Young People's service - Thou shalt call his name Jesus
[0:00] As the Lord should be pleased to help me, I shall call your attention to a subject that you will find in the Gospel according to Matthew, chapter 1, and the second half of the 21st verse.
[0:25] And thou shalt call his name Jesus, for he shall save his people from their sins.
[0:37] Chapter 1, the Gospel according to Matthew, and the second half of the 21st verse.
[0:48] It could be said, it should be said, that this word is the most wonderful word recorded in the Word of God.
[1:07] Although there are many wonderful words recorded therein. But this subject that I desire to say a little honest grace is given, is the most important that can ever engage our thoughts.
[1:27] And thou shalt call his name Jesus. And now it is to do with the coming of Jesus Christ into this world.
[1:41] And that he was born a babe. As Joseph Hart, the hymn writer, refers to it, born a babe, by birth, mysterious.
[1:56] You must never reason about it. And you must not cavil at it. But you must seek divine aid to believe it.
[2:08] And to appreciate it. And do remember that it is indeed a blessed reality that Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners.
[2:21] Because my mind seemed to be directed to this subject because in the week, I was reading in the daily paper, how Jesus Christ is being assailed by those who profess to be preachers of the Gospel and who stand in pulpits week in, week out to do it.
[2:51] And yet they declare, even so-called bishops, archbishops too, that the virgin birth of Jesus Christ is a myth.
[3:07] And now, any man who speaks like that, is a man who has no authority to be where he is in a pulpit to preach the gospel.
[3:17] And he is not ordained of God to do so. And I began to think of this subject, and I wondered how I could bring before you, dear young people, as the Lord should help me, some proof that you could understand that Jesus Christ was of a truth, born into this world, and that he came to be seen among men as verily man, verily God, and that he came to do a work which his Father ordained that he should do.
[4:03] And now, strange to say, the one proof I just want to bring before you, ere I come to open up the subject as my mind runs to do it, is a very simple one.
[4:19] And it might be at first, you will hardly be able to receive it or believe it. And now, the fact that Jesus Christ was born, a babe, long ago, at the time appointed, and that the angels did sing in the silent night, glory to God in the highest, on earth peace, good will toward men, the fact that the world is like it is, with all its woe and wickedness, and God endures it.
[5:02] If Jesus Christ had not come down into this world, to seek and to save sinners, the world would have been blotted out. Because the wickedness of man upon the earth is very great.
[5:19] But God endures it. And why? It is said of Jesus Christ, it is a beautiful word, too deep for you dear young people to understand, I fear.
[5:34] He shall see of the travail of his soul, and shall be satisfied. And now, God endures the world, being like it is, so wicked.
[5:47] And every day, it seems to get yet more wicked, because, he has got yet many more people, to call by grace. And there is a word, concerning it, in the, second epistle, of Peter, which I will read to you.
[6:12] Do listen, the Lord, is not slack, concerning his promise, as some men count slackness, but is long suffering, to us ward, us ward, not willing, that any should perish, but that all should come to repentance.
[6:36] And now, here is the world, as you see it, full of chaos, and confusion. But as God sees it, he sees no chaos, and confusion, like you do.
[6:50] what he sees, is his purposes, being fulfilled, every day, all day. And he sees this word, being fulfilled, and the Lord, added unto the church, daily, such as should be saved.
[7:09] Christ. And now, you dear young people, do keep that thought uppermost, in your minds, and remember, that it is a sure proof, that Christ Jesus, came into the world, to save sinners, because God has still got, many sinners to save, and they are being saved, in the world, north, south, east, and west.
[7:39] And there are many more, yet to be born, to be saved. And therefore, it speaks in this word, is long suffering, to usward.
[7:52] God suffers, all the wickedness, of the world, at large, whereas, if he had no further, purposes to, fulfill, regarding the church, of Christ, he would blot it out.
[8:09] Do, try to ponder that, in your heart, because I say, it is an indisputable, proof, that Christ, into this world, came down, and he has, much more work, yet to be done, in his great name.
[8:30] And therefore, if you hear men, scripture teachers, bishops, archbishops, and others, supposed to be preachers, telling you, the virgin birth, is a myth, do you turn, your backs upon them, and believe, what the word of God, declares.
