Matthew (Quality: Average, Quiet)

Unknown - Part 25

Jan. 1, 1900


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[0:00] The Lord's Prayer The Lord's Prayer The Lord's Prayer

[1:02] The Lord's Prayer And as it is now So it was then They just couldn't rise above death And if we're honest with ourselves Unless we have exceeding great help from the Lord Death to us is the end of everything You know what I mean surely I say unless the Lord very much helps us When it comes to the death It's so difficult to look beyond that And yet As it often is The darkest hour Is the one before the dawn And so it was in this case With their experience of seeing the idea of the Lord again Instead of it being the end of everything And the end of it And to see him no more Well here it was

[2:03] And to speak such wondrous words as these All power Is given unto me in heaven and in earth May our minds seem far removed from such a thing as this That he was risen with all power in heaven and in earth The very preparation that they had Betrays what their thoughts were And if we're honest dear friends We're often of the same frame Of mine We get very Very low And yet this is the true position of things It's the same today as it was then He's the same risen Jesus The chapter begins in the end of the Sabbath As it began to dawn Toward the first day of the week it was dark isn't it And Mark in his account He says

[3:05] That when the Sabbath was passed Mary Magdalene and Mary The mother of James and Salome Had bought sweet spices that they might come and anoint him Their minds were concentrating On death And his death body And very early in the morning See through the night When things were always seen worse Very early in the morning The first day of the week They came under the Sabbath At the rising of the sun Oh what a great change There would be In the end of the Sabbath When the Sabbath was passed Says Mark And in the end of the Sabbath As it began to dawn Said Matthew These little sentences are full of meaning This was a new dispensation

[4:06] As it were being utterly One night had come to an end And the morning was beginning to dawn And the morning was beginning to dawn Jesus said I am come that they might have life His people always had life in it But he said I am come that they may have it more abundantly That they might know it In a clearer and a fuller sense Than it's ever been known before And this was it It began to dawn The old Sabbath All the types and shadows Were to flee all night As this glorious sun of righteousness To arise It began to dawn Like the truth does In our poor minds When the spirit dispels the darkness And the unbelief And the shadows of death and fear It begins to dawn It's a new era

[5:07] But they attended into the enjoyment of this Although it began to dawn Very early in the morning The first day of the week They came unto the Sabbath For the rising of the sun For what I think so much like us That they had to say was this We'd deal with it Oh Every reason Every going to meet trouble Before it ever ends We going to meet it We make it And they said among themselves Mind you, I haven't got it Who shall run us away to stone From the door of the sea You may have got some right message Before you And you might be saying In your mind Who shall roll me away to stone From the door of the sea

[6:10] Perhaps tonight you're saying And it might be the dawn for you Let's read on And when they looked They saw that the stone Was rolled away For it was very good Very good And it goes to prove As we've said That we go out to meet Our trials And make mountains Where they don't exist You see, you'll often drive When you get to the place You so fear The Lord has been there before you And gone in advance On you And made a way for you They found that the stone And when they looked They saw that the stone Was rolled away For it was very great For that's the opening Of the chapter Their doubts and fears

[7:10] Their great difficulty To overcome and rise above Death, Martha Mary were of the same disposition Just the same A week so We often ask Over our loved ones And that's the Lord Really lifts us out of it Which he can and does do Mary and Martha said Had they been here And all he wouldn't have died As much as to say Surely it's all too late now That is what they said Too late now There would have been here Late surely Didn't see that he had All power in heaven and earth And it might be After all our years Of attendance and work May not some of us tonight Be really feeling And believing He had all power in heaven And in earth

[8:11] Give him to him But he was the same Jesus then And he's the same Jesus now So the chapter Opens with this Set before us Their doubts and fears They knew who they were seeking But in spite of their being told There was this doubt of angel And we can never be told The truth to offer We need constantly refreshing And the angel answered And said unto them Now they first Behold there was a great earthquake Said Matthew For the angel of the Lord Descended from heaven And came and rolled back the stone From the door And sat upon it His countenance was like lightning And his raven white And for fear of him The keepers Did shake

