
Attleborough - Jireh - Part 6

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Jan. 1, 1900


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[0:00] Dear friends, depending upon the help of the Lord, once more I would invite your prayerful attention to the 12th chapter of Hebrews and to continue to look at those verses which we began to look a little at this morning with the Lord's help. We have foreseen we also are encompassed about with so great a cloud of witnesses. Let us lay aside every weight and the sin which just so easily beset us and let us run with patience the race that is set before us, looking unto Jesus, the author and finisher of our faith, who for the joy that was set before him endured the cross, despising the shame, and is set down at the right hand of the throne of God. For consider him that endured such contradiction of sinners against himself, lest ye be wearied and faint in your minds. Ye have not yet resisted unto blood, striving against sin. We saw there at the outset that connection betwixt the chapter we read this morning being the 11th chapter of that long cloud of witnesses. And the apostle takes courage as it were and says, consequently, wherefore, seeing we also are encompassed about with so great a cloud of witnesses, we too can say the same thing because we have the witnesses of the

[1:58] New Testament, the apostles and all that is recorded in the New Testament as further witnesses to that long line of witnesses which we read of this morning in the 11th chapter. And yet, I believe we can go a bit further than that, my dear friends. Some of us can look back and remember those godly ones who we remember to walk that same pathway. It was in faith in Christ Jesus that all their hope was stayed. And in thinking in the vestry just now, I thought about that hymn which we sing from time to time. And it does, it's so wonderfully expressive of the faith which they proved to be that strength and stay. And we need to, to prove to be our strength and stay. And give me the wings of faith, the wings of faith to rise within the valent sea, the saints above, how great their joys, how bright their glories be. You see, that's where they are now, dear friends. They were here below, as he goes on in the next verse. They knew what we now know. Once they were mourning here below, they were mourning here below, and wet their couch with tears, they wrestled hard, as we do now, with sins and doubts and fears. And doubtless they wrestled to lay aside the weight and the sin which did so easily beset them in their day. And yet, you see, they're beyond it now. That big, that great prospect of glory in heaven's high course. Once they were mourning here below, and wet their couch with tears, they wrestled hard, as we do now, with sins and doubts and fears. And then, you see,

[3:56] Imrider says, I asked them whence their victory came. They with united breath. You see, here it is, that united desire of the one living church. It's by faith in Christ Jesus. And it's when enabled to lay aside the weight and the sin which doth so easily beset us, that they are enabled to run that race which is set before them. How? In faith in Christ Jesus. In faith in his finished work. In faith in him, you see.

[4:31] Let us lay aside every weight and the sin which doth so easily beset us. And let us run with patience the race that is set before us, looking unto Jesus. In faith. It must be a look of faith, friends.

[4:45] In this same faith which Imrider picks up here, as he prays in his hymn, for it is a prayer. He said, I asked them whence their victory came. They with united breath ascribed their conquest to their Lamb, their triumph to his death. That's where they ascribed the glory, dear friends. All honour to his name. And so will we. If we know anything of the truth of these things in our own soul's experience, we shall ascribe all the glory to him. Yes. We are so easily beset with sins. How does another hymn writer say, beset with snares on every hand in life's uncertain path I stand. You see, there it is expressed in verse. Aiding our memory about these things. Keeping these things in our memory.

[5:45] Beset, then, with snares on every hand. Let us run with patience the race which is set before us, looking unto Jesus. Now I want to dwell now this evening a little on the looking unto Jesus as helped. Looking in faith. This is it, dear friends. Looking in faith. Look to Jesus when we feel prayerless.

[6:14] When we feel our sin. When we feel our sin like a mountain rising up. Love those words in Solomon's song. He cometh skipping upon the mountains. The mountains of our sin. It speaks at another place. I don't think I'll quite correctly quote it.

[6:36] About what is this great mountain before Zerubbabel. That mountain of sin. But Zerubbabel will deal with the sin. Representing what the Lord Jesus has done. In the pardon and forgiveness of his, the sins of his people.

[6:53] His church. His bride. Those who are looking unto him. Those who are looking unto him. For pardon. For strength in the way. For faith renewing. As we said a little this morning.

[7:08] We need faith renewing. Faith to be strengthened. We cry to him. Cry unto Jesus. For he is that fountain of strength. That fountain of grace. That fountain of grace. That fountain of all our need. For our souls.

[7:22] He is that heavenly manna. Which is sent down from heaven. He is the water from the rock. Which followed them in the wilderness. Which was Christ we read in the New Testament.

[7:34] Speaking of that spiritually. It's that Christ looking unto him for all our needs spiritually. Is that which is the utmost of the utmost importance. In our own soul's experience.

