[0:00] Certainly, I would like to give our best regards to your society here, and of course we certainly covet the prayers from you as well upon our work there in the United States.
[0:20] The work in the United States over the last few years has progressed remarkably, and yet we feel we've only touched the fringe.
[0:36] But nevertheless, I would like, with the Lord's help, to direct your attention to some thoughts found in Psalm 119 and verse 130.
[0:50] Psalm 119 and the 130th verse. The entrance of thy words giveth light.
[1:02] It giveth understanding unto the simple. The entrance of thy words giveth light. It giveth understanding unto the simple.
[1:15] Psalm 119 and verse 130. I believe we can all say that we can certainly see that the psalmist here had a great love for the word of God.
[1:35] And I believe the question in one respect is easy to answer. The word of God, as we all well know, is the divine inspiration of God the Holy Spirit.
[1:50] And certainly we know that down through the ages, in the writing of our precious Bible, we can well imagine as the different ones took up their pen, such as David in the Psalms, as the prophet Isaiah, or in the Gospels, or even the apostles in writing the epistles.
[2:16] As they took up their pen, without a doubt did they ever realize that what they were going to write would be for the benefit and the edification of the Church from the verity time they wrote up until this present day.
[2:34] And we can truthfully say, until time be no more. Now the great question is, why did the psalmist have such a desire for the word of God?
[2:51] Why did he find it to be his delight? The answer to one respect, friends, is very simple. Why did he find it to be his delight?
[3:29] Why did he find it to be his delight? When the Lord began that first work of God in your own heart, what did you seek after? You began to turn to the word of God.
[3:46] And if I will read a little illustration into my own life, certainly I was brought up in a godly home, very godly home. The reading of the Bible, of course, was our practice continually.
[4:03] Very early in my life, one evening I went out, I believe with some friends. Nothing particular wrong. But as I returned home and into my own bedroom, at that particular time I was quite taken up with a little workshop in my basement and liked to work a little with wood.
[4:25] And I did subscribe to a magazine. And I sat in that bedroom. And I looked upon that magazine and I looked upon the Bible.
[4:39] And my inclination was first to go to that little magazine. And I looked upon the word of God. And I looked upon it and it just seemed in my own imagination there was like a band around about it.
[4:57] And I began to realize it was a sealed book to me. And I remember taking it in my hand and asking the Lord, Is there anything at all here in this work for me?
[5:14] And I began to thumb through the word of God. And I'm just going to tell you how it came to me. Certainly, we may well reprove ourselves after years.
[5:26] And you would certainly want to reprove my comments. But I thought, Genesis, no, that's history. Psalms, that's the exercise of God's people.
[5:41] And then I turned to the epistles and I thought, well, no. That belongs to the Church of God. And I kept coming through my Bible and I found there was nothing for me as I thought.
[5:57] Finally, I turned to the Gospel according to John and the third chapter. Porting out my heart and soul before the Lord in the attitude of prayer.
[6:08] And I began to read. And I thought, certainly, this is a good word, as it were, for the unconverted, as I felt so in my own soul. However, I realized now the Lord was working in my heart.
[6:26] And as I began to read, I've come to these verses in the third chapter of John, verses 20. I broke down and I prayed, O God, I have come to thy light.
[7:02] I felt I could, as it were, lay my heart and soul before the Lord and pray that he would reprove me and prove if there is anything at all in me.
[7:15] In fact, I found that verse, the last verse that I read, a word of encouragement to my soul. Coming back to my former thoughts, in other words, because the psalmist was wrought upon by God, the Holy Spirit.
[7:35] That same Holy Spirit, which wrote to the portions of scriptures of which he had at that time, is the same Holy Spirit that began to work within his own heart.
[7:47] And he was drawn to the Word of God. Not only drawn to the Word of God as a word in the reading of it, but also looking to the Lord that it might be his guide, his support, and also, as it were to be, the proof and the evidences of all that the Lord had ever brought within his own heart.
[8:09] In other words, friends, there is one very, very important thought in this text which I have announced. In fact, you'll find it, as it were, repeated again and again in one respect throughout this little section between verses 129 through 136.
[8:31] And that is that expression where the psalmist says in the words of our text, Thy Word. Later, he refers to it as Thy commandments, Thy precepts, Thy statutes, Thy law.
[8:56] In other words, he was brought to realize this is God's Word. And friends, what a mercy that even this day and age we still have this faithful translation of our Bible before us.
