[0:00] As the Lord shall be pleased to help me, I shall call your attention to a subject you will find in Solomon's Song, chapter 4 and verse 16.
[0:23] Amen.
[0:53] The Song of Solomon, chapter 4 and the 16th verse.
[1:03] I will tell you what I feel from a pastor's viewpoint in announcing this subject.
[1:16] You may sometimes wonder why certain subjects are taken. Is there some particular purpose?
[1:27] And we do humbly hope there is. And I have in my mind this thought. I wonder how many among you dear people in our course of truth at this time, who are indeed sinners born again, are prepared to say to Jesus Christ, let my beloved come into his garden and eat his pleasant fruits.
[2:06] Your heart is or should be his garden. The new heart, the new nature, which was implanted when you were born again.
[2:24] But if you look within and weigh matters up as to your everyday life, and how many matters really are according to how you feel between your soul and God, if the beloved should come into your garden, do you really feel he would find his pleasant fruits there?
[2:57] Or would it rather be applicable to you and me to say this before God?
[3:12] Lord, my heart a desert vast, thy reviving hand requires. Sin has laid my vineyard waste, overgrown with thorns.
[3:27] And briars. I read to you, it is a great word, many a time it has searched me, and tried me.
[3:41] Herein is my Father glorified, that ye bear much fruit, so shall ye be my disciples.
[3:54] And now, if the hallmark of being a disciple, is to bear much fruit, in our lips and lives, as we journey on, day by day, where do you and I come in?
[4:15] Measured by that, solemn standard, you will say, as far as I am concerned, I must humble myself before God, and cry, O my God, I am ashamed, I blush to lift up my face, unto thee.
[4:42] Yea, all of us who hope we are born again, we have to come back to the starting point, God, be merciful to me, a sinner.
[4:55] And yet, who can tell, but what in the opening up of this subject, you and I, may find after all, poor as our, religion, and our soul's experience, seems to be, that we do possess, by the grace of God, a living interest, therein.
[5:25] And now, in the first half of the text, Jesus Christ, the church's living head, is speaking.
[5:39] The church of Christ, is looked upon, as a garden, set apart, for God, and he, and he alone, can cultivate it.
[5:55] Awake, O north wind, and come, thou south, blow upon, my garden, that the spices, thereof, may flow out.
[6:11] Then, the church, answers, let my beloved, come into his garden, and eat his pleasant fruits.
[6:24] And so, the church of Christ, is likened to, a garden. The garden of God. And while you look, around the world, as it is, and it really does seem, a vast, wilderness, mess, yet, there are poor sinners, born again, whose hearts, are designed to be, and are, the garden, of God.
[7:00] and you, may, may, have some evidence, that God has done this for you, if you said amen, deep down in your heart, to what, you have sung, before the sermon, began.
[7:22] quickened by thee, and kept alive, I'd flourish, and bear fruit, my life, I'd from thy sap derive, my vigor, from, thy root.
[7:40] This question of fruit bearing, is very solemn, and it will always be, very searching, to poor sinners, born again.
[7:54] For they look within, and so often feel, to be the opposite, of what they know, they ought to feel, and desire to feel.
[8:06] They can only, lament, can ever God, dwell here. you realize, the older you grow, which you know, every man, the plague, of his own, heart.
[8:26] And when you look within, and examine yourselves, you cannot feel, as you would like to feel, that your heart, can be the garden of God.
[8:41] And yet, in the midst of it all, God is at work. And sooner or later, you will have the evidence of it, in his dealings with you, that the spices, will flow out, in your soul's experience.
[9:03] evidence, and that will be the evidence, that your heart, is the garden of God, and that you are a plant, of the Father's, right hand, planting.
[9:18] And now in the context, you have a little description, about, the garden, the church of, the church of, Christ, and it says, a garden, enclosed.
[9:37] The margin is, a garden, barred. I like that word, enclosed. We are a garden, walled around, chosen and made, peculiar ground, a little spot, enclosed by grace, within the world's, wide, wilderness.
[10:05] So our hymn writer, says, and it is a great mercy, when you can feel, that you are indeed, enclosed, by grace.
[10:21] If you and I, at any time, find the spices, flowing out, you will always have to say, when they do, by the grace of God, I am, what, I am.
[10:39] As you grow older, in the life divine, more and more, you have to realize, by grace, are ye saved, through faith, and that, not of yourselves, it is the gift of God, not of works, lest any man, should boast.