[7:50] And to be kept alive. We shall only live through looking unto him in faith. Through sweet converse with him in prayer. Prayer is the upward glancing of the eye.

[8:02] The falling of a tear. When none but God is near. That the prayer. The Lord help me. Pouring out your heart. Ye people before him.

[8:13] In confession of sin. Looking unto Jesus. Looking unto him.

[8:25] The author. And finisher. Of our faith. There's another word we find in the first chapter of Philippians.

[8:38] He that has begun a good work in you. Will perform it. Unto the day of Jesus Christ. May the question is my friends. Is that good work begun in you?

[8:54] Is it begun in you? It's a vital question. This may be the last time I ever am privileged to speak to you. Here.

[9:05] None of us know. What a day may bring forth. My question to you is. Is that good work begun? Have you a desire? Are you a seeker after this Jesus of Nazareth?

[9:20] Who was despised and rejected of men? But is he loved by your soul? Is he altogether lovely? To your soul? Dear friends.

[9:31] Oh if he is. You have a hope? I believe. Yes. You will be found oft times looking unto Jesus. The author. Of your faith.

[9:42] He's promised to be the finisher of it. What a mercy. What a mercy. See I often think it's not of our own selves that we've got to run this race as I hinted this morning.

[9:54] For surely we should stumble and fall. And we should be weary and faint in the way to the point that we should fall and cease to run. But those that look unto Jesus.

[10:05] They renew their strength. They shall mount up with wings as eagles. They shall run and not be weary. They shall walk and not faint. Some of you have proved it haven't you?

[10:16] I have. Oh I have to carry on once or twice in my life. I've not known how. But we've proved help, grace, strength sufficient for the day.

[10:28] And so it is. We're encouraged. He or she. That is. He or she. That endure. Endure to the end.

[10:39] The same shall be saved. You see when you run a race. It's only if you finish the race that you have a hope of the prize. If you drop out half way through.

[10:50] You never get the prize. But those who are put in this race. They're given strength to run and endure. Yes they often have to cry for the refreshing faith to be given.

[11:04] A refreshing look to their dear saviour. Looking unto Jesus then. The author and finisher of their faith. And friends when they look in prayer.

[11:16] And have here and there a remarkable answer to prayer. Then they're dissolved by it. And they're thankful for God's mercy. And they look to Jesus then in another way.

[11:29] In praise. In thanksgiving. A little upward prayer. Rising from the heart. Lord. Lord. We do thank thee for thy mercies to our souls.

[11:41] That we have a hope. We're not hopeless. Why? Because our hope is built on nothing less. Than Jesus precious blood and righteousness. And it's applied by his Holy Spirit.

[11:54] And I say again. I've said it before. I'm sure here. But you see. Don't forget my dear friends. We're not left comfortless. Jesus said. I will pray the Father. That he sends you another comforter.

[12:06] When he himself returned. Leaving his disciples on this earth. We still enjoy. When I say we. I don't mean all men. I mean the living church. The praying church.

[12:17] These who are looking unto Jesus. They enjoy the comfort of the Spirit. They alone. And how does that comfort. Come to them. It comes. By the work of the Spirit.

[12:28] In not speaking of things of himself. But speaking of those things. Of Jesus. The Redeemer. Pointing to Calvary. Dear friends.

[12:38] There's nowhere else to flee. I quoted it this morning. I believe. No sanctuary. Lord. But thee. It's one of my favourite.

[12:49] Hymns from that point of view. I've got so many favourites. But. It is friends. There is no other sanctuary. You'll find nothing to. Nourish your soul. In this world.

[13:00] All you'll find is perplexity. And dismay. In the. Temporary passing joys. Of this world. You'll find this world. As far as your soul's concerned. An empty place.

[13:12] You'll find. Emptiness in this world. And the only place you'll find fullness. Is when you come. Unto Jesus. And you'll find. A fullness resides in Jesus.

[13:23] Our head. And ever abides. To answer. And ever abides. To answer. Our need. It's not a temporary passing thing.

[13:34] No. Not one. Of those. For whom. And I speak reverently. The Lord died. Will be left. To perish. You know friends. Not one. I love that example.

[13:45] We have. Of the ninety and nine. Enfolded in the fold. But there was one still. One still. Bound in the ditch. Of. Of. Of. Unbelief. In the.

[13:56] Brambles of rebellion. He cried. Uh. Bleated. Shall I say. And the heavenly shepherd went. And he found him. How did he find him. Using it as a natural illustration.

[14:08] That is. He found him because he heard his cry. Prayer is heard my dear friends. Do you. Of you today. Is there someone here today.

