[0:00] As the Lord shall be pleased to help me, I shall call your attention to a subject you will find in the second epistle to the Corinthians, chapter 7, and the sixth verse.
[0:22] Nevertheless, God, that comforteth those that are cast down, comforted us by the coming of Titus.
[0:36] Chapter 7, verse 6, the second epistle to the Corinthians.
[0:52] Sometimes, those who are taught of God form their own impressions as to what it is to be one ordained to preach the gospel and what their everyday life must be.
[1:15] And sometimes, those impressions are not well formed. For, there are those who think that men ordained of God to preach the gospel must always be in a spiritual frame of mind and often living just outside the gates of parole.
[1:45] But, it is not like that, that men ordained of God to preach, go forth to preach the gospel.
[1:58] They do get such experiences like that, but such experiences are few and far between. The apostle Paul was an outstanding minister of Jesus Christ.
[2:18] And, as you read the epistles which he penned to the churches, there are times when he was inspired of God to let out just a little of what his own experiences were in going about preaching the gospel.
[2:41] And, they are very solemn to contemplate. And, some nowadays, who hope we have a commission from God to preach the gospel, well and I tremble as we see to the extent of what the apostle Paul had to suffer within and without, that he might go forth to preach the gospel.
[3:39] And, some of the people who have a commission from God to worship God of right, little know what the feelings are of a man ordained to preach going up into the pulpit.
[3:50] And, well might the apostle Paul, brethren, pray for us and for me that utterance may be given unto me, that I may speak with all boldness as I ought to speak.
[4:09] And, there is one phrase I have used over the years of my long ministry. You are aware of it. And, that is a prayerless pew will surely mean a powerless pulpit.
[4:26] And, it is not just to preach sermons. The great thing is to preach the gospel. That the power of God may be known and felt in it.
[4:40] And, it be good tidings of great joy to those who gather together to hear it. What you desire as hearers with God-given ears to hear is what Paul said to the church at Thessalonica, knowing, brethren beloved, your election of God.
[5:02] For our gospel came not unto you in word only, but also in power. However, you want light, such as God alone can give you.
[5:15] He who is the light of the world, to help you in his light, to see light upon his dealings with you. That you may have a sweet, blessed assurance that you are numbered with him and his people.
[5:33] And, now, regarding our subject, you will see that even apostles, at times, are cast down.
[5:45] Not only the people waiting on God for a token for good to come up. It may be with that word of the psalmist, Oh, my God, my soul is cast down within me and desiring to get some help from heaven.
[6:07] Nevertheless, God, that comforted those that are cast down, comforted us by the coming of Titus. And, now, it might be helpful if I just make a comment or two on what the apostle Paul was cast down about at this special time.
[6:32] As he was enabled to pen the second epistle to the Corinthians. You all remember how he went to Corinth, first of all.
[6:44] And, God ordained he was to remain there and preach. And, the church at Corinth was gathered together and built up. And, became a notable church.
[6:55] And, it remained a prosperous church. While the apostle Paul still dwelt at Corinth and preached there. But, when he left to go on his way to do the work of God elsewhere.
[7:11] Then, Satan took an advantage of it. And, divisions arose. There were those who induced a party spirit.
[7:23] Some were for Paul. Some for Apollos. And, some for Cephas. Who is Peter, as you all know. And, it wrought confusion in the worship of God among them.
[7:37] And, the apostle Paul was told about it. And, the news made him cast down. But, then, there were other things too.
[7:52] And, that is, as the spirit of Christ was not so manifest in the church. Because, when you get a party spirit in the pew.
[8:04] Then, the cause of truth will go down. The church will not be so prosperous in the things which are spiritual.
[8:15] And, which are all important. And, it came about that not only schisms were manifest in that church.
[8:27] But, there was misconduct. Things not at all consistent with a profession of the name of Jesus. And, these things were allowed to continue.
[8:42] And, those who were in authority in that church at Corinth. Did not do what they should do before God and man. They did not exercise the discipline that the word of God demands.
[8:57] Where, those who were evildoers and living inconsistent lives. Are to be rebuked. And, their sin pointed out to them.
[9:11] If to be, they may be wrought upon to confess it. And, live another life. Becoming the gospel which they profess to love.
[9:22] And, under which they have been benefited. And, therefore were added to the church. And, now it was these things.
[9:34] Dwelling in the apostle Paul's breast. That made him cast down. And, he wrote the second epistle to the Corinthians.
