1 Corinthians (Quality: Average)

Attleborough - Jireh - Part 14

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Ashworth, David

June 19, 1999


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[0:00] Sometimes we have certain hymns that seem to dovetail into the, maybe the life, the experience that we are passing through at that present time.

[0:14] We notice over the top of the hymn number 70 this morning there is a text which is from the 33rd chapter of the book of Deuteronomy, verse 27.

[0:26] Sometimes there are certain texts that we know may be off by heart and I think that 27th verse this morning speaks about the eternal God being our refuge.

[0:43] And underneath are the everlasting arms. It isn't just something we have read of, it's something that we have experienced.

[0:56] If we know anything of the Lord. Not something that we have read of in someone's obituary, maybe 20, 30 years ago, or some minister of a bygone age.

[1:12] It's nothing like that. It's something, friends, that is very personal. Because I'm convinced of this this morning that the believer, the only thing that he will take to heaven is what God hath done for him while he is on this earth.

[1:33] And each one of God's people in every age, they have a testimony. Paul had a testimony in the chapter that we have read together this morning.

[1:46] In that sixth chapter of the first epistle of the Corinthians. He not only speaks about the people of Corinth, but he includes himself in that eleventh verse.

[2:06] And such were some of you. But ye are washed. But ye are sanctified. But ye are justified.

[2:19] In the name of the Lord Jesus. And by the Spirit of our God. The reason that we read those few verses in the, was it the fifteenth chapter of the same epistle.

[2:38] Those words in the tenth verse of the fifteenth. By the grace of God, I am what I am.

[2:50] And his grace which was bestowed upon me was not in vain. But I labored more abundantly than they all. Yet not I, but the grace of God which was with me.

[3:06] That's a wonderful verse to my mind as well this morning in the eighth verse. Of the same chapter, last of all. He was seen of me also as of one born out of due time.

[3:22] I wonder if there, how many of us here this morning can actually say from our heart, And last of all, he was seen of me.

[3:34] Beloved friends, We will have to give an account when we come to the end of our life, How we have received the gospel.

[3:47] Just as much as a minister has a solemn account to preach the whole counsel of God, And be delivered from the blood of all men, You, as a hearer, Will have to give an account How you have received the gospel.

[4:11] My Bible tells me this, It shall be more tolerable For Sodom and Gomorrah In the day of judgment Than those that have had the privilege To hear the glorious gospel of Jesus Christ.

[4:31] The greatest favor any person can have This side of the grave Is to come under the sound of the gospel. But it's more than that.

[4:45] It's not just a question of you saying at the end of the services tonight, He was good, He was bad, He was indifferent, I didn't get on with him. It's more than that.

[4:57] You will have to give an account How you have received the gospel. Remember how Paul came to this church of Corinth.

[5:10] He said, I did not come with enticing words of man's wisdom, But I came in the power and the demonstration of the Spirit. And I was with you in much weakness.

[5:23] Now you might see a minister in the pulpit And you might think, Well he doesn't appear to be weak. He doesn't appear to be fable.

[5:34] He has a very clear delivery as he preaches. He seems to be full of confidence. Beloved friends, We must be confident in Christ.

[5:46] And you as a believer this morning, You must be confident in Jesus. You see, One thing Satan wants you to do Is to be an unbeliever.

[6:01] I mentioned at the prayer meeting on Tuesday, It's not the sin of adultery that sends a sinner to hell. It's not the sin of drunkenness that sends a sinner to hell. It's the sin of unbelief.

[6:14] Don't let the devil trap you with certain sins. And say, Well, you can never come to the Lord Jesus Because you're too bad.

[6:26] The problem is, friends, We're not bad enough. That's why sinners don't come to Jesus. It's not because you're a big sinner.

[6:37] Not because you've committed some dreadful sin. Beloved friends, Those sins never keep a sinner out of heaven. It's the sin of unbelief. We've heard of the catalogue of sins That the Corinthians were guilty of.

[6:54] And beloved friends, We've got to say this morning That applies to every member of the human family. And such were some of you.

[7:08] You might see people Walking about your town and your villages Saddens your heart. You see young people Sometimes of the ages of 13 and 40 And they're drinking bottles of wine.

[7:22] Happened last night in Halamshire where I live. Such sadness. Well, beloved friends, They're not beyond the grace of God. And such were some of you. The sin, my friends, That domes a sinner Is a rejection of Christ.

