Golden Wedding of Mr and Mrs Peter Dawson. Whole service. Sermon commences at 43 minutes.
[0:00] On behalf of the Church, I'd like to welcome you all to this service of thanksgiving for the Lord's goodness and mercy for 50 years to Peter and Edel.
[0:18] We can be sure that through the years there have been many changing scenes, times of sickness, times of power, times of penury and wealth, times of trial and of good, times of triumph and relief.
[0:33] And also we feel sure that times to taste the Saviour's love. As we join with them, may we each be favoured with a true spirit of praise.
[0:44] For the Psalmist said, it is good to give thanks unto the Lord. And as we look back in thankfulness, may we also look forward in faith, believing that he who has helped us in the church will help us all our journey through and give us daily calls to raise new epinesis to his praise.
[1:09] I'd just like to say that we may be at the next of him between the reading and prayer, and also to say that Peter and Jabez have helped with the selection of hymns we've seen together this evening.
[1:26] We commence by singing hymn number 421. The two, number 27. Hymn number 21.
[1:38] To God, the only wise, our Saviour and our King, let all the saints go to the skies, their humble, praises bring, to our Redeemer God, wisdom and power belong, immortal praise with majesty and everlasting signs.
[1:58] Hymn number 421. Hymn number 421. Hymn number 421. Hymn number 421. Hymn number 421. Hymn number 421.
[2:08] Hymn number 421. Hymn number 421. Hymn number 421.
[2:42] овал-ng3, bet youpt Aエル-espiques byVA-gi În subset 521.
[2:58] Tinas farad msさ CHOIR SINGS CHOIR SINGS
[4:02] CHOIR SINGS CHOIR SINGS CHOIR SINGS CHOIR SINGS CHOIR SINGS CHOIR SINGS CHOIR SINGS Hin, torn the glory of this place, In joyous defining praise.
[4:42] Let all the children say Shall each Alano To this heavenly Father's world Take this wonderful boat CHOIR SINGS
[6:01] CHOIR SINGS Let us read from the word of God from Psalm 116 and 145.
[6:40] Psalms 116 and 145. I love the Lord because he hath heard my voice and my supplications, because he inclined his ear unto me.
[7:00] Therefore I call upon him as long as I live, margin reading in my days. The sorrows of death compassed me and the pains of hell got hold upon me.
[7:15] I found trouble and sorrow. Then called I upon the name of the Lord. O Lord, I beseech thee, deliver my soul. Gracious is the Lord and righteous.
[7:29] Yea, our God is merciful. The Lord preserved the simple. I was brought low and he helped me. Return at thy rest, O my soul.
[7:43] For the Lord hath dealt bountifully with thee. For thou hast delivered my soul from death, mine eyes from tears, and my feet from falling.
[7:56] O Lord, for the Lord, the land of the living. I believe, therefore, have I spoken. I was greatly afflicted. I said in my haste, all men are liars.
[8:10] What shall I render on the Lord for all his benefits toward me? I'll take the cup of salvation and call upon the name of the Lord. I'll pay my vows on the Lord now in the presence of all his people.
[8:25] Precious on the side of the Lord is the death of his saints. O Lord, truly, I am thy servant. I am thy servant, son, thine handmaid. Thou hast loosed my bonds.
[8:39] I'll offer thee a sacrifice of thanksgiving and will call upon the name of the Lord. I'll pay my vows on the Lord now in the presence of all his people.
[8:50] In the courts of the Lord's house in the midst of thee, O Jerusalem. Praise ye the Lord. Let me read from Psalm 145.
[9:01] Psalm 145. I will extol thee, my God, O King, and I will bless thy name forever and ever.
[9:15] Every day will I bless thee, and I will praise thy name forever and ever. And great is the Lord, and greatly to be praised.
[9:28] And his greatness is unsearchable. One generation shall praise thy works to another, and shall declare thy mighty acts.
[9:40] O speak the glorious honour of thy majesty, and of thy wondrous works. And men shall speak the might of thy terrible acts, and I will declare thy greatness.
[9:54] They shall abundantly utter the memory of thy great goodness, and shall sing of thy righteousness. The Lord is gracious, and full of compassion, slow to anger, and of great mercy.
[10:12] The Lord is good to all, and his tender mercies are over all his works. All thy works shall praise thee, O Lord, and thy saints shall bless thee.
[10:30] They shall speak the glory of thy kingdom, and talk of thy power. To make known the sons of men, his mighty acts, and the glorious majesty of his kingdom. Thy kingdom is an everlasting kingdom, and thy dominion endureth throughout all generations.
[10:51] The Lord upholdeth all that fall. Raise up all those that be bowed down. The eyes that will wait upon thee. And thou givest them their meat in due season.
[11:06] Thou openest thine hand, and says, for there's of every living thing. The Lord is righteous in all his ways, and holy in all his works.
[11:21] The Lord is known to all them that call upon him, to all that call upon him in truth. He will fulfill the sorrow of them that fear him.
[11:33] Also will hear their cry and save them. The Lord preserves all them that love him. But all the wicked will he destroy. My mouth shall speak the praise of the Lord.
[11:47] May the Lord bless his holy name forever and ever. May the Lord bless to our souls a reading of his own sacred word.
[12:01] May the Lord bless him. May the Lord bless him. We continue by singing in number 418.
[12:14] The tune is Jackson's 163. To our Redeemer's glorious name. The way, the sacred sound. All made his love.
[12:27] Immortal light. to every time and time. In number 480. THE END
[13:28] Thank you. Thank you.
[14:28] Thank you.
[14:58] Thank you. Thank you.
[15:58] Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.
[16:10] Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.
[16:22] Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.
[16:34] Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.
[16:46] Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.
[16:58] Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.
