
Bethersden - Union Chapel - Part 172

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April 3, 1966



Young People's Service - Streets

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[0:00] As the Lord shall be pleased to help me, I shall call your attention to a subject you will find in the book of Zechariah, chapter 8, and the fifth verse.

[0:23] And the streets of the city shall be full of boys and girls playing in the streets thereof.

[0:36] Chapter 8, the book of Zechariah, and the fifth verse.

[0:46] Chapter 8, the book of Zechariah, and the fifth verse.

[1:16] The book of Zechariah, and the fifth verse. The book of Zechariah, and the fifth verse. And the fifth verse. And the fifth verse.

[1:28] And the fifth verse. And the fifth verse. Now, I want the Lord to help me to say something that will be helpful to you. I want to say Lord to help me to say something that will be helpful to you.

[1:41] I have taken this subject round about four years ago, but I hope there will be something fresh in my taking it up again.

[1:54] And you must not forget that as the years go on, those who are but children soon become teenagers.

[2:07] And those who were youths and maids grow up into manhood and womanhood and set up in homes of their own. And so it goes on, so that sometimes to take up an old subject may come with some freshness to those who were too young when it was first given, given, but now they are old enough to enter into some things that may be said on the subject.

[2:41] That is the viewpoint I take in carrying on our young people's services. And now the streets of the city shall be full of boys and girls playing in the streets thereof.

[3:01] You and I must seek to carry our minds back long, long years ago to when Zechariah the prophet lived.

[3:12] And there is a deep that coucheth beneath this subject. While as I said at the outset it is a very homely picture, it is to show to us that it was a time of peace.

[3:31] Had it been a time of warfare, it would have been something like it was 20 years ago when the Great War was raging.

[3:45] The boys and girls did not play in the streets then in many of our cities and towns because they were evacuated to where it was considered more safe for them to dwell lest the enemy air raid should come over those cities and towns and the boys and girls, many of them, lose their lives thereby.

[4:14] Numbers of you were old enough to remember the wail of the air raid siren signifying that you must seek safety in the air raid shelter.

[4:28] It was not then a time for boys and girls to be playing in the streets. But when peace is declared, when there is no longer danger overhead or elsewhere from the nation being at war, then there is liberty for the boys and girls to play round about where they dwell.

[4:56] And that is the meaning of it. And I want, as the Lord shall help me, to speak to you about some streets in which I hope you will not play, but in which you will walk and work, in which you may, as grace is given, be helped to live.

[5:23] And now, regarding the city that Zechariah refers to, I just turn aside to tell you this, it draws a picture, a prophetical picture, of what will come another day.

[5:40] Not yet, but it is in the future, and God will bring it to pass. Thus saith the Lord, I am returned unto Zion, and will dwell in the midst of Jerusalem.

[5:55] In Jerusalem shall be called the city of truth, and the mountain of the Lord of hosts, the holy mountain. And then, he tells us that it will be such a time of peace, that the streets of the city shall be full of boys and girls, playing in the streets thereof.

[6:18] But then, there is not only Jerusalem, in the land of promise. There is another Jerusalem, and that sets forth the church of Christ.

[6:30] And in that church, there are streets, wherein all who worship God of right, are found, desiring to worship him, in spirit and in truth.

[6:47] And now, as I was pondering this subject, my mind went right back, to the Passover night, when Israel, were delivered from Egyptian bondage.

[7:03] And you know, that the destroying angel, passed over Egypt, and, in every Egyptian household, where there was a firstborn, such and one, was slain.

[7:22] So that, tens of thousands of Egyptian fathers and mothers, mourn the loss, of a boy, or a girl.

[7:34] The firstborn was slain. But, no Israelite boy or girl, died that dread night, because, they were under their home roofs, with their fathers and mothers, in safety.

[7:56] And the Passover lamb, had been slain, and the blood, of that slain sacrifice, had been sprinkled, on the lintels, of the door, and the door posts.

[8:07] And the destroying angel, passed over, such dwellings, which were, so, marked. And now, our great concern, those who love you, not only your, godly fathers and mothers, but the pastor, and those who labor in word, and doctrine, in the Sabbath school, desiring to, see you, led into the truth, of God.

[8:39] They do desire, that you should be found, like those, Israelites, young people were, on the Passover night, that you should dwell, in safety, because, the destroying angel, will say, concerning you, when I see the blood, I will pass, over you.

