[0:00] As the Lord shall be pleased to help me, I shall call your attention to a subject you will find in Psalm 37, verse 23.
[0:23] The steps of a good man are ordered by the Lord, and he delighteth in his way.
[0:39] Psalm 37, and the 23rd verse. The psalmist in this psalm draws a very solemn line of demarcation between the righteous and the wicked.
[1:03] And it is a very searching consideration as to which side of the line you and I are on.
[1:17] And every man whom God has ordained to preach the gospel will draw a solemn line of demarcation as he has helped of God to do so.
[1:34] So that in our congregation this Sabbath morn, it must be understood that we have before us the righteous and the wicked.
[1:48] Which character do you feel that you are? The Lord help you to consider it as before him with whom you have to do.
[2:03] And before whom you will another day give an account when you appear before the judgment seat of Christ.
[2:18] Our text tells us of a character that many of us desire to possess.
[2:31] The steps of a good man, and it means a good woman too, a good youth, a good maid, are ordered by the Lord, and he delighteth in his way.
[2:48] Do you feel that you are the character in the text? A good man, a good woman, a good youth, a good maid?
[2:59] If not, do you want to be? Or are you content to be what you are as you were born? And while you gather among people who are the characters in the text, yet you are content to remain an enemy to God and godliness, then you are on the wrong side of the line of demarcation.
[3:30] And although it looks well, and we are glad for you to be where you are in the worship of God, yet if that is how you feel, I am bound to tell you, you come in the category of the wicked, however well behaved you are in the house of prayer.
[3:52] It is what you are inside and what you are before God, and that you have no concern whatever to be found a good man, a good woman, a good youth, a good maid.
[4:07] Oh, your case is very, very solemn. And the greatest mercy that could befall you is to have your eyes open to see it, and to be made aware of it.
[4:22] And now I want, as the Lord shall help me, to look at this subject from three or four viewpoints of it. The steps of a good man are ordered by the Lord, and he delighted in his way.
[4:43] The subject is one that is difficult to preach from. I have not yet found any text easy to preach from, but some are more difficult than others.
[4:59] And in looking at this subject, it might be well to find out one or two evidences whereby you can take courage that this adjective good, a good man, a good woman, are applicable to you.
[5:20] There is one evidence, it seems to be what I venture to say, the gospel low level, as to an evidence, and yet it is an evidence.
[5:35] And if it is, then it comes from God. And it will take those who possess that evidence to heaven. And now the word of God says, a lover of good men.
[5:53] You may feel, some of you, the preacher is talking about a good man. I wish I could feel, that is what I really am.
[6:06] And yet, deep down in your heart, it is what you ask God to make you, what you do indeed desire to be. The Lord bless you.
[6:19] You are blessed already. And you shall be blessed much more ere long. Blessed are they which do hunger and thirst after righteousness, for they shall be filled, the dear Savior said.
[6:36] And you do know if you love good men, good women, for what they are as good men, good women. What they are by the grace of God, which God has given you eyes to discern.
[6:53] You have felt like Barnabas, who when he came to Antioch and saw the grace of God, he was glad. You can see the grace of God.
[7:04] I know it is an abstract principle, but you can see the grace of God in its fruits, in people's lips and lives, and how glad you are to see it.
[7:16] And I was going to say, not only see it, but to sense it, in your own heart, that the one whom you are looking upon, is indeed the subject of the grace of God.
[7:31] And you could not realize that, unless you also possess the grace of God to discern it. So, do ponder in your hearts, if you possess this evidence, a lover of good men, the word of God lays that down, as a sure evidence, that you are a sinner, born again.
[7:57] We know that we have passed from death unto life, because we love the brethren. And now, you may have your own thoughts in pondering this subject.
[8:16] The steps of a good man are ordered by the Lord. And now, you must understand what this word ordered means.
[8:28] Because the psalmist, who was inspired of God, to record this word, to encourage us nowadays, took some steps that God did not order.