[7:40] A rejection of Jesus. That's the sin, my friends, That will send you to hell. One of our hymn writers calls it A sin, a cursed sin.

[7:55] Unbelief. Doubting the finished work of the Lord Jesus. You say, Your sins are too bad.

[8:05] Beloved friends, That's not the argument. My Bible tells me, If I confess my sins, He is faithful and just To forgive our sins And to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.

[8:19] What we're actually saying to God is this, That that finished work on the cross Was not sufficient for my sin. That's what you're saying.

[8:32] It's a dreadful sin. And we can sit in our, And ministers can preach about it as well. Beloved friends, If anything needs presenting today, It's the gospel.

[8:43] We talk about sales presentations In the field of selling. And sometimes when you go on these sales courses, As I have in years gone by, They have what they call role play.

[8:59] Probably some of you have been involved If you've been in the field of selling. And some are good, And some are dreadful. But you normally find those that are dreadful, They make the best salesmen.

[9:13] Do you know why? Because they're play acting on the role play. See, at the end of the day, my friends, It's the result that matters.

[9:25] Does it matter how a salesman gets a result? As long as he gets a result, He has his way, And another man has another way. I wonder how many of us here Are play acting in religion.

[9:43] Clear acting. Fire acting, Cle acting, Coming to hear the gospel, Sometimes to put a sad face on, Friends, it's clear acting. Why should you have a sad face if Christ has died for you.

[10:00] My Bible tells me this. If Jesus has set me free, I am free indeed. And I should have a song to sing.

[10:12] Have you a song to sing this morning? Is this your song this morning? This is my story. This is my song. Praising my Saviour all the day long.

[10:25] One of the problems today, friends, that stopped us from praising the Lord is materialism. Christians are ruined with materialism.

[10:37] Not just the man next door. Not just your colleague at work. You, as a Christian, we can get affected with this age of materialism.

[10:48] You know, they tell me, years ago, when our little church opened in Haslinden, they used to walk about ten miles to the services. People don't walk ten miles today to a service.

[11:03] Even if they have a fast car sometimes, they give a job to get them there, haven't you? They've every excuse under the sun. But in those days, friends, the Lord was precious to them.

[11:16] And they used to walk right through around about seven to ten miles. And they said when they saw the chimneys in Haslinden, they used to sing praise God.

[11:28] And they didn't just go for the morning, they went for the day. And in between the mealtimes, they used to speak together of the Lord Jesus.

[11:40] And when the wire of conversation is, when we get home today at lunchtime, maybe we have our eye on the final down at Lord, you know.

[11:55] Maybe we want to know who's won at the end of the day. Let's be honest about it. These things attract us. And I want to bring this before you this morning.

[12:09] God reminds us, day by day, where he found us. He might have found you in a religion. He might have found you in Appleboro Chapel, sitting under the gospel.

[12:24] Beloved friends, he might have found you far away from this chapel. He might have been in Caesar's Palace. Most unlikely place for God to meet with sinners, wasn't it?

[12:38] In Caesar's Palace. But it was some. What I want to bring before you this morning is this. These words, I am what I am, by the grace of God.

[12:51] Don't try to be anyone else. You'll be a failure. Your personality's not altered when you're born again of the Spirit of God.

[13:03] You're the same person that you were born, as you were born into the world. And Paul says, I am what I am. He never forgot, my friends, of where he was.

[13:15] And let us never underestimate what he was. Before God met with him, he was no different than what's happening in Kosovo this morning. He was guilty of mass murder.

[13:29] He hailed men and women to death. He sanctioned, my friends, the death of Stephen. And you know, the disciples, when Judas had gone to his own place, they did something very wrong.

[13:46] They got pieces of paper and threw them into the house and they drew lots. And the Lord fell upon Matthias. You'll never hear of Matthias again.

[13:59] You've got to go to that chapter in the Acts of the Apostles. And so, yet breathing out threatenings and slaughter. That was the man that God had his eye upon.

[14:09] That was the man that God had loved with an eternal, everlasting love. You see, it's this wonderful work of God.

[14:20] And beloved friends, there's an appointed time when it comes to that sinner. We sometimes sing that 76 hymn. I wonder whether we believe it.

[14:31] There is a period known to God when all his sheep, you know, I was thinking about that word the other week, like the sheep.

[14:43] And I was looking at situations and I was like Elijah. I think I'd come to the end of everything. And that word came like a flash of lightning. And other sheep I have, which are not of this fold.

