
Bethersden - Union Chapel - Part 129

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Feb. 7, 1965



Young People's service - In all thy ways acknowledge him

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[0:00] If the Lord shall be pleased to help me, I shall call your attention to a subject you will find in the book of Proverbs, chapter 3, and the sixth verse.

[0:18] In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths.

[0:33] Chapter 3, the book of Proverbs, and the sixth verse.

[0:44] This is a subject which you will be familiar with the wording of it, and it is a very straightforward word.

[1:05] And if you were to ask as to how it is there is such a concern amongst us in our course of truth regarding you dear young people, and your future in time and eternity too, this word will define it, that it is our deep down desire that you should, as grace is given, be brought to acknowledge God with whom you have to do, and that in your everyday life you should seek his aid, that the paths you go along may be such paths that you may beg his blessing to be upon you as you go therein.

[2:06] The margin reading is striking. In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall make straight thy paths.

[2:21] And you know some of the paths that you go along in youth and in life's mourning cannot be designated straight.

[2:37] They are not straight with the word of God, but they are outside the covers of it, not in accordance with what is laid down as good paths, safe paths to walk in inside the covers of it.

[2:57] I am not making any reflections on you, dear young people. I am only telling you the truth. I have to aim to have a good conscience when I am on my dying bed, that I have kept back nothing that is profitable to you.

[3:19] And it is a wonderful mercy if along life's way you can feel that God is going before you to order your goings.

[3:35] I can speak from a deep down experience. And I do want to be found inside that word in the Psalms.

[3:48] The steps of a good man are ordered by the Lord, and he delighteth in his way.

[3:58] And now, this is what a good man, a good woman, a good youth, a good maid, will be concerned to do.

[4:09] In all thy ways acknowledge him. And it means, ask the blessing of God upon the ways you're in.

[4:21] If you can, mark that word in. In other words, if you dare, because there are some ways you might be going along, where it is an impossibility for you to acknowledge God and ask him to bless you, as you traverse those ways.

[4:51] For you are traversing those ways with your back toward God. And you are just living still as you were born.

[5:05] After the flesh, the things of the flesh. And now, do not think that the pastor is too stern and severe, but that is the truth of the matter.

[5:20] And your consciences will tell some of you that the ways you are going along, as yet, are ways wherein you have no concern to acknowledge it.

[5:33] When you think of God, you also behave like this. Depart from us. We desire not the knowledge of thee or thy ways.

[5:45] When you think of Jesus Christ, the dear man that he is, who befriends poor sinners, who delighteth in mercy, you say, we will not have this man to reign over us.

[6:03] And now, that is a very solemn consideration. The word of God tells us, He that soweth through the flesh shall of the flesh reap corruption.

[6:16] He that soweth through the spirit shall of the spirit reap life everlasting. They that soweth through the flesh They that soweth through the flesh do mind the things of the flesh.

[6:28] But they that soweth through the spirit the things of the spirit. As I was thinking of you, dear young people, and thinking of giving you an address, it came to my mind as to the why and wherefore that many of us under Union Chapel roof have such a concern regarding your eternal welfare.

[7:02] And now, I just read you a little piece out of one of the Psalms and that will tell you. And I hope you will appreciate it.

[7:14] not my reading of it, but the truth of it, that it is for your good in time and eternity too. Give ear, O my people, to my law.

[7:28] Incline your ears to the words of my mouth. I will open my mouth in a parable. I will utter dark sayings of all which we have heard and known and our fathers have told us.

[7:42] We will not hide them from our children, their children, showing to the generation to come the praises of the Lord and his strength and his wonderful works that he hath done.

[7:57] I might make a pause there. Think if you can, how godly fathers and mothers in Israel long ago, in the Selmish time, would be able to tell their children the wonders that they saw in Egypt wrought on their behalf and in the wilderness and in how the land of promise was conquered by them that they might dwell therein according to the word of God.

[8:27] There would be wonders upon wonders told and the children would listen with an intense interest for he established a testimony in Jacob and appointed a law in Israel which he commanded our fathers that they should make them known to their children.

