1 Peter (Quality: Good)

Cradley Heath - Ebenezer - Part 54

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Oct. 24, 1982


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[0:00] The End The End The End

[1:30] The End The End The End

[2:32] The End The End

[4:02] The End The End The End The End The End The End The End The End The End The End The End Once again, entirely depending on the help of the Lord, we'll turn to the chapter that we read, the first chapter of the first epistle of Peter, and read the seventh verse.

[5:11] The seventh verse, the first chapter, the first epistle of Peter, that the trial of your faith, being much more precious than of gold that perisheth, though it be tried with fire, might be found unto praise and honour and glory at the appearing of Jesus Christ.

[5:38] Theenc니년� the various ways, not all the ways by many means, but various ways that God is pleased to call his people by grace.

[6:26] This afternoon we spoke of that new and living way because when called by grace, faith lays hold upon price.

[6:37] You're no longer your own. You're bought with a price. It's a new and living way. And tonight, with God's help, this trial of faith.

[6:53] There are so many young ones here tonight and you may not have entered this trial of faith. And I want to say just a few words to you.

[7:05] And that is this, that when I was young, as some of you are, in my teens, there were great blessings in the house of prayer of black boys.

[7:21] There were four baptized on one evening and my mother was among them. And my mother was a worldly woman brought right out from the world, my friends.

[7:32] She married my father and he was in the world and he was brought back and she was called by grace. Wonderful evidence of this elect number.

[7:46] Well, there were blessings then. And we, the church of God and some of the congregation used to meet every fortnight on a Monday evening, either at my father's place or at the other deacons and sometimes at the pastor's.

[8:10] And they only met for one thing, my friends, and that was to record the work of grace that was continually made known in their experience.

[8:24] And they were blessed evening. And my wife and I were caught in at the time and we were always there. And we sat in a corner all on our own, not to talk, my friends, but only to listen.

[8:41] And we used to listen to these godly people telling the wonders of God in their providences and in their spiritual pathway.

[8:55] The revealings of Christ to their souls, their troubles, their trials that he delivered them from. And my friends, my heart was like this.

[9:10] Lord, it's not the troubles that are in the pathway. I'm not concerned about the troubles. One thing only I'm concerned about and that is let me have that Christ that they have got.

[9:24] And if we preach perhaps tonight a hard pathway, if the Lord has called you by his grace, he won't deter you. No, no, you'll be determined.

[9:38] There'll be a little of what was in Moses. He would rather suffer affliction with the people of God than enjoy the pleasures of sin for a season.

[9:49] So I'm not afraid of frightening one called by grace away. No. And I would just say this, that at one of those meetings, you know, and it is blessed if any in the assembly, especially amongst the young, walk in the same pathway, because I proved the blessing of it.

[10:20] But at that particular time, whenever, I never sung the first hymn in the Assembly of the Saints.

[10:31] I sat over in the back seat, on that side nearly, and my pastor used to come through from the dining room at that door there and walk up in the pulpit.

[10:44] Well, I would watch for him to come through that door. I wouldn't sing. I wouldn't look in the book. I would sit, stand there as they sung, and watch for him to come through that door.

[10:59] When he came through that door, my friends, couldn't tell you my feelings. There was such a love went out to that dear man that sometimes I almost cried.

[11:11] Sometimes tears rolled down my face. And if somebody had said to me, what's the matter? I couldn't have told them. I could have only said, the Lord's servant is going up in the pulpit.

[11:23] That's all I could have said. And this went on for some weeks. And at one of these meetings, the Lord's dear servant being there, he said, my friends, he says, there's a young soul in the Assembly that goes up with me into the pulpit every Lord's Day morning.

[11:45] And oh, I trembled at what he was going to say, because I was hidden in the back of the Assembly. And he said, mark it, my friends, that one day, that young person will preach the gospel.

[11:59] there was the love of Christ. I didn't realize it at the time, but it was the love of Christ. In my soul, to that man, for I loved him with all my heart, he proved to be a true prophet.

