[0:00] We turn once again to the 8th chapter of the Romans, and to words that are found in the 15th verse, in the 8th chapter of the Romans, verse 15, for ye have not received the spirit of bondage again to fear, but ye have received the spirit of adoption, whereby we cry, Abba, Father.
[0:47] So, we were dwelling mainly upon the first part of this important text this morning, where we find such wise and wonderful counsel given to us on the all-important matters of our life and faith, our walk and our conversation, and our conflict with sin and Satan, and our seeking to obey the word of the Lord.
[1:32] Now, this evening we come to the second part of our text, and a wonderful part indeed it is, which speaks to us of that great matter, inconceivable in wonder and glory and blessedness, that we, that is to say, those who receive the spirit and who are taught by the spirit, we are made the sons of God.
[2:09] With all that that entails, with all the fullness and the wonder that it reveals. Now, how can we approach such a subject as this?
[2:24] May God give us reverent minds and a heart to understand and to receive the precious and important teaching of God's holy word.
[2:38] Now, we have unequivocal language here in this part of the chapter. I just want to go over it for a moment as we approach the great subject before us.
[2:53] The word of God is very clear, very plain, unequivocal, as I say, in language. It says this, as many as are led by the spirit of God, they are the sons of God.
[3:09] Well, it doesn't need any explanation to understand the meaning of those words. They're plain, they're simple, they're clear, they're very decisive.
[3:21] Even the youngest might understand that as many, no more, no less, but as many as are led by the spirit of God, they are the sons of God.
[3:39] All men address round and add to all kinds of qualifications as to what it means to be the sons of God.
[3:58] But God brings us to the simplicity of his truth, tells us in plain words, as plain as he could bring before our minds, that as many as are led by the spirit of God, they are the sons of God.
[4:23] So then, tonight, what we have to come to and search after is what it means to be led of the spirit of God.
[4:34] And if we can see in ourselves, in our own lives, in our own conduct, and in the experiences that we feel we can trace out in our lives, some evidence, some marks of the leading of the Holy Spirit, then we have a safe confidence to believe that we are the sons of God.
[5:02] And what can be greater, what can be a higher delight or pleasure or attainment to reach after and to experience, than to know that we are the sons of God.
[5:20] Listen to John. Beloved, he says, what manner of love the Father has bestowed upon us, that we should be called the sons of God.
[5:34] What manner of love. He doesn't attempt to say, what measure of love, because he knows full well he could never measure that love. The love of God that brings sons out of darkness into light, raises them up from the very depths, to hold the highest of all the favours that God can bestow.
[5:59] He knows that there's no such measure, there's no measuring of that love. It's immeasurable. It's beyond our comprehension. But the manner of it, the wonderful way in which it was performed, the wonderful way in which it was first made manifested in the person of the Lord Jesus Christ, and the way it is manifested in every individual member of the family of God, in the calling of their hearts by grace, in the changing of their wills, and in the turning of them right round to the very opposite direction, in putting into their hearts a mind that considers the things of God reverently, earnestly, and with a desire to know them and to receive them, I say, one manner of love the Father hath bestowed upon those whom he calls the sons of God.
[7:11] Then we come then to our text, and we notice in the word before us, there are two words here.
[7:22] One is spirit with a little s to it. That was which we were dealing with this morning, where Paul says, ye have not received the spirit of bondage, again to fear.
[7:38] That's not the Holy Spirit. It's the spirit of bondage. It comes, as we traced out this morning, from the depths of darkness, of Satan himself, and from the ravages of sin.
[7:55] But then in the second part of our text, we have this glorious spirit, and the letter is, is in the, in the, in the prominent letter, the spirit, meaning the person, of the divine spirit of God.
[8:18] Ye have received the spirit of adoption. Oh, let us pause there for a moment, and ask ourselves this question.
[8:30] Have we received the spirit of God? If we have, we've received the spirit of adoption. It means to say, we've been taken into the family.
[8:45] We've been counted by God, as one of his own. We're no longer belonging to the world. We no longer belong to the devil. We're not part and parcel, of that great race, that human race, that human family, where there is no fear of God, and no love for the things of God.
[9:08] We're no longer members of that body, but we've been translated, and adopted, taken in, not for a time, but for eternity, into the family of God, the spirit of adoption.
[9:28] Now, he says, we, ye have received, the spirit. You see, he's contrasting, this, with that other spirit, which we were speaking about this morning, which produces fear of all kinds, in their believers heart and mind, which creates a kind of fog around them, so they cannot see very clearly, the way they should take, and how they should trade.