[17:09] that there should be a way made for poor sinners to plead, that there should be a way opened in heaven for poor souls to look to, that there should be one, a mediator between God and men, the man Christ Jesus.
[17:32] And to thee we look once again, to thee we pray for grace we may bow, to thee for help we call, our life, our resurrection, thou art Jesus, yea, our all.
[17:50] For we are solemnly given to understand, that without thee we do nothing saving eternal good in thy sight.
[18:02] And yet, O Lord, in an infinite mercy, does condescend to listen to the cries, and the prayers and tears, of poor helpless sinners upon this earth, who have no confidence in their flesh, who come pleading that which thou art alone, as the sinner's friend.
[18:27] And your proud hearts may be graciously warmed and drawn, with thy ever heavenly love and mercy, to plead with thy heavenly majesty this evening, that our worship may be acceptable, in the precious name of Jesus.
[18:45] Lord, we long to be drawn. Lord, we long to feel the effect of that wonderful sin, of our spirit, that thou alone can see. We may know little that gracious and blessed influence, of thy gracious spirit within us, for no man can come as except Father himself draw him.
[19:06] Lord, we long to be drawn. We long to feel the effect of that wonderful sin, atoning blood, of which we have been singing this evening.
[19:21] We long to know in this occasion once again, dear Lord, we hope we have proved here many times, over the years, they who sometimes were far off, are made nigh by the blood of Christ.
[19:41] When another one was good enough to pay the price of sin, or may that precious and atoning blood be sprinkled upon our worship.
[19:54] May we brought nigh, Lord, this evening hour. May we have communion with heaven. May we be given grace to ascend above the earthly things a few moments, and view those heavenly realities.
[20:13] And as I just said, this God is our God. Dear Lord, we love to have more tokens, of our interest, and that wonderful, precious truth.
[20:27] We do pray that send out thy light from heaven. Let them lead us. Let them bring us on thy holy hill, and thy tabernacles.
[20:39] May thy gracious presence be felt in our midst, this evening hour. Especially we gather here, Lord, thou knowest, with thy deep concern, our spirit to rend that praise, due to thy great and holy name.
[20:55] Both regarding thy dealings with the cause of truth here. Thou hast not forsaken thy dear people, Lord, we fear.
[21:08] For given thine heritage to reproach, we're not worthy of the least of thy mercies and truth, nor we own. The Lord's mercy is that we're not consumed, and because thy compassions fell not.
[21:26] And you pray that condescend, look down from heaven, thy dwelling place upon poor needy souls, who gather here this evening hour. But may we raise up from themselves.
[21:40] We read of one dear woman long ago, O Lord, who's bowed down by a spirit of infirmity, and could in no wise lift up herself. And dear Lord, we're just as helpless ourselves, just as needy, to bring anything good unto thee, Lord.
[22:00] But O, we've read in thy holy words, those precious hands did touch her, and she was made perfectly whole. And dear Lord, thy toucheth still its ancient power.
[22:16] And you pray it might be a time of meeting, a time of a sweet touch from heaven, for some poor sinner's heart. We do pray it might be a time of appointment, a time when thou shalt be pleased to meet with poor sinners in this sanctuary.
[22:38] And may those who may go away and say, Lord, met with me there. If that be the gracious case, Lord, we would own it and commend to thee our humble praise and thanksgiving.
[22:52] And we'll crown thee, Lord of all. And so, Lord, we do pray thy good spirit may rule our hearts and govern all our words and ways that grace may abound in every part and teach our tongues to speak thy praise.
[23:15] what a rich blessing it is, dear Lord, as thou anoint our poor and worthy eyes, the faith we may see thy goodness and mercy toward us.
[23:31] And take in our heart from the willow branches and lay the praise of Christ our King with every string awake. We would be thankful, Lord, for all thy temporal mercies and loving kindnesses unto us.
[23:48] Dear Lord, we have read even this evening that the Lord is good to all and thy tender mercies are over all thy worlds.
[24:00] All thy works shall praise thee and thy saints shall bless thee. And to pray that may be blessings in our hearts, Lord, that may be that true thanksgiving in our spirit that though we are sinners, we are saved in the Redeemer's blood.
[24:21] We have no plea, dear Lord, with thy heavenly majesty. We realize how wretched we are by nature and unobservant of thy mercies in which we take for granted in our poor, fallen nature thy goodness and compassion toward us night and day.
[24:40] Lord, where can we look? For that one fount of hope and confidence that doors open wide in Jesus' wounded hands and sight.
[24:54] And you pray enliven our spirit. Lord, we feel that the dear psalmist but my eyes are unto thee, O God the Lord, in thee is our trust.
[25:09] Leave not our souls destitute of that gracious heavenly influence in our souls. Remember the house of God to us and the gate of heaven this evening in our worship.
[25:25] There may be that gracious evidence amongst us of that divine heavenly power that comes in the everlasting gospel that poor souls may be strengthened by faith, brightened in hope and love may increase to thee and thine.
[25:45] We especially thank thee, dear Lord, for thy many mercies by faithfulness, compassion, constant care of our dear Peter and Ethel over the many years that we've lived and loved with them.
[26:02] What we look back upon, Lord, of thy kind intervention, thy long-suffering and tender mercies, thy delivering grace in times of trouble and distress, those times of blessing, O Lord, and deliverance, those times of sweet favour from heaven upon their souls, that strength and patience given to them in their labours and their concerns through which they pass, who can hold us up but thou, Lord?
[26:36] It is through thy strength alone that thy people are maintained and enabled to take up the cross and die themselves and follow after Jesus and do pray, dear Lord, that as we gather here tonight we may join with them in humble thanksgiving and praise for all this past, that kind heavenly hand has dealt with them, that knoweth what things we have need of before we ask thee.
[27:11] O Lord, we look on in humble gratitude and wonderment thy tender mercy, thy unfailing wisdom, thy gracious hand to support, lead, guide, direct, and protect, and provide.
