
Uffington - Part 219

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Aug. 30, 2006


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[0:00] May the Lord help us to commence this evening's service by singing hymn 545, tune 472. Truly that poor soul is just, who by faith in Christ can trust, in him live, upon him rest, as the Lord his righteousness.

[0:30] Hymn 545, tune 472.

[1:00] Hymn 545, tune 472.

[1:29] Hymn 545, tune 472.

[1:59] Hymn 546, tune 482.

[2:29] ¡PupeWoo! Thank you.

[3:29] Thank you.

[3:59] Thank you.

[4:29] Thank you.

[4:59] Thank you.

[5:29] Thank you.

[5:59] Thank you.

[6:29] Thank you. Thank you.

[7:29] Thank you.

[8:29] Thank you.

[9:29] Thank you.

[10:29] Thank you.

[11:01] Thank you.

[12:01] Thank you.

[12:33] Thank you.


[15:03] Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.

[15:41] Thank you.

[16:41] Thank you. Thank you.

[17:15] Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.

[17:27] Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.

[17:39] Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.

[17:51] Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. and doubts, vast unbelief, failure to keep our eyes upon Thee.

[18:08] Gracious God, we seek that blessed gift of faith that we may be enabled to trust in Thee. Increase our faith, we pray Thee.

[18:21] Enable us, Lord, to keep our eyes on Jesus' feet and there are hopes to stay. Leave us not to listen to the fiery darts and solemn temptations of the evil one.

[18:35] Lord, how real they are, and he is a solemn foe. But, O Lord, may we know Thy presence and Thy strength, Thy mercy, Thy consulate health.

[18:52] May we know Thy teaching, the blessing of Thy holy word in our hearts, its application, its power, its life, Thy love and mercy in our souls, that we may be enabled, Lord, to fight that good fight of faith, to wrestle on toward heaven, to be strengthened with all might in the inner man, to be lifted up, and, Lord, to be enabled to stand in that evil day and having done all to stand.

[19:29] Gracious God, look down here this night and see as the exercises, the burdens, the crosses, the concerns, the needs of all those before Thee.

[19:42] And, Lord, let us know as their pathway. And we would remember that Thou hast walked out this way, here below, in Thine own incarnation.

[19:54] We would remember that Thou art touched with a feeling of our infirmity. We would remember, Lord, that Thou was tempted in all points like as we are, yet was without sin.

[20:06] And, Lord, we would come to Thee again and again. Lord, do thou knowest condemnation that lies in our hearts in neglecting Thy throne of grace and Thy holy word.

[20:25] Oh, how we need to come again and again. And Thou does so work to bring us there, to feel our need, that we may cling to Thee and wrestle with Thee in prayer and prove that Thou art that God that changes not.

[20:45] Lord, look down upon us then and help us to trust in Thee at all times, to roll every burden upon Thee and to be still and know that Thou art God.

[20:59] Lord, I knowest the turmoil of our hearts so often and the weakness we are deeply conscious of and the foolishness. But, O gracious God, we pray that we may find that peace and rest in Thyself, which we believe we have known as we have journeyed on in life's past.

[21:22] That strength which flows from the application of Thy word in our hearts and the giving of those exceeding great and precious promises, Lord, we pray, Thou wouldst give them.

[21:37] They are our strength, Thou knowest. We can come to Thee with them. We can plead with Thee and we can bear them to Thy mercy, see. And we can say to Thee, Lord, Thou have said.

[21:51] Dear Lord, we pray that that bless the ministry of Thy holy word in these solemn and evil times when few come to Thy solemn feasts and we live and have lived to see that great falling away prophesied in Thy holy word.

[22:07] Gracious God, we pray the work of Thy Spirit in the rising generation that we see before us. the deepening of that work in their hearts, the establishment in their most holy faith, the work of Thy Spirit in the young, bring them out of nature's darkness into Thy marvellous life.

[22:28] Lord, look down, we pray Thee, and come by Thy Spirit and move and work in Zion, the city of Thy solemnities, for she is in a low place.

[22:40] The sound of the grinding is low. Lord, the work is done, the work of Thy Spirit. There is a great withholding of the power of the Spirit in the preaching of the word. And dear Lord, we pray that thou pour out Thy Spirit from on high.

[22:57] And grant, gracious God, that there may be a work of Thy Spirit manifested in the churches, in its fruit, in its lasting fruit.