[14:20] Who've got to the end of your tether. As we say. And you wonder how you can go on. Well I have something to say to you dear friend. You pray. Pray on.

[14:31] Wrestling prayer. Can wonders do. I don't mean just. Lip. A few lip words. In prayer. I mean wrestling prayer. Heart prayer. When prayer is squeezed out of you.

[14:43] That's real prayer then. When your circumstances squeeze you. When your guilty conscience squeezes you. In the knowledge of your sinful heart before God. To contrition.

[14:55] And to repentance for sin. Then you prove. Wrestling prayer. Can wonders do. Bring relief in deepest straits. Prayer can force a passage through iron bars.

[15:06] And brazen gates. And if you've proved it my dear friend. Remember this. If you've proved it. You'll then be able to go on and say. For the wonders. He has wrought. Let us each our praises give.

[15:18] And. By sweet experience taught. Look unto Jesus. Call upon him. While we live. You see it all comes back. It's the end point of everything.

[15:28] In the Christian pathway. My dear friends. Looking unto Jesus. I say. The author. And finisher. Of. Our faith. Why was this?

[15:41] Why was this dear friends? Who? For the joy that was set before him. It's a wonder isn't it? Wonder of wonders.

[15:52] That the king. The prince. The king's son. The king of kings. Son. The king of heaven. All glorious. Who? Sitting on his father's throne.

[16:04] In eternity past. Agreed. That to lay aside his robe. His robes and his crown. And come to this earth. To suffer. Bleed and die.

[16:15] To redeem poor sinners. From their sins. Why? It is a very valid question. Why? Why should. The prince of heaven.

[16:27] Come to this sin cursed earth. Well. It was for the joy. That was set before him. Looking unto Jesus. The author.

[16:38] And finisher of our faith. Who? For the joy. Friends. Today I feel. We don't know too much about spiritual joy. We said a little this morning about that.

[16:50] I felt in the years gone by. The old people seem to sing the hymns with joy. Now we seem to sing at times. With such sadness.

[17:03] And such heavy hearts. Well my dear friends. Let us try more often. Looking unto Jesus. The author and finisher of our faith.

[17:14] And realise it was for the joy that was set before him. He endured the cross. Despising the shame. Think of it dear friends. He was the subject of the angelic choir song.

[17:26] In eternity past. And it brings me to a thought. Which I wanted to bring before you this evening. In the 8th chapter of Proverbs we read.

[17:40] Speaking of the Lord Jesus Christ. Then. The Lord Jesus Christ himself speaking. I should have said. I got that the wrong way round. Then. I was by him.

[17:53] As one brought up with him. I was daily his delight. Rejoicing always before him. That was the. The state of the son.

[18:03] In the presence of the father. In eternity past. Before this world was. Created. And before Adam fell. You see. That was his.

[18:15] Then was I by him. As one brought up with him. I was daily. His delight. The father's delight.

[18:26] Rejoicing. Always. Before him. Uninterrupted. Rejoicing before his father. You see. This is so. Merciful.

[18:38] To us poor sinners. In the way that this is put. It's put in an illustration. In an illustration. Which we can just begin to get. A little understanding of.

[18:48] With our earthly mind. That. Joy. Which the son. And the father. Share together. And us. Who. Those of us who are earthly fathers. Can think of those times.

[19:00] When we spend a little time. With our son. And we might be doing something together. We might be making something. Or doing something. And the son is learning. And he's rejoicing in the learning.

[19:10] And the father's rejoicing in teaching him. And there's that beautiful oneness of the family scene. Which is so valuable to society. But I don't want to get drawn off on that thought.

[19:22] But here you see this beautiful picture. Of what the father and the son. Had in eternity past. And there was that covenant of grace. Drawn up at that time.

[19:33] In eternity past. That there will be a number. Who the Lord Jesus Christ. Would come to this earth. And redeem. At that appointed time. And the dear children.

[19:44] Will be remembering. In the various. Christmas hymns. That they will be singing. In the coming days. Doubtless. That the angels. They sang in the silent night.

[19:56] And when the king of glory came. And he took upon him. The flesh. Given. By the virgin Mary. To that infant Jesus. In the manger. How.

[20:07] It was. He was no less God. In that manger. My old pastor used to say. His shoulders. Held up heaven and earth. Where Mary held up him. He humbled himself.

[20:20] And he became that babe. He lived that life of perfection. And why was it? Well it was for the joy. That was set before him. It was for that joy.

[20:30] My dear friends. That looking forward. He could see through the passage. And of the history of time. To that culmination. Of the ingathering. Of his church.