[8:54] And it says, now the birth of Jesus, was on this, why? And you can, read about it, in this opening chapter, of the gospel, according to, Matthew.
[9:06] And it would do you, good to read it, and better still, it would do you, much more good, if you should be helped, to believe it. And if you should be helped, to go to Bethlehem, and see the great thing, that came to pass there, and feel like one, him, writer did, when he said, lowly babe, we fall before thee, Jesus, thee we would adore, to the kingdom, power, and glory, be ascribed, for evermore.
[9:41] And thou shalt call his name, Jesus, for he shall save his people, from their sins. And now, I want to look at this, subject, from one or two viewpoints, and there is a scripture, which speaks like this, concerning the name of Jesus, that it is a name, which is above, every name.
[10:11] And I have sometimes, looked into the word of God, concerning the name of Jesus, and you will find, that in the sacred pages, there are given, to the name of Jesus, adjectives, that you cannot, dare not use, of any other man, because they would not be fitting.
[10:39] And now, the name of Jesus, is said to be, a holy name, a worthy name, an excellent name, a great name, a glorious name, a blessed name, an everlasting name, and it is said, to be a wonderful name.
[11:05] And now, you cannot put those adjectives, to man, however, he may seem to shine, in the eyes of his fellow creatures, you cannot speak of him, as being holy, no, no, it belongs to Jesus Christ, it belongs to, his name, the name of Jesus, and thou shalt call his name, Jesus.
[11:34] I do hope, you will find that, pondering this subject, especially when you get home, and in days to come, that you might ponder it, in your hearts, and find it is, an acceptable, meditation.
[11:53] You see, dear young people, you, and I, need saving. And this, is a great truth. Myself, I cannot save, myself, I cannot keep, but strength in thee, I fain would have, whose eyelids, never sleep.
[12:16] And now, in opening up this subject, I would just refer, to three words, in connection with it, and this may not be, quite a straightforward, address, like I sometimes, usually give, but I do hope, it might be helpful.
[12:34] And now, it says in our text, he shall save his people, from their sins. And now, what a thing to ponder, and think about, is sin.
[12:48] The word of God, speaks about it, and I like to think, how one hymn, writer refers to it. And he says, tis palsy, dropsy, fever, and madness, all combined, and none but a believer, the least relief, confined.
[13:15] Men, nowadays, seek to, try and explain away sin, but it is, a reality. And you and I, came into the world, sinners.
[13:28] And whatever man, may seek to do, in regard to it, it will make, no improvement. It will not, alter the fact, that you and I, are sinners, and shall be, as long as we live.
[13:42] And at the end, of life's journey, a grave, must be, dig for all, that is mortal of us, to be laid therein, because, you and I, are, sinners.
[13:56] Sin, entered, into the world, and death, by sin. And so, death has passed, upon all men, for that, all have sinned. And now, sin, is a disease.
[14:11] I've sometimes, told you, in some addresses, that it is, likened to, leprosy, in the Old Testament.
[14:22] And that was, indeed, a very foul, disease. It was a dreadful, matter, for a poor, creature, to be, attacked, with leprosy.
[14:35] And, as soon as, the evidence of it, began to appear, he had to wear, a covering, on his upper lip. And, wherever he went about, he had to cry, as he went along, unclean, unclean.
[14:51] So, that others, should keep, separate, from whereabouts, he was. And, not be contaminated, thereby. And now, that is a very, solemn, consideration.
[15:05] But, I must tell you this, that when a sinner, is born again, and, he begins to feel, what the, word of God says, which shall know, every man, the plague, of his own heart.
[15:22] He finds that, sin, is just to him, like a fret in, leprosy. And, all he can say, but he says it, before God, is unclean, unclean.
[15:39] To thee, I come a sinner, great. And, well thou knowest, all my state, yet full forgiveness, is with thee. Oh, God, be merciful, to me.
[15:52] I do wonder, how many of you, dear young people, in your approaches, to God, feel sin, to be like that.
[16:03] So, that you have to take, of Isaiah's words, from the sole of the foot, even to the head, there is no soundness, in it, but wounds, and bruises, and putrefying, sores.
[16:18] And now, going back, to the Old Testament, and, the subject, of leprosy, it was set forth, first of all, as, a disease, that attacked man.
