
Uffington - Part 229

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July 15, 2009


Disclaimer: this is an automatically generated machine transcription - there may be small errors or mistranscriptions. Please refer to the original audio if you are in any doubt.

[0:00] May the Lord help us to commence this evening's service by singing hymn 481, tune 412. Descend from heaven, immortal dove, stoop down and take us on thy wings, and mount and bear us far above the reach of these inferior things.

[0:30] Hymn 481, tune 412.

[0:47] Hymn 481, tune 512.

[1:17] Hymn 481, tune 512.

[1:47] Hymn 481, tune 512.

[2:17] Hymn 481, tune 512. Hymn 481, tune 512. And there was no HELPS For yourself and please, and's help light yes hand right now .

[3:19] .

[3:32] Oh The global peace законч掉.

[4:32] now wow To you bekommen tierra to you can find guide Amen.

[5:57] We'll read together from the Gospel of John. Reading chapter 13. The Gospel of John. Reading chapter 13.

[6:16] Now before the feast of the Passover, Jesus knew that his hour was come, that he should depart out of this world unto the Father.

[6:30] Having loved his own which were in the world, he loved them unto the end. The supper being ended, the devil, having put it into the heart of Judas Iscariot, Simon's son, to betray him.

[6:53] Jesus knowing that the Father had given all things into his hands, that he was come from God and went to God. He riseth from supper, and laid aside his garments, and took a towel and girded himself.

[7:18] After that he poured his water into a basin, and began to wash the disciples' feet, and to wipe them with the towel wherewith he was girded.

[7:33] Then cometh he to Simon Peter. Peter saith unto him, Lord, dost thou wash my feet?

[7:44] Jesus answered and said unto him, What I do thou knowest not now, but thou shalt know hereafter.

[7:59] Peter saith unto him, Thou shalt never wash my feet. Jesus answered him, If I wash thee not, thou hast no part with me.

[8:16] Simon Peter saith unto him, Lord, not my feet only, but also my hands and my head. Jesus saith unto him, He that is washed, he doth not save to wash his feet, but is clean everywhere.

[8:40] And he are clean, but not all. For he knew who should betray him. Therefore said he, You are not all clean.

[8:53] So after he had washed their feet and taken his garments and was set down again, he said unto them, Know you what I have done to you.

[9:08] He called me Master and Lord. And he say, Well, for so I am. If I then, your Lord and Master, have washed your feet, he also ought to wash one another's feet.

[9:28] for so I have given you an example that he should do as I have done to you. Early, verily, I say unto you, the servant is not greater than his Lord, neither he that is sent greater than he that sent him.

[9:53] Do you know these things? Happy are you if you do them. I speak not of you all. I know whom I have chosen, but that the scripture may be fulfilled.

[10:11] He that eateth bread with me hath lifted up his heel against me. I tell you before it come, that when it is come to path, ye may believe that I am he.

[10:31] Early, verily, I say unto you, he that receiveth whomsoever I send, receiveth me. And he that receiveth me, receiveth him that sent me.

[10:49] When Jesus had thus said, he was troubled in spirit, and testified and said, very, verily, I say unto you that one of you shall betray me.

[11:04] And the disciples looked one on another, doubting of whom he spoke. There was leaning on Jesus' bosom one of his disciples, whom Jesus loved.

[11:22] Simon Peter therefore beckoned to him that he should ask which should be of whom he spake.

[11:35] He then lying on Jesus' breast saith unto him, Lord, who is it? Jesus answered, here it is to whom I shall give a sop when I have dipped it.

[11:48] So when he had dipped the sop, he gave it to Judas Iscariot, the son of Simon. And after the sop, Satan entered into him.

[12:06] Then said Jesus unto him, that thou doest do quickly. no man at the table knew for what intent he spake this unto him.

[12:22] Some of them thought because Judas had to beg that Jesus had said unto him, buy those things that we have need of against the feast, that he should give something to the poor.

[12:37] he then having received the sop went out immediately and it was night. Therefore when he was gone out Jesus said now is the son of man glorified and God is glorified in him.

[13:03] If God be glorified in him God shall also glorify him in himself and shall straightway glorify him.

[13:16] Little children yet a little while I am with you. You shall seek me and I as I said unto the Jews whither I go he cannot come.

