Romans (Quality: Very good)

Attleborough - Jireh - Part 7

Sermon Image
July 6, 1976


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[0:00] The Lord is right from darkness strong, like reckoning influence of all, and power of the power of the creature's son.

[0:10] 1130. The Lord is right from darkness.

[1:00] The Lord is right from darkness.

[1:30] The Lord is right from darkness. The Lord is right from darkness. The Lord is right from darkness.

[1:42] The Lord is right from darkness. The Lord is right from darkness.

[1:56] The Lord is right from darkness. The Lord is right from darkness. The Lord is right from darkness.

[2:11] The Lord is right from darkness. The Lord is right from darkness. The Lord is right from darkness.

[2:24] The Lord is right from darkness. The Lord is right from darkness. The Lord is right from darkness.

[2:38] The Lord is right from darkness. The Lord is right from darkness. The Lord is right from darkness. The Lord is right from darkness.

[2:49] The Lord is right from darkness. The Lord is right from darkness. The Lord is right from darkness. The Lord is right from darkness. The Lord is right from darkness.

[3:12] I felt my mind led to a word in the epistle to the Romans, the 15th chapter, the 29th verse.

[3:36] And I am sure that when I come unto you, I shall come in the fullness of the blessing of the gospel of Christ.

[3:53] The 15th chapter of the epistle to the Romans, the 29th verse. And I am sure that when I come unto you, I shall come in the fullness of the blessing of the gospel of Christ.

[4:11] The apostle had a very strong desire to preach the gospel at Rome.

[4:22] For one thing, he very much wished, as he expresses it in this epistle, which preceded his coming to Rome, to meet the believers there.

[4:39] Because, he said, and thankfully, their faith was spoken of throughout the whole world. That is the known world.

[4:51] And that gave the apostle along to meet these gracious people. And to be refreshed in his spirit by his fellowship with them.

[5:04] For the company and fellowship of spiritual and gracious people is very refreshing. And so he said, that I may come unto you with joy by the will of God, and may with you be refreshed.

[5:25] We might have thought that the apostle Paul hardly needed the refreshment of the fellowship of believers. But he felt not so.

[5:37] And then again, the apostle had a strong wish to be of some further benefit to them in the gospel.

[5:51] That he might be a means of edifying them, and imparting to them, as he says, some spiritual gift. And then, as well as that, the apostle much desired to preach the gospel at Rome, because he knew that Rome was the centre from which people came from all parts of the known world, and returned.

[6:18] There was a continual coming and going to that imperial city. And that the preacher would be the means, if the Lord would be pleased to bless the word, of it being carried to many parts, where the apostle himself would not be able to come.

[6:40] He was quite right in that. And without staying upon that matter now, there seems no doubt that historically, that was the means whereby the gospel first came into our homeland, by the Romans.

[7:00] Well now, the apostle desired that the saints at Rome would join with him in prayer, that the Lord would bring this to pass.

[7:12] And as he says, that I may be delivered from them that do not believe in Judea. Well now, what the apostle delivered from them that do not believe in Judea?

[7:28] He was, and he wasn't. Because, it was, as we know from the history and the acts of the apostles, it was, those that did not believe in Judea, that raised such a riot against him in the temple, that brought about his arrest by the captain of the guard, of the temple.

[7:51] So, that he came, under the Roman power, as a prisoner. But at the same time, he was delivered, from them that do not believe in Judea, because, because, because, they purposed, to lay wait for him, and to accomplish his assassination.

[8:13] But by, a wonderful interposition, of the providence of God, that man was, frustrated, and he was delivered, in that way, from them that did not believe, in Judea.

[8:27] But all the same, he did not anticipate, coming to Rome, as a prisoner. But the Lord's ways, are very, mysterious, at the time, and sometimes, remarkably, clear afterwards.

[8:46] For it would have seen, that, to come to Rome, as a prisoner, and to be confined, in the city, would be a great hindrance, to the apostles' purpose, in preaching the gospel there.

[9:03] And, possibly, the Christians, at that time, were very much, tried in their minds, as to why, so eminent, an apostle, should be brought, into such, restrictions.

[9:18] But then you remember, that when he wrote, the epistle to the Philippians, he remarks upon this, I would not have you, ignorant brethren, that the things, which have happened unto me, have fallen out, rather, to the furtherance, of the gospel.

[9:37] Not the hindrance of it, but the furtherance of it. Well, all these considerations, are called, for some thought. And there's instruction, in them.