[14:57] They might be down at Lord's this afternoon. There might be many of them, my friends, but have to be called by divine grace. Other sheep I have, which are not of this fold, them also I must bring.

[15:13] You pray that this other sheep, these other sheep, might be brought. Maybe some members of your family this morning that are unconverted. Beloved friends, how much new work have we been on this week for the conversion of sinners?

[15:29] Maybe an early sister, her brother, her cousin, who has wandered far from the fold, at peace with hell.

[15:39] Yes, that was you and I. At war with God. Other sheep I have. You see, Paul had no great thoughts of himself.

[15:52] He said, and last of all, he was seen of me also as one, born out of Judah. I'm not made to be called an apostle. You see, that's the problem today.

[16:05] If we're not careful, we can make idols even in the ministry. We can set people upon a pedestal. I am what I am by the grace of God.

[16:18] Oh, he never forgot where he'd been brought from. But you see, he was able to preach the word of God because he'd had it revealed to him. Oh, he had his thought in the flesh.

[16:31] He had his cross. He had his trials. You know, my friends, he was filled with the Spirit of God. He went forth determined to know nothing amongst men saved Jesus and him crucified.

[16:49] This man receiveth sinners and eateth with them. The greatest truth that was ever spoken was spoken by the religious world. You know, the most dreadful thing that can happen to any sinner is to have a natural religion.

[17:10] It's a dreadful thing to uphold the system. Maybe to know all there is to know about the doctrines of free and sovereign grace.

[17:24] Maybe to know all there is about effectual calling. You see, beloved friends, it comes to this. Do you, do I, know anything of the Lord Jesus Christ that is set forth in these chapters this morning?

[17:44] And last of all, he was seen of me also as one born out of due time. But you know how he sums this wonderful word up this morning?

[17:58] I am what I am by the grace of God. It's good to remember where the Lord found us.

[18:10] we read in that chapter in Zechariah last night and this applies to every redeemed sinner. Every redeemed sinner is not this a brand plucked from the fire.

[18:24] If you know Christ this morning, you've been plucked from the fire of hell by the almighty power of God. No wonder John Newton said amazing grace.

[18:38] It is amazing. It will be made amazing. You see, if the gospel has never melted our heart, we're in a very solemn place.

[18:51] Very solemn. More solemn, my friends, than the men and women out here this afternoon. More solemn, my friends, than all the people in the world if our hearts are hardened against the gospel of Jesus Christ.

[19:08] And you know, friends, I read last night God hardened the heart of the Egyptians. You think about it this morning. It used to be a regular thing, you know, under the preaching of the gospel where the tears were flowing.

[19:25] Doesn't seem a lot of tears flowing today, does it? There doesn't seem, my friends, a lot of reality about it. a lot of it, friends, is mere tradition.

[19:38] It's just sheer tradition. I want to see an effect, you know. How long has it since you wept at the feet of Jesus Christ?

[19:50] How long has it since you returned to your heavenly Father? I have sinned against heaven and against in thy sight. Oh, beloved friends, this morning, repentance is not just at the point of conversion.

[20:09] Daily to feel thyself and done. We might know it, we might quote it in the head, but friends, do we experience it? We've made thee haste to kiss the sun and on thy knees for pardon soon and praise and bless and love him too.

[20:28] Beloved friends, this morning, we don't need to go into the catalogue of these sins and search for some of you but ye are washed. What is the difference between a believer and an unbeliever this morning?

[20:41] Aye, the only difference is they have been washed in the blood of the Lamb. They've been to the fountain. They've been plunged in that fountain.

[20:56] You know, you must have sung that hymn many times at this chapel. 160. There is a fountain filled with blood drawn from Emmanuel's veins.

[21:11] You know what Emmanuel means? God with us. Friends, we've got to go into that fountain. We've got to be washed in that fountain.

[21:22] We've got to be washed and we've got to be washed and we've got to be washed and we've got to be washed applied to our heart. We live in an age when it doesn't matter. We live in an age when there's a general belief.

[21:34] It's almost like going down to a car dealership and buying a car and the illness is on you. Beloved friends, Jesus said, it is finished.

[21:50] It's done. There is nothing to be added. There is nothing to be added to the work of salvation. There is nothing to be taken away from it.

[22:01] If any man thirst, let him come unto me. The hour is now coming when the dead shall hear the voice of the Son of God and bear that he shall live.

[22:12] Friends, if we don't hear the voice in this life, we're going to hear the voice of the judgment morning. And that time is fast hastening. I believe from my heart this morning we are living at the end of the age.