[8:47] Remember that. He took some steps, which he was permitted to do, on his own initiative, arising from what he was by nature.
[9:03] And he proved what one hymn writer says, with caution, we should tread, for as we sow, we reap, and oft bring mischief on our head, by some, on weary step.
[9:19] This word, ordered, you must understand, goes back to the covenant of grace, which is ordered, in all things, and sure.
[9:31] The psalmist did take steps, which, were against light and knowledge, that God had given, and contrary to the word of God, as much as he knew of it, in his day.
[9:45] But God, overruled, the mistakes he made, showed him much mercy, and, dealt with the psalmist, with, solemn discipline.
[10:01] And in that solemn discipline, he learned, what saith the scriptures, if my people transgress, I will visit their transgressions, with the rod, and their iniquity, with stripes.
[10:18] And that, is what God, ordered, the psalmist, should learn. The margin reading, is, established. And remember, if you are a good man, a good woman, our very falls, they make us wise, and show us, where our victory lies.
[10:43] And there is, one petition, you can send up, every day, and all day. Myself, I cannot save, myself, I cannot keep, but strength in thee, I fain would have, whose eyelids, never sleep.
[11:01] Hold up my goings, in thy paths, that my, footsteps, slip not, said David, in another psalm.
[11:13] The steps, of a good man. And now, looking at this word, again, the steps, of a good man, are ordered, by the Lord, and he, delighteth in his way.
[11:31] What does that, really mean? Does it mean, the Lord, delighteth in his way? Yes. Does it mean, the good man, delighteth in his way?
[11:46] Yes. So that, we have got, to work that out, as the Lord, shall help us. There is a word, in the Proverbs, which says, you might think, about it too.
[12:01] The Lord, taketh pleasure, in the prosperity, of his servant. And, the Lord, delights to see, poor sinners, born again, concerned, to do that, which is right, in his sight, and to evidence, the fruits, that a good man, should produce, to prove, that he is, a good man.
[12:32] The Lord, delighteth, to see it. The Lord, taketh pleasure, in it. And now, in coming down, to details, as the Lord, shall help me, the steps, of a good man, are ordered, by, the Lord.
[12:54] Steps. And now, that needs thinking, about before God. If you and I, have ever taken steps, God would, heaven would, then it was, as God did for us, what he alone, could do.
[13:14] A new heart, will I give you. A new spirit, will I put, within you. I will take away, the stony heart, out of your flesh.
[13:24] I will give you, a heart of, flesh. Once that miracle, is wrought, then, from that time on, you can understand, what the apostle Paul, lamented, lamented, and you will, lament it too.
[13:43] I would, do good, but evil, is present, with me. You must be made, a good man, a good woman, to feel like that.
[13:54] The man in the street, knows nothing, whatever, of such a concern, of mind. It is the living, the living, that will lay, these things, to heart.
[14:05] The dead, know not, anything. I would, do good, but evil, is present, with me.
[14:17] And now, can you remember, the Lord, help you to look back, and search into it. Can you remember, I say, when you took, the first step, God would.
[14:28] when you first, knocked at mercy's door, when it could, be said of you, for the first time, behold he prayeth, behold she prayeth, for, these are the steps, that a good man takes, when, he is made manifest, as being, a good man.
[14:54] He has to do, with God, and he knows, that God has to do, with him. And he wants, matters to be right, between his soul, and God.
[15:06] And the first steps, he takes, as a rule, there are exceptions, to it. But as a rule, the first steps, he takes, are steps, in accordance, with that word, which declares, when he, the spirit of truth, is come, he shall convince, the world, of sin.
[15:29] He takes steps, whereby, the eyes of the blind, are opened, and he comes, into a solemn, awareness, of his undone, state in the Adam fall, and his guiltiness, before God, with whom he, has to do.
[15:48] I would just, make a further, comment on that. I said, there are exceptions. What I mean, is this, there are some, people, who seem, to have been, wrought upon, and they come, into the love of God, in the very early, dealings of God, with their, souls.