[16:30] And, there was no, cure for it. Unless, God, wrought a, miracle. And so, when you feel, to be a sinner, before God, with whom you have to do, and feel, sin, to be like a, fretting, leprosy, as I said, it needs, a miracle of grace, to bring you, healing.
[16:57] Vain is the help, of man, regarding it. And then, sometimes, this, leprosy, was found, in the house, in which people lived.
[17:11] It began, to show itself, in, in, unclean marks, upon the walls. And then, he who dwelt, in the house, had to go, and search out, the priest.
[17:26] And he said, to him then, it seemeth, to me, as if there is, a plague, in the house. And the priest, would come, and examine, the stones.
[17:39] And sometimes, they would see, what they could, do about it, and take the stones out, and put others in. But sometimes, it broke out again. And then, the priest, would come, and look, again.
[17:53] sin. And then, would go forth, the verdict, the house, must come down. And that is, why you and I, have to be carried, up to the churchyard.
[18:08] Sin, has made us, mortal. Our life, is, mortal. Therefore, death, is on the road, to meet us.
[18:21] And the house, in which you have lived, so many years, some of us, have lived long, in our house, the tabernacle, and, yet, the theater's, gone forth, the house, must come down, so that, even if you should live, to be as old, as Methuselah, nine hundred, and sixty, and nine years, it will still be said, and he died, and so will you, and so shall I.
[18:56] The house, must come down, because, I have already, quoted to you, sin, entered, into the world, and death, by sin, and so death, has passed, upon all men, for that, all have sinned.
[19:14] Then, there is another, viewpoint of, leprosy, sometimes, it, affected a garment, and that, had to be examined, by the priest, and, uh, if it was found, of a truth, it was, infected, by leprosy, then the garment, must be destroyed, and now, what does that, teach us?
[19:42] It teaches us, dear, young people, that your, righteousness, can be of, no avail, to you, let it be, the best garment, you can put together, by your good deeds, and good words, when all is said, and done, when God views it, it will be seen, to have the, leprosy, of what you are, by nature, infecting it, and will be, valueless, and glad you will be, to be stripped of it, stripped of all, your fancied, meekness, to approach, the dread, I am, and now, the next word, is, saviour, and what a beautiful, word that is, and thou shalt call, his name, Jesus, for he shall save, his people, from, their sins, and now, it speaks about,
[20:47] Jesus Christ, as a saviour, and a, great one, and I can tell you this, and I have had, quite a deal to do, in my long ministry, with people, who were taught, of God, young, middle aged, and old, alike, but I have, never yet met, any sinner, concerned about, his soul salvation, but what he wanted, a saviour, who was a, great one, because he felt, to be a, great sinner, yes, and now, he shall save, his people, from their sins, and now, in order, that salvation, which is the third word, I want to look at, a little later, in order, that salvation, should come down, to poor sinners, like you and me, what had to be done, when Adam fell, and was driven, out of Eden's garden, and he had to, live a different life, altogether, to what he had lived, heretofore, in Eden's garden, in the midst, of all created, earthly happiness,
[22:07] God, told him, how he was to be, worshipped, as God, and he laid down, a bedrock truth, and that runs, right through, the word of God, without the shedding, of blood, there is no, remission of sins, and so, the sacrifices, were instituted, the bird, or the beast, was slain, and the blood, was shed, and sprinkled, before God, and I, must not, take up time, in going into the details, for you are all aware, how matters fell out, between, Cain, and Abel, Abel, brought a more, excellent sacrifice, and offered it, in living faith, unto God, and he, and his offering too, were accepted, of God, but Cain's, was rejected, because he brought, of the fruits, of the earth, there was no, shedding of blood, oh those fruits, may have been, excellent to look at, and Cain, may have thought, his intentions, were good, but he had, ignored, the word, of God, as to how, the worship, of God, must be carried on, and now,