[20:41] Eternally. When he shall come. With all the holy angels. Dear friends. And the dead in Christ. Shall rise first. And they. And we which remain. Will be caught up in the air.

[20:52] To be forever with the Lord. What a prospect. Forever with the Lord. From condemnation free. The saints from everlasting. Were. And shall forever be.

[21:03] They were. From everlasting. In covenant love. In covenant purpose. Although called by grace. In the midst of time. The appointed time on earth.

[21:13] In their life. They're called by grace. Brought on the pathway. Brought in the road. Brought to cry. Brought to look unto Jesus. The author and finisher of their faith.

[21:24] Well my dear friends. Prayer. Is so vital. It's the Christian's vital breath. Yes. But it was. For the joy.

[21:36] That was set before him. He endured the cross. Despising the shame. You see what. Shame he endured. Dear friends. I can't begin to go into it.

[21:46] In depth tonight. But I must give you a few hints. For you to meditate upon. It was for the joy. That was set before him. He endured the cross.

[21:57] And the shame. You do realize. I'm sure. That. It was the biggest. Ignominy. Which could be poured upon a man. In the days of the Roman Empire.

[22:10] To be crucified. It was the most ignominious death. Reserved for the worst of men. As a. The final punishment. For evil and wickedness.

[22:22] And yet the Lord Jesus. Was hung on a cross. The prince of glory. The one who had never sinned. Those dear hands. That did such good.

[22:33] The children's hymn says. They nailed them. To a cross of wood. Look what he suffered. My dear friends. Look how he suffered. The ridicule. Of his own creation.

[22:44] Of those. Whom. He had created. In Adam. He suffered. All the ignominy. Of the. Of the judgment hall.

[22:55] Miss called. And never was there a more. Unjust judgment. In time. Or. Ever. Than there was. At that judgment hall.

[23:09] False accusers. Look what he suffered. Dear friends. Jesus. They beat him on the head. With a reed. They plaited a crown of thorns.

[23:22] For his head. For the joy. That was set before him. He endured the cross. Despising the shame. And he sat down. At the right hand of the father.

[23:35] In heaven. He did it. He died. That his church might live. And that eternally. And be forever in his presence.

[23:46] And we. Cannot begin to comprehend. What that is friends. Everything. We know. Is relative. Relative to time. Eternity.

[23:59] We cannot. Comprehend it. With a natural mind. Eternity. Tremendous sound. To malefactors. Doomed to die. My old pastor.

[24:10] Used to have a saying. I don't know. If I've ever said it here before. I think I can recall it. Came there a bird. Each. Thousandth. Year. A sand grain. From the hills.

[24:21] To bear. When all had. Vanished. Grain by grain. Eternity. Would still remain. So long. Is eternity. We cannot comprehend it.

[24:32] But my friends. As I close. By saying this morning. We must spend eternity. In one of two places. Either in heaven. Or in hell. And none of us know.

[24:44] How near we are. To enter in eternity. As solemn things. I speak to you of. I must be faithful friends. I may not speak to you again. On this earth.

[24:55] I may not have the opportunity. To speak to you again. We know not. We know not. When the Lord may come again. We know not. Whether we should be struck down. In an accident. Or the Lord. Take us in sickness and death.

[25:08] Are we ready? Are we prepared? These things are 25,000 times. 25,000 more important. Than anything you acquire.

[25:19] Or any ambition you have. In this life. It's good to do well. In your ambition. It's good to have a right ambition. As long as it's in prayer. Before God.

[25:30] To do those things. Which are right and honourable. In your day and generation. And I often say. There's no such thing. As a lazy Christian. Shouldn't be. No. It's right. That we should do all.

[25:41] As unto God. That we. Our hands find to do. But. Above it all. There's this important thing. This soul. Which is in this earthen vessel. Of where will it spend eternity.

[25:53] I can't remember. If I might have mentioned this. This little record before. And I'd no thought of mentioning it. But it seems to come to mind. I heard a minister speak.

[26:04] On one occasion. About. A man who had two very. Very valuable jewels. And he took one of these. Or he took both of these.

[26:15] Jewels. To two different friends. And he said. Look. I want these taken great care of. I've got to go into a far country. And I should be gone some months. I want you to have.

[26:26] This one. And I want. Another friend. A second friend. To have another one. And in both instances. He put this jewel. In a clay pot. Wrapped up in something.

[26:38] I assume. In a clay pot. And he gave him this clay pot. To keep them in. You see. Well one. Regularly. Looked at the jewel. And polished the jewel.

[26:49] And kept the jewel. In good condition. And put it back in the pot. Safely. The other one. He thought. Well I don't know. This is a lovely jewel. But I think I'd better. Polished the pot up a bit.

