[0:00] The End The End The End
[1:01] That Jesus Christ Is the Son of God It wouldn't be right For me to apologise to you For my text Hoping That the Lord were to come to you But at the same time There is a concern And an exercise With ministers They seek a word from the Lord And very often Just that it throws a secret For such a thing as turning away From the word The debate on one night We are the human And alas Very often Feel our carnality And would often choose A different word Than what the Lord Lies on the night
[2:01] And it went through my life When this word Came to me I thought They won't expect you To go to Huntington With a text like that But I must leave that The Lord knows This is the word I trust And now We will look at him To bless it for us And to use it As his honour and glory And that's the purpose To which we've met The honour and glory of God If we rightly come And to seek something For our poor souls At his hand This taste Of the eunuch Just to know at one point It comes within the scope Of an answer to the prayer That Solomon made Of the dedication
[3:02] Of the temple So I thought Sitting here You remember Solomon He said this Amongst other things In his desires For the Lord Moreover Concerning a stranger Many who fear God Fears these strangers That it is not Of thy people Israel But cometh out of A far country For thy name's sake Just what this man Has done He'd come from A far country To Jerusalem To worship So he came Within this scope You see the point He needs an answer To prayer God's people Usually are Answers to prayer Moreover Concerning a stranger That is not Of thy people Israel But cometh out of A far country
[4:03] For thy name's sake For thy Shelly Of thy Great hand For sinners Do The fame of Jesus Spray Far and wide The queen Of Sheba Cheered Solomon's Time And is emblematical Of a poor Sinner Hearing of Christ And she went In her anger To trump To get to Solomon And ask him Around Weston And so The poor Sinner To Jesus They know Through Thickety Where they Rightly Led For they Shall hear Of thy Great name And of thy Strong hand And of thy Stretched Their Path When You shall Come and pray To all This house What was his mission He went To Jerusalem For to worship Here there In heaven Thy wedding Place And do
[5:04] According To all That the Stranger Calleth To thee For That all People of The earth May know Thy name To fear As do Thy people Israel And that They may Know That this House Which I Have Built Is Is Called By Thy Name And this Union He came From a Far Country For To Worship The Lord May He Mates With Poor Sinners Whose Hearts He Imprime He Made With You If You're Bound On The Ty And And With The Same Sincerity The Lord Will Make With You As He Did To The Union And The Whole Matter Was According To The Method Of The Gospel Philip Was A Mount For His Types Who Were Commission
[6:04] To Go For You Remember The Lord Some Of His Last Words For Him Go Here Therefore And Teach All Nations That That's That's The First Point Is Divine Teaching The Human Reading The Scriptures Felt A Need A Guide He Wanted Teach And That Is The First Requisite Is To Be Taught What I See Not Teach Thou Miss And The Lord Is Short Of Me If You Desire To Be Taught Well Do I Remember The Day Although I Know Particular Example I Less Than This But I Can Say This I See Now I Hope It Was The Lord That Put It Into My Heart When He Gave Me A Desire
[7:05] To Be Taught And To Know These Good And Gracious Things Concerning His Great Salvation He Puts That In Your Heart The Desire And Then He Will Bring Ways And Means About To Teach You If There Are Any He Seeking It Press On And Pray On The Lord Will Never Never Give You Those Desires And Then Leave You No He Isn't Like Us We Are Limited In Power To Perform What We Promise Being Mutiful But God Is Immutable When He Begins A Work He Never Persimates It He Might Leave It For A Time That To Cause You To Call More To It More To It So That You
[8:05] Might Know His Power To You In Answering Your Requests And He Never Leave It If Any Presence Have A Desire To Grow In Grace And In The Knowledge Of Our Lord And Savior Jesus Christ He Is Satisfied It Like An Appetite And You Know It All When You Sit Up Hungry To To The Table The Lord Who Made You Gave You The Appetite The Appetite Is Necessary So You Shall Eat The Food To Continue In Being For You Must Eat To Live Naturally And If You Are A Child Of Grace It Is The Same Thing Spirit It Makes You Hungry For The Truth And He Seed Fall Well To It That You Get Fed It Will Be Here A Little And There Line Upon Line And Precept
[9:05] Upon Precept And Some Of You Present You Are Father In The Way Know Full Well What I Say What I Say Is True The Thief You May Often Perhaps We Know Feel Vanishing And Hungry But It Is A Good Thing To Get Hungry You More Healthy Then And If You're Back And You Can You Can You Can You Can Choose As To What You Can Leave Perhaps What Step Before You But The Lord Of Your Head Reasonably Sharp With An Acutite It Does You All Good So It Is Spiritual We Kill Plants With Kindness That The Lord Never Give His Children That Way Now He Knows Just When To Give A Little Here And A Little There To Keep You Going Well This Is