[9:12] And became as dead Well the keepers As you know Were those employed And used To watch the sack To see that all Was sure and certain That there was no escape All power is given to me In heaven and in earth But it doesn't matter How much your things May be in the grave With the stone rolled against it Bolted and barred And a watch set on it For the devil When the Lord's time comes They just become as deadly All forth before us Oh as I hear these things Now that I'm speaking I do trust It'll help me to go And to strengthen For a few days For they're good to hear us For we all have things That get in the grave And we roll the stone up against it

[10:14] And as it were That's the end of it all Well they sat and watched And this reminds us to say And whatever other miracles People As it were Picked to pieces However will they deny The resurrection of Christ From the dead Then The keepers you see They had to arise And said When When they were going Behold Some of the watch Came into the city Some of these Came into the city And showed unto the chief priests All the things that were done Sinner And Tain owned The resurrection Of the Lord Jesus When they were assembled With the elders And had taken camps And they gave Large money Unto the soldiers It couldn't be denied This power

[11:14] That had been Put forth Could not be Gainset It was really a truth He had written As he said he would Destroy this temple The Lord Jesus Once said And I will Reign it again In three days And they said Unto him This temple Was forty and six years In building But he spake Not of the earthly temple He spake of his body And that they did Crucify And here we'd be Oh he raised it again In three days When they were assembled With the elders And had taken counsel They gave large money Unto the soldiers Saying Save ye His disciples Came by mate And stole him away While we sang That was the lie That was to be given to them That he was stolen away Even they

[12:15] Of course Were so mystified They Being who they were Knew nothing Of his reappearance After the dead For his might And his power For that he was God So they took them out And if this come To the governor Of the years We will persuade him And secure you So they took the money And did as they were taught And this day Is commonly reported Among the Jews Until this day Then the eleven disciples Went away To gather them To a mountain Where Jesus Had appointed them What food for faith That is All previously Arranged Before his death Where he should live Shouldn't it help us That he has said

[13:15] We are two and three Are met together In my name There am I In the midst of me Do we always come together And really believe that Here with this Fairly difficult to believe It's written from the day Out from the devil And at a point In a place Where he is So blind Unlivided Is sure to earth And scan His working day I hope we need Teaching these Dear people Used to walk And talk With him So do we Think we don't need These things To be constantly Brought before us To make us Be patient And steady And wait on him Still That he said If I would That he help you And me To be patient

[14:15] And steady And wait on him Still And as he said That Thomas Not doubtful That we Deem him And when they Saw him They Wurged him And Jesus Came And Spake Unto them No He didn't Come and Reprove No It's different But Lord Jesus Always Carried himself To poor Sin Oh The loving Heart That he Always Showed He Came And Said Unto them All Power Is Given Unto me In heaven And in Earth You are They Will Fully Enter Into The depth Of that Great Truth No Decker Well It's True But It's Still It's True It's True Today And I

[15:16] Suppose Sometimes Some of You Quietly Meditate And believe It's True And then On the Other Hand Now And again You More Blessedly Understand By Experience And Know It's True By Feeling The Power Put For For You All Power Power Is That Wondrous Attribute And Perfection Of God Whereby He Purposes To Do Anything According To His Passion There's Nothing That He May Purpose To Do That He Cannot Do Can You Enter Into That It's As Well To Think About It Because It's True You Say All Hour And Christ Is God Even

[16:17] Doing That He Purposes To Do No Matter What It Is Now Let's Ask Ourselves Does They Believe This Soul Ask Do Do You Believe There Is Such One Who Has All Matter That He Can Do Anything What So Every Could And On The Other Hand It's Two Fold He Can Prevent Anything And That He So Cho Sure That Is Great Help To Things Like Us That When You Think That This Power Is Put For To Those He Loves This Is What He Told His Disciples All Power Is Given Under The In Heaven And Earth So That He Was Really Telling Them