[23:12] Lord, look down, we pray Thee, and come and move and work, gather out Thy elect remnant, pour out Thy Spirit upon the preaching of the word.

[23:25] on Thy dear servant here this night, and grant him the anointing of Thy Spirit. Grant him his penny, help him in all his labour.

[23:38] And Lord, remember all Thy sin, servants, wherever Thou hast sent a man. Gracious God, help him. Strengthen him.

[23:50] Enable him to carry that burden of the word of the Lord. Lord, what an ever-increasing burden it is. Dear Lord, we pray that as Thy dear servants go forth, that they may prove that Thy grace is sufficient for them.

[24:11] Their strength, Thy strength, is made perfect in their weakness. That they may learn, Lord, the blessed nature of the teaching Thou hast given to Thy dear apostle.

[24:24] My strength is made perfect in weakness. Lord, bless their labours. Thou seers, that many of Thy sent servants are now past the three score years in turn.

[24:40] Dear Lord, we pray of raise up others in their place. how shall they preach except they be sent?

[24:55] Send others, Lord. May they have the blessing of Asher, having dipped their foot in oil and being made acceptable to the brethren.

[25:08] gracious God, we pray that thou would look down in Thy rich mercy upon Zion and favor and build her up upon the causes of truth up and down the land.

[25:21] Lord, thou seeest the solemn divisions and, Lord, the solemn withholding of Thy Spirit. And yet, Lord, we know that the government is upon Thy shoulder, that Thou hast rule and reign.

[25:35] Hearts of all men are in Thy hands. And Thou hast promised I will work. And, dear Lord, we pray that Thou hast work and who shall let it?

[25:47] Save us, Zion, with the gracious of revival and awakening if can be Thy divine will. But, Lord, we know not Thy will. We know that we have all about us the signs of the last time.

[26:01] Knowledge has increased. Men do go to and throws you out, dear. This great falling away has come to part. Men are lovers of pleasure more than lovers of God. And, Lord, do we do live in the solemn day.

[26:17] Dear Lord, where there are great signs of the times, Thy dear people have returned to the promised land. We know that according to the prophecies of Thy holy word, the day is fast approaching when the veil will be taken from their eye when it shall turn to Thyself.

[26:38] And, Lord, we know that they will be grafted in again. We pray, Lord, that Thou hasten that day, that blessed day, when Thou fulfill Thy purposes.

[26:52] And, dear people, under solemn persecution and attack, will be brought to recognize that He whom they crucified at Calvary was the Messiah for whom they waited.

[27:08] Dear Lord, look down, then we pray Thee, and come and move and work according to Thy promise. Quite all in affection and sickness and sorrow and bereavement, Lord, thou gathering Thy dear remnant to glory, one whom we loved was gathered even on the past Monday.

[27:31] And, Lord, she has left a precious memory behind her, a sacred savour of Thy work in her heart and Thy faithfulness to her, in gathering to be with Thee where Thou art in her.

[27:45] And, Lord, we pray that they will look down upon those who mourn and comfort them. And, dear Lord, do we pray that they will be with all Thy dear people in sickness and sorrow and affliction.

[27:58] Sanctify, Lord, the pathway to them. And, O, grant that there may be real profit in it. For we have proved in life's pathway what it has been to walk in the deep valleys and for Thee to walk with us.

[28:15] Oh, we would prove it again and again. Thy faithfulness, Thy care, Thy comfort, Thy presence.

[28:27] And, Lord, we would be strengthened by it. And to take for us then, Lord, and be with us and go before us in all our needs. Help us to roll our burdens upon Thee.

[28:42] Lay them at Thy dear feet. That's the reading of Thy holy word to us. How blessed is the revelation of truth that lies in Thy holy word.

[28:57] That revelation of Thyself. Dear Lord, we pray that Thy words to use it, that we may understand it and the sweetness which it contains and it may be applied to our hearts with almighty power.

[29:18] Dear Lord, we remember before Thee our guilty land and nation His vast wickedness, the great evils that abound on every hand, breakdown of our society.

[29:31] Lord, breakdown of those scriptural practices and Thy holy law ignored and man in blind ignorance searching for causes of all the confusion in the land and cannot see that they've all been generated by an abandonment of Thy holy word, an abandonment of Thy holy law, the abandonment of Thy holy day, the abandonment of Thyself, Lord Jesus Christ.