[13:31] So now I say to you a new commandment I give unto you that ye love one another as I have loved you that ye also love one another by this shall all men know that ye are my disciple that ye have love one to another lay down my life for thy sake Jesus answered him wilt thou lay down thy life for my sake verily verily

[14:37] I say unto thee the cock shall not crow till thou hast denied me thrice dear lord help us to look to thee in heaven the god who hears and answers prayer oh how we need faith in the exercise of it to believe that that is so that our art and almighty god and have us ordained that thy dear people should approach thee at the mercy seat through that one and only name the name of jesus the lord we come in his name this night oh that we had that faith in exercise and the sweet enjoyment of it to be enabled to look up unto thee and to believe that all things are possible with god for thou seest our need our temptations our exercises the trial of our faith and lord thou dost use them to draw forth and to wrench forth prayer out of the hearts of thy living family lord we pray to thee this night that thou would come and look down upon us and move and work by thy spirit in the sanctuary of god here in the hearts of those who gather oh that the ministry of thy holy word the foolishness of preaching might be used even this night and as thy servants come here from time to time in the gathering out and the gathering in of thy living family in the fulfillment of thy eternal promises in that eternal and everlasting covenant of grace that there was a war and

[17:31] Lord that there might be fruit blessing might attend the preaching of the word life and light and power might be in it and Lord that there might be a building up in these solemn and dark days in which we live when few come to thy house than Lord when a great dearth in the churches a great falling away for we pray that dear Lord thou would look down and work and move not only here but elsewhere the power of the Holy Spirit might attend the preaching of the word there might be a little sweet unction and you and life known and felt in the ministry of thy word that hearts may be touched and softened by ears may be given to hear mighty miracle of grace might be wrought out in the heart that

[18:54] Lord there might be that work of thy spirit in the new birth sinners might be brought out of nature's darkness into thy marvellous life thy great name might have all the honour and the glory Lord those see as the families that gather here from time to time the young ones that are growing up Lord we pray that thou work in the midst for that they might be kept kept from this world that lies in wickedness kept from their own fallen ruined natures kept near to thyself kept by the power of God through faith under salvation ready ready to be revealed in that last great day when the secrets of every heart will be revealed and gracious

[20:00] God we pray for the prodigals that have gone out from the house of God and wandered far we have seen it and witnessed it and all gone into godless marriage union and departed from the truth but oh gracious God we pray that thou would work that art able to work by thy mighty power and bring the prodigals back oh we pray for that blessed work of thy spirit to be manifest in the churches that Lord there may be returning again to their father's house and that Lord there may be work which is thy work which thy holy word speaks ye are his work men you Lord thy language you thou seest all together you come to thy solemn feast

[21:03] Lord gather in the strangers thou seest the light of truth in this village where it has been for many generations oh if it could be thy divine will to bring the strangers in see as what our dear friends are passing through at this time and the persecution about them all Lord is in thy hands we pray gracious God that we sanctify and Lord grant that there may be a drawing near to thyself to plead with thee at thy mercy see that thou wouldst appear on their behalf and that there may be granted that blessing which we see so infrequently strangers brought in

[22:03] Lord may leave our dear friends not to hide their light under a bushel oh what grace they need to show and manifest the spirit of Christ when he was reviled he reviled not again as a sheep done before its shearer so opened he not his mouth Lord may they have grace to take everything to God in prayer and to seek dear Lord that there was the peer pray for those who are persecuting them they see us them growing up in life godless dark bitter oh dear Lord we seek that yes those very ones might be touched by thy spirit and that they was come and work all things are possible with

[23:09] God how small is our faith we cannot comprehend Lord in these dark and evil days that thou bring the strangers in but Lord we know that all things are possible with thee and all we pray as has been in former generation we believe in this sanctuary of God there may be a gathering out mighty work of thy spirit demonstrated and his servant the apostle Paul was a bitter persecutor of thy people but thou didst put thy hand upon him and oh he became their leader that great apostle of the gentile brought out bitter hatred to cry malevolent spirit hailing men and women to prison yet

[24:15] Lord thou didst bring him in the end by one word Saul Saul why persecute thou may and all thou canst do it or that we had faith as a grain of mustard see that we might be enabled dear Lord to look up to thee and wrestle with thee on thy mercy see and see gracious God thy presence and thy blessing thy teaching in our heart that we may learn of thee read in thy holy word this night thy words to Peter what I do thou knowest not now but thou shalt know hereafter and dear

[25:18] Lord we have proved in life's pathway thy ways are past finding out we have proved that thou dost move in a mysterious way thy wonders to perform and Lord the bud may have a bitter taste but sweet will be the flower gracious God we pray that there may be that work of thy spirit manifested upon thy servants as they labour here from time to time grant them the anointing and unction and dew of thy spirit grant Lord that thy holy word may drop as the rain and distill as dew upon the moan grass may be a growth in grace and in the knowledge of