[8:50] Follow this along that the generation to come might know them even the children which should be born who should arise and declare them to their children that they might set their hope in God and not forget the works of God but keep his commandments.

[9:12] And now that is the foundation truth that underlies the interest that is shown to you dear young people that you might as grace is given set your hope in God and not be left to live and die without God and without hope.

[9:39] In all thy ways acknowledge him. remember who he is he is thy creator and you are his creature you are his handiwork and you owe him lifelong obedience to him because of who he is your creator and if you live your life and never acknowledge him then at the end of life's journey when you appear before the judgment seat of Christ you will have to give an account of how you live such a life without acknowledging him in whom you did live and move and have your being be independent upon him for every breath that you drew and now in approaching this subject and I want if the

[10:47] Lord to help me to make it as instructive and interesting as I can seeking out acceptable words I thought of a word in the book of Job and Job said this I wonder if you dear young people realise this truth when a few years are come then I shall go the way whence I shall not return and you know as you go about in the cities and towns in driving your cars you sometimes see a one way street you cannot return down that street and life as you live it is just like that life is a one way street and you go on through time into an eternal state do remember that acknowledge him thy creator there is a word in the psalm

[12:13] I want to say a word or two on because it will help you to understand one viewpoint whereby sinners young and old are enabled to acknowledge him and the psalmist says it it is a good thing to give thanks unto the Lord and to sing praises unto thy name almost high to show forth thy loving kindness in the morning and thy faithfulness every night upon an instrument of ten strings and upon the psaltery and upon the heart with a solemn sound I never light on those words in my reading without thinking of a godly old man who in one of our causes in his public prayer quoted it quoted about showing forth the loving kindness of

[13:21] God upon an instrument of ten strings and then he asked the Lord to define the ten strings and he said Lord have I got it right two eyes two ears two hands two feet one tongue and one heart and the heart the mainspring of it all and he said something like that in his prayer and now that is just how you will acknowledge him if your heart is made right with God you will want to use your two eyes and acknowledge him in what you see acknowledge his handiwork and it will be good if you can say with John clavell oh may mine eyes pet closed be from what concerns me not to see which will not be for my edification and profit you will want to acknowledge him with your ears and you know there is a great deal that goes in a ear gate which if you did always acknowledge him surely you would keep the ear gate shut and not listen think of what there is in the world nowadays much of it goes in the ear gate and the fruits of it are not good and

[15:16] God is not acknowledged in it because it emanates from hell not from heaven two hands and it says by him actions await and now in what you do you should acknowledge him who has given you two hands to use and your two feet what does that suggest surely if you have got some good thing in your heart toward the Lord God of Israel it will suggest this make me to walk in thy commands tis a delightful road nor let my head or heart or hands offend against my God you have one tongue and it seems amazing as

[16:18] James tells us in his epistle in the word of God that the fountain can send forth waters both sweet and bitter but then it says when a sinner is born again they shall speak with new tongues and those new tongues with which sinners born again will speak and by which they will sing the songs of Zion they will tune their hearts to acknowledge him whose they are and whom they serve but the starting point is here create in me a clean heart oh God and renew a right spirit within me acknowledge him thy creator in all thy ways acknowledge him and he should direct thy paths he will hear what you tell out before the throne of grace although it may be in a stammeling way that you do it and you may be troubled and tempted in the doing of it but

[17:40] God is in heaven can he hear a feeble prayer like mine yes that he can I need not fear he will listen unto mine acknowledge him and I want to put the emphasis as the Lord shall help me upon the hymn lately I've heard people using an expression when I heard it first of all I wondered what the meaning would be but I've heard it so many times that I have gathered the meaning and I find it is used in the press and what is used in the press alas very soon slips off people's tongues whether they are young or old and this expression

[18:44] I very much dislike I detest it and it is not of God and it emanated from hell itself it is this expression you say that such and such a one is not with it or he is with it and you read it as I have said in the daily press and it means that you are either not in a line with some particular knowledge or that you do possess it and therefore you are with it and now that is not in the word of God as an expression to be used but I will tell you what is and oh if it could only be the truth about you these this is what is going to happen I might tell you what is happening already but the battle will rage much more fiercely yet as the days unfold in these last times these shall make war with the lamb and the lamb shall overcome them for he is lord of lords and kings of kings and they that are with him are called and chosen and faithful and now this must be your concern to be with him because it is all important that you should be with him because another day it may not be yet with some of you but in the ultimate issue it will be the truth regarding everyone under

