
Bethersden - Union Chapel - Part 245

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Dec. 3, 1967



Young People's Service - And men shall be blessed in him.
Includes last hymn As with gladness men of old

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[0:00] As the Lord shall be pleased to help me, I shall call your attention to one sentence in the 17th verse of Psalm 72.

[0:18] And men shall be blessed in him. Psalm 72, 17th verse, and one sentence therein.

[0:36] And men shall be blessed in him. You do not need the preacher to tell you who is the person referred to in the text.

[0:55] You all know that it refers to Jesus Christ, the sinner's friend. And men shall be blessed in him.

[1:07] And I might open up the subject by asking you an all-important question. What think ye of him?

[1:23] Of whom it is said men shall be blessed in him. Have you ever desired him to bless you? Have you ever pondered the matter?

[1:38] That if you are never blessed in him, you will see him as he is, where he is, and hear him say to you, Depart from me, ye cursed.

[1:54] I never knew you. And while you dwelt on earth, you had no concern whatever to know me. I never observed you begging a blessing for Jabez's portion.

[2:12] And you lived your life as you were born, after the flesh, the things of the flesh. And now here you are. Be sure your sin will find you out.

[2:29] Very solemn it will be, if that should be the lot of any under Union Chapel roof at this time. Oh, the Lord granting his mercy.

[2:42] It may never be so. But I do want you, dear young people, to remember, Whatever you may think about him nowadays, Do keep in your mind.

[2:58] Every eye shall see him. You and I will see him. Everyone under Union Chapel roof will see him when time shall be no more.

[3:11] And it will either be, Come ye blessed, Or depart ye cursed. There is no alternative.

[3:24] But this is a mercy, Beyond words to describe, That men shall be blessed in him. And the Apostle Paul, when he penned the epistle to the Ephesians, Seem to be almost overwhelmed with the magnitude of the mercy.

[3:47] Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, Who hath blessed us with all spiritual blessings, In Christ Jesus. Men shall be blessed in him.

[4:01] And in opening up the subject, Which I desire to do, As grace is given, I want to Remind you, Dear young people, Of a word in the Colossians, Epistle.

[4:21] And it is being fulfilled, And will be, Fulfilled in every jot and tittle, Of what the declaration tells us. That in all things, He might have the preeminence.

[4:38] You dear young people, Are living in the latter days, And in the world at large, Hell itself is let loose.

[4:49] All kingdoms beneath the sun, Are full of uncertainty, And unrest. And, As you look on it all, You may be dismayed, And you may feel that you are among those people, To whom the Saviour referred.

[5:08] Men's hearts fail in them, For fear, As they see the things, Which are coming to pass on the earth. But, While you look at the world, As it appears to you, This wonderful person, In our text, Men should be blessed, In him, Is reigning, On his throne, And he is swaying his scepter, Over all things, That are happening in the world, At the present time.

[5:49] And while it seems, That godless men, And the wicked, Are doing wickedly, As never before, God, God, Is observant, Of it all, And he sways his scepter, Over all things, Beneath the sun, That, He might have the preeminence, In what he has purposed to do, Beneath the sun, Upon this rock, I will build my church, And the gates of hell, Shall not prevail against it, And every day, That great work, Is going on, Men should be blessed in him, And, When you view the matter, Aright, Think of the name of Jesus, It is the widest known, On the earth, And the best loved,

[6:51] And the outstanding name, In the world, The name that is above every name, There have been great men, In the world's history, For a little while, They have lived their lives, On the stage of time, And they have passed off it, Some have left, A very unhappy, Memory, Behind them, And some, By the grace of god, They come in this category, The memory, The memory of the just, Is blessed, But, They live their lives, Fill their allotted span, Of usefulness, And then, They are no more, Beneath the sun, But, Think of what is happening, This sabbath eve, As you are here, In the attitude of worship, As you are, There are millions, Of poor sinners,

