
Bethersden - Union Chapel - Part 251

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Jan. 7, 1968


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[0:00] As the Lord shall be pleased to help me, I shall call your attention to a subject you will find in the book of Isaiah chapter 22 and the 22nd verse.

[0:20] And the key of the house of David will I lay upon his shoulder, so he shall open and none shall shut, and he shall shut and none shall open.

[0:41] Chapter 22 verse 22 the book of Isaiah. The subject matter of the address I desire to give at this time as the Lord shall help me is based on a line of a hymn.

[1:06] And this text is where the line of the hymn comes from. God holds the key of all unknown.

[1:20] And in going forward as we are into a new year, in one of the most difficult chapters in the history of the land in which you and I are living in, when many dark clouds hang on the national horizon, when there is no certainty or stability to be found in our national life, and when men's hearts are failing them for fear, as they wonder what the outcome will be of the things which are to be seen abroad in the earth, with hell itself let loose in it, and in our own national life to see the solemn departures from God and godliness, it is well to remember the Lord reigneth.

[2:28] And this wonderful declaration refers to Jesus Christ. Although in the context it says, And I will call my servant Eliakim, the son of Hilkiah, and I will clothe him with thy robe, and strengthen him with thy girdle, and I will commit thy government into his hand, and thee shall be a father to the inhabitants of Jerusalem, and to the house of Judah, and the key of the house of David, will I lay upon his shoulder, so he shall open, and none shall shut, and he shall shut, and none shall open.

[3:22] Eliakim is a wonderful type of the Lord Jesus Christ, so that in this little record, you must understand, a greater than Eliakim is referred to.

[3:38] And it says earlier, in this book of Isaiah, referring to Jesus Christ, of whom you have been hearing about recently, his name shall be called Wonderful, and the government shall be upon his shoulder.

[3:58] But I want especially to bring before you, dear young people, that God holds the key of all unknown. You must not think, as you look around the world, as it is, with all its chaos and confusion, that the world, as you see it to be, is going from bad to worse, and there is no prospect, in the future, for all people, young and old, who have the mercy to be sinners, born again, they are helped to realize, whatever is happening, in the world, the lot is cast into the lap, and the whole disposing thereof, is of the Lord.

[4:52] God holds the key, of all unknown. Man may make his plans, and broadcast his purposes, and say, we will do this, and we will do that.

[5:08] But God, turns his key, and, he says, I will overturn, overturn, overturn, and man's, pleasant pictures, are all marred, and, the men of might, cannot find, their hands, to do what they, purpose, to do, and, it is made manifest, to all, who have eyes to see, the Lord reigneth, and then keep this in mind, nevertheless, the foundation of God, standeth sure, having this seal, the Lord knoweth them, that are his.

[5:55] And now, looking at this subject, and the key of the house of David, will I lay upon his shoulder. You may think it a rather strange picture, for a key, to be of such a size, that, a man would carry it upon his shoulder.

[6:15] But in Isaiah's days, and throughout Old Testament times, keys, were not like, you and I carry about. They were very, very large, keys, and, they were a symbol, of authority, a badge of office, so that, it is said, of Eliakim, as the governor, of Israel, in Isaiah's day, that, the key of David, he would, be able to carry about, upon his shoulder, as a badge, of the office, into which, God himself, had instated him, to be.

[7:00] It was, as I have said, a symbol, of, authority. authority. And, the word of God, says quite a deal, about keys.

[7:11] And, it may be, some expressions, concerning keys, have been, perplexing, to you, dear young people, when you have, read them.

[7:22] I would just, make a reference, to two, or three. you read, in, the gospel of Matthew, about the keys, of heaven. And, it is, a very strange, expression, to read, where, Jesus answered, and said unto him, blessed art thou, Simon bar Jonah, for flesh and blood, hath not revealed it, unto thee, but my father, which is in heaven.

[7:54] And, I say also unto thee, that thou art Peter, and upon this rock, I will build my church, and the gates of hell, shall not prevail against it, and I will give unto thee, the keys, of the kingdom of heaven.

[8:13] And, whatsoever thou shalt bind, on earth, shall be bound in heaven. Whatsoever thou shalt loose, on earth, shall be loosed in heaven.

