1 Timothy

Fitzwilliam - Cave Adullam - Part 2

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Dec. 15, 1987


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[0:01] And verse 5. Now the end of the commandment is charity out of a pure heart and of a good conscience and of faith unfamed.

[0:19] Now the end of the commandment is charity out of a pure heart and of a good conscience and of faith unfamed.

[0:31] And the Apostle Paul in this letter to his son in the faith Timothy encourages and charges him respecting the gospel.

[0:51] I besought thee to abide still at Ephesus when I went into Macedonia, that thou mightest charge some that they teach no other doctrine, neither give heed to fables and endless genealogies which minister questions, rather than godly edifying which is in faith.

[1:24] So do. And then he says now the end of the commandment is charity out of a pure heart and of a good conscience and of faith unfamed.

[1:40] Now in the 13th chapter of the Acts that we read together, we read the gospel as Paul received it, believed it, and was commanded to preach it.

[2:01] And you know the conclusion of the matter when he had declared those truths concerning Christ, Be it known unto you therefore men and brethren, that through this man is preached unto you the forgiveness of sins, and by him all that believe are justified from all things, from which he could not be justified by the law of Moses.

[2:46] Now the apostle Paul speaks in this verse and he says, And the consequence, the end product of the preaching of the gospel is this, Charity out of a pure heart, of a good conscience, and of faith unfamed.

[3:17] Now let us first notice, charity, written here is not the charity of giving arms, neither is it that charity which springs out of a meekness and a mildness of mind and of disposition that will permit latitude, compromise, this word is love.

[3:58] The end of the commandment is love out of a pure heart. And if we read in the epistle to the epistle to the Ephesians, the apostle speaks unto that church and he says, Be ye therefore followers of God as dear children and walk in love.

[4:25] Now he enlarges upon that and defines the manner of that love. Even as we are loved, Oh what a precious word it is, Even as Christ loved us and gave himself a sacrifice of sweet smelling savour unto God.

[4:59] Now this is what the apostle sets before us here. That love, the manner of it, The purity of it.

[5:16] And he also says that the end of the commandment is a good conscience. You know that the apostle and the Lord's dear people, Feeling the precious blood sprinkled upon their consciences, Find wrought in them that perfect work, For the blood of bulls and of goats cannot purge the conscience of sin, But that one offering, Ah, that one offering reaches there.

[6:08] And there is a trust and a dependence in him, So that faith believes, And proves, And proves, That sin is put away, By the shedding of his blood.

[6:32] And faith unfaimed, It's not a trust and a dependence, That is fallible. Oh it may vary, Because of the oppositions that are against it, Or appear to vary, In our capacity to enjoy the benefits, Of it, But faith in itself, Is unchanged and unaltered, For it is a divine principle.

[7:05] And the Lord's dear children, Walk out, That faith unfaimed, Abraham went out, Not knowing whither he went, If it had merely been, An attitude, Or a nominal, Adherence, To an idea, Or even a word, He had opportunity to return, He had opportunity to return, You know we read in Hebrews, Of these all died in faith, And consider what they suffered, Many of them, And surely even by those things, The physical and the natural tortures, Malice, Enmity, Hardness,

[8:07] Warfare, That was put against them, Disclosed that their faith was unfaimed, But surely, The testimony of God's word, For though they saw the promises far off, They were persuaded of them, And they embraced them, I want to speak first of all, A few things concerning, The commandment, We, Often, Seem to consider, The word commandment only, In respect, Of the law, And of the moral, Commandments, And precepts, That were given, Both to Moses, As well as to Adam,

[9:08] And certainly it has, An application, Unto that, But it isn't, That commandment, That is referred to here, The commandment, That was given, Unto Adam, And to Moses, Can never, Bring forth, These things, That are written in this verse, Love, Out of a pure heart, A good conscience, And unfaimed faith, So let us be absolutely clear, It is not, By the law, Or by, The precepts, Of the law, That were given, Unto Adam, Or to Moses, That these things, Are the consequence, In God's word,

[10:10] We read, In the third chapter, Of Romans, The end, And the purpose, Of the law, The commandment, That was given, To Adam, And to Moses, Now, We know, That what things, Soever the law saith, It saith to them, Who are under the law, That every mouth, May be stopped, And all of the world, May become, May become, Guilty, Before God, The commandments, That are by the law, They set forth, The exceeding, Sinfulness, Of sin, And there is,

