
Bethersden - Union Chapel - Part 233

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March 24, 1967


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[0:00] As the Lord shall be pleased to help me, I shall call your attention to a subject you will find in the Epistle of Titus, chapter 2 and the 14th verse.

[0:18] Who gave himself for us, that he might redeem us from all iniquity and purify unto himself a peculiar people zealous of good works.

[0:40] Chapter 2, the Epistle to Titus and the 14th verse.

[0:53] Because each of you who has the mercy to be a sinner born again will somewhat, I say somewhat, realize the magnitude of the subject.

[1:19] And that in it there are ocean depths. And that in attempting to preach a sermon, one can do no more.

[1:32] If as much as that, by the grace of God, draw forth a bucket full. And oh that we might be favored to do so.

[1:44] And also, each of you who are born again will look at the text and discern one word in it.

[1:59] And it is a word of unspeakable importance who gave himself for us. And now that is what you want to be confirmed in your soul about.

[2:19] And often when you try to pray, your petitions are to do with that little word, us.

[2:31] Alas and did my Saviour bleed. Did my Sovereign die. Would he devote that sacred head for such a wretch as I.

[2:46] Oh it may seem to you to be altogether too good to be true. But you will never know happiness worth the name.

[2:58] Until it is made plain to you that it is true. And that you were shut up in this little word, us.

[3:11] Two letters, U.S. Us. And yet it contains a number that no man can number. The elect of God.

[3:22] All whom God the Father ordained to life eternal before the world was built or time was born.

[3:35] The setting of the subject is very beautiful as I view it. The Apostle Paul penned this epistle to Titus.

[3:50] Who was also a young man and ordained of God to preach the gospel. And in this epistle.

[4:00] The Apostle Paul gives much good counsel that must be observed by all sinners born again.

[4:14] If they are to be. What this text tells us they must be. A peculiar people.

[4:26] Zealous of good works. The context tells us. For the grace of God. That bringeth salvation.

[4:40] Hath appeared to all men. Teaching us that denying ungodliness and worldly lusts. We should live soberly. Righteously.

[4:51] And godly. In this present world. Looking for that blessed hope. And the glorious appearing. Of the great God.

[5:04] And our Savior. Jesus Christ. Who gave himself for us. That he might redeem us from all iniquity.

[5:16] And purify unto himself a peculiar people zealous of good works. You will find in the epistles.

[5:28] You might search this out. As grace is given. I say. You will find in the epistles. That there is no reference made.

[5:40] To the cross. But what there is in connection with it. A corresponding reference. To what our life should be.

[5:52] If you and I. Have an interest. Therein. Hence the apostle Paul. Said to the Galatians. God forbid that I should glory.

[6:05] Save in the cross of our Lord Jesus. Jesus Christ. Whereby the world is crucified. Unto me. And I. Unto the world.

[6:16] And the nearer you can get to Calvary's cross. And deeper down you realize. You are shut up in this little word. Us. And that when Jesus died on Calvary's cross.

[6:31] It was for you. He hung and suffered there. More and more. Will you be concerned. To be to this world. To be to this world as dead.

[6:42] And alive to that. Which is to come. And now. I want in the time allowed. Just to say a little. From this subject.

[6:54] As the Lord shall help me. From four viewpoints. Of it. One is substitution. Who gave himself.

[7:06] For us. Oh he stood in the sinner's stead. Here you see. By living faith. A scene of matchless grace.

[7:19] It is Jesus in. The sinner's grace. And another viewpoint. I want to touch on. Is. The outcome of it.

[7:30] Salvation. Who gave himself. For us. That he might redeem us. From all. Iniquity. The third viewpoint.

[7:43] Is very important. And that is. Sanctification. There is a word. Used here. Which has got to come.

[7:55] Into our lives. By grace. And purify. Unto himself. A peculiar people.

[8:08] You read in Isaiah. And God is the speaker. In the text there. This people. Have I formed for myself.

[8:21] And they shall show forth. My praise. And there must be. Sanctification. In our lives.

[8:34] If you and I. Are shut up in this little word. Us. Our great concern. Must be. To show. Whose we are. And whom.

[8:46] We serve. The fourth viewpoint. Is. Service. This text.