[9:07] One hymn writer says, Jesus is our shepherd, for the sheep, he bled, every lamb is sprinkled, with the blood, he shed, and on each, he setteth, his own secret sign, these that have, my spirit, these, saith he, are mine.

[9:33] And now, that is what we desire, that you, dear young people, dear children, that God, will say, to you, ere you die, through, you being led, into the truth, brought to a, saving knowledge, of it, fear thou not, for I have, redeemed thee, I have called thee, by thy name, thou art, mine.

[10:04] And now, coming to, some of these streets, that are, streets which I hope, you will be helped, to live in, go up and down them, and get good, both for time, and eternity, as you, walk, therein.

[10:29] And I might just, by way of contrast, mention, that, in my journeyings about, when I used to journey about, fulfilling my engagements, more than I do nowadays, I used to take, special notice sometimes, crossing London, and other places, of the peculiar names, that were given, to some streets, streets, and I just named, three or four, to show you, streets, that I hope, you will have nothing, whatever to do with, neither to go therein, or play, or work.

[11:12] And now, one street, was named, Crooked, Usage, Street. Can you think, of your name, being on an envelope, and then, the address, Crooked, Usage, Street.

[11:33] And now, that name, is to be seen, in Chelsea, London, Crooked, Usage, Street. Oh, but you do not, want to have anything, whatever to do, with that, which is crooked.

[11:49] You want, to have your, conduct, and conversation, as it should be, before God, and man, governed, by godly fear, which is an unctuous, light to what is right, and a bar, to what is wrong.

[12:11] Oh, you must not, have anything, whatever to do, either with people, who dwell there, neither must you, go down such a street, Crooked, Usage, Street.

[12:23] Another one, where I fear, tens of thousands, of people, dwell on that, and that, is named, Creed Lane.

[12:36] Creed, Lane. And you know, in this land of ours, England, that has been, so favoured of God, from Land's End, to John O'Groats, there are, tens of thousands, of people, who repeat, creeds, and the creeds, that they repeat, as regards the wording, are wonderful, as to their doctrine, I believe in God, the Father Almighty, maker of heaven, and earth, and in his only son, Jesus Christ, our Lord, but, there are, tens of thousands, who repeat the words, who do not, evidence, in their lives, that they do, believe it, it is just, a creed, words, and one, in writer, says, good creeds, may stock, our heads about, and in our hearts, no grace, be found, and now, we do not, want you, to be just, lettered up, in sound doctrine, and to have, only a creed, we want you, as grace is given, to live like, one in writer, says, hoard up, the sacred word, and feed thereon, and grow, go on, to seek, to know the Lord, and practice, what you know, we do not, want you, to live in, creed line, neither do, we want you, to live in, fetter line, either, and that is, another,

[14:11] London street, fetter, line, oh, there are many people, who are, religious people, presumably, but, their religion, places on them, fetters, and, it is not, that religion, that God, is the author of, think how one, who believes, in Roman Catholicism, is fettered, in how he, or she, has to live his life, and live, his or her life, subject to the dictates, of the priest, and to live like that, and to ever, and anon, be making confession, of sin, to the priest, is to live in, fetter line, the word of God, shows you, the ten thousand, times ten thousand, better way, to live, unto God, if we confess, our sins, he is faithful, and just, to forgive us, our sins, and to cleanse us, from all, unrighteousness, then I saw, a street, and I thought, alas, how many people, live there, it was called, idle street, the folk, that live there, must indeed, be very lazy, sometimes, there is a hymn, that the children sing, and it runs like this, one verse of it, some think, it a hardship, to work, for their bread, although, for our good, it was meant, but those, that won't work, have no right, to be fed, and the idle, are never content, and now,

[16:14] I do hope, none of you, dear young people, dear children, will settle down, in idle street, but that you, will be helped, to do, what Solomon, counsels, in ecclesiastes, whatsoever, thy hand, find it to do, do it, with thy might, for there is, no device, in the grave, where thou goest, very, very solemn, to be just, an idler, in the world, as it is, and such need, of good, to be done, as the word, of God says, as ye have, therefore, opportunity, do good, unto all men, especially, thy, that be, of the household, of faith, there is just, another street, and now, I'm very much, afraid, that too many, people, have rented, a house, in that street,