[23:38] Abel, was helped, to worship, God aright, and Cain, and his offering, were, rejected, and now, that great truth, runs all through, the old testament, so that, under the Mosaic, ritual, there must have been, millions of birds, and beasts, slain, and there must have been, rivers of blood, that ran, that were shed, but in all of it, there was no value, no virtue, no efficacy, whatever, it was only, to leave, the thoughts, of those, who worshipped, and attended, to the, ritual, of the, Mosaic law, that without, the shedding of blood, there is no, remission of sins, and that, there was, one to come, who should dwell, on the earth, in due time, and that, his blood, when it was shed, would atone, for the sins, of all that, vast host,
[24:47] God the Father, ordained, to life, eternal, and that, was why, Jesus Christ, came down, into this world, to be seen, among men, as a man, he took, our nature, into union, with his own, divine nature, but it was, as Beverly man, that he suffered, and shed his blood, on Calvary's cross, and all the virtue, there is in it, Jesus blood, through earth, and skies, mercy, eternal, mercy, cries, yes, and that, is a beautiful scripture, in that day, there shall be, a fountain, open for sin, and for uncleanness, how do you, dear young people, feel about, this beautiful, and blessed truth, this holy doctrine, the blood, of Jesus Christ,
[25:51] God's son, cleanseth us, from, all sin, do any of you, feel like, one in, right or dead, you do know, somewhat, of what you are, by nature, as sinners, your need, of that, cleansing, which the, blood of Christ, alone, can do, but as yet, you have not, felt the application, of it, in the hymn, writer says, the fountain, open stands, but on its, brink I dwell, oh, put me in, with thine own hands, and that, shall make me, well, and it, will indeed, make you, well, poor sinner, and meanwhile, do you, wait on God, because, the word of God, is wonderful, regarding, they, that are helped, to wait, on him, who is the sinner's friend, who delighteth, in mercy, yea, it is declared, blessed, for all they, that wait, for him, for he, shall save, his people, from their sins, much, might be said, along that line, of thought, and now, there is this word, salvation, and that, is a great word, to contemplate, and now, do listen, if you are a sinner, born again, every time, you gather, wherever you do, to worship God, you think, about salvation, you think, about the salvation, of your own, never dying soul, and sometimes, you are helped, to wait on God, say unto my soul,
[27:51] I am thy salvation, and how glad, you are sometimes, to plead, remember me, O Lord, with the favor, that thou, bearest unto thy people, O visit me, poor, guilty, wretched, hell deserving, me, visit me, with thy, salvation, and now, all I can say, to you, at this time, is summed up, in this, sinner, if thou, were taught, to see, how great, thy guilt, thy misery, in every thought, and acting pure, the blood of Christ, thy soul, can cure, you shall know, his name, in your own, soul's experience, as ointment, poured forth, thou, shalt call, his name, Jesus, and you, shall know, to your soul's joy, in time, and eternity, he shall save his people, from their sins, word of Hezekiah,
[29:05] I hope, some of you, dear, young people, may live, to say it, and out of the, abundance of the heart, for the mouth, to speak, and Hezekiah, declares, the Lord, was ready, to say, me, and do remember, what you have sung, sometimes, and ask, God, to help you, to take a, right advantage, of it, and believe it, Jesus, ready, stands, to save you, yes, full of pity, joined with power, he is able, he is willing, doubt no more, and thou, shall, call his name, Jesus, for he, shall save, his people, from their sins, and now, I want to look, at the subject, from another viewpoint, not to be, too long, on any branch, of it, for it is, a vast subject, there are, depths, unfathomable, in it, and we shall, only be able, to draw out, at least, a bucketful, by the help, of God, if as much, as that, and now, the next viewpoint, of the subject, is this, the name of Jesus,
[30:27] I said, earlier on, is above, every name, and now, it is above, every name, you see, men, may be given, great names, and they may be, known as being, great, because of, what they are, in the life, they have lived, in what they have done, for the world, in which they have lived, and moved, but, when you think, of the name, of Jesus, being, a name, that is above, every name, you must think, of it, first of all, as being above, every name, in the meanings, of it, and now, my name, as far as, I can remember, means, a bright soldier, not as I can say, much about it, from that viewpoint, but that is, the one meaning, of it, and now, in that lovely Bible, that I was presented with, on my Jubilee,