[26:18] Christ Jesus our Lord we may be established in the truth taught by thy spirit know the sweet comforts of the gospel in our hearts and Lord be brought to follow hard after thee the raid of thy dear servant Peter this night of over the evening and today oh that we know what happened thy word was fulfilled before the cock crow thou shalt deny me thrice yet Lord he was brought eventually to understand and know what thou did say to him thou knowest not now

[27:19] Lord he came to know that the blood of Jesus Christ cleansed from all sin that thou didst bear his sin in thy body on the tree and Lord that he could truly say and speak of being redeemed by the precious blood of Christ he he we pray that we may know it again and again what it is to be redeemed by that precious blood be able to save with John the blood of Jesus Christ his son cleanses us from all sin dear Lord look down we pray and lead us into the sweet experience of these truths in our own heart.

[28:31] Lord, that we may know that refuge from the stormy blast, that refuge in Christ, that our hope may be fixed in him.

[28:45] We may know a little of that sweet peace from time to time in our soul that passeth all understanding. All they have said they shall remember.

[28:59] All the way the Lord our God has led us. They will enable us to look back even this night and to take comfort. As Bunyan's pilgrim did, when he came to the waters of Jordan, he could look back over life's pathway and trace the good hand of his God upon him.

[29:26] Thy presence with him and thy blessing. Lord, we pray that thou would look down and grant, gracious God, that we may be enabled to do so this night and to see how thou hast led us, fed us, supplied our every knee, brought us on our way, proved to us that thy grace is sufficient for us, heard our prayer, granted us in our hours of need those exceeding great and precious promises.

[30:10] And Lord, we come to thee this night. We pray a little sweet softening of heart, a little entrance into the word of truth, into its sweetness and its comfort and its blessedness.

[30:30] The Lord, it may be made a comfort to ourselves. We may enter into the experience of the truths in the scriptures, in the sweetness of them, and know their comfort and power.

[30:48] We may be enabled to plead with thee thy precious promises peculiarly, I will never leave thee, nor forsake thee.

[31:01] He's had your brother at the desk here and his loved one support him as he bears offers in this church in these his latter days.

[31:15] Be with him in the crosses, the thorns in the flesh, the trial of his faith, many temptations. Lord, and grant him, gracious God, thy help and strength.

[31:34] And Lord, grant him, as we have prayed here before, encouragement. This is the name of the Lord, O that there was work.

[31:47] There has said in thy holy word, I will work. And who shall let it? And Lord, we pray for the work of thy Spirit in this sanctuary, God.

[32:02] What we ask here, we ask elsewhere. sacred divine movements of the Spirit, bless the preaching of thy servants.

[32:13] Upon those servants of thine who have recently been sent forth into the ministry, Lord, go before them, supply their every knee, grant them the anointing and unction of thy Spirit, lead them into thy holy word of truth.

[32:34] Lord, grant that they may be as Asher, having dipped their foot in oil, the oil of the gospel, they may be made acceptable to the brethren.

[32:53] Lord, look down, we pray thee, and send forth other labourers into the vineyard. Those whom thou hast laid the exercise upon, those whom thou hast ordained in eternity past to the work of the ministry, those of whom it is said the Lord hath need of him, all grant, gracious God, that there may be raised up a generation of thy servants.

[33:27] The churches are low, the labourers are few, many of thy dear servants have passed the allotted span of life. Gracious God, we pray that thou hast raised up a following generation.

[33:45] We thank the hearing and answering prayer. Lord, we pray that thou hast blessed those who have recently gone forth and used their labour.

[34:03] And Lord, oh, that there might be a restoration in Zion, a revival. we live in a country full of darkness, ungodliness, evils, unbelievable abominations.

[34:22] Lord, great wickedness, the country has turned from thy word. Lord, and thyself, thy holy name is blasphemed.

[34:36] Thy people are despised, but a fractional minority. Lord, thy word is denied, marked the holy scripture.

[34:49] Oh, gracious God, we know that only the work of the Spirit in the new birth can ever give that gift of faith, whereby we believe the truth and believe in thy holy word and find in it all that we need for our soul's salvation.

[35:11] And Lord, we pray that thou grant that gift of faith. Oh, this nation deserves thy wrath and judgments. They are heavily upon us.

[35:22] Morally, the nation is sunk in corruption and bankruptcy. Economically, the nation is sunk. Spiritually, Lord, the nation is apostate.

[35:38] And yet, gracious God, we would remember that in the days of Elijah, there were 7,000 that hadn't bowed.

[35:49] They need a bow. And dear Lord, we pray that hear the prayers of the remnant in this land. We believe there is a God-fearing remnant.

