[0:00] May the Lord help us to commence this morning's service by singing hymn 519, tune 840.
[0:11] When Ruth the gleaning went, Jehovah was her guide. To Boaz's field he led her straight, and she became his bride. Hymn 519, tune 840.
[0:37] In the name of the name of the Lord, Jehovah was her guide.
[0:54] To Boaz's field he led her straight, and she became his bride.
[1:10] Jesus, my Boaz's field, my son and portion too.
[1:26] His bride of death, the precious field, where God the gleaning comes.
[1:44] A love song. The heavenly field What unmoset thought did What strength had come Those greener scales To rest of the land Their families Rejoice Ye alarming souls Ye broken hearts Ye soft The field is dry For harvest now
[2:48] And ye shall clean air from Ye cleaners But none or Let 예쁘 He is your strength and portion to him, and you to him may come.
[3:32] O blessings he contains, he cannot let you stop.
[3:49] Love thee, my seeker in the most field, that then shall hold that throne.
[4:07] Amen. To the saints which are at Ephesus, and to the faithful in Christ Jesus, grace be to you, and peace from God our Father, and from the Lord Jesus Christ.
[4:57] Amen. Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who hath blessed us with all spiritual blessings in heavenly places in Christ, according as he hath chosen us in him before the foundation of the world, that we should be holy, and without blame before him in love, having predestinated us unto the adoption of children by Jesus Christ to himself, according to the good pleasure of his will, to the praise of the glory of his grace, wherein he hath made us accepted in the beloved, in whom we have redemption through his blood, the forgiveness of sins according to the riches of his grace, wherein he hath abounded toward us in all wisdom and prudence, having made known unto us the mystery of his will, according to his good pleasure, which he hath purposed in himself, that in the dispensation of the fullness of times, he might gather together in one all things in Christ, both which are in heaven and which are on earth, even in him, in whom also we have obtained an inheritance, being predestinated according to the purpose of him who worketh all things after the counsel of his own will, that we should be to the praise of his glory, who first trusted in Christ, in whom ye also trusted. After that ye heard the word of truth, the gospel of your salvation, in whom also after that ye believed, he was sealed with that Holy Spirit of promise, which is the earnest of our inheritance, in whom also the redemption of the purchased possession, unto the praise of his glory.
[7:52] Therefore I also, after I heard of your faith in the Lord Jesus, and love unto all the saints, that the Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of glory, may give unto you the spirit of wisdom and revelation in the knowledge of him.
[8:24] Lord Jesus Christ, the eyes of his glory, may give unto you the glory of his glory of his glory of his inheritance in the saints, and what is the exceeding greatness of his power to us, Lord, who believe, according to the working of his mighty power, which he wrought in Christ, when he raised him from the dead, and set him at his own right hand in the heavenly places, far above all principality and power, and might and dominion, and every name that is named, not only in this world, but also in that which is to come, and hath put all things under his feet, and gave him to be the head over all things to the church, which is his body, the fullness of him that filleth all in all.
[9:39] And you hath he quickened, who were dead in trespasses and sin, wherein, in time past, ye walked, according to the course of this world, according to the prince of the power of the air, the spirit that now worketh in the children of disobedience, among whom also we all had our conversation in times past, in the lusts of our flesh, fulfilling the desires of the flesh and of the mind, and were by nature the children of wrath, even as others.
[10:23] But God, who is rich in mercy, for his great love wherewith he loved us, even when we were dead in sin, hath quickened us together with Christ, by grace he is saved, and hath raised us up together, and made us sit together in heavenly places in Christ Jesus, that in the ages to come he might show the exceeding riches of his grace in his kindness toward us through Christ Jesus.
[11:12] For by grace are ye saved through faith, and that not of yourselves, it is the gift of God, not of works, lest any man should boast.
[11:26] For we are his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus, under good works, which God hath before ordained, that we should walk in them.
[11:44] Therefore remember, that ye being in time past, Gentiles in the flesh, who are called uncircumcision, by that which is called the circumcision in the flesh made by hands.
[12:04] That at that time, ye were without Christ, being aliens from the commonwealth of Israel, and strangers from the covenants of promise, having no hope, and without God in the world.
[12:22] But now in Christ Jesus, ye who sometimes were far off, are made nigh by the blood of Christ.
[12:37] For he is our peace, who hath made both one, and hath broken down the middle wall of petition between us.
[12:52] Having abolished in his flesh the enmity, even the law of commandments contained in ordinances, or to make in himself of twain one new man, so making peace, and that he might reconcile both unto God in one body by the cross, having slain the enmity thereby, and came, and preached peace to you which were afar off, and to them that were nigh.
[13:30] For through him, we both have access by one Spirit, unto the Father. Now therefore, ye are no more strangers and foreigners, but fellow citizens with the saints, and of the household of God, and are built upon the foundation of the apostles and prophets, Jesus Christ himself being the chief cornerstone, in whom all the building, fitly framed together, who groweth unto an holy temple in the Lord, in whom ye also are building together for an habitation of God through the Spirit.
[14:28] Dear Lord, help us to come to thee.
[14:43] It is thy presence we desire this morning in thy house. Thine anointing in the preaching of thy holy word.
[14:58] the Spirit's application of the truth in the hearts of the hearers.
[15:11] The giving of a hearing ear. The giving of a heart to receive thy word in the love of it.