[7:52] Worldwide, Who are worshipping him, The him, In our text, Because, They desire, What the text declares, Men shall be blessed in him, And in their worship, They are seeking, His divine aid, To serve him, And follow him, And I hope you have, Got it in your hearts, Many of you, Like Jabez of old, All that thou wouldest, Bless me, Indeed, And then think of it, From another viewpoint, The printing press, Never stops printing, His books, Men shall be blessed in him, And his books, And tracks, Of which he is the theme, The printing press, Is ever on the go, Worldwide, Sending forth,

[8:54] Godly literature, Speaking well of him, And the purpose, That men, Should be blessed in him, And the voice of his praise, Is never silent, Every day, Tens of thousands, Of preachers, And teachers, Go forth, Often asking no reward, To proclaim him, As the sinner's friend, Tens of thousands, Have suffered for his sake, Laying down their lives, Or enduring patiently, In dungeons, And unnumbered hosts, Have known the loss, Of all things, For the love of his name, And because they, Would hold fast, His truth, And now, Who will come forward, In the world at large, At the present time, To dispute the fact, That even now,

[9:55] In the world as it is, Such a sin-cursed, Sin-troubled world, That rejects him, Dear young people, He is still preeminent, As verily God, Verily man, And he sways his scepter, Over mankind, Causing all things, To work together, For good, For his people, And for his own glory, Do remember that, And coming back, More especially, To the subject, And men shall be blessed in him, I want to look at it, In a simple way, And, Show how men, Are blessed in him, In six viewpoints, And I hope, There will be time enough, To touch on each, Viewpoint,

[10:57] Using the letter H, And first of all, Men shall be blessed in him, With a hiding place, A hiding place, Where their sins, Cannot find them out, The word of God says, Be sure your sin, Will find you out, And now God, In his mercy, Has provided, A hiding place, A refuge for sinners, The gospel makes known, It is found in the merits, Of Jesus alone, And the weary, The tempted, And burdened by sin, Were never exempted, From entering therein, And if you, Dear young people, Are to have matters, Made right between, Your soul and God, You must be found, In this hiding place, That, Jesus Christ is, To poor sinners, All who have,

[11:59] A felt need of him, As a refuge, A hiding place, I remember, In my late teenage life, When God began, To deal with me, How very fond I was, Of one hymn, In our own hymn book, Amidst the sorrows, Of the way, Lord Jesus, Teach my soul, To pray, And let me taste, Thy special grace, And run to Christ, My hiding place, And oh, What a blessed, Hiding place, He is, It is set forth, In Isaiah, And a man, Should be as an hiding place, From the wind, And a covet, From the tempest, As rivers of water, In a dry place, As the shadow, Of a great rock, In a weary, Land, And a man, And now, Whenever that man,

[13:02] Is referred to, In printing, There is always, A capital M, To denote, That he is, More than an ordinary man, And he is, He is verily man, Eh, But he is a holy man, He is, This eternal son of God, In his divine nature, Verily God, And he is, Blessed be his name, Verily man, And, He is in heaven, As verily God, Verily man, There is one God, One mediator, Between God and man, The man, Christ Jesus, A hiding place, And now, If God should deal with you, Oh that he may be pleased,

[14:02] To do so, You will know, When you begin to feel, What a guilty, Hell deserving sinner you are, That you need a hiding place, And men shall be blessed in him, With a hiding place, And one in writer says this, To him, My only hiding place, Let me for shelter fly, The storm of death, Draws on a pace, And who can say, How nigh, Oh but, If you and I, Have the mercy, To be sheltered, In this hiding place, You will know, What it is to be blessed in him, For time, And eternity too, And, You will have a wonderful experience, Wrought in your soul, The terrors of law, And of God, With me,