[22:27] I believe it. And I believe as God revealed unto John the Baptist the way of salvation, he was the forerunner. God will reveal them to his servants before his triumphant return and they will prepare the way.

[22:46] We've got to prepare the way for the coming of Jesus. What if he comes today? Are we ready? What if he comes today, friends? Maybe you've planned for next week like I have.

[22:59] Maybe you've made your arrangements. What about the Lord? We've been reminded of recent days. Be also ready for in an hour that you think not the Son of Man cometh.

[23:16] You see, sometimes we look at it from a question of age and time. We may see someone in the 70s or 80s and then we see someone in the 20s. Beloved friends, God is no respecter of persons.

[23:29] He said, be ye also ready. Am I made a real Christian? Am I washed in the blood of the Lamb? Am I union to the church of living head, friends?

[23:43] Have we? If we have, there's something to look forward to. Do you know something this morning? The best is yet to come for the believer.

[23:57] You know, I was thinking of those words of recent days when one another has passed on into eternity. Listen to these words this morning.

[24:08] I have not seen, neither has entered into the heart of any man, but God hath prepared for them that love him. Said, what must it be this morning to be in heaven?

[24:25] Are you bothered about what's happening next week? And how much money you have in the bank? And how much salary you can earn? Is that what you're worried about? Be ye all so ready, for in an hour that ye think not the Son of Man come.

[24:47] You know, friends, it has never entered into the heart of a sinner what God hath prepared for them that love him.

[24:58] I think the nearest we can get to it is when Paul was taken to the third heavens. And he saw the glory of Emmanuel's land. He wasn't allowed to stay there.

[25:14] He had to come down to earth, hadn't he? And God said, except he should be exalted above measure, there was given unto me a thorn in the flesh.

[25:30] You know, I'll tell you this morning, if you're a child of God, you'll have a thorn in the flesh. And you'll not be able, and I don't think we want to lose it, because I'll tell you for this very reason, if we lost the thorn in the flesh, friends, where would you and I be this morning?

[25:51] I know where I'd be. I know where I would be this morning. I'd have headed down to London. I'd have been watching Australia and Pakistan this morning. I've got to be honest about it.

[26:04] Come on, friends, let's open our hearts, let's be honest before God. Where your heart is, your treasure will be also. But Abel tempted me this morning as I drove down the motorway.

[26:19] He said, do you not wish you had a ticket today? Do you not wish you were going there today? Because I used to play a lot. And it's a great attraction to me yet.

[26:31] Oh, my dear friends, it is an attraction. And I have to ask the Lord, oh, friends, I have to ask the Lord to take it away.

[26:44] I'll be as eager as anyone else to know who's won the World Cup tonight. I'll be honest about it. Oh, I will. You might think that is a very remark to make, but it's true.

[26:59] No, it might not be Christian, it might not be football, it might be something else that you have this morning, and it's an idol. It's something, my friends, that tries to pull you back.

[27:11] There was given unto me a thorn in the flesh, a messenger of Satan to bobbit me, lest I shall be exalted above measure. And he was very human, was the apostle.

[27:22] He said, Lord, I want rid of it. Lord, take it away, it's stopping me life, I could serve you a lot better if you remove this thorn. It was forever at him. And it was one of the eastern farms, and they're very thick and they're very sharp.

[27:37] And the Lord said, I'm not going to remove that thorn, Paul. I'm going to give you something better than that. My grace is sufficient for thee, and my strength is made perfect in thy weakness.

[27:50] Did you ever get carried away with the world? Did you ever get my friends involved with things? We have an adversary, and he's a very powerful adversary, and he knows exactly where to come.

[28:06] Of course he does. He doesn't mind how he upsets us, he doesn't mind how you distress this morning. And my friend, his greatest weapon is unbelief.

[28:20] Doubting, my friends, God's ability to save you from hell. You say, well, he saved others. I know he saved others, but what about you? What about you this morning?

[28:34] You know, many years ago, I heard what I thought was a very searching sermon, and it was about the scaffolding. There was priest at Hoflinden, a brother at Luton priest, I remember it, and I was an unbeliever, but I remember the sermon.

[28:54] He spoke about Noah building the ark, and the many thousands who helped him to build that ark. But my friends, there were only eight, went into the ark.

[29:05] The rest of the human race perished, they were scaffolding. You don't want to be part of the scaffolding, do you? I don't want to be part of the scaffolding.