[20:42] Union Chapel roof that you will see him and very solemn it will be if you have never acknowledged him and desired to be numbered with him and with his people I told you about Abraham Lincoln a little while ago and do remember what I said then when there was a very sad war going on in the United States and one of Lincoln's friends said to him do you think God is on our side when Lincoln said I'm not so much concerned about that my concern is to know that I am on the side of God and now that gets you down to a bedrock truth the

[21:45] Lord is with you while ye be with him but if you forsake him he will forsake you but if ye seek him he will be found of you oh that you might acknowledge him as you are in life's mourning that you might be helped then to serve him all the days of your life in all thy ways acknowledge him and he shall direct thy paths it means in acknowledging him to acknowledge his word and that has in it an acknowledgement that his word is his word the word of God and that is not just repetition it is a great truth all scripture is given by inspiration of

[22:53] God and it cannot be obliterated or treated with irreverence or disrespect or set aside if you say I'm determined to live the life I want to do and as for me I'm quite content to live without thinking about what the word of God says how I ought to live then if you live such a life and never acknowledge him or his word what will be the end of it and you should think about that when you come to the end of life's journey you will have to acknowledge him if you never never know him as your saviour in this life you will have to acknowledge him as your judge and he that rejecteth me and my words as one that judges him the word that

[23:57] I have spoken it should judge him at the last day God in his great mercy his wondrous wisdom has given us the holy bible book divine and it contains all things necessary for our salvation and to them that acknowledge him the word of God is a lamp unto their feet a light unto their path oh do seek divine aid dear young people that you might ere it is too late acknowledge him acknowledge his word and seek to live in accordance with its blessed teaching there is a word I like to look at which is recorded of

[24:59] Daniel and it says here when there were enemies who had arisen against Daniel seeking to do him mischief because he served the Lord his God now when Daniel knew that the writing was signed he went into his house and his windows being open in his chamber toward Jerusalem he kneeled upon his knees three times a day and prayed and gave thanks before his God as he did a poor time then these men assembled and found Daniel praying and making supplication before his God and it was supposed to be a time when none were afraid at all only to the king that reigned in Daniel's day king Darius and they went to king Darius and answered they and said before the king that

[26:03] Daniel which is of the children of the captivity of Judah regardeth not the king nor the decree that thou hast sign but maketh his petition three times a day as much as to say although we have got this law passed that all men shall pray to thee alone king Darius Daniel will acknowledge the Lord is God and serve him and him alone what do you children sing sometimes ask children dare to be a Daniel and dare to stand alone dare to have a purpose true and dare to make it known in all thy ways acknowledge him in other words perish policy of coming perish all that fears the light whether losing whether winning trust in

[27:14] God and do the wrong in all thy ways acknowledge him and now that means to acknowledge his day and the word of God whatever men may do and at the present time they're trying to do a great deal even in the house of parliament to alter the sabbath day and how it is to be kept in England as a nation there are those seeking to overturn the laws of our land regarding the sabbath day and what the word of God declares remember the sabbath day to keep it holy and they want it to be a day wherein man can do as he likes and please himself what he should do but that the word of God will not allow without he who so behaves will reap in accordance with the seed that he sows and very solemn the harvest will be there is a word in

[28:20] Ezekiel verily my sabbath ye shall keep ye shall reverence my sanctuary and this day is to be acknowledged it is a wonderful provision it is a day when God is worshipped by his people in the public assemblies and we do desire to remember what he said of the sabbath day oh day most calm most bright the weeks were dark but for thy light remember the sabbath day to keep it holy and that means if you do that right you will remember his house there is a house of prayer and you must not think you can sit at home and get religion off the radio or television and think God will accept that as the worship of his holy majesty for you will find that people will be stamped upon such worship weighed in the balances and found wanting there there is to be a witness for