[27:30] And to pray we gather here tonight, Lord, their hearts may be established in these truths and realize within their spirits as they worship with us this evening hour, the divine savour and preciousness as did dear David long ago, when he said, the Lord is my shepherd, I shall not want.
[27:54] Dear Lord, he could look forward, he could look back in humble gratitude, the sweet Ebenezer he had in review, could confirm that good pleasure to seem quite through.
[28:08] Now, not thou the same today, dear Lord? Art not thou Abraham's God, and Jacob's, and Isaac's, and David's, and all those who have gone before us, dear Lord?
[28:21] Art not the same Jesus still now, looking from heaven, the eternal courts of glory, and and compound? And so we do pray, Lord, as we look upon these matters.
[28:35] we may have a sweet refreshing in our spirit, of these divine principles of grace, everlasting mercy, unchanging faithfulness, and tender care.
[28:47] And may be given grace to cast all our cares upon thee, realising he careth even for us. Lord, great God, who infinite art thou, and yet, as we view thine infinite, comprehensive, eternal glory and kingdom.
[29:08] We know, Lord, thou dost have to do with poor sinners upon this earth, even the sparrows from the heaven are known of thee. So we praise and bless thy glorious name for thy infinite holiness, thine infinite compassion, thine infinite mercy, thine infinite grace and long-suffering, and do pray faith may be strengthened.
[29:34] We do pray hope may be brightened. We do pray that strengthen the weak hands of faith to lay hold on the hope set before him, even life everlasting.
[29:48] Do help those who gather here tonight, Lord, feeling their want and need of thee. Oh, may their needs be supplied. God, rich in glory by Christ Jesus, to make thyself known to us, Lord, in all thy compassion and tender mercy and long-suffering.
[30:09] And to grant, Lord, there may be a going with a strengthened knees again, Lord, to walk in the ways of thy truth. And grant, Lord, confirmation of those who are seeking to know the way.
[30:24] And what direction from thee, Lord, grant them grace to wait upon thee, and to wait for thee, in thy appointed way. And may thy word be a lamp unto their feet, and light their path in this wilderness, to lead them on fair Zion's road, the weary weak and faint.
[30:45] For oh, they ne'er shall lose their God, or God her lose a saint. How many souls, and are gathered to eternal glory, who once were mourning here below, and wet their couch with tears, they wrestled hard, as we do now, with sins, and doubts, and fears.
[31:11] we remember them, Lord, we commune with them, we wept with them, we prayed with them, but I ask them whence their victory came, though with united breath.
[31:30] May we now pour utterances, Lord, unite with them, even this evening hour, to sing, worthy is the Lamb, to honour, glory, and power, and dominion forevermore.
[31:43] And so, Lord, may we have that song of thanksgiving, in our spirit, even tonight, we may see no man save Jesus only, and view in thy glorious person, all our salvation, and all our desire, the chiefest among ten thousand, Lord, give the lovely, be true followers of them, who through faith and patience, do inherit their promises.
[32:15] So, do uphold our dear friends, Lord, we pray in every trying scene, every strange circumstance that cause a pass through, not to think it strange.
[32:27] But Lord, we do think it strange sometimes, look upon things, with feeble light and half obscure poor mortals, thy arrangements fear, not knowing that the least are sure, or the mysterious just and true.
[32:46] We do pray for grace, Lord, to trust in thee with all our heart, lean not to our own understanding, in all our ways to acknowledge thee, not direct our paths arise.
[33:00] So, Lord, do take us in hand, leave us not, not forsake us, O God, of our salvation, what comes to all the ends of the earth, that far upon the sea.
[33:14] But grant, we do pray that souls may be instructed, and protected, and provided for, and watched over, when all may slumber and sleep, though never do slumber nor sleep, Lord.
[33:28] May that kind eye of compassion be upon us, and grant, Lord, we do humbly pray, in these sad days in which our lot is cast to live. I'll be pleased to return in mercy unto Zion, raise up a godly seed yet to serve thee.
[33:46] Bless a rising generation, O Lord, those near and dear unto us, O do keep them, be their guardian and their guide, if not to walk alone in this wilderness, but do turn their hearts unto thee, Lord.
[34:05] We have our burdens, our cares, Lord, though only knoweth. We do pray for grace to cast our burden upon the Lord and leave it there, so them interfering, Lord, intermeddling with thy solemn wisdom, that thou dost allow to come into our lives things that cause us sadness, but, Lord, grant us patience, to humble ourselves with a mighty hand, that would exalt us in due season above our troubles, to be pleased to put forth thine almighty power, Lord, to make the crooked things straight, the rough places smooth, to bring the hills and mountains down before thy heavenly presence, to exalt the valleys of humiliation, so, Lord, do bless thy word, to every tried soul who gathers here tonight, and grant it may lead them and guide them in their thoughts, to consider him, who endured all conscience and sin against himself, let it become weary and faint in our minds, hearts, oh, that may keep our eyes upon steadfast upon thee, and run with patience that race that thou hast set before us in thy divine sovereign will and purposes, looking unto
[35:36] Jesus, the author and the finisher of our faith. Thy grace suffices saints of old, it made them strong, it made them bold, and it suffices still.
[35:53] We do pray that bless us now as we'll sing thy praises once again, to open these poor unworthy lips, we do humbly pray. May thy word be open to our understanding, there be life, light, and liberty and love flowing down into our hearts from heaven.
[36:13] The word of life may be broken for thine own hands. Lord, thou hast spoken this poor unworthy soul, they need not depart, give thee them to eat.
[36:26] Dear Lord, thou knowest the impossibilities, but on thy great compassion and tender mercy, to kindly open our hearts and open our lips, to show forth thy praise, thy honour and thy glory, and to thee be all the honour, the glory and power and dominion.