[8:25] And now this was said, to, all the, disciples. And the meaning of it, is very simple. Yet, it may be, very perplexing, just to read it, how it is, worded.

[8:41] The meaning is, as you will find, in, the epistle to the, Corinthians, it means, that, those who go forth, at God's command, and none others, who go forth, will ever do the church of Christ, any good.

[9:02] But all, men ordained of God, to preach, in the gospel, that they preach, those who listen to it, some will be blessed, and that will be, owned of God, in time, and eternity.

[9:19] And those, who turn their backs, upon it, and say, we will not have this man, to reign over us, if they live and die, in such a frame of mind, that evidence is, that, they, alas, will be, lost.

[9:37] And says, the apostle Paul, for we are of, unto God, a sweet savor of Christ, in them that are saved, and in them that perish.

[9:50] Listen, to the one, we are the savor of death, unto death, and to the other, the savor of life, unto life, and who is sufficient, for these things.

[10:05] So that, the Lord Jesus, uses that, figure of speech, to set forth, this great truth, that, life or death, is made manifest, through our attitude, to the preaching, of the gospel.

[10:23] It is given, to the servants of God, to unlock the mysteries, of the kingdom of heaven, in preaching, the gospel, and, then, the issue is, between you, that listen to it, and God, in whose presence, you are, in listening to it.

[10:42] And it might be well, to ask you, dear young people, what is your attitude, to the gospel, that you hear preached, week in, week out?

[10:55] Do you possess, an ear, to hear it? and, do you send up, sighs and cries, and groans, to him, whose gospel it is, that he would make it, a reality, in your soul's, experience?

[11:11] Or, do you simply, look at the clock, and wonder, how much longer, the sermon will be, and the amen, come, that you may go, on your way, and be, where you feel, more atone?

[11:25] Let your consciences, tell you, the keys of heaven. And then, there is another expression, about keys, and that is, the keys of hell, and of death.

[11:43] And in this instance, God holds the key, you read, in the book of, Revelation, when I saw him, I fell at his feet, as dead, and he laid his, right hand upon me, saying unto me, fear not, I am the first, and the last, I am he, that liveth, and was dead, and behold, I am alive, forevermore, amen, and have the keys, of hell, and of death.

[12:21] What a solemn, expression that is, referring to, keys. And as I was thinking, upon, that scripture, my mind went, to Noah, so many hundreds, of years ago, and the time of, the flood, and the word of God, says that Noah, was a preacher, of righteousness, righteousness, a preacher, of righteousness, for a hundred, and twenty years, all the while, the ark was, building, and, there were those, who listened to him, and what was, their attitude, they thought, he was either, a fool, or a fanatic, ship, for they saw him, building, what purported, to be, a huge ship, on dry land, where, it could never, sail on the waters, apparently, and that went on, for a hundred, and twenty years, what was more, some of those, who scoffed, at what Noah, was doing, and listened, to him, telling out, why he was doing it, helped him, in the work, of building the ark, and what happened, when the time, came, and the ark, was built,

[13:54] God, said to Noah, come thou, and all thy house, into the ark, and what do we read, the Lord, shut him in, he turned his key, and locked the door, and Noah, and his little family circle, were safely, sheltered, in the ark, and what then, God turned, his key again, and the fountains, of the great deep, were broken up, and, the clouds, poured down, mighty showers, and, those, who scoffed, at Noah, realized, that what he had told them, all that long while, 128 years, was the truth, but it was too late, and they were shut out, and God had locked, the door of the ark, it could not, it could not be opened again, and they were swept, off the earth, into an eternal state,

[15:09] I have the keys of hell, and of death, God holds, that key, then, we read, again in the revelation, salvation, and, this is something, not yet fulfilled, and that is, the key, of the bottomless pit, and I saw, an angel, come down from heaven, having the key, of the bottomless pit, and the great chain, in his hand, and he laid hold, on the dragon, that old serpent, which is the devil, and Satan, and bound him, a thousand years, and cast him, into the bottomless pit, and shut him up, and set a seal, upon him, that he should deceive, the nations no more, till the thousand years, should be fulfilled, that time, has not yet come, but God holds, the key, and when the time, does come, the angel, will come down, to do the bidding, of God, and,