[15:03] Can have nothing to do, My saviour's obedience, And blood, Hides all my transgressions, From view, Blessed hide in place, And men shall be blessed in him, Are you outside it, Or have you the mercy to be inside it, Do you know what it is to be, Run into it, If so be, You might know thee, Blessed shelter, It affords poor sinners, To make matters right, Between their souls, And God, And fit them, For eternity, And men shall be blessed in him, And now, The next H, I can only give you hints, On each one, Stands for healing,

[16:05] And men shall be blessed in him, With healing, In the word of God, It is set forth, That the name of Jesus, Is Jehovah, Rophi, The Lord which, Healeth, And when Jesus, Dwelt on earth, He went about, Doing good, And he delighted in, Mercy, And, The word of God tells us, And great multitudes, Came unto him, Having with them, Those that were lame, Blind, Dumb, Maimed, And many others, And cast them down at Jesus' feet, And he healed them, And he healed them, And he delighted in mercy, And every poor sinner, Who is made to know, He is sin sick, Which shall know,

[17:07] Every man the plague, Of his own heart, He will realize, Men shall be blessed in him, With healing, Men, However great your disease, May seem to be, You remember, It tells us, In Matthew's gospel, Of a man, And I like to read, About that man, It may be very familiar, To you, And behold, There came a leper, And worshipped him, Saying, Lord, If thou wilt, Thou canst make me clean, And Jesus put forth his hand, And touched him, Saying, I will, Be thou clean, And immediately, His leprosy, Was cleansed, In another gospel, There is an addition, It says, That the leper, Was full of leprosy, Not just in one limb, Or two,

[18:09] But, Altogether, Full of leprosy, What a sight, It must have been, For the people, Looking on, To see a man, Full of leprosy, And then, To see that man, Made clean, And whole, And now, What Jesus Christ, Did then, Although he is in heaven, He can still do it, For poor sinners, In their felt need, Of, His healing, What though bad, Is your condition, And your wounds, You can't endure, Christ the sinner's, Wise physician, Will effect a perfect cure, And men, Shall be blessed in, Him, With healing, With healing, And there you will remember, You have often heard about, Israel of old,

[19:10] And when, Israel sinned against God, And fiery serpents, Were sent to bite them, Then, God commanded Moses, To make, A brazen serpent, And set it up, In the midst of Israel's, Camp, And it tells us, In beautiful language, Just what our text, Tells us, Men shall be blessed in him, If any man, When he was bitten, Was enabled to look, To the serpent of brass, When he looked, He was healed, If any man looked, He lived, And you will remember, That Jesus Christ, Preached his, Own gospel, When he said, And as Moses lifted up, The serpent in the wilderness, Even so, Must the son of man, Be lifted up, That whosoever, Believeth in him, Should not perish,

[20:11] But have, Eternal life, And that is what, All who go forth, To labor, On Zion's walls, And to preach the gospel, Whoever they are, Wherever they are, Doing so, With divine authority, To do it, They are lifting up, Jesus Christ, In the gospel, Of, His grace, And encouraging, Poor sinners, To trust in him, And who can tell, But what God, Will be gracious to you, And what does it mean, To feel, The equivalent, In a spiritual interpretation, Of being full of leprosy, To be like, Isaiah records it, From the sole of the foot, Even to the head, There is no soundness, In it, Wounds and bruises, And putrefying sores,

[21:13] And to be, Like Job, When he stood before God, Behold, I am, Vile, And yet, Such a sinner, What did you sing, In the afternoon service, Many of you, The vilest sinner, Out of hell, Who lives to feel, His need, He is welcome to, The throne of grace, The saviour's blood, To plead, And men shall be blessed, In him, With, Healing, And now, The third age, Stands for help, Men shall be blessed, In him with help, And that help, Is afforded, At any time, Anywhere, But there is, This, Provisal, I will be inquired of, By you, O house of Israel, To do these things, And one in writer says,