[12:17] He never lived to see it, for I had to walk 40 years, from that day, in the wilderness. Yes, as Moses did.

[12:28] But my young friends, these desires, this yearning after Christ, this love to his people, if it's the right love, the Lord takes notice of it.

[12:45] And there will be a day in your experience, when he will bless you, with the fulfillment, of those desires, which he has put there.

[13:01] Mark it, which he has put there. So, then, there is those blessings, in the pathway.

[13:11] And, well, if God enable me, I would speak a little, of the trial of faith. I feel sure, that there will be one or two, in the assembly, that haven't walked it, which will say, Lord, give me the blessings, even although, my pathway, may be hard.

[13:39] Well, when that soul is brought, to a revelation of Christ, a good hope, by, a faith in Christ, we think, we are going to go, all our days, sometimes, in, that good hope.

[13:57] Yes. I thought, when Christ, was, made precious to me, that if only, he would reveal himself, that, then, I should never have, any, as it might be, I would always, believe in him, my trials, would be easy, the devil, would flee, from me, but, hey, we have to prove, different, it's not the path, that we thought, you see, Peter, would have followed, in the path, of his master, but, it wasn't God's way, no, and, this trial of faith, my friends, we must enter into, and we must enter into it, for various reasons, and one reason is, for all flesh is as grass, and all the glory of man, as the flower of grass, now, he leads us, in this pathway, as he did his people, in the wilderness, to humble us, to instruct us, to let us know, what is in their heart, and that's a pathway, that we should find hard, he'll ever say, as he did to Ezekiel, turn again, son of man, and thou shalt seek, greater abominations, than these, and you know, he doesn't show us, these abominations, in somebody else's heart, he shows them, in our own, he brings us down, if ever you find,

[15:49] Christ, my friends, you'll be down, where Christ is, a man of sorrows, and acquainted with greed, that's where you're at, oh we see those, I couldn't understand it, you know, some little time ago, we've got, a Pentecostal church, opposite us, and they go in there, of a Sabbath morning, with, all sorts of dress, no hat, selects on, all sorts, of instruments, and, you hear them, singing at the top, of their voices, and, you hear, Christ's name, outwardly praised, and, I looked at my, little religion, and I said, as I said, this morning, I was saying, how can I sing, one of the songs, of Zion, in a strange land, and I couldn't, understand it, and I said,

[16:53] Lord, who's right, are we right, or are they right, how stands, the case with me, where am I, leading my people, all, and I saw, that they have, a religion, but they know, nothing, my friends, of the holiness, of God, they don't know that, otherwise, they couldn't go on, as they do, they don't realize, they never have been taught, God's holiness, now, a child of God, the first thing, that he is taught, is the holiness, of God, that's one of his first things, and through the need, my friends, because he sees, God is a holy God, there he has a desire, for a mediator, one to stand between, they have no knowledge, of a holy God, but a child of God, knows God, to be holy, in all his ways, and he is brought, to realize, he's come short, in this holiness, and he is brought, to need, a saviour, yes, and, so there will be, a trial of faith, why, because, as he said, to his disciples, in John, that he must go away, yes, they couldn't believe it, they couldn't understand it, he must go away, he said, and my friends, here go away, from us, that we shall enjoy, his presence, we can't hold him, when the spirit, departs, from what, why does the spirit, depart, because, we quench, the spirit, with our sin, we're in the flesh, we're of the earth, earthly, the earth is curse, of God, and we are cursed, with it, and our only hope, is in Christ, who relieved, his people, from the curse, but, my friends, when the spirit, withdraws, we're in the flesh, do we realize it, you know, it's a solemn thing, when, we don't realize, that Christ, is withdrawn, you know, his mother, and father, went,