[9:46] To give them further instruction. And, he made it plain. What must be done. If they were to get back. To that prosperity that they knew.
[10:00] At the first. When he was at Corinth. And, preached the gospel to them. And, Titus was sent. To see. How the church at Corinth.
[10:13] Had received. The warnings which the apostle Paul. Had given. There were those there. Who were false teachers.
[10:24] And, they were envious of the apostle Paul. And, they sought to ignore. The warnings which he gave. And, he gave them from God. But.
[10:35] When Titus arrived. He found. The church was being brought. Into a much better. Frame of mind. And, those who were false teachers.
[10:48] And, those who were false teachers. Were set aside. And, the evil doings. Were dealt with by discipline. And, God owned it. And, blessed it. So, that one member.
[10:59] Who was very guilty. Before God and man. Was restored. To the church fellowship. And, now. Titus had returned.
[11:10] To where the apostle Paul. Was. And, he had given him. A blessed account. Of how matters were improved.
[11:22] In the church at Corinth. So, that. He rejoiced. In the good news. Which Titus. Delivered.
[11:33] And, now. He gives the background of it. In our subject. And, I thought. As I pondered this subject.
[11:44] It would be a wonderful blessing. If, nowadays. In the church of Christ. Christ. And, you can think about it. In our denominational.
[11:56] Life. My friends. If. People. Who love the truth. Especially those with names. On church rules.
[12:08] Knew something of this. Line of things. That the apostle Paul felt. Regarding the church at Corinth. Not to. Get together.
[12:20] To discuss. The news of the churches. Reports. Say they. And, we will. Report it. But. To be troubled.
[12:31] Before God. And, to be cast down. Because. The honor of God. Was set aside. When things. Which ought not to be.
[12:43] Are to be seen. In the churches of Christ. Christ. It would be good. If that frame of mind. Could be granted. To all of us. And that we might sigh.
[12:55] And cry. For whatever we see. To be amiss. In the church of Christ. And wait on God. That he will in mercy. Return to us.
[13:07] And revive. His work. His work. In the midst of the years. In the midst of the years. Make known. In wrath. Remember. Mercy.
[13:19] And now. That is all I must say. Regarding the apostle Paul. And yet. This word. Is not only. For apostles.
[13:30] And preachers. Of the gospel. When they are cast down. It is. A blessed truth. That will be fulfilled. To all.
[13:42] Who are sinners. Born again. And I do like this word. This beautiful. Title. Which is given to God.
[13:55] God. That comforted. Those that are. Cast down. And there is just one more. Comment I must make. Regarding the apostle Paul.
[14:08] And that is. What a beautiful picture. This really is. Paul was Paul the aged. Titus. Was Paul's son.
[14:20] In the faith. And he loved him dearly. But he was a young man. A young minister. And yet. The coming of.
[14:31] Titus. With the good news. From Corinth. That he brought. To the apostle Paul. Were the means of. That dear apostle. Being comforted.
[14:42] And rising above. The things. Which had made him. Otherwise. To be cast down. So long. We were troubled. On every side. Without were fightings.
[14:55] Within were fears. What a frame of mind. Those words. Describe. And. If you and I are taught of God.
[15:07] We should know somewhat of it. We should be troubled. On every side. At times. Especially. And mark how that is worded. We.
[15:18] Were troubled. On. Every side. And now. You may think. Oh. Everybody has trouble.
[15:28] Yes. Man is born to trouble. As the sparks. Fly. Upward. But. The world at large. Only know.
[15:40] Common trouble. People who were taught of God. Have not only common trouble. Such as worldlings. Endure.
[15:51] But they have also. Uncommon. Troubles. And. A worldly man. Could not say. That he was troubled.
[16:03] On every side. All his troubles. Are outside. To do with time. And the world at large. But.
[16:14] A godly man. Is troubled. Inside. And. Outside. And that is what the apostle Paul. Means. When he says.
[16:25] We were troubled. On. Every side. You see. A godly man. Has to live his life. In the world at large. Go about therein.
[16:35] To earn the bread. Which perisheth. And. Seek to serve his generation. According to the will of God. And to endure it. In a profession. Of the name of.
[16:47] Jesus. Show the world. How Christians live. But. He has one trouble. Which no worldling. Is ever the subject of.
[16:57] Which shall know. Every man. The plague. Of his own heart. As regards the worldling. The psalmist says. They are not in trouble.