[29:17] I used to see these people being baptized, you know, when I was young, and I used to think it's all right for them, but what about me? What about you? What about you this morning?

[29:30] My friends, what's special about you? Why do you think Jesus Christ cannot save you? That's the personal thing this morning.

[29:41] We are doubting his ability. Jesus said it is finished. And he bids sinners come and say. Now I'm very concerned about this this morning, whether we are presenting the full gospel, the total gospel.

[30:01] We don't want a man coming in the pulpit telling you his experience. We want, my friends, the gospel of Jesus Christ, the glorious gospel that was committed unto my trust before I was a blasphemer, before I was a persecutor.

[30:17] He didn't hide it. He didn't say it didn't happen. My friend, he never forgot what he was, but he never forgot what he was in Christ. That's the thing that matters this morning.

[30:31] He said it was committed, the glorious gospel was committed into my trust. Do you know something? The greatest thing that can happen to a sinner this side of the grave is to be sent to preach the gospel.

[30:45] There's a far greatest calling this side of the grave. Far greatest. And God doesn't send angels to preach. God sends sinners.

[30:58] He sends sinners to preach his gospel. Paul said to me, who am the least of all the saints, is this grace given that I might preach the unsurgeable riches of Christ.

[31:17] You see, he had an experience, and you will have an experience. But, beloved friends, we ought to preach our own experience all the time, because it might not affect one person in the chapel.

[31:32] we are to preach, friends, of what we have received, yes. My word came unto you with power from heaven, that I was with you with much fear and trembling.

[31:45] Satan said to me this morning, the greatest fool in the world, you getting up and going down to preach in Warwickshire this morning, travelling 136 miles, there's something wrong with you.

[32:02] Oh, friends, these things are real. And then, of course, he's like, doesn't he point to those who have no fear of the Lord? Doesn't he show those who are having a good time?

[32:13] Look at them. They haven't the problems that you have. They haven't the pressures that you have. They probably have. You see, friends, we can get like you, stuff.

[32:27] Envious at the foolishness of the wicked. Have you ever been there? It's a reality. Of course it's a reality. Of course it distresses us. And of course the enemy will egg us on.

[32:41] I say you were better when you was there. just like the Egyptians when they left. The Israelites, God brought them out with an almighty hand. They were soon murmuring in the wilderness.

[32:52] It were better when we were in Egypt. It were better when we were serving the flesh books. The world, the flesh, and the devil, they're very powerful. And it is in that order.

[33:04] The world is powerful. The flesh is powerful. The devil is powerful. He's a prince of the power of the air. The spirit that now worketh in the children of disobedience.

[33:18] And beloved friends, if we haven't the old armour of God upon us, he'll have us on our back time and time again. We're no match for him. He's been doing it for a long time. He doesn't want you and I to think about the things of God.

[33:34] He doesn't want you to ask the Lord to prepare you for eternity. Of course he doesn't. You see friends, he can't stop the work of God.

[33:50] Beloved friends, he can't stop the work of God coming to the heart of one of his children. We either believe this or we don't believe it. Mighty the saved and all sin's power can hold the sinner in that hour when Jesus calls him forth.

[34:06] Oh, have you prayed that there might be a Zacchaeus here this morning? Have you prayed that there might have come here this morning out of curiosity and the Lord says unto him, come down, come down, for this day I must abide at your house.

[34:25] Maybe there's someone here like Naaman the Syrian. He wanted salvation his way. He had been the commandment going washing the river Jordan.

[34:36] Seven times. Not me. I'll wash wherever I want. I'll do it my way. He didn't get cleansed until he went to the river Jordan.

[34:49] And I've often thought about this, you know, you think about the humiliation of this captain of the Syrian army. He got light down on his knees and he had to dip in the river Jordan. What does the Bible say about it?

[35:03] Except ye be converted. and become a little child. Ye shall know why then to the kingdom. You see friends, people can attend the house of God for years.

[35:16] They can know every brick in the building. but do they know Christ? That's the thing that matters. You might be able to go back years from this chapel.

[35:28] You might be able to tell about every anniversary you've attended. And every minister has preached here. What effect has it had? What effect has it had?

[35:40] Let's get down to the basics. Friend, it was a wonderful word, wasn't it? whether it be fulfilled or not is another matter. When the late prime minister, Joe Major, said, let's get back to basics.

[35:54] Let's get back to basics in the gospel. When was it the last time you was on your knees seeking the pardon at the feet of Jesus? When was it the last time you wept over his sufferings?

