[0:00] We venture to a word you will find in Hebrews chapter 10, reading from verse 14.
[0:20] Hebrews chapter 10, verse 14. For by one offering he hath perfected forever them that are sanctified.
[0:41] For by one offering he hath perfected forever them that are sanctified.
[1:00] We would ever be thankful for those foundation truths of our most holy faith.
[1:30] We would record the Lord's goodness. And that he hath enabled his servants of old to clearly set forth these truths in a manner which we are able by the Spirit to comprehend.
[2:07] Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. We have before us in these few words a people spoken of.
[2:26] A people that are sanctified. There is here that which divides betwixt the righteous and the wicked.
[2:58] Betwixt the sheep and the goats. Betwixt the good trees and the corrupt trees.
[3:15] A people who bear this mark. They that are sanctified.
[3:28] They that are sanctified. That are as powerful. They that the ovalforms or gnats it. Amityadore. GloryOOM The people that ye saw that minded the whole thorns, is working for themselves in a manner. And cheer from the darkness of Jesus, that is, that is the cross.
[3:42] For human race. The essence of Paul the earth is Som warmer.
[3:53] New earth is the land. By which Mary said forever. The Trojan of earth is the fact. from the beginning of the word of God to the revelation, we find this dividing line clearly set forth.
[4:18] This sacrifice spoken of here, this one offering for sin, on behalf of God's own family, those bound up in the covenant of grace, they for whom the Lord Jesus Christ did come, though I come, in the volume of the book, it is written of me to do thy will.
[5:00] O my God, this people who are by the Spirit separated from those that fear not God, tis by grace ye are saved, that not of works, lest any man should boast, who maketh thee to differ, and what hast thou, thou hast not received, a people, them that are sanctified.
[5:44] These are led by the Spirit, for we read as such, they are the sons of God.
[5:58] God worketh in them, to will, and to do, of his good pleasure.
[6:09] it is the son that bears the rod, the bastard escapes, count it all joy, when he enter into divers temptations.
[6:27] we see that word, as denoting, the path, which, through which, this people must walk, for, their good, their eternal good, taught of the Spirit, their own weakness, their own sinfulness, they are brought, through manifold temptations, to realize, their only hope, their only support, their only strength, is, in, Christ, the Lord.
[7:08] Them, that are sanctified. These words, speak, of the Lord, Jesus Christ, and his, sufferings, in Gethsemane, and upon, Calvary's cross.
[7:40] A sacrifice, acceptable, in the sight of God. A perfect sacrifice, apostle, so, directs, those whom he addresses, to remember, the, course, of Israel, the manner, in which, the Lord himself, so instructed them, in those days, before the coming of Christ, as concerning, his dear son.
[8:26] It was in times, and in shadows, the sacrifices, the offering, of, that, those sacrifices, continually, till, the day, of Jesus Christ.
[8:50] And we read, in this word, that this man, after he had offered, one sacrifice, for sins, forever, sat down, on the right hand, of God.
[9:07] The high priests, of old, did stand. I feel this, indicates, that their work, was not completed.
[9:20] But we read, of Christ, he sat down, at the Father's right hand, that work, that sacrifice, once offered, once offered, as this word, blessedly sets forth, he hath, perfected, for them, forever, them, that are, sanctified.
[9:51] One offering. One offering. We were, expected, to attend, a funeral service, of a local man, yesterday.
[10:22] in the ordinary, course of events, we would have felt, it right, to attend, a service, at, our parish, church.
[10:45] church. Most remarkably, our parish magazine, was delayed, the issue, was delayed, for some, 10, 12 days.
[11:07] days. And we received it, Saturday morning. And notice was given, of this funeral, and mention was made, all the sadness, the solemnity, of the days, in which our lot is cast, mention was made, of a requiem, mass, being held, in, our village, church.