[16:06] But they take, these steps, as they go on, in life's journey, and, have to go on, and while they, grow in grace, they grow, in a knowledge, of how, sad air state, by nature, is.
[16:21] But, some, I can remember, who have come, before the church, to tell of the dealings, of God, with their soul, have said, they could not, state, how they were, brought to be, sinners, before God, concerning, the depths, of convictions, which they felt.
[16:41] But there was, in their heart, a want, of Jesus Christ, and he, encouraged them, concerning it, but, later on, they come, into that, line of things, and take, these steps, whereby, they find, every day, they must, say, God be merciful, to me, a sinner.
[17:06] The steps, of a good man, are ordered, and as they are, ordered, we must, always remember, God is a sovereign, how he leads, his dear people, into the truth, which he makes them, to know, in its power, and preciousness.
[17:26] Some are taught, by terrible things, in righteousness, some, are led, here a little, there a little, line upon line, and precept, upon precept.
[17:38] So, there are steps, of conviction, of sin, and then, that means, steps, of confession, of sin.
[17:49] If we confess, our sins, he is faithful, and just, to forgive us, our sins, and to cleanse us, from all, unrighteousness, then, there are steps, which we may call, steps, of faith, whereby, that lesson, is learned, and without faith, it is impossible, to please him, for he, that cometh unto God, must believe, that he is, and that he, is a rewarder, of all them, that diligently, seek him.
[18:25] Steps, of a good man, make them, to be like, Peter, on one occasion, when he made, manifest, as he took, steps, of faith, we believe, and assure, thou art, the Christ, the son, of the living God, Lord, to whom, can we go, thou hast, the words, of eternal life, and you take, steps, before God, in acknowledging, none, but Jesus, none, but Jesus, can do, helpless, sinners, good, but in this, experience, of taking, these steps, of a good man, there will be, steps of hope, the first step, in hope, you will take, may be, who can tell, but what God, will be, gracious, unto me, and, in taking that step, it gives you, courage, to take, yet, more steps, as the hymn writer, says, all through, the wilderness, below, good hope, expects, more good, to know, and thus, is kept alive, the soul,
[19:39] I may put it, like this, once, you get that, hope, as you've, taken that step, who can tell, but what God, will be, gracious, unto me, you go on, taking steps, of expectation, you took them, this Sabbath, morn, if you came up, to worship God, aright, before God, where you are, you took, this step, I seek, and hope, to find, a portion, for, my soul, steps, of faith, steps, of hope, eh, and you take, steps of love, which is to say, that, you take, these steps, with willing feet, you are not driven, you are drawn, so that, you come up, to the house, of prayer, desiring, to worship, God, aright, and in taking, such a step, you feel, we love the place, oh God, wherein, thine honor, dwells, the joy, of thine abode, all, earthly joys, excel,
[20:49] Lord, I have loved, the habitation, of thine house, and the place, where thine honor, dwelleth, these things, well up in your breast, as you take, steps, to come up, to worship, God, and you take, this step, what is the house, to me, unless, the master, I can, see, the steps, of a good man, are ordered, by the Lord, and then, if you, are helped, to remember, the way, God has led you, and you go back, to when, the things of God, were first of all, made a reality, to you, you will see, the ordering, how you came to be, where you were, at the time, it may be, you were in the house, of prayer, hearing, the gospel, preached, and God, made it, a reality, in your soul's, experience, and it said to you, thou art the man, and from that day on, you have been, taking steps, to follow on, to know the Lord, but that was when, it was ordered, you should take, the first step, sometimes, it may be, when affliction, is laid on, sometimes, it may be, when bereavement, comes, to those, near and dear, to you, and you stand, by a grave, and you realize, the necessity, of being prepared, to be well laid, therein, ensuring, certain hope, of a joyful, resurrection, to the life, everlasting,