[17:16] I'm not, fitting any, caps on, but you, will not, be altogether, guiltless, Grumble Street, you, go back, to when, you last, had a grumble, it was not, so very long, ago, what, were you, grumbling, about, was it, something, to do, with you, something, in your, home life, that was not, as you, would like, it to be, was it, something, to do, with God, because, the weather, was, not, propitious, for what, your purpose, was, oh, good, it will be, if God, should give you, notice, to quit, if you live, in Grumble Street, and if you, should be, taught, to count, your blessings, if once, you're helped, to begin, to do it, you will have, to keep on, as long, as you live, for you never, never reach, the total sum, in this life, like the hymn writer, says, of the mercies, of God, how great, their sum, how high, they rise, can ne'er be known, beneath, the skies, much, might be said, in looking, at streets, from that viewpoint, but I want, to show you, some streets, where I hope,

[18:49] God will help you, to dwell, walk about in, where you will, find happiness, worth, the name, and now, the first street, is, what you read about, in the Acts, of the Apostles, I've often thought, what a beautiful, setting forth, of the truth, that is, when, Saul of Tarsus, was born, again, and, he was found, at Damascus, God, said to, Ananias, Ananias, and he said, behold, I am here, Lord, and the Lord, said unto him, arise, and go into the street, which is called, straight, and inquire, in the house, of Judas, for one, called Saul of Tarsus, for behold, he prayed, it, now, that is our first street, to think about, the street, called straight,

[19:55] I remember, many years ago, conducting, a funeral service, of one of our, Union Chapel people, and he was, a godly man, and, he ran, a flour mill, his name, would be quite familiar, to our old friends, and when, I had conducted, the funeral service, and spoken on, God's behalf, concerning the one, laid in the grave, that he was, what he was, by the grace of God, the wholesaler, with whom, this godly man, had dealt with, for so many, many years, said to me, you have said, just what ought, to be said, concerning our old friends, friend, he was a, straight, man, and now, that is what, we want you to be, straight men, straight women, so that it, can be said, regarding your, conduct, and conversation, and mark, how it is worded, and he did that, which was right, in the sight, of the Lord, heart, and now, that is what, godly fear, will help you to do, help you to live, all the days, of your life, in the street, called, straight, your words, will be straight, your actions, will be, straight, your walk, will be, straight, it will be, like this, as you desire, to live, then they honor me,

[21:40] I will, honor, the street, called, straight, and now, the next street, I wish there were more people, lived in it, walked about in it, but we do not see, so many, as we should like to, in that street, it is called, repentance street, and now, in the book of, Nehemiah, it is said for, how, at one time, in Israel's history, they, were helped, to live in that street, and I will just read you, a little, it was when, Israel, were brought back to God, out of Babylonish, captivity, and it says, in Nehemiah, and all the people, gathered themselves, together as one man, into the street, that was before, the water gate, and they spake unto,

[22:42] Ezra the scribe, to bring the book, of the law, of Moses, which the Lord, had commanded, to Israel, and Ezra the priest, brought the law, before the congregation, both of men, and women, and all that could hear, with understanding, upon the first day, of the seventh month, and he read therein, before the street, that was before, the water gate, from morning, until midday, little longer, than the pastor's sermons, which are quite long enough, sometimes, for some of you, before the men, and women, and those, that could understand, do listen, and the ears, of all the people, were attentive, unto the book, of the law, and Ezra the scribe, stood upon, a pulpit of wood, which they had made, for the purpose, and then it goes, on lower down, and Ezra opened, the book, in the sight, of all the people, for he was above, all the people, and when he opened it, all the people, stood up,

[23:51] Ezra was reading, from the law of God, and when he began to read, all the people, stood up, because, of their reverence, not only for the law, but because it was the law, of God, and Ezra blessed the people, the great, bless the Lord, the great God, and all the people, answered, Amen, Amen, with lifting up their hands, and they bowed their heads, and worshipped the Lord, with their faces, to the ground, now, when you get in, Repentance Street, if God should lead you there, you will know, you have to do, with the law, the law of God, and that, by the law, is the knowledge of sin, as you go up and down,