[11:47] it caused, one to consider, indeed, it made, one inquire, as, as, to these things, our, our, Protestant, forefathers, gave, their lives, in some instances, as, they stood, against, the, blasphemers, sacrifice, of the mass, that which is, set forth, on those occasions, is in, direct, opposition, to, the, blessed truth, which the, word of God, reveals, those, priests of Rome, say, and, their, their adherents, believe, that the bread, and the wine, is, literally, turned, into, the, body of Christ, upon, their, pronouncing, some words, this, blasphemes, the name, of Christ, depreciates, the, perfection, of that, one, sacrifice, upon,
[14:17] Calvary's cross, sets, at naught, the teaching, of, the, father's, eternal son, the, inward, teaching, of God's, spirit, and, the, solemnity, of these, things, appalled, one, spell, ahead, to, consider, realize, that, in our day, amongst, our, national, church, there, were, those, that, believed, in, such, idolatries, not, only, a mass, but, a requiem, mass, we, we, understand, those, occasions, words, are, uttered, we, dare, not, call, them, prayers, which, evidence, the belief, of those, blind, leaders, of the blind, of that state, of purgatory, a place, apparently, they believe, in which, the souls, of the deceased, remain, until, those offerings, of man, produce, enough, to cause, them, to enter, heaven, how, opposite, to the teaching, of God's, spirit, direct, opposition, to God's, word, here, we have it, clearly, set forth, no, we would not, merely, see it, in the letter, but, realize, the, blessed, truth, in the effect, of it, in our lives, in our souls, by, one offering, he, hath, perfected, forever, them, that are, sanctified, one offering, for sin, upon,
[17:44] Calvary's cross, we, we gather, around, the table, and, keep, the Lord's, supper, as, a memorial, to do that, in remembrance, of him, that apostate system, oh, may we ever remember, they defy, the God of Israel, though, indeed, they seek, to mask, themselves, as those angels, of light, oh, may we ever remember, that by, those things, they, perform, they say, that that sacrifice, is continually offered, as they take, of the bread, and wine, blasphemous thoughts, blasphemous, works, how solemn, will be that awakening, in that great, and terrible day, of the Lord, it is ours, to read,
[19:25] God's word, we trust, with the enlightened, and I, it is ours, if indeed, spirit taught, to feel, the necessity, of a sacrifice, once offered, for sin, and, to rejoice, in that, it was a complete, perfect, sacrifice, did not, the Lord himself, from, Calvary's cross, with that, loud voice, even, in the throes, of death, pronouns, it, is, finished, one, sacrifice, for sin, see him, may faith, espy him, the Lord of life and glory the eternal Son of God in the sinner's room place and stead
[21:05] Father save me from this hour but for this cause came I unto this hour if it be possible let this cup pass from me nevertheless not my will but thine be done living sacrifice nothing more could be asked nothing less would suffice but that the eternal Son of God should lay down his life he who became man for this very purpose that he might lay down his life his body we read body has thou prepared me to lay it down that justice might be satisfied
[22:07] God's honour vindicated and that way made a way of reconciliation betwixt God and man for by one offering he hath perfected forever them that are sanctified we've thought of late of Hannah's petition her cry and her grief out of the abundance of my complaint and grief have I spoken hitherto we see in that cry the agonies of Christ as he verily God verily man endured what no tongue can tell to save sinners from death and hell one sacrifice the high priest continued often daily offering those same sacrifices in this epistle the apostle is blessedly enabled by the spirit to set forth those better things of the gospel the inferiority of those practices of old they led it to Christ they spake of Christ they pointed to Christ but that gospel day dawned the Lord himself willingly subjected himself offered himself as that sacrifice upon the altar it was one without blemish not one stain clear be found his life blameless he upheld the righteous law of God in all its perfection this is the sacrifice the sacrifice of God's dearly beloved son greater love hath no man than this and a man lay down his life for his friends and ye are my friends if ye do whatsoever
[26:08] I command you by one offering it was this thought that led one to the bush it is done friends it is accomplished roared at calvary the sinner by faith amidst all his dejection amidst all his destitution his poverty his ignorance his foolishness by faith looks to Christ that one sacrifice for sin the righteousness wrought out in that perfect obedience of the
[27:17] Lord unto them all the precious blood the blood shed upon calvary's cross the soldier took the spear pierced his side and forthwith came there out blood and water the fountain opened for sin and all uncleanness man by nature perhaps that's what makes the apostate system so menial to the creatures of the day man by nature ever seeks to do something himself to put something in the balance they that have heard the gospel with the hearing of the ear have attended unto the truth may well find themselves help seeking to put that in the balance oh bless god thou art brought to those streets where thou canst do nothing where thou dost see thy vileness thou could take you to a spot after a summer spent in much soul districts the the