[29:37] God in people assembling in this place and that where God is worshipped and thus they acknowledge him and show whose they are and whom they serve and how good it is to be able to do it with a willing mind a right motive and feel we love the place O God wherein thine honour dwells the joy of thine abode all earthly joy excels in all thy ways acknowledge him and then it means that you will acknowledge his people you remember what was said to Jonas by the mariners on shipboard of what people art thou and Jonah told the truth about it

[30:39] I am an Hebrew I fear God who made the sea and the dry land and now if I were to ask you of what people art thou what would you say if I said to some of you of what people art thou or what people do you desire to be found amongst living and dying I know what some of you would answer you would desire to acknowledge him and your concern is to be found amongst his people wisdom numbered I would be now and in eternity and you do acknowledge him when you try to pray remember me oh Lord with the favour that thou bearest unto thy people oh visit me with thy salvation it is a wonderful mercy to find in your heart that which nits you to the people of

[31:51] God there is a word to be found in the word of God which is rather tritean where it speaks about the godly Colossians and it says that their hearts might be knit together being comforted knit together in love and now that is known amongst the people of God and it is a wonderful feeling otherwise you would be strangers to each other pass each other in the street but being numbered with the people of God there is a feeling in your heart he that is joined to the Lord is one spirit and you acknowledge his people for who they are his people and in doing that you acknowledge him who is their

[33:00] God like Barnabas when he came to Antioch and saw the grace of God he was glad of what people are there do you stand alongside Moses choosing rather to suffer affliction with the people of God than to enjoy the pleasures of sin for a season are any here sisters to Ruth long ago thy people should be my people thy God should be my God are you glad sometimes to sing when thou my righteous judge shalt come to take thy ransomed people home shall I among them stand it is a great thing to be concerned about it in all thy ways acknowledge him there is another source how good it is to be helped to acknowledge him and to acknowledge his providence and remember dear young people there is an over rule in providence that wisely marshals every circumstance and it is a wonderful provision when you can look at the way you're going along and feel that God has lined it out for you and say my times are in die handy acknowledge his conscience and here is an illustration

[34:42] I want you to remember the lady abroad was travelling through a dense forest and the driver lost his way he stopped and began to walk among the trees looking upwards and the lady asked him why he was doing so he said if I can find the path in the sky I shall regain the road on the ground where he could see a track of light between the trees he would know that was where the road was and now what you dear young people must be concerned about as grace is given to you all that you might have it to be concerned is to find your paths in the sky and to do that David said long ago I will look up and remember what you sing on the union chapel room and you young people all join in and sing it fit in what you can whether it be tenor or bass or treble or alto guide me all that great jehovah pilgrim through this barren land

[36:06] I am weak but thou art mighty hold me with thy powerful hands and now that is just what we want God to be pleased to do for you oh I remember many years ago one word in the psalm that took fast hold of me I hope I hope it will remain a sweet reality till I die this God is our God forever and ever and he will be our guide even unto death yes all to have God for our guide he shall direct thy part in other words he shall make straight thy parts and now it comes to my mind here I go farther to look at the subject from yet another viewpoint of it if the time will allow

[37:10] I just look at that margin reading he shall make straight thy parts then the inference is that the parts you're going along must be crooked and now how are these crooked parts you're in you dear young people how are they to be made straight there is a way blessed be God where they can be made straight and now a little while ago I had a communication from the United States and in it there was a magazine and in the magazine there was a record which I felt when I read it

[38:13] I must read it to you dear young people and I can only think of one word which will help you to understand what this incident sets forth he that covereth his sins shall not prosper for who so forsaketh his sins shall obtain mercy mercy and it says here a Christian boat builder worked for an infidel who was always sneering at the young man's Christianity in vain he talked to the infidel and tried to get him to see the error of his ways only to receive a mocking reply this young man decided to build a boat for himself and desired certain expensive copper nails used by his employers in their boat buildings as they did not rust out as iron nails do but they were too costly for the young man to afford so he fell a prey to temptation each week he would snip a few of these nails in his kit as he packed his tools to return home in a nearby town one