[15:25] A heart of flesh. instead of a heart of stone. The work of thy Spirit in the new birth.
[15:38] Life. Eternal life in the giving of it. That blessed work of the Spirit Spirit.
[15:49] In the new birth ye must be born again. The fruits of the Spirit of which we have read this day in thy holy word.
[16:08] Lord, ordain that we should walk in them. O come and work in the churches. Lord, we pray thee by thy Spirit and grant divine fruit attending the foolishness of preaching.
[16:31] Grant spiritual life that new creature in Christ Jesus. Grant, Lord, the obedience of faith.
[16:45] Thy divine gift in the sweet exercise of it to be brought to find our rest here below solely and alone in thyself, Lord Jesus Christ.
[17:01] to come in with thy dear servant in that precious word. He is our peace. And dear Lord Jesus, if thou art our peace now, thou wilt be our peace eternally.
[17:22] We shall be with thee forever and enter into that glorious peace peace, that heaven where there is eternal rest.
[17:39] Lord, look down upon thy own work here, thy workmanship. You've read in thy word here his workmanship.
[17:54] We pray, Lord, for that divine workmanship in the soul, the sovereignly it rests in thy own glory, in thy grace.
[18:09] It is the work of God according to his sovereign will. Whom the Lord loveth, says thy work. All come and work.
[18:22] The creature must bow at the throne of God as nothing, emptied and ruined. And come there to beg as the publican dean went up in the temple to pray, God, be merciful to me, a sinner.
[18:41] Lord, we pray that there may be given in the soul a knowledge of that mercy, extension of that scepter of mercy.
[18:57] In that same way that Queen Esther knew it, I'll go in under the king, she said, and if I perish, I perish. So must thy dear people come to thee, and there condemned under thy holy law, must be brought to beg for mercy, and to seek that blessed atonement, thy precious blood, that glorious reconciliation in Christ Jesus, in his finished work, in what he has done, and enter into the blessed fruit of it in their soul, in its application.
[19:51] Oh may that peace, that divine peace, that reconciliation be known this day in the soul.
[20:04] We read in thy holy word of the pen of thy dear servant apostle by whom we have now received the atonement.
[20:15] Lord, we see there may be given a gracious knowledge of what it is to receive the atonement in the heart and to walk in the sweetness of that truth unto you that fear my name shall the son of righteousness arise with healing in his wing.
[20:46] Lord, may it indeed be so. For these are the possessions which we must have given us by thee when time shall be no more and we are called to stand before the judgment bar of God.
[21:04] then we shall need that glorious righteousness that blessed atonement if we had to be made accepted in the beloved.
[21:25] Lord, how vital, how essential, how certain it we shall not be received with anxiety. Lord, look down by thy spirit and come and reveal that blessed truth in the soul and grant that exercise that concern of heart and soul be found right in the possession given by thee of that which thou wilt recognize which will stand in that great day.
[22:14] For the wise and the foolish virgins were separated by that oil. One knew the sacred oil of the gospel, the other possessed an empty vessel.
[22:34] Both had the same hope and were found at that hour one to possess and the other to possess nothing.
[22:53] Lord look down and teach this vital need in the heart. Ye must be born again.
[23:06] Lord, my dear servant Nicodemus said, how can these things be? There may be many a heart which says that.
[23:17] they say to him, art thou master of Israel and knowest not these things except a man be born of water and of the spirit.
[23:32] He cannot enter into the kingdom of God. Lord, we seek that divine work. We pray for it here amongst young and old that there would work in the midst and grant gracious God grace may be given to remember their creator in the days of their youth while the evil days come not.
[24:03] Dear Lord, look upon this candlestick of truth which thou hast long maintained and blessed here the place where thine honour dwelleth.
[24:15] We know Lord it will be said in that day that this and that one was born here. May for our dear brother at the desk that thou would support and sustain him in his office in the church and that thou hast looked down here Lord and bless the labours of thy servants Paul may sow and Apollos may water God give it the inquiry Lord we pray for thy blessing to rest on the sowing we pray for thy blessing to rest on the watering and we pray Lord for that divine increase that there may be a following generation raised up taught by thy spirit led into a saving knowledge of the truth as the truth says thy word is in
[25:19] Jesus only one truth one Lord one faith one baptism one God and Father of all Lord we pray for the mighty work of the spirit to be manifested as we look on thy creation Lord we see its wonder a wonder working hand of God in every part of the lobby and yet says the dear hymn writer one strange work exceeds them all and Lord we pray for that glorious work in gathering of that rich harvest which thou didst die on Calvary's crop which thou didst say of those whom thou hast given me
[26:24] I've lost none Lord look down and move and work as we view the seed in the earth in all its silence yet there is life and in thy own movements in nature in the warmth in the watering the fertile soil there comes life we see it feels take on that green hue and all days manifest that life and we pray Lord in the churches in this solemn day of small thing may yet be that green hue manifestation of life first the blade and the ear and then the full call we ask for a divine work anoint thy servants as they stand up this day in thy holy name grant fruit to their labour
[27:53] Lord where that work is begun and is passing through the furnaces of trial and affliction and sorrow and suffering and tribulation bearing as we witnessed this morning the pruning the beating of the winds and the storms the separation Lord that solemn wood hay and stubble and the gold and the silver and the precious stone Lord we pray grace may be given to stand in those storms of time and those tempestuous storms of Satan temptation and be able to fight and to endure we wrestle not says thy dear servant against flesh and blood but against principalities and powers against spiritual wickedness in heavenly places thou have said wherefore take unto you the whole armour of