[11:11] A manifesting, Of the righteous, Judgment, Of a holy God, Against sin, And therefore, The consequences, Of that law, Known, And applied, Must make, The meekest quake, And the wicked flee, If you sit, And meditate, Upon, The commandments, Of the law, And the penalties, For transgression, Don't you tremble, You know, The word tells us, That, When the Lord, Comes to judgment, There will be those, Who shall desire,

[12:12] That the mountain, Shall fall upon, Them, To hide them, They suppose, From his wrath, Even the wicked, Flee, The meekest quake, At these things, Now, If the meekest quake, And the wicked, Flee, How can, Quaking, And fleeing, Promote, Love, And, Out of a pure, Heart, It's an impossibility, But I want merely, To establish, That the commandment, Spoken of here, Is not, The commandment, Which was given, Unto Adam, To Moses, Is, Is, Is,

[13:13] But it speaks, Rather, Of the commandment, Of the gospel, Of God's grace, We, Rarely, Consider it, To be, A commandment, In that sense, Is, And yet, You know, The Lord, Determined, In, The ages, Of eternity, To save, A people, And he, Gave, Commandment, Concerning, Their salvation, And his commandments, Concerning, Their salvation, Are, Written, And viewed, In the covenant, Of grace, And he, Gave, The commandment, Unto Christ, To preach, To fulfill,

[14:14] To fulfill, To enact, And to bestow, We, Read, And repeat it often, God, Sent, He gave, Commandment, Concerning, The salvation, Of his people, Do we realize, That the preaching, Of the gospel, Is the consequence, And the evidence, Of the commandment, That God has given, Concerning his people, For he has said, Respecting them, They shall show forth, My prayers, All,

[15:15] What is necessary, Before they are enabled, To show forth, His praise, And surely, That praise, Is most beautifully, And wonderfully, Seen, In love, Out of a pure heart, Out of a good conscience, Conscience, And in faith, Unfeigned, Now the apostle, Tells, Timothy, The end, Of the commandment, Of the gospel, Is found, In these things, I want to, Try and, Set forth, As the Lord, Might help, This commandment, What it is, And how,

[16:17] And by whom, It is made known, The word of God, Tells us, That the commandment, Is a commandment, Of life, And peace, The gospel, Alone, Is that, Which can bring, Life, And peace, Unto a sinner, Ye, Who sometimes, Were far off, Are made, Nigh, By the blood, Of Christ, And the apostle, Begins, That chapter, With these words, And you, Who were, Dead, In trespasses, And in sins, Hath he, Quickened, Now the gospel, Is the evidence,

[17:18] And the power, Of the commandment, Unto life, For it comes, And ministers, Life unto the soul, The preaching, Of the gospel, Is not a proposition, It's not something, That comes to you, And suggests, Offers, That says, If you do this, I'll do that, Would the gospel, That merely, Came, And said to you, If you'll do this, I'll do that, Satisfy your eternal, Need, Before a holy God, For it to be of any,

[18:23] Help, Or any consequence, We needs, Must have, Power, And will, Because if we have, To do, Unless we have, Ability, We can't fulfill, Our part, And if, The gospel, Is a gospel, Of condition, Then we shall, Never be saved, Because, Because we have, No power, And no will, To do, That or, Any other part, I'm sure, That, If you consider, Even, One, Matter, Matter, Thou, Shalt love, The Lord, Thy God, With all, Thy mind, With all, Thy soul, And with all, Thy strength,

[19:23] Now, If that was, The only condition, And if you said, Well, I'll try, I'll do, My best, Do we understand, What it means, For a start, Can we love, The Lord, Our God, With all, Our mind, Our mind, Is taken up, With other gods, The director, Of our mind, Which is the heart, Is corrupt, Unbelieving, Hard, Now, If we, Seek, To make it soft, And pliable, And subject, To the word,

[20:24] And the will of God, We may, In some outward, And some, Formal, Way, Begin to attend, Unto this, Or to that, That pertains, Unto the Lord's word, And will, But we have to love him, In spirit, Our spirit, Must be engaged in it, That is, The fiber, Of our being, Our affection, Our affection, Every instinct, Every, Every understanding, And dear friend, I haven't got that spirit in me, By nature, I haven't got the mind, Or the will, Or the power, And if the Lord, Said, Well it's only for today,