[36:13] When was it the last time you humbled yourself under the mighty hand of God? You've got to be careful that we don't get into a natural religion.

[36:29] And beloved friends, we can get caught up with all the arguments that are going on today. There is a man that does not believe in the humanity of the Lord Jesus.

[36:42] Leave him to it. Leave him to it. He doesn't believe the twenty-third hymn. The man there is a real man with wounds still gaping wide.

[36:56] They've never had it revealed unto them. Can you sing it? Can I sing it this morning? Can I sing from my heart this morning that sacred blood from Jesus' legs was free to take away a Mary, a Manasseh, or mine or yours or sins more vile than me?

[37:20] A man there is, a real man. This wondrous man of whom we tell is God. He bought our souls from hell and death that prized his own heart's blood.

[37:36] But how do we know it? How can we speak about it unless it's been revealed? Of course it's going to be revealed. The Lord Jesus Christ.

[37:48] He is our commander. He has the commander in chief. You know, I won't close it at how you have a Sunday school at 12 o'clock this morning. And that's another thing.

[38:00] I think we can preach too long as well. Oh, my friends, we can. we can preach too long. We can only take in so much, can't we?

[38:13] I want to take in what the Lord Jesus has to speak to us this morning. Nothing else. You know, friends, a few weeks ago I was preaching in the afternoon at Leeds.

[38:27] There's a man there, he must be about 70, 71. And he was a very sick man. He'd never been baptized, but he was a believer. I knew he was a believer, but he hadn't gone forth.

[38:38] He hadn't followed the Lord Jesus. He still hasn't, but I think he will. And he was due to have a heart bypass operation. But the problem was, you know, he was so sick he couldn't stand the operation.

[38:54] His blood was so bad. The doctor said we can't operate upon you. You're too sick. There he was in the bed. And as he saw all the 70 years of tradition, what does it mean to me now that I am facing eternity?

[39:12] Jesus said pray about it. Why don't you pray about it? So that man began to pray like he'd never prayed before. Do you know what's happened?

[39:25] He doesn't need an operation. The doctors are mystified. They've given him a clean bill of health. His wife said I've never known he was active.

[39:36] The man could hardly move in the hole. I said, Bernard, you've proved those words. I am the Lord that healeth thee. I tell you something else.

[39:47] The soul and the body are very closely connected together. You know, friends, a measure of health and strength are great blessing. We always find many times, many times, not always.

[40:01] When your soul is healthy, it affects your body. Oh, it does indeed, friends. That man is a living revelation. I said, you've proved the word of God.

[40:14] But I also said this to him. Why, Terry, is there? Oh, my friends, we speak of these things. But may our feet walk in the ways of God.

[40:27] The man has great cause to rejoice. I've never seen him Lucas Hoppy. Michael knows the man. He was at Leeds when he was at university. And the man was ill, friends. But that man has been healed by God.

[40:40] And God came to him in that hospital bed. He didn't go to any healing services. He didn't go to any of that. God said, pray about it. Prove me now and see if I will not open the windows of heaven.

[40:54] And the man began to pray to his God. especially said, we can't understand it. Your blood is perfect, you don't even need the operation.

[41:07] Yet angina for years is no trace of it. As it is God was gone before him. Now what I say to us here this morning, if God will heal like that, and he does heal, and I know many cases where the Lord has healed in body, mind, and soul, where the doctor could not do anything, it was beyond the human position.

[41:32] We thank God for the doctors, we do thank them. Friends, there are some times when it's beyond the human position. Then we come to this great position.

[41:43] Friends, I've proved that in my life, I'm sure there are those here this morning who have proved it in their life. The Lord says, I am the Lord thy God, that haileth thee, be me.

[42:08] The collection says last Lord's Day for the church fund about is a two-hundred-and-one pound, and for the jar upon thirty-eight pound. Subject of the Lord's will, Mr.

[42:20] Robert Field, will preach here on Friday evening, and Mr. Crane, will preach next Lord's Day. In one thousand and ninety-four, June one-hundred and twenty-four, ye souls redeemed by these you love, salvation think of us you, exalt, the sovereign grace of God, for some of you.

[42:49] and one thousand and ninety-four to one hundred and twenty-four. One hundred and twenty-four. One hundred and ninety-four last year-auctions will hear you.

[43:18] of you, thank you... for salvation... Let all the glory of God For such words are all As I said earlier, there may be the correcting hand of God upon us.