[29:10] God that ye may be enabled to stand in evil day and having done all to stand oh grant thy dear people grace to wrestle on toward heaven mid storm and wind and tide on those who mourn this day the loss of one taken to be with thee forever gone within the veil I has not seen nor heard what the Lord has prepared for them that love him sorrows and sufferings over now and order truly at rest with thee we pray for those who mourn dear widow and the family and Lord we pray that look down upon the church over the work of thy spirit to be manifested as the pillars are taken from
[30:17] Zion we would remember that the government is upon thy shoulder and Lord we pray that grant more grace to those that remain discernment grace understanding wisdom knowledge in the things of God that there may be raised up yet pillars Lord we watch in Zion and we see her low condition but Lord we pray that they would move and work and all thy dear people in sickness age infirmities we commend them to thee widowhood walking alone bereavement dear servant of Croydon we remember him this day and the loss of his loved one Lord sanctify the deep waters in which he now walked to the good of his church to his own soul prophet the
[31:31] Lord they know it is in the valley that we come the place where the psalmist came to do business with our God in deep water near the most precious places in life's journey dear Lord look down upon the nation in its vast evil and wickedness we cannot measure the solemn declension we would be mindful as it was pointed out to Elijah that there were those seven thousand that hadn't bagged the need of Baal and Lord it is our hope that there is a very small remnant left in this land of God fearing soul but Lord the land is godless secular pagan has turned from thy word abandoned thy holy law turned thy face upon the truth and the great tides of iniquity have swept over the land and thy judgments are upon it not least in the great withholding of thy spirit in the preaching of thy gospel the dear
[32:58] Lord we come to thee oh grant godly sorrow and repentance grant there may yet be a turning in this godless land what a mighty power will be needed Lord we pray for the might and power of thy spirit and a gracious awakening yet to be poured out upon this land and nothing less will ever stem the tides of wickedness upon those in high places we pray for the queen for all household those see us the iniquity around the household pray for our prime minister in his cabinet Lord utterly godly acknowledge thee not that in thy hand doest as thou wilt with thy own among the armies of heaven and the inhabitants of the earth and can stay thy hand or say unto thee what doest thou in iniquity of iniquity and darkness and darkness
[34:36] Lord we pray that thou would yet raise up God fearing men in the midst Lord look look down thou seest the declension it is spoken of in thy holy word the latter days there shall come a great falling away men shall be lovers of pleasure more than lovers of God we see it all around us this day as thy holy day is utterly desecrated and Lord we pray for the remnant as they gather in the churches this day thou us grant grace this evil day not to hide our light under a bushel may be set upon a hill may we be given grace always to be ready to give a reason for the hope that is in us with fear and tremor look down now Lord we pray thee upon our parliament raise up
[35:42] God fearing men there in the midst of thy divine will now Lord we will come apart prove thy day to be a day of rest a day of thy presence thy love and mercy to be known in our hearts draw near and as thou didst come to thy disciples stood in the midst so we beseech thee Lord this day to stand in the midst bless thy ordained means of salvation as in the wisdom of God man by wisdom knew not God so it pleased him by the foolishness of preaching to save them that believe Lord we pray thou is thus you the foolishness of preaching grant to us the anointing of thy spirit touch our lips of the life coal from thy heavenly altar fill in earth and vessel
[37:00] Lord once again we ask the part of every sin for Christ say Amen Hymn 332 Tune 421 Now let the feeble all be strong and make Jehovah's arm their song His shield is spread o'er every saint and the supported hook shall faint hymn hymn 332 tune 421 cry more
[38:31] For when every saint and the sacrifice shall come, O God, all the phenomenal support are big to go.
[39:00] With the worldly theology and faith, a faithful girlaltrae, .
[39:20] together And will change them down in our good place.
[39:35] And will change them down in our good place.
[39:47] O sin, O ocean, dear, the day.
[39:59] And will change them down in our good place.
[40:11] And will change them down in our good place.
[40:23] As we pray that from this world.
[40:35] Christ Jesus, the Lord, divine with love.
[40:47] And will change them down in our good place.
[40:59] And will change them down in our good place. And will change them down in our good place.
[41:39] And there is a blessing. The Lord, divine with love. And will change them down in our good place. And will change them down in our good place.
[41:52] In Christ. Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ. Who has blessed us with all spiritual blessing.
[42:08] Heavenly places in Christ. Heavenly. As the apostle wrote to the church at Ephesus.
[42:25] He was speaking of the work of God in his own soul.
[42:37] And he was speaking of what he knew for the work of God in the hearts of the Ephesians.
[42:50] When we come to look at that work. We see the background of it.
[43:01] First in the apostle Paul. Solemn. Religious.
[43:12] Profession. Of the Pharisee. And in the case of the Ephesian Christians. The worship. The pagan temple.
[43:24] Of the goddess Diana. We see both dead in trespasses and sin. We see the divine work of God.
[43:39] That separated the apostle. And separated the Ephesians. From the dead. Deathly.
[43:50] Carnal. Security of their former religion. And brought them into a knowledge of Christ. And we are looking at a divine work.
[44:04] The apostle in the second chapter says this. That among whom also we all had our conversation. And he goes on to speak of them being the children of wrath.