[9:13] And we must ever keep this in mind. It is Thy Word. That is the Word of God. By divine inspiration.
[9:25] I realize I could say many things of which you're possibly all well acquainted with as well as I am. But friends, there's no book like our book that lays before us.
[9:38] When we look upon to the marvelous preservation of the down through all these years, many books have come and gone. Many of the things have changed.
[9:50] But here we find an unchanging truth, an unchanging God, because it is written by an unchanging God to the Holy Spirit.
[10:03] And many a times, without a doubt, at least I have, sometimes when I've called upon in my meditation or feeling the Lord's direction to some particular text.
[10:16] And in my mind, I thought, how many thousands of sermons have been preached upon this very text? And if I understand the truth, the truth had remained unchanged.
[10:33] And I wondered how many God's people down through the years have found this very text to be a great blessing to their own soul. Oh, friends, there's nothing like our Bible.
[10:48] And in our respect, as we look upon to this precious book which lays before us, there's no book so hated and yet no book so loved.
[11:01] I don't believe you can find it in any piece of literature upon the face of this earth that it can be said a book so hated and yet a book so loved.
[11:14] The hatred in one respect is almost to the same level as it is to those who know what it is to love their Bible. It comes to my particular mind in a story wherever you've heard before.
[11:33] But the story, as I've been told, and I'm telling it to the best what I know of it now at the present, there was a young little girl who knew what it was to come into a saving knowledge of the Lord Jesus.
[11:46] And of course, that inclination or that saving knowledge of which, of course, broadened her heart. She knew what it was to love her Bible. The day came when her eyesight failed.
[12:02] As in, she wasn't able to read her Bible like in the time past. And she was grieved. Oh, friend, I say this honestly.
[12:15] Would you be sorely grieved if you were not able to read your Bible or have one in your possession? But anyways, through the providence and the love of people, they provided her a Bible with prayer and how she loved to read her Bible with her fingers.
[12:38] The day came when her fingers became very calloused and she wasn't able to read it as like she did in times past. But she loved her Bible and she was sorely grieved that she wasn't able to read it like she did in times past.
[13:00] And then on one occasion there she opened her Bible. And she went down to kiss it. And the kisses or the lips there began to notice something of the braille.
[13:13] And she knew what it was again to read her Bible by the feeling of her lips upon God's Word. Oh, what a mercy, friend, if we have that Spirit within us.
[13:27] I love my Bible because it tells me of the things I love. I love my Bible because it tells me of a precious Jesus.
[13:40] I love my Bible because it tells me exactly what I am. And I love my Bible because it declares the counsels of God. And I love my Bible because there is nothing more that I need to know than what is in my Bible.
[13:57] Oh, what a mercy when the Lord gives us the love to God's Word. And that love to God's Word is brought about by the Holy Spirit making some sweet applications here and there to the soul.
[14:15] at that particular time I believe in my experience I begin to realize to read my Bible in a different way and to realize I needed light, wisdom, and understanding to understand the truth of it.
[14:32] And more and more I knew what it was to feel something of its power, its application. and by the knowing of its power and its application I knew more and more what it was to depart from the ways of death and to realize how ignorant I am and how glorious God is and to know what it is to want to serve Him and to know Him.
[15:00] Then at times when I found my Bible not to the fault of the Word of God and I never really liked that expression when we say we pick up our Bible and our Bible seems to be a dry book.
[15:17] The dryness of course is in our self. I understand the expression and there have been some good men used it but I would prefer not to. What a mercy to be able to come to this place the fault lies at my own door and then to know what it is to bow your head in prayer and confession of your sins and seeking that to the Lord might make the Word of His God life and power to your own heart and to our own soul.
[15:51] Now looking upon to the words of my text the entrance of thy words. Friends, by nature we have a hard heart and there is nothing that can break that heart but God to the Holy Spirit and this is the wonder of that Holy Spirit which again is the author of scriptures.
[16:21] In other words it is that plain blessed spirit which will know what it is to break the heart. so therefore in the entrance of that word which comes into the soul and brought to those who are the believers in Jesus there is two ways in which he makes that entrance and it is first by the law and then by the gospel.