[29:19] Monday morning dawned darkness surrounded the tent the more I strove against sin's power the more I sinned and stumbled yet the more till late I heard my saviour say come hither soul I am the way one sacrifice for sin it is those hundred pence debtors that rejoice in that provision of the Lord Jesus for themselves it is they that owe much that behold the beauty in Christ that revision wrote at Calvary even a full and free salvation oh every one that thirsteth come ye to the waters come buy wine and honey without money without price wherefore saith the word do ye spend your money for that which is not bread oh again we can well remember the time when those words smote us how applicable they are how needful they are to correct us again and again through life's journey in that profession of the name of
[31:06] Christ wherefore do ye spend money for that which is not bread it's not that just what the blind adherence to that apostate system are doing spending their money for that which will never suffice them eternally it's faith in Christ that believe in that one sacrifice that venturing to Calvary's cross there Christian in Bunyan's Pilgrim's Progress lost his load there at the cross of Christ as he beheld those vicarious sufferings those agonies of the
[32:08] Redeemer as that was laid upon him that tremendous load of imputed sin that pressed him to the ground in the garden of Gethsemane one sacrifice for sin one offering now he has perfected this people and that forever this people that are set apart that perfection as we well know lies not in ourselves that perfection lies in Christ Christ's obedience clothed perfected forever these saints of
[33:29] God do not live in full enjoyment of the truth glimpses there are oh as he puts in the hand by the hole of the door and the sweet and rich fragrance of his love causeth thee to rise up from the bed oh the blessings the savour of Christ in those doctrines of Christ of utmost holy faith as these things are made over by the spirit of God as that rising up faith is strengthened the with a hand is stretched forth friends do you know what it is with those who disciples upon the
[34:40] Emmaus road to constrain him to abide with thee sweet seasons not often are these blessings so fully enjoyed they are indeed for taste of heaven of eternal bliss but the truth remains they are safe in the hands of Christ no blemish is held by the father as they are seen in the son now often we have to turn that those lines into a prayer to seek that it might be he instead of us is seen as we approach to
[35:50] God perfection forever to them that are sanctified love them with an everlasting love love and on account of this which is in these ways there are those seasons known when this soul rejoices in the provisions of the gospel therefore have I drawn thee as thou have never been drawn or canst thou deny there have not been those seasons when thou felt thine heart move towards Christ my heart's affections have gone out towards him but the wonders he has brought or couldst thou canst thou add anything darest thou consider even the very thought of adding ought to that sacrifice was a complete sacrifice it satisfied the laws of demands it satisfied thus the justice of
[37:25] God and now the Holy Father the Heavenly Father can look with approbation through Christ upon the church of God by one offering he hath perfected forever them that are sanctified often in the word of God we read of those prophecies concerning the fall of Israel because of her sin yet on every occasion there is couched somewhere those words of comfort to the little remnant saved by grace the
[38:34] Lord hath a people he will have to the end of time a people saved by grace I will leave in the midst of thee a poor and afflicted people it is theirs often to sojourn in Meshach's land to walk often in paths of darkness to feel much their sad condition by nature to realize none but Jesus can do helpless sinners good tis theirs as fate is implanted and centered upon that object of living faith it is theirs from time to time looking within the vial oh remember as that word resounded from
[39:47] Calvary's cross it is finished at that distance away the vial of the temple was rent in twain no need of the earthly priest there's that coming coming unto Christ the high great high priest of our profession that vial was rent to the twain tis said that the proverbs can be likened unto the outer court many tarry there satisfied with the moral aspect of the law content with observing what might be termed the architecture of the place he has this that place where the sacrifices are offered all good good and proper favoured soul that can by grace faith in
[41:13] Christ offer those sacrifices a broken a contrite heart he would not despise but say there's that following from ecclesiastes to the song of Solomon and surely there it is that entering into the inner court the holy of holies there oh there it behold the mercy seed the blood sprinkled mercy seed and hath not the Lord proclaimed from on high from above the mercy seed there will I meet with thee blood was sprinkled on all that was used in the service of the tabernacle every grace and every favour comes to us through
[42:15] Jesus blood one offering he hath perfected forever them that are sanctified complete complete in Christ amen human holiday Wahr likes see Dan one 거야