[10:00] That spirit, which seems to cast doubt upon all the promises of God, questioning them, whether they are valid, or at least, whether the person concerned, has a real interest in them.
[10:15] That fear, that arises, whenever they seek to go forth, and holds them back, and stems their progress, in some way or other, and brings them into bondage.
[10:35] And that bondage is very painful, distressing, and very real. And God counsels his people, to remember this, that that spirit, did not come from God.
[10:47] One of the greatest dangers, we always are falling into, is to attribute, our despondency, and our distress to God.
[11:00] People say, well it's the will of the Lord, that we should be like this. It's not at all the will of the Lord. He would have his people free. He would have the sons of God, to have their liberty, and enjoy their full rights, as children.
[11:19] God does not, he's not the author of confusion. He doesn't produce in a believer, doubts and fears, producing the fogs of uncertainty, and unbelief.
[11:34] These things come not from God. Ye have not received, the spirit of bondage, you gain to fear. You have it once, but not again.
[11:46] Oh yes, you had plenty of this spirit, when you were in the world, and serving and running, in the ways of the devil. You had plenty of this spirit, of bondage.
[11:57] You never knew it. But you had it. But you never will have it again. It does not come now, to the believer, the real believer, from God.
[12:09] And if it does, in any way, affect them, it comes not from, the Lord their God. Not from pursuing, pursuing, his honour, and his glory.
[12:22] Not from, walking in the path, of real prayer, and obedience, and worship. But in entertaining, and allowing, allowing, even a foothold, to the devil, to enter into your life.
[12:37] This is the thing, we have to guard against. Giving any license, to the great enemy, of our souls, to work havoc, in our minds, and in our hearts, and to destroy, and disturb our peace, and to rob us, of the joy, we have in the Lord, the Lord Jesus Christ.
[12:58] Let us beware, of these things. Now, Paul says, ye have received, the spirit, of adoption.
[13:11] Well, first of all, we may not have known, when we received, the spirit. The spirit, is one of the, is that one, glorious person, in the Trinity, that is so, self-efface, he is never seen, never makes himself, heard, vocally, and yet, all his wonderful, operations, in the soul, of his people, are so, vital, effectual, and wonderful, and tangible, that there can be, nothing to compare, with them.
[13:55] Now, this blessed spirit, he comes, he's like the wind, as Jesus says himself. When he spoke, to Nicodemus, he said this, the wind bloweth, where it listereth.
[14:13] You hear the sound, of it, you can't tell, where it comes, and whether it goes, you can't see it, you see the effects, of it, but there's no one, ever seen the wind, and yet, there's nothing, that controls, our lives, and orders, our circumstances, so far, and, the conditions, in which we live, day by day, there's nothing, that affects, these things, so much, as the wind, and yet, it is never seen, and in the things, of God, in the things, of the spirit, it is this, secret, influence, of God, the Holy Spirit, and, Paul says, ye have received, this spirit, now again, I say this, this is not to be, a very vast, visible, experience, but it's a very, real one, you won't know, perhaps, the moment, when the spirit, comes, but you'll know, that he has come, you won't be able, to say,
[15:28] I know, that moment, when the Holy Spirit, brought life, into my poor, dead soul, but you will begin, to know, that life is there, in your dead soul, your once, dead soul, you'll know, that there is, life there, there's something there, you can't explain it, understand it, but it's there, how did it come, where did it come from, it's the spirit, of God, God, and if you begin, to feel, your need, if you begin, to realize, you're a sinner, and always have been, a sinner, and as are, a greater sinner, now, at this present moment, than ever you were, before, it's the spirit, of God, who awakens, and teaches, and convict, the soul, of guilt, and sin, no one else, can do it, ye have, received, the spirit, well now, those are some, of the things, that is all, entailed, in receiving, of the spirit,
[16:50] I think, we need to pray, for the Holy Spirit, there are people, you know, who say, it's wrong thing, to pray, for the Holy Spirit, a man once said to me, you're wrong, you know, I said, am I, what connection, am I so wrong, well he said, you're wrong, in praying, for the Holy Spirit, he said, I've heard you pray, for it, in your public prayers, and you, you are wrong, and why, am I wrong then, he said, because the Holy Spirit, came on the day, of Pentecost, and he's come, to the church, we do not need, to pray for him, but what does, the Lord say, what does God, the Father say, I Father, rather take notice, of what they say, than what men, may say, Father says this, ye being evil, know, how to give, good gifts, unto your children, how much more, shall your heavenly Father, give the Holy Spirit, to them, that ask him, and Christ says, to his people, pray, for the Spirit, pray, in the Spirit, the Holy Spirit, and in the vestry, we have a few words, of prayer, the main theme, of the prayer, is this, that in the service, that in the service, as we are about, to begin, the Holy Spirit, may take up, his office, and exercise, his power, and give, his grace, and teach us, the truth, as it is, in Jesus, and that's a wonderful, thing, you know, friends, now, here's a wonderful, thing too, ye have received, the Spirit, of adoption, there are just, three things,