[11:06] And now, this garden, I have told you, is the church of Christ. And it is, a garden, enclosed. And the enclosing of it, was, made, before the world was built, a time, was born, when God, the Father, in his eternal purposes, ordained, a number, which, no man can number, who should be saved, with, an everlasting, salvation.
[11:51] And it was, enclosed then, every plant, to be planted, in the garden, was known, in all details, of what the plant, should be, and where, it should be planted, as time, rolled on, to, grow, in the garden of God, to the glory of him, whose garden, it is.
[12:24] Because God, has said, this people, have I formed, for myself, and they shall, show forth, my praise.
[12:38] And so, we may say, it is a garden, enclosed, by eternal, purposes, and being enclosed, you may say, of all those, who have the mercy, great is the mercy, to be planted, therein, sinners, born again, in every state, secure, kept as Jehovah's eye, tis well with them, while life endure, and well, when called, to die.
[13:18] Enclosed, by eternal, purposes, enclosed, by, everlasting, love, and whatever, you may feel, about your religion, and what you are, with a name, on a church roll, or one that should, have a name, on a church roll, seeing you, profess, what you do, and desire, to worship, God, aright, you will have to realize, as you, journey on, it is only, as God, works in you, to willing to do, that you can feel, as you want to feel, and that the spices, may, flow, out, a garden, enclosed, enclosed, by everlasting, love, every plant, in the garden, growing therein, realizes, sooner or later, good it is, if it is sooner, but it is still good, if it should be, later,
[14:37] I have loved thee, with an everlasting, love, therefore, with loving kindness, have, I drawn thee, and whoever poor, these plants, may look, as you view, what you believe, is the church of Christ, the garden of God, you must remember, how God views, the garden, and he says, this in the word, of his grace, I search, the heart, and as a man, thinketh in his heart, so, is he, and if you have a thought, deep down in your heart, this sabbath morn, how glad, you would be, if you could, bring forth, fruit, to the honour, and glory of God, and hoard up, the sacred word, and feed thereon, and grow, go on, to seek, to know the Lord, and practice, what you know,
[15:47] God, looks down, into your, heart, and, I have been glad, of this word, many times, it is accepted, according, to what a man, hath, and not according, to what a man, hath, not, and it can be said to you, as it was said, to David, long ago, thou doest well, to have it in thy heart, to build a house for me, and God, says concerning you, thou doest well, to have it, in thy heart, that you would be, you desire to be, a plant, growing to my honor, and glory, and that, in everyday life, you desire to bring forth, the spices, as the evidence, that your religion, is that, of which I am, the author, and then, there is just another thought, here, a garden, enclosed, and now, this garden, is enclosed, by almighty power, yes, and what a mercy, that is, for it needs, almighty power, to enclose it, otherwise, it would be, overrun, by earth, and hell, and who can tell, what might, happen, to it, but it is enclosed, by almighty power, so that, while you look, round the world, at the present time, and see, hell itself, let loose, therein, for that is what, it really, amounts to, with all the chaos, and confusion, you observe, whichever way, you look, to earth's remotest bounds, yet, every plant, in this garden, is enclosed, by almighty power, wherever that plant, wherever that poor sinner, born again, is living, in a sphere, ordained of God, where he, or she, shall be, almighty power, is there, who is he, that shall harm you, if he be followers, of that, which is, good, and even, if the enemies, seem to, sometimes, gain ground, and there are, those, hundreds of thousands, in the world, at large, at the present time, taught of God, who are yet, displaced persons, and persecuted, for righteousness, sake, and it does seem, as if the enemy, has gained, some ground, upon them, but you may be sure, of this, that where they are, they are, plants, that are bringing forth, spices, to the honor, and glory, of God, and they are, witnessing, for God, and godliness, as grace is, given to them, to do so, and now, the garden, then, is enclosed, enclosed, by eternal, purposes, enclosed, by everlasting, in love, enclosed, by, almighty power, and there is, a pretty, description, here,
[19:50] I use the word, pretty, advisedly, a garden, enclosed, is my sister, my spouse, a spring, shut up, a fountain, sealed, thy, gardens, thy, plants, are an orchard, of pomegranates, with pleasant fruits, camphire, with spikenard, spikenard, and saffron, calamus, and cinnamon, with all trees, of frankincense, myrrh, and aloes, with all the chief spices, a fountain, of gardens, a well, of living waters, streams, from, Lebanon, wonderful, is the picture, of this, garden, of God, and I want you, to observe this, in this garden, of God, there is variety, some are referred, to, as trees, but, it is also said, thy plants, and now, while there is, a great variety, in the garden, there is harmony, and that is, all, the plants, which are referred to, by name, do listen, are bitter, in their taste, but, they are all, fragrant, to smell, calamus, is referred to, and, we are told, that, sense the air, while it is growing, and that, should be, a word, for you, to ponder, in your heart, for it means, as you and I, live our lives, and they, took knowledge, of them, that they, had been, with,
[22:03] Jesus, oh, that it might, be seen, in our lips, and lives, there are, the spices, flowing out, and now, we come, to the garden, itself, and the means, whereby, the blessed spirit, of God, cultivates it, there is a word, that says this, ye are God's, husbandry, and, our text, tells us, awake, oh north wind, and come, thou south, blow, upon, my garden, that the spices, thereof, may flow out, and, oh, the response, that you, and I, might be helped, by grace, to make it, let my beloved, come into his garden, and eat his pleasant, fruits, and now, we look, first of all, at the north wind, and that sets forth, tribulation, the south wind, sets forth, sanctification, there is a great, distinction, between, the north wind, and the south wind, in its, effects, the north wind, setting forth, tribulation, tribulation, is a wind, that is cleansing, searching, powerful, it is needful, and God, ordains, that the north wind, should come into our lives, tribulation, the north wind, blows upon, our garden, and it searches us, it tries us, it brings us, down very low, sometimes, times, to make us, to wonder, what we are, and where we are, in things, divine, and when it blows, upon, our garden, as a rule, it means, tribulation, it may be, it comes to you,
[24:39] God lays affliction, upon you, or it may come, to those, God has given you, in your family, circle, but, whenever the north wind blows, it always, brings, tribulation, in some form, or another, and that brings you, down to this, call upon me, in the day of trouble, I will deliver thee, and thou shalt, glorify, me, some of us, have our remembrances, along life's way, when the north wind, has blown upon us, and we have been brought, very low, thereby, I always think, of that time, in my life, when,
[25:40] I had to give up, the printing trade, through contracting, lead poisoning, after climbing up, very high, in that profession, and hoping, it might be my life work, to be a printer, and then the north wind came, tribulation, came with it, and I was brought down, very low, now to begin my life, over again, in my early, twenties, and I found it needed, much grace, to be still, and know, that God, was ordaining, my life, and working out, his purposes, for me, and yet, by his grace, I was helped, to be submissive, to his will, and, I have lived, to see, what his purposes, were, for me, in closing, one door, and then, in his own time, to open, another door, that I should be, a minister, of Jesus Christ, and fill, the pastorate,
[26:58] I have, so long, filled, on the Union Chapel, roof, but when I was, 23 years old, the tribulation, seemed very, keen, and very, searching, and I did not know then, I should be made, a minister, although I had thoughts, concerning it, but I did not know, what God had in store, for me, but, I can assure you, I felt it to be, the north wind, very, searching, very, powerful it was, and it brought me down, to rock bottom, before, God, and at that time, I learned, what is the, foundation truth, of our most, holy faith, salvation, is, of, the Lord, awake,
[28:05] O north, wind, and now the great thing is, when it begins to blow, when the tribulation, comes, and you can see it, coming, when you see, the effect of it, whether it comes to you, with affliction, or adverse circumstances, whatever, God may ordain, the north wind, shall blow, into, your life, the great thing is, if you can say, it is the Lord, let him do, what seemeth him, good, and humble yourself, and humble yourself, under his mighty hand, in all his, dealings, that you may feel, he is working out, his purposes, for you, and that you can be still, and know, that he is,
[29:07] God, all to be able, to be able, to feel then, Lord, I would indeed, submit, gladly yield, my all to thee, what thy wisdom, sees most fit, must be, surely, best, for me, and now, when you get, that feeling, submission, to the will of God, the north wind, your trouble, still remains, your affliction, is not yet, healed, but, the north wind, is dying down, and the south wind, is now beginning, to blow, and that is, a soft wind, a quieting wind, a warming, wind, you remember, it says in the word, of God, how thy, garments are warmed, by the, south wind, and your mind, is, quieted, and it is a, wonderful thing, to feel,
[30:14] I hope, some of you, have felt it, at times, when he giveth, quietness, who then, can make, trouble, and come, thou, south, and when it comes, how glad you are, to feel, a calm, in your mind, and to realize, it is the Lord, enthroned in light, whose claims, are all divine, who has, an undisputed right, to govern me, and mine, oh, do you pray, awake, north wind, and come, thou, south, blow, upon my garden, that the spices, thereof, may flow, out, in the word, of God, the Holy Spirit, is likened, to, the wind, you remember, the Savior, said, to Nicodemus, the wind, bloweth, where it listeth, mark that word, it does not blow, by chance, anywhere, the wind, bloweth, where it, listeth, thou hearest, the sound, thereof, thou canst not tell, whence it cometh, or whither it goeth, so, is every one, that is born, of, the Spirit, oh, it is a wonderful, privilege, to feel, the blessed Spirit, blowing upon, your spirit, as, the south, wind, and come, thou, south,
[32:13] I said, it set forth, sanctification, the north wind, sets forth, tribulation, the south wind, sanctification, and that means, that you can, feel, before God, with whom you have to do, thou art our potter, we are the clay, and it is a wonderful feeling, to be the subject of, thy ways, O Lord, with wise designer, framed upon, thy throne above, and every darkened, bending line, meets in the center, of, thy love, blow upon, my garden, that the spices, thereof, may flow out, and now, I want just to name, a few, of these spices, that will flow out, when the south wind, blows, following, the good, the north wind, has done, for you, in bringing you down, at Jesus feet, a humble, suppliant, for that is what, the north wind, really, does, and troubles, do not come into our lives, by chance, or aphazard, no,
[33:47] God, in his infinite mercy, sends us, this trouble, or that, because he regards us, as a plant, of his right hand, planting, and his great concern, is, that you and I, should bear fruit, to his honor, and glory, blow upon my garden, that the spices thereof, may, flow out, and now, these spices, flow out, in a twofold way, they flow out, before God, it is good, when they do, and it is also good, when they flow out, before, man, and I may say, that these spices, are very, very precious, and they are that, which a man cannot receive, except it be given him, from heaven, how wonderful, and how precious, it is to feel it, godly sorrow, for sin, repentance, unto, life, when you are found, at Jesus feet, like the man, in the gospel, clothed, and in a, right, mind, when you can do this, you cannot always do it, you know, there is the privilege, to do it, but you need, the spices, to flow out, to do it, if we confess, our sins, he is faithful, and just, to forgive us, our sins, and to cleanse us, from all, unrighteousness, all repentance, unto life, is a very precious spice, and we should like, to feel it flowing out, much more, often, than, we feel, to do,
[36:10] I like, how it flowed out, with David, when he said, I will be sorry, for my sins, and that is, just how you feel, you look back, over your life, and it seems, a long succession, of sins, in thought, word, and deed, sins of omission, and sins of commission, and, you feel, very disheartened, in looking upon it, and then, how glad you are, if the south wind, should blow, and your heart, is made, meek, broken, contrite, before God, and repentance, flows forth, I will be sorry, for my sins, and you feel then, no sinner, needed mercy more, that ever sought, thy face, there is also, the spice, of, faith, in God, and without faith, it is impossible, to please him, he that cometh, to God, must believe, that he is, and that he is, a rewarder, of all them, that diligently, seek him, and now, it is a great thing, a much greater thing, than some of you, may realize,
[37:50] I'm not fitting any caps, on, I'm just telling you, the truth, it is a great thing, to be a believer, faith, in Jesus, can repel, the darts, of sin, and death, faith, gives victory, over hell, who can give us, faith, eh, but when, the south wind, blows, oh, so softly, upon your spirit, and you were found, before God, you can appeal, to him, the majesty, of heaven, we believe, and assure, thou art the Christ, the son, of the living God, Lord, to whom, can we go, thou hast the words, of eternal, life, I have looked, at one word, of the saviors, many times,
[38:53] I have told it, to you, many times, I tell you again, be not afraid, only, believe, and now, when the south wind, blows, you will have, this petition, Lord, increase, our, faith, to leave, all our life, with thee, to arrange, as shall be, in accordance, with thy, holy will, and by thy grace, enable us, so, to live, the spices, flow out, and you and God, meet together, on friendly, terms, not only so, then the spice, of hope, flows out, too, and you feel, it is, good hope, good hope, through grace, the saints, possess, the fruit, of Jesus, righteousness, and by, his spirit, given, oh, sometimes, the spice, of hope, seems, very low, yet, it still, flows out, here a little, and there a little, it flows out, like this, cold as I feel, this heart of mine, yet, since I feel it so, it yields, some hope, of life divine, however, low, but oh, when the south wind blows, oh, so softly, in your soul's, feelings, then hope, in God, springs up, and you feel, the God of hope, fill you with all joy, and peace, in, believing, but then, there is also, the spice of prayer, and how good it is, when that flows out, it may not always, flow out in words, and you must not, be over much, cast down, if you cannot, always feel, as you would like, to feel, when you try, to pray with words, and you do not, always feel, out of the abundance, of the heart, the mouth is speaking,
[41:28] I have come, to this conclusion, along, life's way, that there may be, much more prayer, in us, than we often, realize, because, because, prayer, is the soul's, sincere desire, uttered, or unexpressed, the motion, of a hidden fire, that trembles, in, the breast, and you have, your thoughts, welling up, and they are, the spices, there are prayers, that you think, which you cannot, put in, to words, as you are, going about, filling your sphere, in everyday life, whatever, that, may be, but in the multitude, of your thoughts, within you, you were like Mary, and she pondered, all these things, in her, heart, and when you, analyze your thoughts, you find, there are spices, flowing out, and what do you sing, the soul, that with, sincere desires, seeks, after Jesus, love, that soul, the Holy Ghost, inspires, with breathing, from above, and so, the spice of prayer, does flow out, sometimes, with prayers, not put into words, but they are, nevertheless, the effort, of the spirit of God, within you, his, blessed, work, the spices, are flowing, out, and it is that, which a man, cannot receive, except it, be given him, from heaven, and how good it is, when the spice of, prayer, and praise, together, flow out, remember that word,
[43:36] I have quoted, in everything, by prayer, and supplication, with, thanksgiving, let your request, be made known, unto God, oh, how good, and how precious, and pleasant, it is, when you feel, the spice of, gratitude, to God, good Mr. Tiptaft, used to say, God, is so pleased, with gratitude, he gets so little, of it, you think that over, and then analyze, your life, and see, how much, God has got, from you, as you have journeyed on, the spices, of gratitude, thanksgiving, praise, to acknowledge, your deep indebtedness, to God, and not to let, his mercies, lie, forgotten, in unthankfulness, and without praises, die, blow upon, my garden, that the spices, thereof, may flow out, the spice, of gratitude, gratitude, to say, thank you, to God, to count, your blessings, to record, his mercies, to join, with the psalmist, bless the Lord, oh, my soul, and all that is, within me, blesses, holy name, the time, has soon come, to the amen, there is also, the spice, of contentment, having food, and raiment, let us be, there with, content, this is the great, trouble, in our land, at the present time, you see, the great majority, of people, as you meet them, you can tell, by their countenances, they are discontented, and it is of hell, and, it is working, against God, and godliness, in our, land, but for you, being a plant, in the garden of God, there must be, this, spice, flowing out, to be contented, with what God, has ordained, for you to be, and, to do, it means, submission, to the will of God, then there is also, the spice of love, and he that loveth, is born, of God, and what does, godly John, say also, he that loveth,
[46:38] God, let him love, his brother, also, and that does not mean, just his brother, by a natural, relationship, no, it means this, in another way, of expressing it, thou shalt love, thy neighbor, as, thyself, and that means, to do this, as ye have therefore, opportunity, do good unto all men, especially they, that be, of the household, of faith, blow upon my garden, that the spices thereof, may flow out, the spice of, love, there is also, the spice, of obedience, to what saith the scriptures, the commandments, of God, to show, whose you are, and whom, you serve, and,
[47:41] I can just mention, this, and that is, the spice of, zeal, when I was young, in the ministry, I used to hear, so much about, having, zeal, not according, to knowledge, knowledge, but it was, ingrained in my mind, there was also, a zeal, according, to knowledge, and it is said, of Jesus Christ, and you can read, it for yourself, where he evidenced it, when he made, a scourge of, small cords, and drove them, out of the temple, the money changers, and did, what he, as verily man, verily God, alone, could do, and his disciples, remembered, it was written, the zeal, of thy house, hath eaten me, up, and there is, a zeal, wherein, the spices, flow, out, wherein, you find, in your heart, a concern, to do, whatever you can, for the cause, of God, and his truth, and to show, at all times, whose you are, and whom, you serve, awake,
[49:07] O north wind, and come thou south, blow upon my garden, that the spices thereof, may flow out, let my beloved, come into his garden, and eat his pleasant fruits, and I hope, you will be prepared, to join with the pastor, and say with the, hymn writer, smile me, into fruit, or chide, if no milder means, would do, but at whatever, cost it is, may the north wind, blow, and the south wind, into our lives, that in the ultimate, issue, our beloved, may come into his garden, and, eat his pleasant fruits, amen, amen, amen, amen,