[9:48] But I'm not, going into them, any further, this evening. I think that is sufficient, for the first part, of this text. That, I'm sure, that when I come unto you, I shall come, in the fullness, of the blessing, of the gospel, of Christ.

[10:11] And so he did. And much blessing, resulted, from, his ministry, of the gospel, in that city. Now, I leave that, and come, to that part, of the text, that I felt especially, come upon my mind.

[10:31] The fullness, of the blessing, of the gospel, of Christ. And, you will say at once, what a text, of fullness, and richness, and truth.

[10:46] Well, may the Lord, help me, to, open it out, before you. Here is the bread, of life for us. The Lord, help me, to break the bread, of life, this evening, from this word.

[11:03] And, if you are enabled, to mix faith, with the word, in hearing it, and, the Holy Spirit, conveys, some measure, of sacred, unction, and power, with the word, it cannot fail, to profit you, and to nourish you, and to nourish me, with that living bread, that whosoever, eateth, shall live forever.

[11:32] The Lord, grant us, a crumb, of the bread, of life, tonight. We may take the text, in a very simple way, and, meditate together, first, upon, the gospel, of Christ, itself.

[11:53] Then, to speak, of the blessing, of the gospel, of Christ, and then, to consider, the fullness, of that blessing.

[12:04] The fullness, of the blessing, of the gospel, of Christ. No need, for me, to say, what is so well known, of course, that the gospel, means, as regards, the term, good news, good news, from heaven, from God, good news, for man, sinful, hopeless, and helpless, man.

[12:36] The only good news, really, from a spiritual, point of view, there isn't, the world, at all. There's sad news, there's bad news, almost, everywhere.

[12:51] I know, that has always, been so, for the world, always has, been a world, of wickedness, but to us, it does seem, so now. We, come into days, and conditions, that to, a spiritual, mind, are very, distressing.

[13:11] There's really, no good news, in the world. Well now, this is good news, from heaven, from God, the infinite, eternal, source, of all, that is, good, for he is, good, and he does, good, and all, good, that can ever, bring good, to us, in time, or in eternity, must come, from that divine, boundless, source, of all, that's good.

[13:46] good. It is, as we read, the glorious gospel, of the blessed God. I can only speak, very simply, upon these things.

[14:02] I am, hoping, for, unction, rather than, to be profound, for application, of the word, to us.

[14:13] Brethren, this is the manner, that has fed, the church of God, in this wilderness, all these centuries. It is, as I have said, it is bread, from heaven, to eat.

[14:29] And first of all, it is, the gospel, of the very person, of Jesus Christ. Or, to put it even more simply, it is gospel, to us, that there is, such a person, as Jesus Christ is, that in itself, is wonderful.

[14:54] And, although it didn't strike me, until I read, that word, this evening, with which the apostle, opens this, profoundly, instructive epistle, he writes, of his apostleship, as being separated, unto the gospel, of God.

[15:13] Paul, a servant, of Jesus Christ, called to be an apostle, separated, unto the gospel, of God. Well, and what is the purpose, of the gospel?

[15:26] What is the, purport of it? Concerning, his son, Jesus Christ. There you have, the very commencement, of it.

[15:37] it concerns, the son of God, the eternal son, of his love. And, it concerns this, that he was, born into this world, that he came, from heaven, to earth, that blessed visitation, of which, it is written, whereby, the day spring, from on high, hath visited us, to give light, for he was light, in himself, to give light, to them, that sit in darkness, and in the shadow, of death, and to guide our feet, into the way, of peace.

[16:23] For this world, was in darkness, and all, were in darkness, with regard, to spiritual, spiritual, things, and, with regard, to that light, the light, of the knowledge, of the glory, of God, the world, was in darkness, but light, came into it, when Jesus Christ, was born, the light, of the glory, of God, came into this world, in the person, of Jesus Christ, Christ, that the Son, of God, should be born, into our nature, to save us, from the simple condition, that we are in, is a gospel, indeed, to those, who are brought, to feel, how helpless, and how ruined, and how dark, and how dead, they are, that the Son, of God, should come, into the world, to give them life, and light, and truth, and salvation, and, if spiritual, discernment, is given to us, the more, we see, of Jesus Christ, the more, wonderful, we see him, to be, it is very, wonderful, that a person, should be, both divine, and human, and Jesus Christ, was the image, of the invisible God, the firstborn, of every creature, all that God is,