[8:56] Tells us. That these people. Peculiar people. Oh. They are. Zealous. Of. Good works. And maybe.

[9:07] If the time. Allows. For one. To reach it. And say. A little about it. Preacher. And people. Will all. Have to plead guilty. Before God. As to how short. They come.

[9:18] In being. Zealous. Of. Good works. God. And now. Here. Is this great. Doctrine. Substitution.

[9:31] Who gave himself. For us. Do you try to pray. While I try to preach. And do you ask God. To enlarge your heart.

[9:41] And help you. To contemplate. This great. Mystery. Of. Godliness. God. Manifest. In.

[9:52] The flesh. Think. Of. Who he is. He is. Verily God. The eternal. Son of God. In his.

[10:03] Divine. Nature. But when the Adam fall. Took place. When the Lord God. Drove out the woman. And the man. From Eden's garden.

[10:16] Into the world. Now placed. Under a curse. There was. One ray of hope. To illuminate. The darkness. Of their minds.

[10:27] The seed. Of the woman. Should bruise. The serpent's. Head. And now. Hundreds. Of years. Rolled by.

[10:39] Old Testament. History. Was recorded. For well. Nine. For a thousand. Years. And that. Promise. Seemed.

[10:50] Mark. What I said. Seemed. Seemed. To tarry. But. The day dawn. When Jesus Christ.

[11:01] Was born. Obeyed. By birth. Mysterious. In that. Lovely scripture. In the Galatians. That I so often quote.

[11:13] When the fullness. Of time. Was come. God sent forth. His own son. Made of a woman. Made under.

[11:25] The law. All. And when. God. Instructed. Adam. As to how. He was to be.

[11:36] Worshipped. He laid down. One. Foundation. Truth. Without. The shedding. Of blood. There is no. Remission. Of sins.

[11:48] And all. Throughout. Old Testament. Times. There were. Tens. Of thousands. May have run. Into millions. Of birds. And beasts. That were. Sacrificed.

[11:59] And their blood. Was shed. But in all. The rivers. Of blood. That ran. In those. Sacrifices. Being offered. There was. No value.

[12:09] No virtue. But you read. In. Psalm. 40. A body. Hast thou. Prepared me.

[12:22] And that is. A wonderful. Scripture. For it tells us. How. God. The father. Had ordained. How.

[12:32] Love's. Redeeming. Work. Should be. Done. As you read. In the Hebrews. Epistle. Wherefore. When he cometh.

[12:42] Into the world. He said. Sacrifice. And offering. Thou wouldest not. God. But a body. Hast thou. Prepared me. In burnt offerings.

[12:54] And sacrifices. For sin. Thou hast had. No pleasure. Then said I. Lo. I come. In the volume.

[13:05] Of the book. It is written. Of me. To do. Thy will. Oh God. God. And then. The apostle Paul. Amplifies it.

[13:18] In the same chapter. But this man. After he had offered. One sacrifice. For sins. Forever. Sat down.

[13:30] On the right hand. Of God. From henceforth. Expecting. Till his enemies. Be made. His footstool. For by one offering.

[13:40] He hath perfected forever. Them. That are. Sanctified. Who gave himself. For us.

[13:52] And he made. One offering. And in that one offering. There was such. Infinite.

[14:03] Efficacy. Value. And virtue. That it. Avails. For the. Whole. Elect of God. A number.

[14:15] Which. No man. Can number. Shut up. In this. Little word. Us. But. What I want.

[14:26] To bring before you. As grace is given. Is what this. Did mean. For Jesus Christ. To do.

[14:37] You and I. Have very little. Conception. Of it. Our minds. Are so. Circumscribed. And we are so cramped.

[14:49] In our vision. And our religion. Is often. It's such a low ebb. And our faith. Is so. Feeble. That we. Little.

[15:00] Realize. The amazing. Deaths. Shut up. In this. Declaration. Who gave himself.

[15:11] For us. Think of who he was. And the word of God. Tells us. Angels veil their faces. Before thee. And continually.

[15:22] Do cry. Holy. Holy. Holy. Lord. God. All. Mighty. The eternal. Son of God.

[15:34] One with the father. The holy spirit. In the blessed. Trinity. Trinity. And it says. He gave himself.