[30:00] Dear Lord, we pray that Thou's look down and turn this land once again to Thy holy word, turn it to Thy truth, turn it to Thy holy law, grant that our national statute book may be brought into conformity to Thy holy law.

[30:20] The Lord, thou seeest the great evils of divorce, confusion it brings in the home and amongst the young people the indiscipline, the great evils of promiscuity amongst the young, and Lord, living together unmarried, the great abominations of darkness of Sodom and Gomorrah which are in the streets of this land, and Lord, the great murder of the infants in the womb in abortion, or the hideous darkness of that drug culture which is sweeping through the land, men seeking some relief from all their misery and evil, and Lord, we pray that as yet in Thy rich mercy pour out Thy spirit on the blind and the ignorant and the deaf and O grant that the deaf may hear, the blind may see, and Thy holy mind and will be fulfilled.

[31:15] Father, I will that those whom Thou have given me be with me where I am. O gather out Thy remnant in this dark and solemn day.

[31:29] Pray for the Queen as Thou has commanded us to pray for those in authority over us. Pray for the Prime Minister, His Cabinet and His Parliament, all those who hearst all things. Lord, there are rulers of Godless evil men, monstrous wickedness in their lives, corruption in their practice, and dear Lord, we pray that Thou would yet bring this land to Thy Word and to Thy law and to Thy truth and grant, gracious God, that there may be a stemming of the vast tides of evil that have swept over the land as Satan goeth about as a roaring lion seeking whom he may devour.

[32:13] Be with all, Lord, in high places who know Thy name. How few there are, but we believe there are a few. Grace above, it dies around Thee court, God-fearing men in our National Parliament.

[32:30] The Lord's children rule over us. We see it again and again. Godless men, Lord, we are thankful that the hearts of all men are in Thy hands and that they, the Lord God, omnipotent reign is.

[32:47] Now we come to Thee, Lord. We'll come apart for a brief moment of the things of time and sense. And dear Lord, we're to seek Thy face and Thy strength this night and Thy presence.

[33:03] Gracious wisdom and understanding rightly to divide Thy holy work. Touch our lips with a life called, my heavenly altar, Lord, we ask.

[33:15] Fill our earth and vessel. Strengthen us with all might in the inner man. Grant the anointing and unction and dew of Thy Spirit.

[33:27] Apply Thy holy word with power to the heart. Grant application, Lord, we pray. Bless Thy people.

[33:37] We seek these mercies for the pardon and be given as every sin. For Jesus Christ's name. Amen.

[33:48] Amen. Hymn 1086, tune 173.

[34:07] Face my complaining, doubting heart. Ye busy cares, be still. Adore the just, the sovereign Lord, nor murmur at His will.

[34:21] Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen.

[34:31] Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen.

[34:43] Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen.

[35:06] Amen. Amen. Amen. Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh.

[35:37] Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh. Oh, oh, oh. Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh.

[35:59] Oh, oh. Oh, oh. Oh Oh Oh Oh

[37:37] Oh Oh Oh Oh Oh Oh Oh Oh Oh Oh Oh Oh Oh Oh Oh Oh Oh Oh Oh Oh Oh

[38:39] Oh Oh Oh Oh Oh Oh Oh Oh Oh Oh Oh Oh Oh Oh Oh Oh Oh Oh Oh Oh Oh Oh Oh Oh Oh Oh Oh Oh Oh Oh Oh

[39:41] Oh Oh Oh Oh Oh Oh Oh Oh Oh Oh Oh Oh Oh Oh there is going to be a shaking in our lives when the Lord calls us laid in our body in the grave a shaking in the air and article of death these are determinate counsels and part of the foreknowledge of God that this world will depart will be destroyed and that there are some solemn things in the powers of his dear people for either of the two shakings will affect them either when they lay down their lives here below or if they are allowed and spared to see this great shaking that is spoken of here the mountains shall depart and hills be removed blessed mercy if

[41:02] God works in our life to reveal himself and to make us tremble at his presence to tremble at his dealings with us to tremble before him to know our own weakness and to feel it human flesh trembles under the mighty hand of God upon it have you known that trembling in your life it epitomizes weakness fear unbelief oh when a poor sinner is brought to shake under the mighty hand of his God and the Lord shakes him in heart and soul under a solemn realization of his frailty and the Lord's omnipotence and majesty and that one day he must stand and meet his God face to face and give an account of the deeds done in the body blessed mercy when the Lord does face us with these things when he does come to us when he does deal with us when he separates us brings us to see what are the vital vital concerns of life and that everything we possess here we have but on loan have nothing permanent man unregenerate man lives here like the ostrich with his head buried in the sand trying to forget the fact that he's mortal what a solemn situation to be in when we're young we do not think about these things we grow up we try to forget them that you know the Lord has ways and means of bringing us and reminding us of what we are and how frail we are how weak we are and that all the strength of mighty men can be brought down in a moment under the mighty hand of God