[36:46] For so, Lord, you have mercy upon us, we pray, we seek every blessing, for thy dear name's sake, amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen.
[36:57] We'll continue our service by singing hymn number 420 to tune Southport number 69. Oh, bless the Lord, my soul, let all within me join and aid my heart.
[37:14] Bless his name, whose favour is hard in mine, his wondrous works and rights. He made by Moses, the centre world, his true life, by his beloved son.
[37:28] Him number 420. Queen. Path Ha!
[37:55] Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! CHOIR SINGS CHOIR SINGS
[39:42] His grace for him I stand.
[39:53] His grace for him I stand.
[40:07] And his grace for him I stand.
[40:18] Deep and shine I will shine.
[40:34] When I stand from the grave.
[40:45] He will be my soul from heaven.
[40:58] And his grace for him I stand. He will not fall with love.
[41:26] He will not fall with love.
[41:38] Now the best girl named for the bride.
[41:51] He will not fall with love.
[42:06] He will not fall with love.
[42:19] He will not fall with love. He will not fall with love. He will not fall with love.
[42:32] He will not fall with love. He will not fall with love. I stand. He will not fall with love.
[42:45] I am Should the Lord be pleased to help us a few minutes We return to Psalm 116 verses 12 and 13.
[43:18] Psalm 116 verses 12 and 13. What shall I render unto the Lord for all his benefits toward me? Or take the cup of salvation and call upon the name of the Lord?
[43:37] Psalm 116 verses 12 and 13. What shall I render unto the Lord for all his benefits toward me? Or take the cup of salvation and call upon the name of the Lord?
[43:59] We read the path the dear psalmist had to walk through which was a very sad and suffering path that many of God's people are caused to walk through. He did not learn God's truth as schoolboys learned their tasks but he had solemn, sacred and deep experiences of the malady and the remedy too.
[44:24] And for our hearts be tuned to eternal glory, friends, we must know both sides of the question. the psalmist said, the Lord bringeth low and the Lord raiseth up.
[44:43] And that's the way our hearts are tuned, our hearts are exercised. That's where praise comes from. That's what made the dear prophets say long ago, it's the Lord's mercies we're not consumed.
[45:02] If we're true pilgrims to Canaan bound, dear friends, we shall have the echo in our hearts the same as we had. For grace and empty in principle Lord, open, empty the souls of poor sinners of very forced comfort, hope and confidence in fleshly things to turn their hearts to his glory and his honour that none but Jesus can do helpless sinners good.
[45:35] Do you know, dear friends, heaven is Jesus only. Realise, my friends, there's no heaven without him and heaven is all Jesus.
[45:52] Do you realise, my dear friends, we can go in a pew of the chapel all our lives and sing about him and never know him but for God's mercy. We can come and go with no felt need of that dear Saviour.
[46:09] We can come unconcerned this glorious person. No felt need of that precious and only blood upon our conscience to wash away our sins and transgressions.
[46:24] We may sing about all these things, dear friends and yet not know him. May the dear Apostle Paul cry out for his very soul in the third heavens and have seen things unmentionable, any human language.
[46:43] And he still prays the same prayer that I may know him and friend heaven is knowing him. It will not be long enough to explore the greatness of his glory, his wonderful beauty and compassion to poor, needy, helpless, undone sinners as we are by nature to redeem our souls from hell and eternal destruction into heaven and eternal glory and happiness where sin and the more defiles.
[47:15] And my friend, there have been people in the same pews at your end and their eternal glory and happiness where sin and the more defiles. And I ask them whence their victory came.
[47:29] No dissension in heaven, friends. No disputes there. They with united breath. And God's people unite just a little with them, friends, beside the grave.
[47:43] They are so touched and humbled a sense of God's great goodness and compassion and mercy of their souls. They lisped it a little for that same bloody song that they enter into eternal glory and happiness where sin and the more defiles.
[47:59] And this psalm here gives us a little insight in the psalmist's heart. It went to very deep places that poor dear man did. More than once in the psalm we find you're so overwhelmed with a sense of his unworthiness and sinfulness before a holy God.
[48:19] He'd only plead for God's mercy and wait for his mercy. And he didn't wait in vain, dear friends. He didn't wait in vain. He said, The Lord shall mark iniquity, O Lord, who shall stand?
[48:33] He says, and not one in this vast company in this nation of which was king. King or otherwise could stand in their own strength and nature.
[48:44] all night. Anointing all upon his head, his crown could not save him. He says, But there's forgiveness with thee that thou mayest be feared.
[48:59] And that's to begin all true praise and thanksgiving, dear friends. The blessed way God teaches dear people even in 1998 to know this same precious Jesus.
[49:13] There'll be another Jesus, my dear friends. Never can be. When you send the glory through the clouds into heaven, the angel spoke to the Galilean and said, O ye Galileans, why stand he gazing to heaven?
[49:29] This same Jesus shall come again and he will, dear friends. We shall all see him, every eye shall see him. We shall all be there, dear friends.
[49:42] And there shall we stand in that dread dying. And so God in his mercy will teach a poor sinner a little of what they are in themselves.
[49:55] Do you know the fullness of what they precious saviour is their never dying souls? You tune their harps dear friends as David's harp of solemn sound.
[50:09] You show them the beauty and glory of David knew in Psalm 72. It comes to have no end, David says. For every man as long as a son must be blessed in him.
[50:23] That he may look right through the generation of humanity, friends. to eternal glory. A great and solemn was there. No less than God's own eternal son from heaven, the sinner's friend, who died upon Calvary's cross.
[50:41] David could look that glorious sacrifice. And so in the Psalm here, you know, you know as well as I do undoubtedly, this was a Psalm that was used at the Passover.