[18:56] I want, to bring before you, tonight, and first of all, is this, the Spirit, the vastness, of the change, that is made, by this Spirit, of adoption, vastness, of the change, that is made, let us just, think of it, for a moment, here are people, that were once, unrelated aliens, to God, altogether, out, of knowledge, and far off, from God's kingdom, enemies, by their own, ways, and choices, and, everything about them, to God, and godliness, earth, as ugly, as ugly, as any creature, could be, on the face, of the earth, in the sight, of God, and yet, such souls, are made, by God's,
[20:04] Holy Spirit, sons, of God, God, what a mighty, what a mighty, inconceivable, change, is made, then, when God, adopts, his sons, and his daughters, into his family, greatest change, we could ever, think of, or conceive, and look, at the change, in their position, they were once, in darkness, without any, desires, or knowledge, of the way, in which, they should go, they were once, far off, as far, as the poet says, as far, from God, a sheep, could run, they'd wandered, wildly, in the ways, of sin, and death, and yet, from that, far distant, place, they are recovered, by God's, almighty power, and grace, and they're brought back, they're welcomed home, they're given, an entrance, through the real door, the right door, the only door, into the kingdom, of heaven, and they are, settled down, in that kingdom, as the sons, of God, adopted, sons, of God, what a change, what an infinite, change, there is, in, the children, of the Lord, furthermore, they were once, as we were saying, this morning, children of disobedience, never knew, what it was, to obey God, never thought, or dreamt, of being obedient, to God, to his word, they didn't care, for his word, they had no interest, in his word, and they had, very precious, little interest, in themselves, you see it, about people, you know people, you wonder, how much real interest, they have, in their own soul, the very evidence, of their attitude, their indifference, they can come, on the morning, they can't come, in the evening, because the pipe smell, and so on, now, that sort of attitude, simply demonstrates, that people, are not concerned, they're not interested, really, truly interested, in their never dying souls, they're on the way, to heaven, or to hell, whichever it may be, eternity, is staring them, straight in the face, they know not, how soon, they may have to meet, the king of terrors, and yet, they're as totally, indifferent, to their own, real state, and their own, real condition, as anybody could be, how very solemn, this is, they were children, of disobedience, and yet, they come, to obey, and they fall, down, and acknowledge, with all gratitude, of heart, the wonders, of amazing grace, that has changed them, and brought them, from the, disobedience, of the, of the wicked, to the wisdom, of the just,
[23:31] I say, what a mighty, vast, change, is made, when the Holy Spirit, is come, to adopt, sinners, into the family, of God, ye, have received, the spirit, of adoption, adoption, it's a very, wonderful word, isn't it, and then, that brings me, to the second point, and that is this, the greatness, of the privileges, that are attached, to, sonship, of God, first of all, the greatest privilege, is that we are, heirs, of God, heirs, of God, nobody, can take it, away from us, or rob us, of that title, we are heirs, of God, all that God, has, is ours, he has, bequeathed, everything, and donated, everything, to his people, and Paul says, a little later on, in this same chapter, he that spared not, his own son, but delivered him up, for us all, how shall he not, how shall he not, with him, also freely, give us all things,
[24:59] God giving us, all things, well, there are people, in the world, they have such a little, to give, that if they gave, all they had, wouldn't be very much, there was a woman, a poor widow woman, in the days, of the Lord Jesus, she came, to the temple, and the Lord, had his eye, upon her, and he was looking, closely, at what she was doing, and he saw, that she cast in, two mics, which constituted, the entire, amount of her living, whilst the proud, Pharisees, showing off, their giving, just gave a trifle, in comparison, with what they had, and the Lord, stopped, and said, now take note, of that woman, she's given more, than all the others, she's given, all she has, wasn't much, but God gives, when he gives, he gives all, that he has, and all, the infinite, immensity, the inconceivable, greatness, of what God, can give, and what he will give, and what he does give, to those, who truly, believe, now that's the first thing, the privileges, of being, adopted, sons, of God, there, is a joint, heirship also, with Jesus Christ, and this is, one thing,