[26:59] It's only an old clay pot. So he painted it. And he varnished it. And he made it all. Very beautiful. The pot. He spent all his time. Looking at the pot. And varnishing the pot. And making it nice.

[27:11] Well. There came the day. When. The good man. Returned for his jewel. And he went to the first one. And he said to him. Can I have my jewel back? He said yes.

[27:23] He said I've kept it well polished. And he took it out. The old clay pot. And there was his jewel. And the master said. Well done. He said. And he gave the clay pot a tap.

[27:33] And knocked it to the ground. And it smashed. And he took his jewel to himself. Remember that part of it. A moment. He went to the other one. And when he came to the other man.

[27:45] He said yes. He said I've done this and that to the pot. He said. But where's the jewel? And he put his hand in the pot to find the jewel. And he'd lost it. He'd lost it.

[27:58] Well the master was Ross. And that old clay pot. Though it was polished well. And it had a lot of attention. That had to be broken too. But he'd lost the jewel. The vital part.

[28:10] Your soul my friend. Is like that jewel. And it's in a clay pot. When the master comes. How will he find our souls? Will it be. That we've been.

[28:22] Praying for the good of our souls. Giving diligence. To make our calling. And our election sure. Or will we've spent so much time. And these are searching words. I know. Looking after the old clay pot.

[28:36] The human body. The desires of the mind. And heart. That we've lost. The jewel. That the Lord has given. Searching things aren't they?

[28:47] Remember them dear friends. Remember not to spend too much time. Polishing the old clay pot. And varnishing that. Remember. There's one thing needful.

[28:58] To be prepared. To meet. Your creator. My creator. We shall friends. No matter what the world. And the disbelieving world says. It's all.

[29:09] Idle tales. It's not you know. It's true. The Lord God omnipotent reigneth. And we. Shall. Stand before him.

[29:20] Before the judgment seat of Christ. Looking unto Jesus. The author and finisher of our faith. Who for the joy. That was set before him. Endured. The cross.

[29:31] Despising the shame. He suffered all that. That his church. His people. May be redeemed. And brought at length. To glory. With him.

[29:42] And that joy. Is a joy to him. And we read. There's joy in heaven. Over one. A sinner that repenteth. It seems incredible.

[29:53] Doesn't it really? But it's a truth dear friends. Because the word of God. Tells us it's the truth. He endured the cross. Despising the shame. He didn't count.

[30:05] The shame. And he was prepared to suffer. That he might save his people. From their sins. And he sat down. At the right hand.

[30:15] Of the throne of God. You remember. Of course. Those first verses. In the book of. The Hebrews. Which are. Are such a.

[30:26] Theological. Window. Can I say. On those. Things most surely believed. Among us. God. Who at sundry times.

[30:37] And in diverse manners. Spake in. The part. In past. In time past. Unto the fathers. By the prophets. Hath in these last days.

[30:49] Spoken unto us. By his son. Jesus. Jesus. The Lord. The Lord. Spoke from the heaven. This is my beloved son. Hear. Ye.

[31:00] Him. Do we hear the words. Of the Lord Jesus Christ. That he uttered. Upon the earth. Which we read. Through the four gospels. Recorded.

[31:10] Do we pay. Do we pay enough attention. To those. Precious things. Which are written there. For our souls. Learning and instruction. That we might.

[31:22] Again. Thereby. He hath. In these last days. Spoken unto us. By his son. Whom he. He. God the father. Hath appointed. Heir. Of all things.

[31:32] By whom also. He made the worlds. Jesus was there. At the creation. Who. Being the brightness. Of his glory. And the express image.

[31:43] Of his person. And upholding. All things. By the word. Of his power. Listen. When he had. By himself. Purged.

[31:54] Our sins. Sat down. On the right hand. Of the majesty. On high. I'll stop at that point. Because there's so much more. One could.

[32:04] Could. Go on. With at that point. But you see. He sat down. At the right hand. Of the throne of God. We're told so. In the scripture.

[32:16] We know. That. By the witness. Of the disciples. That he ascended. Into heaven. We beheld. His glory. As the glory. Of the only begotten. Of the father.

[32:27] We read in that first chapter. Of John. At that ascension. When he. Was transfigured. Before them. Rather.

[32:37] Not at the ascension. But also. At the ascension. When they witnessed his. Ascension into heaven. And they returned. Rejoicing to. Jerusalem. At that time. Who.

[32:49] For the joy. That was set before him. Endured the cross. Despising the shame. And he sat down. At the right hand. Of the throne of God. You remember dear friends.