[50:53] When the Lord Jesus Christ had the Passover's disciples, he had this song. They sung an hymn and went out. It was this song they would be singing.
[51:06] Those holy lips, my friend, took these words upon, those holy lips were his dear people. And my friends, he suffered the sorrow of death for the never-dying souls.
[51:19] he who knew no sin was made sin for us, that we in him are the righteous of God.
[51:37] The chastisement of thy peace was upon him, by his stripes shall he all. All we look should have gone astray, turned everyone to our own way. he laid on him the iniquity of all his dear people.
[51:52] Precious Jesus, friend of sinners. My dear man entered into it. His saviour's mercy, compassion, loving kindness, pardoning grace to the never-dying soul.
[52:08] He entered into what it really meant unto him. His great salvation, God's own eternal son. It's to let thy hand be upon the man of thy right hand upon a son of the man that is strong for thyself.
[52:22] It goes even deeper, friends. The want and wound and need of a poor sinner. He went right to the eternal purpose of the heavenly father's love, to pour lovely souls, and who make it to differ, friends, in 1998.
[52:45] It will start your singing, poor sinner. Who maketh thee to differ? Go back and think a moment, dear friend. Where you would have been, and it's hard to have been, but for God's mercy.
[53:03] But who made thee to differ, friend? Could you make yourself to differ? No. Fruitless task, will it? But who made thee to differ, friend? Turn your feet to Sons Hill, poor sinner.
[53:15] Who could do it but the Lord himself, friend? And what a wonderful mercy. Why do he make you to differ, my dear friend? For his own dear son in heaven.
[53:28] And who make thee to differ, friends? In 1998. That'll start your singing, poor sinner. Who maketh thee to differ?
[53:41] Go back and think a moment, dear friend. Where you would have been, and it's hard to think, but for God's mercy. But who made thee to differ, friend?
[53:55] Could you make yourself to differ? No. Fruitless task, wouldn't it? But who made thee to differ, friend? Turn your feet to Sons Hill, poor sinner. Who could do it?
[54:06] But the Lord himself, friend. And what a wonderful mercy. Why did he make you to differ, my dear friend? For his own dear Son in heaven.
[54:20] That glorious righteousness he wrought for persons to plead, that sin atoning blood sprinkled upon their consciences, to be reconciled unto God, to his own dear Son, the Lord Jesus Christ.
[54:36] And so is what to render that? You know, friend, we feel this little in our hearts, you know, we want to render something, don't we? What can we render?
[54:47] A cat upon a thousand hills are his? Gold and silver are his? What can we render the Lord for all his benefits toward us? What can we give him? He had a good question, friends.
[54:59] And this question is how in every redeemed soul, when they touch a little from heaven, you know, friends, they sense of their unworthiness and God's great compassion toward them and tears flow down their cheeks of humble gratitude.
[55:12] They say, why me, oh Lord, why me? So insignificant, unworthy, lost, ruined, undone, guilty, forlorn, sad, uncomely.
[55:23] Why me, oh Lord, why me? Our dear friends, they never think they're brought too low, should Jesus on their pity show.
[55:35] To be the menest are content, so Jesus but their souls present. Nobody else can present us friends but Jesus.
[55:48] He presents poor helpless souls for his heavenly fathers, divine glory in heaven, and his own merits and righteousness. He says, the other are mine, redeemed by Jesus' blood redeemed.
[56:04] You're bought with a price now. This awakens gratitude. It doesn't leave us all idle, my friends, and listless, and helpless, unworthy.
[56:16] No, it moves by almighty love in their soul, friends, and nothing can withstand it. my people shall be willing in the day of my power, not till then.
[56:34] When the Lord does come, my friend, the heart of a poor sinner, filled out with love divine or love's excelling, in Jesus' precious name, nothing can hold them, friends. they must render some of the Lord in heaven.
[56:55] Repentance comes to solve that poor sinner, and like the soul of Tarsus, they begin to pry. He said many long prayers and big phylactors, he'd had rain his head for many long years, he'd learned to come out in his feet, all the intricacies of the old dispensation, of the worship of old, he knew everything in perfection.
[57:18] No one could ever point a finger at the soul of Tarsus, touch the Lord blindness, surely, that man must go to heaven. No, dear friends, no, there's something missing, something lacking, some of the heart of Cain.
[57:40] Cain was honest, sincere, Cain worshipped God, as far as he understood his natural mind. Cain came with quite honest worshipping him.
[57:56] But what's the trouble then, my friends, he did not know his need of a saviour. A God without a saviour would suit him in all his religion and his prayers.
[58:11] All in creation was all he needed. He did not know he was a lost and ruined, undone sinner. Wain the bounce and fair wanting. But all those creative glories that Abel thanked God for cannot satisfy his never dying soul.
[58:29] He was a sinner in God's sight. God's love. So Abel needed a saviour, friends, the precious blood of Jesus. Abel needed the Lamb of God to take away his sins and transgressions.
[58:46] Without that sin was lying at his door, as much it was we came. But all when he looked to that wonderful fount of hope and comfort in God's own eternal son, his sins were pardoned.
[58:58] he had the benefit and favour of heaven upon his soul. And dear David says regarding this benefit in Psalm 103, he said, and forget not all his benefits, David says, who forgiveth all thine iniquities, every one, who heath all thy diseases, redeemeth thy life from destruction, traineth with loving kinds and tender mercies.
[59:26] He goes on these wonderful benefits. That's the benefit, friend, we're looking to. A sense of pardoning love. Realize I have since washed away in the Lamb's redeeming blood.
[59:44] Assure my conscience of her part in the Redeemer's blood and bear the witness with my heart that I am born of God.
[59:54] No other blood can do it, dear friends. another one was good enough to pay the price of sin, dear friends. If it could be so, Jesus would never have come down from heaven to leave the eternal glory and happiness and bliss of heaven's eternal glory.
