be good if you come to the house of God with weeping in your soul thinking that you ought to be going to the house of boating rather than to the house of rejoicing this is the way that people shall come and you can't tell you other way what you do is not

[14:30] God say what a lack of weeping is in my life no wonder I do not get blessed in the house of God no wondering it is such a weird thing for me to see in the height of Zion because I do not come in the appointed way yea that God has made them they shall come with weeping and with suffocation when I leave them why do people weep some of course they weep because they are sorry for themselves self pity has been the occasion and cause of much weeping by many people but there is another weeping which is the blessing bestowed upon the church of God and that is sorrow after God this thought sorrow over our sins there you've come

[16:06] Are there any amongst us as often who say, Well, I've not had the forgiveness of my sins. I must press this upon you. Have you had any sins to forgive? Do you feel that you're a guilty sinner?

[16:18] Do you feel that you're on the point of falling into hell? Do you feel the lean of the mighty God stretching forth his hand and speaking on fire in season under your soul which is fast going down and down and down and down?

[16:32] Yeah. This kind of experience will bring you to come to Zion with me. And I'm sure there have been times in the past at least if not in the present so much when some of you have known that you've come to the house of God with weeping.

[16:53] And you've left almost on the verge of despair saying, Lord, is it possible? Is it possible? Is it possible? And yet, faith must come.

[17:06] I can but perish if I go. I am resolved to die. But if I stay away, I know I must never die. And you come and sing in the highest of Zion because of this blessing of forgiveness, the forgiveness of all thy forgiveness.

[17:31] The forgiveness of sins has to be all-embracing. A word, an expression, which can be very loosely worth, word that we use to.

[17:48] We use to use at times. Do you say lightly, yes, my sins have been forgiven. Our sins. What about the sins?

[18:00] Have they been forgiven? Have you any insurance that they will be forgiven? One of those who know, he uses great and glorious language when he calls upon his soul, expand my soul of thine and sin.

[18:19] And then, he comes to this great road where he speaks of past sins.

[18:32] There's pardon for sins that pass, for sins that have passed. It says, that does not help lack their cast. But, oh, my soul will fund of you, for what sins to come.

[18:46] There's pardon to them. And this is when your great forgiveness is still upon the soul. When, you not only are aware, you are inside aware, that sins in the past are covered, that sins in the future are covered also.

[19:05] And this, will cause a soul to come and sin in the height of Zion. Now, the height of Zion, before we pass on to develop other points here, we should say, may there be a lie to that which is written in the abyssals to sit together in heavenly places in Christ Jesus and to enjoy spiritual blessings.

[19:34] Now, to sit in the height of Zion is to be in that place where our dead soul is lifted up, as it were, out of ourselves.

[19:49] Not a very frequent occasion, is it, when we're so captivated that we are lost in wonder, numb and praise, that the glory of God set before our eyes, and yet, it is through the foolishness of preaching that God has saved those that believe.

[20:10] It has often been through the foolishness of preaching that God has lifted up in the soul of Jesus Christ with such preciousness and such joy that they have, that such have felt that their sin is God.

[20:27] who forgiveth all thy iniquities, who healeth all thy diseases, who redeemeth thy life from destruction, and so on.

[20:40] Therefore, they shall come and sing in the height of Zion. The only motivating force that will cause us to sting in the height of Zion is to know the salvation of God, to get a glimpse of Jesus Christ.

[21:03] This is the great truth about real religion, to get a glimpse of Jesus Christ. It is to be a figure that many people's religion is on a much lower plane.

[21:18] For on a much lower plane. As long as they are when I can be provided for them in regard to the things of this life, as long as the Lord appears for them in temporal things, as as far as they go, but they're all short, you know.

[21:37] Religion, true religion, holy ghost religion, not only stems from, but culminates in Christ, crucify.

[21:48] And then you can begin to sing in the height of Zion. And no sight of Jesus and his cross, and soon we fall afraid. or to all the ravaging princes, shall I call them as well within, that they shall come and sing in the height of Zion.

