Acts (Quality: Good)

Brabourne Lees - Zion - Part 115

Sermon Image
May 5, 1991


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[0:00] We venture to a word found in the Acts chapter 1, reading verse 11.

[0:16] The Acts of the Apostles, chapter 1, verse 11, which also said, Ye men of Galilee, why stand ye gazing up into heaven?

[0:37] Then this same Jesus, which is taken up from you into heaven, shall so come in like manner, as ye have seen him go into heaven.

[0:58] It's more particularly the short clause, this same Jesus, rests upon one spirit.

[1:15] This same Jesus. Luke opens this portion of holy rent, declaring those things that took place from the day in which Christ ascended into heaven.

[2:10] A continuance, as it were, from the recordings in his gospel.

[2:27] So there, in those gospels, there is that spoken of this same Jesus until that set time when he must leave his disciples.

[2:48] when the promise of the Comforter, the Holy Spirit, was to be fulfilled, that outpouring upon that gathering at the day of Pentecost.

[3:12] Thus, Luke continues, thus Luke continues, recording for the good of the Church of God, for their comfort and their consolation in years that followed, those things concerning this same Jesus.

[3:34] and that which the apostles were commissioned to accomplish in the name of this same Jesus.

[3:52] For this book records the scenes which attended the establishment of the early Church of God, the labors of the apostles after they had received that power from on high, bidden for a season to tarry in Jerusalem until ye be endued with that power from on high.

[4:33] Now ye shall receive power. So saith the Spirit of God after that the Holy Ghost is come upon you, and ye shall be witnesses unto me both in Jerusalem and in all Judea and in Samaria and unto the uttermost parts of the earth.

[5:03] This book records some of those things which were wrought in the name of the Holy Child Jesus.

[5:19] For the comfort, for the strengthening of their faith as they waited for that season.

[5:32] This word was spoken unto them. They had seen the Lord received up into glory.

[5:47] The clouds received him out of their sight. We can but feel those clouds denote the multitude of angels that received him at his ascension from this time state into that place of peace.

[6:19] Even to be sat down at the Father's right hand but the word speaks of a coming again. This same Jesus.

[6:33] This same Jesus. Not another not one like unto him but this same dear man this God this same Jesus.

[6:53] This same Jesus. You see in it a looking back a remembering of those things concerning Christ a strengthening of their faith in that belief that he should come again in all his glory attended with power in like manner as ye have seen him go into heaven.

[7:27] these men of Galilee these ignorant fishermen some of them having been called out of their natural temporal calling to follow Christ ye men of Galilee why stand ye gazing up into heaven why stand ye thus looking Christ had been received into glory clouds having received him out of their sight was now was now for them to return unto Jerusalem and to wait that out warring of the

[8:30] Holy Spirit upon them to equip them for that great work which lay before them we think of Elijah one who sat down under the juniper tree one who sought even that his life might be taken from him such was the desolation of his spirit amidst those things that prevailed on that at that season they were to us arise and eat for the journey is too great for they arise these disciples were going to go back to Jerusalem and await that season when they should thus be commissioned yea when afresh as it were the spirit of God might be poured upon them they might go forth in his great and holy name as witnesses witnesses of this

[9:51] Christ this Jesus whom they had seen whom they had followed whom by the gift of God they believed in this same Jesus they were to proclaim as grace was enabled them of him whether men would hear or whether they would forbear to speak of the whole counsel of God those things concerning this same Jesus no doubt your thoughts have gone as one once had to those words Jesus Christ the same yesterday today and forever these were witnesses they had sojourned with him they had walked with him they had seen his miracles wrought they had heard him speak those parables and unto them he had unfolded the precious things of the gospel contained therein they were to be witnesses of this same

[11:47] Jesus how solemn it is that many preach what can but be described as another gospel they preach not this name Christ oh may we be preserved may we be cared from speaking aught that detracts from this same Jesus anything spoken which leads from

[12:54] Christ which lifts the creature can never bring true profit to the soul many there are that feed the internet many there are that encourage fleshly zeal so in those days we see in this word a warning it is to preach the same Jesus a warning contained here many but encourage fleshly zeal true relation hath for its beginner

[13:58] Christ and Christ is the end indeed the author and the finisher of our faith this same Jesus he is the sum and substance of all true religion this same Jesus it was that the apostle Paul sought to preach to know nothing amongst men save Christ and him crucify this same Jesus thus here's the desire those that have tasted handled and felt of ought of the good word of life who have been sent forth of the spirit into the field of the ministry to speak of this same