[10:05] According To Truth This Man Who Is A Seeker Although He Felt The Estrange He Came From A Far Country For To Worship Under The Old It You Must Remember Now The Lord Had Suffered And Led And Died And Risen And The New Testament Order Had Been Instituted And Philip Was A Preacher And This Man Would Have Been Accustomed No Doubt To The Offering Under The Seremonial Law The Animals That Were Offered And The Sacrifices Nay Whereby Under That Dispensation The People Worship God But Not All Acceptably Because As we Read in The Hebrews Faith Was Not Mixed With All Of Them In All Of
[11:05] The Deep Worship But Many Saw Jesus In Those Substitutionary Sacrifices That Were Offered And They Worship God By Faith Then Just As we Do Now But Now It Was Jesus That Was Preached The Gospel Day There Was Clearer Life And Knowledge On Divine Faith And He Met And He Met And Philip Who You Notice So Like The Lord's Instruction How Important It Is To Go Where He Says And And And And He To Take The Word He Gives To Go With Philip Did All He Did As The Lord Commanded Him And The unit Would Return And In Reading The Scriptures And In For Surely
[12:06] There Is An End We Read And Thine Expectation Shall Not Be Cut Off The End Means Surely There Is A Reward You See The Force To Cry Out Of The Bible And Read There Is A Reward Dear Friends If You Prayerfully Look Into The Scriptures You Are The Eye In Prayerfully Make Each In Saction With Prayer A Way Of Knack In The Eye How Often If We Confess It Is It Not A Case Of Taking It From The Table Or The Side Of The Bed Or Off The Shelf And Opening The Day And How Often It Is Not Absolutely Interesting As The Day Paper Let's Fight Up To The Busy Soon Close Up Put Down It Shades
[13:06] You What We Are But If It Were The Other Way Rain If As We Had In Our Hand We Were To Save Lord Direct Me To A Portion For My Soul That Shall Honor Me But Maybe A Massage To A Poor Sinner Who Knows Not What And How Is Going To Bring Upon Him Suppose We Did Together No Let's Agree Wouldn't It Be That Don't You Think That People Are Reward I Assured Don't Think I An Exception And Always Do What I Saying I Saying And Agree With You That Every Or To More I This Man Would Read And We Know Where He Was Reading In The Prophets For Isaiah In The 53rd Chapter And We Know The Part He Got
[14:06] To He Would Read The Base Of The Scripture Which He Read Was This He Was Led The She To The Storm He Was Reading Of The Cross Standing In The Room And Placent Stead Of His Dear People He Was Reading Of Jesus And Like A Man Dumb Before His Shearer So Opened He Not His Name In His Humiliation His Judgment Was Taken Away And Who Shall Declare Degeneration For His Life Is Taken From The Earth And The Unic Answered Philip And Said I Pray The Of Whom Speak Of The Prophet Of Himself Or Of Some Other Man Then Philip Opened His Mouth And Began The Same Scripture And Preached Unto Him Jesus
[15:07] He Didn't Have To Turn Those Old Testament Writings For Such It Was That They Got Or It May Just That They They Book Of Isaiah Fock It They Didn't Have To Turn It All Out From Beginning To End And Sight You Well I Have To Find Something Else To Preach To You And He Began The Sun And Expand To Him The Things Of Jesus What And What Do You Think He Told Him The Place He Raid While He Was Dead As A She To The Sword And Dead As He Was Able To Teach The Union How Christ Was The Lamb Of God How The Father Provided His Dear Son To To To Be To Be A Substitutionary Sacrifice For Poor Sin To Stand In Their Place
[16:07] And Room And Stay As The Lord Showed That To You To The Comfort Of Your Soul One Would Think And I Can Say Quite Rightly That He Had A Certain Sense Of The Knowledge Of His Sin And So All Poor Sinners Are For To Some Degree Some More And Some Less We Are Not All As Sun Seem To Thrive All At Once Shaken Over As It Were The Mere Of Hell And Given To Trenkle From Head To Foot The Lord Deals With Sun Like A Moth Very Gradually As The Moth Eats Into A Garden He Deals With Sun Gradually You Must Have It's Fair Because You Feel Not To Have Remendlessly Deep Law Work I
[17:08] Can Tell You As You Go Along The Law Deep In His Work And Before You Pass From This World You Know That There's No Elder You Know You Know By That Time As Job Said Behold I Am Filed He Teach You All That Is Needful To Know With Some Then He Deals As With Others As The Apostle Called It Sons And Quick And Immediately Stuck Down In Others It Threat It May Have Been More Gradual In This Case If Not For Me To Say But The Man Had An Interest A Spiritual Interest We Should Say In What We Read To Desire A Teacher And The Result Gives One Every Indication That
[18:08] He Was A Gracious Man And The Lord Had A Favour And If He Had A Favour To Answer Your Teacher Likewise He Was Led As A Sheep To The Lord A Sheep Is A Most Useful Animal Noted For It Useful How Useful Is Christ The Spirit It Is Useful Also It Is Very Docile How Pal Is The Lord Jesus Kind And Loving To His Great And Very Long Suffering And Gentle To His End And Also It Harmlessness A Sheep Is Known For Even There Is A Sheep A Sheep Is Harmless For The Most Part And The Lord Jesus