[26:37] I do love to, reiterate, really, if we're, children of God, if we've been, born again, if we've been, adopted, by the spirit, of God, into the family, of God, we have, something, that sweetly, and blessedly, links us, with Jesus, what he, had by right, he, had by right, of his own, mark you, his own merits, his own wonderful, performances, all, that he did, obtain, for him, a right, apart, from the rights, he had, from all eternity, as the father's, only begotten son, he has a right, by virtue, of his dying, and doing, his rising again, and his ascending, to the right hand, of God, and his people, have a joint, link, or heirship, with him, in those rights, they belong, to you believer, they're yours, through Christ, look at them, remember them, use them, use them, against the devil, when he comes, to accuse you, and to try, and frighten you, out of your, heritage, use these things, do not be backward, in the making use, of them, tell the devil, face to face, that you belong, to Jesus, that you have, a right with him, you're an heir, with him, of all the, favours of God, and blessings of God, and all the treasures of God, of his grace, and of his love, and of his goodness, and you cannot, the devil cannot, stand against, such claims, as that, then, think of the, greatness, of the privilege, of having access, to God, access, to God, have you access, to God, do you know, where to go, do you know, what it means, to go, there's a very beautiful word, in the song of Solomon, where the beloved bridegroom, speaks to the bride, and he says this, oh my dove, that art in the secret, of the stairs, secret, of the stairs, what a, what a, vast, an inconceivable, inconceivably wonderful, description, that is, my beloved, he says to her, you're in the secret, of the stairs, in other words, you know what it is, to climb up, into my, very presence, you've got the secret, no worldly person, knows where the stairs are, they know nothing, about having access, to the Lord, only those, who are real seekers, and believers, in the Lord Jesus, know, what it means, to have access, to him, to be able, to go to him, secretly, where no eye, is looking, and no person, may be present, you can turn, to the Lord, and say,
[30:19] Lord help me, Lord be with me, Lord I need thee, I need thee, every hour, and every moment, and I want thy love, and I want thy cleansing blood, to cleanse me, from all my evil, oh what a valuable thing, what a precious thing, that is, to have access, to that blessed person, to know the secret, of the stairs, this is one of the very, heartiest things, in religion, it's the very center, of religion, access, to God, to God, do you want to know, whether you are justified, in the sight of God, let me tell you this, if you are, a really, a justified sinner, in, God's sight, one of the chief things, that will result, from that justification, will be, that you will have access, into the grace, wherein, ye stand,
[31:27] Romans 5, verses 3, and 4, yes, access, then, is one of the greatest privileges, of the saints, and then, another great privilege, is an ambassadorial privilege, poor Peter says, you know, in his epistle, he says, ye are ambassadors, of Christ, well we should think, it a very high honor, if the government, or the queen, should come, and say, to us, to any of us, I'm going to appoint you, an ambassador, in this land, and now, as our representative, representative, of Great Britain, in a far off, distant land, you would think, it was the highest honor, you wonder, whether you were, capable, of fulfilling, such a high office, such a post, perhaps you would shrink, from the very thought of it, there are a good many people, who are courting, and desiring, with all their hearts, to be, just that, in the nation's affairs, and yet, they never will be, because only, but a few, are chosen, for those great offices, of state, and, who are made, to be representative, of their nation, in other countries, of the world, of the world, but what are they, compared, with this, an ambassador, of Jesus Christ, an ambassador, of Christ, representing him, you know, we need to take, this very much more, to our hearts, than we do, ye are, a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, a peculiar nation, that ye should, show forth, the praises, of him, who has, called you, out of darkness, into his, most marvelous light, yes, a greatness, of the privileges, is that,
[33:44] God, appoints his people, every one of them, to an ambassadorial, position, as representing, him, his truth, and his grace, and we need to do it, with all, determination, and with diligence, now the third, and the last point, is this, the perfectness, of the family unity, the spirit, but ye have received, the spirit, of adoption, that means to say, the Holy Spirit, has come, here and there, has gone forth, into the world, taken hold, of this person, and that person, young or old, they may be, male or female, and, that spirit, of God, has adopted, them, into the family, of God, and they, have been made, one, with all, those, who fear,