[22:31] God uses, all kinds, of means, in, bringing about, a good man, being made, manifest, as a good man, and taking, and taking, the first steps, to follow on, to know, the Lord, I have sometimes, thought, what a record, it would be, if the record, could be made, it may yet, be made in heaven, it will never, be made on earth, oh, sinners, born again, were called, by grace, the place, where it was, and the means, God, was pleased, to use, and you might, find, that no two, sinners, in all, heavens, redeemed, millions, have been, called, by grace, alike, when you, compare notes, with other, good men, good women, you find, that the reality, of it, is there, but, the record, of it, in some, ways, is different, to how God, called you, by grace, and it shows, how wonderful, is the grace, of God, and remember, the steps, of a good man, are ordered, by the Lord, and they were, ordered, before the good man, was born, do believe, that, he hath made, with me, an everlasting, covenant, ordered, in all things, and sure, says, godly David, the psalmist, who penned, this psalm, and, he was helped, in heaven's own light, to see, how God, had overruled, and ordered, his journey, in through life, to the end, that he should, be made manifest, as a good man, the steps, of a good man, are ordered, by, the Lord, then, these steps, of a good man, and now here, it may be, you will get more help, the steps, of a good man, do listen, are always, with his back, to the world, and his face, heaven would,
[24:58] God would, looking, unto Jesus, the steps, of a good man, evidence, separation, from the world, choosing, rather, to suffer, affliction, with the people, of God, than to enjoy, the pleasures, of sin, for, a season, after the spirit, the things, of the spirit, and now, do you take, steps like that, in your everyday life, are they, the steps, of a good man, a good woman, looking, unto Jesus, looking, heavenward, for help, from God, to live your life, as before him, with whom you, have to do, separation, from the world, oh, there must be, separation, from the world, because, a good man, is to be set apart, for God, a good woman, too, and what is more, that is what, your soul, desires, to be, this prayer, and this ambition, mine, living, and dying, to be, dying, the steps, of a good man, are ordered, by, the Lord, there is just, one more thought, about these steps, here I look, at the subject, from another viewpoint, these steps, that you take, are willing steps, do keep, that in mind, not done, by compulsion, my people, shall be willing, in the day, of my power,
[26:43] I have told you, I tell you, once more, in the original, that means, my people, are volunteers, and, you find, that feeling, welling up, in your breast, and you, do it, willingly, you take, these steps, of a good man, because, you do want, that I may, know him, and the power, of his resurrection, the fellowship, of his sufferings, and be made, conformable, to, his death, the hymn writer, was taking, these steps, when he said, oh Lord, I would see, the charms, of thy mind, the grace, to be meek, and lowly, and kind, forbearing, forgiving, and loving, always, and only be living, to publish, thy praise, oh those, are the steps, of a good man, oh to be more often, walking, in such steps, instead of living, at such a poor, dying rate, as so many of us, appear to do, the steps, of a good man, are ordered, by, the Lord, and I might, add one more,
[28:09] I said, these steps, are willing steps, and now, you see that, willingness, in taking, these steps, when God, lays affliction, it may be, upon you, or when you prove, what the word, of God declares, we must, through much, tribulation, enter into, the kingdom, of God, at the first, you are hesitant, it may be, to take, those steps, whereby, a cross, is laid, upon you, and such, a cross, as the flesh, much, disliked, and yet, you will find, another feeling, another frame, of mind, coming, upon you, and, you will do, what the Savior, said then, he that, taketh not, up his cross, and followeth, after me, cannot, be my disciple, but you will find, in your heart, a concern, to take it up, honestly, and to carry it, willingly, for Jesus sake, as well, as, your own, it is a wonderful, thing, in these steps, of a good man, when you find, your heart, with submission, to his will, conquering, all that you are, by nature, which, resents, going to heaven, the flesh, dislikes, the way, but when you have, a feeling, like this, thy way, not mine, oh Lord, and you can, leave the choice, of what the future, holds in store, with him, who is infinite, in wisdom, wonderful, in counsel, and excellent, in working,