[18:08] Jesus Christ is, and he is born, into this world, he was made flesh, and dwelt among us, all that man is, in his, humanity, Jesus Christ is, he is as much God, as though he were not man, he is as much man, as though he were not God, now this is the great, mystery of godliness, it's a foundation, truth, and it is to be, believed, and it is, without controversy, in the church, of God, without controversy, whatever other, differences, there may be, and whatever other, controversies, there may be, the mystery, of the person, of Jesus Christ, is without, controversy, it is believed, by everyone, taught, taught, by the Holy Spirit, he is the very, center, of their faith, his name, shall be called, wonderful, because he is, wonderful, in whatever way, we may, spiritually, discern, the person, of Jesus Christ, he is wonderful, wonderful, wonderful, in his constitution, wonderful, in his spirit, wonderful, in his compassion, his tenderness, his love, oh, he is wonderful, well,

[19:53] I wish I could, enlarge upon this, and preach up, the wonderful, person, of Jesus Christ, may the Holy Spirit, do that, that is really, the essential, part of the work, of the Holy Spirit, to reveal, Jesus Christ, to take of those, things that constitute, the wonderful, character, of his person, and show them, to us, oh, Holy Spirit, fulfill that work, we need, the Holy Spirit, to give us, spiritual discernment, and then, we need, the Holy Spirit, to reveal, Jesus Christ, for if we have, not spiritual, discernment, if Jesus Christ, is set forth, we turn, blind eyes, to him, and see nothing, but if the Holy Spirit, enlighten, our understanding, then, we look unto Jesus, and see the glory, of God, in that blessed person, and, he came into this world, to save sinners, we wouldn't have thought, sinners were worth saving, at least, worth the Son of God, coming into this world, to save them, but then, there would have been, no gospel, no Christ, no gospel, let me pass on, it is the gospel, of Christ, in this sense, that it is the gospel, of redemption, through his, precious blood, the Lord Jesus Christ, did much good, in this world, wherever he went, everyone, that was in a case, to benefit, by his kindness, benefited by it, that the Lord Jesus Christ, always had Calvary, in view, how well he knew, wherever he went, here or there, ultimately, the last journey, would be to Calvary, for he knew, so well, the purpose, of his coming, into this world, he knew, that the Son of Man, was come, to seek, and to save, that which was lost, and no one, knew better, than he knew, what that meant, to save them, the gospel, of Christ, is the gospel, of atonement, of propitiation, by his, precious blood, this is the gospel, that when we, were yet sinners,

[22:54] Christ, died for us, in our room, place, and stead, that is, if by, his grace, we have been brought, saving, to believe in him, that makes it certain, no one believes, in Jesus Christ, for those, for whom he shed, his precious blood, at Calvary, and they, all were brought, to believe in him, what a depth, of meaning, there is in that word, in this epistle, when we were, without strength, Christ, died for us, when we were, without strength, to deliver ourselves, from the state, we were in, when we were, without strength, with regard, to God's law, to obey it, when we were, without strength, to avoid, the solemn, consequences, of guilt, when we were, weak, and helpless, and ruined,

[24:03] Christ, died for us, brethren, the gospel, of Christ, is written, deep, in the lines, of his, precious blood, it is, you know, it is, written, deep, in the lines, of his blood, for if Jesus Christ, had not been, a sacrifice, there could have been, no salvation, thus it is, so clearly revealed, that it is not, for any man, to raise, any question, about it, it is there, plain, as plain, God's way, of salvation, is by, substitution, God's way, of forgiveness, is by, sacrifice, and that, substitution, is by, his only, begotten son, he has made, him, to be sin, for us, who knew, no sin, now,

[25:08] I would ask, you to pause, on this a minute, for, we need, the, gracious, operations, of the Holy Spirit, in our hearts, to go along, with this, precious, teaching, when the Holy Spirit, convinces, of sin, amongst, other things, that fasten, upon the conscience, is, that we're, in the condition, we can never, extricate, ourselves, from, that nothing, we can do, can bring, relief, to our, consciences, and if we, strive, to extricate, ourselves, from the condition, we find ourselves, to be in, we, understand, so, well, those lines, of Sennick, the more, I strode, against, sin's power, I sinned, and stumbled, but the more, when anyone, feels that, in measure, the load, of their sin, it's a gospel, to them, that Jesus Christ, has borne, that heavy load, when they come, to feel, the defilement, of sin, it's a gospel, to them, that a fountain, was opened, at Calvary, to cleanse, them from it, and when they, have solemn, apprehensions, of the wrath, of God, it's a gospel, to them, that another, has endured, that storm, and become, a refuge, from it, and, when such, things, are made, real, and only, the Holy Spirit, can make them, real, then, what response, there is, in the heart, to them, lo, glad I come, and they, are blessed, lamb, shall take me, to thee, as I am, nothing, but sin,