[15:46] For us. And now think. What an amazing. Stoop. That was. Did you observe. In the chapter. I read. From Mark's gospel.

[15:59] The. Awful. Indignities. That Jesus Christ. As verily man. Was made. Subject. To. And now.

[16:12] In all. That. Was heaped. Upon him. Of contumely. And ignominy. And the wickedness. Of man. Venting its spite.

[16:23] Against him. He bore it all. Because. He knew. Deep down. In his heart. What he had come down.

[16:35] Into the world. To do. Who. And when. It says. Who gave himself. For us. It means. That he gave.

[16:46] His name. He made himself. Of no reputation. He gave. The length of life. That he lived.

[16:57] The time. That was allotted. That he should sojourn. On the earth. From the cradle. To. The cross. And.

[17:08] He gave. Himself. What more could he do. But what did that mean. He gave himself.

[17:20] Into the hands of men. Him. By the. Determinate. Counsel. And poor knowledge. Of God. Ye have.

[17:31] Taken. By wicked hands. And. Crucified. And. Slain. Oh.

[17:41] How wonderful. It was. That. He endured. The cross. Despising. The shame. And.

[17:51] All the while. Think. Of this. For it is. A wonderful thought. All the while. I say. His heart.

[18:03] Overflowed. With. Love. Toward. That people. Whom he came down. Into the world. To seek. And to save. Many waters.

[18:14] Cannot quench love. Neither can the floods. Drown it. There you see. The evidence. Of it.

[18:25] But it does. Tell us this. He bore all incarnate. God could bear. With strength enough. And none. To spare. Who gave himself.

[18:37] For us. And he gave his life. For us. For us. If you and I. Get to heaven. Oh that. Such a mercy.

[18:48] May be granted. To every one of us. Under Union Chapel. Room. But. He gave his life. For us.

[18:59] That in living. Under the law. Keeping it. In all its. Holy demands. In every. Jot and tittle. You and I. Might have a.

[19:10] Righteousness. Wherein. To appear. Before God. And be made. Meet. For the inheritance. Of. The saints. In. Light.

[19:21] The righteousness. Of God. Which is. By faith. In Jesus Christ. Mark how that is worded. The righteousness.

[19:32] Of God. Yet he kept the law. As verily man. And because he kept the law.

[19:43] As verily man. In him the father never saw. The least transgression. Of his law. In him we then. Perfection view.

[19:53] And the saints in him. A perfect too. But. It. It is what he is. As verily God. That gives validity.

[20:05] And authority. To all that he did. As verily man. Do listen. That it is available. For you and I.

[20:17] Who gave himself. For us. Much might be said. Along that line of thought.

[20:28] He lived his life for us. And he gave himself. What his sufferings were. No tongue can tell. It is impossible.

[20:40] For mortal tongues. To. Describe. But. One in writer says this. And he did his best. To describe it. Our sins.

[20:51] A hell procured. And he. That hell. Endured. Who gave himself. For us.

[21:05] He gave his life. I say. And then. At the end of his life. Having done. Love's redeeming work. Under the law. The law.

[21:17] Seth to every sinner. The soul. That sinneth. It should die. And that word. Held fast.

[21:28] Jesus Christ. As verily man. So that. It was essential. And. You read. What I like to read.

[21:40] He set his face. Steadlessly. To go up to Jerusalem. Knowing the things. That awaited him there. And there. He endured.

[21:53] All. The indignity. That man. Could heap upon him. And. Then. He gave himself.

[22:04] For us. He went up. Calvary's hill. And died. For us. And remember. What I said.

[22:15] Earlier on. If you ever know. Happiness. Worth the name. Happiness. Unspeakable. And full of glory. You must know.

[22:27] It was. For us. It would be. As God makes it plain. You have an interest. In this little word. Us. And that you were.

[22:38] Numbered. With that vast host. For whom he gave himself. That he might redeem us. From all. Iniquity.

[22:50] And purify. And purify. Unto himself. A. Peculiar. People. And some of you. Dear people. Some of you.

[23:00] Young people. Too. You have been. Trying to pray. Quite a while. With them. Numbered. I would be. Now. And in.