[43:42] Goliath was a mighty man but he was laid low through the Lord's work under the feeble instrument of the shepherd boy and his face in his God has the Lord brought you to shake and to tremble blessed mercy be has brought you to know your own weakness written into your heart life and life the mountains shall depart and the hills be removed we're mortal we shall not stay here forever our time is brief however long it may be from the youngest to the oldest here tonight and there is a certainty about this the mountains shall depart and the hills be removed all that we have felt was stable here certain here we shall learn the instability of it and the uncertainty of it we shall learn the frailty of our flesh it is a mercy great mercy when the Lord in his mighty power and love to his dear church brings them to a solemn realisation of their frailty makes them shake and tremble before a almighty God speaks into their hearts with his blessed power because that is what has happened here in this chapter tonight

[45:35] I would say this that this chapter to the writings of Solomon in his song it is a chapter relative to the bride and the bridegroom it is exactly the same theme in the book of the revelation the bride and the bridegroom we have it here the bridegroom referring to himself in the language here of the woman forsaken and the wife of youth and the husband these figures are throughout the page of scripture and they are very blessed figures the Lord speaks in this way thy maker is thine husband the Lord of hosts is his name and thy redeemer the Holy One of Israel it is exactly the same figures in the song of Solomon we read of the bride and the bridegroom the language of the church my beloved is mine and I am his and here the Lord speaks to his church himself there are many times in scripture when the Lord speaks to his dear people in this way one was to Jeremiah ye have loved thee with everlasting love and therefore with loving kindness have I drawn thee but here is the identical figure in this chapter to recognise the relationship of the church of Christ with Christ himself but the apostle

[47:28] Paul speaks of as the fullness of him that filleth all in all and here the truth is beautifully spoken of the Lord has called thee as a woman forsaken and grieved in spirit a wife of youth when thou hast refused for a small moment I have forsaken thee with great mercies will I gather thee little wrath I hid my face from thee for a moment it is the shaking of one under a knowledge of sin and conscious of the wrath of God against their sins there is condemnation here in little wrath it's a beautiful expression what son is he whom the father chasteneth not he without chastisement but all are partakers then he bastards and not son they are no chastening for the present seemeth to be grievous joyous but grievous nevertheless after all it yielded the peaceable fruits of righteousness to them that are exercised thereby we see here the blessed nature of this truth that the church of God is under a little wrath is feeling a sense of being forsaken and yet with each one of those expressions there comes a blessed came to balance and so we read for a small moment have I forsaken with great mercies will I gather thee in little wrath

[49:08] I hid my face from thee for a moment but with everlasting kindness will I have mercy on thee saith thy redeemer and then we enter into the promises this is what is in our text tonight it is a promise a divinely given promise to the church of God and so the figure is used this is as the waters of Noah unto me as I have sworn that the waters of Noah should no more go over the earth so have I sworn I will not be wroth with thee nor rebuke thee and we see this mighty wrath of God immediately the mountains shall depart and the hills be removed oh the wrath of God against this world and all its sin and evil like the wrath of God against Sodom and Gomorrah so he is waiting to manifest his wrath in this evil and adulterous generation that mock him as they did at

[50:14] Calvary and despise him but here we see this wrath of God in the waters of Noah went over the earth destroyed mankind except for Noah and his family and there was in that blessed figure of Noah and his family the waters of Noah was an ark of salvation blessed ark of salvation it is a figure this ark that saved Noah and his family and the Lord promised there after when waters abated that no more manifest his wrath in this world in that way and he put his bow in the cloud and I know how often we look at the bow in the cloud and we consider and remember why it is there it is a covenant between God and his people here that summer and winter sea time and harvest shall not fail the world will be laid in and that is a figure of that covenant between

