
Bethersden - Union Chapel - Part 238

Sermon Image
Aug. 20, 1967


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[0:00] As the Lord shall be pleased to help me, I shall call your attention to a subject you will find in the book of Revelation.

[0:16] Revelation, chapter 14, and the twelfth verse. Here is the passion of the saints.

[0:31] Here are they that keep the commandments of God and the faith of Jesus. Chapter 14, the book of Revelation, and the twelfth verse.

[0:47] Some of you, as you contemplate this subject, from which I hope grace will be given to say something helpful to you upon it, you will have some searchings of heart about it, because it refers to saints.

[1:12] And maybe, as you weigh matters up as to how things really are between your soul and God, you may have many fears as to whether the word saint can be applicable to you.

[1:33] This book of Revelation is a wonderful book, and it tells the history of the Church of Christ from Pentecostal times on.

[1:53] And I wonder if you have ever considered one word in it. It looked at me, and it made a solemn impression on my mind.

[2:11] Blessed is he that readeth, and they that hear the words of this prophecy, and keep those things which are written therein, for the time is at hand.

[2:29] And now, godly John was inspired by the Spirit of God, to record this revelation of Jesus Christ, which God gave unto him.

[2:43] And it would be over 1900 years ago that this revelation was given. Therefore, how much nearer the time must be at hand, and in my judgment, we are beginning to go down into the depths of those times that this wonderful book of Revelation tells us should come, ere time shall cease to be, and when the purposes of God will be consummated, when evil will be dethroned, and truth will reign, when Jesus Christ will be God over all, and blessed for evermore.

[3:42] It may be, as you have read the word of God, you do read it, when you come to this book of Revelation, you may feel there is so much in it that is deep and mysterious, that you cannot understand it, and you may be ready to pass it by, and not consider it to be helpful to you in your private reading of the word of God.

[4:11] And yet, in this book of Revelation, there is much of the gospel of the grace of God to be found interspersed between deep and mysterious prophetical truth.

[4:29] many godly men, great ministers too, some of them, have sought to unravel the mysteries recorded in the sacred pages of the Revelation, but many of them have not been able to succeed to bring forth what is the truth thereof, and time in passing has proved them to be wrong in what they considered to be the unraveling of these mysteries.

[5:11] There is only one thing that will make plain what some of these mysteries are, prophetical mysteries, and that is, as the time goes on and you see the fulfillment of them coming to pass before your eyes, it is not that man shall sit down and write a description of what is coming to fulfill them, but it is as time goes on it will be unfolded and now looking at the setting of our subject the heading of the page is very solemn harvest of the world harvest of the world does that make any of you say lord of harvest grant that we pure and wholesome grain maybe and now in approaching the subject it is one specially laid on my mind to bring before you although it is not so very long ago

[6:31] I tried to set it before you and maybe some of you will remember it and if you do I want to hear no complaints about your memory being bad and that you cannot retain other things worthwhile to remember here is the patience of the saints here are they that keep the commandments of God and the faith of Jesus and now it is very striking as I view it that this word is interspersed between the tremendous judgments of God which will ultimately be poured out on the earth and already some are being poured out and then there is this word for you and I to contemplate as grace is given when these troubles come which tell us of a truth we are living in the perilous times the word of God declares shall come and dear friends they have come we are entering therein and now this is the message for you preacher and people alike here at such a time as this here is the patience of the saints here is the time when you should be waiting on

[8:21] God waiting for God and be evidencing that behavior that will let all men see whose you are and whom you serve here the word is very significant and then there is this interpretation of it do you think I could go round our cause knowing you as I do being the pastor for so long could I go round and place my hand on your shoulder and say here are they that keep the commandments of God here is one whom God designates a saint here is one who carries his cross and exhibits patience and endures hardness as good soldiers of Jesus