[24:52] Repentance Street, you were made, solemnly aware, of your guiltiness, before God, your undone state, in the Adam fall, and, you have to realize, if my soul is sent to hell, thy righteous law, approves it, well, but it is good, it is just what we want, poured out upon England, as a nation, and in our own denomination, especially, repentance unto life, that worketh godly sorrow, that needeth not to be, repented of, when David was helped, to be found in, Repentance Street, as it were, walking up and down in it, confessing his sins, what did he say, I will be sorry, for my sins, and that is just how you feel, as you are helped to go along,

[25:54] Repentance Street, but then, if you are found in, Repentance Street, you will turn into another street, which adjusts unto it, and that is, Seeker Street, I read to you, and God made that so plain, to Ananias, concerning Saul of Tarsus, behold he prayeth, and now, you dear young people, I believe some of you, I would like to think quite a few of you, do know what it is, to be found, in the Seeker's Street, then began men to call, upon the name of the Lord, the word of God, tells us, and there was reality in it, that was in, the infancy, of the world, when the worship of God, was being established, but in all ages, since then,

[26:59] God has had, people, young and old alive, of whom it can be said, behold he prayeth, behold she prayeth, and now, the great question is, to you, you do know, the life that you live, and you do know, what is your bent of mind, you know when you rise, in the morn, to do whatever the day, holds in store for you to do, how you approach it, do you approach God, first of all, to seek his help, his grace, and his wisdom, and that he may be with you, all the day long, and above all, do you seek, a jabis portion, oh that thou wouldest, bless me, indeed, make it manifest, oh Lord,

[28:02] I belong to thee, and thine, you may feel like, the hymn writer, when he said, oh Lord, I would be thine alone, and wholly live to thee, oh may I hope, that thou will own, a worthless one, like me, oh, how glad we should be, to see seeker street, crowded, with, young people, children, asking the way to Zion, waiting on God, if to be, they could, participate in the favour, that he bears to his people, and now another, street, I can only give you hints, to think about when you get home, another street, I say, is, worship street, and there, is a very strange, illustration, of what worship street, is like, as you read, in the book of,

[29:11] Ezra, and mark how this is, worded, Israel, at that time, had been, very guilty, in departing from God, in some matters, wherein they, they, knew that they were, making breaches, of the law of God, and then they were brought, to account for it, and Ezra, puts it like this, in his book, and they made, and they made, proclamation, throughout Judah, and Jerusalem, unto all the children, of the captivity, that they should, gather themselves, together, unto Jerusalem, and that, whosoever, would not come, within three days, according to the counsel, of the princes, and the elders, all his substance, should be forfeited, and himself, separated, from the congregation, of those, that had been, carried away, and now listen, then all the men, of Judah, and Benjamin, gathered themselves, together, unto Jerusalem, within three days, it was the ninth month, on the twentieth day, of the month, and all the people, sat in the street, of the house of God, trembling, because of this matter, and for, the great reign, there you see, a street, and the name is, the street, of the, house, of God, in the days, in which you, and I are living, when there is television, and radio, to such a great degree, up and down the land, people may think, that they can, worship God, under their home roofs, in listening, to religion, and so called, worship, that is broadcast, from time to time, but there is a word, in the word of God,

[31:21] I would like you, dear young people, to remember, that will, be the word of God, till time, shall be no more, verily, my Sabbath, ye shall keep, and ye shall reverence, my, sanctuary, which means, to remember the Sabbath day, and keep it holy, you must be found, going along the street, of the house, of God, and how good it will be, if you find in your hearts, what the psalmist, found in his, when he said, I would rather, be a doorkeeper, in the house, of my God, than to dwell, in the tents, of wickedness, and when he said, how amiable, are thy tabernacles, O Lord, of hosts, and O, if as you go along, to the street, of the house, of God, to arrive there, desiring, to worship God, aright, you can find this, deep down in your heart, we love the place,

[32:35] O God, wherein thine honour dwells, the joy of thine abode, all earthly joy, excels, worship stream, God is a spirit, and they that worship him, must worship him, in spirit, and in truth, sometimes you see, published, the annual statistics, of different denominations, and you find, in nearly every instance, every year, there is a very great, decline in the worshippers, and even, in those denominations, which are built upon, sound doctrine, and Nehemiah, said in his day, why is the house, of the Lord, forsaken, it is for the honour, of God, that you should be found, in the house, of the Lord, when the Sabbath day, dawns, and the word, of God, will not fail, verily my Sabbath, ye shall keep, and ye shall reverence, my sanctuary, and now, another street, oh I would be glad, if old and young alike, could all dwell there, and never go outside it, thankful street, you think, if you can, and do try to think, how deep is your indebtedness, to God, in him, you live and move, and have your being, our life, as we journey on, in this world, depends upon, the next breath, that you and I, are permitted to draw, only this frail, and fleeting breath, preserves me, from the jaws of death, soon as it fails, at once,