[17:10] They are not plagued. Like other men. Godly men. The psalmist. Is referring to. Nevertheless. God that comforted.
[17:21] Those that are cast down. Comforted us. By the coming of. Titus. And now. I will just say a little. About some of those things.
[17:34] Whereby. The godly. Are cast down. And it may be. You are here. Before God. In a cast down state.
[17:46] And glad you would be. If you could get. In touch. With. God that comforted. Those that are cast down. And. Be raised up.
[17:57] To hope in God. And go on your way. To be strengthened. To still fight. The good fight of faith. And lay hold upon. Eternal life.
[18:09] And now. One thing. That will make. Sinners born again. Cast down. Is that. They are not always sure. That they are born again.
[18:21] And there. There is a want. Sometimes. Of clear cut. Evidence. Of an interest. In eternal. Realities. When a sinner.
[18:32] Is born again. He knows. That he is born. For an eternal state. Heaven or hell. And it is a very solemn. Consideration.
[18:44] And he can begin to understand. Some petitions. In the word of God. He can see the needs be. For that word.
[18:55] Of Moses. The man of God. So teach us. To number our days. That we may apply. Our hearts. Unto. Wisdom.
[19:05] And he can also. See. The petition of godly David. Remember me. O Lord. With the favor.
[19:16] That thou bearest. Unto thy people. O visit me. With thy salvation. Say unto my soul. I am thy salvation.
[19:29] And. He can understand. The disciples. When they said to Jesus. Lord. Teach us. To pray. He begins to feel.
[19:41] The. Unspeakable importance. Of eternal. Realities. And he begins to have. A right sense.
[19:51] A true sense. Of values. And. He can see. That whatever. He may possess. Of the things. That worldlings.
[20:02] Prize. When all is said. And done. But one thing. Is needful. Jesus. Is the one thing. Needful. I without him.
[20:13] Perish must. Gracious spirit. Make me. Heedful. Help me. In his name. To trust. And with pleasure. In him. As. My portion.
[20:25] Boasts. And. Let me encourage you. From this viewpoint. If any of you. Do feel cast down.
[20:36] Because you want matters. To be made right. Between your soul. And God. And you feel as yet. That those matters. Are not. Made right.
[20:47] To your soul's. Peace. And profit. And profit. I will ask you. What is it in you. That feels like that. How is it you come to be.
[21:00] So concerned. That eternal realities. Are precious. In your eyes. And now. Even in a cast down state. Although you cannot feel.
[21:12] As you would like to feel. You are alive. You are alive. Unto God. The dead know not anything. It is the living. Who will lay these things.
[21:25] To heart. And even that. Should give you comfort. You may think it is comfort. From a negative viewpoint. But it is comfort.
[21:35] And God is the author. Of it. Nevertheless. God. That comforteth. Those.
[21:46] That are. Cast down. Then. You will sometimes. Feel. As you follow on. To know the Lord. So cast down.
[21:59] Because. You want to live on to God. Live for God. And show. You are on the Lord's side. And yet.
[22:09] You have to confess. Every day. I would do good. But evil. Is present. With me. And every night.
[22:19] When you. Desire to seek God. You have to appear. Before him. Cast down. Because of your. Guiltiness. Before God.
[22:31] And you. Can ever use. That petition. God. Be merciful. To me. A. Sinner. For that is what.
[22:41] You were made. More and more. Aware. That. You are. But then. In that. Cast down state. Guilty. As you are.
[22:53] There is still comfort. To be known. God. And God. That comforteth. Those that are cast down. Is seekable. Get atable.
[23:04] And you are welcome. To go to him. Just as you are. And tell him. All the truth. How you feel. The good that I would. I do not.
[23:16] The evil that I would not. That alas. I do. O wretched man. That I am. Who shall deliver me. From the body. Of.
[23:26] This. Death. O said Paul. Here is comfort. I thank. Jesus Christ.
[23:37] Our Lord. There is victory. To be gained. Christ. Jesus. Came into the world. To save. Sinners. And you are a cast down sinner.
[23:51] Cast down. Because you were born again. And you desire. To get that comfort. That God alone. Can bestow.
[24:02] You will notice. In the names given to God. Throughout the scriptures. Look at it from this viewpoint. God. That comforteth.
[24:12] Those that are cast down. And now elsewhere. In the sacred pages. The apostle Paul. Calls him. The God of all comfort.