[19:08] Spend His Life On Earth Going Away Doing Food To People's Bodies And Souls And He Came To The World To Bless That's The Gospel Message And When He Took Them As Far As To Bethlehem He Lacked Them In Just With His Actitude And Position With His Arms As To Bless He Came To Bless And He Left The World Of Bless He Is In Heaven Now And Under The Gospel He Still Matters For Us And The Obliction Harmless Useful Docile And Many Other Qualities Of She Is Known For The Lord Jesus Is The Lamb Of God He Was Dead As A She To The Sword And Dead The Spirit For All After This Here Man Better Than I Can To
[20:08] You He Walked With Him Talked With Him Had His Hunter In Both Ways Bodily And Spiritually While He Was Here On Earth And Like A Lamb Dumb Before His Shearer So Openly Not His Name A Lamb Dumb Before His Shearer Why Does It Go Before The Shearer At All It Is As It May Have Its Coat I Not It Is Wool Removed Which Is Most Useful For Clothing The Lord So For War And The High Naked Miss To Death Of First And So The Lord Jesus Worked The Holy Obedience To God's Known Righteous Law And
[21:09] Fulfilled All His Sermance And Life Spotless Life And His Vicarious Death And Suffering Indeed All Not For Himself But For The Benefit And Worked Out Of Righteousness Which Is Called The Robe Of Salvation Or The Garments Of Salvation It Was Upon Him It Behold To Him He Worked It And He Brought It Ouch But Jesus Didn't Need A Righteousness For Himself He Was Altogether Right Holy Arms Under Unpefired And Separate From Sinners And Yet falling Of There And Sinieval And Yet A Wonderly Deep And G 인터� John Barnum says this righteousness he worked to give away it was a company in life and if you look at it in that light how abundantly plain it is to speak how the youth must have trumped that in as he saw the righteousness of Jesus worked out by a spotless light the holy old beings he owned but not his man no, that would have ruined it all as it were he did it quietly, silently he became poor that his dear people might be paying rich when he was reviled he reviled not a day he was a man before a shearer is done as they took his home from and that home, that robe of righteousness this garment that he said what does it say, bequeen before the world of royal robe to cover thee he was led as a slat and like a man done before his shearer and so openly not his name what a servant did the good human have of the hand of Philip as he heard the things of Jesus and that he was a substitute this is our hope this is what we rely upon if we are rightly taught righteousness within thee rooted may appear to take thy heart but let righteousness in paradise be the breastplate of thy heart we are born with that stinking thing self-righteousness very prevalent it's in us all and many for this day they still do and believe when we are left out we are looking for something in ourselves something of nature to please the Lord we possess nothing my vest is stained and died with sin my all is nothing worth our whole is banged up in the man that's where it is it's in another righteousness is inside of you and it's inside of man the righteousness of God the righteousness of the Lord Jesus is an imputed righteousness simple of wrath real blessed to be laid by faith the work of another your side the common salvation is the work of another imputed the work of the Lord Jesus is substitution in the place of instead of you we seek and to see instead of me to see when I approach the God do we realise that God can't look upon to see that when he looks at his dear children he sees only through his son therefore it also written worship God then in his son here in his eyes and here alone and like a man done before his shearer so opened he not his mouth in his humiliation his judgement was taken away his trial as it were suffice as it was if it would so be called how he was condemned in his humiliation his judgement was taken away most criminals who are really so out of fair hearing but not so in the holy land of God and who shall declare his generation not his eternity it does as me but the generation on the earth when he lived and their treatment of him the son of God who shall declare it such wickedness that would arrive in their dealing with him for his life is taken from the earth and yet he could have saved him they may never have gone through this let's hope we fully grasp it and where oh where should we be this was God's appointed way to save sins but remember who he was the son of God who for all eternity united in the habitable parts of God's earth which is the hearts of his dear people for his life is taken from the earth and upon him was the searchlight of God's law in all that he did and there was not one flaw in all his work which we complete and will please enter the father for where should we live after he and