[27:17] I thee, can give, nothing, but, love, shall I, receive, Calvary, and the blood, of Jesus, is a gospel, for sinners, but I must, pass on, from these, precious, things, the gospel, of Christ, is the gospel, of resurrection, and of eternity, eternal life, it was necessary, that he should die, he must have, somewhat, to offer, if he is to be, a priest, nothing, would serve, but himself, it was not, necessary, necessary, that he should, remain in death, it was not, possible, that he should, he could not, be holden, of death, it was a part, of the gospel, as the apostle, puts it, to the Corinthians, that he was buried, well, as far, as I can, understand, it was necessary, that he should, have been buried, in order, to make, his resurrection, beyond, any question, foresposing, and, must need, to suppose it, really, that his body, had been just, treated, as the bodies, of those two thieves, were, it would have been, very difficult, for the resurrection, to have been proved, but everything, concerning, that tomb, and the appearance, of Jesus Christ, afterwards, made it, certain, that he was risen, indeed, brethren, the gospel, of Christ, is the gospel, of resurrection, for if Christ, be not risen, saith the apostle, our faith, is vain, we are yet, in our sins, all ended, when he died, and that was, the utter end, of everything, that now, is Christ, risen from the dead, the very same,

[29:35] Jesus, he is risen, from the dead, and become, the first fruits, of them, that slept, brethren, it's a gospel, that Jesus Christ, was raised, from the dead, because, he dies, no more, Jesus lives, and ever will, death, conqueror, as well, as, as, sins, remover, or sin, can be removed, from the sinner, by the substitution, of Jesus, it's a gospel, that there will be, a resurrection, for us, in that last, great, and glorious, day, of his appearing, I must pass on, and leave this first point, the gospel of Christ, is the gospel, of his heavenly intercession, and, that he is indeed able, and as willing, as he is able, to save them, unto the uttermost, to come unto God, by him, seeing he ever liveth, to make intercession, for them, the gospel, is that Jesus Christ, is in heaven, the forerunner, of all, who follow him, the heavenly, intercessor, for them, he is open, heaven to them, and he is there, well now,

[31:10] I must pass, from that, let me now, set before you, for a few minutes, the blessing, of this gospel, for this gospel, brings blessing, to people, as it is believed, and as the Holy Spirit, conveys, in a way, of power, this, gospel, two things, are necessary, to be wrought, in our hearts, repentance, towards God, and faith, in the Lord, Jesus Christ, repentance, is the heart, turning to God, in confession, of its condition, faith, in Jesus Christ, is the cleaving, and trusting, of the soul, to his person, righteousness, and blood, they go together, repentance, if I may put it, to you like, this, repentance, is the tear, of godly sorrow, in the eye, that looks, not to its repentance, but to Jesus Christ, repentance, repentance, is the tear, of godly sorrow, in the eye, of faith, that looks, to Jesus Christ, now the Holy Spirit, will bring, the blessing, of the gospel, into that heart, assuredly, he will, and, to begin with, the blessing, of the gospel, is the blessing, of forgiveness, through this man, is preached, unto you, the forgiveness, of sins, and by him, all that believe, are justified, from all things, from which they, could not be justified, by the law, of Moses, forgiveness, and justification, are blessings, of the gospel, people, there's a distinction, of course, between forgiveness, and justification, forgiveness, respects sin, justification, respects our state, and standing, before God, justification, is, the exact opposite, of condemnation, though every, unbeliever, is in a state, of condemnation, before God, their, original, sinfulness, has added, to it, the sin, of their unbelief, they're in a state, of condemnation, justification, is opposite, to that, it changes, a person's state, and standing, in the sight, of God, that they're, no longer, in a condition, of condemnation, they stand, perfectly, clear, in the sight, of God, of condemnation, every believer, in Jesus Christ, is justified, according, to the scripture, forgiveness, respects, the, sinfulness, that we feel, and, there is, there is, this distinction, justification, is, unrepeatable, there's, no such thing, as being justified, and then condemned, and then justified, again, and then condemned, again, there's, no such thing, justification, once, it is, established, in, a child, of God, is always, his condition, but now, forgiveness, is different, we need forgiveness, then we need, forgiveness, again, and then we need, forgiveness, again, whoever, has lived, beyond the need, of forgiveness, in this world, time, and time, again, one has to say, gracious God, forgive me, once more, pardon me, once more, until one is, sometimes, almost ashamed, to have to keep, praying it, but there it is, but then you see, forgiving mercy, knows no, bound, has no end, well, the blessing, of the gospel, is just that, the forgiveness, of sin, and the justification, of believers, and this is, a blessing, when it's realized, and felt, and the Holy Spirit, conveys that, consciousness, of it, to our hearts, it's a blessing, to be enjoyed, there's more, to be sought for, my friends, than to see it, in the scriptures, and believe it's true, it's a blessing, to be enjoyed, it makes, one's heart, really, to rejoice, in the Lord, it, when I saw, these things, in my early experience, my very heart, responded, to them,

