John (Quality: Good)

Tenterden - Jireh - Part 33

Sermon Image
Oct. 28, 1990


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[0:00] The rare spring of the peace The небest of joy overseeing The rare day The earr Broadcast The fire in andrビ的时候 Therefore among people, therefore among them is not rest.

[0:47] Amen. As the Lord may be pleased to condescend and help, I'd then read before you the text, the words we will find in the chapter we read, John chapter 15 and verse 22.

[1:18] John chapter 14 rather and verse 22. Judas saith unto him, not Iscariot, Lord, how is it that thou wilt manifest thyself unto us and not unto the world?

[1:48] John 14 verse 22. Judas saith unto him, not Iscariot, Lord, how is it that thou wilt manifest thyself unto us and not unto the world?

[2:10] Though I've read the complete verse before you by way of text, two words I feel have been laid on my mind late last night, not Iscariot.

[2:36] There were two Judases in amongst the disciples, Judas as someone Simon and Judas Iscariot. A gulf between. Dear friends, a child of God is one in whom the spirit of truth, regenerating power has been made known.

[3:00] A word like this will go to the heart. I'm positive of it. If I know anything of the way, dear friends, there'll be times when you need sterile enough.

[3:22] We easily settle on our lease, become complacent. Those around us may not notice the difference.

[3:35] But here, my dear friends, this blessed definition, this sailing of the spirit, in the inspired word of God, declares of Judas, the son of Simon, not Iscariot.

[3:59] Judas was among the twelve disciples.

[4:14] And not one of those others, the other eleven, could distinguish the difference. As the Lord said unto Samuel, as he went to Jesse's house on.

[4:34] Man looked not on his appearance, nor his stature. For man looketh on the outward appearance, but the Lord looketh at the heart.

[4:51] And I said, just previously mentioned, the others could not see the difference. You say, why? Why? They met around that supper table, when the Lord said, one of you shall betray me.

[5:14] Lord, is it I? What a search in dear friends. Are you going to betray your Lord? Dear friends, we may go in and out the house of God regularly.

[5:33] May read the word of God, I even bow our heads in the attitude of prayer. But no life.

[5:46] I don't want this to be taken the wrong way, dear friends. Because the Lord has decreed that there shall be the gathering together of his people.

[6:02] He's given an exhortation, for that's sake not, the assembling of themselves together. And there is that blessing concerning the gathering of the Lord's people together, young and older.

[6:18] That word of Abraham's servant, I being in the way, the Lord led me to the house of my master's brethren. But dear friends, Judas Iscariot was not clean.

[6:38] We read that in that 13th chapter, when our Lord washed the disciples' feet, when he came to Peter, Peter said unto him, Lord, dost thou wash my feet?

[7:01] Oh dear Peter, he had such a love for his Lord. He felt this debasing himself to wash his feet. Peter said unto him, dost thou wash my feet?

[7:18] Jesus answered and said unto him, what I do thou knowest not now, but thou shalt not hereafter. Peter said unto him, thou shalt never wash my feet.

[7:32] Oh dear man, and a holy reverence, I believe, that one for whom had been revealed to him as the Messiah, Jesus, the Son of God.

[7:46] What did Jesus say? If I wash thee not, thou hast no part with me. What did it do to Peter's heart, dear friends?

[8:01] There was a breaking down. Lord, not my feet only, but also my hands and my feet. it's not recorded of what Judas or all the other disciples said.

[8:20] But here, my dear friends, was a manifestation of what Judas said unto the Lord. Ask him, how wilt thou manifest thyself unto us and not unto the world?

[8:33] Jesus said, he that is washed, needneth not say to wash his feet, but is clean every whit, and ye are clean, but not all.

[8:49] Oh, what a solemn declaration, dear friends. Not Iscariot. We read throughout the Word of God many incidences of the other disciples, but not of Judas.

[9:19] Not Iscariot. It was thus the definition given to Judas. The Lord may have for a little while will see the difference.

[9:40] This Judas, my dear friend, knew the difference between those himself and those around him, his disciples and the world.

[10:01] One upon whom can be stamped that solemn status of the wicked.

[10:14] Those that are weighed in the balances of God's holy word and found wanting will have no desire for the Lord to manifest himself to them.

[10:38] Do you want, is that your desire, Lord, manifest thyself unto us?

[10:49] Jesus, this Judas, my dear friend, came unto the Lord with a plea, with a question, how is it?

[11:11] the world will not join, cannot join, with that well-known verse of the poet, how stands the case, my soul, with thee?

[11:33] For heaven is he thy great forerunner there?

[11:47] Judas saith unto him, not Iscariot. Oh, dear friends, how solemn it was with Judas Iscariot.