[27:57] Floyd his life was taken from here he came dead from heaven not to do his own will but the will of him that sent him and the will of him that sent him perfectly agreed with his own will that he should die in his dear people put it this way her husband when he enters upon the solemn contract of marriage he takes his bride for better or for worse if he does it right and he does it to him many parcels are painted in the air we know many start off by overlooked the may be years of illness to one party but there it is at the contract for better or for worse come what may rain or shine that's a poor example to what the Lord
[29:05] Jesus he undertook from all eternity when the father gave him his dear people as his child in care he loved them he loved them when he received them he received them as sinless for remand they weren't then created these are the deep truths of the gospel if you and I belong to the Lord we were given to him before ever we had to be all that the father giveth me shall come to me they were given to him eternity and they come again to him in time and he receives them and thus they have imparted to them the knowledge that they belong to the Lord they give twice to Christ first in eternity part and then again in time when we are born you're given to him so that you know him and see him the
[30:13] Lord Jesus he undertook when he took his bride or his little flock or the whole family of God or whatever name we may use according to scripture the little flock his church and people his bride he undertook as it were for better or for worse oh it was for worse sin ended the world and fell we fell in him oh they idiot monsters did what occurred as they brought him but why he nevertheless was known there was that new covenant the oldest covenant really and yet new because it was brought to life after the first the covenant of works and it was revealed that all men had a saving provided for and he undertook according to the counsels of peace in eternity and the covenant of
[31:25] Christ the Lord Jesus fulfilled and to take him to die in their room and place and stay do you think not that the human heard this from him Christ's substitutionary work every stood in the face of a poor sinner and done everything for him salvation is complete it's finished as the Lord Jesus there is nothing for you to act to it for me it is finished redemption that after death ruled out on earth he's finished and abominable it must be to God then for a wretched sinful creature to seek to act to it even by his own works there's nothing to do it's a finished work it's a work of redemption it's being carried on in heaven above his true where is our enthroned mediator and high priest to our powering heaven and in earth who should declare his generation that his life is taken from the earth his life is taken that the counsel of
[32:44] God might be fulfilled and have a nasty righteousness brought him and sin stayed the eunic answer Philip and said I pray here who speak as the prophet and Philip opened his mouth and began the same scripture and preached under Jesus he saw it as the sin substitute now deathless Philip would have followed on in his discourse who we read and they went on their way wonderful things for the Lord to go on teaching and instructing us as we go on our way and Philip would have brought before the eunuch and the Lord Jesus commanded that they should go into the world and teach all nations and he couldn't have been back with him bringing before him an ordinance of believers baptism couldn't it seems that some of us today are all to pray to speak about it no wonder the soul is right no wonder the spirit is largely withheld from our midst who cares about it many seem to think it doesn't matter it's perfectly true and I shan't hesitate to say it isn't essential to salvation but any eye behind that it isn't essential so that none should despair the thief upon the cross was saved there was no opportunity for him to be baptized eyes the word of right was suddenly and quickly performed in its face and he went to paradise to make baptism it isn't essential that many are alive and moving that they can know the truth and don't attain to it whereas according to the scriptures it said comfort upon believers to lift that choice apart from being a solemn privilege to follow the
[35:10] Lord in his ordinances as they went on their way Philip would explain to the unit that they would go and teach all nations teach some of the things that we've tried to bring before the teaching the person and work and salvation by Christ teaching comes before that the opposite case is Simon and Hager also in this chapter is one sanctified faith now he was baptized and didn't go back and contain them so we hasten to say there's not regeneration in water baptism the new birth doesn't come through being immersed in water so there are two views of it it isn't essential and salvation isn't it but that doesn't order the fact believers should be baptized and it's abundant they show and it's according to the scripture to go and lead and teach all nations teach them first and the