[22:15] When most I need, Is help in hand, This friend is, Always near, With heaven and earth, At his command, He waits, To answer, Prayer, And this help, That Jesus Christ, Gives, When he blesses, Poor sinners, In their felt, Need of his divine, Aid, Is never too late, It is always, In time, It may come, As it were, At what seems to you, To be the last, Moment, And like it was, In Paul's shipwreck, As you read, In the Acts of the Apostles, All hope of being saved, Was taken away, And yet, They were saved, The help of God, Was sure, And that help, Is almighty help, Say not from whence, Can God relieve my care, Remember that omnipotence,

[23:17] Hath servants, Everywhere, Men should be blessed in him, With help, And some of us, Who have lived long, Following on to know the Lord, Have hundreds of times, Sent off our petition, Lord help me, And that help, Has always been, Forthcoming, Some of us, Can save, Ebenezer, And hitherto, The Lord hath helped us, And that help, Comes down to us, Through what was done for us, On Calvary's cross, When this word, Was ratified, Men should be blessed in, Him, And you dear young people, As you go on, In life's journey, Wherever your lot in life, May be, Whatever your circumstances,

[24:18] Whatever your case, There is this help, To be obtained, Let us therefore, Come boldly, Unto the throne of grace, To obtain mercy, And find grace, To help, In time of need, And remember, In everything, By prayer, And supplication, With thanksgiving, Let your request, Be made known, Unto, God, And then, Men shall be blessed in Him, Not only with help, At the throne of grace, But there is help, To be had, In, The word of His grace, And I want to read to you, What I took off our calendar, During the week, And, You will find, It will be a word in season, About this help,

[25:20] That men obtain, When they are blessed in Him, Suppose someone comes to me, And says, You dear young people, Listen to this, Because, This is on purpose for you, That, That is why, I made sure, I could have it, By me to read to you, Suppose someone comes to me, And says, I've bought you, The last book on botany, Of course, You mean the latest book, No, He says, The last, And he adds, That no other book, Will ever be written on botany, Well, I should try to be polite, But of course, I should not believe in, The last book on any science, Cannot be written, Eh, But in the Bible, We have not the latest, But the last word, On sin, And on redemption, And on holiness, And on immortality,

[26:24] And this book has been, Before the world, For nearly two thousand years, There is no chapter, To be added to it, It is the last, Word, What saith the scriptures, And by what saith the scriptures, You and I, Will stand, Or fall, There is wisdom, In the Bible, That all science, Cannot know, There are poetry, And beauty, That will set our hearts, Aglow, There is glory, In the Bible, That will brighten, All our days, Give us help, And strength, And courage, For the roughest, Earthly, Ways, Oh, That you may, Realize that help, And find like the psalmist, Thy word is a lamp, Unto my feet, A light, Unto,

[27:25] My path, Divine instructor, Gracious Lord, Oh, Be forever near, Help me to read, Thy sacred word, And find my saviour there, And men shall be blessed, In him, And now the next, H, Is one of very great importance, And I do want God, To help me, To say what, Is right, Before him, And what will be acceptable, To you, The fourth letter, H, Stands for holiness, And now what, Seth the scriptures, And without holiness, No man, Shall see the Lord, Dear young friends, You must remember, That heaven is a state, As well as a place, And everyone, Whom God has ordained,

[28:26] Should be saved by grace, They have to be, Made meat, For the inheritance, Of the saints, In light, And Moses said to Israel, The only people in Israel, That understood it, Were Israelites indeed, Those who were just, Israelites born, And not born again, Heard the words, But could not enter into it, Or desire it, Ye shall be, A holy people, Sath the Lord, Do you want to be holy?