[44:18] And the children of disobedience. Solemn. Fallen condition. And we come to look at our text. Here is worship.
[44:31] Why? Because of what the Lord has done. The apostle as he pens these words. He is looking in gratitude.
[44:46] Glorious gratitude. To the mercy he had received. You know God he says who is rich in mercy.
[44:59] For his great love wherewith he loved us. Even when. There is so much depth in that word. Even when. We were dead in sin.
[45:13] In trespasses and sins. Utterly dead. And he speaks to these dear Ephesian Christians. Are far off.
[45:24] Without hope. Without God in the world. And so he was. Solemnly. Far off. And without hope.
[45:36] And without God in the world. And as he looks at the mighty work of God. And the manner of its operation in grace. Unexpected.
[45:49] Undeserved. Unasked for. Unwashed. Unwashed. And the state of his heart.
[46:01] Toward Christ. Hatred. And malice. Who had stood by. And watched the stoning of Stephen. With satisfaction. Now.
[46:14] He speaks here. To the church at Ephesus. As on an identical level. With them. Blessed. Us. Blessed. Be the God and Father.
[46:27] Of our Lord Jesus Christ. He can. See the. Glory of that work. In the. Putting forth of the. Hand of God.
[46:39] In his. Soul salvation. And he comes to this. Who has blessed us. It.
[46:49] Is. Is. A work. Of God. Unrequested. We might. Well say. As far as the apostles.
[47:00] Heart. He felt no need of it. He was satisfied. With the solemnity. Of his own righteousness. He was fully satisfied.
[47:11] With it. Blessed us. With all. Spiritual blessings. In Christ Jesus. Not.
[47:23] That we loved him. But he loved us. And in this. Principle of truth. Lies. The pathway. The right pathway.
[47:34] Of every child of God. We must. Be born again. We must.
[47:45] Hear that. Divine call. We must. If ever do we reach glory. Be blessed. With all. Spiritual blessings. In Christ Jesus.
[48:00] And you will notice. The origin of these. Spiritual blessings. As the apostle. In the. Following verses. Begins. To trace out.
[48:15] That pathway. In order. He sees. The hand of his God. In sovereign grace.
[48:25] You see. Before we go any further. How. Necessary.
[48:36] Everywhere. To reach glory. That the hand of our God. Should touch our lives. In sovereign grace. It is. It is. It is. Solely. And alone.
[48:48] Through. Sovereign grace. That the Lord. Brings his. Dear people. As the apostle. So well knew. By grace. Are you saved.
[49:00] Through faith. And that not of yourselves. It is the gift of God. What could be clear. We read it again. In his letter. To the church of Rome.
[49:11] Being justified. He says. Freely. By his grace. There is the operative word. In that verse. The origination.
[49:23] Of that work. Of redemption. Is in grace. The divine hand of God. Sovereignly. Extended. In salvation. To his dear people. And so.
[49:34] He extended it. To Samson. So he extended it. To a dying thief. And again. And again. He extended it. To a Philippian jailer. And many others.
[49:46] Grace. The mighty. Hand of God. Sovereignly. Extended. Being justified. Really. By his grace. Through the redemption.
[49:57] That is in Christ Jesus. It flows. These blessings. In this channel. Blessed us. Blessed us. With all. All spiritual blessings.
[50:09] In heavenly places. In Christ. And here it is. According as he has chosen us in him. Before the foundation of the world.
[50:21] There he. Traces its origin. Same as. The Lord told Jeremiah. Before I. Formed thee in the womb. Whom I. Knew thee.
[50:32] I do say this. What a secure. Foundation. The hope of God's dear. Children. That they.
[50:43] Should be brought. To see. To their salvation. Rests. Solely. And alone. On the active.
[50:54] Hand of God. In sovereign grave. As he plucks them. As brands. From the burning. We see this. At the grave of Lazarus.
[51:07] Some believed. And some went their way. To the scribes and Pharisees. Some. Saw the mighty hand of God. And viewed the.
[51:19] One there. As the eternal. Son of God incarnate. But others. Blind. Ignorant. Dead. Saw nothing. Not even in the raising.
[51:29] Of Lazarus. And here. The apostle. As he views. The Ephesian Christians. Brought out. From the temple of Diana. He sees. The operative hand of God.
[51:42] In sovereign grace. Whom the Lord loved him. And he views it. So clearly.
[51:53] And he speaks. Of these. Spiritual blessings. Blessed us. With all. Spiritual blessing. And we see what.
[52:05] Those spiritual blessings are. Chosen us in him. Before the foundation of the world. That we should be holy. And without. Blame.
[52:16] Before him in love. And the apostle. Is looking at Calvary's cross. Chosen. Before the foundation of the world.
[52:28] We should be holy. What a. Divine work that is. That his dear church. Should be holy. Made perfect. Made perfect.
[52:42] In Christ. Blessed us. With all. Spiritual blessings. In heavenly places. In Christ.
[52:53] And here he sees that. First one. When we look. At his life. His hatred of God's people. His sin. The solemnity.
[53:06] Of the darkness. In which he walked. The vast evil. Of his heart. And the extent. Of his hand. In consigning men. Who went to prison.
[53:16] And to death. The magnitude. Of the grace of God. Extended. He said. Ever afterwards. He wasn't worthy. To be an apostle. But the knowledge.