[60:15] heaven's father never have come down to suffer upon this world of wickedness and sin and death than any other way that sin could be pardoned.
[60:31] But God knew there's no other way that God could be justified and poor helpless sinners are saved.
[60:44] None of the one was good enough to pay the price of sin. So God sent for his only begotten son from heaven, co-equal, co-etern, eternal father and eternal spirit.
[60:57] He sent him down this world to suffer, bleed and die, friends. He came unto his own, his own received him not, as many as received him.
[61:12] to them gave he power, right or privilege to become the sons of God and that believe in his name.
[61:24] And dear friend, to believe in his name is a wonderful miracle of eternal glory. And to believe about him, be correct in our theological doctrines regarding him, be meticulous regarding our wording, relating to him, no friends, but to believe in him.
[61:45] What, thank you, Christ is the test to try both our state and our scheme. We can't grow in the rest unless we think rightly of him.
[61:59] And so, friends, the chief is among ten thousand. Do we realise, dear friend, that he must perish for eternity. We live out of Christ, almighty power, do nothing but devour, friends.
[62:15] Our best obedience do not appear for the throne of glory, friends, nor to be found in him. So, dear David, he cried out, be thou my strong habitation.
[62:28] And dear Moses had a wonderful comfort to his heart. When all those wicked sinners in the wilderness came to withstand himself, their murmurs against God.
[62:40] And Moses offered to lay down his life for them, but his blood wasn't good enough, friends, nor was Isaac's. No. And so, God says, there's a place by me.
[62:55] Thy feet were sand upon a rock, Moses. Oh, what a miracle, friend, of thanksgiving. There's mercy, friends. There's pardon, there's compassion, there's grace, there's wisdom, wisdom perfect and holy from heaven, poor souls, in eternal purposes, and person of God's own eternal son and the heavenly father.
[63:26] And so, it causes thanksgiving. And then, what can we render then for this? What can we do? Well, he gives us the answer, doesn't he? I would take the cup of salvation.
[63:45] What's a cup? It's receptacle. It holds something. Lord Jesus Christ was given a cup from his heavenly father.
[63:59] He said, can this cup pass for me? But not my will, but thine be done, the Lord Jesus said. If this cup pass not from me, my friend, that cup had no sweetness in it, no mercy in it, friend, no compassion with heavenly father.
[64:21] He laid upon him the sins of his dear church, afflicted upon his holy soul. He poured out his soul unto death, friends.
[64:34] Oh, all this terrible confusion these days, but the soul of the Lord Jesus, friends, it's so clear in God's holy word. He poured out his soul unto death, the soul that sins will die.
[64:50] God's own dear son poured out his soul unto death. for his dear people. Great drops of blood poured forth most holy poor than the oppression of those sins and transgressions of his church.
[65:07] He bore all he can't that God could bear with strength enough and unto spare the cup. He put the stars and the hem of the work of his fingers, going with all the great names, the great says, power.
[65:24] But for his dear church friends, he had only strength just enough to be strengthened, to bear the awful curse, the sins of his dear people. He who knew no sin, oh, what a cup he had, dear friends, that you might have in your life, my poor friend, a cup of sweetness and mercy from heaven.
[65:49] you may realise in God's own dear son, a blessed way of hope and comfort, your never-dying soul, your sorrows, your sins, your fears, your weeps and your infirmities, your unworthiness, your darkness, your difficulties, is a blessed bell in Jesus' precious name and blood.
[66:14] I spoke a little on Sunday from that text in the afternoon, unto therefore which believe, he is precious. And friend, he is precious to all these heaven-born souls.
[66:31] He is more precious than their daily food, more precious than their vital blood. I had a dear friend at Cambridge, we baptised in the latter part of her life, she had a terrible operation in the hospital, over 80 years of age, and when she came round, she had but one request, I must be baptised.
[66:51] And so, Mr. Haddo and I said about it, and said, well, she had to wait quite a long time before she's strong enough to her age, and we tried to make her wait, but she would not wait.
[67:05] She said, no, whatever happens to me, I must be baptised. And so, we had a meeting with her, and she gave a good testimony, and so, we said, well, we wait a week or two, and then we'll arrange for a baptising service, if the Lord will, you can pass the waters, in humble gratitude of God's mercy to your soul.
[67:26] She said, no, she said, next week it must be. And so, with much trepidation, we prepared that ball at Cambridge after many years, to put the woman to be baptised.
[67:39] So, I went down the front path of the chapel house at Southall to prepare the baptistry, and he had a real go at me. I said, go and be in the Cambridgeshire news on the weekend, you know, a woman dies in the baptistry, in a little chapel, little hope chapel, and you know, my poor wicked heart believed in.
[68:03] I came to stand still. The Lord said, we dread no ills that may befall you, while you make his ways your choice, that set me going to be friends.
[68:17] And so we went. She was baptized. She came out of baptismal waters, and she looked years younger. She went on about five years after that, came down to the end of her life.
[68:32] I went to see her just before she died. She said to me, will you pray for me? I said, my dear friend, you must pray for yourself, you know? I said, I'll pray for you, Lord, help me me, you must pray for yourself.
[68:47] She said, Mr. Buss, I can't do without him. I said, Lord, bless you. The last word she spoke to me. And you know, it's with love and power in her spirit, she said, I buried her with sure and certain hope.
[69:03] Life has a resurrection and a life eternal. I thought that dear person was in the right place. she knew him, friend. She loved him. She worshipped him, cast all her care upon him and she died in Christ Jesus.
[69:19] Friend, that's reality. And so, this is what I render then.
[69:33] And what should he render? I take the cup of salvation. salvation. Not think about it, friends. Not talk about it.