[23:12] Eternity. Me. But I must hasten on. Who gave himself. For us. That he might. Redeem us. From all.

[23:24] Iniquity. And now. Think of what. Iniquity. Abounds on the earth. Nowadays. Hell itself. Is let loose.

[23:35] On the earth. And you and I. Born as we were. We came into the world. Sinners. And how sad our state.

[23:47] By nature is. That as we lived. According to how we were born. We lived to enmity to God. And godliness. And there is no iniquity.

[24:00] Perpretated. By. Man. That you have seen. And of which you may. Hear. In the news. But what. You and I. As I have said.

[24:12] Sometimes. Looking in the glass. You can see a sinner. Who could be guilty. Of doing the same things. But. For the grace of God.

[24:23] Preserving you. How sad our state. By nature. Is. But. Here is another viewpoint.

[24:36] Salvation. Who gave himself for us. That he might redeem us. From. All. Iniquity.

[24:47] How deep. How deep is the Adam fall. God only knows. No preacher. Ordained of God. To preach. Can ever begin to tell you.

[25:00] How deep. Is the Adam fall. We have gone. Down to very. Great depths in it. But it would. But it would even seem. As if there are deeper depths.

[25:10] Yet to be. Probed. Into. As. Man grows. More and more. Wicked. In his.

[25:21] Behavior. Against. God. God. That is the trouble. With the world. Man. Is fighting. Warring. Against his. Maker.

[25:33] Yes. But oh. When you and I. Are. Helped to be interested. In this little word.

[25:43] Us. When the eyes of the blind. Shall be opened. When he. The spirit of truth. Is come. He shall. Convince. The world of.

[25:54] Sin. Then we begin. To stand. Alongside. The publican. God. Be. Merciful. To me. A sinner.

[26:06] You begin. To realize. What this word. Iniquity. Means. And yet. You may have lived. Your childhood. Life. Teenage.

[26:16] Life. Quite consistent. Before man. And you may have been. Kept within. Moral. Bounds. And. It might appear.

[26:28] As though. There was not much fault. To be found. With your life. As you lived it. Before the world. At large. Ay. But when the eyes. Of the blind.

[26:38] Are opened. When in thy light. We see light. You begin. To understand. What this word. Iniquity.

[26:49] Means. And you have to. Sometimes say. With the psalmist. Because of the deep. That couches beneath. Within. The leprosy. Lies deep.

[27:00] Within. Oh Lord. Pardon. Mine iniquity. For it is. Great. And now. This redemption.

[27:12] Which makes manifest. The salvation. Of God. To these people. Shut up. In the little word. Us. Every one of them. Sooner or later.

[27:24] Realizes. Through this man. Who gave himself. For us. There is preached. Unto you. The forgiveness. Of sins. And they know.

[27:37] That love's redeeming. Work was done. On their own. Behalf. And I like that word. That dropped. From the saviour's lips.

[27:47] When he said. All manner of sin. Shall be. For. Given. And this should be. Your concern. Dear friends.

[27:59] To know. That you are. In this little word. Us. And that. You are sinners. For whom. Jesus Christ. Died.

[28:10] And that. Your sins. And your iniquities. Are remembered. No more. Against you. Forgiveness. Tis a joyful sound.

[28:20] To malefactors. Doomed to die. Oh may this bliss. In me be found. May I redeem. In grace. And joy. But I want.

[28:31] More especially. To look at. The other word. I mentioned. As a viewpoint. Sanctification. Who gave himself. For us.

[28:42] That he might. Redeem us. From all iniquity. And purify. Unto himself. A peculiar. People.

[28:54] All. And now. To illustrate. That viewpoint. Of the truth. I will.

[29:04] Call your attention. To what we read. Of how. The priests. Were consecrated. In old testament.

[29:15] Times. When the. Mosaic law. Was. Instituted. And. It tells us.

[29:27] And do listen. Thou shalt take the other ram. And Aaron and his son. Should put their hands. Upon the head. Of the. Ram.

[29:38] Then shalt thou kill the ram. And take of his blood. And put it upon the tip of the right ear. Of Aaron. And upon the tip of the right ear.

[29:50] Of his sons. And upon the thumb. Of their. Right hand. And upon the great toe. Of their right foot.