[51:25] Christ and his dear church the ark is a figure of Christ there in that ark was salvation from death Noah what witnessed the wrath of God descend upon humanity and he must have seen when that water abated a solemn scene of carnage all about him he couldn't have seen anything else the Lord had fulfilled his solemn purposes but oh in the midst of this wrath and anger and shaking there is hope so I have sworn I will not be wroth with thee nor rebuke thee there's mercy there is the grace of God that lies here there are sovereign covenant purposes there is a remnant to be saved according to the election of grace there is a people to be gathered out and when this time state shall end there is a stability a people to be gathered to glory and they are redeemed not only body not only soul but also body they are redeemed with Jesus blood redeemed his beauty is called to trace no angel cometh that compare the sinner saved by grace here then we have these sweet promises

[52:54] I'll not be wrothed with nor rebuke thee for the mountains shall depart and the hills be removed now we come to it my kindness all the strength my kindness shall not depart from thee tender loving care and affection and mercy to be extended the lord to put his arms under his shaking trembling failing mortal creatures those whom he is eternally loved and to strengthen them with all might in the inner man and to come down into their hour of need and their weakness and their infirmity and their fear and to speak into their hearts with exceeding great and precious promises there's a reality in it there's a power in it there's a strengthening of those things that remain that are ready to perish there is an upholding of his people in their weakness oh the reality of this

[54:04] God's dear servant in scripture proved it they did they knew the reality I am with thee Israel passing through the fire or the mighty tower of strength that was to them the giving of the exceeding great and precious promises are to be known in all the scriptures giving individually personally powerfully into the hearts of his dear people they're spoken we should seek earnestly the best gift there is nothing in this world to be compared to his dear people walking in weakness fear trembling shaking then to know the power and presence of their God entering into their souls by the application of his exceeding great and precious promises all the strength that it gives

[55:06] I tell you this they're shaking sissies their unbelief is gone they have a rock beneath their feet they have a staff to lean upon I love the example of Jacob when he came trembling to the grave his old age to bless Ephraim and Nasser with that cross-handed blessing and we're told he was leaning upon his staff and that star was the promises of God he was leaning upon them as he came to his dying hour and you know remarkable that is he was looking back to battle when the Lord had said to him I'll be with thee in all places whether so without go when he had dealt with him at Jabbok and he wrestled with the Lord and he blessed him there I do not think it's speculation to consider that he used that promise of

[56:12] Bethel at Jabbok or the blessedness of a poor sinner that can in fact go to his guard and say to him Lord thou saidst there's peace to be able to approach him and say to him Lord thou saidst has he ever said such a thing to you spoken to you one of those exceeding great and precious promises have you ever in your pathway had to return to him and plead that promise they're given for life they're given to be spoken into the heart never to be erased again and you know when we consider the mighty physical destruction of this earth it is described in the gospels and in

[57:15] God's holy word as to what will happen at the end of time and this solemn fact that all around is going to give way as the hymn writer says when all around my soul gives way he then is all my strength and stone when he uses this figure this solemn and awful figure the end of time and the solemn hour of our departure from this world oh then look at the comparison physical things are going to be left behind things that we have rested on are going to be shaken when we come to look at this word what a foundation my kindness shall not depart from thee ah here we have the one who is going to shake this universe giving a exceeding great and precious promise to his dear church speaking it into their hearts his kindness will not depart from them you know there is a rock like power appearing here

[58:44] I see it in these words I'll never leave thee nor forsake thee all the power that lies in that word of God never but it's spoken into the hearts of his dear people we cannot fathom the extent of eternity it's beyond us eternal realities are beyond human conception only glimpses do we catch of them as revealed what a blessed rock like foundation this is in this simple little word not oh when the Lord speaks into the hearts of his dear people my kindness that's a remarkably simple word is it not kindness oh when we come to stop and consider all that lies here in it

[59:49] I name a few things that lie here in it one is this God sending his dear son to Calvary's cross God sending his dear son into this world in his incarnation that dear son of God working out a glorious righteousness for his dear church in his holy obedience to his father as he walked this earth in thought word and deed and perfected righteousness to clothe his dear church in eternity to come his death and shed blood upon Calvary's cross kindness let us go further his sovereign electing love and mercy that comes to sinners when dead in trespasses and sin sacred kindness of God to his dear people he is sovereign rich and free but the promise is this shall not depart from thee