[30:05] Lord, I would, indeed, submit, gladly, gladly, yield, my all, to thee, what, thy wisdom, sees, most fit, must be, surely, best, for me, and it is, and in the end, you will, acknowledge, you will acknowledge, it to be so, like this, dear, psalmist did, later on, in the psalms, what did he say then, there was dealt, well, with thy servant, oh Lord, God, and remember, God cannot, deal, otherwise, the steps, of a good man, are ordered, by, the Lord, and now, I want to look at it, from this viewpoint, of it, the steps, of a good man, are ordered, which is to say, that nothing, by chance, or aphazard, comes into, our everyday lives, as we desire, to follow on, to know the Lord, there are some things, that do come, and they surprise us, when they come, because we had not, expected them, to come, but when we weigh, the matter up, in taking those steps, we see, there is a need to be,
[31:30] God has a purpose, in our everyday lives, and this purpose is, that as we journey on, we shall make it, very plain, that we are, good men, good women, and show forth, his praise, but sometimes, some steps, have to be taken, which he has ordered, for our discipline, and that we might, be led more deeply, into the truth, and that we might be, separated, from some things, which are not, for the honour, and glory of God, and which are not, for our soul's profit, either, and do keep, that in mind, the steps, of a good man, are ordered, by the Lord, and,
[32:32] I will begin, by saying, they are always, ordered, to dethrone, the great eye, in us, it is surprising, how the great eye, seeks, to aggrandize, itself, with, things, which we may be, encumbered about, within our, everyday lives, seeking, that self, shall be, lifted up, a little, pride creeps in, but God, in his mercy, so orders, our steps, that we are, brought low, no longer, able to look, on this, and that, and say, is not this, great Babylon, which I, have built, no, the great eye, must be dethroned, and, we must come, to take this step, not unto us, O Lord, not unto us, but unto thy name, give glory, for thy mercy, and, for thy truth, say, in taking, these steps, dear friends, whatever does, come into your, life, of will, or woe, it is, ordered, that, you shall learn, it is enough, for the disciple, that he be, as his Lord, remember, that scripture, in Peter's, epistle, here unto, are ye called,
[34:10] Christ also, suffered for us, leaving us, an example, that ye, should follow, in his steps, the steps, of a good man, are ordered, by the Lord, that he, shall ultimately, be conformed, to the image, of his dear son, and have you, never prayed, like our hymn writer, as the image, in the glass, answers the, beholder's face, thus unto, my heart, appear, print thy, own resemblance, there, oh, you were taking, the steps, a good man takes, when that prayer, welled up, in your breast, be ye, conformed, to the image, of his son, there is, one scripture, which must, be made manifest, in our lives, and I was going, to say, and I will, a scripture,
[35:14] I am sometimes, very much, afraid of, I tremble, in thinking, upon it, if any man, have not, the spirit, of Christ, he is, none of his, the steps, of a good man, are so, ordered, that your, own spirit, shall be, brought low, subdued, by the grace, of God, and that, this, should be, the truth, about you, and they, took knowledge, of them, that they, had been, with Jesus, another thing, regarding, these steps, being, ordered, ordered, they are, ordered, to wean us, from any, trust, we may, be liable, to place, in creatures, or in anything, that is of the earth, earthy,
[36:16] I like, what one hymn writer, says, and that is, what I mean, to convey, to you, dear people, thy whole, dependence, on me, fix, nor entertain, a thought, thy worthless, schemes, with mine, to mix, but venture, to be, not, and then, there is, this scripture, ye, are my, witnesses, therefore, the steps, of a good man, are ordered, by the Lord, that, the world, with whom he, has to do, wherever he, resides, shall know, that there is, a difference, between that man, and what the world, in is, do you think, people can discern, that difference, in you, as you live, your everyday life, are you, on the right side, of the line, of demarcation, every good man, good woman, good youth, good maid, is on that side, a wonderful mercy, who maketh