[17:17] That He Could Do Anything That He So Purposed It And All That The Lord Does Do Is Anything That For His People Do That's What He Does He Does Only What Is For Their Who All Them Work Together For Who To Them Of God Who Are The Called According To His Purpose Those He Did Predestinate These Are The Ones He Called They Were Predestined To This And The Whole Point Of It Is That It Is That They Should Be Conformed To The Image Of His Dear Son Of God's Son And To Fully Understand That You Must Stop It Being Conformed To A Suffering Life On Earth But You Must Look Ahead To

[18:18] Be Conformed To The Image Of His Dear Son You Must Complete It And Say And It Does Not Yet Appear What We Shall Be But We Know We Shall Be Like Him When He Has To Be Conformed To The Image Of His Son And This All Power Is Put For In The Interest And Welfare For These Precious Subjects In The Life Of All Power And Whatever He Purposes That Is For Their Good He Teaches Them To Right So That They Are Able To Say As The Apostle John Tells Us A Message Of Confidence That We Have In It That If We Ask Anything According To His Will He Hear In Us And We Know That We Have The Petitions That We Desire Of Him So

[19:19] That If We Ask Anything According To His Will We Know He Hear Us We Know He Has All Power To To To To Bring To To Pass But If What We See Is Not Brought To Pass As We Ask We Leave It Because If It Were Right For Us He And All Mighty Power He Bring It To Pass But If He Doesn't Then We Know We Have The Petition We Desire The In Our Petition For Frank Woody Just Doesn't Bring It To we ask for much that it wouldn't be wise to have but that doesn't signify because we don't receive every answer to the thing we are the gift of what we are, why everything that the Lord adheres it is not for as good that we should have everything we seek nevertheless this is the confidence that we have in him

[20:19] I feel all blessed you with a little faith you'll be content having laid out your petitions before him to leave them once you see and all that in heaven and in earth that he can bring to heart anything that he's uncutised then take the other view something you dream people have had to cry against a certain thing oh Lord that it may not take place but the Lord as it were it isn't that he has not heard the bread he has let it take place but he is so altered the dispensation and so given abundant grace for the person to go through with it and face up to it that it's been the need of them proving that he's able to bring anything to pass that he purposes and on the other hand he may hear the petition and in some marvellous way the thing they desire is a verdict and they're also able to prove that whatsoever he will is able to prevent so then that is how we might describe this power that belongs under the Lord it is that whereby he can perform anything that he chooses and he can prevent anything more so that he pleases really if we could have feel it more how safe it is if we're the people of God the very days he said at your head are all numbers how much of how much more value are they are they than many stars and when you consider the earth's sands for God's purposes of rights to be carried out towards his dear people for that's the reason do you ever stop to think about that this great wide world such a mystery to people if they don't understand the truth it's part of this great scheme shall we say this greatest design of this great heavenly architect time and the earth is just part of this tremendous design for bringing many sons to glory heaven eternity is the ultimate but to those who know not the truth this world's everything it's their home their pleasure their delight to others who are deprived what the world even calls pleasure it's the place of grief and distress some have nothing to enjoy now and nothing to look forward to it's true even worldly people and it all have but others seek all their pleasure here and find it here that to the people of God they are wayfaring people they are strangers and pilgrims this is a sure sign and evidence of being a child of God is to feel a stranger and a pilgrim only there comes a time in the life of those that are born again it seems to be all together in a different place in this wide world it seems more evil to me more evil it isn't so much that the earth's changed to whatever it was and will be it is enabled enabled but over it all reigns the Lord's you three and Jesus came and spake unto them saying all power is given unto me in heaven and earth this was Jesus speaking for you who had been crucified a real man one that I come to you and I

[24:53] God in our nature almost one not two persons one person but two natures God and man and we must always be careful to know how Jesus the Lord is speaking when we read of his remarks in his word because sometimes he speaks as God and sometimes he speaks as man and it's very instructive no it's vitally important that we should know in what capacity as it were he's speaking when we read his words he says all power is given unto me well as he is God as well as man he must be speaking as man to say he's given to him because as God he possesses all power but as man he became servant to his father