[36:51] I found myself, saying, now I have found, the ground, wherein, my anchor hope, shall firm remain, the wounds, of Jesus, for my sin, before the world's, foundation, slain, I entered into it, I really enjoyed, the truth of it, it is the blessing, of the gospel, and then again, the blessing, of the gospel, is to be at peace, with God, to the Lord, Jesus Christ, the old, estrangement, is entirely removed, as a being brought, near by the blood, of Christ, in the state, of reconciliation, and this blessing, of the gospel, when it is, experience, fills, the heart, with joy, and peace, in believing it,

[37:59] I'm always praying, that the Lord, will fill my heart, with joy, and peace, in believing, it isn't with me, that I've never, experienced it, but, oh I do wish, my heart, could be more, filled with it, it's the fullness, of the blessing, of the gospel, of Christ, and, to leave this point, for the time's sake, the blessing, of the gospel, of Christ, is eternal life, he saith, I give unto my sheep, eternal life, and they shall never perish, and I shall, any man pluck them, out of my hand, there is, something, in these expressions, that one cannot just, get into words, I mean, there is, something so, solemn, so rich, so real, so wonderful, so divine, in eternal life, for this is, the true God, and eternal life, and eternal life, is the blessing, of the gospel, and is the gift, of God, death, is the wages, of sin, sinners earn it, and deserve it, the gift, of God, is eternal life, no one earns it, no one deserves it, and therefore, it can come, to the most undeserving, the blessing, of the gospel, of Christ, now I close, with just a few words, on the last point, the fullness, of the blessing, of the gospel, of Christ, there is a fullness, in this, unfathomable, to us, and yet, we can, perceive it, you know, sometimes, when we're in, a favored, state of mind, and we're sensitive, to these, holy things, we feel like, a good man, once said to me, when I've been, endeavouring, to the best,

[40:21] I, was helped to do, to set forth, the fullness, and richness, of the things, of God, bottom of the pulpit stairs, he took my hand, and he said, we can sense, the depth, but we can't fathom it, and I thought, there was a lot, in that remark, we can sense, the depth, but we can't, fathom it, we can feel, as the apostle felt, when he, said, oh, the depth, but we look, into what is, unfathomable, we just, cannot measure, that great depth, there is a fullness, of mercy, in the blessing, of the gospel, mercy, as I've said, is a blessing, forgiveness, is a blessing, but what a fullness, of mercy, there is in it, what a death, I'll remind you, of that word, of the prophet,

[41:23] Micah, I think it's Micah, he said, who is a God, like unto thee, that pardoneth iniquity, it seems so, wonderful to him, so God, like, and he goes, on to say, there will, turn again, there will, have mercy, upon us, and there will, cast all our sins, into the depths, of the sea, what sin, the sea, of his mercy, and what depths, depths, without any bottom, at all, infinite depths, of mercy, swallows up, sins, innumerable, and there, see, no more, there's a fullness, of mercy, and forgiveness, there's a sweetness, in it, a richness, in it, and there's a depth, in it, and, what a fullness, of grace, there is, in the blessing, of the gospel, you ponder, over that word, of the apostle, he said,

[42:41] I was injurious, and a blasphemer, but the grace, of the Lord Jesus Christ, was exceeding, abundant, through faith, which is in Christ, Jesus, these words, have a meaning, we know, somewhat, of what grace is, it is God's, free, undeserved, favor, but the apostle, said, there was, a greatness, in that grace, to me, an abundance, the grace, of the Lord Jesus Christ, was exceeding, abundant, now, you know, my friends, to abound, means, to overflow, you put a barrier, to a stream, or a river, and the waters, gather, more and more, against it, until they overflow it, because, the barrier, or the dam, simply cannot stop, the flowing, of the water, it increases, as it, reaches, the obstruction, until it flows, right over it, now, the apostle, would say, no, my case, if ever, could have been, an obstruction, to the grace, of God, my case, would have been it,