[22:12] And so we get a glimpse of Christ. And so we get a glimpse of salvation. And so we get a glimpse of the feeling of satisfaction. with what result?

[22:23] And shall flow together to the goodness of the Lord. God. One great blessing, which is bestowed upon the church of God, especially when the children of God come and sing in the height of Zion, is that there is a flow together to the goodness of God that takes place in the land of the living.

[22:56] And the apostle, in the epistles, the first epistles of the Hebrews, in the first chapter, he says, Now I beseech you, brethren, by the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, that ye all speak the same thing, and that there be no divisions among you, but that ye be perfectly joined together in the same mind and in the same judgment.

[23:25] But then is it Christians all agree? And that distinction's for? When nothing in themselves, they see that Christ is all in all. Is there a lack of the experience of singing in the height of Zion?

[23:44] Is there a failure to observe the goodness of the Lord in the land of the living? Is it because there are divisions among you? Now you see, divisions in the churches do not necessarily have to come to the top.

[24:01] Sometimes they do. you see, God looks at the heart. And if there is an evil thought in your heart against another person, there's a division in the church.

[24:17] Sometimes there may be a withholding the spirit of the ministry. Sometimes there may seem to be a lack of receiving and feeding as you did at one time.

[24:33] What is it? God doesn't seem to give the victory as he did. Why? Return back to the pages to the Old Testament.

[24:45] after the children of Israel had been brought safely through the Jordan into the land of Canaan. And you see, Joshua commanded that the men should be chosen and they should assault the men of Ai.

[25:07] Now, there weren't very many of those before, and they thought they were easily just to deal with these men of Ai. So they assembled what they considered to be a suitable force and went against the men of Ai only to find that the men of Ai overcame them.

[25:26] And what a trouble this was to Joshua. Oh, he fell on his face and the Lord told him to get up, you know. Sometimes we think that if we fall on our face it tells us we are in a good position.

[25:40] God told Joshua to get up. And to investigate this important matter. Now, nobody knew that there was anything wrong.

[25:54] Joshua didn't know. He had a get his son who had been visiting and been overcome. Instructions have been given regarding that the spoil that was to be taken and that that was not to be taken.

[26:09] But who knew that they had his iron and a leg of gold and a Babylonish garment and had taken it and hidden it in his tent.

[26:22] So, that kind of thing might go on secretly. things. People may say, well, I wonder why it is. We used to sing in the eyes of Zion. We used to glory in the ministry.

[26:34] Our our pastor while the servants had come to us. Why? What has happened? You may look at them and you say, you may say, God's anything's happening. There's a division.

[26:47] And that division has been called in sickness. And God manifested to his wife that he was displeased because there was fun in that number that had been the result of this displeasure.

[27:04] So, we need to watch our own hearts. But we are not guilty. So easily to see the last person we've come to when we say, well, now, who is it?

[27:18] Who is it? Who is it? So, at last, the region so easily come to ourselves and say, after we've gone there and everybody else, this is ours.

[27:31] And you cannot be sure that it is you. God will be honest. Does it cannot be otherwise? God will be honest. They all say, is it?

[27:45] But then what is to be done? repentance. Repentance toward God. Repentance that leadeth not to be repented of.

[27:57] The apostle was very concerned that there be no division among you, that ye be perfectly joined together in the same mind and in the same judgment.

[28:09] Now, he is a mercy when God so grants us in unity of spirit, which can only be brought forth as we are blessed with a humility of spirit, that we find this blessing coming into our own very soul, into our church, into our people, and shall flow together to the goodness of the Lord.

[28:36] the Lord. Now, you see, this flowing together is going along in the same direction. It may look at the confluence, so to speak, where two rivers may meet and go together.

[28:58] Then, there is a flowing together. does not flowing speak to us of a peaceful movement? A peaceful movement.

[29:12] And there must be a peaceful movement, if there is agreement that shall flow together to the goodness of the Lord. If we have the teaching in our souls by the Spirit of God, a revelation of God's mercy and kindness, it will make us feel very small.

