James (Quality: Average)

Unknown - Part 32

Jan. 1, 1900


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[0:00] We shall read two verses, verses 10 and 11. 5th of James, verse 10 and verse 11.

[0:16] Take my brethren, the prophets, who have spoken in the name of the Lord for an example of suffering, of liction, and of patience.

[0:33] Behold, we shall be happy, we shall endure. We have heard of the patience of Job and have seen the end of the Lord, that the Lord is very pitiful and of tender mercy.

[1:01] James, the brother of our Lord, is how he's described in the scripture. I suppose we look at James as being one of the most practical of the divine writers.

[1:21] He was a faithful man, known as James the Just, because of the sobriety and steadfastness of his faith and walk in the truth.

[1:42] He was a martyr, as you may well know, being butchered to death because of his tactlessness in the truth of the God.

[2:00] We do not know much of him other than we have in this epistle, which is not addressed to a church. The epistle to the Romans, to the Corinthians, the Ephesians, etc.

[2:22] are addressed to the churches of those names. But this is a general epistle, as in his terms.

[2:34] Addressed to the twelve tribes scattered abroad, as the opening verse indicates. They were suffering persecution at this time.

[2:52] And James is led as God to write to them in order that they could hold on their way.

[3:03] And one can have no doubt that his message, as is here in this epistle, was made a blessing to them, because the Holy Ghost were not incited, nor causing them righted, if he did not intend to bless them.

[3:22] And he is holding out in the verses that we have read, an exhortation in verse 10, for the brethren, to consider others, who have been in the same path.

[3:39] For, you and I need no telling that we are often guilty of the thought that no one has suffered like I suffer.

[3:50] No one has a path like I have. Mine is the most extraordinary, out of the way, difficult path that ever has been.

[4:04] Now, this is to be guilty of self-centeredness, self-picture. We are all liable to it, very much indeed, sir. But it never works for good to him or her bring down his kingdom.

[4:23] As far as one is held, do try never to be yourself, because there's always someone far worse off than you or me.

[4:41] That is the argument here. Take my brethren the problem and consider what they may prove.

[4:53] Now, his term brethren is very useful and very, very nice. My brethren.

[5:08] I do think this is a word that's dropped down of our vocabulary a bit too much. I know there are sections of the so-called church where brother and brethren is everlastingly on their list.

[5:26] well, we don't want that. But on the other hand, we do want to remember that God's people are related one to another.

[5:42] Each one of us has our own individuality. you will never be me. I shall never be you.

[5:55] You have your peculiarities. I have mine. And do what you may, do what I may, I can't nor can you eliminate them.

[6:10] If we could eliminate them, we should cease to be our own individual. God makes no use.

[6:22] There are no two blades of grass perfectly alike. And in the household faith we shall never find any quality in the sense of that each one is just like the other.

[6:42] I'm speaking of them of course as individuals. under the teaching of the Holy Ghost their inner life a blessed similarity.

[6:55] They all alike know something of sin. They all alike know something of Christ too.

[7:06] But as individuals their individuality will continue as long as they are here. But we should not allow the peculiarity of a man that fears God to so override us and get us down as that we should say of him Lord it is a woman of earth always I can endure no longer.

[7:37] Greatly the relationship still holds. And it's a sweet bond because the brotherhood springs from Christ the elder brother.

[7:53] He's not ashamed to call them brethren if he were to strip me of that relationship because of my funny opportunities if I may coin a word you all know what I mean if he were to unchurch me to cast me out of his mystic body because of my thoughts and blemishes as an individual who would be saved?

[8:31] None because each has their peculiarity. No our blessed Lord Jesus loved his brothers and he will love them not withstanding their faults and failings unto the end.

[8:51] And so brethren said James the apostle take my brethren consider the prophets. there's a beautiful story in the book of Genesis I've no doubt you all know it but it'll always be welcome and refreshing Abraham is rich and wealthy with a great and abundance of lots lot is Neville is also in the swing but there comes a time when Abraham and lot churchmen have a wrath they have a strike and Abraham said to his brother he called him brother lot oh he said don't do this let there be no strike between you and me cause we be brethren see that bond should overcome and swallow up every respect and pain the other brother has got so lot he looked toward the plain of

[10:16] Jordan he saw it with well water ah he would ask may I say it he was cunning with the world's cunningness though a child of God he could see that would be the spot that where I could get some mighty harvest and Abraham said you choose your way and whichever way you came I would go the opposite lot looked toward the plain of Jordan that was well watered and pitched his tent in that direction but the inspired book said he pitched it towards Sodden ah lot you'll find it out you'll find it out presently that well watered plain looks promising it is materially but spiritually you'll find it a wreck however lot goes his way

[11:21] Abraham goes his way which is better than striving with each other to stop a minute the story isn't finished after a while battles break out in the region where Lot is and Lot and all that he's got is taken captive by the kings of Solomon and others now Abraham hears of this and Abraham didn't say sir be right he asked for that he ripped his urges all of which no doubt would be true but Abraham didn't say that Abraham his brother what did he do he gathered together his three hundred arms men trained in his own house he reached and after them he went and he rescued his brother Lot with all his possessions and brought them back beautiful story but what for us even in the new testament still to pursue practice well brethren take my brethren the prophets the prophets were a very high and honored race of individuals they were purely the two things first to tell all the words of