[30:01] And sprinkle the blood. Upon the altar. Round about. And thou shalt take of the blood. That is upon the altar. And of the anointing oil.

[30:12] And sprinkle it upon Aaron. And upon his garments. And upon his sons. And upon the garments. Of his sons. With him.

[30:23] And they shall be hallowed. And his. Garments. And now there. You have a God given. An inspired.

[30:34] Illustration. Of what sanctification. Really means. And what our lives. Should be like. In some goodly measure.

[30:46] As grace is given. If you and I. Belong to these peculiar people. Of whom it is said. And purify. Unto himself.

[30:58] A peculiar people. It means. That if you and I. Are interested. In the little word. Us. If you and I. Are redeemed.

[31:09] If indeed. We have known. The blood of Christ. As the blood of sprinkling. As it was put. Upon the tip of the. Ear. And the thumb.

[31:20] Of the right hand. And the great toe. Of the right foot. It means. That all our powers. Should be devoted. To the service of God.

[31:32] The ear. Having. Blood put upon. The tip of it. Signifies. Obedience. What did you sing.

[31:43] In childhood's years. What some of you. Still sing. Oh. Give me. Samuel's. Ear. The open ear. O Lord. Alive and quick.

[31:55] To hear. Each whisper. Of. Thy. Word. And that should be. How our ear.

[32:08] Is enabled to. React. To all the things of God. I would hear. What God the Lord. Will say. God. And as.

[32:21] It was put upon. The thumb of the right hand. That is to teach us. By him. Actions. Are weighed.

[32:33] And it is to remind us. Of what. Godly James. Proclaimed. Be not hearers. Of the word. But doers.

[32:45] Oh. These are the people. We want in the pews. Doers. Only. Yes. Then the foot.

[32:55] You need not be told. What that refers to. Though I will tell you. It refers. To the walk. As you have therefore received.

[33:07] Christ Jesus. The Lord. So walk ye. In him. In him. But then. The priests. Were also sprinkled. With the. Anointing oil.

[33:19] And that is to. Bring home to us. Our deep need. Of the spirit of God. To assist us. As regards. What we hear.

[33:29] What we do. And where we go. And how we. Do behave. According to what we profess to be.

[33:40] And purify. Unto. Himself. A peculiar. People. This adjective. Peculiar. Is very suggestive.

[33:53] For these peculiar people. Are not just all and sundry. But they. Are a people. Shut up.

[34:04] In a peculiar covenant. A covenant. That is ordered. In all things. And sure. And it is a wonderful mercy.

[34:16] As you read in the Psalms. He will ever be mindful. Of his covenant. You look round the world. As it is. And you wonder.

[34:26] What is happening. Then. And you may sometimes. Have a thought. As to how God. Is viewing it. The word of God.

[34:37] Will tell you. He will. Be ever mindful. Of his. Covenant. Which means. The eye of the Lord.

[34:48] Is upon them. That fear him. Them that hope. In his mercy. To deliver their soul. From death. And to keep them alive. In a time.

[34:59] Of famine. Oh it is. A wonderful mercy. And the peculiar people. The people. Shut up. In this little word.

[35:10] Us. How glad they are. There is. The covenant. Of grace. In that. They can sometimes. Rejoice to feel. It is ordered.

[35:21] In all things. And sure. And these peculiar people. Too. Are loved. With a. Peculiar. Love.

[35:34] The peculiar nature. Of the love. Is in this. I have loved thee. With. An everlasting. Love. Natural love.

[35:46] Always. Has. A beginning. But. These peculiar people. As they. Are loved. By God. And to whom. They belong.

[35:58] He says. To each one. Sooner or later. I have loved thee. With an everlasting. Love. Therefore. With loving kindness. Have I.

[36:08] Drawn thee. Yes. Oh. How much might be said. About. That peculiar. Love. So that. Whatever they may.

[36:21] Be permitted. To do. Such as. When David fell. And Noah. And when. Peter. Alas. Fell. Also.

[36:33] Sooner or later. The love of God. Is made manifest. As for. Giving love. And they. Are restored. To the joy.

[36:43] Of the. Salvation. Of. God. Although. That same love. Is made known. In. Chastening them.