[34:58] God, and, who love him, and bear the name, of Christ, in their hearts, they're the family, now, there's a wonderful unity, about this family, first of all, there's a unity, with the head, and the head, is Jesus Christ, himself, family, without a head, is not really, united at all, may be very much, divided, some families, are divided, even with heads, but, we can never, conceive, and God, never plans, or purposes, that his family, should be, without a head, he's got, the most, glorious head, of all, the head, of grace, the Lord Jesus, the mighty, head, of his people, the one, who was made, sin, for those, who knew, no sin, the one, who took, our nature, upon himself, who was made, head, like the stone, he was made, head of the corner, the stone, which the builders, rejected, and despised, and set on one side, and wouldn't use, in the day, when the Lord Jesus Christ, they united, in turning aside, from him, and regarding him, as nothing worse, but as the word, of God says, the same stone, that was rejected, of the builders, is made, the head, of the corner, it is the topmost, stone of all, the most glorious, stone, of all, the building, of God, and Christ, is that head, and that is, where the unity, comes from, we are one, in him, it's the only unity, that is worth, considering, all other unity, so called, is not, worthy of the name, then, again, in its members, its members, are made one, in Christ, and one, by the Holy Spirit, they are given, one nature, they are given, one mind, one heart,
[37:15] I will put a new heart, in their heart, mine, says the Lord, in the prophecy, of Jeremiah, this will I do, for them, a new covenant, will I make, with them, I will take out, that heart, of stone, and I will put, in a heart, of flesh, and they shall, fear me, and they shall, walk before me, and they shall, love me, so the members, then, are made, by God, one, there's a unity, with every member, God, what did John, say this evening, as we read, that wonderful chapter, we know, that we are passed, from death, unto life, why, because we love, the brethren, that means to say, because we are made, one with them, they are our brethren, and we feel, the ties, binding us together, to them, the ties of love, of spiritual love, and they are, my best friends, they are my kindred,
[38:17] God, my saviour, dwells with them, and in their midst, and I love them, I love to meet, among them, I love, though unworthy, of them, I love to feel, my name is among, those, who love the Lord, and belong, to him, then, there's that unity, of knowledge, and growth, till we all come, says Paul, in writing to the Ephesians, till we all come, in the unity, of the faith, unto a perfect man, to the fullness, of the measure, of the stature, of Christ, we all come, my dear friends, what a wonderful thing, now finally, we come to this point, of our text, whereby, we cry, now you notice, the change here, do you not,
[39:22] Paul has been speaking, about ye, ye have not received, spirit of bondage, ye have received, the spirit of adoption, now he comes, you see, as the whole family, he's uniting, now the whole family, together, and what does he say, we cry, Abba Father, it's a very striking, word is this, Amaraic word it is, the word Abba, which means father, and it means to say this, the Holy Spirit, puts the right, into the hearts, of God's people, and the desire, also into their minds, to cry to God, our father, our father, my father, my God, I know he is mine, he has blessed me, with his grace, he has taught me, by his Holy Spirit, he's made me feel, how needful,
[40:38] Christ is, to my soul, and how he is, my elder brother, my friend, and my savior, and now I can say, with full meaning, of heart and mind, my God, my father, my friend, may, all of us, be able, to say the same, in deed, and in truth, amen.
[41:14] Amen. Let us conclude, by speaking, hymn number 18, to tune in seats, number 474, hymn number 18, Blessed are the sons of God, they are brought, with Jesus' blood, they are ransomed, from the grave, like eternal, they shall have, hymn number 18, use the Jessicaan, who is the sons, where they can be de where they are, the Father, God, we'll choose to start.
[42:17] May the ransom of the grave and return our nation.
[42:30] May the ransom of the grave and return our nation.
[43:30] The vision of the veil CHOIR SINGS CHOIR SINGS
[45:00] CHOIR SINGS Savior, Savior, above His mouth, those days we come with him for joy.
[45:21] A nature, nature, everpture those Problems. Dear Lord, help us to lift our hearts to Thee and say, Our Father, fulfill unto us, we pray, the wondrous measures and mercies of the fatherhood of God.
[45:55] Through Christ Jesus, may we receive the spirit of adoption, whereby we cry, Abba, Father.
[46:08] Do bless Thy word today. Keep us in the spirit of it. We ask it for Christ's sake.
[46:19] And may the grace of the Lord Jesus, the love of God, and the fellowship of the Holy Ghost be upon us now and always.
[46:30] Amen.