[44:10] I was a blasphemer, I was injurious, I was a persecutor, or, we would say, the grace, of God, abounded, over it all, and it seemed, all the more, wonderful grace, to me, because it, had so much, to abound, over in me, but Paul, surely that, expresses, the fullness, of grace, no, he would say, no, it not only, abounded, but it, exceedingly, abounded, and there, you're lost, in thought, the fullness, is too much, for words, it not only, abounds, but it abounds, exceedingly, in other words, think, ponder, meditate, and, feel as we may, in ourselves, what the grace, of God is, our brethren, it exceeds, all thought, and feeling, it really does,

[45:15] O grace, thou bottomless, abyss, my sins, are swallowed, up in thee, there is, such a fullness, of grace, and then, what can I say, in conclusion, that what, might perhaps, be felt, if anything, a still, more wonderful, fullness, in the blessing, of the gospel, is the fullness, of the love, of God, now God, is love, his very nature, is infinite, pure, holy, love, God, is love, and the fullness, of God's love, flows, into the blessing, of the gospel, to sinners, for God, commended, his love, toward us, in that, while we were, yet sinners,

[46:17] Christ, died, for us, everything, is wonderful, that he, should give, his only begotten, son, to die, for sinners, that Jesus, Christ, should die, for sinners, that God, should give, his only begotten, son, to die, for sinners, and then, that he, should go, so far, as to commend, that love, to sinners, sinners, as though, he would say, in substance, poor sinners, I commend, my love, in Jesus Christ, to you, to believe it, to seek, for it, to cling, to it, to experience, it, to trust, it, I commend, my love, to you, saith God, in this, that Christ, died, for sinners, and, what other, commendation, of God's love, could have been, of any benefit, to us, if he had, described, his love, to us, as only, he could have, described it, his wonderful nature, purity, and glory, what could we have said,

[47:40] I know what I should have said, where that God of love is, I shall never be, I shall never be, between that God of love, and me, there's a great gulf, of sin fixed, I can never be, where that God of love is, never, but God, commended his love, toward us, in that, while we were yet sinners, Christ, died for us, he would say, oh sinners, the gulf, is bridged by love, and by blood, well, everything of God, is infinite, boundless, wonderful, incomprehensible, but believable, if faith is given, to believe it, but all that, wonder of grace, and mercy, and love, all is poured, into the gospel, all, and fills it, with a fullness divine, the fullness, of the blessing, of the gospel of Christ, now, let not unbelief, argue against this, that this is too much, for such, as you and I, let not sin, argue against it, and say, oh, you can't expect, such things, as these, let not,

[49:30] Satan argue, against it, say that, well, it's not true, or if it is, it will never, come to you, no, no, my friends, no, that the word, of God, that the blood, of Jesus, let the experience, of the saints, of God, say no, to all that, because, it has come, to them, the fullness, of the blessing, but you know, we must be, empty, to be filled, with it, we must be, empty, perhaps a good deal, of that, which we would, like to have, in ourselves, make our case, somewhat better, than it is, you know, that would be, a much greater, hindrance, than the hell, if you want, to fill a vessel, with some, thing that's, valuable, you empty it first, of everything else, because, if anything else, was repained, it would not only, make the vessel, less, receptive, of its capacity, but it would probably, mingle, and dilute, whatever was valuable, that you would, fill it with, so were their poor hearts, oh it does seem, to us sometimes, that our poverty, and emptiness, is such a hindrance, known brethren, not if the Holy Spirit, comes, and brings, the gospel, of Jesus Christ, into our hearts, the emptier, the more needy, the more suitable, well,

[51:24] I mustn't, entertain you, any longer tonight, may the Lord, make the word, at least, sweet to our taste, brethren, if there's been, anything of Jesus Christ, in the word, tonight, and if the Holy Spirit, has added, a little, sweet, savour, of his unction, well then, there's been, what I have hoped for, something to, refresh our hearts, the Lord, grant his blessing.

[51:54] the Lord. Amen. Amen.

[52:59] Amen. Amen.

[53:59] Amen. Amen.

[54:30] Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen.

[54:41] Amen. Amen. May the grace of the Lord Jesus Christ, the love of God the Father, the communion and fellowship of God the Holy Ghost, be with us all, and all the Israel of God, forevermore.

[55:07] Amen. Amen.

[55:26] Amen. Amen. God be with us. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen.

[55:37] Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen.

[55:48] Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen.