[0:00] As the Lord shall be pleased to help me, I shall call your attention to a subject you will find in the Gospel of Luke, chapter 10, and the 42nd verse.
[0:21] But one thing is needful, and Mary hath chosen that good part which shall not be taken away from her.
[0:38] The Gospel of Luke, chapter 10, and verse 42. This is a word which is very familiar to you.
[0:57] You often hear it quoted by people taught of God, and hear it from the pulpit also. But the great thing to remember is that this is a word which dropped from the lips of Jesus Christ.
[1:18] And the word of God tells us his name shall be called Wonderful. And there is much that is wonderful about the words that drop from his holy lips.
[1:36] And as in the word before us, Jesus Christ, when he spoke words desiring the good of poor sinners, he spoke with wonderful simplicity.
[1:58] And in this word before us, but one thing is needful. And Mary hath chosen that good part which shall not be taken away from her.
[2:16] And now if I should ask you, I do ask you, and let your consciences answer if you can. What do you think this one thing needful is?
[2:31] You will say, I expect it is what the hymn writer says. Jesus is the one thing needful.
[2:43] I, without him, perish must. And are you going to have that answer lodged in your heart, your conscience, and not seek divine aid to choose that good part?
[3:05] For that is the meaning of the word. Mary hath chosen that good part which shall not be taken away from her. I want, as the Lord shall help me, to look at it from various viewpoints.
[3:23] And I want to say something that God will own to your lasting welfare. But one thing is needful.
[3:36] And Mary hath chosen that good part which shall not be taken away from her. And now first of all, I want you to remember that no worldling will ever be satisfied with what his portion has been as he has journeyed through life when he comes down to die.
[4:07] All earthly portions, however great they may be, they are marred by sin. And they have a hallmark stamped upon them, passing and perishing.
[4:26] So that no worldling, when he comes down to die, will ever get any benefit or blessing from whatever his earthly portion in this life has been.
[4:42] What shall it profit a man if he shall gain the whole world and lose his own soul? And the great thing, dear young people, is to have, as I have told you more than once, a true sense of values, view things in eternity's light, not as they appear to be in journeying through this life from the viewpoint of being time things.
[5:22] The real value of time things is learned as a rule when time shall be no more. You have instances of it in the word of God, in varied pages of it.
[5:43] If you could, I say this with great reverence, if you could visit the regions of the lost and ask some characters who were there, how they now view what they stated on the earth, that their opinions were, you would find they would be glad beyond words to describe if they could reverse altogether what their actions were when they dwelt on earth.
[6:25] And their actions when they dwelt on earth were deliberate. And now I'm thinking of Achan. And you remember that he coveted gold and a goodly Babylonish garment from the spoils of war that God desired to be destroyed.
[6:56] And he hid them in his tent. And the eye of God was upon him. In doing so, thou God seest me.
[7:09] And the issue was that when Israel went to battle again, the battle went against them. And good Joshua desired from God as to the why and wherefore.
[7:25] And God made it plain to him. And so a search was made through all the Israelite hosts as to who was guilty in bringing such a reproach upon Israel.
[7:41] And it came at length that Achan was questioned. And he had to make a confession and tell the truth.
[7:52] And the upshot of it all was that he and all his were put to death. It was the judgment of God.
[8:05] And Joshua said, Thou hast troubled us. The Lord shall trouble thee this day. And now, could you question Achan?
[8:17] In the regions of the lost, as I said, you would find he had an eternity before him. Learning what says the scripture, be sure your sin will find you out.
[8:34] Another character, another character, write-down scamp, Balaam, who desired for gold at Balak's request, king of Moab, that he might curse God's Israel, but God would not allow him to do it.
[8:59] And in the end, Balaam said some striking things that God put in his mouth.
[9:10] But it was not out of the abundance of the heart the mouth was speaking. And Balaam said, Let me die the death of the righteous.
[9:21] Let my last end be like his. But he was not at all concerned to live the life of the righteous. But he lived a godless life.
[9:33] And he had it in his heart, if he was allowed to do so, to curse God's own nation of Israel. And now, if you could see Balaam, where he is, and question him, you would find he had got a true sense of values.
[9:56] Too late. And you might ask Judas Iscariot, who is an outstanding, a unique character, to be going around with the disciples of the Lord Jesus, carrying the bag.
[10:15] And yet, he had no grace. He was a disciple in name. Jesus Christ gave him gifts. But in his heart, he was unchanged.
[10:28] And when Satan put it into his heart, to betray the Lord Jesus, he was quite willing to do it. And he did it.
[10:39] What do you think Judas thinks about matters now, where forever and ever he has to remember, I have betrayed the innocent blood.
[10:55] You might ask Demas. And Paul tells us about Demas. He set out well. But then, says Paul, Demas hath forsaken me.
[11:10] Having returned to this present evil world, he had turned his back on Jesus Christ, and gone back to the world from which he never really came out by the grace of God.
[11:26] And you might question Galio. And the word of God says in the Acts of the Apostles, when he heard of the things of God, Galio cared for none of these things.
[11:44] And that was his sense of value of the things of God. like sometimes you young people say, which you ought not to do, I couldn't care less.
[11:56] And that is just how Galio felt about the things of God. He had no heart, no interest in those things. Galio cared for none of those things.
[12:09] And now, forever and ever he is to learn that those things for which he cared not to ponder in his heart the purpose and profit were those things which known and felt could have opened the door of heaven to him to dwell forever with the Lord.
[12:31] But he cared for none of those things. Couldn't care less. He just lived after the flesh, the things of the flesh. What do you think Felix feels like too?
[12:46] Of whom you read that when Paul spoke of the things of God, eternal realities, Felix trembled.
[12:58] He trembled under the authority with which the Apostle Paul was helped to speak. But he had no sense of the value of the things the Apostle Paul was proclaiming and he said, when I have a more convenient season, I will hear thee again on this matter.
[13:22] But it was just a miserable excuse. And now he has that to ponder and he trembles more than ever he did on the earth where he is in the regions of the lost and he will never leave off trembling forever and ever.
[13:44] Just one more thought. We will ask another question. Let us ask King Agrippa how he feels now about the things which he heard the Apostle Paul proclaiming when the effect was of such a nature that King Agrippa said to Paul almost thou persuadest me to be a Christian.
[14:12] And now God alone knows what was deep down in Agrippa's heart but that is the confession that he made. But where he is now in the regions of the lost he will be wishing forever and ever that he had been helped by God and persuaded to be a Christian.
[14:38] Here you see it is so necessary do ask God to give it to you dear young people a true sense of values.
[14:52] And then another thing you want to have a right understanding in your vocabulary of some words in the word of God words that are contrasted and they are as far apart some of them as heaven is from hell and no one can tell you what that distance really is.
[15:21] Now you need to have a right understanding of what time is not no preacher can really tell you only seek to illustrate it and help you to ponder it in your heart but God can open it up to you.
[15:41] One him writer says and he made a good attempt to define it time is but a bubble floating on eternity's vast sea but time as far as you and I are concerned is just this only this frail and fleeting breath preserves me from the jaws of death soon as it fails at once I'm gone and plunged into a world unknown you cannot call the next moment your own time and eternity and eternity there can be no real explanation of it you cannot define forever and ever but that is where you and I will ultimately be forever and ever either forever with the
[16:45] Lord or forever where there is misery unspeakable then there are two more words life and death life is real life is earnest and the grave is not its goal dust thou art to dust returnest was not spoken of the soul but how little value do some people seem to put on life and they're like the horse leeches two daughters ever crying give give and they seek that which is pleasing to the carnal mind with no concern whatever about what life will ultimately bring them to death elect
[17:48] Oh it is a good prayer so number that we may apply our hearts unto wisdom I often think of a word of Moses when he surveyed Israel's vast host and he was Israel's leader as you all know and he said oh that they were wise oh that they understood this oh that they would consider their latter end.
[18:22] So you need to ponder life and remember death is how life will end.
[18:35] And another couple of words are heaven and hell and your great concern the Lord grant you may be the subject of it must be to be made meet for heaven the inheritance of the saints in light.
[18:57] Then there are two more words and that is sin and salvation. And now sin needs to be considered from this viewpoint that God measures sin by its intent not only by its extent.
[19:24] And that is the thought of foolishness is sin for every idle word that men shall speak they shall give an account thereof in the day of judgment and by him actions are weighed.
[19:42] The Lord discerns the heart what is the motive so that whoso is angry with his brother in his heart he can be a murderer.
[19:59] That is the outcome of it. You will see that illustrated in Cain and Abel. But then this word salvation.
[20:11] Oh what a word that is to ponder for poor sinners who desire to be interested in it. Who say with the psalmist say unto my soul I am thy salvation.
[20:29] God has let down into this world his great salvation. Like that sheet knitted the four corners that the apostle Peter saw in a vision.
[20:44] Let down from heaven to the earth. Three times in succession. So the salvation of God is let down on the earth.
[20:54] And the sheet being let down in succession three times signifies the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.
[21:04] The blessed Trinity. And all whom God has ordained to life eternal. Interested in his great salvation.
[21:16] Were in that sheet as it were. That the apostle Peter saw let down from heaven. And as it came down. So it returned up to heaven.
[21:27] None were lost out of it. None were added to it. It was a definite number. And yet as you and I are concerned.
[21:37] A number which no man can number. But salvation is a good word. To have in your vocabulary. To ponder. And then.
[21:48] There is just one other word. And that word. Is grace. And oh what a word that is. But people.
[22:01] Who are favored to be sinners born again. When they think upon the word. Grace. They always think upon it.
[22:11] From this viewpoint. That they wish they could be sure. They possessed it. And if they do possess it. That they could feel. They had more grace to live.
[22:24] More like they. Ought to live. And as they do indeed. Desire to live. But this is a good consideration. It is grace that makes men.
[22:36] Feel their need. And cry to God. For more. And now. Leaving that viewpoint. Of the subject. Let us come to this.
[22:47] But. One thing. Is. Needful. And now. The word of God. Says. Quite a deal. About. One.
[22:59] Thing. Which is a thing. Which stands out. As important. And. I will just. Look at three or four.
[23:10] References. To where. One thing. Is referred to. And. First of all. The psalmist said. When he dwelt on earth.
[23:22] One thing. Have I desired. Of the Lord. That will I seek. After. That I may dwell. In the house of the Lord.
[23:33] All the days. Of my life. To behold. The beauty. Of the Lord. And to inquire. In his. Temple. And now. It is evident.
[23:45] The psalmist. Had. Found grace. Whereby. He had chosen. That good part. That the text. Tells us. Mary was.
[23:56] Enabled. To choose. One thing. To have matters right. Between his soul. And God. To see Jesus. And see him.
[24:07] As all his salvation. All his desire. That was how the psalmist felt. About. That. One thing. And then you get.
[24:18] The same. Exercise of mind. With the. Apostle Paul. When. He. Says.
[24:29] That. He had. One. Great. Concern. Brethren. I count. Not myself. To have.
[24:39] Apprehended. But. This. One. Thing. I do. Forgetting. Those things. Which are. Behind. In reaching. For.
[24:50] Unto those. Things. Which are. Before. I press. Toward. The mark. For the prize. Of the high calling. Of God. In. Christ. Jesus.
[25:01] He had that. One thing. Well enough. In his breast. One. Great. Concern. That he might. Win Christ. And. Be found.
[25:13] In. Him. And there is another. Reference. To. This one thing. Which is. Helpful. To consider.
[25:25] And that is. Our people. Who are helped to. Choose. This better part. Good part. Like Mary. Was enabled.
[25:36] To choose. Here is Joshua. At the end. Of his long. Useful life. As Israel's. Leader. Into.
[25:46] The promised land. And at the end. Of it. What does he say. And behold. This day. I am going.
[25:56] The way. Of all the earth. And you know. In all your hearts. And in all your souls. That not. One thing. Hath failed. Of all the good things.
[26:09] Which the Lord. Your God. Spake concerning you. All are come. To pass on. To you. And not one thing. Hath failed. Thereof.
[26:20] And now. That is the. Inevitable. Outcome. For all. Sinners. Young or old. Who are born again. And who live their lives.
[26:32] Following on. To know the Lord. That is the. Inevitable. Outcome. Of choosing. Jesus Christ. As the one thing. Needful. His goodness.
[26:43] Goes before you. Every day. And. He guides you. By his counsel. In all your cares. And concerns. And of all the things.
[26:55] That he has promised. In the word of his grace. You have to say. At the end of life's journey. Not one thing. Hath failed. Of all the good things.
[27:06] Which the Lord. Your God. Spake concerning you. All are come to pass. Unto you. And not one thing. Hath failed. Thereof.
[27:17] There is not. Any heaven bound pilgrim. But what will say. Amen. To that. One. Thing. But then.
[27:29] There is also. A reference. To this. One thing. In this. Gospel of Luke. And a certain. Ruler.
[27:40] Asked him. Saying. Good master. What shall I do. To inherit. Eternal life. And Jesus.
[27:52] Said unto him. Why callest thou me. Good. None is good. Save one. That is. God. Thou knowest. The commandments.
[28:03] Do not commit adultery. Do not pill. Do not steal. Do not bear. False witness. Honor thy father. And thy mother. And he said.
[28:16] All these. Have I kept. From my youth up. Now. When Jesus. He said. He said. To him. Yet.
[28:26] Lackest thou. One thing. Had he possessed. That one thing. He would. He would never have made. The declaration.
[28:37] That he did. All these. Have I kept. From my youth. Up. He was without knowledge. Of how the law.
[28:47] Is to be kept. Yet. Lackest thou. One thing. And Jesus. Puts him to a test. Sell all that thou hast.
[28:58] And distribute. Unto the poor. And thou shalt have. Treasure in heaven. And come. Follow me. And when he heard this. He was very sorrowful.
[29:10] For he was very rich. He could not stand. The test. He lacked. The one thing. Whereby. He could have discerned. That Jesus Christ.
[29:22] Is the one thing. Needful. And. In having him. You possess. All things.
[29:32] Desirable. As you journey on. Through life. There is just one other. Reference. Which. I want you.
[29:45] To consider. And that is. Where Jesus Christ. Opened the eyes. Of a blind man.
[29:56] And then. When he had that great blessing. Bestowed upon him. He was questioned by those. Who were enemies.
[30:07] To Jesus Christ. And they. Sought to minimize. The blessing. That Jesus Christ. Had bestowed upon the man. And they asked him.
[30:23] Questions. Seeking to undermine. What Jesus Christ. Had done. But the blind man. Answered. One thing I know.
[30:34] That whereas. I was blind. Now I see. And they could not. Overturn. That declaration. The evidence of it.
[30:46] Was before their eyes. One thing I know. That whereas. I was blind. Now I see. Can any of you.
[30:57] Dear young people. Say so. You might just. Think it over. Before God. As you are. And let your conscience. Tell you. One thing.
[31:09] I know. That whereas. I was blind. Now I can see. Oh that you might. Be favored. And.
[31:23] Although you cannot. See much. As yet. Of the things of God. And your own. Interest therein. If you hope. God. Has.
[31:34] Opened your eyes. To see. Just a little. Of. Eternal realities. And in your heart. You have a concern. To. Participate.
[31:46] Therein. Do remember. What. The psalmist said. Open thou. Mine eyes. That I may. Behold.
[31:57] Wondrous things. Out of. Thy. Law. And now. I want to come. Really. To this. One thing. Needful.
[32:07] And. Look at it. From. Five or six. Viewpoints. But. One thing. Is. Needful.
[32:18] And now. I have said. That Jesus. Christ. Is indeed. The one thing. Needful. And I will show you. Six.
[32:29] Ways. Wherein. Jesus Christ. Is indeed. The one thing. Needful. And they will all begin. With the.
[32:41] Letter C. To help you. Keep. These characteristics. Alive. In your. Memory. But.
[32:52] One thing. Is. Needful. And now. First of all. Jesus Christ. Is needful. For our. Cleansing.
[33:04] When a sinner. Is born again. And his eyes. Are opened. And he is. Wrought upon. By the spirit. Of God. He comes. Into a category.
[33:15] That Solomon. Referred to. In his prayer. At the dedication. Of the temple. You know. I often refer to it. In the pulpit. Which shall know.
[33:26] Every man. The plague. Of his own heart. And it is a very solemn sight. To. See. What.
[33:37] One is. By nature. How sad. Our state. By nature. Is. And only the word of God. Can describe it. You can never.
[33:49] Tell it out. In your own words. As you would. Like to do. To. To describe. The details of it. But the word of God.
[34:01] Helps you. You remember. Job said. Behold. I am vile. And Isaiah says. From the sole of the foot. Even to the head. There is no soundness.
[34:12] In it. Wounds and bruises. And putrefying. Sores. And now. There is nothing beneath the sun. No remedy.
[34:22] Whatever. Man made. That can. Cleanse. Our guilty souls. Jesus Christ. Alone. With his precious.
[34:34] Sin atoning blood. Can do that. And if we confess. Our sins. He is faithful. And just to forgive us. Our sins.
[34:44] And to cleanse us. From all unrighteousness. Jesus. Is the one thing. Needful. For our cleansing. And in Isaiah.
[34:56] There is. A lovely scripture. Come now. And let us reason together. Sath the Lord. Though your sins. Be as scarlet.
[35:07] They shall be as white as snow. Though they be red like crimson. They shall be as wool. Do you remember. Good top lady.
[35:20] Black I too. The fountain fly. Wash me. Saviour. Or. I die. And another word.
[35:30] I like to quote. To you. Sinner. If thou art. Taught to see. How great. Thy guilt. Thy misery. In every thought. And act.
[35:40] In pure. The blood of Christ. Thy soul. Can cure. And so. That is our first C. Jesus. Is the one thing.
[35:51] Needful. For our cleansing. The next C. Stands for. Clothing. Jesus. Is the one thing. Needful. For our.
[36:03] Clothing. When you read about. The Adam fall. You find that. When sin. Entered into the world. And death by sin. And alas.
[36:14] The consequences. Were worldwide. And death. Wrought upon. All men. For that. All have sinned. Adam and Eve.
[36:26] Found. Their eyes. Were opened. And. They were no longer. Pure. Upright. Before God.
[36:37] As he had made them. In his own image. But they saw. That they were. Naked. And they sought to make. A girdle.
[36:48] With fig leaves. But. It was not. Successful. And when. God came down. Into the garden. And. Adam told.
[37:01] The truth. Adam. Where art thou? Said God. God. But Adam. Had hid himself. And he had to come forth.
[37:11] From his hiding place. And Adam said. I hid myself. Because I am naked. And so is Eve. Says God.
[37:22] Who told thee. That thou was naked. You have broken the law. Under which I placed you. On probation. In Eden's garden. And now.
[37:34] You are naked. And your covering. Is not at all. What it should be. And. Even in Eden's garden.
[37:46] God began to declare. The gospel of his grace. And you read. That the Lord God. Made them coats of skins.
[37:58] And now. Dear young people. Those skins. Were provided. By the death of animals. That were offered up. For sacrifices.
[38:09] Unto. God. And. God himself. It says. Made them. Coats of. Skins. And now. That is to show to us.
[38:19] That. You must be clothed. In the righteousness. Of God. Which is by faith. In. Jesus Christ. Jesus.
[38:31] Jesus. Is the one thing. Needful. For our. Clothing. Otherwise. You can never. Have entrance. Through the gates. Of. Pearl. You remember.
[38:43] What the word of God says. When the king. Came in. To see the guests. He saw there. A man. Which had not. On a wedding garment.
[38:55] And he said unto him. Friend. How camest thou in hither. Not having a wedding garment. And he was speechless. This. Then said the king.
[39:05] To the servants. Bind him hand and foot. And take him away. And cast him into outer darkness. There shall be weeping. And gnashing of teeth.
[39:16] For many are called. But few are chosen. Now. Do keep in your mind. That. If you and I.
[39:27] Are to be favored. To reach heaven. We must be made. Meet. For the inheritance. Of the saints. In light. And. You must.
[39:38] Enter into this. Great truth. Jesus Christ. Is the one thing. Needful. For our clothing. Which alone. Can make us.
[39:49] Meet. Jesus Christ. Has another name. Jehovah Sidkenu. Which means. The Lord. Our. Righteousness. And sometimes.
[40:00] I tell you. In preaching. If guilt. Disturb. Thy peace. For Satan. Harris thee. Behold. The Savior's. Righteousness. Which sets.
[40:11] The guilty. Free. Our third. C. Is. Jesus. Is the one thing. Needful. For our comfort. Jesus.
[40:22] Said. To his disciples. When they were. Very sorrowful. As they. Learned. Of. Him. Leaving them. I will not.
[40:33] Leave you. Comfort. Less. I will come. To you. And now. Another name. For Jesus Christ. Is. The God.
[40:44] Of all. Comfort. I do like. That word. And another one. God. That comforted. Them. That are cast. Down.
[40:55] And now. Jesus. Is the one thing. Needful. For our comfort. When you and I. Are in straits. When affliction. Comes upon us.
[41:06] Or bereavement. Or difficulties. Attend us. Along. Life's way. Our friends. May come. And. They come.
[41:16] To show themselves. Friendly. And they speak. Comfortable. Words. To us. Suitable. To our case. As they feel. But they cannot.
[41:27] Convey. The comfort. That their words. Proclaim. And now. Jesus Christ. He is. The one thing.
[41:37] Needful. For our comfort. And when. He drops. A word. It is a word. Of which he says. The words. I speak.
[41:47] Unto you. They are. Spirit. And they. Are. Life. And there are many. People. Thought of God. Belonging. To our cause.
[41:59] Who could. Tell you. Dear young people. Many an instance. A little talk. With Jesus. How it smooths. Life's rugged road. How it cheers.
[42:09] And helps me. Onward. When I faint. Beneath. My. Load. Jesus. Is the one thing. Needful. For our.
[42:20] Comfort. And whatever. Our circumstances. May be. Or whatever. Our case. He has. Comfortable. Words. Suited. To our case.
[42:30] And to our. Circumstances. So that you can be. Of good courage. And go. On your way. Helped. With that comfort. Which Jesus. As the one thing.
[42:41] Needful. Supplies. The fourth C. Stands for. Counsel. Counsel. Jesus. Is the one thing. Needful. For our.
[42:52] Counsel. You remember. In Isaiah. You read. And his name. Shall be called. Wonderful. And then. The next word.
[43:03] Is. Counselor. Oh. How good it is. When you find. In your heart. A concern. To be like.
[43:14] The woman. In the gospel. Falling down. At Jesus. Feet. She told him. All the truth. And when you know. Not what to do. Then.
[43:24] To be able. To say. Oh Lord. We know. Not what to do. But our eyes. Are up unto. Thee. And you. Dear young people. In your everyday.
[43:36] Lives. Whether it be. At school. Or college. Or in. Earning. The bread. Which perisheth. In any sphere. Where you. Go forth.
[43:47] Day by day. To labor. Do remember. If any man. Lack wisdom. Let him ask. Of God. Who giveth. To all men.
[43:58] Liberally. And upraided. Not. And it shall be. Given him. You will find. Jesus. Is the one thing. Needful. For our counsel.
[44:08] And he. Is omniscient. He knows. The hearts. Of all men. And. He can give you. Wise counsel.
[44:20] And. He can give you. His own. Divine aid. To enable you. To reduce it. To practice. And see. Crooked things. Made straight.
[44:31] And rough places. Plain. And to see. How the lot. Is cast into the lap. But the whole. Disposing thereof. Is of.
[44:41] The Lord. He is a savior. Of quick understanding. Says. Isaiah. Jesus. Is the one thing. Needful.
[44:52] For our counsel. And remember. You can. Ask his divine aid. At any time. Anywhere. And keep. This scripture.
[45:03] In mind. Trust in the Lord. With all thine heart. And lean. Not. To thine own. Understanding. Think not.
[45:14] We would do this. We would do that. Using. Your own judgment. A little common sense. It may be. And worldly wisdom. All mixed up together.
[45:24] But. Seek. The Lord. And you shall learn. Jesus. Is the one thing. Needful. For. Our counsel. And now.
[45:35] The. Fifth. C. Is very important. And you may. Wonder at it. When I. Name it. Jesus. Is the one thing.
[45:46] Needful. For. Our. Consecration. Do you remember. A godly. Hymn writer. Begins.
[45:57] A hymn. Like this. Take my life. And let it be. Consecrated. Lord. To thee. A beautiful prayer.
[46:09] And. If you are a sinner. Born again. As you journey on through life. You will want your life to be consecrated to him.
[46:22] Who. Who. You are. And whom. You desire. To serve. And now. In old testament times. When.
[46:32] A leper. Was. Cleansed. Sometimes that did happen. And you can read under the mosaic law. That the leper then.
[46:42] Had to go to the priest. And go through. What god had. Described. As. What must be attended to. That the leper might go forth now.
[46:55] With good health. And live. An ordinary life. Among men. And no longer. Be unclean. And an outcast.
[47:05] And set apart. And now. In the service that had to be attended to. With the leper. And this.
[47:16] Cleansing. There was the blood. Of the slain sacrifice. And the priest. Took of that. And touched the. Leper now cleansed.
[47:28] On his ear. And on his hand. And on his feet. Signifying. That he was cleansed. And then having done that.
[47:41] He did it again. But this time. With oil. The. The blood. Was to signify. That he was cleansed. The blood of Jesus Christ.
[47:55] Is typified in that. Which cleansed it from. All sin. But the oil. Signifies that now. He had to live a life.
[48:06] Of consecration. A life set apart for God. Again. His ear. Was touched. And his hand. And his feet. Signifying.
[48:17] That from henceforth. He was to be a witness. For God. His life was. Consecrated. To serve. The Lord.
[48:29] And. There must be something like that. Come into your life. And to come into my life. Jesus is the one thing needful.
[48:42] For our consecration. And now. I will read you what the scripture says about that. And you may. Ponder it. And it might be helpful.
[48:54] To you. Here is. What said the scripture. I therefore. The prisoner of the Lord. Beseech you.
[49:05] That ye walk worthy. Of the vocation. Wherewith ye are called. With all lowliness. And meekness. With long suffering.
[49:17] Forbearing. One another in love. Endeavoring to keep. The unity of the spirit. In the bond. Of peace. You see.
[49:28] Everyone who is taught of God. In their sphere in life. They do not always realize it. But. It is to be known. And felt.
[49:39] They. Have a vocation. That is to say. God sets them. In a sphere. Where they can serve him. To his honor.
[49:51] And glory. And. Live a life. In doing good. It may seem. They occupy. A very little sphere. But. The great thing is.
[50:02] To remember. You are where God. Has placed you. And. Even in a small sphere. Ye serve. The Lord. Christ. And then. You find.
[50:14] This. Is how the life. Of consecration. Is made. Manifest. For God. Is not unrighteous. To forget.
[50:25] Your work. And labor. Of love. Which ye have. Showed. Toward. His name. In that ye have. Ministered. To the saints. And.
[50:36] Do minister. Like Joseph. Hart says. Behold. The gospel plan. Trust in the Lord. With all your heart. And do.
[50:47] What good. You can. And then. There is a beautiful. Picture of it. What. Know ye not. That your body. Is the temple.
[50:58] Of the Holy Ghost. Which is in you. Which ye have. Of God. And ye are not. Your own. You see. You dear young people.
[51:08] I'm not fitting caps on. But. Some of you. Seem to be living. Your lives. As though you were. Your own. And you can make. Your own judgments.
[51:19] And do what you like. God. But you cannot do that. If you are a sinner. Born again. Your life is to be governed.
[51:29] By what set the scriptures. Your life is to be consecrated. To God. And here is the reason why. Ye are not your own. For ye are bought.
[51:41] With a price. Therefore. Glorify God. In your body. And in your spirit. Which are. Gods. And you find.
[51:53] How that. Is done. Sometimes. In a very small way. You may wonder. What you know. About a consecrated life.
[52:05] But this will help you. Whosoever. Should give to drink. Unto one of these little ones. A cup of cold water. Only in the name.
[52:15] Of a disciple. Verily. I say unto you. He shall in. No wise. Lose. His. Reward. And there is.
[52:27] A lovely reference. In the Romans. I beseech you. Therefore. Brethren. By the mercies. Of God. That ye present.
[52:39] Your bodies. A living sacrifice. Wholly. Acceptable. Unto God. Which is your. Reasonable. Service. This is.
[52:50] The life. That people live. Who live. Consecrated. Lives. And if we do not live. Consecrated. Lives.
[53:01] We have got. Very little. Evidence. That we. Have. A part and lot. Among the people. Of. God. And.
[53:12] You find. Also. It is set. For. Here. Who. Who. So. Have. This. World's. Good. And. Seeth. His. Brother. Have.
[53:23] Need. And. Shutteth. Up. His. Bowels. Of. Compassion. From. Him. How. Dwelleth. The. Love. Of. God. In. Him. My. Little. Children. Let.
[53:33] Us. Not. Love. In. Word. Neither. In. Tongue. But. In. Deed. And. In. Truth. And. Hereby. We. Know. That. We. Are. Of. The. Truth. And.
[53:43] Shall. Assure. Our. Hearts. Before. Him. Hereby. Perceive. We. The. Love. Of. God. Because. He. Laid. Down. His. Life. For. Us. And. We. Ought. To.
[53:54] Lay. Down. Our. Lives. For. The. Brethren. There. Is. Helping. God. For. This. And. Jesus. Christ. Said. I. Am. Among. You.
[54:04] As. He. That. Serveth. And. He. Said. This. The. Son. Of. Man. Came. Not. To. Be. Ministered. Unto. But. To. Minister.
[54:17] Jesus. Christ. Is. The. One. Thing. Needful. For. Our. Consecration. And. Now. I. Come. To. The. Last. See. And. I. Must. Come. To. The. Amen. For.
[54:27] The. Time. Is. Gone. The. Last. See. Stands. For. This. Jesus. Is. The. Do.
[54:38] You. Remember. As. You. Have. Read. Bunyan's. Pilgrim's. Progress. How. He. Describes. One. Character. Coming.
[54:48] Up. To. The. River. To. Climb. The. Ascent. To. The. Gates. Of. Heaven. His. Name. Was. Ignorance. And. Of.
[54:58] Course. As. His. Name. So. Was. His. Nature. Regarding. The. Things. Of. God. He. Could. Talk. Much. About. Religion. But. He.
[55:08] Had. Not. Got. The. Reality. Of. It. And. Yet. When. Ignorance. Came. To. The. End. Of. His. Pilgrim. Age. And.
[55:19] Had. To. Cross. The. River. Signifying. The. River. Of. Death. There. Was. A. Ferryman. There. Whose. Name. Was. Vain. Hope. And. Instead. Of. Ignorance.
[55:30] Being. Like. Christian. And. The. The. Flood. On. Foot. He. Was. Wrote. Across. By. This.
[55:40] Vain. Hope. And. He. Climbed. Up. The. Hill. To. The. Gates. Of. The. Celestial. City. But. There. Were. No. Angels. Attending. Him. Such. As.
[55:50] Attended. Christian. And. The. Other. Pilgrims. And. The. Arrived. Before. The. Gates. Of. Heaven. And.
[56:01] Demand. Admitted. But. Bunyan. Says. In. His. Pithy. Way. There. Was. One. Looked. Over. The. Gate. And.
[56:12] Asked. Him. If. He. Could. Produce. His. Certificate. And. It. Says. In. Bunyan. Words. I. Saw. That.
[56:23] He. Fumbled. In. His. Bosom. And. He. Could. Not. Produce. It. He. Had. No. Certificate. That. Means. He. Had. No. Real.
[56:34] Grounded. Evidence. That. He. Was. A. True. Pilgrim. Or. That. He. Was. Born. Again. Or. That. He. Possessed. The. Spirit's. Witness. That.
[56:45] He. Had. A. Right. And. Title. To. Be. Found. Among. The. Redeemed. In. Glory. And. So. One. Was. Sent. To. Bind.
[56:55] Him. Hand. And. Foot. And. Bunyan. Says. He. Was. Placed. Through.
[57:06] A. Door. Way. Where. He. Went. Down. Into. Eternal. Misery. And. He. Said. I. Saw. That. Hard. By. The. Gates. Of. Heaven. There.
[57:16] Was. A. Short. Route. Down. To. Hell. And. Now. You. See. I. Have. Told. You. This. Jesus. Is. The. One. Thing. Needful. For. Our. Certainty.
[57:27] You. Must. Have. This. Certificate. I. Remember. Reading. Many. Years. Ago. Of. A. Godly. Woman. Who. Was. A. Member.
[57:38] Of. A. Church. Where. Good. John. Grace. Was. The. Pastor. And. He. Used. To. Often. Refer. To. Ignorance. And. The.
[57:49] Importance. Of. Having. A. Certificate. And. It. So. Wrought. Upon. This. Godly. Woman. That. When. She. Came.
[57:59] Down. To. Die. To. Her. Soul. Joy. She. Found. That. She. Did. Possess. It. And. Her. Pastor. Was. Absent. Could. Not. Visit.
[58:09] Her. Just. Then. And. She. Said. To. Those. Attending. Her. Tell. Mr. Grace. When. He. Comes. Home. I. Got. My. Certificate.
[58:21] And. She. Died. In. The. Lord. Oh. Jesus. Is. The. One. Thing. That. Matters. Are. Right.
[58:31] Between. Our. Souls. And. God. And. For. Our. Souls. Peace. Living. Or. Dying. Do.
[58:42] Think. These. Things. Over. But. One. Thing. Is. Needful. And. Mary. Hath. Chosen. That. Good. Part. Which. Will. Not. Be. Taken. Away. From.
[58:53] Her. Oh. Dear. Young. People. If. You. Possess. The. Grace. Of. God. And. To. Know. Jesus. As. The. Sinner's. Friend. That. Is.
[59:03] What. That. Good. Part. Means. As. You. Journey. On. Through. Life. You. Will. Find. How. Good. It. Is. Good. Beyond. Words. To. Describe.
[59:14] It. Is. Good. In. Sickness. Good. In. Health. Good. In. Youth. Good. In. Age. Good. In. Adversity. Good. In. Prosperity.
[59:25] Good. In. Life. Good. In. Death. Good. In. Time. And. How. Good. It. Will. Be. In.
[59:35] Eternity. Oh. That. You. May. By. The. Grace. Of. God. Choose. This. Good. Part. And. That. You. May. Realize.
[59:46] To. Your. Soul's. Joy. Jesus. Is. The. One. Thing. Needful. And. Live. Your. Lives. Unto. Him. And. At. Last.
[59:57] Dwell. Forever. With. Him. In. The. Blissful. Realms. Above. Amen.