[21:24] I couldn't do it, But when, When, The Lord, The Lord, The Lord, Preaches the gospel, Unto the sinner, What is it, That he, Shows unto him, He shows unto him, That he is, Needful, Of salvation, And then shows unto him, A salvation, That is not dependent, Upon anything, But upon, God's grace, He shows him, A gospel, That has, Commanded, Deliverance, For the sinner, Satan, Cannot refuse,

[22:28] Satan, Cannot still hold, Those, For whom, Christ died, The Lord, Has commanded, The deliverance, The redemption, Of his people, And how can we be certain, That they are, And they shall be, Delivered, And redeemed, When, The Lord, Ordered, The terms, Of the covenant, And appointed his son, To make it known, To proclaim, It, And to fulfill it, And to fulfill it, Consider that, The Lord, So, Ordered, And determined, And commanded, The gospel,

[23:29] Of redemption, That he himself, That he himself, Took the offending, Part, And by reason, Of his holiness, And of his righteousness, Satisfied it, In his son, In his son's blood, And by the pouring out, Of his wrath, Upon him, So that, Justice, Being satisfied, Had to let go, Otherwise, Otherwise, It would not have been, Justice anymore, To receive, A full payment, And still to hold, Is unjust, The Lord, Commanded,

[24:29] The salvation, Of his people, For while holiness, And righteousness, Demanded, The satisfaction, Justice in receiving it, Let's go, Delivers, Redeems, The Lord Jesus, Did not go, And demand, The release, Of the sinner, Until he had, Paid the price, But when the price, Is paid, There is none, That can hold them still, And when the Lord, Came into the world, He came as a result, Of the commandment, Respecting the redemption, Of the Lord's dear people, He made it known, He preached,

[25:30] The kingdom of God, Is nigh unto you, The spiritual blessings, In heavenly places, That were purposed, Of the Father, And he went, And he ministered, Among the people, He conveyed, Unto them, The knowledge, Of the Father, The purposes, Of the Father, And he laid down, His life, That those, For whom, The Father, Had sent him, To bring, To restore, To redeem, To redeem, The bees, Might know, That gracious, Liberty, And so, When he comes, He doesn't preach, A proposition, He preaches unto them, What is the Father's will, And that which he himself, Has performed, The gospel,

[26:33] The gospel, Isn't a theory, The preaching, Of the gospel, Is the reality, Of that which, Christ himself, Hath performed, Out of the commandment, Of the Father, Be it known, Unto you, Therefore, Men and brethren, That through, This man, Is preached, Unto you, The forgiveness, Of sins, Now, By his coming, And by his sufferings, And by his death, It is an established, Fact, It isn't a proposition, It is an established, Fact, That through, This man, There is, Forgiveness of sins, Not there might be, There is, Forgiveness of sins, Do you believe it?

[27:34] You may agree, That Christ came into the world, That he was crucified, Upon the cross, That he died, And rose again, But consider, The consequence, Of these, Acts, Of the commandment, Of the Father, In sending him, It is to proclaim, Through this man, Is forgiveness of sins, And the apostle, And the apostle goes on, And by him, All that believe, Are justified, From all things, From which he could not be justified, By the law of Moses, Now the weaknesses, Of the law, In that he could not, Justify, To justify, The sinner, Those things,

[28:37] Have no part, And place, For how, Beautifully, And clearly, The word is spoken, By him, All, That believe, Are justified, From all things, Now that's what the gospel preaches, That's what Christ fulfilled, And this is what we believe, He has enabled, One and another, Throughout the ages, Moved of the spirit, To proclaim, And sinners, Have heard, And brought to know, The commandment, And have proved, Through this man, Is forgiveness of sins, And believing upon his name, Are justified, From all things,

[29:38] Now if, You, Ode a man, Ten thousand pounds, And you had a friend, That went and paid it, Being given the evidence, That it was paid, Surely, You would have to acknowledge, That your debt, Was paid, And your indebtedness, Forgiven, And forgotten, By the payment, That was made, You wouldn't still say, I'm in debt, I'm in debt, You'd say, Rather, My friend paid it, My friend paid it, Well consider, When God sent his son,

[30:39] Into the world, It was to preach, And to fulfill, His, The father's commandment, My friend has paid it, My friend has paid it, And the word says, And by him, All that believe, Are justified, From all things, Now, It is, By the commandment, Of God, That those, That believe, Upon his name, Cannot be, Charged, Brought again, Under, The dominion, Or, The accusation, Of the enemy, Their sins, Are put away, Though Satan,