[69:44] Not argue about it. No. But by the grace and mercy of God, with a believing heart, you may lay hold on the hopes that are before you, even life everlasting for the Lamb's redeeming blood.
[70:01] you'll take it. Not argue about it, not talk about it. No. But my friend, that love in your heart, you'll be like, dear old David, so I'll take it.
[70:21] Because, friend, you need it. And because you can't live without it, poor song, you don't die without it. And so, there's a cup of salvation.
[70:31] I can't speak this after this evening, because so much should be spoken of. But, you know, put it briefly, in that cup, the Lord gives you in your life, my dear friends, every ingredient of wisdom, compassion, mercy, judgment, power, truth, to all eternity, your soul needs to fit you for eternity.
[70:54] And you know, my dear friends, in heaven, that beautiful scripture, the 8th of Romans, is known to all eternity, and we know that all things work together for good them that love him.
[71:11] Their voice is seen and understand, they know, as they're known, dear friends, no longer through a glass darkly, than face to face. They see the wisdom, and the compassion, and the power, and the truth, and the kingdom of God's own dear son, has brought such a work in their lives, and they realise, that all things do work together for good, but we're on this wilderness yet, aren't we friends?
[71:36] We can't say it, can we? I hope we prove some things have done as we thought it, now pull it fine out lines, but friend, can we say all things?
[71:49] Go to dear old Jacob, he was a godly man, you know, said all these things were against me, Jacob says, he didn't mean to speak an untruth, did he?
[72:03] But he did. Go back to Naomi, she looks at her life, her cup, has handled all gone that guy and speak, she said.
[72:16] Poor Naomi, was it true, friends? No. She had to live through it, friends, and so must you, to prove God's infinite wisdom and compassion, to prove his loving kindness and tender mercy to your soul.
[72:34] Trust in him, ye tempted saints, tell him all your sad complaints, your present help will be, give you strength and victory, that him is a true him, friends. Casting all your care upon him, for he careth for you, is a proved truth.
[72:52] So, this cup then ordains every wisdom and mercy and compassion your soul needs to take his soul to heaven at last. For heaven is a prepared place for a prepared people.
[73:06] And my friend, our sorrows, our darkness, are just as necessary as our times of gladness and times of exaltation. We get a little on the mountaintop sometimes, maybe, but for God's mercy, we ought to be kept, don't we?
[73:22] So, like dear old Peter, long ago, he says, who are kept by the power of God. The Lord sends many things in our life, friends, that humble us, crumble us, bring us low for his heavenly majesty, as dear David had long ago.
[73:37] But you have to live and prove it. These strange things happen unto us. We can't discern them. But the dear man says, think it not strange.
[73:51] He said, there are strange things. So, think it not strange. But, here's the card, but rejoice. Come and rejoice, when things are so difficult and humbling.
[74:04] Come and rejoice when things seem to go against us. Come and rejoice when there are certain things seem opposite to what we expect them to be. Rejoice, inasmuch as you are partakers of Christ's sufferings, and believe on his name, but to follow in his steps.
[74:25] Did Christ, my Lord, suffer and shall I repine? It was much rougher and darker than mine. My dear friends, if the Lord deemings with our souls, lead us, that dear Redeemer in heaven, is doing us good.
[74:42] It's the mercy in the cup of our lions. For dear John says, brethren, try the spirits. And we start trying our spirits, friends, then, there's a real sorting out going on, isn't there?
[74:58] And dear David says, search me, oh God. Try my spirit, David says, and see. And he did see in David things David had to repent of.
[75:09] But John says, try the spirits, brethren. Every spirit confess that Jesus Christ has come in the flesh is of God. All that brings your soul to his footstall of mercy, makes him precious to your never dying soul, is of God.
[75:23] All other things are anti-Christ, he says. Against his heavenly majesty, his kingdom, his glory, his power, his sufficiency, his mercy, his wonderful salvation in the land's redeeming blood.
[75:36] So from these things they're searching and they're trying, their most blessed friends, their most blessed, the cup of salvation, and call upon the name of the Lord.
[75:51] What do you know, dear old Job, is from his sweetest worship, he lost everything. He had revealed to his soul more than ever before, his understanding who the Lord really is.
[76:06] And things look like, well, with Job, he was a great man, and amongst the others, he could speak wisdom, and they listened to him, and Job was in a high place, and God gave a wonderful testimony of dear Job, make no mistake about that.
[76:22] God let something come into his life that humbled him. And Job doesn't say a word about Satan, God said, my friend, beware, let's not take up our sermons, talk about any of our souls, that only God can deal with.
[76:41] Be more like Job, dear friends, become a clear understanding, friends, of his trouble, whom the Lord really is. And Job worshipped God acceptably, did not charge God foolishly, with impotence.
[77:02] Satan had not taken control. He never will take control, friends. He's in the hand of God Almighty in heaven unseen. And so Job worshipped the Lord.
[77:16] He said, the Lord gave, so I brought nothing in the world, Job says, with me whatsoever. He said, the Lord gave all these things to me, is the Lord taken away.
[77:28] Blessed be the name of the Lord, the cup of salvation, friend, to his never-dying soul. In all this Job sin not, we may sin, my dear friends, dreadfully, in charging God with impotence.
[77:49] We may sin dreadfully in making too much of Satan his kingdom, talk too much about him. But, friend, you'll never sin, my friends, when you come to worship the Lord, friends.
[78:03] Though other lords beside him have had dominion over us today, he said, by the only mention thy name. And there is a Lord of heaven and earth, my friends, and always will be, like the earth shall last.
[78:15] The same Lord is the Lord to die, poor sinners. He Lord over all things in heaven and in earth. Your life's minute circumstance is subject to his eye.
[78:31] He borrows leave of no one to be, in the omnipotence of glory, the omnipotent power, omnipotent light.