[11:59] There were the chosen one, I think it's in that following chapter where he speaks of this. I've chosen you, my dear friends, ordained you, but my dear friends, Judas Iscariot, was that one that was chosen under divine decrees of purposes of God to betray him, to leave him.

[12:44] And as our Lord said to him in that supper table, after he had dipped the sop and gave it to Judas Iscariot, my dear friend, Satan entered into him.

[13:04] And Jesus said, that thou doest do quickly. Even then, what do we read? Now, no man at the table knew for what intent he spoke this unto him.

[13:19] some of them thought, because Judas had a bag, that Jesus said unto him, buy those things that we have need of against the beast, or that he should give something to the poor.

[13:37] he then, having received the sop, went out immediately, and it was night.

[13:52] all the darkness, dear friends. Judas said unto him, not Iscariot. Or maybe one here, my dear friend, that feels the night and the darkness of him camped around them.

[14:11] He seemed to feel the darkness. He seemed to feel the heaviness of the cloud. But, dear friends, where did it drive you?

[14:31] Did it drive you to the throne of grace? With sighs and tears? For do you ask that you may indeed take that precious name of Jesus upon your lips, and plead his name, his sacrifice, his precious blood.

[15:01] Again, dear friends, the thought has come to mind. I trusted his other spirit. Oh, how we need the spirit of truth to open up this solemn yet sacred subject to our understanding.

[15:19] Dear Peter, was left to deny him, deny our Lord. Peter. Oh, how firm he stood.

[15:30] Though all men forsake thee, yet will not I, I will go to death. The cop shall not crow twice before thou hast denied me thrice.

[15:47] It only took a maid, my dear friends, for Peter to deny his Lord with owls and curses. But the Lord looked.

[16:06] Do you want the Lord to look on you, dear friends? What was the effect? He went out and wept bitterly.

[16:19] You know what it is to weep. Weep for sin. Weep for lack of love. Weep for holy communion with your Lord and Saviour.

[16:31] Ah, weep. Ah, that you've sinned so much. All that true repentance, my dear friends, in those tears of Peter. What about Iscariot?

[16:46] He didn't have repentance, my dear friends. He had remorse. And what a solemn end happened to him. But dear friends, when the Lord brings his or leaves his dear people, allows them to fall, our poor finite minds cannot understand these things.

[17:20] God, how the Lord manifest, sanctify that circumstance in Peter's heart.

[17:31] Paul is able to say in his epistle, kept by the power of God. Lord, how is it that they will manifest thyself unto us and not unto the world?

[17:50] The world can go anywhere and do anything. They may have the qualms of conscience. Have you known what it is, dear friends?

[18:03] a certain step in your pathway. You want the Lord to be in it.

[18:16] You want the Lord to manifest his guidance. You want the Lord to give your word that it is right. You want him to give you that true spirit of prayer whereby you may lay at his defeat.

[18:44] And say with that couplet of the well-known hymn, guide me, O thou great Jehovah. Pilgrim through this barren land, I am weak, but thou art mighty.

[19:00] Hold me with thy powerful hand, bread of heaven, feed me now and evermore. So it is the Lord's dear people, here included in Judas' question unto the Lord, how is it that thou wilt manifest thyself unto us?

[19:26] The chosen ones, chosen in eternity past, though to whom living faith is granted, be it ever so small measure, but faith, my dear friends, it will be tried.

[19:44] How is it thou wilt manifest thyself unto us and not unto the world? the world lives for the present time, a child of God when in his right mind, he's not always living in that past with heaven clearly in his bill.

[20:10] You have to mourn over the sins at the idols that draw you from his side. But dear friend, there's still that longing even for the darkness.

[20:29] And so, dear friend, they have their troubles. They have their sorrows. They have their bereavement and their afflictions.

[20:43] how is it the Lord manifests himself unto his people? He sanctifies the dispensations.

[20:57] He gives them a word to hope on. And how our Lord opens this wonderful chapter.

[21:10] Let not your heart be troubled. ye believe in God, believe also in me. The God, dear friends, to whom you've had to go in your trouble.

[21:28] The God to whom you've had to go for guidance. The God to whom you've had to go in deep confession for the sins, for your forgetfulness, for your lack of praise unto him for his mercy, for your lack of love.

[21:55] We spoke this morning concerning that love unto Christ, his commandments, if you love me. God to go to God.

[22:08] And how the Lord here gently leads, as it were, by the Spirit, the thoughts and intents of the heart. The worldling has his troubles.

[22:23] He's no God, he hasn't got a God to go to. The Lord's here people in their troubles, are manifest, that they are among the flunk of God, among the redeemed of the Lord.

[22:45] Let not your heart be troubled. Ye believe in God, believe also in me. The Lord Jesus here sets forth that living faith, God-given faith, faith that is so often tried, faith, my dear friends, which sometimes you cannot feel or see the evidence that you have it in your breath.