[24:23] Mark the word in. All. Comfort. Which means. If you were a sinner. Born again. You were just shut up. To God. And the comfort.
[24:36] That your soul. Desires. Your cast down soul. Is that which a man. Cannot receive. Except it be given him. From heaven. From heaven.
[24:49] People who know you. Esteem you. Believe you are. A sinner born again. Will try to encourage you. Speak comforting words.
[25:00] To you. And you will appreciate. What they do. But it will not do. What your soul. Really. Desires. For the God of spirits.
[25:12] Only can. Fill up the vast desires. Of man. This comfort is that. Which a man. Cannot receive. Except it be given him.
[25:23] From heaven. The God of all comfort. God that comforteth. Those. That are. Cast down. Another thing.
[25:35] Will make you. Cast down. And that is. You may feel at times. Your spirit. Raised. And you will help. To wait on God.
[25:47] That you might live more. Like you ought to live. According to the pattern. In the word of God. Live to his honor. And glory. And yet.
[25:58] After such a frame of mind. In how you have poured out. Your soul. Before the throne of grace. You will find. Indwelling sin.
[26:10] May be stirred up within. Crowds of ill thoughts. Their bane diffuse. Proud envious. False unclean. Every ransacked corner.
[26:20] Shows. An unsuspected. Sin. And when you are cast down. By what you see within. And I might remind you.
[26:30] Of what Joseph Hart says. Pour not on thyself. Too long. Lest it sink thee lower. You are painfully aware.
[26:42] That from the sole of the foot. Even to the head. There is no soundness in it. Wounds and bruises. Putrefying sores. And every day.
[26:54] It is more and more. Made plain to you. And you are cast down. Because as I have said. You have that feeling.
[27:05] And God gives you that feeling. I would do good. But evil is present. With me. And now God that comforted.
[27:17] Those that are cast down. He can comfort you poor sinner. And. The word of God tells us. In that day.
[27:28] There shall be a fountain. Open for sin. And for uncleanness. And the comfort. That God alone can bestow. Will come to you like this.
[27:40] If we. Confess. Our sins. He is faithful and just. To forgive us our sins. And to cleanse us. From all unrighteousness.
[27:54] Whoso. Confesseth. And forsaketh. His sins. Shall find mercy. There is help for you.
[28:06] And you will find in going. To the throne of grace. Telling all the truth. As to what you feel. To be within. Then. You will find.
[28:16] God indeed. Is God. That comforteth. Those. That are cast down. And the vilest sinner. Out of hell. Who lives to feel his need.
[28:28] He is welcome. To the throne of grace. The saviour's blood. To plead. God. That comforteth. Those that are cast down.
[28:39] Mark the word comforted. Is put in the present tense. You have been comforted. Some of you. But now. You are cast down.
[28:51] And you want. More comfort. To be bestowed. By the God. That comforteth. Those. That are cast down. For the want of it. And then.
[29:03] You will find. Your soul. Will be cast down. God. Because if God. Has begun. His good work in you. Satan.
[29:14] Will oppose. What God is doing. He cannot undo. What God is doing. But you will find. What you sung about. In the opening hymn. Is a very painful truth.
[29:28] What though Satan's. Strong temptations. Vex. And tease thee. Day by day. And thy sinful. Inclinations. Often fill thee.
[29:38] With dismay. Thou shalt conquer. Through the lambs. Redeeming. Blood. But. When you are in heaviness. Through many.
[29:49] Full temptations. You are indeed. The subject. Of a cast down. Soul. And you can only sigh. And cry.
[30:00] And sometimes. Plead before God. Lord save. Or I perish. Then you will find.
[30:11] God that comforteth. Them that are cast down. Will be coming to your aid. Then they cried unto the Lord. In their trouble.
[30:21] And he saved them. Out of. Their. Distresses. Another thing. Will make you often feel cast down. And that is.
[30:34] You may feel. I hope you do. And feel it often. An urgency. An earnestness. At times. That you might live more like.
[30:44] What you know you. Ought to do. You have a name on a church roll. Or you ought to have one. There. And you know in the word of God.
[30:55] There is the pattern of what is the life of the righteous. And you desire. To live such a life. But you have to. Lament. At the end of every day.
[31:08] How much you have failed to do. That which you desired before. God. To do. And you are. Cast down. Because.
[31:19] You cannot be what you want to be. According to your feelings. And live like. A real Christian. Should do. Nor can you.