[29:09] And now do let your conscience, Tell you the truth, As it will do, If it is in working order, Do you desire, To be holy, Because that is, One of the blessings, Whereby men shall be blessed, In him, And without holiness, No man shall see the Lord, Then you and I, Must be made, Holy, And how can that be, Seeing how we were born, The carnal mind, Is enmity against God, Is not subject, To the law of God, And neither indeed, Can be, And now, There is that beautiful word, In Galatians, Do listen to it, When the fullness of time, Was come, God sent forth, His own son, Made of a woman,

[30:10] Made under the law, And let us go to Bethlehem, And see that great thing, Which came to pass there, And when we arrive, By living faith, And enter the stable, And see in the manger, A little babe, You see, What was never seen, On earth before, A holy babe, And it has never been seen, Since, A holy babe, And yet, His shoulders held up, Heaven and earth, When Mary, Held up him, And that dear babe, Was born a babe, By birth mysterious, Never try to reason about it, Just believe it, And say thank you to God, For it, And without controversy,

[31:13] Great is the mystery, Of godliness, God was, Manifest, In the flesh, And he was seen, As a holy babe, And he lived his life, As he grew up, In childhood, Youth, Manod, To do his great work, Love's redeeming work, Which he came down, On earth, To do, And remember this, You dear young people, Especially, I address these words too, Men shall be blessed in him, And now this man, Of whom I am trying, To tell you a little, He was not like you, Or the preacher, He never did confess, To any fault, He had committed, He never said, I'm sorry I said this, Do pardon me, Because I have done that, No, No, Holiness, Permeated him,

[32:16] That holy thing, Which shall be born of thee, Shall be called, The son of God, Yes, And his life, Was, A holy life, He never apologized, To anyone, Beneath the sun, And why, This man, Hath done nothing, Amiss, Said the dying thief, When he was born again, And he spoke the truth, In him the father, Never saw the least, Transgression of his law, In him we then, Perfection view, And the saints in him, A perfect tool, When I was thinking, About this holiness, As Jesus lived his life, Under the law, And kept it in every jot and tittle, And at the end of his lovely life, He said, It is finished, And in living such a life,

[33:20] A holy life, He had fulfilled the law, On behalf of all that vast host, A number which no man can number, God the father, Had ordained to life eternal, I hope you and I, Are included, In that vast host, And I thought of a dear godly woman, Who I knew, And loved too, And, She followed on to know the Lord, You're in, You're out, And then the Lord, Gave her, What the text tells us about, And men should be blessed in him, And I saw her, When she was in possession of it, And lest the shadow, Of a spot, Should on my soul be found, He took the robe, The saviour wrought, And spread it,

[34:22] All around, And she was holy, By the imputation, Of the holiness, Of Jesus Christ, In the life he lived, Christ is the end of the law, For righteousness, To everyone, Which believe it, And his people are referred to as, Holy brethren, And they are made holy, By his holiness, It is imputed to them, And what is more, When they are born again, They have within their breast, A holy principle, And sometimes they feel, Like one hymn writer says, Jesus' blood, For sinners spilt, I depend on solely, To release me, From my guilt, But I would be holy, I like that confession,

[35:22] Of Paul's, I often try to make it, Before God, I would do good, But evil is present, With me, Men shall be blessed in him, Blessed with holiness, Made meet, To be the guests of God, The fifth H, Is happiness, And men shall be blessed in him, With happiness, Happiness, Happiness, And now, Some of you, Many of you, In this assembly, Can go back over life's journey, And call to remembrance, When you have, Felt a little of the happiness, Whereby men shall be blessed in him, The happiest moments, You have ever felt, In your life, Are to do with him, When you have felt,

[36:25] It is good for me, To draw near to God, When by the eye of faith, You could see Jesus, And behold in him, The Lamb of God, Which taketh away, The sin of the world, When it was born, In your breast, For me, O miracle of grace, For me, The Saviour, Bled, And now, Let us get down to bed, Rock, Let us examine ourselves, Before God, Where we are, And now, You reckon up, All the happiness, You have known, And felt, Along life's way, Worth the name, There is a lawful, Earthly happiness, But then, That is passing, And perishing, I said, Worth the name, And by that, I mean, Happiness, That is permanent, We used to have happiness, When we were children, Dwelling under the home roof, But that was,