[15:06] Jesus as those same truths are proclaimed to the living family in Jerusalem they will not be gone but we might term in our language our everyday language style tis that which the exorcised soul longs to hear of this same Jesus Philip as he joined himself to the chariot preached Christ unto the eunuch this same Jesus that dear man had come down from

[16:09] Jerusalem reading the word of God seeking divine instruction one thus but enjoined to join himself unto that chariot and to preach unto him Christ this same Jesus as the jailer was brought to that place of desperation to that season when he would have taken his life as those under his command were released first as he stood responsible for them his first inclination was to take his own life t'was alone the ministry of this same

[17:19] Jesus that turned him from that foul purpose and brought him to a knowledge of himself and of Christ this same Jesus.

[17:41] And alone the ministry which seeks to lift high upon the gospel pole a precious Christ, this same Jesus, alone that, as prompted by the Spirit of God, will bring comfort and consolation to those desperate sinners, to those souls who feel themselves destroyed, realize themselves lost, indeed lost to all hope and all themselves.

[18:26] Tis alone the hearing of this same Jesus, which can bring any comfort, any cure, to their never-dying soul.

[18:45] Ye men of Galilee, why stand ye, gazing up into heaven, this same Jesus, which is taken up from you into heaven, shall so come in like manner, as ye have seen him, go into heaven.

[19:15] During that season, after his resurrection, he made himself known, on occasions, during those 40 days, to his more immediate disciples, and to that large number, of those who had followed him, through his ministry.

[19:54] And, the apostle, speaks here, of those infallible proofs, those infallible proofs, being seen of them 40 days, and speaking of the things, pertaining, to the kingdom of God.

[20:19] These infallible proofs, of this same Jesus, the Jews, would have man believe, that the disciples, stole him away, in the depths of the night.

[20:46] This we read, was circulated, amongst them, to so even, to this time.

[21:01] But these, followers of Christ, were favoured, with those infallible proofs, that this one, who, from time to time, as he showed himself, unto them, we cannot, feel, that he abode, with them, during these 40 years, as he had before, the risen Christ, he made himself, known, unto them, from time to time, with those, infallible proofs, that it was he, himself.

[21:57] The thought, leads one again, to the desire, expressed in our prayer, that we might, my dear Thomas, have that invitation, extended toward us, handle me, and say, it is I, myself, that dear man, he had said, that he would not, believe, except, this, was afforded him, the compassion, of Christ, or the infallible proof, that he was to give unto him, was the very, thing that he'd said, he, must have, ere he would believe, nor did not, turn him away, because of that unbelief, but, lovingly, drew him, constrained him, to come, was found again, in the midst,

[23:19] Thomas, with them, he bid him, stretch forth his hand, and, put it, into the very, print, of those nails, it is I, myself, handle me, handle me, and see, infallible proof, of this, same Jesus, he had seen, albeit, afar off, that, solemn, scene, of crucifixion, that, wrought, upon the body, of Christ, this, same Jesus, bid, now, to handle him, and see, there is to be, a right, handling, of Christ, that going forth, of the hand of faith, stretching, of, that hand, forth, to, handle Christ, laying, hold, upon him, by faith, expressing, as with one of all,

[24:57] I will not, let thee go, except, thou, bless me, is this, same Jesus, this Christ, who, who, was, crucified, upon, Calvary's cross, that, saved, your man, approachable, by faith, that, one, who, now, the father's right hand, sat down, as, the great, high priest, of his people, just, handle me, handle me, experiencing, the constraint, of circumstances, the very exercise, of the living soul, of seasons, is that which prompts, as it were, the creature, amidst all the fears, the unbelief, to stretch forth, unto Christ, is the same Jesus, that one, who opened the eyes, of the blind, whilst he had below, that one, who healed, the leprous souls, that one, who, bid, the lame, walk, that one, who, healed, many, of their diseases, as he, ministered, to them, in their need, whilst, sojourning, here below, this same Jesus, now, at the father's right hand, this same Jesus, to whom, sinners, sinners, in our day, yea, in this, degenerate day, in these, last days, may go, yea, and, by faith, lay hold upon him, with their cares, with their concerns, with those things, which, which, which, at times, bring, such a, distraught spirit, upon them, lay hold upon, this, same,