[78:41] No man can enter into the pro, and even the angels must blow their faces. My dear friends, do we know little of him, as I close, this is life eternal, that he may know the only true God, and Jesus Christ to me as said.
[79:02] The more we know this only true God, my dear, from his omnipotence, his glory, his power, his purity, his righteousness, his justice, his holiness, the more we sink down in utter helplessness to find our refuge in his own dear son, the Lord Jesus Christ, the sinner's friend.
[79:25] I've spoken very simply tonight, friends, I can't speak anymore, the time is going, but to call upon the name of the Lord, that means the Lord will deal with you, Lord take charge of your concerns, and be willing to obey his heavenly kingdom.
[79:44] great God, thy kingdom come, with reverence would we pray, may the eternal three-in-one his sovereign set to sway, may Christ exalted be, since of endless woe, thy great salvation see, my friend, it's so great, we can't utter it, can we?
[80:10] It's so vast, the idea of past your self-beathers to be only to skin the surface, a thimble forth the ocean depths he used to say, and I know a little what he used to mean in saying such and wonder as a young man, think well, the dear man preaches so well, it's only a thimble fall, what's he talking about?
[80:33] But my friends, it's only kindness, honoring wisdom, eternal power, that saves poor sinners from hell and eternal misery to heaven to come.
[80:50] With them numbered may we be now and in eternity. It's a gracious pleasure to be here tonight. It's an honour I do not deserve, but I have walked with Peter and therefore now many long years in many different ways.
[81:10] Now watch the Lord deal with them in many ways his mercy toward them and I rejoice with them tonight and I hope it may be a jubilee in their lives.
[81:23] The time came after 50 years in the wilderness and the great trumpet was blown so all Israel could hear it and they set the bird and sinners free.
[81:35] Well we have the gospel jubilee dear friends. I pray our dear brother and sister in their soul feel that gospel jubilee in their never dying souls rejoice in hope for life eternal for such a friend on high who loved at all times a brother born for adversity well I must leave it here amen to the number 320 tune is warden 259 after the benediction we're seeing hymn number 500 as an orthology hymn number 320
[82:37] God moves in a mysterious way his wonders the earth he plants his foot stick in the sea and rocks upon the storm hymn number 320 would fight say th coses be öz CHOIR SINGS
[84:50] CHOIR SINGS CHOIR SINGS CHOIR SINGS And water to sovereign me.
[85:05] And water to sovereign me.
[85:18] And water to sovereign me.
[85:48] How dearly blessed grace your praise.
[86:05] And blessed are your name.
[86:16] In the mercy of your name.
[86:28] To the Lord, I feel the same.
[86:48] And water to sovereign me. And water to sovereign me. And water to sovereign me.
[87:03] And water to sovereign me. And water to sovereign me. And water to sovereign me.
[87:17] And water to sovereign me. And water to sovereign me. beyond the smiling face.
[87:38] CHOIR SINGS The flower made the whole of the eternal days.
[88:24] The sweet will be the light.
[88:36] The sweet will be the light.
[90:52] The Lord brought you here in his infinite wisdom and his right compassion to his son. They'll never leave on the side of you. And he had been from the Lord going back in the last few days to join him for the day.
[91:07] He'll be a part of me. Then in the 1930s they got together in the chapter of Beniston to get a car for me.
[91:18] The two-seater was wearing out in Stolz. They thought, look, there's a nice little car for lunch. They didn't. They asked him to hit my. He did not come and present it to a great friend with a horse.
[91:32] Which he did with great pleasure. But he had a nice face shone with happiness. And so we've got to argue that he must be every means of a crime.
[91:47] to a time when we're meeting out of service with your father's pleasure to be with Peter. It's a hit-up this camera.
[91:58] Look at his face. So bless the gift of his name. It's a show with happiness. Well, I feel like that, Peter. The friends that brought years ago great times to me and that let us come to my dear of the year but never is true.
[92:16] But the Christian about would pour help just on the world in history. I'll be never forgetting that then the day of the gospel was signed up to you is a great pleasure to have this in Christ Jesus.
[92:32] But really if they're they too and their votes in the Philippians is a sweet smelling of the church before the Lord. It's got Christian love in it.
[92:44] It's got what comes to the heart of God and it's to your living kind of thing. It comes to the heart. So the sacrifice is acceptable before the Lord. They've given not their necessity but they've given the salvation and they'll be rewarded and so should be so to my happiness spirit from the church between and that they should do it.
[93:13] Now to prove the big injunction to the Lord what do they take us each to leave by time protecting care in life's journey by presence to our journey shine and crown our journey's end.
[93:30] You know not when that time will come dear Lord but do prepare us for thy gracious spirit to cast our crowns of Jesus and crown the Lord of all and may the grace of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ the love of God the Father the sweet communion and fellowship of the Holy Spirit rest and of us both now and for heaven rest, Amen.
[94:28] Tim number five. The Lord is the Savior, and the Father is born.
[95:13] With the Holy Spirit, the Lord is the Savior, and the Father is the Savior.
[95:43] With the Holy Spirit, the Lord is the Savior, and the Father is the Savior, and the Father is the Savior.
[96:13] The Holy Spirit, the Lord is the Savior, and the Father is the Savior.
[96:43] The Lord is the Savior, and the Father is the Savior.
[97:13] The Holy Spirit, the Lord is the Savior. The Holy Spirit, the Lord is the Savior. Praise the Lord, the Lord is the Savior. Praise the Lord, the Lord is the Savior.
[97:24] Praise the Lord, the Lord is the Savior. Praise the Lord, the Lord is the Savior. Praise the Lord, the Lord is the Savior. Praise the Lord, the Lord is the Savior.
[97:43] Praise Him, our God, we have given us.
[97:57] Praise Father, Son, and Holy Ghost.
[98:13] Praise Father, Son, and Holy Ghost.