[13:15] God God thanks to the prophets it's a marvelous word God thanks to the prophets I don't know how he spoke sometimes it was by vision by dream sometimes by emblems and similes as we read of his etial lying on his side and sketching on a tile and all that sort of things but it doesn't matter God spoke affection and it was the bound and duty of the prophet not to order that message he was to deliver it as God has delivered it to him and he was to say that the Lord whether they would hear or whether they would forbear that was the prophet high and mighty calling to deliver the word of

[14:25] God there is a second meaning to the prophet sometime he foretold future events and you and I generally associate that idea with the prophet but really the first meeting is the predominant one he was to foretell immediately what God says deliver the message of Jehovah I wouldn't expect that these prophets delivering the word of God would get away with it easily do you listen to this go to now ye rich men rich men these are not outsiders that this prophet James is referring to he is addressing his general officials to the twelve tribes scattered abroad they were under the prophetic dome of

[15:26] Christianity go to now ye rich men weep and howl for your miseries that shall come upon you the miseries forever that we need it can only mean one thing the miseries of eternal destruction if there were no repentance given to you picture a man standing up to day in church or chapel before a great congregation where they were rich and affluent people and him telling the rich and mighty to howl over their miseries so there would be many wanting they soon be around and we know what human nature is and the enmity of the carnal mind against the things of God well that we did so we read in the Hebrew epistle these remarkable words what shall

[16:28] I more say says the holy ghost for the time of fail me to tell of Gideon and Zaheus Samson Jephthese David Samuel and of the prophets who through faith to new kingdoms brought righteousness of chains promises stopped the mouths of lions etc but but what did he bring them they did not accept deliverance from all their troubles they had trials of cruel mockings and scourgings they wore over of bonds and imprisonment they were stoned they were sore as done let's suppose you were new to the prophet Isaiah who history says was soren asunder were tempted were slain with us all they wandered about in sheepskins and goatskins being destitute afflicted tormented they wandered in deserts and in mountains and in dangerous caves of the earth consider them said my death these prophets who have spoken in the name of the

[17:57] Lord for an example of suffering affliction and patience they never gave in they never gave off they never turned their coats and ran away from what they delivered and what they deceived oh this this is the test this is the test after the root of the matter often when one and I know there have been thought and felt the same when you read say Foxy's books of martyrs or the killing theories of the continent in Scotland for 30 years men women young people well well well one shadows the reading and says I could never go to one has helped that

[19:00] I have helped more than much after the curse sure I should never do even after you just cranberry himself then you know he signed are running away from the prophets and saying the weakness of the man ah but he restored because the root of the matter was there and when he gets to the fire of martyrs he holds up that right hand and says that that is the first member to be birthed ah we couldn't do it they didn't do it in the strength of flesh and blood but they did do it by the grace of God and so could we but I hope those testing days may never come please drop it we never know but here is what these prophets went through and they are held up in this word as patterns for us to consider you compare and

[20:14] I compare let us compare what your circumstances or mine say what is the state of the mind inwardly worried about chief predominantly our one view is temporality far more than it is spirituality and here we are so act to multiply a million of our circumstantial ways and anxieties by dwelling upon dwelling upon talking about thinking about here at length it seems this one hasn't got us so little God only knows how we so obviously in that that he doesn't but he knows compare all these trivialities brethren whatever be the circumstances their trivialities compare with those mockings scurrying tormenting wanderings in the wilderness draining dangles and caves of the earth that the prophets went through consider these says the holy girl because we have them happy which ends what a strange idea that is to flesh and blood is