[31:33] Thanksgiving day, I looked into it, to see, how many meanings, of the name, of Jesus, were recorded, therein, and lo, I left off, counting, when I had reached, a hundred, it, and every name, given, was a name, given to Jesus, in the sacred pages, from Genesis, to Revelation, and, every name, had got a meaning, whether it was, to be a vine, or a door, or a shepherd, but whatever, the name was, Jesus Christ, was that, in the reality, of it, in the meaning, of it, is he a door, I'll enter in, yes, and what does he say, I am the good shepherd, I know my sheep, yes, and he says, I am the true vine, and so you might, go on, but there are, all these meanings, given to the name, of Jesus, thou shalt call, his name,
[32:39] Jesus, but when you look, into the word of God, you can find, scores of names, given to him, and every name, he is so, worthy to bear, and he bears, that name, in the fullness, of its meaning, as the sinner's friend, do think it over, as the Lord, shall help you, and remember this, it says, in the, acts of the apostles, here is, a viewpoint, of his name, to him, give all the prophets, witness, that through his name, whosoever, whosoever, believeth in him, shall receive, remission of sins, shall I read that again, because that is just, the essence, of the gospel, to him, give all the prophets, witness, that through his name, whosoever, believeth in him, shall receive, remission, of sins, and do listen, dear young people, and especially, those of you, who are following on, to know the Lord, that if thou shalt, confess with thy mouth, the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe, in thine heart, that God hath raised him, from the dead, thou shalt be saved, for with the heart, man believeth, unto righteousness, and with the mouth, confession, is made unto salvation, for the scripture, saith, whosoever believeth, on him, shall not be, ashamed, and without faith, it is impossible, to please him, for he that cometh, to God, must believe, that he is, and that he is, a rewarder, of all them, that diligently, seek him, so then, his name, is above, every name, when you think, of the, many meanings, attached to it, and every, meaning, he can fulfill, in every, jot and tittle of it, the next thought is, the name of Jesus, is above, every name, in the simplicity of it, what could be, more simple, than this name,
[35:15] Jesus, and it means, a savior, and thou shalt call, his name, Jesus, for he shall save, his people, from their sins, and now, there are some names, given to God, in the, sacred pages, that it might be, you would feel, very hesitant, to let fall, from your lips, before God, in your approaches, unto him, but you were, welcome, to take this name, the name, of Jesus, and no, deny or take, while you plead, for Jesus, save, the next thought, is this, that the name, of Jesus, is a name, which is above, every name, when you think, of the power of it, I read to you, where the power of it, was put forth, in that poor man, who was found, at the beautiful gate, of the temple, and remember, how, that was made, plain, as to how, it came, about, and his name, through faith, in his name, hath made this man, strong, whom ye see, and know, yea, the faith, which is by him, hath given him, this perfect soundness, in the presence, of you all, and what Jesus Christ, did then, he can do today, tomorrow, for he is,
[36:52] Jesus Christ, the same, yesterday, and today, and forever, what did he say, after he, rose from the dead, I love that scripture, especially, as you look, around the world, nowadays, all power, in heaven, and in earth, and in earth, is given unto me, and he can exercise it, and he does exercise it, he exercises it, that poor sinner, shall be wrought upon, and born again, the fruit of his soul's travail, yes, and he exercises, his power, to change, poor sinners lives, so that they, no longer live, unto men, but live unto God, and live for God, and he can exercise, his power, to protect, from all ill and evil, yea, he has said, that he would do it, upon this rock,
[38:04] I will build my church, and the gates of hell, shall not prevail, against it, but there is just, another thought here, a name, which is above, every name, it is above, every name, in the unchangeableness, of it, you see, our names, last for a while, and they might be, put on our tombstone, over our grave, if there should be one, but they die out, one generation, passeth away, and another generation, cometh, so that, those who lived, hundreds of years ago, are little thought about, nowadays, as to their names, now and again, a name stands out, in history, but oh, this name, is for time, and eternity too, I sometimes, allowed my thoughts, to run, but you do need, a sanctified imagination, if you do, allow your thoughts, to run,