[36:55] Because. Of their. Going astray. Like. Lost sheep. Love. With a peculiar love. Then it might be said. They are bought.

[37:06] With a peculiar. Price. And. There is. A reference. To this. In. Peter's. Peter's. Epistle.

[37:17] For as much. As ye know. That ye were not. Redeemed. With corruptible. Things. As silver and gold. From your vain. Conversation.

[37:28] Received by tradition. From your fathers. But with the precious. Blood of Christ. As of a lamb. Without blemish. And without.

[37:39] Spark. This was the peculiar. Price. That had to be paid. That the peculiar. People. Might be. Redeemed.

[37:50] And delivered. From being lost. In the Adam. Fall. Have you ever felt. He saw me ruined.

[38:00] In the fall. Yet love me. Not withstanding. All. He saved me. From my lost estate. His loving kindness. Oh.

[38:11] How great. Peculiar people. And they are peculiar. In this viewpoint. That. As grace is given.

[38:24] They live their lives. Under the. Actuation. Of a peculiar principle. And that is. Godly fear. An unctuous light.

[38:36] To what is right. A bar. To what is wrong. You can say. Of every one. Of these peculiar people. Wherever they may be. And he did that.

[38:47] Which was right. In the sight. Of the Lord. There is a word. That is a very solemn word. To these peculiar people.

[38:59] And good it is. If it could be more. Realized. In the solemnity of it. Though. God. Seest. Me. Me. And as you realize.

[39:10] That truth. So you want to live. In the sight of him. With whom. You have. To do. Live your life. According to this.

[39:21] Peculiar. Principle. Godly fear. Godly fear. Godly fear. Not like the world at large. Which lives. According to policy. If it should pay.

[39:32] To go forward. In this matter. Of that. Then they think. It is policy. To do it. But if they are likely. To lose. However. Right it is. A thing to be done.

[39:43] Yet they will not. Go forward therein. Because. It is not policy. To lose. No. Oh. But. These people. They desire.

[39:56] To live their lives. Before God. With whom. They have to do. A peculiar. People. And sometimes. They feel. Perish.

[40:06] Policy. A cunning. Perish. All that fears. The light. Whether losing. Whether winning. Trust in God. And do the right. There is another thought.

[40:18] About these peculiar people. And that is. They are bound. By a peculiar bond. How many people.

[40:28] You do meet. To whom you have felt. The unity of the spirit. And yet. Apart from that unity. Of the spirit. There could be no relationship.

[40:40] Existing between you. And you would be strangers. To each other. And pass each other by. In the street. As not knowing each other.

[40:52] But when. You were brought. Into this bond. The love of the brethren. The unity of the spirit. You meet with these people.

[41:05] Peculiar people. Here and there. And as their help. To tell out. The dealings of God. With their souls. Especially as their help.

[41:15] To tell. That Jesus Christ. Has been made precious. In their souls. Esteem. It warms your heart. To listen to what they tell.

[41:27] And you feel. This wonderful. Relationship. And you can feel. Also. We know that we have passed. From death unto life.

[41:38] Because we love the brethren. Says godly John. He that loveth. Is born of God. Love is the golden chain.

[41:50] That binds the favored souls above. And he is a hair of heaven. Who finds his pussum. Glow. With. Love. And I might just add.

[42:02] As I come toward the amen. That these peculiar people. While they are so favored. To belong to God.

[42:12] As they do. Yet. As they journey on through life. They are the subject. Of peculiar troubles. And the chief trouble. Is that they are what they are.

[42:24] By nature. Always they get. To realize more. Of what Solomon. Tells. Which shall know. Every man.

[42:35] The plague. Of his own heart. It is indeed. A trouble to them. That they. Should have it. In their hearts. To live unto God.

[42:47] And yet. Often. What they are by nature. So churns them up. That they have to. Lament. Every day. I would do good. But evil.

[42:58] Is present. With me. Oh. They have peculiar troubles. Sometimes. Because. They live. At such a distance. From God.

[43:09] According to how they feel. And sometimes. When they feel. I would. I would. But cannot pray. And sometimes. When they realize. Their hearts are hard.

[43:21] And they long to feel. A gracious softening. Before God. That they might. Feel like the psalmist. Bless the Lord. Oh my soul.