[23:23] love. Where does it drive you? Can you do without the throne of grace?

[23:34] love? Or may be one here that so tried and troubled this afternoon today, to hear the precious truths declared, the word of God read before you, but it seems as if you cannot lay hold of it by the hand of faith as you would.

[23:57] Let not your heart be troubled, ye believe in God? Can you say there's no God? Can you say you do what you will do as you wish? No, dear friends. I may so express at the bottom of it all you say, look, there is a God, but oh, did you take notice of me?

[24:21] A poor, hell-deserving sinner, one to whom the mercy of God is not worthy of the mercy of God or the least of his notice.

[24:37] You want him to manifest himself to you. Let not your heart be troubled, ye believe in God. Believe also in me.

[24:54] A sin's a burden. You feel indeed and told by Satan that your sins have cast you at last into that bottomless bit.

[25:11] You sigh and mourn before God over it. You believe in God. Believe also in me.

[25:25] He is one with the Father. He came out from the Father to fulfil that covenant ordered in all things and sure to shed his blood upon Calvary to satisfy God's holy law to bless them that fear him with forgiveness of sin and draw them and draw them unto himself.

[26:12] And the Lord in that chapter we read together gives a sealing of this a sweet evidence of that manifestation of the Lord's love and mercy.

[26:27] glory. And whatsoever you shall ask in my name that will I do that the Father may be glorified in the Son.

[26:43] If you shall ask anything in my name I will do it. Friends I've had no meditation on this and a thought has come to mind the Lord knows the heart of each one here.

[27:07] You may feel that this afternoon in the depths of despair feeling the Lord has forsaken you feeling you're nothing else but a hypocrite.

[27:21] But can you say you've never prayed? Never gone to the throne of grace never bowed your head with a sigh unable to express in words how you feel.

[27:40] This is the Lord's work and marvellous in our eyes. Who could change your heart? Who could make you feel the burden of sin?

[27:51] but he of whom this word speaks he shall convince of sin.

[28:05] And so dear friends whatsoever you shall ask. You know there's a number of the Lord's dear people sin. I think not the first time I had a weight then late years at school when the late E.G.

[28:33] Rowell was preaching oh he spoke that hellfire and we closed my dear friend with that hymn pause my soul and ask the question but dear friend how soon one wandered away I have much to mourn before God saying with the psalmist remember not the sins of my youth but dear friend I felt the first time that God answered prayer was in providential circumstance God is a sovereign he doeth what his will according to his divine decree you may indeed speak speak in hard things against yourself can you say he's never answered a prayer in the path of providence you cannot separate path and providence and grace and so dear friend does not that give you encouragement whatsoever nor do thank God for his precious word that covers all the aspects of life in providence and grace he comes and manifests himself to one and another and thus dear friend he's gave this great promise whatsoever you shall ask in my name that will

[30:12] I do that the father may be glorified in the son if ye shall ask anything in my name I will do it say what about that prayer what about that circumstance what about that loved one dear friend we cannot we dare not dictate to the Lord but we can take it to the throne of Christ who can besiege his mercy and as he's heard prayer on your behalf will you not hear it for others that will flee my dear friend because God's ways are just his counsel's wise they are my dear friends because no thought can fly nor think can move unknown to him that sits above

[31:15] Judas saith unto him not Iscariot he addresses his Lord he comes with humble faith how is it that thou wilt manifest thyself unto us he had that faith he said how is it that thou wilt not maybe not perhaps how is it that thou manifest thyself unto us and not unto the world and our dear Lord sets forth this truth if a man love me he will keep my words you might say well that cuts me all together or failed in thought word and deed they have to say

[32:16] I failed in every aspect my dear friends when you fail when you sin is it a burden is it a case you have to take to the throne of grace and you have that access to the throne of grace oh what love God the Father God the Son and God the Holy Spirit has unto his dear people the Lord has unto his dear people he doesn't cast them off he brings them down draws out from their heart those pleas for forgiveness sheds abroad a measure of that forgiveness whereby you're unable to voice whoever known it dear friends you bowed your head before

[33:31] God in shame and sorrow pure many many backslidings all you can play for is mercy but the Lord has come and broken through the clouds into your heart you've been able to voice and plead before him for what he has done your heart has gone out through a precious Christ and his redeemed love and mercy you felt as it were that precious blood was upon your conscience and that he was your Lord oh he was a manifestation does the world know anything of this it is to the Lord's people his chosen ones his peculiar people his redeemed people if a man love me he will keep my words dear friends are the double bonded and my father will love him and we will come unto him and make our abode with him he sets forth the opposite side he that loveth me not keep it not my sayings no desire to self as a main object their own desires but the