[16:50] Paul thought he had all the knowledge of the Holy Scriptures that he ever had to know. he without a doubt was able to quote many of the Psalms and many of his portions and all again we have to say he made many wrong applications of them and when they spoke about the sinners I suppose he looked yes those are the Gentiles oh not us and certainly not him but you know there is a time in Paul's experience when I know he could write as were to the church at Rome but he wrote out of his soul's experience and not out of a mere institutional college of anything of that nature but he said when the law entered oh that is true that is when the law entered of course when the law came he says I died but what I'm trying to think of of course is that portion of which is found in the fifth chapter of Romans moreover the law entered that the offense might abound in other words that law which he thought he had fulfilled and by it had satisfied the justice of God now became a reality to his soul the law which he once thought to be unto life he now found unto death instead of the law being his comfort and his consolation it slew him it cut him off it brought him as a guilty sinner in the sight of God and he had no hope within himself instead of the law as it were to be unto life he found it to be unto death in other words the entrance of that law and by applying the
[18:51] Holy Spirit of course with the Holy Spirit applying it brought him it slew him it made known unto him his sins and his iniquity and he knew what it was now to be a sinner in the sight of God I want to tell you another story probably know it as well as I do I'm getting out of the book and if I have some faults in the story please bear with me the general thought I think is there a very good man highly respected faithfully attending the church of England on one occasion he came a little bit earlier than usual and he sat in his pew and as I understand on the church of England many of course on one side they have the commandments and on the other side something of the creed or the Lord's prayer but that's beside the point and he thought I'll just look upon that law and he began to read and as he began to read he was convicted of himself as a sinner the entrance of God's word entered into the man's soul and like we read of course there in the book of Hebrews he found that that word which he thought as a word to be good for life to him he found it to be death for the word of
[20:28] God is quick and powerful sharper than any two edged sword piercing even to the dividing asunder of the soul and spirit and of the joints and the marrow and is a discerner of the thoughts and the intents of the heart friend what a reality there is in that particular text into the soul into the intents of the heart in other words that law began to search him and he began to find that he was a sinner in the sight of God oh does it not then bring us to that blessed thought about the sword as well we have the four hearers I don't know how many hearers we have here this evening do we have four hearers three hearers two hearers I would wish we had one hearer but that I gotta leave but there is then again the word of
[21:36] God certainly it laid upon the wayside and upon the thorns and upon the stony ground but none of them brought forth fruit there was no true entrance into that word of God into their soul but that upon the fourth ground which the plowman had plowed and opened up its barrels and the seed was planted in and there went into the ground and there brought forth fruit now what is this fruit of which is brought forth by the entrance of God's word into the soul again I want to emphasize it enters into the soul it brings forth fruit the first fruit of course is godly fear and you know what godly fear is by the fear of God they turn from iniquity the fear of
[22:40] God gives us a trite knowledge of God and his justice his holiness we begin to realize the true nature of God like we never did before oh there's many who can see a God in the general mercies and praise him as it were for the temporal things of life and rightly so but when the Lord enters into that word into the soul you begin to see his justice his holiness and you begin to see your unholiness and your own wretchedness so the word of God is this it brings fruit the godly fear now I realize when I said to these five thoughts that I intend to say here I believe they are so closely knitted together they could easily represent as it were the rainbow in the sky I can't tell the time look in the rainbow oh there's the end of the blue oh there's the end of the red it blends as it were together but where there is a fear of
[23:46] God in the soul then there is a bringing forth of repentance before God and I always like to use a good illustration of repentance it is taking favor as taking sides with God against oneself I believe we all know what it is to take sides when there's a quarrel but to find that God has a quarrel against us and our mouth is shut against any quarreling with him and we all know what it is to take sides with God against oneself and to acknowledge that we are a sinner and it will bring forth true godly repentance not that repentance is that of which only begins in the early work of grace repentance is something if it's a lifelong experience and then as there is repentance also there is a looking up and there is also the nature of living faith again I cannot say what comes first in the soul's experience faith or repentance without the faith I can't repent and certainly where there is repentance there is faith but it's not faith necessarily in its embracing but it is that faith which takes knowledge of