[43:32] All that is within me. Bless his. Holy. Name. There is just another thought. To. A peculiar people.

[43:43] And now. This. Will help you. To come to some conclusion. As to how you feel. About this subject. Whether you do. Have an interest. In it.

[43:54] Or no. These peculiar people. They sometimes. Have peculiar pleasures. Pleasures. And these peculiar.

[44:05] Pleasures. Are all related. To when they get. Some good for their soul. When they. Can. Draw near to God.

[44:18] When they get. A token for good. When they get. An answer to prayer. When they get. Some intimation. Of the love of God.

[44:28] Shed abroad. In their heart. When they get. A glimpse. It may be. Only. A glimpse. The covenanters. Used to talk about. Having a blink.

[44:39] And it is good to get. That much. Of. A sight. Of Jesus Christ. And when you get that. It will give you. A peculiar.

[44:50] Pleasure. Because. It will help you. To feel. Who can tell. But what God. Will be gracious. Unto. Me. And.

[45:02] When. You are helped. Under the gospel. And you realize it. To be the power of God. Unto salvation. When some sweet promise.

[45:13] Is lodged. In your. Heart. And you can feel like. Ezekiah. Good. Is. The word. Of. The Lord. When you realize.

[45:25] A little of the presence. Of God. Going. Going with you. Along life's way. And you can see. In looking back. Over the way. You have come along.

[45:36] How goodness and mercy. Have followed you. And how indisputable. It is. That his hand. Has been upon you. For good.

[45:47] In making crooked things. Straight. Rough places. Plain. And leveling down. The mountains. So that you look back. On many a way mark.

[45:59] Wherein. You can be assured. God is leading you forth. By. The right. Way. And now. To realize.

[46:09] Such things as these. Oh they give. A peculiar pleasure. And there is one. Aspect of these. Peculiar people. People. I cannot hear.

[46:21] Contentedly. With all the dainties. Earth can. Give. But. I can only just. Tell you. What the fourth.

[46:32] Viewpoint. Was. I said it was. Service. And now. There is one word here. You might think about. When you go home. And when you get there.

[46:43] Think about it. Tomorrow too. And all the tomorrows. That you will yet. Live. Who gave himself. For us. That he might. Redeem us.

[46:55] From all iniquity. And purify. Unto himself. A peculiar people. Zealous. Oh. Do look at that word.

[47:05] Zealous. Zealous. Zealous of good works. And now. These good works. You must have. A right understanding. Of what they are.

[47:16] It is not what. You may. Think you will. Do. For the Lord. This or that. Although. You might.

[47:27] Have the best intentions. In seeking to do it. It is what. God. Is pleased. That you should be. And do. That you are to be concerned about.

[47:39] For we. Are his workmanship. Created in Christ Jesus. Unto good works. Which God hath. Before ordained. Mark that word in.

[47:52] God hath. Before ordained. That we should walk in them. And now. These are the good works. Referred to. In our text.

[48:03] And how. Good it would be. If we could see more evidence. In our own. In our national life. Of this. Wonderful zeal. Of good works.

[48:17] To show the world. How Christians live. To let our lives. And acts express. The holy gospel. We profess. And remember.

[48:28] To have this sweet feeling. Zealous. Of good works. Does not bring any merit. With it. Good works. Cannot be. Meritorious.

[48:41] Because. You can only. Do them. As God is pleased. To work in you. To will. And. To do. And they must be done. Unto.

[48:52] God. And when you have done. All the good works. That you can. However. Much. Zeal. You may feel. Well enough. Within. You have got to declare.

[49:04] When you have done it. What the dear. Saviour said. And when. Ye have done. All. Ye shall say.

[49:16] We are unprofitable. Servants. We have only done. What it was our duty. To do. That is what. Said the scriptures. Dear friends.

[49:27] But oh. That you and I. Might know more. Of this. Godly. See you. Zealous. Of. Good works.

[49:38] They must always. Be governed. By. The motive. That prompts them. They must be done. Before God. And they must be done.

[49:49] Unto God. And look you. They must be done. When on the bough. Rich fruit. We see.

[50:00] Tis then. We cry. A goodly. Tree. Amen. Amen.