[29:41] And you won't make any trouble to anybody when you feel small. Oh, how good it is to be at that place that I've already mentioned, dissolved by thy mercy, we sink to the ground and weep to the praise of the mercy they found.

[30:05] You won't be a trouble for anybody for you're in that place. The gods, strange though it may seem, you are touching on this very plea.

[30:17] But those that come and sing in the fight of sorrow and in consequence flow together to the goodness of the Lord. of the goodness of the Lord.

[30:32] We have seen it in the rearing of this house of God. Our friends would really give praise to the Lord and say that they have been able to do it by the goodness of the Lord to them.

[30:46] And in consequence of this we might go a step further and say that such that might have sent gifts to help me cause the truth here in their great expense could also speak of the goodness of the Lord for your name and to give.

[31:11] It is a great blessing to have a joy in giving. And not only to give what we have spent, but to fear of joy in giving that which we might need for something else.

[31:29] Now this is what is making the other end of the present day. You see there are so many people that when they think about the cause of God and the expense of the cause of God and the charitable circumstances they immediately say I might want that for something else.

[31:53] Now that's not Christian giving credit. Christian giving is when you give away that that you might want for something else. And I hope that spirit will be found in us today.

[32:07] And it will be very gratifying to the people here if the amount that they require is cleared off today. But it can only be cleared off to study that if we forget about the things that are put by to something else.

[32:23] You may say, well, how can I possibly get to such a spirit? But I shall be willing to give all. more. When we get a little sight and a view of these, to the experience described to us here, they shall come and stay in the height of Zion and shall flow together to the goodness of the Lord.

[32:51] But we shall need more. They will be able to see the goodness of the Lord in the basket and store in which God has blessed us.

[33:02] The goodness of the Lord. Come to look at this for a few moments on the spiritual line of things. First of all, the goodness of the Lord has asked we should come.

[33:15] Come to the feet of Jesus Christ. What goodness is here we bring in this very same chapter the well-known verse.

[33:26] The Lord appeared to me saying Yea, I have loved thee with an interdusting love. Therefore of this loving kindness have I drawn thee. The goodness of the Lord.

[33:42] You may say, well, how do people come to Jesus Christ? Make no mistake about your friends, they do not come because they decided.

[33:54] The word of God is clear in these very words. Therefore with no kindness have I drawn thee. I draw your attention now to the sixth chapter of John's gospel where we read none who come unto me except the Father which hath sent me your head and who so cometh of me I will in no wise cast out.

[34:18] In consequence in looking at these words yea I have loved thee with everlasting love because the Father has done this he has drawn you with his loving kindness to Jesus Christ now can you trace the goodness of God to you in being drawn by the Father to his beloved son Jesus Christ this is the work of God this is the goodness of God and what flowing together there is amongst the people of God when they see this goodness of the Lord into the proclamation of the glorious gospel of Jesus Christ and they fear in their own souls too that the Lord has done great things for us whereof we have been drawn to Jesus Christ but what does this involve does it not involve effectual calling and you know any other calling is of no value at all and no other calling is made in the scriptures effectual calling that is when

[35:41] God steps in with you and give you an effectual call a call which came to you in just the same way as Ezekiel describes it the word of the Lord came expressly to me now that is effectual calling when the word of the Lord comes expressly to you and if that which is already done in the very way of this chapel is to be continued then it must be the result and outcome of God's effectual calling the fabric of the building is now being put up but if it is to be continued it must be continued in the spiritual establishment of the building therefore the work that

[36:50] God has begun in providing this chapel may be completed by him in bringing forth many spiritual blessings the spiritual blessings it shall be said that this and that man was born in earth where you are together to the goodness of the Lord there is no goodness like the goodness of the Lord the goodness of the Lord can be penetrated through its greatest step and yet we do not hit the bottom of it the Lord those points we already been you being drawn by the farmers to Jesus Christ being effectually called and that's calling inside the spirit of God almighty love and rest that man thus the eternal counsel ran those things issued forth from the goodness of