[19:21] I believe, if I'm right, in saying, a day's journey, yes, and they didn't know, that Christ, wasn't with them, and they went back, to see where he was, you know, it's solemn, my friends, when we go on, thinking Christ, was with us, and he's left us, because we've fallen, into sin, we need a daily, conviction, a daily, confession, how much better, it would have been, if David, had had a daily, conviction, how much better, we wouldn't have had, the 51st cell, God in his mercy, has granted us, to us, as a purpose in it, about looking, at his past, why, how much better, if he had a daily, conviction, if when he looked over, from the roof, of his house, the Lord had convicted him, how much better, instead of that, he went on, went on for weeks, until he murdered, her husband, took her to himself, and went on, in his scene, no conviction, when was conviction, when Nathan came, and he said, thou art the man, my friends, it's good, when God continually, says in our heart, thou art the man, this will keep you, right down, at his feet, this will keep you, like the publican,

[20:53] God be merciful, to me a sinner, this will favour you, with a humble heart, we don't like it, my friends, the last thing, we want, above, what a blessing, when God, continually, says, daily, thou art the man, well, that's what brought, David to, his knees, did it not, what did he say, then, purge me, with his foot, and I shall be, clean, washed me, and I shall be, whiter than snow, he says, he pours out his heart, his complaint, why, because God, has said, thou art the man, well, God does this, in the trial of faith, thou art the man, and he doesn't appear, and there's days of darkness, faith must be tried, you know, if God has spoke anything, in your pathway, my friends, it'll be tried, it'll be tried, every word of it, it'll be tried, and you'll find, every word he's spoken, will be needed, in your life, every word, he tries, it must be a trial of faith, you see, the trial of your faith, the trial of our belief, and as I said,

[22:19] I believe this afternoon, you see, the trial of our faith, we come into this, that through our sinfulness, we are two biggest sinners, for salvation, and yet Christ says, he came only, to save sinners, and their faith, we have no faith in the flesh, it's no good to us, it's of no avail, and so, when we're in the flesh, our faith, it's nothing, and we, fall, into unbelief, and sin, do we not?

[23:02] Oh, if we had no unbelief, how different it would be, if we saw all things, as God does them, not in anger, but in his dear covenant love, if, when troubles, and trials, came on, we could go to the Lord, and sign, as Anne Steele did, and lay all things, in his hand, for his will, to be done, is that your heart, by nature?

[23:30] It certainly isn't mine, my name, no, no, my heart, wants its own pathway, and therefore, there's a trial of faith, where faith is tried, you look through the scriptures, you'll find, that all the saints, knew the trial of faith, we look, firstly, at Abraham, what a trial, there was, the promise, granted to Abraham, thou shalt have a son, and thou shalt have a son, by Sarah, and, he had a son, of the bomb woman, but, you see, his faith, was at a low end, because, God came again, to him, and said, this shall not be, thine heir, Sarah, shall bear thine heir, and he said, let Ishmael, live before me, before thee, his faith, was brought low, but God said, no, this shall be thy son, thy son, shall come, through Sarah, this is the sea, of, from which Christ, is coming, and there, my friends, he saw, the promise fulfilled, he saw, actually saw, his providential side, fulfilled, and sometimes, my friends, there's, a promise in providence, and in grace, and it'll be tied up together, and before it's brought to pass, you'll see it all in the cross, your providences, and your grace, in the cross, now,

[25:23] Abraham saw it here, he saw the providence fulfilled, Isaac was born, he grew, to the age of thirty, but then God says, take thy son, thine only son, whom thou lovest, oh, what a word, my friends, for God to speak, to a man, take thy son, thine only son, whom thou lovest, he did love him, he was, the line, of the promised seed, it had been fulfilled, in his providential pathway, he now looked, to, the continuance, of that seed, through Isaac, to Christ, and he says, take thine only son, and take him up, to the mount, that I shall tell thee of, and offer him there, for a sacrifice, oh, what a, what a trial, my friends, but did he falter, no, the next morning, he was up early, with his men, and they, they went, toward the plains, and he left, his men, at the bottom, of the mount, the world, couldn't enter, my friends, where Abraham, was going to enter, and he took his son, up to the mount, and his son, said,