[25:12] God and like we read there in this 11th chapter of Hebrews by faith we know God is and that he is the rewarder of them that diligently seek him so then there is that fruit of godly fear there is the fruit of a true godly repentance repentance and then there is a fruit of the lifting up of the heart and the souls in prayer before God and the nature of that living faith which God puts in the soul that faith in one respect is never fully satisfied it desires more and it has a little entrance of God's word into the soul it desires that the Lord might speak again this is why David with all of his grace with all the favors that he had he could say Lord speak again I don't like to be unto like those that go down into the pit in other words the very nature of life and the soul of that faith is longing that the
[26:19] Lord might speak again and again to the soul then let us go a little further what about to the great apostle of Paul oh friends could we ever stand up against his knowledge could we ever understand withstand his grace and all the rest sweet revelations that God ever gave to his soul in spite of all that he had what was his faith oh that I might know him in other words his desire was he could know him more this is why I said that living faith which God implants into the soul at regeneration there is that of which is never completely we will say satisfied here upon the face of the earth until we may be to come in his own likeness so this faith and then if I could add another one it's the trial of faith what a mercy here friends this evening you can look back into your soul's experience into the trials temptations troubles whatever came into your pathway and you can turn to the
[27:44] Lord of God and find that word of God to be so true as you turn to Peter do you find it this way the trial of your faith being much more precious than gold that perish oh we can well imagine some of the trials which are found in the people of God in the word of God like Hezekiah oh I would believe after he was healed and all came back he could have kissed the wall that he looked at he could have kissed the pillar that he wept upon because knowing what it was the trial of his faith proved to be far more precious than all that gold which will soon perish and is it not the trial of faith that brings out the reality of God's word the reality of the promises the reality of his truths does it not bring us to this take case where we used to sing when we were children take the world but give me
[28:52] Jesus all its joys are but a name in other words to find that word of God that word which entered into your soul with might and power proved to be far more precious than anything upon the face of the earth because the word brought in there in the revelation of Christ therefore friends let us ever keep this in mind we can never separate the incarnate word from the written word it's one so when the Lord comes and applies some truths to your own soul oh remember every portion and every part of the word of God sets forth something of the glories of Christ so we cannot separate it and what a mercy then we can see the entrance of thy word giveth light it gives light upon our soul it gives light upon our sins but what a mercy it gives light upon the precious promises
[30:12] Jesus and it brings us to that place more and more to desire him and to know him and to embrace him in other words the substance of all of our scriptures is that of which points us to the precious Lord Jesus isn't it a mercy to trace out the experience of those godly people down through the years I have taken out to the word of God oh the promise which was given unto Abraham Sarah thy wife shall bear a son here is a great mercy Abraham we see staggered not through unbelief but he believed what God had said in other words he knew this he could not separate that promise from the promiser in other words not only the promise but him who said it this is why friends
[31:26] God's people and this makes the difference between a child of God and a mere professor of religion this is why God's people dare not as it were naturally to presume upon God's promises and claim them for their own they want the Lord to speak them with might and power now I want to be careful there truly we can often look upon many of the promises of God's word and we can well know what it is at times to have a holy jealousy that they might be applied and there's times I may believe we can say if we know something of that grace the promises in one respect are for the people of God and we can say Lord thou hast promised that thou wilt never forsake nor leave thy people unto thyself and then sometimes that comfortable nature of faith
[32:30] Lord I believe I am one of thine and therefore thou hast promised I will never leave thee nor forsake thee but coming back to Abraham the Lord gave the promise and he held to that promise that is Abraham dead because he knew who had spoken it the promise entered into his soul as well as the one who had given the promise the promise was tried but all the time I believe he began to see that everything now has to be fading away and it has to be Jesus only oh what a mercy when we come to the end of all self and to know what it is to cast ourselves upon the mercies of God but there is something else of which of course in the words of my text
[33:34] I believe is very special most comforting to any seeking soul or I will say to any truth who know something of grace for we read in the words of our text the entrance of thy word giveth light it giveth understanding that is the entrance of it and on to the simple I realize sometimes when we look into the book of Proverbs the simple is often regarded to those who are careless about their soul and eternity but certainly friends we know that this is not necessary it is not the case of course in the words of our text without a doubt it proved to be a great comfort to the psalmist when he wrote it because there is one thing for sure when God works in the heart of his people he brings them to see what ignorant things they are maybe I could give a few illustrations of those in the word of