[9:38] Christ desire to do here is one that keeps the faith of Jesus holds fast the word of God being the word of God and that all scripture is given by inspiration of God and is profitable and that believes in reading the holy Bible God spake all these words let your consciences answer how you react to such questionings as these but I want as the Lord shall help me to open up the subject first of all we would just look at that word saint here is the patience of the saints and now when all is said and done what is a saint a saint is a sanctified sinner in other words a sinner set apart for God a sinner who painfully aware that he is a sinner yet day by day desires as grace is given to live unto God live for God do you desire to live like that because that is one of the evidences of being such a character as this a saint and then from a theological viewpoint as it were the doctrine underlying this truth how a sinner being sanctified is a saint flows from this great truth the sinner so sanctified and set apart is sanctified by God the Father and that was done before that sinner was born and before the world was born or time was built when God the Father ordained a number which no man can number who should be saved with an everlasting salvation and that well they are indeed sinners as they are born the time should come with each one every one to be born again and being born again to be made manifest as a saint and from henceforth to live their lives unto God desiring to live to his honor his glory and so that is one viewpoint a saint is a sanctified sinner sanctified by God the Father who ordained that number which no man can number to life eternal and now a saint is a sanctified sinner sanctified not only by God the Father but God the Son the dear

[13:31] Son of God the eternal Son of God in his divine nature so that everyone who is a saint do listen everyone who is a sinner everyone who is a sinner sanctified and set apart for God hears the voice of Jesus saying from the time he is born again as he journeys on in life's way follow me follow me strictly speaking dear friends in all that Jesus Christ says to his people in his dealings with them as they journey on and I just remind you again we must through much tribulation enter into the kingdom of God when trouble comes into your life you have known it so have

[14:38] I and some trouble that may be very complicated and some that may come on you suddenly and you look not for it and maybe when it came at the first it threatened to crush you and your heart was ready to break with sorrow but when you weighed the matter up and God granted you what is so good to receive sanctifying grace you could hear God saying in that trouble whatever it was follow me hear ye the rod and him who hath appointed it follow me and now that is a commandment it is not just an invitation that you can do as you like about whether you will accept it or whether you will take no notice of it what does this tell us here

[15:51] I'm not fitting any caps on but they might fit some of you all the same here are they that keep the commandments of God follow me and Jesus says to each believer be baptized in my name he himself in Jordan's river was immersed beneath the stream here here are they that keep the commandments of God not just hear it declared from the pulpit follow me he that taketh not up his cross and follow it after me cannot be my disciple oh dear friends where do you come in and I cannot be my disciple think of the emphasis on it

[16:55] Jesus Christ is the speaker in the text cannot be my disciple he may have been a chapel goer he is a chapel goer all his life very regular supports the cause listens yes but then what does godly James tell us be not hearers of the word only but doers also so then a saint is one who is sanctified set apart by God the father God the son and then he is also set apart by God the Holy Spirit and that is he comes into that beautiful category and they shall be all taught of God and remember it is the spirit alone which can single you out from earth's mighty millions and set you going in the way of life eternal and keep you going therein till you arrive in heaven and dwell forever with the

[18:24] Lord it is the spirit itself that beareth witness with our spirit that we are the children of God so you see while you look at this word saint and you say it is so high I cannot attain to it yet you do attain to it when the matter is viewed right you have got evidence of being a sinner born again and you know deep down in your heart how day by day you desire grace to live right how often you have said Lord hast thou made me know thy ways conduct me in thy fear and grant me such supplies of grace that I may persevere this is how the spirit works in a poor sinner born again and while he is ever aware how sad our state by nature is yet before

[19:34] God he is regarded as a saint God the father God the son God the holy spirit all interested in that poor sinner's eternal welfare and that he shall live that life ordained for him to live set apart for God and that is just the life that you desire to live in a right mind this prayer and this ambition mine living and dying to be thine but it says in our subject and you must think this over as one tries to unfold it here is the patience of the saints and now first of all go back to what

[20:36] I said that there is indeed a very dark background here and it relates especially to these perilous times which are now coming upon us which can only get worse and worse as the days go on until that time when Jesus Christ shall make known his great power and these enemies of God and godliness shall be undone and overturned forever and now to live in such a life as you and I have got to live in living the life of the righteous you do need patience but what does patience mean here here is the patience of the saints and one thing in this subject as to its setting is very striking the following verse reads like this verse and I heard a voice from heaven saying unto me write blessed are the dead which die in the