[39:14] I sometimes, thought, what must be, the feelings, of, Mary, as to her, redeemed spirit, in the realms of bliss, when she, remembers, that it was her, amazing honor, to be the, mother of the, holy humanity, of Jesus Christ, that he might be seen, among men, as verily man, you might think, about that also, thou, thou shalt call, his name Jesus, for he shall, save his people, from their sins, and now, coming along, toward the amen, I would just, look at it, from another viewpoint, I would just, take the name Jesus, and give you, something, which is indeed, a blessed reality, answerable, to each letter, in his, blessed name,
[40:17] I shall not say, much about, each item, because, the time, is going, and now, the letter J, stands, for joyful tidings, and you remember, do not forget it, you will soon, be thinking about it, and whatever you do, let no one, persuade you, that it was just, a myth, for the angels, did sing, in the silent, night, and their song, was heard, and suddenly, there was with the angel, a multitude, of the heavenly host, praising God, and saying, glory to God, in the highest, and on earth, peace, good will, toward, men, and remember, the shepherds, made no mistake, when they said, let us now, go to Bethlehem, and see this, thing, which is come to pass, which the Lord, hath made known, unto us, and what they saw, what did they say, about it, what they said, about it, is what you should, think about, and they came, with haste, and found Mary, and Joseph, and the babe, lying, in a manger, and when they, had seen it, they made known, abroad, the saying, which was told them, concerning this child, you see, if Jesus Christ, is made to you, a reality, a living, bright reality, what you feel, him to be, you should say, something about it, you should say, something about it, to the church, of Christ, and let it be known, that you have been, with Jesus, and that, he has, granted you, some help, by the way, some tokens, for good, and given you, a good hope, that when he died, on Calvary's cross, it was for you, he hung, and suffered, there, for the word, of God says, let the redeemed, of the Lord, say so, and they should, say so,
[42:40] J then, stands for, joyful tidings, and now, E, stands for, everlasting, righteousness, and it says, in another part, of the gospels, that Jesus Christ, brought in, an everlasting, righteousness, righteousness, and he did that, if I can make it plain, to you, dear young people, in the life, he lived, and it says, that when the fullness, of time, was come, God sent forth, his own son, made of a woman, made under the law, law, and under the law, as verily man, he lived his life, and kept that law, in all its demands, in him the father, never saw, the least transgression, of his law, in him, in him we then, perfection, view, the saints, in him, a perfect too, and each one, is made, meet for the, inheritance, of the saints, in life, and is clothed, in an everlasting, righteousness, yes, and now, the letter S, stands, for sinners pardoned, is that what, you would like to be, a sinner, pardoned, so that you can, appear before God, with whom you have to do, and feel that matters, are right, between, your soul, and God, oh, it says, in the word of his grace, through this man, there is preached, unto you, the forgiveness, of sins, sins, and it says this, all manner of sin, shall be forgiven, and now, that should encourage you, to hope in God, even as the hymn writer, puts it,
[44:38] I'll to the gracious, king approach, whose scepter pardon, gives, perhaps he will, command my touch, and then, the suppliant, lives, yes, sinners, are pardoned, a number, which no man, can number, when Jesus Christ, declared from the cross, it is finished, all their sins, were blotted out, to be no more, remembered, against them, blessed be God, for the forgiveness, of sins, and now, the letter U, stands for, unfailing, promises, promises, and it says, concerning the exceeding, great, and precious promises, that they are all, yea, and amen, in Christ Jesus, that is, each one, has got validity, and God, will fulfill it, because, Jesus Christ, was born, a babe, and laid, in the manger cradle, at Bethlehem, long ago, and he came down, into this world, to do that work, which his father, laid upon him, to do, love's redeeming work, therefore, all the exceeding, great, and precious promises, must be fulfilled, to every poor sinner, interested, therein, he is the ever faithful God, he is the promiser, and what he promises, he can, and he will, and he does, perform.