[34:45] God who are amongst that simple lot oh you remember when David received the promise of the Lord how he went up and he sat before the Lord and he says Lord who am I and what is my father's house that thou should have taken regard of me in other words there is nothing so that brings a soul to be so simple as grace itself but then I may believe we look upon to the disciples who they were simple fishermen but they were drawn to the word of God or to the teachings of Christ and yet friends they had much to be taught they still did not recognize Jesus as and note they was drawn by that text behold the Lamb of God but yet they did not yet realize that he had to be slain and to be he had to be crucified to die and to rise again and ascend into glory yet friends we find they were drawn by the word of God by the teachings of the
[36:04] Christ and to give you a true example of one of these simple ones read the sixth chapter of John what a departing you have to realize friends five thousand friends fed to them with the food naturally from the Savior's hand natural food they set forth to make him king and then they followed him as there were great multitudes there and then he began to teach those discriminating doctrines of grace in other words you must know what it is to eat his flesh and drink his blood also the spirit profiteth the flesh profiteth nothing it is the spirit and he cut across all the fleshly religion and all their intentions and one by one I don't know how many thousands there were then one by one they begin to depart and after that discriminating gospel or discriminating teaching most searching there were but twelve
[37:17] I know the one wasn't right but then the Lord turned to them and says will you also go away what was the answer of a simple one Lord to whom else can I go I can ask the question how many simple folks have we here this evening who know what it is in their experience to say Lord to whom else can I go thou alone has the words of eternal life I've already quoted this experience of David he was one of those simple ones with all the sweet revelations he had and the much fellowship he had with God yet how again and again he had to say to the Lord speak again say unto my soul I am thy salvation not that he didn't feel that salvation but he wanted the renewing of it he didn't want to lose that sweet fellowship so one of these simple souls is this
[38:28] I do not want to lose that fellowship and when I find that sweetness gone like I once experienced it brings me in prayer before God that he might renew unto me the joys of salvation simple folk I'll tell you another one there was Mary she was one of these simple ones she was Christ was invited to the home of Martha and Mary there for a good supper and you know the story Mary was one of these simple ones and my own estimation imagination is this when Jesus came into that home Mary immediately went and sat at her feet to hear the words of Jesus she was glued to those words she wanted to hear what Christ had to say and though there were times we may believe Christ cut across as it were all their profession and all their worldly cares yet friends we may believe she knew what it was to hear and to teach and to take reproof so a simple folks is one of those who know what it is to take a reproof admonishment from
[39:45] God's word oh one of those simple folks is this when we become worldly and carnal and then the Lord comes to the soul and says love not the world nor the things of this world the simple one is those who feel the entrance of that admonishment that teaching come writing into their soul and I knew on one occasion right shortly after I was brought into that sweet liberty of the gospel I walked into the joy of it for about a month something happened in the employment and I was given to some of the folly and foolishness I was ashamed to tell you the story and immediately afterwards I remember going back myself all alone and pouring my heart before my soul before God in humble confession oh how I felt my sins and my folly you know what came to me the sweetness of repentance
[40:52] I need realize repentance in one place can be bitter but yet in its final end it's sweet especially if you know something of the fear of God in your soul and you know something of a sure and certain hope for eternity and the Lord brings you back in the way of reproof and gives you repentance you find it is a gift of God because we will never be restored back into that fellowship unless there be that confession of our sin a simple folk and I already referred to another simple folk and that's the great apostle of Paul I've already quoted him but did Paul say in the heights of his soul's experience oh that I might know him oh friends simple folks are those who are ready to hear ready to receive they know what it is by faith wanting to receive the word of
[41:55] God with might and power the simple folk want to know what it is again and again to feel the pardon and the forgiveness of their sin simple folks are those who want to know more and more what it is to be clothed with the glorious righteousness of Christ oh those are simple folks in other words where grace comes friends it brings a soul Lord and if you know something of grace and I may believe speaking out of soul's experience I never was brought so low as when the Lord made himself precious to the heart or when he comes with his renewings and restores unto us the joys of salvation ah a simple folks is one Lord I acknowledge my ignorance I realize I must have teaching from above and I wanted the Lord to apply these precious truths to my own heart and to my own soul oh now can you understand in a measure what I tried to begin at our beginning friend we have the breathings of
[43:07] God the Holy Spirit before us and then are we referred to it as our King James of course in our nation you all as the authorized version and what a mercy we have what we have today for these many years of those translators who have given us this marvelous translation which we say without any hesitation still is a most faithful and reliable translation we got in our English language we might thank God for this book we can thank God for the God of the book we can thank God for the Savior of the book we can thank God for the Holy Spirit of the book and this is why with a mercy we can say I love thy Bible and I believe if you turn to Psalm 119 you find again and again that the word of God to the psalmist was his guide it was his renewing he thought upon it in that past promises and sweetness that the