[35:07] Lord when he manifests his love and mercy unto his dear people his tried and tempted ones there will be that willingness a spirit of submission there's a manifestation it's easy to say dear friends thy will be done I may have said it here before I felt it from my own experience you have to say or desire to say Lord thy will be done and yet perhaps at the back of your mind Lord let it be this way that's not submission but when you come before God my dear friends in complete submission to his holy will lie in your case entirely at his dear thing then you know what it is my dear friends to know the love of God in your soul then you know that strength as the

[36:21] Lord said unto Paul my grace is sufficient for thee my strength is made perfect in weakness and my father will love him and will come unto him and make our abode with him oh dear friends have you ever prayed you know some of our older friends can pray with one oh we need it dear friends that of which there were two favoured disciples on the Emmaus road oh there was a manifestation of the Lord of life and glory and he spoke unto them the things concerning himself and what was the evidence of it I spoke of it as they went back to Jerusalem did not our heart burn with us while he talked with us on the way have you had communion with your

[37:29] Lord and Saviour your prayer may be with a poet larger communion may I have with thee blessed object of my love what I was coming to was this they constrained it to go in abide with us for the days far spent oh you want him to abide you want that truth of very opening verses in my father's house are many mansions if it were not so I would have told you or here's the manifestation of his dear people I go to prepare a place for you and if I go and prepare a place for you I will come again and receive you unto myself that where I am there you may be also we have those touches dear friend while here below of the manifestation of his mercy of his goodness of his redeeming love but the fullness of it will not be until we get the glory as he said in that prayer unto his father oh what a wonderful thing ever thought of that dear friends here was a manifestation prayed for by our lord unto his father father

[39:09] I will that they also whom thou hast given me be with me where I am a poor hell deserving sinner one with the father joined heirs with Christ in that heavenly place where sin and guilt no more abide can come but where they are father I will also whom thou hast given me be with me where I am that they may behold my glory which thou hast given me so you want communion with your lord your prayers with the poet larger communion may I have with thee blessed object of my love jesus is is scary but after those things that satisfy the world else I had remorse but what a solemn sad end that the lord's people want those signs and token that they are in the bundle of life that they are indeed redeemed by jesus precious blood redeemed and so dear friends judas said unto him not his guide lord how is it that thou will manifest thyself unto us not unto the world gain my thought go to that word of our lord wherein he says in the world ye shall have tribulation but be of good cheer

[41:35] I have overcome the world and that peace of god that passeth all understanding it says later in this chapter peace I leave with you my peace I give unto you how is it is that manifested when peace like a river flows into your heart peace by his cross as jesus made the church as everlasting head all hell and sinners victory won and with a shout to glory gone peace I leave with you he is the prince of peace he is now ascended on high exalted at the father's right hand but he intercedes he pleads he comes with the blessings of his grace and enables his dear people though tried though often cast down gives them a word whereby they are strengthened not as the world giveth give unto you let not your heart be troubled neither let it be afraid as I in the world ye shall have tribulation but be of good cheer

[43:11] I have overcome the world Lord how is it they will manifest thyself unto us and not unto the world the spirit of truth the comforter he that brings all things to your remembrance he that helps you with the throne of grace he that directs you to the word of God where certain takes may shine before forth as apples of gold and so that blessed comforter the holy spirit comes into the heart and leads your say to the to his name as we read but the comforter which is the holy ghost whom the father will send in my name he shall teach you all things and bring all things to your remembrance whatsoever

[44:33] I have said unto you look back dear friends some of you older ones and I trust some of the younger ones has there not the times been when you've been downcast when you feel far out of the way you've been begging of the Lord for help and other token and the dear holy ghost the great remembrance brings back a text a time perhaps when you heard the prophet when you are able to bless the Lord that he's not cast you off giving you hope in his name there my dear friends is a manifestation of God the Father God the

[45:33] Son and God the Holy Ghost Judas saith unto him not Iscariot all friends there's an echo in your heart you're not with him all there's some solemn records in the word of God Balaam spake wonderful truths precious truths but dear friend we read of Balaam he went to his own place oh the Lord knows how that record has been certain to oneself and here too with this say Judas was with the twelve only the Lord knows but with his people with his redeemed ones there'll be that constant plea before him for a token for good show me a token

[46:47] Lord for good some token of thy special love show me that I am born of God and that my treasure is about that you are in that covenant of grace and in the ark of Christ Judas said unto him not as scary Lord how is it thou will manifest thyself unto us and not unto the world have you got that sweet evidence in your heart can go before your Lord and say yes Lord here's the tokens thou knowest I've prayed for mercy thou knowest indeed I've confessed before there were many many sins thou knowest there's been the sweet evidence at time of that pardon thou knowest

[47:52] Lord I depend on thee for everything the evidence dear friend that he is your God may the Lord pardon all that's been in this front friends I feel it's been a rambling service but oh may the spirit of truth search your heart and mine