[16:23] Satan, will be shut up, for that time, that God, sees fit, and then, there will be, better days, in the world, at large, when the people, of God, will be able, to rejoice, and the knowledge, of the Lord, will cover the earth, as the waters, cover the sea, God holds, the key, of all unknown, and he holds, that key, and hence, we sing, Jesus shall reign, where'er the sun, doth his successive, journeys run, his kingdom, stretch from shore, to shore, till moon, shall wax, and wane, no more, some of our, hymn writers, had these things, in mind, there is, a hymn of, Charles Wesley's, sometimes, we sing it, his kingdom, cannot fail, he rules, o'er earth, and heaven, the keys of death, and hell, are to our,

[17:29] Jesus given, lift up the heart, lift up the voice, rejoice aloud, ye saints, rejoice, and now, I want to look at, keys, from another viewpoint, having just referred to, the references to keys, in the word of God, the key of the house of David, will I lay upon, his shoulder, God holds the key, and the meaning is, God, holds the key, of our lives, as we journey along, in life's way, God can unlock, our problems, and open doors for us, and, he can prosper, our plans, and our circumstances, he can make a way, for us, where there seems to be, no way, to be made, and now,

[18:33] I want to speak about, keys, and, to say something about, how God uses, the key, that he holds, in his, almighty hand, I shall use the letter, P, and I will show you, six, characteristics, in which, God holds the key, and uses it, to his own honor, and glory, and his people's, good, and the first P, stands for, purpose, the key, of, purpose, you may, notice in the word of God, as you read it, and, it is good, to search the scriptures, and see, the wonderful harmony, there is, and you will observe, especially, in his dealings, with Israel, as a nation, how sometimes, they seem to be, in such a pass, and, they were in, heavy, troubles, which they had brought, upon their own, heads, and then, the Lord, used his key, and, gave it a turn, and, unlocked, better days, to dawn, in Israel, this can be seen, in Israel, being delivered, out of Egyptian, bondage, you read in the, book of Exodus, now the sojourning, of the children, of Israel, who dwelt in Egypt, was 430 years, and it came to pass, at the end, of the 430 years, even the self same day, for you see,

[20:23] God does work, to a timetable, his own timetable, even the self same day, it came to pass, that all the hosts, of the Lord, went out, from the land, of Egypt, a week or so, before that, Pharaoh, would have seen, them all, as usual, and he little dreamed, that in a week, or two, the land of Goshen, would be completely empty, of the Israelites, and that they would have, gone forth, out of Egyptian, bondage, but, God holds the key, and he turned it, that his purpose, concerning Israel, might be, fulfilled, he had promised, Jacob, long before, that, his people, should be, in Egypt, for so long, and then, he would bring about, a deliverance, he would give, the key of his purpose, a turn, in the lock, and, so it came to pass, it is a night, to be much observed, unto the Lord, for bringing them, out of the land, of Egypt, this is that night, of the Lord, to be observed, of all the children, of Israel, in their, generations, and, the same thing, is to be seen, only looking at it, from another viewpoint, think of, what happened, in the days of Esther, the queen, godly Mordecai, he was indeed, a man, well taught of God, but Haman, he hated, he hated,

[22:15] Mordecai, and what is more, he hated, the people, that Mordecai, belonged to, setting forth, the people of God, he hated, the Jews, as a nation, and, and, in his hatred, he makes, his own plans, that the Jews, should be destroyed, but especially, first of all, Mordecai, and, in his hatred, he builds, a gallows, a very high gallows, purposing, that Mordecai, shall, be hung there on, what happened, God holds the key, and, he gave it, a turn, and a very, very simple thing, King, as you hear us, on that night, could not, the king sleep, and he commanded, to bring the book of records, of the chronicles, and they were read, before the king, and it was found, written, that Mordecai, had told of,