[44:20] Lord had given he wanted these things to renew he rejoiced in it he referred to it as sweeter than honeycomb he referred to it as his all in all because friend Christ was in it so this Bible is that that book which we need to stand in need of to have its application the entrance in that made all the difference referring once again to the apostle Paul as I did touch upon it already when the word of the Lord entered in friends it made him a new creature didn't it it made him a different man he lost all that he had he could cast aside his circumcision of the tribe of of Benjamin of the Hebrew of the Hebrews he found that all as of what he had gained originally now he began to see in loss in order that he might gain something so we find in the entrance of God's word makes room for the word of
[45:36] God the law makes room for the gospel the sense of ourself as a sinner makes room for the Savior all upon the ground of God's word and therefore friends we ought to put our Bible above every other book it should be our constant companion beginning from morning to night to be our guide and I believe those of you who know something of that fear of God in your soul when it comes even to the material things of life I do not know what to use whether it's purchasing a home making fellowship with one or another where you might know what it is to attend the very nature of the life and the soul will bring you to the attitude of prayer and I've often told to the young people in our church do you want to know what school to go to what college to go to you ask the
[46:41] Lord and he'll show you somehow through his word if you know something of faith it's amazing that book which will tell you oh maybe sometimes we can be out of our way and in the book will come a message which for and the word will come to us what do is I'll hear Elijah and you begin to say yes what do I hear this is not my fellowship this is not where I belong what I'm getting at is this the word of God will be our guide our stay our provider in every part of life you can find your answers to every problem every circumstances will be revealed in God's word and what a mercy friends if we got that blessed spirit and to know what it is to feel that it joins to the word of
[47:46] God and at times when we depart and become careless sometimes in our own experiences we begin to realize but I haven't laid this before the Lord I sought to walk into my own pathway my own pilgrimage and what a mercy the Lord of God brings us back oh read Psalm of David in his confession of his sin oh he wanted the Lord to restore unto him the joy of salvation he wanted that spirit to come among them and teach him now I believe I can't say for sure but I believe all of us generally realize that most Bible scholars feel that Psalm 119 was written by David and I believe it was written in the latter part of his life if I have any thought here and
[48:46] David speaks of the friend he found everything that he stood in need of and recently when trying to speak from the early chapters of Genesis about the fall of man and to the voice of Christ there in the garden calling his wayward sheep that's what it is a second person of Godhead where art thou a shepherd calling his wayward sheep and then we read in the word of God about the slaying of the animals and the covenant of Adam and Eve we see the sword of justice we see the promise of the seed of the woman friend if we had no more than the early chapters of Genesis we would have everything a soul stood in needed for time and for eternity but it is a mercy that the Lord has given us many more portions hasn't he but what a mercy when that word speaking about in the early chapters of
[49:52] Genesis enters into our souls with might and power and we see the fullness of the gospel we see the wonders of God's grace we see the wonders of the person of the Lord Jesus Christ they're displayed there in the early chapters of Genesis as well almost as any other portion in God's word this is because we need the spirit to enlighten us to guide us to show us the word and the word will bring us to Jesus us the Lord Jesus will bring us to God and certainly we will know what it is to find him in eternal glory to praise the glorious three in one persons the entrance I wish I could leave that with you think of it the entrance only
[50:54] God can do it the entrance of thy word giveth light it giveth understanding unto the simple and what a mercy when God makes with one of those little children on that one occasion when he said to his disciples who's the greatest in the kingdom of heaven and he called the little child and put him in the midst and he cut across all their pride and says unless you become as a little child you shall in no wise enter into the kingdom of heaven they had to become as simple believers and by their simplicity the outspouring of the Holy Spirit of the day of Pentecost taught them more of the person of Christ than they ever did while Christ was upon the face of this earth this is why the
[51:55] Lord says the Spirit is not going to speak of itself but of me and therefore the time came when the Holy Spirit did descend upon the disciples and it did teach them and I've often said they knew more of Jesus under the influence and the teaching of God the Holy Spirit than they actually did under the teachings of Christ himself now the great question is do I know the Spirit's work well one will say but I don't know if the Spirit's working within me I can give you the answer very quickly and easy the Spirit does not speak of itself but it speaks of Christ is there some way that Christ has made precious is he in some way decidable to the soul is it him whom you want is it he who you have embraced is it he who you have believed in that's the work of
[53:03] God the Holy Spirit the entrance of thy word giveth light it giveth understanding unto the simple what a mercy we can say blessed be God for our Bible Amen