[26:53] Isaac said, well, here is the fire, and the wood, but where is, the sacrifice, oh, there, Abraham's faith, begins, to come forth, again, shows, again, what faith, he had, he says, God will provide, a sacrifice, my son, and they go up, now, look, Christ, Abraham, was offering up, his very soul, salvation, my friends, if, Isaac, was to be, sacrificed, why, where was his, salvation, he'd seen, the seed, through Isaac, he's seen, Christ, his only hope, what of trial, of faith, my friends, he'd bring his people, in their measure, into this trial, of faith, and, you know, what happened, Isaac, was bound, to the altar, but God, stopped Abraham, in time, and he says,

[27:57] Abraham, Abraham, and, he saw, a ram, caught in a thicket, and he offered it up, instead, of his son, there is Christ, there Abraham, saw the fulfillment, of Christ's, suffering, yes, so, my friends, what is the trial, of faith for, is to bring us, more, conformed, to his image, a suffering, saviour, a suffering, saviour, there is no, joy, only, in Christ, revealing, joy, anything, outside, of that, my friends, will be, either vanity, or, crucifixion, God, brings his people, into a path, way, in their measure, of crucifixion, to follow, a despised,

[29:06] Nazarene, have you got, something, in your pathway, someone, here, that, crucifies, your, very, spirit, your, flesh, is, crucified, daily, by, path, why, that, you, can't, get out of, that, you've, got to, walk in, he, says, endure, hardness, as a good soldier, of Jesus Christ, that's, what he says, perhaps, in your heart, but, my friends, you know not how to endure, no, oh, do you know, what it is, to, be brought, right, down, in the dust, because, of, the, the, conflict, that, rains, and seems, to, roll, sometimes, in your heart, yes, well, my friends, there's a trial of faith,

[30:12] Christ, suffered, bled, and died, and you know, if we're going to follow him, to the grave, there will be, this trial of faith, this crucifixion, of the flesh, there will be a following, in our measure, of the conflict, in Gethsemane, it's only there, you'll have union, with Christ, you'll find union, with the Lamb, in union, with the Lamb, from condemnation, free the saints, from everlasting, were, and shall forever be, but, my friends, that union, you'll find, as you go along, in your pathway, will be, in those crucifying, things, in your life, yeah, crucifying, things, he crucifies, our flesh, by afflictions, afflictions, cause us, many cries, sighs, and groans, do they not, yet afflictions, my friends, have been, some of our greatest, blessings, why, because we found, union, with Christ, can you look, back, as with, an anniversary, day, when you, was in affliction, when, it seemed, that, that, everything, was against you, you trembled, lest God, had cut you off, and perhaps, the word, of the hymn, dropped in, not in anger, but, in my dear, covenant love, oh, what a change, in the heart, then, then, affliction, could be endured,

[32:02] Christ, with you in it, there was a lifting up, you had a good hope, again, through Christ, you rejoiced, even in the midst, of your affliction, and perhaps, it was no better, not the affliction, but you saw Christ, in it, then you could rejoice, do you know, what it is, to have the world, rise up against you, with all their hatred, yes, they did against Christ, they called him, Beelzebub, the prince of devils, this was Christ, my friends, this redeemer, that I, feebly spoke about, this afternoon, who had a divine nature, here they called him, the prince of devils, yes, well don't complain, my friends, if the world, find fault with you, no, don't complain, matter of fact, let us say, that if we can get on, with the world, and the world, don't see any defects, in us, and they don't see, any complaint, about our religion, we are not walking, very close, to a despised,