[23:27] Big Thana, and Tiresh, two of the king's, chamberlains, the keepers of the door, who sought to lay hand, on the king, Aeshuirus, and the king said, what honor, and dignity, hath been done, to Mordecai, for this, then said, the king's servants, that ministered unto him, there is nothing done, for him, and the king said, who is in the court, now Haman, was coming to the outward court, of the king's house, to speak unto the king, to hang Mordecai, on the gallows, that he had prepared, for him, and the king's servants, said unto him, behold, Haman standeth in the court, and the king said, let him come in, so Haman came in, and, the king said unto him, what should be done, unto the man, whom the king, delighteth to honor, now Haman, thought in his heart, to whom would the king, delight to do honor, more than to myself, and so Haman, stated, what his views were, as to what, the king should do, to such a man, but Haman, little realized, the key of God, was being turned, against him, and for,

[24:50] Mordecai, then the king, said to Haman, make haste, and take the apparel, and the horse, and do as thou hast said, and do even so, to Mordecai, the Jew, that sitteth at the king's gate, let nothing fail, of all that thou hast spoken, and Mordecai, had to do it all, but Haman, realized, God holds the key, and the word of God, was fulfilled, he that diggeth a pit, for another, shall fall into it, himself, and now what a very simple thing, that was, the king could not sleep, and he commanded, that the book of records, of the chronicles, should be brought, and they read, just that place, where Mordecai, had, done good, to king, as you hear us, and had, never had any reward, for doing it, and I have no doubt, he never sought any, but,

[25:55] God holds the key, and in those wonderful ways, the turnings of providence, came to pass, that Mordecai, lived on, and Haman, was hung on, the very gallows, he built, for Mordecai, to be hung on, the key of purpose, and now the second key, is the key of promise, and I want you, dear young people, to keep in mind, for some of you, I know, desire to fear God, and you desire, to wait on God, in your everyday lives, regarding, your everyday matters, you desire God, to be your God, and you want, him to lead you forth, in the right way, and now, do remember, whatever your circumstances, may be, you may come into difficulties, you may have problems, and your only refuge, is to wait on God, and say like,

[27:01] Asa did, O Lord, we know not, what to do, but our eyes, are up unto thee, and now, you will always find, in the word of God, one of the exceeding great, and precious promises, recorded therein, which will, unlock, your circumstances, and enable you, to see light, in heaven's own light, and, for you to look on, and see God at work, on your behalf, you remember, godly David said, remember the word, upon which thou hast, caused, thy servant, to hope, and, that was a promise, lodged in, David's heart, and, he found it to be, as a key, put into the hands, of his faith, whereby, he could, plead with God, that his circumstances, might be, sorted out, crooked things, made straight, and rough places, plain, the key of promise, and then, the third P, stands for, prayer, and oh, what a wonderful key, prayer is, wrestling prayer, can wonders do, bring relief, in deepest straits, prayer, can force a passage, through, iron bars, and brazen, gates, did you notice, in the reading, how, the apostle Peter, was delivered, and how the angel, and he was working, on God's behalf,

[28:57] I felt it was very striking, where it says, when they were passed, the first, and the second ward, they came unto the iron gate, that leadeth unto the city, which opened to them, of his own accord, and they went out, and all this while, you must, try and read between the lines, and you will see, even more things, which show, how wonderful, it is, that God does indeed, hold the key, of all unknown, the chains fell off Peter, and they made no noise, you can imagine, what fetters, falling off, in the night, would make, a great clanking sound, and great noise, and it might give warning, that something was happening, not on this occasion, there was complete silence, the chains fell off, from his hands, and then, they went out, through the first ward, and the second ward, and the iron gate, the last one, which led them out, into the city itself, opened of his own accord, don't you see,

[30:16] I hope you do, that the angel, was carrying, the key, that God had given him, and, all the while, the church, were praying, on Peter's behalf, that he might be, delivered, how very strange, it reads, that when the answer, to prayer came, they were so astonished, that they could not, believe it, but they, had to believe it, when at length, they saw Peter, and he gave them, a record, of how the prayers, put up on his behalf, had been answered, and remember, Jesus Christ, is the same yesterday, and today, and forever, and, if you dear, young people, get in straight, brought to wit's end, all your wisdom, is swallowed up, the Lord help you, to pray, you will find, the Lord, has a very ready ear, to listen, to what you, tell him, after your case, and your circumstances, his word, still is, call upon me, in the day of trouble,