[53:29] Of the grace of God. Which he had. The knowledge of that. Sovereign grace. He ever attributed. The work of God. In his heart.
[53:40] To a divine act. And a divine act. Of mercy. And compassion. Even. When. We were dead.
[53:51] In trespasses. And sin. Great love. Wherewith he loved us. And this is a. Truth. Which. The Lord's dear children.
[54:01] Are brought to know. In their hearts. As taught by his spirit. They're brought to know. As Queen Esther did. Going under the king.
[54:14] I perish. I perish. But she was. Waiting for the extension. Of that scepter of mercy. And here. Is the right beginning.
[54:26] For everyone. Of God's dear children. Blessedly taught. By the spirit. Not. The blasphemy. Of free will. Not the blasphemy.
[54:36] Of taking God. In his word. Or God. Doing his part. And we doing ours. There is to be a. Clearing. Of all.
[54:47] God will have all. The honor and the glory. And his dear church. Must come as bankrupt. Beggars. Pleading. And the Lord deals.
[55:00] And he dealt with Hezekiah. Humble him in the dust. Then his prayer was. Like a crane or a swallow. So did I chatter.
[55:12] Brought down. Humble in the dust. And ever God's dear children. Will be. To see that there. Is a begging. For mercy. And God will have.
[55:22] All the glory. What a change. Was wrought. Then in the. Apostle. And this is what. He is referring to. The mighty work.
[55:34] Of God. That showed him. At all. That religion. Of the flesh. All his own works. We see the. Way he writes here.
[55:45] Not of works. Lest any man. Should bow. There is to be. No work. None whatsoever. The work is Christ.
[55:56] And you know. I don't believe. We. Fully grasp. The magnitude. Of his dying utterance. It is finished. He done it all. There was nothing.
[56:07] For man to do. Nothing. That could be acceptable. To God. Nothing. That would stand. Before his judgment throne. All that. Was of the flesh.
[56:17] Had to be. Destroyed. Burnt on. The only thing. That will ever stand. In that great day. Before the glory. And majesty. Of his judgment throne. When.
[56:28] These spiritual blessings. Made holy. Will be. The blood and righteousness. Of Christ. And how vital. Scripture speaks.
[56:39] Of it. So beautifully. By one offering. He has. Perfected. Forever. Them that are. Sanctified. What a word.
[56:50] That is. By one offering. That is. His sacred body. As the scriptures. Speak of it. Here Paul. In his letter.
[57:00] To the Hebrews. Speaks of that offering. Of his body. And the prophet. Isaiah. Speaks of his soul. When thou shalt make. His soul.
[57:11] An offering for sin. Perfected. Forever. By one sacrifice. Oh. Here we see. There. The atonement. The shedding.
[57:22] Of that precious blood. That acceptable. Sacrifice. Before the. Father's throne. The Lord. Now. Pleads. In heaven.
[57:32] For his dear church. The merits. Of his sacrifice. It is finished. And. It is the teaching. Of the spirit. To bring a poor sinner. To know.
[57:44] That there lies. His only hope. My hope is built. On nothing left. Than Jesus. Blood. And righteousness. Such solemn attacks.
[57:58] On his soul. Today. Such solemn attacks. On his imputed. Righteousness. The very foundation. Of the hope.
[58:09] Of God's dear church. Lies. In these precious truths. I believe. The spirit reveals. And where it's not revealed. What darkness. Where there is a tampering.
[58:23] With these glorious truths. What death. What ignorance. A blasphemous intrusion. Into God's holy word.
[58:34] For these dear. Ephesian Christians. Blessed. With all spiritual blessings. Heavenly praises. In Christ Jesus. According to us.
[58:45] Chosen us in him. Before the foundation. Of the world. That we should be holy. Without blame. We see here. Condemnation.
[58:59] And we see here. The beauty of that word. There is therefore now. No condemnation. To them that are. In Christ Jesus. Who walk not after the flesh.
[59:12] But after the spirit. Brought out. Of the carnal darkness. Of the flesh. Taught by the spirit. That my hope. Is built on nothing less.
[59:26] Oh where do you stand. This morning. You may not. Have come. To the place. Where you would desire.
[59:37] To be. That is constantly. The case. Of God's dear children. But can you come in. With a dear hymn writer. The path. I see.
[59:48] Can you go that far. And I'll pursue. The narrow way. Till him I view. I believe that's dear Kenny. The path I see.
[60:00] Has the Lord shown you this. Blessed path. Blessed you with. All spiritual blessings. In heavenly places. In Christ Jesus. That you have been brought.
[60:11] To know. That your whole hope. Of salvation. Rests. On the sovereign grace. And the extension of that. Scepter of mercy. By the divine hand. Into your soul.
[60:22] And that you should know. Here in this time state. What it is. To be holy. And without blame. Before him. In Christ Jesus.
[60:34] That your sins. Should be. Washed away. In the fountain. Of his precious blood. But he goes on. Having predestinated us. Unto the adoption of children.
[60:47] By Jesus Christ himself. According. To the good pleasure of his will. Do you know. Two families. The family of God.
[61:03] The family of Christ. And the family of Satan. Nothing in between. Either as the apostle shows here.
[61:15] Without hope. And without God in the world. Or else. As he shows it here. In these. Beautiful figures he uses. Now in Christ Jesus.
[61:27] You who sometimes were far off. And made nigh. By the blood of Jesus. Beautiful word. Made nigh. Far off. And made nigh. And then he comes here.