[27:38] Jesus, these, angels, in the apparel, that white apparel, appearing as, two men, were sent, to, strengthen, these, that were to, witness, of Christ, in those days, that should follow, to strengthen them, in their faith, yea, to strengthen them, in their belief, yea, to encourage them, as, they had, that, spoken of them, in this, remarkable manner, by these angels, this, same Jesus, how we need, in our measure, in this, our day, like, encouragements, that we might, witness, to this, same Jesus, he, the eternal, son, of the father, one, with the father, from all eternity, the word, was with God, and, the word, was God, the same, was in the beginning, with God, all things, were made, by him, and, without him, was not, anything made, that, was made, this, same Jesus, before, time, one, with the father, mysterious, truth, yet, that, that, which, by faith, we, embrace, the mysteries, of, godliness,

[30:16] God, manifest, in, the flesh, this, same, Jesus, in, that, covenant, purposed, airtime, began, father, son, and, holy spirit, this, same, Jesus, one, with his, father, this, same, Jesus, in, that, covenant, in, that, purpose, of, God, it, was, to be, that, Christ, should, come, in, the, fullness, of, time, should, leave, those, realms, of, bliss, come, upon, this, sin, polluted, earth, formed, of, a, woman, under, the,

[31:33] Lord, this, same, Jesus, faith, feeds, feeds, feeds, upon, these, truths, faith, is, encouraged, by, these, truths, this, is, the, yesterday, of, the, word, the, same, yesterday, this, same, Jesus, Jesus, this, one, whom, they, had, lately, seen, rise, into, have, out, of, their, son, this, same, Jesus, he, who, willingly, assented, unto, the, purpose, of, his, father, who, willingly, wrote, that, aforesaid, this, same,

[32:39] Jesus, it is, the, name, above, every, name, the, name, of, Jesus, it, please, the, father, that, in, him, should, all, fullness, dwell, yea, that, in, him, there, should, be, that, revelation, of, the, trinity, to, poor, and, needy, sinners, upon, this, earth, it, please, the, father, yea, that, in, him, the, fullness, of, the, Godhead, should, dwell, it, please, the, father, this, I, am, Jesus, the, second, person, in, the, glorious, trinity, one, as, we have, said, one, with, the, father, the, eternal, son, of, the, eternal, father, this, same,

[33:56] Jesus, he, who, came, yea, and under the law, was born of the woman, who, came, forth, untainted, with sin, he, who, was, holy, holy, that, holy, child, Jesus, this, same, Jesus, this, one, born, in Bethlehem, this, one, who, went, about, his, father's, business, wish ye not, he said, unto Mary, in that, season, of their distress, as they sought him, and could not find him, amongst the multitude, but, beheld him, amidst, those, that, taught in the synagogue, wish ye not, witnessing he was, witnessing, to the work, that he was to accomplish, wish ye not, that I must be, about, about, my father's, business, this, same,

[35:18] Jesus, this, one, who was anointed, of, the Holy Ghost, in, full measure, yea, this, one, who went forth, in, to the ministry, anointed, thus, in, full measure, this, same, Jesus, this, one, who went, down, into the waters, of, baptism, this, one, who, John, led through, those waters, suffer it, to be, so, now, how, the dear man, master, demurred, as, that command, was given, unto him, to take, Christ, through, those waters, not worthy, to unloose, even the latchet, of his shoe, but, suffer it, to be, so, down, this, same,

[36:27] Jesus, this, same, Jesus, who endured, temptation, who was, came up, out of those waters, and went forth, yea, led, led of the spirit, into the wilderness, those, forty days, and forty nights, tempted, of the adversary, sorely tried, of that great, enemy, of souls, even, Satan, himself, this, same, Jesus, this, this is who, he whom, they were to witness unto, none other, no other great man, no other apostle, but, the sum, and the substance, of their ministry, was to be Christ, and him, crucified, this, same, Jesus, this, dear man, who went about, doing such good, he went, yea, even to those, uttermost places, this, same,

[37:39] Jesus, we read of him, going to those, coasts, where others, would not go, because of that, poor, demented, creature, this, same, Jesus, oh, it is this, same, one, who we would, bring, before you, this, same, Jesus, even, went unto him, to cast out, those devils, that, dear man, was found, at his feet, sitting, clothed, and in his, right mind, it was the, power of Christ, revealed, in the state, and condition, of that, poor man, brought forth, from that, place, amongst the rocks, such, a, creature, that, none, could, tame him, but the, power of Christ, was such, that he, brought him, as a little child, even, to his feet, this, same,