[39:37] Sunday the preacher spoke on the necessity of confessing one's sins and in case a neighbor had been wrong making full restitution under this preaching the young man was brought in guilty and felt himself to be a common thief he had known all along that his action was wrong so always tried to justify himself in the matter but what could he do if he went to his infidel boss the man would lose all respect for Christianity the minister dealt very faithfully with the troubled young Christians and two weeks later he returned again and the minister knew by the look on his face that the burden was gone he was rid of those copper nails at last he had asked forgiveness of God then took all the nails he had and brought them to his boss with full confession an offer to pay for what he had used the boss looked at the man earnestly and said

[40:42] I always thought you were an old hypocrite but I am beginning to think now that there is something in your religion do listen the infidel and he was the man's employer the boss at his desk the infidel told the story to his wife that night and she said I also have got a copper nail in my conscience the butcher made a mistake he gave me too much change I'll take it back in the morning and she did and she told the butcher how she came to return it and now this butcher must have been a good man and he was impressed thereby and he had a preacher visiting in his home who was to address a group of high school students the next day and he told him the tale later the principal called up the speaker and said after this preacher had given his address and he told the tale of these copper nails and the principal said that over fifty fountain pens pencils books etc had been returned by the scholars who heard the address and the preacher goes on to say let us get rid of the copper nails in our consciences and see if God will not bless us if you have taken anything return it if you have wronged someone straighten it out if you are unforgiving critical and gossipy get it out of the way copper nails in the conscience oh what a relief to get rid of them and now you see how that worked in that far off land when they were brought to acknowledge him and confess their guiltiness have any of you young people got any copper nails in your consciences are there matters that you have got hidden up that you know have taken place and sometimes you lived them over again but they were nothing whatever to do with that knowledge in him but when you were following after the flesh the things of the flesh things wherein the truth of the matter is if you told the truth you would be guilty before

[43:45] God copper nails in our consciences they were never rushed they can only be removed if we confess our sins he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness and you dear young people you might think that little record over and if you should have any copper nails in your conscience the equivalent of it do remember what the subject is in all thy ways acknowledge him like the woman in the gospel when falling down at Jesus' feet she told him all the truth go and do likewise tell him all the truth and you will find that through this man there is preached unto you the forgiveness of sins do remember that what though bad is your condition and your wounds you can't endure

[44:59] Christ the sinner's wise position will effect the perfect cure and now I just looked at this subject from another viewpoint coming toward the amen in all thy ways acknowledge him and he shall direct thy paths and now there is a word in the book of Jeremiah which is a truth that you will have to remember as long as you live if you should be taught of God oh Lord I know that the way of man is not in himself it is not in man that walketh to direct his own steps you may as you are in life's morning sit down and plan what you will be it is quite lawful for you to have ambition provided that ambition is inside the covers of the word of

[46:11] God and for you to think you would like to be this or that in your life as you live it until a useful fear therein but what you need first of all last of all is to acknowledge him and he shall direct thy path and if God should set you going in paths that he has ordained he will be with you all the way along from the beginning of it to the end of it I am a living witness to that truth because in my life's morning I purpose as you know to be a printer and I serve my apprenticeship in a printing office and learnt the trade and I progressed in it and I very attached to it and I climbed up the ladder quite a good way and things look very promising then I hoped in the days ahead

[47:16] I might have a printing office of my own but then at that time after I came out of my apprenticeship I was born again and I still was in the printing trade thinking my life's work was there in but my health broke down I contracted lead poisoning and I could no longer continue in the printing trade and when I was 23 years of age I was back where I started I was just a poor man but I had God to go to and I wondered what the future held in store and I little dreamed what my life work would be although I had had a hint or two in my soul to exercises that I might another day become a preacher of the gospel but

[48:20] I thought it would be in connection with my life in the printing trade but God directed my path and I came to union chapel and come into union chapel by the grace of God I have remained from that day to this and as you all know it will soon be 50 years completed as union chapel pastor and all that while the goodness of God has gone before us my wife and I and we have lived our life like Manoa and his wife and the angel did wonderfully and Manoa and his wife looked on many a time we have seen mountains leveled crooked things made straight rough places plain the hand of