[36:03] And oh, that thou would turn the vast tides of wickedness. Oh, that the prohibitions that have lain for many years but have lately been removed against the solemn evils of Sodom and Gomorrah and the solemn darkness that surrounds this land.

[36:22] Many laws that are beginning to threaten now people and their churches. great clouds of persecution that are appearing in the state against the truth.

[36:36] Oh, gracious God, we pray that these acts may be removed from our statute book. God-fearing men may be raised up moral, honest, honourable.

[36:48] And if it could be thy will, gracious, in our National Assembly and Parliament, see us dishonour there and the corruption. Dear Lord, we pray have mercy upon this land.

[37:03] Our rulers are corrupted. We pray for the Queen. We thank them for her moral, upright example in the land. We mourn her Sabbath desecration. But, oh, gracious God, we pray that we yet have mercy upon this godless, heathen land.

[37:20] and turn us by thy Spirit as a nation, which we once were to thy holy word, to keep thy holy day.

[37:38] Oh, Lord, to believe thy holy word, to be brought to know thyself. Lord, stem the great tides of darkness, and have mercy upon us, we pray.

[37:55] Preserve to us our national sovereignty. We are a Protestant land, but all here we see our rulers day by day, signing away our liberty, our laws, to the powers of Europe, the heathen Catholic powers of Europe.

[38:16] And, Lord, we pray that thou would yet appear. It could be thy sovereign will, preserve to us our national sovereignty, preserve to us our Protestant and formed heritage and constitution.

[38:31] Lord, it is utterly mocked. We see the great inroads of Rome, the inroads of Islam, terrorism. Lord, it is ever a threat in Islam. And they see us, Lord, the darkness over the world.

[38:49] See, as the many lives being lost in war, young lives, Lord, gracious God, we pray that thou yet raise up rulers with grace and wisdom as thou hast done in former generations.

[39:06] Lord, turn this nation to thyself and have mercy upon us. Now, Lord, we pray that thou bless thy servants where they are labouring in thy name this night.

[39:21] Bless us here and come and make one with us in the midst. Grant us thy gracious presence. May we know the feet experience in our hearts, doors being shut.

[39:41] Jesus himself stood in the midst. Look upon us then we ask, dear Lord, and come and bless us in our hearts and bless thy word.

[39:58] Bless us in the singing of thy praises. Touch our lips so that I have called my heavenly altar and fill our earth and vessels. once again we seek the anointing of thy spirit and ask every mercy and favour for Jesus Christ's sake.

[40:21] Amen. hymn 632 June 771 whoever in Jesus believes the blessing is sure to obtain a full and free pardon Christ gives to all that confide in his name.

[40:56] Nor Moses nor Satan nor sin can sentence believers to hell. No evil without or within shall ever against them prevail.

[41:08] hymn 632 tune 771 or car 문제가 всей substance Narrow revelj B Harry virgiamo oraz neighborhood di большого any aleluj grade dunher di Amen.

[42:25] Amen. Amen.

[43:25] Amen. Amen.

[44:25] Amen. Amen.

[45:25] Amen. Jesus answered and said unto him, What I do thou knowest not now, that thou shalt know hereafter.

[46:13] What in fact was Jesus doing to him? He was in fact washing his feet.

[46:27] What was the significance of washing his disciples' feet? Well, we can see the answer to that question.

[46:41] When Peter said, Not only my feet, but also my hands and my head, Jesus said, He that is washed. Blessed word that is, he that is washed.

[46:57] Then we enter into a mysterious verse. He that is washed, needeth not save to wash his feet. It is clean everywhere. And ye are clean.

[47:12] For not all. And Jesus was referring to a vetted washing. We read of it later in the following chapter.

[47:31] Now, ye are clean. In the fifteenth chapter, through the word which I have spoken unto you. This dear apostle to whom these words were addressed.

[47:48] It was told by the Lord in the chapter we read this evening. Before the cock crowed. They shall deny me thrice. He was to go out from this last supper.

[48:03] Ye are clean. Oh, Satan has desired to have thee, said Jesus to him. He may sift ye as wheat, but I have prayed for thee.

[48:17] And oh, how he was left. To go out. And solemnly to deny his law. With oaths and curses.

[48:29] Going to the point where he said, I know not the man. Solemn past.

[48:43] Peter walked in. Self-confident. I go with even unto death. But, do we not see the Lord's words here?

[48:57] What I do thou knowest not now? Oh, how the Lord was pointing in this washing to a holy washing. A washing in his precious blood, that fountain of life.

[49:12] And how this dear apostle, he knew the Lord Jesus knew that he would need that washing. He would need that cleansing.