[61:05] I'll never leave thee nor forsake thee I know the thoughts that I think towards you thoughts of peace and not of evil give you unexpected in kindness the mountains shall depart and the hills be removed but I say this you know God's dear people need no more it is enough when the wagons came from Egypt in Jacob's day after all his trembling and shaking and sorrow and suffering as he reaped to the world wind what he'd sown to the wind all he could say was it's enough Joseph was yet alive but what was manifest it was this the kindness of his God he'd not deserved it what had happened was that he deceived his godly father and the Lord had permitted him to be deceived by all his sons and done it with a purpose to convict him and convince him of his sin when he came to see those wagons come it was a solemn hour you see because he recognised at once he'd been deceived by his boys all of them but he recognised at once the kindness of his God my kindness oh God's dear people a favour to see and feel and know the kindness of their God they are they're favoured from time to time in the hours of weakness and temptation and trial and affliction as they are brought in sincerity and truth to come to his mercy seat and look up to him in heaven and plead for help then he the great king of kings and lord of lords in all his kindness stoops down that touches dear people's hearts and their fears and needs and temptations with a word from the lord into their soul with almighty power a cloud of Jesus so much strength said dear

[63:51] Cooper a big with mercy and shall break in blessings on your head when most we need his helping hand this friend is always near with heaven and earth his command he waits to answer prayer we have to go down into the depths like Jonah did under divine dealings of our God with us to be brought in our weakness and feebleness and need to know the presence and the strength of our God speaking to us with power in our hearts and there are seasons we shall never forget strengthened with all might in the inner man the apostle says it's meant much to us of recent years my grace is sufficient for thee for my strength is made perfect in weakness my strength and your weakness and that is where the strength of God is known and the apostle never again asked to have the thorn in the flesh taken away he came to that blessed place where most gladly therefore extraordinary but I glory in my infirmities why that the power of Christ may rest upon me when I'm weak then am I strong it is to those who face the solemnity of this figure the mountains should depart and the hills be removed are brought to feel and to know their own weakness solemnly aware of the issues of eternity and tremble before God and ask that solemn question how shall I stand in that great day when they my righteous judge shall come to take thy ransomed people home shall I among them stand but oh the mercy being brought to this

[65:57] God of kindness this God of love and mercy and Moses asked the Lord to show him his glory the Lord did show him his glory but not visibly he revealed his word he spoke but what did he speak his glory the Lord the Lord God merciful gracious that has over it kindness unmerited undeserved the Lord the Lord God merciful gracious long suffering forgiving iniquity transgression and sin or the kindness my kindness why when the Lord worked out that mighty finished work on Calvary's cross it was done that his people might benefit by the glorious fruits of it and know his kindness to them in the application of his precious blood again and again throughout life's pathway to their heart and soul do you know anything of that kindness has the

[67:19] Lord stooped down and touched your heart has he drawn near to you in his blessed mercy and touched your soul blessed mercy be had my kindness shall not depart from thee neither shall the covenant of my peace be removed saith the Lord that hath mercy upon thee the covenant of my peace oh that eternal covenant made between father son and holy spirit in eternity past with the object of bringing eternal peace to his dear church covenant of my peace shall not depart from thee oh the foundation of God standeth sure having this seal the Lord know them that are here he will not leave his dear people what a mighty covenant this is whose word cannot be broke ordered in all things and sure

[68:35] David spoke of it he had made with me an everlasting covenant ordered in all things and sure though he make it not to grow oh the sweet nature of that covenant what a strength lies here for his dear people what a foundation what a rock to stand upon have you ever stood there oh how vital to hear the Lord's words spoken into our own hearts with almighty power giving us this foundation under our feet this good hope through grace this rest in this world this side of the grave you and I need power we do we need a reality in that power we need the word of God spoken directly into our souls with divine power we need to know its life in our souls strengthened with all might by his power in the inner man that's what we need to know and that will take away all trembling or fear when the

[70:04] Lord reveals this to us when he draws near to us in his love there's atoning blood we have this insight you know that he sees us he knows our weakness he has walked this earth tempted in all points like as we are he passed through the gates of death he said at the time father it would be possible let this can't pass from me nevertheless of my will but thine be done he knows our feeble frame oh how we see this in the garden of Gethsemane his entrance in the sorrow of his dear church the path of prayer says to him write to thyself as trod and he did indeed but oh the sweet nature of it that the lord has gone that way before us dear jose said he knoweth not just by observation from heaven above but by walking in this earth himself from the cradle of the manger to the grave he knoweth the way that I take