[36:28] Lord only can give power in the word to make a believer as they listen to the truth ministers can't give grunts they can't convert but by the help of God they preach the gospel and teach and with the Lord blessing he can sanctify the soul and regenerate it and make a believer and here's a face of one that was made a believer and he baptized in the name of the Father the Son and the Holy and so let's get it clear it isn't essential but that's no excuse if you've got the unity and you're a believer it's according to truth to be baptized on the other hand then let's remember that some are baptized but salvation is not necessarily not any because there are cases of those that were baptized and were lost so let's solemnly agree right but it's appointed the
[37:43] Lord Jesus it is one of those appointments according to New Testament religion as they went on their way the unit said see here is water yet he had a desire to pass through this solemn ordinance and honor the Lord who in hearing of him death has been made so a blessing through his soul don't you think the man wouldn't have seen that perhaps you and I have seen wherever should I be but for the grace of God wherever should I be if he had cut me off in undergatherity lost in hell and yet by his grace he's given me or those that are trellying center hope in his mercy and remember the Lord takes pleasure in those that fear in those that hope in his mercy takes pleasure where would you be if he had you and you have never been brought to hear his name to hear the truth and receive it your life might have been very different my dear friends to what it is and so might mine you may have been left you might have been in chapel not that there's salvation in chapel that we wouldn't speak wrongly of that one is blessing the deed we're often blessing coming not forecoming
[39:22] I'm not one that believes in ranting out all your chapel going won't save you it's the means of grace it's a great blessing to be in chapel and under the sake of the gospel but I say it might have been different like this man's heart was opened he loved to leave it all and he added put to him the ordinance of believers baptism and he wanted to know yes where if you want to know ask the Lord and he knew your answer probably in the ministry of the world what you want to know they are meeting you in preaching this man we've met with in preaching he's ordained the preaching of the gospel to leave the case of sin and it's a marvelous thing gospel preaching is you hear people say sometimes their heart is tracet you hear them sometimes say
[40:29] I sought the Lord on this matter and I went to the servant he gave me no request yeah oh he does he does there's a lot going on in the earth man amongst the sons of men but the most important thing that's going on in the earth you know there's not much other to see but poor sinners being called by grace and that's unto the gospel that's the most important work of God that's going on and he's going on the evening see here is water what does him do it it's all he asked what does him do for what would have been there is things there are in this of being baptized you try to name them not to believe in one to be baptized but simply gain or profit like Simon made it all to be a hindrance none should be baptized for such reasons as that for gain or profit but some do it's obvious from the case of
[41:43] Simon he wanted only to receive this power that should gain him reward financial reward or earthly profit he wasn't love for the Lord he wasn't a believer it's a wonderful thing that the Lord has set those cases in the same chapter but he is the human space he was moved to love the Lord and so will you if he's done anything for your soul and it's for you to honour him and show him and he'll bless you in too I can tell you that see here is water water in the you think there are all sorts of things to hear some people talk about what they're waiting for they're saying then I will I heard all sorts of reasons put forth and excuses for postponement of taking this step where
[42:48] I really get half they are believers and they know in themselves they know that their hope is built on nothing less than Jesus blood and righteousness and the plain truth is that is speaking to his mouth there was no excuse he said what I didn't know I would just know if it wasn't the case of a minister worrying a person was that's altogether right to keep hunting them up and saying how it is you don't come it does happen you know you often get man made christians like that and it usually brings trouble because it's the wrong way rain it's for the poor soul that I want to be that could you tell me why I may not honour my Lord what is the answer and
[43:52] Philip said if they believe with all my heart they know there's more than one way of believing we qualify the first we read it seems that some will some that sign this sign of money when Simon saw the true laying on of the apostles hands the Holy Ghost was giving off the money but that's not just the point I wanted to make it said at any rate that Simon believed well one way of believing one term of belief is just to bear ascent to the truth of the gospel of bear ascent that's not the deep enough belief there the right way to believe and doubt that you believe is to receive the