[49:23] He would need the Lord to come and work in his heart. And when we look in his general epistle, in the opening chapters of the general epistle of Peter, he opens his heart to us.

[49:41] And bears his very soul for as much as you know, he said, to the people he was writing to in his general epistle, he were not redeemed with corruptible things as silver and gold, but redeemed with the precious blood of Christ.

[49:59] And he goes on to speak of it so beautifully as of a lamb, as of a lamb, without spot and without blemish, who, verily, was foreordained before the foundation of the world, but was manifest in these last times for you, who by him, who believe in God that raised him from the dead, and gave him glory that your faith and hope might be in God.

[50:24] And he goes on in the second chapter of that general epistle to speak again of himself. Who did know of Christ?

[50:37] Who did know sin? Neither was guile found in his mouth. When he was reviled, reviled not again. When he suffered, he threatened not. He committed himself to him that judgeth righteously.

[50:51] And comes to this, who his own self bore our sins in his own body on the tree.

[51:03] What I do. Who would desire this evening to look into the Lord's words here? What I do. He was washing his disciples' feet.

[51:16] It was an outward figure. What was it a figure of? Oh, when the Lord said, what I do. He was going to Calvary's cross.

[51:30] He was going to offer himself a sacrifice for sin. This was the work he spoke of.

[51:47] When he came to this world. To do his Father's will. And what was his Father's will? That he should offer himself a sacrifice for sin.

[52:03] We see glorious work of the Atonement. That blessed reconciliation between God and sinners.

[52:15] To be accomplished on Calvary's cross. And there to see our sins. As Peter did.

[52:29] Through his own self. There to know that our sins were washed away. There to enter into this blessed truth that he spoke of here.

[52:43] You're clean. Through the word that I have spoken unto you. O how when here in this earth he spoke many times.

[52:56] Thy sins. Which are many. Have all forgiven thee. We need to be brought to the cross of Calvary.

[53:09] With the conviction of our own sin. In our own heart. Helt and known.

[53:23] And there to plead. That precious blood. That it was in a time. And there to hear these words.

[53:35] You clean. From Christ. Only. What I do. What was the Lord doing? He was going to bring his dear servant into deep condemnation.

[53:48] To a place where he needed. If I wash thee not. There is no part. With me.

[54:00] What a vital need. That we be brought. By God the Holy Spirit. Teaching and revelation in our soul. To come.

[54:13] In the possession of our sins. To the mercy seat. The Lord has ways and means of doing this. He brought his dearest disciple.

[54:25] He knew what he was doing. He brought him. Right down. Humbled him in the dark. Left him. To know what was in his heart.

[54:38] And brought him down. As a beggar. At his mercy seat. He said. He said. And. When. Peter turned.

[54:50] In that solemn and awful denial of Christ. When Peter turned. To look upon Jesus. What did he see?

[55:02] I believe. Mercy. Compassion. Peace. Pardon. Oh. They shall know.

[55:14] They shall know. I believe. The dear man went out. Broken in heart. In spirit. But. As always.

[55:25] Godly. Sorrow and repentance. Precedes pardon. And he did in the heart of. Peter. And that. Weeping.

[55:36] Was closely related. To the sacred experience. He could speak of. To his own self. Oh. How he.

[55:47] Did not see. At this time. When Jesus spoke to him. The sacred blessing. And benefit. Of Calvary's cross. The Lord.

[55:58] The Lord. Pointed him. To this truth. He washed. He washed. He washed. He cleaned. Through the word. That I have spoken unto you.

[56:11] All the. Vital need. That. God's dear. People be brought. To that. Blessed place. Examine your. Heart.

[56:22] For. What I do. What has he done. In your heart. What has he taught you. What I do.

[56:34] Is he working. In your soul. Has he called you. Out of nature's. Down. Has he brought you. To.

[56:45] A knowledge of yourself. Of your sinful nature. He was of your heart. The depths of corruption. The.

[56:56] Depress of your soul. The solemn nature of sin. Which. The Lord. Spoke of his. Name to Moses. For giving iniquity.

[57:08] Transgression. And sin. We may. In an unregenerate state. Only see. Certain things.

[57:20] Certain outward. Sins. Committed. When the Lord. Deals in the hearts. Of his dear people. And comes to them. Iniquity.

[57:31] Born in sin. And shaping iniquity. Says the scripture. Without hope. And without God. In the world. But the apostle.

[57:43] Paul. In speaking to the church. He says this. You hath he quickened. Who were dead. In trespasses and sin. When the Lord.