[31:37] I will deliver thee, and thou shalt, glorify, me, the key of, prayer, and you find, in the Psalms, some beautiful, references, to how, David, found, the value, of, prayer, and, he says, verily, God hath heard me, he hath attended, to the voice, of my prayer, do you not see, how beautiful, is the wording of that, he hath attended, to the voice, of, my prayer, prayer, and I might, make a comment, there, you send up, the voice, of your prayer, and he will, attend to it, he may not, attend to it, just when you, send up the petition, but in his time, which is the right time, he will, take his key, and, you will have a turn, in your circumstances, or your case, as a poor sinner, and you will, see, an answer, to prayer, then you will say, what David does here, blessed be God, which hath not, turned away, my prayer, nor his mercy, from, me, and he has, another word, too, about, prayer, what he had, proved it, to be, and it is, a great statement, for poor sinners, to be able, to make, and how glad,

[33:16] I should be, as the pastor, if some of you, dear young people, could say, what the psalmist, does, here, I love the Lord, because he hath heard, my voice, and my supplications, because he hath, inclined his ear, unto me, therefore, will I call upon him, as long as I live, the sorrows of death, compassed me, and the pains of hell, got hold upon me, I found trouble, and sorrow, then called I, upon the name, of the Lord, O Lord, I beseech thee, deliver, my soul, the key of prayer, then the fourth P, is providence, that can be seen, being used, by God, God holds the key, and now, think of Joseph, and how God dealt, with him, how strange, the circumstances, seem to be, after God, had lodged, in Joseph's breast, a picture, that he, purposed, to fulfill, when Joseph, was older, as he went on, in life's way, he was given, two dreams, and he believed, those dreams, designed, that God, would bring him, into a place, of usefulness, and where, he would be, raised up, to fill, a sphere, of honor, but, instead of it, coming to pass, immediately,

[35:05] Joseph, through the, hatred of his, brethren, is sold, for a slave, but, before that, he is, lodged, in a pit, where the evening, wolf or lion, may come, at night time, and that will be, an end of Joseph, no, no, God holds, the key, of all unknown, and now, what do you read, at the time, when Joseph, was placed, in the pit, the Midianites, passed by, with a caravan, serai, going on their way, into Egypt, with goods, to sell, and, Joseph's, brethren, sold him, to them, and they, took him, on his way, and as Joseph, he was only, a young man, a late teenager, and as he, went on his way, with his back, turned on his, brethren, and his, father's house, going down, into Egypt, and that, as a slave, he must have, had many, sorrowful, reflections, about what, he hoped,

[36:15] God had told him, and yet, the very things, that were happening, to him, were the turns, of God's key, to bring it about, so that, when he was, sold as a slave, in Egypt, in Potiphar's house, then, the Lord, worked again, it seemed, a very strange, turn, that he should be, falsely accused, and be put, into prison, yet, he had to be, in that prison, that he might, interpret, the dreams, of the butler, and baker, working, for Pharaoh, and while, that seemed, just a casual, thing, for Joseph, to do, at the time, yet, it was a turn, of the key, of God's providence, and when, later on, the butler, was restored, and Pharaoh, had dreams, the butler, reminded,

[37:18] Pharaoh, of when he, was in prison, told him, about Joseph, as you all know, and Joseph, interpreted, Pharaoh's dreams, and lo, the same day, the key, of providence, had fulfilled, the dreams, God had given, to him, twenty years, before, oh, how his ways, are unsearchable, and his judgments, past, finding out, but good, John Flavel, has a word, in one of his writings, he, who would watch, God's providence, should never lack, a providence, to watch, and I can tell you, dear young people, it is a good life, to live, to watch, the providence, of God, my dear wife, and I, have lived that life, for over fifty years, and Manoah, and his, wife, looked on, the word of God, tells us, while the angel, of the Lord, did wondrously, and so, my wife, and I, have lived, our life, in the providence, of God, and, we have watched, his, key, turn, in our affairs, many times, and he has, delivered us, in troubles, not a few, and made his, goodness, to pass before us, in life's way, and here we are, in our life's, evening time, we humbly hope, possessing, a good hope, through grace, and,