[33:01] When. Solomon's temple. Was dedicated. That the ark. Of the covenant. Was commanded. Firstly. By God. To David. And David. To Solomon. Before David.

[33:12] Was taken. That the ark. And the completion. Of the building. Of the temple. Should come in. To the temple. And be placed. In the holy place. And the staves.

[33:23] Were withdrawn. That. Was the earthly. Representation. Of God's presence. In the midst. Of Israel of old. Of the people. Of God. Now. My dear friends.

[33:34] Jesus himself. Who is the ark. Of his people. Has entered in. To the throne. Of his father. In heaven. And there. He is. Set down. At the right hand.

[33:44] Of the father. And he's set there. For a purpose. He's set there. My friends. With further. Work to do. Not unto salvation. The work of salvation.

[33:55] Is done. It was completed. At Calvary. When those words. And I speak reverently. It is finished. Were uttered. Was uttered. On Calvary's cross.

[34:06] By the dear. Dear Redeemer. That was a. Completion. Of the work. Of salvation. For every soul.

[34:17] For every believer. Who was in that. Covenant of grace. Everyone. The purchase. Price was paid. But he sits. At the right hand.

[34:27] Of the father. There. To make intercession. We come back again. To Hebrews. For that. The beginning. Of Hebrews. In that. End of the fourth.

[34:38] Chapter. If my memory serves me correctly. Where we read. He is there. As a high priest. Seeing then.

[34:49] That we have. A great high priest. That is passed. Into the heavens. Jesus. The son of God. What should we do? Let us hold fast. Our profession.

[35:00] For we have not. A high priest. Which cannot. Be touched. With the feeling. Of our infirmities. But. Was. In all points. Tempted. Like as we are.

[35:12] Yet. Without sin. He suffered. All the temptation. Of Satan. Whilst he was here on earth. And yet. Without sin. And my dear friends.

[35:23] There is the hinge. In the salvation. Of the church. The fact. That he suffered. All. And without sin. And his work. Was accepted. In its perfection. By the father.

[35:35] Who could not. Look upon sin. With any degree. Of allowance. And therefore. You see. The fulfillment. Of the work. Of salvation. Let us. Therefore.

[35:45] Come boldly. To the throne. Of grace. That we may obtain. Mercy. And find grace. To help in time of need. That word boldly. Friends. Is much misused.

[35:57] Today. In some circles. That word boldly. Is. In the boldness. Of faith. In that knowledge. That the father.

[36:08] Has accepted. The work. Of the son. That's where the boldness is. In faith. In his finished works. Not in us. In our approach. We don't come boldly.

[36:19] We come humbly. In prayer. As we approach. In our attitude. Of worship. And prayer. To him. But the boldness.

[36:29] Is in the fact. That the Lord Jesus Christ. Has completed that work. To the completion. And satisfaction. Of the father. Who cannot look upon sin. What a mercy.

[36:41] My dear friend. Let us therefore. Come boldly. Unto the throne. Of grace. That we may. Obtain mercy. And find grace. To help. In time of need. Looking unto Jesus.

[36:52] You see. The author. And finisher. Of our faith. Looking unto. Jesus. Yes. Now. For consider him. That endured.

[37:04] Such contradiction. Of sinners. Against himself. Why does the apostle. Write this. When we're reminded. Dear friends. When we feel.

[37:15] That we're. We're. To suffer. Weakness. Affliction. Troubles. And trials. And difficulties. Says. We can come discouraged. In the way. We do pray.

[37:27] And hope. That you're not. And we're not. Discouraged. To a point. Where we come. To a stand. But there will be times. When you feel. In your experience.

[37:37] That you have come. To a stand. And you're making no. Headway. In this race. Which is set before you. And you feel. That you've quite. Come to a stand. What can you do?

[37:49] Well my friends. The answer is in the. In the text. Looking unto Jesus. Looking unto him. In prayer. For. For faith. For grace. For strength.

[38:01] Reminding ourselves. Considering him. That endured. Such contradiction. Of sinners. Against himself. Remember.

[38:12] What he suffered. Dear friends. And it will help us. As we go on. In the pathway. For. We must. Needs. First. Suffer. You see.

[38:23] We see. Clearly. Do we not. In the life. Of the Lord. Jesus Christ. That was the suffering. That he suffered. He suffered. Unto death. And afterward.

[38:35] The glory. And that glory. Is eternal. Dear friends. And so. Our suffering. Here below. Whether it's in affliction. Or. Or in affliction. Of mind.

[38:46] And. Or body. Or affliction. Of spirit. And the weight. And the weight. Of sin. Upon us. It is but for a moment. Isn't it. In eternity's light. And it must come.