[57:54] Quickens a. Poor sinner. He. Brings him. To a knowledge. Of those solemn. Trespasses and sin. And he knows. The inward. Corruptions.

[58:05] Of his heart. And the solemn nature. Of temptation. And the solemn nature. Of darkness. And the Lord's. Hatred of sin. And he brings him down.

[58:18] To his mercy seat. He comes. In the language of one. The psalmist. You ever come here. Pardon. Mine iniquity.

[58:29] O Lord. For it is. Great. All to come. To his. Mercy seat. Mine goes to the. Dying thief. Who received mercy. When he was nailed.

[58:40] To the cross. Both of them. Mocked Jesus. Both of them. Said to him. They that. Savest others.

[58:51] Save thyself. They mocked. His ability to save. Spiritually. And he mocked. His ability.

[59:02] To come down. From the cross. The Lord. Said of his. Crucifixion. No man. Taketh my life. From me. I lay it down.

[59:13] That I may take it again. But. In the hours of darkness. One. Of those sinners. Was brought to this place.

[59:26] To know. To know. What. The Lord was doing. And. That wasn't. In general. That was in specific.

[59:39] That was regarding himself. He saw. The eternal. Son of God incarnate. Crucified. On Calvary's cross.

[59:50] On Calvary's cross. And he came. To beg. That he might be clean. That his sins. Might be pardoned.

[60:02] That he might know. The peace of God. Which passes. All understanding. And he wrapped. His desires up. In. Two words.

[60:13] Remember me. What a chain. Of heart. What a change of spirit. He who would. Despise. Jesus.

[60:24] And mocked him. Only a few hours before. Now. Came. To beg for mercy. Oh. What I do.

[60:37] Thou knoweth not net. But. Thou shalt know hereafter. At this time. None of the disciples realized. Exactly what. The Lord was doing.

[60:48] It was for them. Judas was cast out. But he was going. For those eleven. And his entire church. To Calvary's cross.

[61:01] To shed his. Precious blood for them. They did not understand. Not. They should never wash my feet.

[61:12] If I. Wash thee not. Thou hast. No part with me. Solemn worth. But oh how this.

[61:25] Dear apostle knew. What it was to be washed. John the divine knew it. He said. The blood of Jesus Christ.

[61:36] His son cleanses us. Beautiful work. The blood. The blood of Jesus Christ. His son. His son. Cleanses us. From all sin.

[61:48] And Peter could. Speak of the. Precious. Blood of Christ. How he needed it. What I do. And no it's not now.

[62:00] But a sweet promise. But. They shalt know. They shalt know. Hereafter. The Lord was. To. Reveal himself. In their hearts.

[62:13] Here. Was a precious figure. Of sin. Put away. He that is washed. Needeth not save to wash his feet. And he's clean everywhere. And he is clean.

[62:24] Through the word. That. I have. Spoken unto you. Where do you stand. Tonight. In relation. To this. Death. Those who are walking. In.

[62:35] Conviction of sin. Those who are brought down. To know something. Of their sin. And yet. Have known. And know so far. Nothing. Of that. Precious blood of Christ. What I do.

[62:46] Oh. The Lord. Sends the Holy Spirit. To the hearts. Of those who is eternally loved. He grants them a sight. Of themselves. He has ways and means of doing this. Permitted Peter to fall desperately.

[62:58] That brought him to a knowledge of his own wretched heart. All his pride. To go with even unto death. All to be burnt up in the fire. As he came to the fire. His own wretched heart. And I told him. That he would to go with even unto death.

[63:10] All to be burnt up in the fire. As he came to the fire. Of his own wretched heart. He has the power. And he began to the fire. To the Spirit. To the hearts. Of those who are eternally loved. He grants them a sight. Of themselves.

[63:21] He has the ways and means of doing this. He has the ways and means of doing this. Permitted Peter to fall desperately. Hezekiah was brought down under solemn dealing that the house in order for thou shalt die and not live. What an effect it had on him. He saw his heart as he'd never seen it before. He was utterly unprepared and unready to die. It brought him to the mercy seat. It brought him to cry and to wrestle. By the very way he describes his prayer we can tell the poverty of it. Chatter and mourn as a dove. And ended with those brief words, Oh Lord I'm a prayer. Undertake for me. Oh the Lord has ways and means of bringing his dear people to pride. Ways and means of bringing them to wrestle with him. What they're doing. I do they know it's not. What I do they know it's not.

[64:40] Oh has the Lord in his mercy shown you your heart. Shown you where you stand before God. Show you your solemnly. Why he moves and works in the lives of his dear people in various ways.

[65:00] There was an earthquake. What must I do to feel his need. What must I do to be saved.