[22:06] I happy man jeffy David and the rest of them in all their persecutions and one reason to say happy man flesh and flesh say what a fool you are the thought like that ah yes it doesn't mean that the happiness lay in the suffering they went through oh be alone those sufferings were sufferings sufferings in themselves in the early days of the cave cannot yield happiness they can only produce grief and sorrow that is the issue it's the issue of them what was the issue of those sufferings that we've already referred to by the promise well we read that they have obtained a better resurrection now yes they have through the faith they were enabled to hold against all sufferings anchored into the eternal harvest it's there the issue of their past that the holy ghost is holding up happy man that's there that's got out of the war it's the terminating point that will tell the story yes happy man we count them happy we the holy ghost is here in that word we because james is writing under the power of the holy ghost so that the word count belongs to the spirit of god god rests count the child of god going through the pathway of persecution and difficulties and sanctified troubles is in a happy state and nothing to cry about though we do nothing to rebel about though we do no says the holy ghost you are a happy individual really in the issue of the thing and happy well that being blessed blessed is the man whom thou choosest and chastisest and keepeth him out of thy law happy man blessed man why i'll tell you why this is the way he's brought to god and kept to god you and i can talk or we choose of religion but we know precious little of it in reality without some mixture of this path of suffering it is this that will make our man go to god why he's sick of anybody else and he's sick of himself that's why he's only got god to go to but what an only hell oh my soul oh oh you and i wouldn't get half the trouble if we cease from man that's our trouble we keep looking to flesh and blood in some way or another and as often we do that god blasts he will he'll put some trouble there where we are looking still at length by his sanctified mercy we fall down as it were flat before him and say lord i finish now it's on these as thee alone i rest trust in the lord and do so shalt thou dwell in the land and verily thou shalt be fed god becomes his trust his hope his out of his interposer his everything can that be wrong no court his car you are far more blessed then while your soul is dealing with god than all the outward prosperity and peace you might assume you'd be in you'd like to be in it ah god says no this is the way and this is the right way and they are so blessed in this path because of this you know this is the road in which they learn the truth of god what do we know the faithfulness of god until you've been well tramped in the faithless of human beings don't think i'm bitter god knows i'm not but it's bitter indeed to find faithless next where you look for faithfulness isn't it ah true indeed but now you lay down that sort of thing and you want to trust in him whom you know will never change come on man i am the lord i change not therefore each time of jacob are not consumed blessed man but he won't learn it at australia nor at cambridge he'll learn this through the pathway of the old time prophet in measure suffering sanctified trouble but we keep repeating that sanctified troubles we call you out of trouble that themselves do nothing do nothing in the way of good all trouble that we make a man to swear and curse feel and sweat rage and go mad in his own heart but sanctified troubles we must identify that makes a difference and a mighty difference it mellows in a little child can lead him do anything with it for the simple reason he's no longer so as strong in his own mind and opinion he put his hand as it were in the hand of God believe him teach him keep him bless him man we count them happy which ain't to us you've heard of the patience of Job we've heard of his impatience haven't we ah lucky that you read the opening chapter the first two chapters of Job it's beautiful

[29:49] Job alright and all this Job sinned not nor charge of God through his day but you start the third chapter man man I dare read that chapter in public you read it yourself before you go to bed and there you get Job raving mad in a way over what for ever he was born he cursed the dead the messenger that brought tidings of his birth all in a horrible chapter in I'm glad it's written God wrote black things as well as bright things that's what they did so valuable yes but there's one thing Job didn't do he cursed the day of his birth and everything belonging to it but he never cursed God he did and the devil had to cheat to tell

[30:49] God that he did that he said he could touch his feeling of cursing even I think but he didn't he did a lot of cursing as we've already said but he never cursed God never no he stuck fast to his integrity that is to the foundation of his faith and he said don't he slave yet can I trust in him when he tried me I shall come forth as gold you've heard of the impatience of Job but you never hear a word of his impatience in the New Testament not a word not a word is said about Job in patience but his patience the earth patience of Job how is that well it's a long story but you have it in the epistle of hebrews you read there a covenant in which

[31:54] God finds forth with his people that the old covenant finding forth with his people and you can find forth with you and me in the old covenant works before we haven't done it but now we've got a new one who's formed by the Holy Ghost we've got a new one all all that God says is I will be their God they shall be my people their sins and their history and I will never know more there's not a word about their force and there's no force found in in that new place dear old John Kent got a verse in one of his inches and he said about here is great all blood that ferries all our force bless God for the new death of redeeming loving God you've heard of the patience of

[32:58] Job and have seen the end of the Lord ah the end of the Lord what God owns Job as his servant his miserable friends have said that he was anything but a servant of God ah but in the end of the trial God says he is my servant and moreover he vindicates Job against their slanders they slandered him right in the neck cutting them down dale but God says my servant Job has spoken of me the thing that is right the thing that is right and another bit of the end of Job is God gives it twice as much as he had for the game twice as much in stock and family and wealth wonderful ends if we could perceive the end we shan't have double as much stock and farm and possessions of earth but we could have twenty thousand times more than ever we could think for him action which not enter the heart of man to think what

[34:31] God has made up and store for them themselves now one more thing about it is the end of Job one sees that he can hear those beautiful words of his echoing from the 19th chapter of his book I know that my Redeemer is and that he shall stand upon the latter's day from the earth and though after my skin woe destroy my body yet out of my flesh shall I see God whom I shall sing for myself and not bless him bless him this is poor old Job slumbered persecuted afflicted robbed and slumbered and all the rest of it this is what he comes to with it yes says the Holy Ghost now says James brethren think of these things the prophet went through these things

[35:35] Job went through these things and you see the end of it but the Lord is very pitiable pitiable it wouldn't do you and I any harm only we can't do it I wish we could in a way if we could think of nothing else for a whole week on those two words very pitiable very pitiable in his love and in his pitiable he repeats God pitiable then the fear is you can't get it from a word nor hand in half it knocks us down he pitiable and not only that but very much so he is very pitiable and of tender mercy mercy but tender mercy you can't hardly associate the idea of tenderness with omnipotence is anything too hard for the Lord?

[36:55] no and yet that hand that can achieve everything is more tender than a mother's more tender than a mother's very tender is tender mercy and that the Lord are over all and to us in this every breath we draw is tender mercy the whole of our life from birth to death is tender and mercy may I be may I be heavy so he