[34:37] I am gone, and plunged, into a world, unknown, moon, you think, every time, you draw near, to the meal table, whichever meal time, it is, during the day, the hand of God, has spread it for you, bountifully, every night, you have a comfortable bed, you have a, well furnished home, wherein you have dwelt, ever since you were born, and you have those, who love you, care for you, desire your, welfare, in this life, and that which is to come, and these are mercies, greatly to be prized, oh that you would, rent a house, buy a house, in thankful strength, and join with the psalmist, oh give thanks, unto the Lord, for he is good, and his mercies, endureth, forever, another street, and now, it would be good, if everyone, who worships God, could live in this street, but they do not always, though they do worship God, alas that it should be so, and now, this street is named,

[36:08] Concord Street, you little ones, might wonder, what Concord is, well, you will find, in the Acts of the Apostles, you can search out, how many times, if you like, but it is there, one, two, three, four, or five times, and they were all, with one accord, in one place, the people, who gathered like that, to worship God, were all of one mind, one spirit, there was the unity, of the spirit, as they gathered together, and they were all, with one accord, in one place, and it means, harmony, and now, I'm not fitting, any caps on, but you dear young people, you children, as you dwell, in your home life, or in your school life, you must, seek, the help of God, to live in,

[37:12] Concord Street, and seek, that which will help you, to be at peace, one with another, and not to fall out, by the way, do suffer that word, of exhortation, Concord Street, another street, I was going to call it, help each other street, but I will narrow it down, useful street, you see, it speaks in our text, and the streets, of the city, shall be full of boys, and girls, playing in the streets, thereof, but, surely, before they went out, to play, there were some things, that they did, in their home life, which they were able, to do, where they could help, in home life, so that they, should take a share, in how home life, was carried on, and now, when you think, how great, is the mercy of God, and now, what you eat, and drink, is provided for you, and in your school life, you have much kindness, shown you, that you may be, where you are at school, and your fathers, and mothers, and your fathers, and mothers, often have to make, sacrifices, great sacrifices, that you, might have an opening, in life, as you grow up, to go forth, in it, and that you might be, fitted to be, what you may have it, in your heart, to be, so that you may be, educated for it, and now, you are not to receive, all this, and give no returns, no, you must, do what you can, in duties, however, humble, they may be, to help, your godly father, and mother, in home life, so that, it will be well, if you, spend your apprenticeship, as it were, in useful streets, like,

[39:31] Joseph Hart says, behold the gospel plan, trust in the Lord, with all your heart, and do what good you can, and now another street, you can find this one, in Ashford, if you like, Providence Street, and now, that is a good street, to live in, some of us, have lived a long time, in Providence Street, and, if you live there, as grace is given, some scriptures, are opened up, to you, one is this, my God, shall supply, all your need, out of his riches, in glory, in glory, by Christ Jesus, and, the farther, you go along, Providence Street, and the older, you grow, like the preacher, in life's evening time, you can look back, along that street, as you have, journeyed, through it, so far, and you can see, what the psalmist says, is the truth, concerning you, goodness, and mercy, have followed me, all the days, of my life, and the occupation, which is a delightful one, that those, who dwell in Providence Street, sometimes, are engaged in, the psalmist, describes it like this, who so is wise, and will observe, these things, even they, shall understand, the loving kindness, of the Lord, you remember, how the pastor, often refers to Manoah, and his wife, and what was their, behavior, there came into,