[38:57] To bring us to our knees. To bring us to look up to Jesus. The author and finisher of our faith. To keep us down. That we might be kept. Looking up. Unto him. Who is our all in all.

[39:10] For consider him. That endured such contradiction. Of sinners against himself. Friends. Have you found at times. Those who obstruct you. In various ways.

[39:21] Sometimes in a. In things in providence. Sometimes in things. In your workaday life. They obstruct you. You find Satan. Is ever obstructing.

[39:33] Obstructing your spiritual path. And putting. Stumbling blocks in your way. And tripwires. To bring you to grief. As it were. It's his. His desire to do so.

[39:44] And constant. Work. To do that. And there's these contradictions. That meet in the experience. Of the life of the Lord's dear people.

[39:54] But my friends. Consider him. That endured such. Contradiction of sinners. Against himself. Consider what he suffered.

[40:05] Consider. Consider the contradiction. Which he had. The Jews. The chosen people of God. How they set him at naught. And called him everything.

[40:18] That they should not. Even at one point. Referred to him. As having a devil. And yet he was the king of glory. And it was them. Who had the devil. And so you see.

[40:29] What he suffered. In that way. Of contradiction of sinners. Against himself. Lest ye be wearied. And faint in your mind. By your circumstances.

[40:40] By your experience. In your soul. By those things. Which the Lord. In his mercies. Allowed to come into your life. Be wearied. And be.

[40:52] Faint in the way. But consider him. That endured. Such contradiction. Of sinners. Against himself. Lest ye be wearied. And faint in your minds.

[41:03] The word comes to my mind. Men should always. Pray. And not faint. However we feel. Friends. We're not.

[41:14] Too faint to pray. A Lord. Help me. We know what I speak of friends. We do. I. Humbly remind.

[41:25] Myself. Of that night. When I was too weak. To do anything. Except cry. Lord. Help me. And he heard my prayer. And I stand here as a witness. That he did hear my prayer.

[41:38] Oh my friends. But. His mercy is great. Oh his mercy is great. Yes. He says. For consider him. That endured.

[41:48] Such contradiction. Of sinners. Against himself. Lest ye be wearied. And faint. In your minds. Oh. Dear friends. That we might remember.

[41:59] And consider. This contradiction. A little more often. Which he suffered. Against his. Holy self. Remind us. Reminds us. Now in the fourth verse.

[42:10] You have not yet. Resisted unto blood. Striving against sin. Some of the martyrs did. Dear friends. In the days of the reformation.

[42:22] May yet come again. I believe persecution. Could be just round the corner. Friends. And the wickedness.

[42:33] That's abounding. In the world. And the wickedness. In high places. Also. We wrestle not. Against. The flesh and blood.

[42:45] But against. Principalities. And powers. And spiritual wickedness. In high places. No guarantees. My friends. We've lived in a. A land. For many years now.

[42:56] Which has been. Very quiet. And very. We've been very privileged. And may we prize. The privileges. That we have here. This evening. That we're able.

[43:07] To meet together. None lawfully. Daring to interfere. With us. But my friends. We've no guarantees. That that's going to continue. And if some have their way. Some of the evil forces. Working within our nation.

[43:18] I can assure you. That we should be denied it. That is. If the Lord permits it. As if the Lord permits it. But you know. There's been these times.

[43:29] Throughout the history. They were sawn asunder. We read this morning. Of whom the world. Was not worthy. The saints of God. Have suffered.

[43:41] Something. All the way through history. In that. Walk of faith. And patience. Which is required. Of the people of God.

[43:52] We could easily. As I say. Find what we. Meet. Open persecution. Some of you. Work in. Places. Where there's. Several employees. Will know something.

[44:02] Of what it is. To be persecuted. If it's only verbal. And that can be. Quite something. To deal with. As well. As I know. From my past life.

[44:13] But I believe. It's likely. To be worse. Ridiculed. Because you. Will not go. To the same. Extent of riot. That they will. You have to say no. To what they want to do.

[44:24] It can even come. At Christmas time. When we're all going. To the pub. For a party. And you're the odd one out. You say no thank you. Oh what's the matter. With you then. You think you're better than us.

[44:36] And you get that sort of. Of treatment. I've had it. Dear friends. Don't worry about it. There's one above who knows. Yes. These things.

[44:46] Which we. May be called to. Suffer. By way of contradiction. There's nothing new. The Lord Jesus. Suffered. As such contradiction.

[44:56] Of sinners. Against himself. Remember these things. Lest ye be wearied. And faint in your mind. See there's a. Beautiful encouragement there. A blessed encouragement there. For the poor.