thee, to differ, from another, and what hast thou, that thou, dost not receive, the steps, of a good man, are ordered, by, the Lord, as I said, earlier on, ordered, for our, discipline, sin, so, that, you, come into, times, when the chastening, hand of God, is upon you, whom the Lord, loveth, he chasteneth, and scourgeth, every son, whom he, receiveth, and now, looking at the subject, from another viewpoint, the steps, of a good man, are ordered, by the Lord, and he, delighteth, in his, way, you see, every good man, as, his way, every good woman, as, her way, so, with every good, youth, good maid, the lot, is cast, into the lap, but the whole, disposing thereof, is of the Lord, and one, in writer, says, the lot, is cast, where I'm to go, and all,
[38:47] I have to do, below, and every step, I have to tread, till I arrive, at Christ, my head, there is, the sovereignty, of God, my times, are in, thy hand, but, what I want you, to think about, is the way, that you are going along, and, maybe, the way, at the present time, is very difficult, for you, to tread, and take the steps, God has ordained you, to take, therein, maybe, affliction is laid, upon you, or it may be, you are in, adverse circumstances, or, you are walking, in darkness, and have, no light, you are in, the midst, of obscurity, as to the, why and wherefore, of the dealings, of God, with you, in fact, you are tempted, as to whether, God, has any dealings, with you, that can be proved, do you have, any dealings, with God, get that matter, settled, and the other, will be settled, at the same time, if God, is dealing, with you, to make you, a good man, a good woman, you will be, dealing with God, about that matter too, it will be, a frequent petition, lead me, in thy truth, and teach me, oh Lord, make me right, and keep me, right, grant me, some religion, thou art the author of, which alone, would do, to live by, and at the last, to die by, but it may be, the way you are going, you are meeting, with opposition, from the world, you are called upon, to make, a sacrifice, and the flesh, shrinks from it, you tremble, at the prospect, of making, a sacrifice, and yet, deep down, in your heart, you want to be, a good man, a good woman, and say, it is the Lord, let him do, what seemeth him, good, and do remember, that word, in the, epistle, to the,
[41:06] Romans, I beseech you, therefore, brethren, by the mercies, of God, that ye present, your bodies, a living sacrifice, wholly acceptable, unto God, which is your, reasonable service, I do like, that word in, you think about it, dear friends, which is, your, reasonable, service, what that means, is this, think of what, God has done, for you, and is doing, surely, surely, you should be doing, what you can, for him, like, Joseph Hart says, behold, the gospel plan, trust in the Lord, with all your heart, and do, what good you can, and, following the steps, of good men, good women, down through the ages, who, were, living sacrifices, thousands, of them, went to the state, laid their heads, on the block, and died, for Jesus sake, but you, have got to live, for Jesus sake, and that means, you have got, to forsake all, and follow him, the steps, of a good man, are ordered, by the Lord, and he, delighteth in, his way, oh dear friends, much might be said, about, the way, that the good man, goes, and what he meets, as he goes along, therein, but I want to get, right down, to bedrock, did you ever, delight, in the way, even, when, you were smarting, and sore, under tribulations, laid upon you, and wondering, where the scene, would end, yet, deep down, underneath, you could, take courage, that the Lord, was leading you, in the way, wherein you should go, oh that is, a wonderful mercy, when you can feel,
[43:26] God, is your guide, and he, delighteth in, his way, since all that I meet, shall work for my good, the bitter is sweet, the medicine, is food, all you find, in these things, out of the eater, shall come forth meat, out of the strong, shall come forth, sweetness, goodness, and this delight, of the good man, in his way, is when all is said, and done, the fact, that the way, he is going along, has got heaven, at the end of it, he may often, have many fears, and faintings, about it, he may often, have much, trembling, in his spirit, regarding, what he is called, to endure, but, every now and again, he will get some help, and hope, will be brightened, and sometimes, he will have, this feeling, yes,