[26:04] I wouldn't go beyond my depth but you all know and it's clear to some degree that God is one and yet there are three distinct persons in the Godhead who I thought today oh bless him oh necessary the Trinity really is there is God the Father the first person and God the Son and God the Holy Ghost one in essence glory and power and eternity and yet distinct a sublime truth that we cannot explain in detail we've got no depth to measure it by but it is revealed that God exists in a Trinity of Persons and this is revealed that the Father in eternity before any world is existing you see let us humble ourselves under the mighty hand of God we sing a hymn that says were all the nations dead thou art the ever living God

[27:26] God was and is forever shall be without beginning and without end before there was ever any earth or ever any man God was but in the councils of eternity betwix Father, Son and Holy Ghost the work of creation and man to be formed was entered into by the eternal God Father, Son, Holy Ghost and all was known to them and it was appointed unto the Son that he should be the mediator that he should be the high priest and the redeemer and that in order to be able to be this it would be necessary for him to assume the nature of the creature and we are the creatures that need redemption and if you've a grain of faith it will be clear to you to see as we said previously all things are possible with God although it's a great mystery it isn't impossible to believe that the second person in the Trinity did take a human nature which was

[29:09] God the Son in this sense as the Son of God and yet man as man he is saying all power this power was settled on him before the world was made that he should have all power as man oh how wondrous it is then that one like us you say one like us who is not a sinner who is holy and harmless and undefiled who has all power in heaven and in earth yes that's what we're saying and that's what's true all power is given this was given unto him in consequence of what he undertook to do and what he did do and what he has done for he undertook to rescue ruined man now God as we consider him and in his eternal essence of the spirit is essentially just and righteous he's also equally merciful and loving and of tender and the counsel of peace was that the Lord

[30:46] Jesus Christ should atone for man's sin and sacrifice the demands of God righteousness and justice because being God he would not relax the attributes to release his mercy which man shut up from himself through his sin it was necessary that God should make known how just and righteous he is and how dreadful of things sin is and it was necessary that this should be made known that Jesus should come in our nature and make it known he told Nicodemus that no man hath ascended up into heaven save thee which came down from heaven he came down from heaven to make known to poor sinners not only the father's love to them he did that be kind to make none the love of God to poor sinners oh yes

[32:01] God loves poor sinners he loves their persons but he hates their sins you can tell poor sinners that is true it isn't the person but one that God's hated sin that he hates and Jesus made this known in coming in our nature God visited his dear son he visited punishment for sin upon his body upon his body this will enable you to see God's just anger against sin and what a dreadful thing it is if people understood it more they'd be more circumspect in their life and walk and conversation they'd seek more to know what sin is that they might avoid it more

[33:08] God hates sin and he made known his hatred you can see how God hated sin by what he did to his dear son and the father loveth the son you know he loves his dear son but yet he appointed him to that dreadful death that he might make known and say oh well you know God's anger I know you bring it to pass in your conscience under the law but you see in the bruised and broken body of Jesus you'll see what God thinks about sin he made no new love and also the Lord Jesus you see he wasn't a sinner as we are death couldn't hold him there were no just deserts in Jesus that the grave should hold him we die because we're sinners but he was raised from the dead and his doing and dying made way for God's mercy

[34:22] I think sometimes we sing unthinkingly there is a him that says to us Jesus my friend and he hung up the tree that opened the channel of mercy for me no that doesn't mean to say there never was a channel of mercy to Jesus did that but the channel of mercy as it were was blocked and barred by our sin and when Jesus satisfied God's righteousness the channel was opened again what should we liken it unto we think to be reverent but now there are the locks the flood gates and the locks the waters there are just the same but you can bar the way and seal it off God ever loved poor sinners that their sin barred his mercy that

[35:22] Christ unlocked the gates of mercy by paying the price that was needed and for this according to the churnal council and undertaking all power was good as man and as mediator there is one God you see and there is one mediator this is him between God and men and that us you and men and this mediator this God man as all happened in heaven and in earth he came unto his own and his own received him not but to as many as received him to men gave he power to become the sons of