[21:53] Lord from henceforth yea saith the spirit that they may rest from their labours and their works to follow them as though the times will be so tremendous in which you will be living in that when you see those who have lived aright and died right or that is mortal of them well laid in the grave you will feel happy people happy people to be delivered from the world as it is and these tremendous times so full of perils the righteous perish no man layeth it to heart none considering that he is taken away from the evil to come hey but you have still got to live on in these times you dear younger people have got to grow up and go forth and we humbly hope you will serve

[22:59] God in your day and generation but you will need much grace to do it and there will be times when you will feel your need deep down of the patience of the saints and now I said what is this patience it is not the patience that the dictionary tells you about nor it is a spiritual patience some people naturally maybe they're only few and far between but some people are naturally patient and they have a nature that is forbearing but as a rule you find in realizing how sad our state by nature is that you have not got this patience of the saints you need it to be communicated and you will only get it communicated like this as the days go on and as

[24:11] I said and do believe what I have said that they will grow worse and worse and be more difficult to live in in following on to know the Lord as thy days so should thy strength be you shall have patience for today and all it holds in store and tomorrow you shall have patience hour by hour as the day goes on none in reserve no surplus patience no step by step as you go on the way shall open up before you but what does it really mean I can only give you hints for the subject is very great here is the patience of the saints and now first of all it means to endure and that brings to my mind what you read in Zechariah

[25:11] I will bring the third part through the fire there are two other parts two parts should be cut off and died but the third part I will bring the third part through the fire the profane part which is the world at large the professing part which is those who have only got a name to live and are dead shall be cut off but the third part oh they shall have that religion which being fire tried is made manifest as being fire proof and they shall be made known to be saints not withstanding their manifold fears and faintings as to what they are before God here is the patience of the saints and it means you will be called to endure much heaviness through manifold temptations the times are indeed perilous and they are especially perilous for those who do want to live a right before

[26:36] God and it means that you will need this patience of the saints not only to endure the test and strain which the devil may put upon you to undo you in your profession of Jesus name but it means afflictions that God may lay on you and it also means this and this it may be most of all you will need this patience of the saints to endure the opposition from the world which you will realize more and more as the times go on because Satan is working overtime to do all the mischief he can hell itself is let loose upon the earth and on the opposite page here is a picture which

[27:38] I have read to you not once or twice concerning the mighty powers arising evil powers in these perilous times and they have arisen they're on the earth already not exactly made manifest in one special man but the power itself emanating from hell is on the earth already and it is reaching to earth remotest bounds and it was given unto him do listen to make war with the saints and to overcome them it does not mean that they shall all be killed and no saints left on the earth no it means that the influence of the saints which for many many years has been made manifest say in our own land England as a nation that is not so manifest now do any do any of our people in authority say in the house of parliament bring up what is that which is the word of

[28:54] God regarding any matter is it regarded the influence of the saints is very much undermined so that they are overcome and the laws that they would have made God honoring laws they are not allowed to make them even if they seek to bring them forward that they shall be placed on the statute book and be the laws of our land according to the word of God it was given unto him to make war with the saints and to overcome them and power was given him over all kindreds and tongues and nations do listen and all that dwell upon the earth shall worship him whose names are not written in the book of life of the lamb slain from the foundation of the world if any man have an ear let him hear and this is what this mighty power can do he causeth all both small and great which means young and old rich and poor free and bond to receive a mark in their right hand or in their foreheads and that no man might buy or sell save he that had the mark or the name of the beast or the number of his name here you see how this power works you see it in trade unions as they have become the menace that they are in our land and in many more ways you see this power so that those who desire to live godly and those who are in business and desire to carry it on on right lines they come into much complication in living their lives before