[37:26] A natural happiness, And we grew up, And went forth, Into the world at large, And were scattered, Here and there, But, This happiness, Whereby men, Are blessed, In him, Is that, Which is, Lasting, For time, And, Eternity too, It is not, To be found, In any, Earthly source, You cannot, Find in any, Earthly source, Ease for a guilty, Conscience, A blessing, Indeed, For your troubled, Mind, And that, Which will, Help you, To feel, Your sins, Are blotted out, And to be no more, Remembered against you, No, Earthly source, Whatever, Can supply you, With that happiness, But it comes down, From heaven,

[38:28] It is that, Which a man, Cannot receive, Except it be, Given him, From heaven, And Moses said, At the end, Of his wonderful life, As Israel's leader, When he was laying down, Is work, Happy art thou, O Israel, Who is like unto thee, O people, Saved by the Lord, And now, All the happiness, Worth the name, That you and I, Have known, Along life's way, Is to do with our soul's, Eternal welfare, Prayer, If God shows you, A token for good, If he grants you, An answer to prayer, If he softens, Your hard heart, And makes you, Be dissolved, Under his, Goodness, Toward you, If he brings home, To you, The mercy, Whereby, You are made to differ, From the world at large, And,

[39:28] In many other, Ways, He gives you to taste, Real happiness, Permanent, The hymn writer says, Happiness, Thou lovely name, Where's thy seed?

[39:43] O tell me where? Honor, Learning, Wealth, And fame, All cry out, It is not here, As I said, It is not to be found, In any earthly source, Whatever, Men, Should be blessed, In him, When God, Begins to deal, With a poor sinner, He does not feel, Happiness at the first, As a rule, Because, When he, The spirit of truth, Is come, He shall convince, The world of sin, And when a poor sinner, Is made to feel, As, All sinners, Taught of God, Are made to feel, If my soul, Is sent to hell, Thy righteous law, Approves it, Well, If you realize, You are a poor,

[40:44] Miserable, Sinner, Before God, With whom you have to do, And maybe, Before his holy law, You are hearing, What the law, Seth to the sinner, Under it, Pay me that, Which thou owest, Righteousness, To full perfection, Must be brought, Lacking naught, Fearless of rejection, And you cannot produce, A stitch of it, And there you are, Helpless, Under the law, And hopeless, Before God, As he is revealed, In the law, For the law, Can only declare, Cursed is the man, That continueth not, In all things, Written in the book of the law, To do them, Aye, But, Our subject is, Men shall be blessed in him, I've already told you, Christ is the end of the law,

[41:45] For righteousness, To everyone, Which, Believe it, And, A poor sinner, Who wants to taste that, Happiness, When men, Are blessed in him, The spirit of God, Leads them from being, Under the law, To be before, Calvary's cross, And there, With the eye of faith, That God gives, They see Jesus, And they see in him, All their salvation, All their desire, And happiness, Springs up in their breasts, As they realize, There is help in God, Hope in God, Healing, To be known, And felt, For their poor, Sin sick soul, And that they may be, Made holy, And fit, For heaven, And all because, Men should be blessed, In him, The last,

[42:46] H, Is home, Men should be blessed, In him, With a home, And now, If you are a sinner, Born again, I leave the if with you, I'm just telling you, The truth, And what said the scriptures, If you are a sinner, Born again, You will want, A spiritual home, You will want, To find a place, Where the people of God, Gather together, To worship him, Aright, And you will want, To be amongst them, And to feel, That you are, By the grace of God, Made one, Of them, You will want, A spiritual, Home, Long years ago, 56 or 57, Years it might be, When I used to take, A Sunday school class, At Tamworth Road,