[31:32] Keep inside the covers of the word of God. As you desire to do. But you are cast down. Because sometimes you have to. Say.
[31:42] I have gone astray. Like a lost sheep. Seek thy servant. For I do not forget. Thy commandments.
[31:54] What you really desire. Is. Make me to walk in thy commands. Tis a delightful road. Nor let my head or heart or hands.
[32:05] Offend. Against. My God. You are cast down. Because you seem to be. Such a failure. God. But then.
[32:17] The word of God says. As a man thinketh in his heart. So is he. I the Lord. Search. The heart.
[32:28] And I must remind you. Of what Nathan. Had to. Tell David. David. David said. I want to build a house. For God. And Nathan said.
[32:39] Do all that is in thine heart. But. In the night time. God made it plain. To Nathan. That David. Was not to build.
[32:50] The house of God. For the will of God. Was that his son. Solomon. A man of peace. Should be the builder of it. And Nathan. Had to go and.
[33:01] Make that known to David. But there was this proviso. When Nathan. Told what God had made known to him.
[33:12] He added this. God. Told me to tell you. Thou doest well. To have it in thy heart. To build me a house.
[33:24] Although it is not my will. You should do it. David made all the. Provision that. He could. In gathering together.
[33:35] Wonderful. Materials. That the house. Might be built. When all that was mortal of him. Was well laid. In the grave. And.
[33:47] You can take courage. And it can be said to you. Thou doest well. That thou. Hast in thy heart. A concern.
[33:58] A concern. To be a real. Christian. And not just one. With a name to live. And dead. One who desires.
[34:09] Not a saint to appear. Grow up with wheat. And prove to be a tear. But you want in your soul's experience. The equivalent. Of what the wheat is.
[34:22] Lord of harvest. Grant that we. Pure. Pure. And wholesome grain. May be. Nevertheless. God that comforted.
[34:33] Those. That are. Cast down. And now. You may be cast down. Because. Of your circumstances. Each one.
[34:47] Dwelling. In his own home life. Knows what his circumstances are. Much may be hidden. From others. Who. Love them.
[34:58] And esteem them. And wish them well. And there may be. Sometimes. Circumstances. Altogether. Unknown. To those round about.
[35:09] Out. But. There are such circumstances. That you are cast down. And you need. God that comforted. Those that are cast down.
[35:21] To appear. On your. Behalf. It is good when. This comfort. Comes in this way. When all around. My soul.
[35:31] Gives way. He then is all. My help. My stay. And what does God say. I will never leave thee.
[35:43] Nor forsake thee. And he says. I will go before thee. And make crooked things straight. I will break in sunder.
[35:54] The gates of brass. Cut in sunder to the bars of iron. I will make a way. Where there seems. To be no way. And he has done that.
[36:06] For his people. Down through the ages. And when they come to which end. And all their wisdom. Is swallowed up. And they can. Do no more.
[36:17] But appear before God. And seek. His divine aid. That they may not. Sink in the trouble. Which surrounds them.
[36:28] And sink to. Rise no more. God that comforteth. Those that are cast down. Will then say to you. I am the Lord thy God.
[36:40] Which teacheth thee to profit. And which leadeth thee in the way. In which thou shouldest go. One other thing I touch on.
[36:53] And that is. You may be in a cast down state. Regarding the future. And now. I must make a plain statement.
[37:05] About that. As regards the future. There is only. One. Thing. In the future.
[37:17] That you should be concerned about. And that will cast you down. When you contemplate it. As regards the future for you.
[37:27] As a sinner born again. God has guaranteed it. I will make all my goodness. Pass before thee. It shall be well. With them.
[37:38] That fear. God. Yes. The men that fear the Lord. In every state. Are blessed. The Lord will grant.
[37:48] What e'er they want. Their souls should dwell at rest. That is the future. For poor sinners. Born again. But there is one thing. In the future.
[38:00] Which will cast you down. And that is. When you think of that day. Which is to dawn. May dawn soon. For some of us. Your dying day.
[38:12] That hour. Which will inevitably come. When heart and flesh. Shall fail. Then you will find. What the apostle Paul says.
[38:24] Within were fears. My fears sometimes say. I never shall find. In death's gloomy day. True peace. To my mind.
[38:35] And now. When the future seems. So difficult. To face. And you are. Walking in darkness. And have. No light.
[38:46] And you are cast down. It is good then. To call to remembrance. What God has been pleased. To do for you. As the God of all comfort.