[45:01] Lord Jesus by faith and to believe on him for life and salvation and is that where you are would you say you have asked well yet as I said back now my hope is built on nothing less than Jesus blood and righteousness it's built on nothing less than what Philip preached to the human that he went as a man to the slaughter and was offered as a substitutionary sacrifice for life and without his atonement perish on his sacrifice must be accepted by the father against whom I receive for I can never told him myself that receiving the Lord Jesus he can't get receiving him to as many have received him to then gave him power to become the sons of
[46:10] God even to them that believe on his name receiving him and believing in him for life and salvation see Philip didn't say well that you can give me a long hand look for the detailed experience for the hundred one flashy scenes of you and missionary creatures in saving give their beliefs with all thy heart better thanks and another form of believing is to hold the mystery I have fainted in that I have believed to see the goodness of Lord the lack of that believing and also to be persuaded by the power of the word and we believe and are sure that thou are that
[47:16] Christ the son of the living God and then confident assurance is another way of believing I know in whom I have believed a man persuaded that he is able to keep that which I committed to him against that day there are all those descriptions of believing but what is requisite to baptism is to which seek the Lord Jesus into your poor heart by faith to open his hand when I can tell you my hope that where my hope is there's nothing in me to merit it to nothing I must be saved by the grace of God in his dear tongue or I shall be not forever and it has to be the same way that gives it no other way to be saved only the way that God is appointed is but one common salvation not a cheap salvation it's very scarce and very fractured but it's common to all men pauper peasant prince and king queen and princess rich and poor high and loved all go to have the same one by faith in Christ a common cell like
[48:51] Philip said if they did leave his same place and he answered and said I believe it was a short task to men as we never got to say it wasn't necessary no only a lot to say if we honour God and his dear son if we want to bring God blessing as it were only a father down upon your head oh if you praise I mean from your heart his dear son before him there's nothing like that to bring the maxim of the father down upon your head none to hear his children talk about the gift of son to him but you have said I believe that Jesus Christ is the son of God he got it the right way round he got his time right
[49:51] Jesus Christ Jesus was the name he was no love among men Jesus was the name that they were told to name him before he came into the world they shall call his name Jesus means Savior because he should save his people from their sin and Christ is his dignified title deity because he signifies this sent one of God and he was sent to God Christ the Son of God co-equal and co-etern with the truth before all and one with the power of Christ and yet separate from Rambis Street also believe by faith I believe that
[50:52] Jesus Christ is the Son of God and he commanded the chariots that his spirit is the best of the except and they went down both into the water it's where we in our denomination obtained one of the places and our whole our belief in baptism by image because they went down both into the water both Philip and the eunuch and be baptized and the Lord Jesus came from gallantly to Jordan unto John to be baptized of him but John called that in saying I have need to be baptized of he and come to him and
[51:52] Jesus answered him said that is becoming us to fulfill all righteousness and John suffered him and Jesus when he was baptized came up from the water and low the heaven open and the spirit of God descending on him lighted heart and low the voice of heaven said this is my beloved son here he him so Jesus himself is baptized in Jordan river he is the example and it sets forth which is not time to bring before you now but you down this now it sets for the poor sinners believe in thine praise of God being given a new heart a new desire although still a poor sinner sin know or she they know before what it has not taken out of them that they have a humble hope that they have love to the
[53:08] Lord and that thy praise in your spirit also in the ordinance of baptism there is a recognition of one's hope being in the Lord or parishioners and there is a recognition that as the whole rule of God was shed on his dear head and he was immersed in sorrow and grief and God anger against sin so is they immersed in water they also believed the body water whilst in these substitutions made of themselves and as they also buried in that grave of baptism they signify their hope that through Christ they had life eternal and that he rose from the dead to die no more so they died in place although they died they will be raised up again that last day to be forever with the
[54:24] Lord Amenики up again