[31:39] May seek, To bring them back, And make, False accusations, God himself, Has said, Their sins, And their iniquities, Will I remember, No more, They are, Forgotten, They are not, Passed over, They are, Paid for, In Jesus, Precious blood, And therefore, They are not, And cannot be, Brought against, The ones, For whom he died, If that were, Possible, Then, There would be, No point, In paying the debt, For it would still remain, But through, This man, Is preached, Unto you, The forgiveness, Of sin, And by him, All that believe, Are justified, From all things, Well, The end,

[32:40] Of the commandment, Is love, Out of a pure heart, Do you and I, Know anything, Of the motions, Of that, Love, Out of a pure heart, Oh, I'm not talking about, What we are, By nature, What our heart, Is like by nature, But rather, That which, By, The quickening, Influences, Of the holy spirit, Moves, Within us, And although, Made conscious, Of sin, So that we, Grieve, Because of it, Nevertheless, Believe, In the efficacy, Of jesus, Precious blood, And trust, In god's, Unchanging, Word, And love,

[33:41] So that, We are justified, In his sight, And seek, To draw near, And what motive, Is it, That brings us near, And that occupies, Our hearts, Oh, Why did jesus, Show to me, The beauties, Of his face, Why to my soul, Oh dear friend, It's very personal, It's not a general attitude, Or, A widely felt, Emotion, It's peculiar, Unto the individual, And the answer, It was because, He loved my soul, And I believe, That when we are brought, To feel that love, When we are enabled,

[34:42] To believe, The commandment, Which he, Made known, And fulfilled, The commandment, Of god, For the deliverance, Of his people, There is forgiveness, Of sin, Christ, Made it known, But he fulfilled, All that was necessary, To bring it about, And the spirit, Comes and ministers, It unto the soul, And the soul, Is moved in love, Why me?

[35:13] And the spirit, And the spirit's work, Is to fasten, These truths, To enlarge, And increase, And feed, With those revealings, Of the glories, Of Christ, And as they are made known, Well, There is a going, Unto the Lord, Love, Out of a pure heart, And of a good conscience, Oh what a wonderful thing, It is, To be enabled, To get on our knees, And look up, Unto the father, Which is in heaven, With a heart filled, With tender love, For his compassion, In sending,

[36:16] His son, In ministering, To us, Forgiveness, Of sin, As we trust, In Jesus, Blood, And surely, It is only, As we know, These things, That we can, That we can, Truly praise, In, Heartfelt praise, Only springs, Out of an experienced, And a, Experienced soul, And a, Living soul, Dead forms, May come out, Of a natural mind, And heart, But unfeigned, Love, Love out of a, Pure heart, Springing, Out of a, Good conscience, Feeling, The efficacy, In other words,

[37:17] Of the precious blood, Not having to fear, And to tremble, Not a consequence, Not feeling the consequences, Of that judgment, Must come upon us, If we draw near, But rather, Believing, That we are hidden, And covered, And sheltered, Perhaps one, Of those, Experiences, That, Is afforded to us, Which brings us, Before the father's face, In, This state, And frame, Is the realization, Of those, Things that the hymn writer says, Tis he, Instead of me, Is seen, When I approach, To God, You know,

[38:19] We need, Love, Out of a pure heart, A good conscience, And unfamed faith, To walk, And to walk, In the pilgrim's pathway, Be ye not slothful, But followers of them, Who through faith, And patience, Now inherit the promises, They see, And enjoy, The end, Of all, The blessings, That God has purposed, But they, New and walked in, The end of the commandment, In the obtaining of them, They walked in love, They walked in godly fear, And they walked in faith,

[39:19] Well may the lord, Help and enable us, Each one of us, So, To walk, In as much as, This commandment, The commandment, That sin is forgiven, Through Jesus precious blood, That we are justified, As we believe, Upon his name, As these things, Are afforded to us, May we give the honour, And glory unto him, Amen, 108 tune 124 Jehovah is my righteousness in him alone I'll boast my tongue his mercy shall confess who seeks and saves the lost 108 tune 124

[40:25] Jehovah is my righteousness in him alone I'll boast my tongue his mercy shall confess Jehovah is my offering who speaks and spiraling upon my你好 Jehovah is my foundation for me working with se голос