[30:58] God and desiring to do that which is right in his sight and it is this influence this mighty power so that you will need patience such as God alone can communicate to endure opposition from the world it is the spirit of monopoly too whereby you get what are called take over bids and things like that so that at the present time it seems as if little men in business will be swept off the face of the earth altogether eh but they have got God for their God if they are saints and God will give them patience and he will help them still notwithstanding this mighty power evil power as it is he will help them to live inside that scripture trust in the Lord and do good so shalt thou dwell in the land and verily thou shalt be fed but you see dear friends there are difficult times ahead and the word of

[32:18] God gives you a guarantee it shall be well with them that fear God in every state secure kept as Jehovah's eye is well with them while life endureth and well when called to die here is the patience of the saints it means that you will be called on to stand fast in the faith and to endure much reproach and there might come a time when you will see the powers that be in the land in which you live will show no favor whatever to that which savors to be of God as regards the worship of his holy majesty there is evidence of that spirit abroad already for some of us behind the scenes have had to learn but the

[33:21] Lord has appeared to and made manifest his purpose his will so that the men of might have not been able to find their hands to perform what was their enterprise but you need patience so then it means first of all to endure then it means this that you need to wait and that is not easy to do wait the working out of God's purposes concerning you and yours in other words this is the patience David will help us be still and know that I am God rest in the Lord and wait patiently for him not looking at this cause or that second causes looking looking at him who is the great first cause like Job when he said

[34:22] I would seek unto God and unto God would I commit my cause yes here is the patience of the saints that they wait on God and they wait for God and they shall learn blessed are all they that wait for him just another thought here this patience of the saints must consist in submission to the will of God in all his dealings with you to live in the light of what you sing you have sung it many a time sovereign ruler of the skies ever gracious ever wise all my times are in thy hand all events at thy command and it means to live your life inside that declaration of what is indeed what saith the scriptures the sovereignty of

[35:31] God so that even if hell itself is let loose there is still a word to help you the wrath of man shall praise thee the remainder of wrath shalt thou restrain they may think to do this and that concerning you and yours but the remainder of wrath shalt thou restrain thus far shalt thou go and no further submission to the will of God but let us look at this from another viewpoint here is the patience of the saints here are they that keep the commandments of God commandments of God dear friends and remember the Savior said in his day as verily man verily God when he dwelt on earth a while if ye love me keep my commandments and somehow there seems a feeling among people

[36:42] I mean our people that when you speak about commandments the immediate reaction is that you are thinking of being baptized and following on to know the Lord in that way which he has laid down that is only one commandment this word is in the plural here are they that keep the commandments of God and now that is all embracing here is a commandment I can only give you one or two to think of because the amen would soon have to come commit thy way unto the Lord trust also in him and he shall bring it to pass and now that is a commandment you must not think of that just as an invitation it is what God commands you to do if you are one of these characters in our text a sinner who desires to live his life set apart for

[37:52] God commit thy way unto the Lord and why first of all it is not in man that walk it to direct his own steps how then can a man understand his own way how gladly you sing sometimes guide me oh thou great Jehovah pilgrim through this barren land here is another commandment and oh you will need divine aid to keep overcome evil with good oh you know what you are by nature sometimes will resent what may be evil if there is some matter arising to do with you or yours and you ponder it in your heart and you resent it and if the opportunity affords you you would render evil for evil no no saints must not behave like that if any man have not the spirit of

[39:13] Christ he is none of his what did I tell you earlier on one commandment that embraces all commandments of God follow me follow me it may be you have been unjustly treated something has been said about you which ought not to be and your conscience assures you it is not the truth of the matter but then what saith the scriptures vengeance is mine I will repay saith the Lord it is for you to overcome evil with good and what did Jesus say to his disciples pray for your enemies this is overcoming evil with good forgive us our trespasses as we forgive them that trespass against us here are they that keep the commandments of