[46:24] The last S, simply stands for, salvation, sure, joyful tidings, everlasting righteousness, sinners pardon, unfailing promises, and salvation, sure, to all those, on whose behalf, he came into the world, to seek, and to save, thou shalt call his name, Jesus, for he shall save, his people, from their sins, and now, as I come, toward the Amen, I think of that word, in Malachi, it is a great word, where it speaks, of a book of remembrance, being written, before the Lord, for they, that fear the Lord, and that, think upon his name, see how low, I say this, with great reverence, see how low, the spirit of God, comes down, to encourage, poor sinners, to hope, in him, as a sinner's friend, and they, that think, upon his name, do you do that, if you think, upon his name, and think, upon his name, prayerfully, think upon his name, longingly, hopefully, if you feel that, to ponder, his name, in your heart, is as ointment, poured forth, and there is a fragrance, in your thoughts, as you think about, the name of Jesus, us, the Lord bless you, he has blessed you, already, and he will, bless you, much more, ere long, blessed are they, which do hunger, and thirst, after righteousness, for they, shall be filled, he has his book, of remembrance, for they, that think, upon, his name, the soul, that with sincere, desires, seeks, after Jesus, love, that soul, the Holy Ghost, inspires, with, readings, from, above,
[48:50] I like to think, and you know, I'm in the latter days, of my ministry, as the pastor, I was going to say, I like to think, of you dear young people, some of you, you were like Ruth, when she was gleaning, in the fields, of Boaz, and what did she say, when she, set out, to do that, let me now go, and glean in the fields, of him, in whose sight, I shall find grace, and now, Ruth, did go gleaning, in the fields, in the fields, of Boaz, and there came, a day, when Boaz, came into the field, and he spoke, oh so kindly, to Ruth, and matters fell out, well, for Ruth, and some of you, dear young people, are you not gleaning, in the gospel fields, if so be, you can get, help by the way, a token for good, and to participate, in the favor, that God bears, to his people, the Lord, help you, not to go, to glean in any other field, but to continue, to glean in the fields, of Boaz, and you will find, to your soul's joy, in his time, his way, he who is a greater, than Boaz, will come into the field, where you are, and, he will speak, kindly to you, and glad you will be, to hear his voice, and he will make it plain, that you belong to him, and his, yes, and thou shalt call his name,
[50:37] Jesus, for he shall save his people, from their sins, and now there is just one more thing, I want to refer to, and that is, what I have, told you, in earlier addresses, once or twice, but I am going to tell you again, and I think perhaps, you need to be told, more than once or twice, or twice, now many years ago, over ninety years ago, there was a little girl, in Union Chapel, and she was invited, to come to Union Chapel, by another, little friend, who worshipped there, and she came, and at the end of the service, she was given, a little card, a picture card, with a verse on it, and it was this, O Saviour, may we never rest, till thou art formed within, till thou hast calmed our troubled breast, and crushed the power, of sin, and now the Lord, lodged that, in that little girl's heart, and she became, a worshipper, on the Union Chapel route, for a while, then she was moved elsewhere, and ultimately, she landed, at Ebenezer Chapel,
[52:07] Ashford, and there she became, a member, and there she lived, an honourable profession, of the name of Jesus, and some years ago, I had the privilege, to see all that was mortal, of her, well laid in the grave, she lived well, and she died well, and one thing, I've never forgotten, and that was, she worked hard, she filled a niche, in life, and then she became, a pensioner, and she felt, that she did not, really want the pension, so she kept, heaping the money up, together, and when it came, to something like, about a couple, of hundred pounds, she gathered it, all together, and, went to see, the deacon, of Ebenezer Chapel,
[53:07] Ashford, and handed it over, to him, with her love, for the carrying, on of the course, of truth, because that was, where her heart was, and now, that all began, under Union Chapel, room, when she was, a little girl, she wasn't, even a teenager, I judge, she was about, eight or nine, when she died, which was, some, few years ago, I don't know, I don't know, quite what her age, was, but I know, that it's, nearly a hundred, years ago, that she was found, under Union Chapel, roof like that, and it seemed, just by chance, that she came in, she was just, asked by another, fellow girl, to come in, and worship, and the Lord, met with her, and now, a redeemed spirit, is in the realms, of bliss, oh, what wonders, the grace of God, has done, and can do, and we hope, it will yet do, round about us, in our cause, and in other causes, and round about, where they are, but it all, comes to this, this is the beginning, and this is the ending, of it, and thou shalt call, his name,
[54:32] Jesus, for he shall save, his people, from their sins, what did you sing, did you think about it, there is a name, which fills with praise, the countless hosts, of heaven, and there are some, to whom the joy, of naming it, is given, who even, in their childhood, learn, towards the cross, their eyes, to turn, and love, the name, of Jesus, dear young people, what can I say more, than the blessing, of the Lord, be upon you, in time, and eternity, Amen.