[49:23] God uplifted on our behalf and his blessing has been upon us from the beginning of my pastor even until this Sabbath is and I believe it will be till my life work here is done this is a deep foundation truth dear young people you can trust the word of God in all thy ways acknowledge him fear him ye say and you will then have nothing else to fear make you with service your delight your want shall be disperse had had the time allowed I would have shown you some of the paths some of them and they do seem mostly to be like that with many young people in life morning the paths are pleasant to go along the path of all life as you live it with a godly father and mother and your house as full as it can hold of creature comfort and with a goodly measure of health to enjoy it and privileges, benefits and blessings innumerable.

[50:46] Your path in your home life, in life mourning, a pleasant path to go along, but it may be something will come upon you if you are taught of God as it did upon me and then while home life with its pleasant paths remains, you will not realise the pleasantness so much because your individual path is now become a painful path to tread.

[51:19] God is leading you, directing you and maybe he will lay affliction upon you. You may await one morning, go forth to your duties and all is well.

[51:34] You have good health to the full, but ere the day ends, something may have come upon you, overtaken you, and from that day on, you may go weeks, months, years and carry the effects of it and your path in life is made painful.

[51:55] Yet, in all thy ways, acknowledge him. I remember when I was sorely afflicted and the earthly physician said I should never preach three times on a Sabbath day again if I ever did preach at all.

[52:14] And the word of God came to me, I know, O Lord, that in all things thy judgment is right and that thou hast in faithfulness afflicted me.

[52:32] And I could acknowledge him in his dealing with me that he had dealt with me not in anger, but in his dear covenant love.

[52:45] And here I am. And I have tried to preach, I should say, some thousands of times since then. Hundreds and hundreds of times, three times on the Sabbath day.

[53:01] As a rule, I always do. And here I am in life's evening time and still being helped to know. But it all depends on this.

[53:12] In all thy ways, acknowledge him. And he shall direct thy path. And now, dear friends, young friends I mean especially, here you are in life's morning and your path is pleasant.

[53:29] And now, I want you to think of this. If you drove a car ten hours a day at fifty miles per hour, it would take three and a half years to pass the lines of hungry people on the earth standing two feet apart.

[53:52] You might think of that. Two thirds of the world go to bed hungry people young and older life, very solemn to concentrate.

[54:06] Do you? Oh, you know. Your table is well spread. You have a happy home life, a comfortable bed.

[54:19] And what wages you receive so that you have ever got some LSD in your pocket. Yes. And see that you do not do what Haggai refers to, either earn its wages, earn its wages, to put it into a bag with all.

[54:40] But remember, in these pleasant paths, to say thank you to God that you are going along such paths. in all thy ways acknowledge him.

[54:53] And if your path should be painful and your ways seem to be headshot, still remember what the word of God says, casting all your care upon him, for he care is for you.

[55:08] and it may be ere long God will say to you in the way you are going along, I am the Lord thy God which teacheth thee to profit and which leadeth thee in the way in which thou shouldest go.

[55:27] Some of your paths you will find will be perplexing. You will have difficulties arising. But do remember John the Baptist's disciples, when their dear master was beheaded, what did they do?

[55:44] Then the disciples came and took up the body and buried it and went and told Jesus, and you go and do likewise, remembering in all thy ways acknowledging and if any man lack wisdom, let him ask of God who giveth to all men liberally and afraid it not and it shall be given in all thy ways acknowledge him and he should direct thy path and remember if you help to do that and live your life in the light of such a truth so that you belong to him and his people, whatever path you go along whether pleasant, painful or perplexing, you will have a prospect when you get to the end of it when the hymn writer said, then will he own my worthless name before his hardest place and in the new

[56:55] Jerusalem land appoint my soul a place in all thy ways acknowledge him and he shall direct thy path dear young people the blessing of the Lord be upon you in time and eternity too Amen in the new kingdom of the Lord God in the new foundation of the Holy ease of peace and human aren't fall the Lord seek his dependency are going to him that he will fall into