[36:23] God he's able to but that means to say to those that received him he gives them power right and title that is to become his sons and a right and title to heaven he asked how so did him the point then is have you received him do you receive the Lord can you not do without him is he more to you than your necessary food how would you fare without Jesus do you receive as many as receive him to them maybe power right and title to become the sons of God to belong to his family to be adopted by his grace and act into the family of

[37:23] God and one with him to all the blessings of salvation all power is given unto them so he has all power is given to him by right and title of who he is and he exercises it in favour of his people let the world think what they know this is the truth of that we have one a loving saving out of sight in our nature we see him not but surely the day is hastening on when he will return and all power is given unto him all power is given unto me in heaven well that means just rephrase in our steps a little of what we have already said all power is given to him in heaven to prevail there he prevails in heaven with

[38:33] God now I would not mislead anyone in my dear we mustn't imagine the Lord Jesus that one like us is in heaven pleading with some imaginary purpose which seek to be repented in my lives we mustn't imagine him to be pleading with some imaginary being to show his mercy no that is not the right view mercy already God already allows his mercy to come it's already fixed settled God is satisfied all power is given to me in heaven if we go to the Lord by faith in a believing way God will be gracious to us but all

[39:34] Jesus said to his disciples in one place I say not that I will pray the father for you for the father himself loveth you loveth you God does love his dear people and for Christ sake for his dear son sake he is gracious unto him all power is given unto me in heaven so that it's through Jesus it's to Jesus we go he's vindicated God's cause brought in everlasting righteousness all that a poor sinner can need is in Jesus all power is given to me in heaven and in earth for we are on the earth they're essential to realize this and to believe it all power is given to the

[40:39] Lord in the earth well if you and I belong to him we've already proved that it's true because by his grace and by his spirit did he not prove his power in you has he not proved his power in thee were you not once a sinner unknown to the Lord in your feelings caring little or nothing for him you may have been one who would not have this man to reign over you and yet grace subdues all the powers of these people all power is given to me in heaven and in earth his next words were go ye therefore and that related in this sense to the preaching of his disciples but if we just consider go ye therefore in its application in so many ways it will suit us all dear friends as we leave the chapel tonight as we face the mire and every day that we may get out to spend on this earth all may we have faith to believe all power is given unto all and in earth go ye therefore and should it be that on the mind of any there's a command of the

[42:20] Lord it could even be I haven't thought to say this but suppose one was exercised in the ordinances of the Lord's hands all power is given unto me in heaven and in earth go ye then if there's something the Lord has laid upon your mind to do and you feel it may be beyond your ability to undertake it to do it and yet you feel you ought to do it it will suit you all power is given unto the inhabitant in earth go ye therefore that's the basis of him sending forth his disciples go ye therefore if it comes over me as it so often does as I go to preach it's no good I can't go it'll be a good word to me all power is given unto me in heaven and in earth go ye therefore let's try and remember he has all power in heaven and earth he's not in the tomb he's a risen

[43:37] Jesus are you looking in the grave to find him he's not there the angel said he's risen he's risen he's satisfied all the requirements of God he's paid the full price he does settle all the Lord charges to save for a sinner in and of himself and all this raven he makes the claims of the Lord is done to God Jesus has cleared all this for now he will all power in heaven and in earth to do whatsoever your poor soul needs to bring him safe to glory what a God we have and we lost all power is given unto me in heaven and his earth go ye therefore he says to these and teach all nations tell forth him so let them know well all can be told all should be told really go ye therefore and teach all nations they have to be taught men are in ignorance of this the best of us know but little about

[45:06] Jesus well we know as much as we think we might know we know but little about him but we would seek to teach others but there is one an elder brother a loving saviour one made life unto us who was willing to be made life whom God hath now given all power in heaven and in earth oh how wondrous and mysterious is his divine person and his human nature and yet he's in heaven as God of men great mystery great truth may the Lord by his spirit bring it into our hearts and minds and comfort us under it for Christ's sake Amen our others are a god for time

[46:14] Thank you.