[44:35] I to the end, shall endure, as sure, as the earnest, is given, more happy, but not more secure, the glorified spirits, in heaven, and as I come, to the amen, which you might, be waiting for, I ask you a question, you go back, over your religion, what you hope, God has done, for your soul, what do you know, of spiritual delight, it is not always, mourning, sorrow, there is much, of that, but, there is this side, to it, and your sorrow, shall be turned, into joy, and there is, delight, delight, that comes, from our, never dying soul, and the psalmist, says, delight, thyself, also, in, the Lord, and he, shall give thee, the desires, of, thine, heart, heart, the happiest, the happiest, moments, you have ever, had in, in your life, as you have, journeyed along, or when you, have had, hope in God, made bright, in your soul's, experience, when you, have felt, a sweet assurance, the spirit, itself, beareth witness, with our spirit, that we are, the children, of God, when you, could look back, and see the way, you have come along, and discern the way marks, set up, therein, to assure you, that you, were indeed, a pilgrim, to,
[46:18] Canaan, bound, you see this, lined out, with Israel, in the wilderness, and that might, give you a thought, for meditation, and it will, help you, along life's way, to meditate, upon it, and now, as you view the, journeyings, of Israel, in the wilderness, as they, took steps, to go forward, they could only do so, as the cloud, moved on ahead, to direct them, where their next, stopping place, was to be, but, it has often been, a matter of, meditation to me, as to the names, of those, stopping places, and you will find, those stopping places, in their names, have a meaning, which set forth, what their experience, was, in that stopping place, you will remember, Mara, and they came, to Mara, and they could not, drink of the waters, because they were, made bitter, and the people, murmured, but God, commanded,
[47:30] Moses, what to do, to cut down, a tree, and when, that was cast, into the waters, they were made sweet, and then, instead of murmuring, they could take, delight, in having, that water, to drink, to solace, their thirst, rest, there is another, stopping place, I have in mind, and that, is called, Rephidim, and now that means, the couch of rest, and you will find, in taking these steps, of a good man, some places, shall we call them, stopping places, where the cloud, has led you, there may be, a bitter experience, and you will have, to drink that cup, which God, has mingled, for you, but in the end, you will find, it is ordered, though our cup, seems filled, with gall, there is something, secret, sweetens, all, and then, when you think, of Piahiroth, which means, the lion's mouth, and when the children, of Israel, were there, the mountains, were on either side, the Red Sea, before them, and the Egyptians, were pursuing them, behind, what steps, did they take then,
[48:49] God said to Moses, speak ye, to the children, of Israel, that they go forward, though the way, lies through the sea, Israel, what is that, to thee, and you read, later on, and they went, through the flood, on foot, and they saw, the glory of God, and the destruction, of their enemies, not one of them, was left, and on they went, with their wilderness, journeying, and, there is another, stop in place, I hope, you will not, have to stop there, very often, key brother, the grave, of lust, when you, have made, your plans, and purpose, to do this, and that, and God, has allowed you, to go forward, with it, and then, the whole thing, has collapsed, and your, plannings, are all, in pieces, and God, has brought, home to you, man, shall not, live, by bread alone, but by, every word, which proceedeth, out of the mouth, of God, shall, man, live, and, if you sow, to the flesh, you will, reap, corruption, but the steps, of a good man, when he is made, manifest, and in a right mind, are to sow, to the spirit, and he, that soweth, to the spirit, shall, of the spirit, reap, life, everlasting, the steps, of a good man, are ordered, by the Lord, and he, delighteth, in, his way, and the psalmist, goes on, to amplify it, though he fall, he shall not, be utterly, cast down, for the Lord, upholdeth him, with his, hand, and he, led them forth, by the right way, oh, that God, may in his, great mercy, be our guide, even unto death, then, come what will, it shall be well, amen.