[38:56] I can assure you, as the pastor, who so is wise, and will observe, these things, even they shall understand, the loving kindness, of, the Lord, I must say no more, about, the key of providence, although you could talk, all night about it, but you would not, like to hear, an address, as long as that, neither should I, be able to, tell you of it, but it could be told, the next P, is power, Jesus Christ said, all power, is given unto me, in heaven, and in earth, and I want you, dear young people, to observe, how God, turns his key, it is not always, in great things, mighty things, he turns his key, sometimes, and, it is to do with things, so small, and I was going to say, so ordinary, and yet, the effect, of the turning, of the key, is most amazing, and now, there is a word, in Job, which tells us this, he sealeth up, the hand of every man, that all men, may know his worth, and now, when you come, to the depth, of winter time,

[40:29] God says, to the snow, be thou, on the earth, you look, out of the window, you see, it is snowing, you hold out, your hand, you cannot feel, the weight, of a flake of snow, as it lodges, there on, but the snow, is to be on the earth, and it keeps snowing, by and by, you find, the roads, are impassable, there are great drifts, and man, with all the motorways, he has made, cannot make use, of them, sometimes, God says, to the frost, be thou, on the earth, and the same thing, comes to pass, he sealeth up, the hand of every man, that all men, may know his worth, the points, on the railway lines, are frozen, and the trains, cannot run, in safety, and man, is brought, to a standstill, and, if he could, only realize it, it is,

[41:35] God, holding the key, in his hand, and, bringing man, to a pause, it says, he taketh the wise, in their own, craftiness, mess, and, God, is doing that, sometimes, in some of the countries, of the earth, men, rise up, who purpose, that they will be doing, this and that, man, and God, turns his key, there may be, earthquakes there, and all at once, things are happening, which men, cannot, counteract, it is the hand of God, it is the key, of his almighty power, trying, to bring man, to a proper, understanding, of what his place is, as a creature, before his, creator, and, there is a beautiful, verse, of Mrs. Chaplin's, where she says, and this is very encouraging,

[42:47] God sees a way, we cannot see, through our impossibility, and our impossibilities, vanish like smoke, when he decrees, to make a way, from night to day, for those, whom he has loved, for a, our wisdom, such as earth would praise, may fail, in that, which we intended, distasteful, be God's chosen ways, and earthly, happiness seem ended, but we know still, if God so will, he can work happiness, from ill, that is good teaching, and it is based, on one scripture, we know, that all things, work together, for good, to them, that, love, God, but now, think of the world, at the present time, and the mighty plans, that are being broadcast, as to what will be done, in the future, by those, who are enemies of God, and godliness, says Jesus, all power, in heaven, and in earth, is given unto me,

[44:02] God holds the key, and, he will not fail, to use that power, in his wondrous wisdom, for the good of his people, and the undoing of those, who hate him, and his truth, I would like you, to keep in mind, one simple thing, which might be of help, to you, as the days, go on, and we see, man, more and more, at war, with his maker, why do the heathen rage, and the people, imagine a vain thing, the kings of the earth, set themselves, and the rulers, take counsel together, against the Lord, and against his anointed, saying, let us break their bands, asunder, and cast away, their cords, from us, this is what is underneath, all that is happening, with the world council, of churches, and, many matters, which are put in the earth, at the present time, it is against God, and against his anointed, man, says, as he is born, we will not have this man, to reign over us, how wonderful, is this reading, he that sitteth, in the heavens, shall laugh, that is the figure, of speech, the Lord, shall have them, in derision, then he will turn, his key, then shall he speak, unto them, in his wrath, and vex them, in his sore displeasure, yet have I set, my king, upon my holy hill, of Zion, that is, as though God, should say, you want nothing, to do, with my dear son, you say, we will not have, this man, to reign over us, but,