[65:11] It's done in a moment. Then the Lord works. Various times in people's lives. They do not understand all that he is doing.

[65:22] But they do hereafter. There comes a time in their life. As the Lord moves and works in their heart but they shall know.

[65:36] Oh have you been brought to know anything. A little. Of the precious blood of Jesus Christ in your heart and conscience. The precious blood of Jesus Christ.

[65:53] I am going to speak to rest on my mind of the Lord's dealings divinely and providence. There are so many paths we walk in which we cannot understand. We will remember that the steps of a good man are ordered by the Lord.

[66:08] The Lord has sovereign purposes in our lives. poor foreign nature doesn't understand poor foreign nature doesn't agree poor foreign nature is in conflict with God what I do, they know it's not now God moves in a mysterious way his wonders to perform he lays afflictions upon the loins to his dear people they cannot see as it were a day ahead and what is the effect?

[66:46] I believe the effect is very simple the effect of his children brings them to cry to God to wrestle with him in prayer brings them to the mercy seat as it did Hezekiah as it did Job deep in unfathomable minds of never failing skill he treasures out his bright design and works his sovereignness those fiery temptations those crosses those thorns in the flesh the Lord gives we do not immediately see what he's doing his purposes says Cooper will ripen fire unfolding every hour the bud may have a bitter taste but sweet will be the flower there's a blessed mercy if we can look back to those seasons in our lives and part of us where there were things he did in our lives terrible things in righteousness which we couldn't understand

[68:07] I was walking in the lakes a week or so ago and came to a memorial as there is in the lakes quite a lot of memorials for people who've died who love to walk there they came to a gate and there was a memorial a young man who died between the age of 30 and 40 it said under the bottom such is life I thought as I looked at it oh the dreadful fatalism how different and the Lord dealt with his dear servant Joe the work of grace was in his heart he said the Lord died and the Lord has taken away blessed be the name of the Lord he couldn't comprehend what the Lord was doing yet the Lord had divine purposes afflictions were laid on him and we see in the case of the Lord's servant Joe blessed truths that lie there that the Lord was going to teach him hast thou considered my servant Joe said the Lord to Satan all that he has is in thy hand that touch not his soul why did the Lord say that what I do they know it's not now and Joe didn't but when we look at some of the blessed fruits of the Lord's dealings with Joe what lessons we learn why one of those fruits was conviction behold unbarred deep conviction one of those fruits was to destroy in his heart his Phariseeism his self-righteousness his false religion his vain hope he said

[70:21] I've heard of thee by the year but now when I see you all in a difference he had no idea what the Lord was doing the purposes of it but the Lord was going to bring his dear servant close to himself and to work in his dear heart bring him to his mercy see sweetly to enter into union with his God and he brought him to that precious place I know oh what a good hope he had I know we need no more than to enter into the experience of Joe I know that my Redeemer lives what I do I know it's not now but they shall know hereafter Joe did know hereafter he walked through seas of providential trial bodily affliction weaknesses temptation darkness absence of his God oh that I knew where I might find him to Calvary's cross and there he could truthfully say

[71:42] I know that my my my Redeemer he who has redeemed me you could enter into that lovely hymn redeemed with Jesus' blood redeemed his beauties called to trace no angel coming to compare a sinner saved by grace he would never have been spiritually in a position before God to receive that truth in the value of it in the blessedness of it until he'd been brought right there and so it is with us oh have God's dear children when he's bringing them down it may take many years to bring them down until they struggle and cry they have no religion little hope few rays of light many temptations and they walk in the experience of the prophet Isaiah in the 50th chapter of his prophecy where he speaks of darkness and temptation and says this who is among you that feareth the Lord that obeys the voice of his servant that walketh in darkness and hath no light oh it is the path of God's dear tried family what

[73:21] I do they know it's not now oh the Lord's dear people as clay in the hands of heavenly potter Jeremiah says thou art our potter with a clay where all the work of thy hand then the Lord in his love and mercy to his dear people brings them down humbles them at his mercy seat what is such a one who walks in darkness to do let him trust in the name of the Lord and stay upon his God never leave the mercy seat plead and beg we do not understand what the Lord is doing with us but he has a purpose a blessed purpose of bringing us to our knees he did the same with Jacob told him to return to promised land after those years of deception with in his own country where he was deceived by his uncle Laban then he must go back to his promised land when he got there what did he find he saw there were hundred armed men to receive him what I do thou know it's not now oh how quickly how easily how often we misjudge the Lord's feelings we don't understand them but they shall know hereafter oh how dear Jacob knew hereafter what did it do it took him to his knee