[61:39] To the other part of this. No more strangers. And foreigners. But fellow citizens. With the saints. And the household of God. And beautifully described.
[61:50] In the last words. Of the first chapter. The fullness of him. That filleth all in all. However could. This.
[62:01] Poor. Body of sinners. The Ephesian church. Who had walked. In the pagan worship. Of Diana. With their dear apostle.
[62:12] Who had taught them. Now be described. As the fullness. Of him. That filleth all in all. And yet. The glory of God. In sovereign grace.
[62:23] Is that. His church. Is his fullness. The glory of the Lord. Is to be seen. In the magnitude. Of his mercy. As he gathers.
[62:36] His redeemed people. To be with himself. And there. The glory of God. Is seen. In the. Riches of his mercy. In sending his dear son.
[62:46] Here. Into this earth. In redemption. To gather that. Number. Which no man can number. To be with himself.
[62:57] Where he is. And we see. This. Blessed truth. Adopted. Into the living family of God.
[63:07] Flesh of his flesh. Bone of his birth. No more strangers. And foreigners.
[63:20] But. Fellow citizens with the saints. And of the household of God. And the scriptures go deeper and deeper. In their figures.
[63:30] A mind goes to the song of Solomon. The bride of Christ. His dear church. These truths speak of that. Same sacred union.
[63:41] My beloved is mine. Lying here. Precious. Truths that lie. Here. And the apostle uses this figure.
[63:57] The Lord said in his sermon. Except you become his little children. Him writer has. Beautifully put it into that. Lovely hymn. Children. Of the heavenly king.
[64:11] As he journeys sweetly sing. Sing your great. Redeemer's praise. Glorious. In his works and ways. And here.
[64:22] He sees himself. As these Ephesian Christians. To whom he wrote. He had known. He had known. He had known what it was. To be a stranger and a foreigner.
[64:33] But he had known the. Work of God. That had brought him out of nature's darkness. And his marvelous light. And brought him. Into a sweet knowledge of Christ.
[64:46] And what it was to hear his voice. To commune with him. And walk with him. Blessed. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Blessed. Be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ.
[65:00] Who has blessed us. With all spiritual blessings. In heavenly places in Christ. Adopted. Into the living family of God.
[65:13] Having a hope. Raised up in his dear heart. That he was a member. Of that body. And that.
[65:27] Once a member. Always a member. When we look at. Arminianism and free will. Oh here we see the solemn.
[65:40] Shallow foundation. But here. In the. Blessed work of Christ.
[65:53] His dear church. Sons of God. Beautiful word in the. The Corinthians. Come out from among them.
[66:04] Be separate. Touch not the unclean thing. And I will receive you. And ye shall be. My sons and daughters.
[66:16] Says the Lord God almighty. It is a. Living relationship. With the eternal God. Never to be broken. Chosen in him.
[66:27] Before the foundation of the world. Says the apostle. And then revealed. In the heart of a poor sinner. That he is a child of God.
[66:38] The adoption of children. By Jesus Christ. To himself. According to the good pleasure. Of his will. All the.
[66:50] The sacred security. That lies here. Of the dear. People of God. They. Are the Lord's.
[67:01] They are bought. With a price. He has loved them. With an everlasting love. And therefore. With loving kindness. He has drawn. The apostle traces.
[67:14] The revelation. Of these truths. And these pressures. This precious hope. This divine hope. In the hearts. Of his dear people.
[67:26] And you know. It is this alone. That will ever conquer death. To be brought. To a dying hour. Then. To have those everlasting arms.
[67:39] Of revelation. And truth. Underneath. Then. To have been brought. Into the sweet possession. And hope. Of these truths. Then. For the Lord. To have spoken.
[67:49] Into our hearts. His precious promise. And to have led us. Into these. Blessed truths. All that we need. To be brought.
[68:00] Into the possession of them. But the apostle goes on. Here. To the praise. Of the glory. Of his grace. Where he has made us. Accepted.
[68:10] In the beloved. This. Is a beautiful word. Accepted. Of God. You know.
[68:22] It shines out. In the light. Of that solemn truth. Nothing that defiles. Can enter heaven. How came. In here. Not having a wedding garment.
[68:33] There is a solemn. Banishment. From heaven. Of everything. That defiles. What then is it. To be accepted. Of God. Well.
[68:44] It's to be. As the apostle wrote. Before. Holy. And without. Blame. But how. Are we. To be made holy. And without blame. Only. In the righteousness.
[68:56] Of Christ. Only. In the application. Of his precious blood. To our hearts. John the divine. Speaks of it. When he says this.
[69:07] The blood. Of Jesus Christ. His son. Cleanses us. From all sin. The apostle Peter. Shows us. How he knew it.
[69:17] When he speaks. Of the precious. Blood of Christ. And he shows it again. In his epistle. Where he speaks. Of who his own self.
[69:29] Bore. Our sins. In his own body. On the tree. Peter knew. The value. Of the precious blood. Of Christ.
[69:39] And you know. When John penned that word. Cleanses us. He was speaking of himself. From all sin. This.
[69:52] Precious blood. The psalmist David. Desired when he said. Wash me. And I shall be clean.
[70:03] Purge me. With hisse. And I shall be. Whiter than snow. He desired this. Precious blood. Then the apostle.