[46:01] I hold the key, of all unknown, and my purpose is, upon this rock, I will build, my church, and the gates, of hell, shall not prevail, against it, the last P, stands for prophecy, God holds, the key of prophecy, and now, you can see, many, many prophecies, in the past, which people, waited for, the fulfillment of, and the time came, when they were, fulfilled, God, did perform, his word, but there are still, prophecies, yet to be, fulfilled, I have already, alluded to, one, and that is, the kingdoms, of this world, shall become, the kingdoms, of our Lord, and of, his Christ, the key of prophecy, and now, in the book of Revelation, there is much, prophetic truth, which I am not, going to try, to tell you, the meaning of, but there is, one, scripture, which,

[47:20] I would like you, to think over, and it tells us, concerning, a great power, to arise in the earth, and it is not, far off, when this power, shall be seen, and he, he will open his mouth, in blasphemy, against God, to blaspheme, his name, and his tabernacle, his church, and them, that dwell therein, and then it says, and it was given, unto him, to make war, with the saints, and to overcome them, and power, was given, him, over all kindreds, and tongues, and nations, and all, that dwell, upon the earth, shall worship him, whose names, are not written, in the book of life, of the lamb, slain from the foundation, of the world, if any man, have an ear, let him, hear, and now that means, only those, who have the mercy, to be sinners, born again, will be, sheltered, in that, blessed rock of ages, against which, the storms of enmity, against God, and godliness, will beat, in vain, but there is one thing, that is very noticeable, in, the present time, and that is, there are saints,

[48:48] God still has his people, in the land, in which you and I live, but, they seem to us, few and far between, but they have not, the influence, which they can exercise, wherever they are, that, God, used to allow, his saints, to possess, because, they are so few, and far between, and, while it says, it was given unto him, to make war, with the saints, and to overcome them, it does not mean, that they will be killed, but that he will oppose them, and, want to, so influence them, that they shall not be able, to worship God, as they, have always desired to do, since they were born again, and to overcome them, exercising any power, if you, I dare not keep you too long, but to illustrate it, if you think of our, house of parliament, in, the last year or two, and some of the measures, which have been placed, on our statute book, they are absolutely, against the word of God, and against God, and, there was a majority, for those measures, to be placed, on our statute book, at one time, there would have been, enough people, who feared God, in the houses of parliament, to have so used, their influence, that such measures, would never have been placed, where they now are, and recognized, as law, in our land, and that law, to do evil, against God, and man, it is a very solemn, state of affairs, but it, is the evidence, that this word, reminds us of, to make war, with the saints, and to overcome them, they have not, the power to exercise, which they, used to have, but then, dear young people, the great thing, is this, seeing the world, has got hell, let loose in it, and seeing, our land, our native land, is like it is, with ills, and evils, abounding, from lands, entered,

[51:12] John O'Groats, how necessary, it is, for you, to get inside, that word, of the hymn writer, they, that in the Lord, confide, and shelter, in his wounded side, shall see, all dangers, overpassed, stand every storm, and live, at last, there are dark days, ahead, times of trouble, but God, has guaranteed, to be a refuge, to his people, whatever troubles, may arise, and if God, the spirit, reveal this, to you, take refuge, in Jesus, though hell, should pursue, and meanwhile, watch, and pray, in your everyday life, and seek, as grace is given, to give diligence, to make your calling, and election, sure, that you may be found, amongst that, blessed people, that shall stand, every storm, and live at last, happy, is that people, that is in such a case, yea, happy, is that people, whose God, is the Lord, and now,

[52:31] I will conclude, my address, by reading you, a very beautiful hymn, may be well known, to some of you, God holds the key, of all unknown, and I am glad, if other hands, had held the key, or if he trusted it, to me, I might be sad, what if tomorrow's cares, were here, without its rest, I'd rather he, unlock the day, and as the hours, swing open, say, my will, is best, the very dimness, of my sight, makes me secure, for groping, in my misty way, I feel his hand, and hear him say, my help, is sure, I cannot read, his future plans, but this I know, I have the smiling, of his face, and all the refuge, of his grace, while here, below, enough, this covers, all my wants, and so,

[53:42] I rest, for what I cannot, he can see, and in his care, I safe shall be, forever, blessed, God holds, the key, may you dear, young people, realize it, as you journey, on through life, and, come into the, meaning, of that scripture, of which, I've already, told you, who so is wise, and will observe, these things, even they, shall understand, the loving kindness, of, the Lord, Amen.

[54:24] Amen.