[37:53] God and we describe the goodness of God the love of God not just thought about but the love of God felt in the soul the love of God which is dissolved into tears the love of God which has known you to walk around his commandments the love of God has made you willing to talk at all and far ahead the love of God has made you willing also to look at those important furs that we have in the epistle to the Romans so instructive and so important to us we then as a strong Lord to bear the infirmities of the weak and not to please ourselves let every one of us please his labor for his good to to any temptation for even Christ please not himself and you have realized that Christ please not himself then it will be the goodness of

[38:59] God if God places us in our right place a little while ago I read an interesting little story about a mother who was dying and she said to her young son she said I want you to be known as James the third and this became a bit strange to many people as he insisted on being called James the third so upon questioning the boy explained what his mother had said now James he said you must be God first your neighbor said and James the third now a simple story but if we're to know something about the goodness of the Lord in its fullness that's the order that we must know when we know it we always want to be

[40:01] James I'm sure you wish out but you will need much grace even so we shall be more willing more capable and more ready to speak together of the goodness of the Lord some of you say well I don't find much of this shall flow together to the goodness of the Lord well is it because is it because the goodness of the Lord doesn't exist is it because the goodness of the Lord has no longer a place in our lives is it because there are so few people know anything about the goodness of the Lord that they should not be flowing together and we put it in this life we can only know the goodness of the

[41:04] Lord and we put God first our neighbor second and ourselves last if you can't say much about the goodness of the Lord you know you've got things in the wrong order you know you've got things that aren't perspective they shall come and sing in the heights of Zion and shall play together to the goodness of the Lord now first of all putting God first get a sight of Jesus Christ in the person of Jesus Christ you have the embodiment of the goodness of the Lord the embodiment can you look at Jesus Christ and not see the goodness of the Lord can you look into the scriptures and consider the life of Jesus Christ and not see the goodness of the Lord but you will say well it's a very interesting story he's a very wonderful man

[42:12] I don't know if I can really see the goodness of the Lord it is because you are not the right view of things did find a grace of God you were able to look into the scriptures reading Matthew Mark Luke and John and they have seen that there is one your example of indeed God one who is your surety one who is living and life to give to you you see it is not good enough for us to say oh that I failed if you fail then you'll perish in your sin you're going to have a sure anything if you failed unless you find someone that is not failed who will take your grace and that is

[43:21] Jesus Christ the goodness of the Lord do you think that this is solemnly remarkably and wonderfully clear that when looking through the Lord Jesus Christ going without doing good that he's doing his enjoyment from your son oh goodness of the Lord that he should come down from earth from heaven to earth but no other purpose than what shall I say God only these two purposes first of all to fulfill the Lord for you so that he can give it to you and so that you can her saying here is the clean chief here is the clean chief and then the second purpose of his gun is that he might wash away your sins in his own blood now is that true and you honestly say he's washed away by his sins do not take it to grant it they asked the

[44:35] Lord for his receipt to show the same goods delivered from the mercy seat and slink him with his love but the goodness of the Lord that he should lay aside his glory as it were that he should come there and be a man and dust and the second chapter in the Philippians and not feel but here we have the most glorious news of the goodness of the Lord listen to one to the apostle who surely shall be full source of these look not every man on his own things but every man also on the things of others that this mind being you which was also in Christ Jesus so being in the fall of God but he not worried even with God made himself of no reputation and took upon him the fall of a servant that was made in the night of death being found in passion of a man he humbled himself and became obedient unto death even the death of the cross now can you guide across those lines the goodness of the

[45:50] Lord now the saints of the most high when they begin to sing in the eyes of silence of the goodness of the Lord because here is one willing to come down from head to night to be humiliated to be spit upon to be cast to one side to be scorned to be ignited to be set at all all for your sight oh it will touch your heart surely touch your heart and you will sing sing and sing in the heart of life because you'll be gathered together in the holy and heavenly places where the people are gathered in Christ to worship God in the beauty of holiness and shall flow together what blessing it is then we can feel the flowing together the flowing together that is heart flowing together when there is a unity of the spirit in the ponder feats but they can never be if we are on our own you know if our hearts flow together to the goodness of the