[33:18] Nazarene, the world, will hate us, if, we follow Christ, and it will be, a trial of faith, and, it's more precious, than gold, yes, gold, well, I've had to do, with some of the richest, in the country, and, my friends, I've known them, and are, many of them, lords and ladies, of the land, and, what they've got, all their money, they've got no joy, at all, my friends, none at all, I knew one lady, she was worth millions, and, she, could have everything, and, the very best, that she purchased, was of no value, because, she could throw it away, and buy another, the next day, no, her life, was a misery, because, she couldn't attain, to any pleasure, which satisfied her, because, she could purchase, it all, with money, there wasn't anything, that she couldn't have, she'd have a new car, today, if she didn't like it, she'd buy another, tomorrow, and she couldn't, satisfy, her longing desires, my friends, this is gold, why, it perishes, you see, and she had, no satisfaction, matter of fact, after, a time, it ruined her, yes, it ruined her, oh, it's more, precious, than gold, to perish here,

[35:02] I mean, we must, have to do, with the world, but, God sees, his people through, and you know, one of the reasons, why, we don't have, the blessings, that we used, that the old saints, used to have, is because, my friends, we, I have, two comfortable, a life, yes, two comfortable, don't ask for troubles, because troubles, come, and, you may say, well, we have troubles, in other ways, yes, we do, but, I look back, to, my father-in-law, once again, and they were, very poor, when his family, was growing up, and, they, had no, dinner, my friends, on many occasions, it was a family, of about eight, and, one morning, my father-in-law, who was a gardener, he had to go out, to his labors, and, he went out, with a heavy heart, he never left, any dinner at home, and, there was a family, nothing, for the midday meal, and, as he walked down, towards, his garden, a pheasant, flew in his jacket, and, he caught it, in his jacket, and he wrung its neck, and he ran home, to his wife, and he says, there's the dinner mother, well, you know, you wouldn't normally, cook a pheasant, the same day, but they had no opportunity, to do anything else, he cooked it, and, when the children, were having their, daily, their meal, they stayed, between themselves,

[37:04] I wonder where this came from, we've never had, anything like this, before, I wonder where this came from, one child, three years old, said, I expect, the Lord, sent him, my father-in-law, didn't want any dinner, he never had, any dinner that day, what, he was filled, filled with the love of Christ, for his soul, went out to God, this is the God, my friends, for his people's God, this is the God, my friends, that can do all things, there was a meal, there was plenty, for them all, but he didn't want, any of it, never had any of it, why, because he was filled, with the love of God, but it was a trial, my friends, had to be walked in, it had to come to the point, you'll have to come to the point, in your trial, it won't be, an easy trial, it'll be a trial, my friends, that it appears, that you're going to be, overthrown, oh, he went to work, trembling, thinking, that he was going to be, brought to confusion, that his family, was going to, suffer greater hardships, but you see, the Lord appeared, my friends, yes, well, we have our troubles, even in this time state, but do you know, the Lord's appearing, a trial of faith, you give up hope, perhaps, you're in darkness, you cannot, praise you would, the heavens seem shut up,

[38:44] God seems not to hear your voice, no, you tremble, it is word, you fear, lest he have thrown you, overboard, cast you off, yes, this is the pathway, and it seems no faith, to lay hold of him, but sinner, where does your prayer go, where is your cry, do you give up praying, do you go back, and walk no more with him, no, my friends, your prayer, is more sincere, your belief, is greater, yes, but it's not in the flesh, it's in the inner man, no faith in the flesh, but it's in the inner man, what does the inner man say, the inner man, my friends, presses forward, more fervently, for Christ's revealing, yes, so this trial of faith, is more precious, than rubies, rubies only satisfy, gold, or rubies, they only satisfy, the things outwardly, yes, and your faith, you haven't got me outwardly, but it's what you got inside, where, where is your cry, or venture to say, that if you come into this trial of faith, my friends, that you'll tremble, lest you'll find, after all, you'll cast away, but, down inside, there'll be a humble cry to God,