[71:40] Job had a sweet sight of it I know that my redeemer live it there's nothing to be compared to a word spoken from heaven into your heart that'll lift you up that'll strengthen you dear Jonah said out of the belly of hell cried I and thou heardest me when Abraham went to Magmariah what a trial child of promise all the promises God had given him in thee and in thy seed that is Christ all the nations of the earth be blessed all had to be laid on the altar and the knife raised over him he walked in obedience but what a burden everything had to be laid down under it and I had to be raised as you know he lived to see did he not the good hand of his God upon him he lived to see as Christ said Abraham saw my day and was glad he lived to he came down from that mountain to see the sanctifying and know the sanctifying influence of

[73:18] God in that tremendous trial and the Lord said to him in blessing I will bless thee oh beautiful word that you know covenant of my peace my neck not take from he passed through an hour of trial of his faith in the fiery furnace but he came forth to receive that blessing of his God sacred blessing the Lord gave him because there as he raised the knife over Isaac and the Lord halted his hand and the apostle Paul says accounting able to raise him from the dead and that he feared there were all the promises under the knife yet the

[74:18] Lord had prepared a ram caught in the sick ready for that sacrifice what a sight he had of Calvary's cross as that ram he slew on the altar of sacrifice blessed sight he had of Calvary's cross that was the blessing the trial was a blessing it was the hour in which the Lord blessed him indeed this is so with oh our trials when they're in the hands of our God and our crosses and our thorns in the flesh and our sorrows as it was with the apostle Paul his thorn in the flesh was blessing it was teaching it was necessary it was vital it was the Lord's work who could who could make a mistake not the Lord it was not a mistake Abraham proved that it was divine purposes ripening fast for his benefit and when we come to look at poor

[75:23] Job and all the Lord called him to pass through and how he spoke to Satan Satan had no idea what the Lord was going to do with Job and it was this behold on Baal was one aspect of the teaching and the other was this I know that my redeemer lived the Lord reduced him and brought him to dust and ashes to the sight of himself but he was with him I am with thee and he is with his dear people the mountains shall depart and the hills be removed but my kindness shall not depart from thee neither shall the covenant of my mercy be removed says the Lord that hath mercy on thee that's a lovely expression have mercy on thee has the

[76:25] Lord had mercy on you oh to know that mercy in our hearts that scepter as queen Esther knew it extended to her by king Ahasuerus who had the command of life and death are going under the king she said I perish I perish but the scepter of mercy was extended to her and you know it speaks of those who deserve eternal death as in this case of Noah there were those who were swept away into eternity without a hope well God's dear people deserve as much as that children of wrath even as others a God who is rich in mercy says the apostle for his great love wherewith he loved us even when we were dead in trespasses and sins hath quickened us together with Christ by grace

[77:26] I say it's an absolute certainty that no man or woman child whatever reach heaven except through sovereign grace mercy the love of Christ and the mercy of God in Christ is the only way which a child will reach heaven oh to find an exercise in our hearts in these matters realization of the solemn nature of eternity that lies before us to feel the shakings here below and to come to the source of strength our God my God shall supply all your need out of his riches in glory by Christ Jesus that is strength toning love and blood peace all to be brought to know it in our own hearts mountains shall depart no question they will and poor frail mortal man will leave this earth in the

[78:48] Lord's determinate time and why but what about that is but how good unutterably good when the Lord speaks one of these exceeding great and precious promises to us for they're given forever never to be taken from us again there are these promises are taken by the Holy Spirit and given to his dear people in their times of need they are and they stand before them not only in the hour they were given them but they're with them forever and the Lord knows they are because their signs sealed and settled in their hearts never to be erased exceeding great and precious promises mountains shall depart and the hills be removed but my kindness shall not depart from thee neither shall the covenant of my peace be removed saith the

[80:11] Lord that hath mercy on thee Amen Hymn 1133 June 669 May the power that brings salvation now exerted in the world by its quickening operation life in part and joy afford life to sinners joy to those who know the Lord Hymn 1133

[81:12] June 669eling hymn 1133 m hymn n f Um Joem selector or who No exodus in the world My history of creation I will find you in the world I will find you in the world My history of creation My history of creation

[82:13] My history of creation My history of clay His name is for creation My history of creation My history of creation My history of creation is And now may the grace of the Lord Jesus Christ, the love of God, communion of the Holy Spirit, abide with you each.

[83:22] Amen.