[47:10] God it will be because Christ is in us is in us the hope of Lord there can be no flowing together with a carnal life for we have the instructed intellect we may know the doctrines of grace we may know the experience of people thought about if we are clever enough we might be able to speak very freely on boat but we are still behind the standing line there's a location of finishing line if Christ is not in us Christ in you the hope of glory and that is the sacred of people of souls flowing together we will be careful what we say here that sometimes you may meet with people they may speak your heart and yet there's no going together you may wonder why it is

[48:30] I have some song thought sometimes is it really true being able to speak so well about scriptures being able to speak so wonderfully about Christian experiences that they say they have been true and yet I hear nothing is it very literal that all these things understand and yet Christ not be in them well it's possible in the thirteenth chapter first epistles of the Corinthians you know it goes into great depths as to how it go and not as much and if Christ is in our hearts then love is in our hearts first of all love to God and secondly love to the people of God and therefore there will be and we might almost say a rare experience there will be flowing together to the goodness of the

[49:40] Lord such that our blessed of God will often feel to be nothing but Christ will be very important if you are amongst those that long for Christ in all and in all do remember friends he could never be all in all unless you're nothing and it's not sure something then you're either hypocritical or you're asking for the impossible if we have the enjoyment of Christ in all and in all we have to be out of the picture ourselves blessed be God that the saints of the most high do sometimes think that Christ is all they don't want to see anybody else Paul held fullness of this he wrote to the church of God and the out of it he said he was so full whether there is a body or out it the body

[50:45] I cannot tell God know it I was caught up into the third heaven saw things that it was not awful for me to speak about then the glory of that heck of the church hence he says unless I should be exalted above measure by the abundance of the revelation that was given unto me a glory in the flesh lest I should be exalted above measure perhaps on a few notice that this verse in the Bible begins with the same sentence and ends with rest as you can exalted above measure can we speak about both sides as our hearts grow together to the goodness of the Lord can we speak of revelations of the blitzing us and we find it so difficult even to mention the time I have to describe them at the same time as we had to be leveled out and our foreign and precious had to forgive us so that we are not insulted above men but men

[51:54] I would not discourage you by speaking of these things because there are others perhaps amongst us that would have to say of wondrous times and solemn depths I cannot dare not speak but hope I have a place among the humble and the timid and the weak God does not cast out the timid and he does not cast out the weak and may be that some of you that are in this very place are ever to be among the company of the people of God to hear those for whom your heart is warm as they speak forth those blessings that God has bestowed upon them and exult the most high in their conversation and in their war therefore they shall come and sing in the height of time and shall flow together to the goodness of the

[52:54] Lord for wheat for wine for oil for the blood and the earth and their soul shall be as a water garden and they shall not sorrow anymore at all we shall not be able to deal with these points and rest time to protect all full of pregnancy and blessedness especially may be the portion of Aristotle their soul shall be as a water garden and they shall not sorrow anymore at all so We will conclude as after then service by singing the Thore of the King.

[54:14] Jesus, who bright His glory shines in all His works of life, on earth His kind and wise desires, His church and people love.

[54:27] Jesus, who bright His glory shines in all His glory. Jesus, who bright His glory shines in all His glory.

[54:42] Jesus, who bright His glory shines in all His glory. Jesus, who bright His glory shines in all His glory.

[55:02] Jesus, who bright His glory shines in all His glory. Jesus, who bright His glory shines in all His glory.

[55:18] Jesus, who bright His glory shines in all His glory. Jesus, who bright His glory shines in all His glory.

[55:38] Jesus, who bright His glory shines in all His glory. Jesus, who bright His glory shines in all His glory.

[55:58] Jesus, who bright His glory. Jesus, who bright His glory shines in all His glory.

[56:18] THE END The End The End

[57:48] The End The End The End

[59:18] The End The End The End

[60:48] The End