[40:25] God be merciful to me, a sinner, you'll bring the blessed promises, before him, yet, you'll plead the promises, you'll plead, what Christ has done, in your pathway, you'll plead, that he saveth, to the uttermost, there's your faith, sinner, inside, that's more precious, than anything outside, is this inner faith, in the new man of Christ, you know, the new man of Christ, my friends, doesn't get contaminated, with the flesh, no, it's uncorruptible, the flesh is corruptible, but the new man of grace, is not, it's not contaminated, it's separate, and, there is the love of Christ, in the new man of grace, I said this afternoon, I think, that there's no love, to Christ, from our flesh, there's no faith, in Christ, in our flesh, it's in the new man of grace, and in this trial of faith, you'll find, everything outside, is against you, it appears, that he's never, going to fulfill, his promise, yes, but, underneath, you'll plead it every day, yes, plead it every day, there will be times, in your experience, when, to, the Lord, will be silent, the word, the word, word of truth, will be a sealed book, in your experience, you won't find, your name there, as you have done before, and, sometimes, the house of God, is, but a burden, to you, but, it's to endure, my friends, now a lot, do not endure, in this path, why, and they never come, to the blessing, no, no, not that, lessening pride, is to endure, pride, endure, hardness, now Job, had to endure it, did he not, but what did he say, sigh, in the midst, of all his trouble,

[42:52] I know, that my, Redeemer, living, there was his fight, yet, complaints, about all things, but what was Job's, trial for, my friends, what was his, trial of faith for, you might say, well, I don't know, because, in the beginning, of the book of Job, it says, that Job was, an upright man, he is still evil, he walked, in the fear of God, what need, did he got, for such a trial, there was one thing, that Job, didn't know, my friends, like he knew, after that trial, say, what was that, he didn't realise, that, he was, vile, now, he said, at the end of the trial, behold, I am vile, now, he didn't realise it, until God, had dealt with him, now, you won't, we shall realise, realise, what, the extent, of the violence, in our heart, till, we've experienced, a little of this trial, when we've experienced, that,

[44:09] Christ, to be ten times, more precious, my friends, salvation, will be, far more, desired, it'll be, far greater, glory, to a dear, redeemer, after you've, walked this trial, it was to Job, behold, I am vile, he said, he came, where was Jonah's fame, where did he come, he run away, from God, and, God, commanded, a great fish, to swallow him up, there he was, my friends, in the fish's belly, no hope of reprieve, to all, intents and purposes, death, yes, he says, the weeds, were wrapped, about my head, I went down, into the depths, what did he say, when the Lord, had taught him, salvation, is of the Lord, you know, my friends, you'll need, your little existence, today, to learn, fully, that salvation, is of the Lord, you'll find, you'll keep adding, something, which is of your flesh, but that, is that, which has to be, burned up, it's tried, with fire, it's consumed, what is of our flesh, what we add, to God's work, all, consumed, consumed, in this fire, and it says, that the trial, of your faith, being much more, precious, than gold, that perisheth, though it be, tried by fire, you see, that of the flesh, is burnt up, that which is of God, remains, yes, so there's your faith, the gift of God, that remains, there is Christ, that free, and sovereign gift, his work in the soul, remains, and, everything else, which is of the flesh, is consumed, or is he burning up, in your pathway, my friend, blessing if he is, because, it'll bring you closer, to Christ, it'll be more precious, you'll rejoice, more in him, you'll be more steadfast, in the faith, there'll be more love, to the saints, there'll be more understanding, of others trials, oh yes, when you've endured, a little of this fire, this trial, of faith, and therefore, although, it's a hard pathway, yet, this is the pathway, to the heavenly kingdom, yes, we all have to walk, in it in our measure, some of you, may not walk, to the depths, that others do, but I find, that I've got much, to be burnt up, and God keeps, burning it up, and I'm afraid, my friends, sometimes, that there's going to be, no gold left, yes, it seems, that everything, is going through, that sieve of vanity, and I look, and there's nothing, but dust and ashes, yes, well, you know,