[45:07] Struggling pilgrim. In the pathway. Isn't there? Yes. Remember your Lord. He's gone before you. He didn't lose the battle. My friends. He's a conquering hero.

[45:18] Oh. They crucified him. And hung him upon a tree. And I believe for one moment. Satan thought he had the ascendancy.

[45:30] That was until the. Until the earth quaked. And the. And the darkness fell upon the earth. And then he knew he. He was a defeated foe.

[45:43] He was a defeated foe. At that point. He knew then. That his destiny. Was eternal hell. Eternal misery. That bottomless pit. And he'll soon be there.

[45:53] Friends. I say. He won't be long. Before he's there. And he knows it. And he's doing his worst. I believe. Now. But ye have not yet resisted.

[46:03] Unto blood. Striving against sin. And the Lord Jesus Christ did. He cost him his own heart's blood. In his humanity. He shed his own heart's blood.

[46:15] Striving against sin. Striving against sin. But he rose. My friends. When he was crucified on the cross. And Satan did his worst.

[46:25] He couldn't destroy him. Further than his body. Because he rose again. You see. Triumphant over sin. And death and hell. And he sits this very evening.

[46:37] My friends. All glorious in heaven's. High courts above. In the throne of his father. There. He holds in his hands. The keys of death.

[46:49] And of hell. What a mercy. There in his hands. They're not in Satan's hands. They're in his hands. And there. Is the security of the saints.

[47:01] There is the surety. That. Because I live. He said. Ye shall live also. It's a promise. And his promises. As the hymn writer says.

[47:11] Are yea. And amen. And never were forfeited yet. There's a surety. In the finished work. Of the Lord Jesus Christ. As sure. As the mountains. Are rock friends.

[47:23] He is. A conqueror. Over sin. And death and hell. He sits there. All glorious. Victorious in heaven. Waiting. The appointed time. Of the father.

[47:33] When he will. Enjoy. In the fullness of it. The joy. That was set before him. Then my friends.

[47:46] Will be the ingathering. Of his people. His bride. The ingathering. To the marriage. Supper of the lamb. We cannot comprehend it. Comprehend it.

[47:56] Dear friends. But we can believe it. As faith is given. And that will be. A glorious. A marriage. Supper of the lamb. To be forever.

[48:08] In his presence. I thought. I thought once or twice. You know. If we were allowed. An ambition. In heaven. To be in the heavenly choir.

[48:19] The singing. His eternal praises. What a blessed experience. That must be. Of what heaven must be.

[48:37] Have you felt that friends. At times. When there's a hymn. That you sing. And you. The truth of it. Grip your heart. You're touched by it. Your soul goes with it.

[48:49] You sing. You sing in a different way. That day. Than you do other days. You sing with the heart. With the understanding. And as we said in the past three. And if the sweetness.

[48:59] Of the streams. What must the fountain be. Where saints and angels. Draw their bliss. Immediately. From thee. Oh friends.

[49:10] Why is all this possible? Well. It was because he endured the cross. Despising the shame. And he sat down. At the right hand. Of the father in heaven.

[49:21] Oh glory to his name. That's what I've. Said tonight. And by the help of the Lord. Meant anything to you.

[49:38] Do you ever hope. That you might have a. Part and lot. In these things. Or. Are you still. Unconvinced.

[49:50] That you need a savior. Are you still. Unconvinced. Of the truths of these things. As I said earlier on. I may never be spared.

[50:01] To stand to speak to you again. We don't know that. It's in the Lord's hands. Times are not.

[50:12] Ours to know. But if I. Never stand before you again. Remember. I've tried to warn you dear friends.

[50:23] Of the. Certainty. Of these things. The certainty. That we shall all stand. Before the judgment seat of Christ. The certainty. That the only way of salvation.

[50:35] Is in and through the precious. Name. And blood. And merit. Of the Lord Jesus Christ. Do look unto Jesus. Dear friends.

[50:46] Regularly. In prayer. Look unto him. Who is the author and finisher. Of the faith of his people. And if you feel you are not one of his people. Pray that you may be made one of his people.

[50:58] Rest in prayer. With him. For these blessed. Privileges which are his. Because he says. I will be inquired. O house of Israel.

[51:09] To do these things. You see. He will bring us to prayer. May we be. A captain. If on earth. Like this. We meet no more. O grant us all.

[51:21] A joyful meeting there. In paradise. With him. Amen. Amen. Seeking the Lord's help.

[51:33] And your very prayerful attention. I will direct your thoughts. This morning. To the chapter that we read. Daniel chapter 7. We will read part of verse 22.

[51:46] I don't know.