[39:05] Jesus, this, was he, to whom, of whom, they were, to witness, this, same, Jesus, the one, who, even, mixed, with the lepers, such, creatures, who were, cast, outside, the city, who would not, and were not, permitted, to mix, with the multitude, because, of the, loathsomeness, of their disease, disease, but, this, same, Jesus, he, went, yea, even, to the lepers, those, creatures, defiled, heal, them, of this, leprosy, this, same,

[40:06] Jesus, sin, his, his, power, was such, he, had, but, to speak, the word, and, it, was, done, it, was, done, this, same, Jesus, sin, sin, sin, sin, sin, feel, the, loathsomeness, of sin, the, this, fall, and, throughout, from the, very, crown, of the, head, to the, soul, of the, foot, the, stench, of sin, uttermost sinners, cast, without, this, same,

[41:06] Jesus, many, can testify, of that, power, which, brought them, again, yea, cause them, to, return, this, same, Jesus, there, is that, spoken, recorded, concerning, that, which the, apostles, wrought, in the, name, of the, holy, child, Jesus, they, ascribed, the, power, unto, Christ, they, the, means, in his, hand, of enabling, that, lay man, to walk, notable, miracle, indeed, was the, same, Jesus, the, same,

[42:07] Jesus, that, wrought, in the, name, of the, holy, child, Jesus, the, lame, walked, he, bid, that, one, take up, his bed, and walk, the, same, Jesus, he, whom, we gather, as a little, common, this, Sabbath, morn, to worship, to seek, unto, the, hearken, we trust, unto his word, this, same, Jesus, oh, how we, oft, so apt, to forget, Satan, tempts us, on this, score, that, power, can never, be such, as it, was, in those, days, but the, same,

[43:16] Jesus, oh, it is, to this, power, we would, witness, that, same, Christ, who, bid, that, man, of old, take up, his bed, and walk, accomplishes, such miracles, in our day, believe, some of us, can say, in that way, he has wrought, those things, in our lives, which we would, ne'er, ne'er, have done, had it not been, for the power, of Christ, the very, power, of Christ, resting, upon us, is arise, with the word, this power, the strength, given, even of those, ankle bones, yea, the strength, given, to that, weak sinner, that one, who says, he will not, he cannot, he, it's impossible, that he should be so, but this, same,

[44:26] Jesus, is able, yea, is able, so, to him, blood, like power, into, such, who are found, in such, conditions, even, to this, very day, in which, our life is, glass, this, same, cross, he, bid that one, arise, with the word, gave power, and strength, to arise, you, must ever, remember, that support, that strength, will not, be given, until the, appointed hour, the gates, of the prison house, opened not, until those disciples, were found, at the gate, they saw it not, as it were, from the prison house, those iron, gates, opened not, until, they arrived, at them, it's grace, to help, in time, of need, it's arise, take up, thy bed, and walk, with the command, he gets strength, in that hour, to, work that, which he will have, his disciples work, in his name, yea, in all parts, of the earth, this, same,

[46:13] Jesus, is one, that cured, those of old, with, those diseases, which were, incurable, by man, yet, this, same, this, same, Jesus, one, whom we, would, be enabled, to speak of, this, same, Jesus, brought, about, perfect, healing, perfect, cure, this, same, Jesus, the, eternal, son of God, he, who, sojourned, here, in this, wilderness, he, who, undertook, the care, and concern, of the church, of God, yea, in the, fullness, of the word, she, fallen, man, had fallen, by his, actual, transgressions, and in the,

[47:27] Adam, fall, but Christ, undertook, for those, chosen, elect, vessels, of mercy, to redeem, them, from the, curse, of the law, this, same, Jesus, eternal, son of God, this, same, Jesus, yea, he, who, was in the, bosom, his father, from all, eternity, this, same, Jesus, undertook, the cause, of that, chosen, number, yea, and, suffered, bled, and, died, in their, room, state, and, place, this, same, Jesus, he, laid, down, his, life, for, sinners, that, they, indeed, might, live, eternally, he, rose, triumphant, or, death, sin, the, grave, and, hell, this, same,

[48:44] Jesus, he, ascended, into, glory, this, same, Jesus, and, now, at the, father's, right, hand, this, same, Jesus, advocating, the, course, of his, church, here, below.

[49:03] Amen. Amen.