[40:25] God here is another commandment and this you should be concerned about every day you live all the time you are awake be not conformed to this world what does that mean it means you will have to look round your home as you live in it and see what you have got there that the word of God does not really allow you to have in it I'm not fitting any caps on I'm just telling you what is the truth it is a very far reaching commandment is this be not conformed to this world it is not only how your home is furnished and what you do in it it extends to the company you keep and following the fashions of this world be not conformed to this world is the commandment and how are you to be a saint if you have a name on a church roll and live a worldly life the thing is impossible and the outcome of living such a life will be tickel will be stamped upon you your profession too weighed in the balances and found wanting here are they that keep the commandments of God and there is just one more commandment and oh indeed you will need grace super abounding grace to keep it at any time and now what is this commandment in everything give thanks everything you know dear friends you have given thanks some of you for quite a few things but there have been some things in between which have come upon you and they were things the flesh disliked and you did not behave very well it may be while those things were being worked out in your life under your home roof or in your family circle and the question did not arise in your heart or conscience about giving thanks hey but then this commandment says in everything give thanks what you're going to do about it first of all you you must try and stand alongside the publican and smite your bosom like he did and say

[43:14] God be merciful to me a sinner yes and then as grace is given it will it will be good if you can do this and I do hope the grace will be given to you to do it search me oh God and know my heart try me and know my thoughts and see if there be any wicked way margin way of pain or grief in me and lead me in the way everlasting and send up this lovely petition which is one of my favorites let the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be acceptable in thy sight oh Lord my strength and my redeemer here are they that keep the commandments of God and then says godly

[44:23] John here are they that keep the faith of Jesus and now I've no time to work that out but that faith of Jesus would be objective and also subjective what I mean is this that you will never let go what think ye of Christ we believe and assure thou art the Christ the son of the living God Lord to whom can we go thou hast the words of eternal life and whatever the world at large may say and much in the so-called professing church of Christ may say about Jesus Christ as to who he is some suggesting he is a good man his life a good example to copy but they all know more about him than that but you will keep the faith of Jesus like this my

[45:36] Lord and my God yes and then it means this here are they that keep the faith of Jesus I said it was not only objective it is subjective and that is you will desire to believe in God at whatever cost it may be for you to do it however hard the way you may be called to go along whatever tribulations may attend you you will still desire to plead Lord increase our faith and feel I cannot let thee go till a blessing thou bestow and that faith though it be as a grain of mustard seed

[46:36] God will maintain it and glad you will be to feel it maintained and to keep it and that as the outcome of keeping it you do what the psalmist says wait on the Lord be of good courage he shall strengthen thine heart wait I say on the Lord and there is just this thought about it ye should earnestly contend for the faith once delivered to the saints and that is Paul will help you to understand it we can do nothing against the truth but for the truth for what the word of God sets forth as truth what set the scriptures that we desire to hold fast and to evidence that we do in our lips and lives however difficult the times may be and perilous to hoard up the sacred wood and feed thereon and grow go on to seek to know the Lord and practice what you know then it can be said here is the patience of the saints here are they that keep the commandments of God and the faith of

[48:11] Jesus Amen God will be prayer with him and address on Tuesday evening and actually in number 350 10 children 890 the children of Zion and chosen of God whose spirits are filled with dismay since ye have referred in redemption through blood the canoes that all on your life 350 notes I will enjoy me For the choose of prayers, and your heart's soul, whose spirit I fill with his strength, since yet I do not know his light.

[49:24] The End The End The End

[50:26] The End The End The End The End The End The End The End The End The End The End The End The End The End The End The End The End The End The End The End The End The End The End The End The End The End The End The End The righteous shall hold on this way.

[51:32] They lay on the way of temptation, which was the sovereignly spell as the sea.

[52:00] The land of the ransom shall ever be lost.

[52:15] The righteous shall hold on this way.

[52:27] Surrounded with sorrows, temptations and curse.

[52:44] This truth with delight we shall raise.

[52:56] And sing as we fall through this valley of years.

[53:11] The righteous shall hold on this way.

[53:24] May the grace of the Lord Jesus Christ and the love of God the Father, the communion of the Holy Spirit, be upon us and all who love the truth everywhere.

[53:45] Amen and amen.