[43:47] Croydon, Which was a very large, Sunday school, Of about 250 scholars, It came to my turn, To open the school, I'd never done so before, And I've never forgotten, The hymn that I was, Helped to give out, I have a dear, And happy home, And much my home, I love, But is there now, Prepared for me, A better home, Above, Men should be blessed, In him, The psalmist says elsewhere, Listen, Be thou my strong habitation, Whereto I may continually resort, And I have a happy remembrance, In my own life, About ten years ago, When God blessed me, With a jabez portion,

[44:49] As I humbly hope, And I felt, Near to heaven itself, And words, Which are very familiar, To you, Were made, Very precious, To me, In my own soul's feelings, Oh God, Our help in ages, Past our hope, For years to come, Our shelter, From the stormy blast, And our eternal, And our eternal, Home, I said to my dear wife, In the feeling of it, My dear, If you, Find, I am no longer with you, I believe, I should be in heaven, I should like to feel, Like that, Again, But that is what I mean, Men shall be blessed in him, With a home,

[45:49] And you see, It is not only a home, As you are journeying through life, And to realize, God is our refuge, And strength, A very present help, In trouble, Therefore, Will not, We fear, But, There is another hymn, Not in our book, I wish it was, There is a blessed home, Beyond this land of woe, Where trials never come, Nor tears of sorrow flow, Where faith is lost to sight, And patient hope is crowned, And everlasting light, Its glory throws around, That is a beautiful picture, Of the rest that remaineth, For the people of God, And when you are drawing near, To the end of life's pilgrimage, It is a wonderful mercy, If you have within your heart,

[46:51] A solemn persuasion, Ye are travelling home to God, In the way, Your fathers trod, They are happy now, And ye, Hope their happiness, To see, And men, Shall be blessed in him, Blessed with a hiding place, Healing, Help, Holiness, Happiness, And a home, A home beyond words to describe, Beyond, This description, Which you cannot better, Where, If you are blessed in him, You will dwell forever with him, Where he is, And see him, As he is, And now, There is just one other, Thought I want to put into words, Men shall be blessed in him,

[47:54] And now when you are blessed in him, It will be your concern, That you shall be made a blessing, In your everyday life, And your concern will be, To live unto him, And live for him, And ever speak well of him, As every opportunity, As every opportunity, Arises for you, To do so, And men, Shall be blessed, In him, Go back to what, I said at the outset, Every eye shall see him, You and I will see him, You and I will hear, Either come ye blessed, Or depart ye cursed, The Lord help you, To have sure work, In your heart, Your conscience, Which of the two welcomes,

[48:57] It will be, Every eye shall see him, And now, When Aaron came forth, After he was appointed, And anointed as Israel's high priest, When he was instated in his office, He came forth, And pronounced a blessing, Upon all Israel, Assembled at that time, The Lord bless thee, And keep thee, And now there were two millions, Of Israel's hosts, But, While they all heard, What Aaron said, The Lord bless thee, And keep thee, I am afraid, The great majority, Of them, Had no concern at all, To be blessed, But there were some, Who were Israelites, Indeed, And when they heard, Those wonderful words, The Lord bless thee,

[49:59] And keep thee, In their hearts, They responded, Like Jabez, Long years afterward, Oh, That thou wouldest, Bless me indeed, And I conclude, With this thought, If you dear young people, Have a feeling like that, In your heart, Jesus, Will not your cry forget, You shall obtain, The blessing, Yet, Men shall be blessed, In him, Amen, Amen, A biblical Mann gemaakt, Hymn number nine, The tune of stuff, As with gladness, Men of old, Cast the guiding star on hold, As with joy, Their still light, We loved our dream of, Freaking bright, So, most great God may be evermore.

[51:02] Amen. Amen.

[51:58] Amen. Amen.

[52:58] Amen. Amen.

[53:58] Amen. Amen.

[54:58] Amen. Amen.

[55:30] Amen. May the grace of the Lord Jesus Christ and the love of God the Father, the communion of the Holy Spirit be upon us and upon all who love the truth everywhere.

[55:56] Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen.