Young People's Service.
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[0:00] As the Lord shall be pleased to help me, I shall call your attention to a subject you will find in Psalm 119, and the ninth verse.
[0:22] Wherewithal shall a young man cleanse his way? By taking heed thereto according to thy word.
[0:38] Psalm 119, and the ninth verse. I want, as the Lord shall help me, to say something that will be helpful to you, dear young people, as you go on your way in life's journey.
[1:08] You are living in exceedingly solemn times, perilous times. The word of God declares these times to be.
[1:24] And they are especially perilous for you, who are in life's mourning. You are now young.
[1:35] And you have many thoughts. Searchings of heart it may be. As you are living your life, you think your own thoughts.
[1:52] I'm not fitting any caps on. But it may be some of you think you know a great deal more than you really do.
[2:06] And that you can form judgments as to what you will be and what you will do. But, when all is said and done, the word of God has been let down into this poor, sin-cursed earth.
[2:28] And whatever our age may be, whether young, middle-aged, or old, you and I have got to stand or fall by what the word of God declares concerning us.
[2:42] And therefore, it is all important that you should inquire even in life's mourning.
[2:55] And the sooner it can be, the better it will be for you later on. What set the scriptures? And that you might have that concern that you sung about in an earlier hymn.
[3:12] And be concerned that your life should be lived in the covers of the word of God.
[3:26] Remember that this word of the psalmist was inspired. God lodged it in his heart for his hand to write down for all the ages to come.
[3:45] And this question is also answered at the same time. Wherewithal shall a young man cleanse his way by taking heed thereto according to thy word?
[4:03] There is no other alternative as to how the way you go can be made clean and that you should live aright.
[4:16] The word of God itself alone is our guide. And the psalmist knew this in his own heart. And he tells us thy word is a lamp unto my feet a light unto my path.
[4:36] And so I want as the Lord to help me to say something helpful to you in looking at this word from one or two viewpoints of it.
[4:51] And when I was pondering in this subject hoping it might be the one God would help me to say something to you on, I call to my remembrance what I read long years ago about a godly minister, one of ours, who in his day served the churches in the area in which he lived and he was very much esteemed he was not a pastor but in his everyday life he had a farm and that farm was conducted by a bailiff managed for him and this godly minister was much esteemed and it came to pass that in one of the churches where he went to preach some trouble arose.
[5:52] and the godly deacon wrote to this minister asking for some counsel in a particular matter which had arisen in the church and the minister gave it his attention and he wrote a letter stating what his mind was and at the same time he sent a little note to the bailiff of his farm giving him some instruction and by some means the godly minister put the letter that should have gone to the bailiff in the envelope that was addressed to the deacon of the church so that when the church was gathered together and the deacon opened the letter to read what do you think he read on just a short piece of paper this was addressed to his bailiff make sure all the fences on the farm are strong and in good order and keep watch on the big black bull and of course this letter was read before the church and they sat in astonishment and then the godly deacon began to ponder the matter and he said
[7:32] I can see friends what our friend the minister means we have this matter to attend to the trouble that has arisen and we are to make sure about our doctrines that we stand fast in the faith and we are to stand by the rules that govern our church and if things are not as they should be then we must exercise discipline and of course what he means by the big black bull is satan for the word of god says he goeth about as a roaring lion and he is referred to also as the old serpent and the dragon and no doubt at all the godly minister means satan when he thinks of the big black bull and they attended to the matter and they stuck fast to what their rules declared they should be and do in conducting the church and god appeared on their behalf and there was no more trouble and now i thought as i that come to my mind that is simply speaking with great reverence what the psalmist is referring to after all the word of god is just full of fences what you must do and how you must keep inside those fences you have been taught those from your youth up when you learn honor thy father and thy mother that thy days may belong in the land which the lord thy god giveth thee that is a fence to keep you in order in doing that which is right before god from a moral viewpoint when you read remember the sabbath day to keep it holy that is just another fence and all through the word of god in the places you may come into as you are growing up and going out into life you will find the word of god has provided a fence a strong fence as to what seth the scriptures what you should be and what you should do in this matter and that there is nothing that can come upon you in life's journey but what in the word of god you will find what seth the scriptures concerning it so so that it will be a mercy to prize if many of you dear young people should find in your hearts a concern that you might be like the psalmist when he says lower down thy word have
[10:45] I hid in mine heart that I might not sin against thee wherewithal shall a young man cleanse his way and now that teaches us that the way he is going along as he is born is not clean all we like sheep have gone astray we have turned everyone to his own way man is born like that how often I have quoted the carnal mind is enmity against God and is not subject to the law of God and neither indeed can be and you dear young people as you come into various stages in growing up in life's mourning you will have thoughts arising as
[11:50] I said at the outset as to what you desire to be and to do and I am going to tell you that one of your principal thoughts will be until God helps you to see otherwise I should do as I like you will be still concerned to live as you were born they that are after the flesh do mind the things of the flesh and that is how you will feel and maybe you will want to make your plans and you will know of a truth that the way you are going the way you purpose to go it is not the way that you should be going if you ask again what set the scriptures the way that you want to go as you were born is the way that is for this life only no concern about what lies beyond the grave just a concern regarding this life and your ambitions pushing you on that you should be this or that your way needs cleansing what did the savior say straight is the gate narrow is the way that leadeth unto life and few there be that find it broad is the gate wide is the gate and broad is the way and many there be that go down it and it leadeth to destruction and now
[13:45] I want having made that introduction to look at this word from one or two view points where with all shall a young man cleanse his way by taking heed thereto according to thy word I want to look at the words taking heed because when all is said and done there is no other book beneath the sun that can begin to compare with the holy bible when you begin to look into it and read the words recorded you have to realize God spake all these words God in the scriptures to reveal his will as condescended what he said there he will fulfill all though man should be offended and what
[14:48] I want you dear young people to keep in mind is this you may think as you listen to what one desires to say for your eternal welfare that you will still go on in your way your own way but I want you to remember that you cannot escape the consequences of it you may turn your back on the word of God now but there is a day to come when time shall be no more when the word of God will be brought forth with regard to you and how you treated it whether you lived your life desiring to live in accordance with its blessed teaching or whether you were content to live outside of it the
[15:50] Savior said it is a very solemn word he that rejecteth me and my words hath one that judgeth him it shall judge him at the last day as though God I say this with great reverence as though God might say to you before his judgment seat how did you deal with my word when you dwelt on earth did you seek to make it your guide did you seek that your life should be governed by its influence or did you disregard it and go your way very solemn it will be then this word of God that you may now reject and turn aside from its blessed teaching will then become your judge oh but if you should be helped to look into it and read it and seek divine aid to read it to your soul's prophet who can tell but what
[17:04] God will be gracious unto you where with all shall a young man cleanse his way you see the way that poor sinners go along as they are born it is unclean sins in thought word and deed sins of omission sins of commission make that way to be unclean but then God in his mercy has revealed in this word of his how that way may be cleansed and matters may be made right between that young man going along it or young woman as the case may be by taking heed thereto according to thy word and now think of the word of God from the viewpoint of being the book it is
[18:05] I said there is no other book beneath the sun like it you cannot have any other book that you can compare with it all other books are a contrast to the word of God because the word of God on its cover has got holy bible and it is the only book that you dare put the word holy on and that is because all scripture is given by inspiration of God take heed to how God gave it to us think of its origin its authority think of its author and what is wonderful that you find throughout the word of
[19:23] God there is a wonderful harmony there is nothing that shows any discrepancy wherein one differs from another but all speak with one mind and that is because holy men of old spoke as they were moved by the holy ghost and then when the word of God was completed as it were and gathered together so that it could be circulated think how it has been circulated the holy bible has been sent out nowadays in nearly one thousand different languages beneath the sun millions have been broadcast like that like good seeds scattered worldwide and who can tell how much of it will be owned of
[20:30] God we know it will be owned of God how much we have to leave to what is the will of God concerning it but there is one word I like to look at sometimes and it tells us for as the rain cometh down and the snow from heaven and returneth not thither but watereth the earth and maketh it bring forth and bud that it may give seed to the sower and bread to the eater so shall my word be that goeth forth out of my mouth it shall not return unto me void but it shall accomplish that which I please and it shall prosper in the thing whereto I send it there is one thing in regard to that wonderful word that often makes me have searchings of heart it shall not return unto me void so that every time a man ordained of
[21:41] God to preach goes forth to preach the gospel set forth the word of God whatever his fears or faintings may be about his labors he does not labor in vain in God's account here is the word of God it shall not return unto me void but I had a very solemn opening up of that to me many years ago in my early pastorate and that is it shall not return unto me void sometimes there are those who were brought in like into a cause of truth as our cause is here and they hear the word of God the gospel is preached but they do not seem to get any good or profit but they still remain as they were born and now
[22:42] Paul tells us to the one we are a saver of life unto life and to the other death unto death so that the word of God does not return unto God void even when those who reject it and will not receive it but say we will not have this man to reign over us because that seals their own condemnation which will be made manifest in the day of judgment and now that is a very solemn consideration where with all shall a young man cleanse his way by taking heed thereto according to thy word another thing to take heed to with the word of God and that is its information and
[23:42] I'm going to say something which is a great thing to state the information in the word of God has never been faulted there are men godless men very wise in this world's wisdom who try to overturn the word of God and say what they feel in their hearts about this and that statement they're in but they cannot undo it or overturn it and in regard to science you need to remember whatever science has to say and science doesn't always say the same thing you go back 50 years to what science has said about some things and they do not say that today they have brought forth another proposition regarding this matter or that they changed their views of things and so
[24:49] Paul tells us oppositions of science falsely so called there is nothing whatever that godly scientists have ever found out regarding this world but what the word of God can tell them somewhat about it and verify what they find out and that it is in accordance with what saith the scriptures you need to remember that in your school life and your college life the information in the word of God is infallible God is the author of it it's instruction you can depend on it it is reliable it is guaranteed by God thus saith the Lord and whatever it records as to history that can be verified yes what saith the scriptures and then another thought about the word of
[25:59] God and you should take heed to that there is no book like it beneath the sun that can make you feel like the word of God makes you feel when you are helped to read it a right when God is pleased to give you light upon the sacred pages you can look into it and you can see how sad our state by nature is you can see your own portrait with the blessed spirit aid as to what a sinner you are the sinner of deepest die and then you can turn the pages again and you will see the remedy that God has provided Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners and that although your way hitherto has been the way of a young man after the flesh the things of the flesh and living as worldlings do it can yet be cleansed and you can begin living a new life and going along a new way a way inside the covers of the word of
[27:21] God much might be said under that headinghouse Ein whose Multum Gonna speak in the wild beast into a scientists were And to nullify its wondrous influence.
[27:58] But they have not succeeded. And they never will do. God preserves it. Whatever earth or hell may do.
[28:11] The word of God will pursue that way. That God has ordained. And wherever it goes. Who are sinners?
[28:22] Whatever their age. Who are helped. To read the word of God aright. Seeking to live in accordance with its blessed teaching.
[28:33] God has guaranteed. That they shall hold on their way. And that the good work once begun within. It will be completed.
[28:44] However long they may live. And the weakest soul shall win the day. Though earth and hell obstruct the way. And one thing about the word of God.
[28:58] Is this. There is no other book you can name. That. Men. Women. And those who are young too.
[29:11] As well as the old. Youths and maids. They have gone. They have gone. They have gone. To the stake. They have laid their heads on the block.
[29:22] Because they would not give up the holy bible. Which God had made a blessing to them. In their souls. Experience. There is no other book.
[29:33] That you would find men. Women. Willing to die for. That it might live. For mankind still to possess it. To read it.
[29:44] But. There are tens of thousands. The noble army. Of. Martyrs. Who loved not their lives. Unto the death. And they did it.
[29:56] That the word of God. Might remain. To be a blessing. To ages to come. And they would not give up.
[30:07] What they humbly believed. God had made the word of God to be. In their souls. Experience. I have told you sometimes. About.
[30:18] Jimmy Douglas. The young Scottish lad. How. When. He was. Captured. Reading. The bible. When the.
[30:28] In the. Covenant in days. When the. Dragoons. Were out. To try to. Capture all who were seeking. To worship God. Aright. And hail them to prison.
[30:39] Or else put them to death. And they caught. This young. Jimmy. Douglas. And. One. Of the. Dragoons. Held him. Over.
[30:50] A cliff side. And. Commanded him. To. Give up. The bible. People. But he would not do it. And. They said.
[31:01] You will be dropped down. To your death. If you do not give it up. And he said. Whatever you do. I must leave. But to be dropped down here. Is not so deep.
[31:12] As to drop into hell. And they dropped him down. And he died in the Lord. Because. Of what he felt. The word of God.
[31:23] Was. And God had made it to be. A reality. To him. He was like Abijah. With some good thing. In his heart. And.
[31:34] I noticed another. Young man. In the record. Of the. Covenanters. And his name. Was Andrew. And. When he was.
[31:46] Found. Reading the bible. The degrunes. Caught him. And. They told him. If he did not promise. To give up the bible.
[31:58] And. No more. Read it. That he. Would die. And he said. To them. I can look you.
[32:10] In the face. I have done. Nothing. Of which. I need. To be ashamed. But as for you. How will you. Look in that day. When you shall be. Judged. By what is written.
[32:21] In this book. And as he held. The bible. Up. Before the soldiers. He was shot dead. Now. There is no other book.
[32:32] Beneath the sun. That will. Enable people. Young and old. To behave like that. Dear young people. And all that you would.
[32:43] Take heed. To these things. And then. When you think. Of the word of God. From another viewpoint.
[32:55] Wherewithal. Shall a young man. Cleanse his way. By taking heed thereto. According. To. Thy word. God. And now. You take heed.
[33:06] As it were. God help you to do it. Take heed. To its revelations. Its realities. And now. Many times. In my life.
[33:17] As a pastor. And in journeying about. Among the churches. In our denominational life. I have been. By. People's. Dying beds.
[33:28] And. Many times. I have found it. Very profitable. Sometimes. It. It has been. With those. Who were young.
[33:39] More often. Those. Who were old. But when. I have been there. I have. And. Visited them. There.
[33:50] I have. Departed. Someone. Has said. Perhaps. The one. Who was ill. Will you read. Before you go. And speak in prayer.
[34:02] For me. I should like you. To do so. And now. What book is it. That you would read then. Would Shakespeare.
[34:14] Be any help. At such a time. Any other book. That man. Is the author of. It is the book.
[34:26] The Holy Bible. And all. I and I have been helped. To read it. And sometimes. Especially helped. To try to pray. For those.
[34:36] Who were stepping out of time. Into. Eternity. And now. You are going to do that. You are young now. You might live.
[34:48] To be like the preacher. Old and grey headed. But however. Long you may live. There is that step. That you will. Ultimately take.
[35:00] You will step out of time. Into eternity. And I can assure you. That what you will want. Then. To help you feel. As you want to feel.
[35:12] That matters are right. Between God and you. Is what you can find alone. In this Holy Bible. And thus the psalmist. Emphasizes it.
[35:23] It emphasizes it. Wherewithal shall a young man. Cleanse his way. By taking heed thereto. According. To thy word. What did you sing?
[35:35] Divine instructor. Gracious Lord. O be forever near. Help me to read. Thy sacred word. And find. My savior there.
[35:46] Father. I remember. I remember reading. Of a godly woman. Who was dying. And. She was visited. By. A godly minister.
[35:59] And. She was just about. Leaving. This world. To go. Into. An eternal state. And. The godly minister. Said to her.
[36:10] How are you. In the prospect. Of what is before you. And she took. Up the Bible. That was by her bedside. And she said.
[36:22] I have Christ. Here. In the word of God. I have Christ. There. My record is on high.
[36:34] And I have Christ. Here. Christ. In you. The hope of glory. And now. That is a revelation. That godly woman.
[36:45] Had taken heed. According to. The word. Of God. Therefore. She had light. On her path. And especially. When she was coming down. To. The end.
[36:56] Of it. And now. There is another thought. About the word of God. And there is no other book. Beneath the sun. That can. Occupies such a place.
[37:09] And that is. In California. There is what is called. The Yosemite Valley.
[37:21] Where there are wonderful views. And it is a very large. And long. Valley. There is one point. In that valley.
[37:32] Which all travelers. In that region. Desire to be found. On. And it is called. Inspiration point. Because. When they stand there.
[37:44] They can. Get a view. Backwards. Through the valley. And. Forwards. Also. And. View it.
[37:55] On. Either side. And now. That is. Just what. Calvary's cross is. Dear young people. You might say that. Without.
[38:07] Going against. The word of God. At all. Calvary's cross. Could be called. Inspiration point. Because. When you stand there. You can look back.
[38:19] Over all the ages. Of old testament times. And see. How. Godly men. In every age. Look forward. To Jesus Christ.
[38:31] Coming. Into the world. To save sinners. And then. Having looked backward. Realizing. At Calvary's cross. That he has done.
[38:42] Love's redeeming work. You can look forward. Through the ages. Yet to come. To when. The word of God.
[38:53] Will be fulfilled. To the full. The kingdoms. Of this world. Are become. The kingdoms. Of our Lord. And of his Christ. Inspiration point.
[39:06] There you see. The. Word of God. Fulfilled. Jesus Christ. Is the center. Of the word of God. And the.
[39:18] Circumference. Of it. And there is one. Word. That Jesus said. I like to think on. Often. As I am helped. To do it. In the volume.
[39:29] Of the book. It is written. Of. Me. For you must be careful. You must take heed. What you do.
[39:40] With the word of God. Because of him. Whose word. It is. What think ye. Of Christ. What said.
[39:52] The scriptures. Years. And now. Wherewithal. Shall a young man. Cleanse his way. By taking heed thereto. According to thy word.
[40:05] And now. A little while ago. I read. Of an incident. Which I thought. When I read it. I will tell that. To our young people. And that was.
[40:16] A young man. Who lived in a well to do family. And he. Came of age. And his people.
[40:27] Were well known. And as he was coming of age. They had a party. A coming of age party. And. Many people were there.
[40:39] And this young man. Had a godly uncle. And he was very wealthy. And he hoped. He would remember him. On this particular.
[40:51] Birthday of his. And so he did. While the party. Was going on. His godly uncle. Just called. And he gave the young man.
[41:01] Two envelopes. And one of them. Contained a large. Check as a present. Which pleased. The young man. Very much. He gave him.
[41:12] Another envelope. And he. Told him. He was not to open. That envelope. Till he was in the privacy. Of his bedroom.
[41:22] At night. And when he opened it. At length. He found a piece of paper. With the words. For me.
[41:33] To live. Is. And then a long line. For me. And now. The young man. Knew just enough. Of the word of God. To know.
[41:43] That. Paul had said. For me to live. Is Christ. But. This young man's. Godly uncle. Did not put that word in.
[41:55] This young man. Just coming of age. He had got his life. Before him to live. What was he going to live. For. For me to live.
[42:06] Is. And now you. Dear young people. What will you. Put in. Where the long line is. You cannot.
[42:17] Venture to say. As yet. With. The apostle Paul. For me to live. Is Christ. The Lord. Grant. You might. Learn to do that. In God's good time.
[42:28] But. You have your life. Before you. For me to live. Is. To make money. To get on. To have a business.
[42:40] Be prospered. For me to live. Is to go up through school. And then. Into college. In university life. And take a degree or two. And be something special.
[42:52] In. This world. In filling some niche in it. All these things. Seem to be. Lawful. But.
[43:04] They all end on this side of the grave. Now you see. The apostle Paul. When he said. For me to live.
[43:15] Is Christ. Where was he? The apostle Paul then. Was a prisoner. At Rome. And.
[43:26] Just after. He had. He had. Those great. Words. Welling up in his breast. For me to live. Is Christ. He says this.
[43:39] For I am now. Ready to be offered. And the time. Of my departure. Is at hand. I have fought. A good fight. I have finished. My course.
[43:51] I have kept the faith. Henceforth. There is laid up. For me. A crown of righteousness. Which the Lord. The righteous judge. Should give me. At that day. And not to me only.
[44:03] But unto. All them. Also. That love. His. Appearing. I might just add. That this young man. Of whom I have told you.
[44:14] Somewhat later. In his life. He was. Dealt with. By the spirit. Of God. And. He did know. What it was.
[44:25] To live his life. Not for this life. Only. But with a concern. To have matters right. Between his soul. And God.
[44:37] And. He lived his life. From the time. He was born again. With eternity. In view. Where shall I spend. Eternity.
[44:49] Where with all. Shall a young man. Cleanse his way. By taking heed thereto. According to. Thy. Word. And now.
[45:01] I just want to tell you. This as I come toward. The amen. I said a little while ago.
[45:12] About the word of God. Being. The book. And there was no other book. Like it. Now you young people. In your school life. You've learned.
[45:23] A great deal about. Sir Walter Scott. And the novels he wrote. And such like. The book. And when he. Was dying. He said to his.
[45:35] Manservant. Bring me. The book. And the manservant. Did not understand. And he said. What is the title of the book.
[45:46] And Sir Walter Scott said. I said. The book. That is God's book. I mean. The Holy Bible. Bring me. The book. And.
[45:56] He left on record. These. Words. Within this awful. Volume. Lies. The mystery of mysteries.
[46:07] Thrice happy they. Of human. Race. To whom their God has given grace. To read. To fear. To hope. To pray. To lift the latch.
[46:17] To force the way. And better. Had men. Ne'er been born. Than read to doubt. Or read. To scorn.
[46:31] I wonder whether. That. Great. Man. That he was in his day. As a writer. Did find that matters were right.
[46:42] Between his soul and God. When he died. But. This is the word for you to be considering. Wherewithal. Shall a young man cleanse his way.
[46:55] By taking heed. Thereto. According to. Thy word. I was looking into a book.
[47:06] A few days ago. And I saw a little record. Where. A godly man. Who was pastor in our cause of truth. In Bedford.
[47:17] Many years ago. A hundred years ago. Left a little record. How his little daughter. Died. As he was by her.
[47:29] Dying bed. She said. To her father. Father. Can you see behind your back. Why do you ask.
[47:40] My dear. That is where my sins are. Behind God's back. You remember about Hezekiah. I mentioned it in the afternoon sermon.
[47:53] Thou hast cast all my sins. Behind thy back. And that little girl. She was not very old. But she had that privilege.
[48:03] And as she was just dying. She raised her hand. And kept pointing. And her father asked her. Why she was doing so.
[48:16] And she said. I'll point to his redeeming blood. And say. Behold. The way. To God. And she died.
[48:28] And now that is what it means. For your way. To be cleansed. And to. For you to be journeying on. Through life. With the prospect.
[48:40] That heaven awaits you. When you reach. The end. Of it. Wherewithal. Shall a young man. Cleanse his way. By taking heed.
[48:52] Thereto. According to thy word. And there is a word. In the Psalms. Which I would just. Read to you.
[49:02] Because it will emphasize. What I have said. Blessed is the man. That walketh not. In the counsel of the ungodly. Nor standeth in the way. Of sinners.
[49:14] Nor sitteth in the seat. Of the scornful. But his delight. Is in the law. Of the Lord. And in his law. Doth he meditate. Day and night. And he shall be like.
[49:25] A tree planted. By the rivers of water. That bringeth forth. His fruit. In his season. His leaf. Also shall not wither. And whatsoever he doeth.
[49:36] Shall prosper. Oh dear young people. I do earnestly hope. I do earnestly hope. That God. Will grant you. That religion.
[49:48] That as you journey on. You may feel. In all the difficulties. You come into. And the troubles. That befall you. God is our refuge.
[49:59] And strength. A very present. Help in trouble. Therefore. Will not. We. Fear. Wherewithal. Shall a young man. Cleanse his way.
[50:11] By taking heed thereto. According to. Thy word. And. As I conclude. I want to read you. A hymn.
[50:21] I happen to look. In an old hymn book. A very old one. That I possess. And I opened on a hymn. Written on this text.
[50:33] That I have tried to say. A little to you. Upon. And it was written by. A godly. Minister. One of ours. His name was.
[50:45] Forset. And you will see. His name. In our hymn book. He wrote. Many good hymns. He was. A good minister.
[50:57] A godly pastor. In Yorkshire. At a place called. Wainsgate. He had been there. Many many years. And then.
[51:08] When good Dr. Gill. Died. The church in London. Where he was pastor. Sent to this. Good. Mr. Fawcett. And asked him.
[51:20] To succeed. Dr. Gill. As their pastor. And. After a while. He. Said that he. Would do. But the people.
[51:31] Where he lived. Had been. So attached to him. For years. And were so. Fond of his. Ministry. That. When. The furniture.
[51:43] Vans. The furniture. Vans. And he was. About to say. Farewell. To them. To go down. London way. To his new sphere. Their tears. Their tears.
[51:53] Were so many. And their lamentations. That he was. Nearly heartbroken. At the thought. Of leaving them. And he said.
[52:04] That he would. Remain where he was. With them. At Wainsgate. And not go to London. As he had. Purposed. To do. And having felt.
[52:14] Like that. He wrote a hymn. That you sometimes. Help to sing. On the Union. Chapel room. Blessed be the tie.
[52:24] That binds. Our hearts. In Christian love. The fellowship. Of Christian minds. Is light. To that. Abore. And now. He wrote this hymn.
[52:35] In the text. Over it is. Wherewithal. Shall a young man. Cleanse. His way. With humble. Heart and tongue.
[52:46] My God. To thee. I pray. Oh. Make me learn. Whilst I am young. How I may. Cleanse my way. Now.
[52:57] In my early days. Teach me. Thy will. To know. Oh. God. Thy sanctifying. Grace. Betimes on me. Bestow. Make an unguarded.
[53:09] Youth. The object. Of thy care. Help me. To choose. The way. Of truth. And fly. From every snare. My heart.
[53:20] To folly prone. Renew. By power divine. United. To thyself. Alone. And make it. Holy. Thine.
[53:31] Oh. Let thy word. Of grace. My warmest thoughts. Employ. Be this. Through all. My following days. My treasure. And my joy. To what thy laws impart.
[53:45] Be my whole soul inclined. Oh. Let them dwell within my heart. And sanctify. My mind. May thy young servant learn.
[53:57] By these. To cleanse his way. And may I hear. The path discern. That leads. To endless. Day.
[54:07] The Lord help you. Dear young people. To think. Upon. These things. And may his blessing. Be upon you. For time.
[54:18] And eternity. Amen.