[47:43] Abraham, came there, when he was, speaking to those angels, they were speaking, to God, regarding, his own sight, he says, one who is, but dust and ashes, he brings us, death, humiliation, we shan't go to heaven, with our heads high, but we should go to heaven, on our knees, that's how we should go there, we should go to heaven, enduring, that, conflict, as far as God, sees fit, to lay upon us, there will be, a following, of this precious, redeemer, to the cross, and, what greater blessing, than a revelation, of the cross, you know, if God grants you, a revelation, of a suffering, redeemer, there, my friends, you'll see, your sins, as you've never, seen them before, yet, you'll never, have seen, sin, so hideous, as you'll, see it, at the cross, there, you'll, load yourself, in dust and ashes, why, what it, cost Christ, to save yourself, all, this is, this is, a, godly, repentance, my friends, a repentance, that need not, be, repented, of, this is, where the trial, of faith, brings us, to a, godly, repentance, there, to view, a suffering, saviour, there, my friends, to see, in some measure, what it cost him, when, you, realize, that, they, smote him, on the head, would a reed, my friends, and god, shows you, that your hand, wielded the very, reed, my friends, it'll bring you, in the dust, before him, it'll bring you, to see sin, in its proper light, you'll see sin, in its proper light, at the cross, my friends, that's, where you'll see sin, you might, bore in your sins, now, we hope we do, but come, to that, blessed cross, and see sin, there, my friends, it'll be, ten times, more heinous, than it's, ever been, before, you'll, grovel in the dust, here, because, of your, vileness, here, my friends,

[50:31] Christ, will be, altogether, lovely, yes, so, we may, have to walk, a trial of faith, but, let us, seek, for grace, to endure, hardness, as good soldiers, of Jesus, Christ, to have faith, in him, because, he says, you know, no man, having put his hand, to the plough, and looketh back, he's fit, for the kingdom, of God, there's no going, back, my friends, in your trial, of faith, you might, sometimes, look back, but every time, you look back, you'll find, this destruction, yes, destruction, if you go back, there's only, one way, and that is, to come, to that blessed cross, and oh, if he favour us, with a view, of a suffering, saviour, my friends, it'll melt your heart, it'll break you, bring you low, before him, there's never, such a sign, as, but brings his people, to feel, to be nothing, but dust, and ashes, one of the greatest, blessings, that God, could bestow, because, to have, that union, with Christ, in his sufferings, brings a union, with him, in his resurrection, and there, the soul, can enter, into the truth, of the word, if ye, then, be risen, with Christ, and you enter, into it, risen, with Christ, when he rose, from the dead, his people, rose with him, salvation, is finished, my friends, for all his people, is settled, it's short, for he, was, had a divine, nature,

[52:42] God, that had, the father, God, the son, and God, the holy ghost, in one, to bring, the soul, to eternal, glory, oh, let us not, complain, at the trial, of our faith, but let us, put on, that heavenly, armour, for it's the enemy, of souls, that stirs, us up, to enmity, against God, oh, to have, a rebellious, heart, sometime, a mourn, over, but, let us, follow, this despised, Nazarene, and he says, that the trial, of your faith, being much, more precious, than of gold, that perisheth, though it be, tried with fire, might be found, under praise, and honour, and glory, at the appearing, of Jesus Christ, so, after the trial, of faith, there's an appearing, of Jesus Christ, and it's all, for his honour, and glory, yes, there, it will be, to his honour, and glory, throughout, and eternity, oh, may we all, be fair, young and old, in this, blessed covenant, ordered, in all things, ensure, that when, we come, down, today, we may, be on the rock, of Christ,

[54:13] Jesus, earth, I told you, why, he was a rock, this afternoon, it's the only rock, it can never, be moved, my friends, and all, that put their, trust in him, shall be, found, in him, in death, what other hope, have we, we're coming, today, yes, may never, all meet again, somebody, has to die, next, who will it be, then, we come back, to the same thing, it might be, one of you, that are younger, it might be, one that's older, we know not, but one's, going to die, first, in this assembly, and we have, to say, as we said, this morning, as the hymn writer, says, how stands, the case, my soul, with thee, for heaven, are thy credentials, clear, have you got, a good hope, could you lay, down on your bed, tonight, with an assurance, in your soul, that if you never, rose again, you'd be in heaven, in the morning, could you, we want it, my friend, we need it, because, time, is hastening, to eternity, yes, as fast, as it can carry, we've got, to our lives, have got to be, brought to an end, won't be long, where shall we be, for eternity, what a solemnity, if we meet,