[38:59] You are not left. Without a past experience. You can go back. Over life's journey. From the time. When you hope. God begun to deal with you.
[39:11] And you can search out. Evidence upon evidence. Set up way marks. And make. High heaps. And you can call to remembrance. Those former days.
[39:24] Wherein God. Was pleased to do. Great things for you. And in the doing thereof. Thereof. Oh how glad you were. You live like Manoah.
[39:36] And his wife. The angel did. Wondrously. And Manoah. And his wife. Looked. On. And. Here is comfort.
[39:50] Nevertheless. God that comforteth. Those that are cast down. Comforted us. And you get comfort. When. Light shines upon the way.
[40:00] God has. Led you. And you can argue. As it were. In looking back. Thy love in times past. Forbids me to think.
[40:11] Thou wilt leave me at last. In trouble to sing. Each sweet Ebenezer. I have in review. Confirms his. Good pleasure. To carry us.
[40:22] Right through. God that comforteth. Those that are cast down. And you must admit. God has comforted.
[40:33] You. You have some evidences. You have some things treasured up. In your soul's experience. Which you.
[40:43] Could not. Let go. Because in those things. You believe. There is what. Is described in the book of Proverbs. I cause them.
[40:54] That love me. To inherit substance. That is a good word. To. Think about. As regards. Your religion.
[41:05] And the evidences. Of it. There is substance. In it. In the remembrance. Of what God has done. For you. Therefore.
[41:15] Though at the present time. You are cast down. You have. What God has done. For you. To look back upon. And.
[41:26] He is still the God. That comforted. Those. That are cast down. And he has said. I will never leave thee. Nor. For.
[41:37] Sake thee. Much might be said. About. God. As God. That comforted. Those. That are cast. Down. He is a God.
[41:47] Ready to pardon. He is a God. Who delighteth in. Mercy. He is a God. Who is able. To save. To the uttermost. All them.
[41:58] That come unto God. In the name of. Jesus. No sinner. Was ever yet. Empty. Sent back. Who came. Seeking. Mercy. For.
[42:09] Jesus. Sake. And who can tell. But what God. Will be gracious. Unto. You. God. That comforted.
[42:20] Them. That are cast. Down. And this simple. Illustration. Here. Comforted. Us. By the coming. Of Titus. A young man.
[42:34] A sinner. Born again. Under the apostle. Paul's ministry. And by the grace. Of God. Made a young minister. Comes. To visit. The aged.
[42:45] Apostle. Paul. And. His visit. Was made. A comfort. To him. By the good news. That. He brought him. Concerning. The church.
[42:55] At Corinth. And you will find. There is comfort. To be obtained. In all the means. Of grace. And sometimes. You might have been. Comforted.
[43:06] By the coming. Of someone. Taught. Of God. Where you were. And. Speaking about. The things. Of God. Bringing you.
[43:17] Some good news. Not just. Religious. Gossip. And the news. Of the churches. But something. To do. With eternal. Realities.
[43:28] And. Good news. Of. God. Helping. Other churches. And maybe. Gracious additions. Being made.
[43:39] And these. Are good tidings. And they comfort. Those. That are cast down. For it makes them. Realize. That he is still.
[43:49] Jesus Christ. The same. Yesterday. And today. And forever. And he is. Fulfilling his word. Upon this rock.
[44:00] I will build my church. And the gates of hell. Shall not. Prevail. Against it. And remember too. What comfort there is. In the word.
[44:11] Of God itself. Every page. Has got something. Recorded. On it. Which can be made. A comfort. To you. When you were cast down.
[44:25] Nevertheless. God. That comforted. Those. That are cast down. Comforted. Us. By the coming of. Titus. And there is just one thing more to say.
[44:38] Let us therefore. Come boldly. Unto the throne of grace. To obtain mercy. And find grace. To help. In time.
[44:49] Of need. And you will find in coming. A little talk with Jesus. How it smooths. Life's rugged road. How it cheers.
[45:00] And helps me. Onward. When I faint. Beneath. My load. Oh. That God. That comforteth. Those that are cast down.
[45:10] May comfort you. My dear friends. And help you. To follow on. To know the Lord. And. Even though cast down.
[45:23] Keep in mind. You are not destroyed. You are cast down. A poor sinner. With a cast down soul. But you are not cast off.
[45:37] And he who has begun. The good work in you. Will finish it. Amen. Amen.