[75:03] I'll not let thee go how the church of God has entered into that in their trial I'll not let thee go why except thou bless me what happened he blessed him there and what did he see his brother at peace with him resting prayer can wonders do bring relief in deepest strength prayer can force a barrier through iron barn and brazen gaze and the Lord brings his dear people I was going to say has to bring his dear people down in deep reflection sore trials great weaknesses in order that they might enter into this but they shall know hereafter oh the point is to conform his dear church to the image of his dear son the point is in the Philippians fellowship with him in his suffering being made conformable unto his death and there's never anything like divinely sent afflictions that will bring us to

[76:31] Calvary's cross bring us to that blood sprinkled mercy seat of the atonement the place of propitiation there to wrestle with our God and plead that precious name that is above every name what I do thou knowest not now but thou shalt know hereafter oh the value that dear Peter saw in Calvary's cross his own self beautiful word for our sins sins in his own body oh the sacred union between Christ and his church there spoken of a flesh of his flesh a bone of his body and the Lord will have his dear people his living family to have fellowship with him in his suffering they have to go into deep water to bear heavy crosses great thorns in the flesh that they might be brought down into a place where they can have sweet fellowship with the eternal son of

[77:55] God in his suffering think it not strange he says to them concerning the fiery trial that is to try you as though some strange thing had happened unto you for a joy in as much as he may partake us of the sufferings of Christ the pathway he wore he was to be reviled he was to be despised he was to be spat upon he was to be hated without a cause that all causes dear people to catch but a glimpse as him writer says we do it best but taste the cup for thou alone hast drunk it out what I do oh the Lord in the richest mercy was pointing to

[79:08] Calvary's cross the blood of Jesus Christ his son cleanses us from all sin ear clean through the word that I have spoken unto you what word has the Lord spoken in your heart perhaps he has not spoken a word do you long to know the fact and the experience in your heart that thy sins and thine iniquity will I remember no more forever is that your exercise in your desire do you long to know something of the precious blood of Jesus Christ I remember many years ago now listening to one of the Lord's servants preaching and I left the sanctuary of God and he'd been preaching about the blood of Christ and I remember exactly the spot

[80:14] I stood outside the chapel and I said Lord I know nothing about what he's been speaking about when that hymn dropped into my heart every grace and every favour comes to us through Jesus blood you may be saying tonight I know nothing about the blood of Christ I say to you this evening you've got one answer to prayer maybe in providence nothing wrong with that have you got one answer to prayer it can only have come through the blood of Christ our great intercessor before his father's throne every grace oh have your hope that the Lord has separated you and called you out of this world that he has begun in your heart do you know what it is your heart that he sweetly touched under the preaching of God's word every grave have you read his holy word when it has been applied with power suddenly in your soul have you been here in the house of

[81:31] God singing the hymn when the spirit has visited your soul in his sweet softness broken your heart under the truths that lie in it that you're singing do you know what it is to sing with the heart and the understanding many times sing with our heads many times sings divine truth which you have no experience of but what is it to know all the sweetness of it the blessings of it thou shalt know oh this was a knowledge that the apostle Peter was to be given he was waiting for it to see between this work of Christ and the experience of it in the heart there is a knowledge that is hidden from the eyes of the wise and prudent and revealed to be what

[82:41] I do it is Christ formed in the heart the hope of glory it is sin to be put away and pardoned peace by his cross as Jesus made or has he made it in your heart have you had a taste of it we shall never live in the sweetness of it all the days of our life but there are moments sweet in a moment rich in blessing which before the cross I spend have your little knowledge of the experience of this psalm the day when the Lord washed Peter's feet he came to see in the sweet experience of it he came to know the power of it they shalt know he came to see a glory in

[83:45] Calvary's cross and not a theoretical one he came to see a practical one and that was for himself that his desperate sins were put away by Christ have you seen that for yourself and you may say to me tonight no do you long to see it the hymn writer says the path I see and I'll pursue the narrow way to him I view view for myself that I might know him and the power of his resurrection having fellowship with him in his suffering what I do thou knowest not now but thou shalt know hereafter amen hymn 421 tune 31

[86:05] INDUM Let your roses shine bright and bright And if we are close to you When you present our souls and blammer and complete We pray for you, glory of this peace With your divine faith

[87:11] Then all our chosen sheep Shall be the crown of the crown Shall be the crown of this peace And take me from this place To the redeemer, Lord With the crown that we love In the crowns of majesty And the crown of the crown

[88:15] And the crown of the crown And now may the grace of the Lord Jesus Christ The love of God The communion of the Holy Spirit Abide with you each Amen Amen