[70:14] Speaks of it. In his letter. To the church at Rome. When he says. By whom we have now. Received. The atonement. There it lies. In that precious blood.
[70:24] Applied in the soul. Then there is reconciliation. As the margin reads. Between God. And the sinner. And then the sinner. Is accepted. In the beloved. No question.
[70:36] Then how came is thou. In hither not having on a wedding garment. Scripture reveals it. In the book of the Revelation. Who are these? Whence came they? These are they.
[70:49] Which came out of. Great tribulation. Of washed their robes. And made them white. In the blood of the Lamb. Dear hymn writer. I think it's Anzendorf.
[71:00] Says Jesus. Thy blood. And righteousness. My beauty. Are my glorious dress. Midst flaming worlds.
[71:10] In these arrayed with joy. Shall I lift up my head. How vital. If you and I. Are to be accepted. In the courts.
[71:21] Of heaven above. And be able to stand there. In the majesty of holiness. Will it be. To have on this. Divine wedding garment.
[71:33] Beautifully spoken of. The bride. Has made herself ready. The bride of Christ. Ready to stand.
[71:46] In his presence. And to sing that. Beautiful anthem. Of the first chapter. Unto him that loved us. And washed us. From our sins.
[71:57] In his own blood. Spoken of here. By the apostle. For his great love. Wherewith he loved us. Well. He felt it. It had flowed.
[72:09] Into his soul. The love. And blood of Christ. Must. Be known here. In time. If ever. We are to sing. The glorious anthem above.
[72:20] And be accepted. In the beloved. We must know. The love of God. In our souls. The blood of Christ. Upon heart. And conscience. That precious robe.
[72:33] His righteousness. It stands out. It stands out. In the fifth chapter. Of the letter. To the Romans. When the apostle. Says this. As by one man's disobedience.
[72:45] Many were made sinners. So. By the obedience of one. Beautiful verse. Shall many be made righteous.
[72:56] It is. The righteousness of Christ. John Bunyan. So beautifully speaks of it. In the second part. Of the pilgrim's progress. Where he is speaking of Christiana.
[73:09] I believe it was Mr. Great Heart. In his sermon. Speaks of the righteousness of Christ. Very beautifully. Opening up the subject. He says in the.
[73:19] Godhead. Christ. Christ. As the. Eternal Son of God. Had a glorious. Righteousness. He says in his. Glorious humanity.
[73:31] Here below. In the virgin birth. In that sacred incarnation. He had a glorious. Righteousness. He says that both of those. Righteousnesses.
[73:42] Righteousness of his Godhead. And the righteousness. Of his. Humanity. Were essential. To his office. As the great high priest. Of the church. And united. There is that.
[73:52] Perfect righteousness. Of the great high priest. And the sacrifice. Which he offered. On Calvary's cross. That is the third. Righteousness. But he says. There is a fourth. Righteousness.
[74:03] He says that righteousness. Is the righteousness. Of Christ. As. He. Walked this earth. Made under the Lord. And kept it in all.
[74:15] Its perfect. Spotless. Holy obedience. Without. Without. Anything. Thought. Word. Or deed. That could condemn him.
[74:25] Nothing. He walked this earth. In whole. And this is his obedience. By one man's obedience. Christ. In his sacred humanity. And.
[74:36] Bunyan says. That. The. Righteousness. Of that. Keeping of his father. So. Lord. Did not need. And he gave it. To his dear church.
[74:48] What a righteousness. And here. It is spoken of. Accepted. Holy. And without blame. This is why. They'll be accepted.
[74:58] Blessed. Blessed. He accepted. In the courts. Of. Blessed. Be the God. And father. Of our Lord. Jesus Christ. Who has blessed us. I ask you.
[75:10] Has he blessed you. In the sight. Of these truths. You may not be walking. In the sweet possession of them. But you know. What you want. Seest thou. Said.
[75:21] Evangelist. A pilgrim. Yonder. Shining light. I think I do. Beautiful words. His face. Was set. To care of his cross. And there. One day.
[75:31] He was to stand. And see his savior. Look upon him. And know. That the bands. Which held. The guilt. And condemnation. And filth. Of his sins. Were to be loosed. By that.
[75:41] Precious blood. And he was to know. The burden. Fall from his back. And he was to know. The peace of God. Which passed. All understanding. And there. At the cross of Calvary.
[75:52] He was to receive. Those sacred truths. Thy sins. Which are many. All forgiven me. He was to be clothed. In that. Blessed robe. Of the righteousness. Of Christ.
[76:02] And he was to have. This spirit of adoption. The sealing of the spirit. Given him in his heart. A sacred scroll. He was to carry. Of the precious nature. Of his hope. Bunyan knew it. He did indeed.
[76:14] And here. This beautiful truth. Blessed us. With all. Spiritual blessings. In Christ Jesus. To come to the place. Where you are. Accepted. In the.
[76:26] Beloved. And then he goes on. In whom. We have. Redemption. Through his blood. The forgiveness of sins.
[76:37] According to the riches of his grace. Beautiful word. Oh. To come here. I believe we must come here. Again. And again. In life's pathway.
[76:48] To know that. Beautiful hymn. Sin. Which speaks. Daily. I repent of sin. Daily. Washing. Calvary's flow.
[77:00] To be plunged. As the hymn writer says. Plunge me. In that crimson ocean. Thy atonement. Made for sin. And here it is.