[55:59] Sabbath, after Sabbath, with the people, of God, and when, we come, down today, we hear, that cry, that voice, of God, depart, from me, for I, never knew you, and there, will be, a great, gold fix, my friends, no, returning, no, uh, union, anymore, or rather, no, meeting, anymore, with the people, of God, now, lost forever, lost, to all eternity, where, it is good, when we are brought, to that place, in this time, state, some of you, may know, where you've come, lost, I know, the place, the time's gone, but I know, the place, of where, I have walked, my house, and I have said, lost,

[57:01] Lord, lost, to all eternity, my sins, like mountains, have risen, before me, the devil, has held me, in, this, uh, trial, my friends, and sin, has been, on every hand, and I came, one night, to the end, and I, walked my bedroom, on my own, because I was alone, in the house, I walked, from one room, to another, lost, Lord, lost, to all eternity, and, uh, it was dark, and I was determined, that this was the end, I could go on, no more, and I, was going, to the kitchen, with the intent, to take the light, but I walked, past the door, every time, and I went, into my sitting room, and I stood, in the middle, of the room, in the dark, and my hands, were going, like birds, claws, and I said,

[58:10] Lord, I'm turning, into an animal, and I believed it, yes, and I said, my wife, won't know me, in the morning, Lord, oh, what a state, to be in, do you know, what it is, to be lost, my, and oh, I walked back, to my bedroom, in a state, too much, of a state, my friends, to, uh, to read, the word, of God, um, uh, or rather, read it, without reading it, a leg, and so, I had to read it, a leg, and I opened up, the word, of God, and I didn't know, where I'd opened it, and I, uh, looked into it, and I read, from the third, chapter of Joshua, and, uh, I read, a leg, and the Lord, said unto Satan, the Lord, rebuke thee,

[59:11] O Satan, even the Lord, that hath chosen, Jerusalem, rebuke thee, is not this, a brand plucked, from the fire, now Joshua, was clothed, with filthy garments, so was I, my friends, they've never been, so filthy, nor yet anybody else, has been, as filthy, and stood, before the angel, and he answered, and spake unto, those that stood, before him, saying, take, those filthy garments, from him, and, uh, unto him, he said, behold, I have, uh, caused thine, iniquity, to pass, from thee, and I will, clothe thee, with a change, of rain, who was there, my friend, Christ, was there, there's salvation, my friend, the farthest, of sinners, for I've gone, far from him, but there, in all, my desperation, lost, there is, the Savior, well, you may have to come, into these depths, to find him, but, he's faithful, to his word, he will appear, he will bless you, he will favor you, with a change, of rain, and, oh, what a blessing, uh, when he takes, those filthy garments, from us, and clothes us, in, uh, that robe, of righteousness, something, uh, that, uh, keep us, from being exposed, to God's wrath, in the day, of judgment,

[61:05] God grant it, to us each, amen, the collection, given it.

[61:26] in the day, the righteousness, Jesus, To thee I lift my eyes To thee I bring my soul to Jesus The cloud of thy my daily hope And thou my hope I come to die In so long though yeith is born

[62:28] Of god's song And so holy daynostics find.

[62:52] Thank you.

[63:22] Thank you.

[63:52] Thank you. Thank you.

[64:52] Thank you. Praise of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ, the love of God the Father, the fellowship and communion of the Holy Ghost be with us each, now and forever. Amen.

[65:41] Praise God from whom all blessings flow. Praise him, all creatures here below. Praise him above, ye heavenly hosts. Praise Father, Son, and Holy Ghost.

[66:06] Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen.

[66:18] Amen. Amen. Amen. Thank you.