[41:24] Manoah's life, a wonderful leap off, when an angel, visited them, and, prophesied, a great blessing, that should come to them, in the giving of a son, and, while he was with them, the word of God, tells us, and the angel, did wonderfully, and Manoah, and his wife, looked on, and now, that is a privilege, you have, if you dwell, in Providence Street, you can look on, and see the hand of God, upon you, for good, you can lay your matters, at Jesus' feet, and see, that he will, undertake for you, and make crooked things, straight, rough places, plain, yes, however low you may think, in your circumstances, you will find, what one in writer, says, is a great truth, should poverty, or loss, of all created good, conspire, to make our weighty cross, our helper, still is God, you know, that dear woman, in the reaper, the widow woman, of whom you have read, she dwelt, in Providence Street, and she was scraping, the bottom of the barrel, and she said, there is just a handful, she looked in the crew, and said, only a drop of oil, we should use it, all up today, whatever shall we do, when the morrow dawns,

[42:55] I will make two cakes, and we will eat it, and die, no, no, God, had his eyes, on that widow woman, and he was making, provision for her, and Elijah, the prophet, was drawing near, to the house, where she dwelt, and you all know, how there was, that miracle wrought, so that for twelve months, afterwards, the barrel of meal, did not wait, neither did the cruise, of oil fail, and that is how, you learn to live, in Providence Street, much might be said, along that, line of thought, now there is just another street, I want to touch on, and that is, Bible Street, I really thought, of another name, I remember, a street, I saw, which was called, Bread Street, and now, Bible Street, if you live in it, you will find it, to be to you,

[43:58] Bread Street, you remember, what the Savior said, blessed are they, which do hunger, and thirst, after righteousness, for they shall be, filled, and if you were found, in Bible Street, which means this, if you were brought, to search the scriptures, if to be, you can find, some evidence, that you belong, unto God, and that you, have a part and lot, in his great, salvation, you will find, the blessing of the Lord, coming upon you, in doing so, and you will find, sometimes, a crumb of mercy, bestowed, and what did, the Savior say, I am the bread of life, and he that eateth, of this bread, he shall live, forever, now, do think on that, Bible Street,

[45:00] Bread Street, and as you go, along that street, searching the scriptures, if to be, you can get, you can get, in touch with him, who is the glorious, author thereof, may be saying, divine instructor, gracious Lord, oh be forever near, help me, to read thy, sacred words, and find, my Savior there, you will find, you will find, it to be, bread Street, how many, of you, dear young people, in your, holy Bibles, which you have, atone, and which you use, have made, any mark, against, some particular, scripture, or some chapter, that you humbly, hope, God made, real for you, and when you turn, the pages over, it is a, reminder to you, do you remember, I told you, about one, godly woman, when a godly minister, went to read, and pray with her, when, she was, afflicted, he took off, her Bible, to do so, and he found, as he turned, the pages over,

[46:14] TP, against this verse, and then yet, another verse, and so it went on, in many pages, and he said, what do these, letters mean, and the old, dear said, where you see, TP, it means, I have tried it, and proved it, and that reminds me, that you read, in the old testament, of one who said, I have learned, by experience, and now, the word experience, in the original, so godly scholars, tell us, is proof, and so, that is how, you must live, as grace is given, in Bible street, and find it to be, bread street, and may God, grant you the mercy, to say with Jeremiah, thy words were found, and I did eat them, and thy word, was unto me, the joy, and rejoicing, of my heart, and you will find, another scripture, made real to you, as you go, up and down,

[47:26] Bible street, and find it, bread street, happy is he, that after God, of Jacob, for his help, and whose hope, is in the Lord, his God, and now, coming to the Amen, there is a scripture, in the Revelation, which is, very instructive, and it says, this is what, godly John saw, and the voice, came out, of the throne, saying, praise our God, all ye, his servants, and ye, that fear him, both small, and great, and I heard, as it were, the voice, of a great multitude, and as the voice, of many waters, and as the voice, of mighty thundering, saying, alleluia, for the Lord, God, omnipotent, reigneth, do, think on those words, ye, that fear him, both small, and great, and now, that is just, the scripture way, of saying, young, and old, and at present, you, are in life's mourning, numbered, with, the young, and our great concern, is, that God, would grant you, that inestimable, blessing, this is life eternal, that they might know thee, the only true God, and Jesus Christ, whom thou, hast sent, and that your lives, may then be dictated, by what godly fear, makes plain to you, is that which is right to do, before God, and man, and if you were helped, to live, in these streets, as you journey on, through life, you will find, when you come down, to die, that you would dwell, in Jerusalem, on high, the Lord bless you, amen, amen,

[49:39] Cook-wise with an abrasive