[77:11] In whom we have redemption. Through his blood. Bought. With a price. His own heart's blood. And to come. As the apostle did. And speak.
[77:22] In the. Sacred assurance. Of that hope. In whom we have. He had walked. In the. Blessed nature. Of this truth. And he knew it.
[77:33] In his soul. In its richness. In its fullness. Amen. He is speaking here. Of the same. Blessed experience. He speaks of.
[77:43] In Romans. Of receiving the atonement. In whom we. Have redemption. Through his blood. It is to do business. With our God.
[77:54] In deep waters. Before the cross. Of Calvary. Under. The possession. Of our sins. In all their. Henious nature.
[78:07] As heart knew them. Sins against. He says. A holy God. Sins against. His love. His blood. That's not excessive. Sins immense.
[78:18] As is the sea. When shown. We shan't disagree with it. Hide me. O Gethsemane. It is to come here. To the place.
[78:28] Where the Lord. Brought his dear disciples. When he washed their feet. At the last supper. And showed them. The efficacy. Of his precious blood.
[78:39] When he said. He that is washed. He does not save. To wash his feet. He is clean every whit. And ye are clean. Through the word. That I have spoken unto you.
[78:51] Here we see. The nature of this. Blessed us. With all. Spiritual. Blessings. In heavenly places. In Christ Jesus. All the.
[79:06] Dying sea. Saw the blood. Of Christ. Flow. Which cleansed. His soul. From sin. And he knew. The efficacy. Of that blood. In heart.
[79:17] And conscience. When the Lord. Spoke peace. Into his soul. And told him. That he was holy. And without blame. And one day. He would be accepted. In the courts. Of heaven above. In a matter of hours.
[79:28] Today. They shall be with me. In paradise. It lay there. In all its glory. The sight that he had. Of that atonement. He was washed.
[79:40] And cleansed. And you know. There is more to it. Than that. The scriptures prophesy. They shall look upon him. Whom they pierced. And they shall mourn.
[79:50] And when the Lord. Prayed on Calvary's cross. Father forgive them. They know not what they do. He prayed for those. Who had nailed him there.
[80:03] Scripture gives us. Reason to believe. That the soldiers. Who nailed him. Were brought there. The very centurion. Said surely. This is the son of God. Heaven alone.
[80:15] Will reveal. What was the answer. To Christ's prayer. Father forgive them. But the great. Glories of sovereign grace. Surrounded the cross. They did indeed.
[80:28] And here lies the truth. By whom we have. Received. Redemption. Through his blood. And he goes on. To write in this way.
[80:39] The forgiveness of sins. According to the riches of his grace. Wherein he has. Abounded toward us. In all wisdom and prudence. Having made known. Unto us. A mystery of his will.
[80:51] According to the good pleasure. Which he hath purposed in himself. That in the dispensation. Of the. Fulness of times. He might gather together. In one. All things.
[81:03] In Christ. Both which are in heaven. And which are on earth. Even in him. And then he comes to this. In whom also. We have. Obtained.
[81:14] An inheritance. An inheritance. All this. All. Spiritual blessings. In heavenly places. In Christ Jesus. Here.
[81:25] His thoughts. Go to heaven. As he wrote this. He was in the prison in Rome. He knew not. Whether he would come out alive or not. But he looks to his.
[81:37] Inheritance. And he speaks of it. So. Blessedly here. We. Have. Obtained. An inheritance. He goes on.
[81:48] Being predestinated. According to the purpose of him. Who worketh all things. After the counsel of his own will. That we. Should be to the praise of his glory.
[82:00] Who first. Trusted in Christ. In this opening chapter. Then of the. Epistle to the Ephesians. The apostle outlines the. Blessed work of God in salvation.
[82:12] As he knew it in his own heart. And as he'd seen it in the. Hearts of the Ephesians. He could see this glorious work. And we could see over it. Lying this truth. Not of works.
[82:26] How beautifully. That little hymn describes it. No help. In self. I find. And yet have sought it well. The native treasure of my mind.
[82:37] Is sin and death. And help to Christ. For help I fly. The sinner's only friend. Oh. Has the. Lord in his mercy. Shown you the way.
[82:50] Blessed mercy. If he give you grace. To wrestle on toward heaven. And to receive. And to enter in. To the truths that lie here.
[83:01] And before you come. To a dying hour. To be in the sweet. Precious. Blessing of them. Blessing of them. The possession of them. The hope.
[83:13] That lies here. In Christ. My hope. Is built on nothing less. Jesus blood. And righteousness.
[83:25] Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen.
[83:41] Amen. The Lord will. Mr. Bloom. Will preach this evening. Mr. Sayers. On Wednesday evening. And Mr. Wallace. Next Sunday. and collections today for the Trinitarian Bible Society.
[83:56] The Church Meeting, Saturday, November 2nd. Closed by singing hymn 267, tune 511.
[84:08] Children of the Heavenly King, as ye journey sweetly sing, sing your Saviour's worthy praise, glorious in his works and way.
[84:20] Hymn 267, tune 511.
[84:38] Hymn 267, tune 511. Let me pray, sweetly sing, sing your Saviour's worthy praise, A pri endorsement of His praise, The Back-to-Dame.
[85:10] Chil'o Flare, In Bokey. Amen. Amen.
[86:14] Amen. Amen.
[87:14] Amen. Amen.
[88:14] Amen. Amen.
[89:14] Amen.