
Bethersden - Union Chapel - Part 27

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Jan. 1, 1900


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[0:00] As the Lord should be pleased to help me, I shall call your attention to a subject you will find in the Acts of the Apostles, chapter 20, the 24th verse.

[0:20] But none of these things move me, neither count I my life dear unto myself, so that I might finish my course with joy and the ministry which I have received of the Lord Jesus to testify the gospel of the grace of God.

[0:48] Chapter 20, the Acts of the Apostles, and the 24th verse. What a wonderful word this was, to well up in the Apostle Paul's breast.

[1:09] At this time, as he was desiring to instruct the elders of the Church of Ephesus regarding the things of God and how to carry on the Church of Christ, which was their responsibility.

[1:28] And what sadness must have filled his breast as he realized that he would bid them goodbye and see their faces no more in this life.

[1:41] And how it shows to us what an outstanding man the Apostle Paul was as a minister of the Lord Jesus Christ.

[1:54] How he speaks here that his whole business, from the time he was born again and made a minister, his whole business was to testify the gospel of the grace of God.

[2:11] And this thought occurs to me in telling you that. Do you realize it is your business too?

[2:21] While you are not in the pulpit to preach the gospel in your everyday life, if you love the gospel of the grace of God, it should be your everyday concern to testify of it and lose no opportunity whatever to show whose you are and whom you serve.

[2:46] To testify the gospel of the grace of God. Pour up the sacred word and feed thereon and grow.

[2:58] Go on to seek to know the Lord and practice what you know. And now I want, as the Lord shall help me, to look at this subject, especially with regard to the last sentence in it.

[3:15] To testify the gospel of the grace of God. How evident it is that the Apostle Paul was simply saturated in it.

[3:27] And how evident it is that he could not find words to express what he felt regarding the gospel or the grace of God.

[3:40] And he felt like that because he could go back in his mind to the Damascus road when he saw Jesus. When his eyes were opened.

[3:54] When he was born again. When the light of heaven streamed into his heart and conscience. When he was brought down at Jesus' feet clothed and in his right mind.

[4:09] And he never forgot that occasion. And he felt so deeply indebted to the God of all grace. That his grace should ever have been lodged in his heart.

[4:23] That from that time on. He simply spent his life in preaching the gospel. And it is a great statement which the Apostle Paul makes.

[4:35] None of these things move me. In the context. He speaks about bonds and afflictions. Abide in him.

[4:46] And he knew so much about that. He was in peril's art. But that did not alter his mind. One iota. None of these things move me.

[5:01] Neither count I my life dear unto myself. He did not weigh up possibilities. And think it will be a risk if I go here.

[5:13] And go there to try to preach. I may meet more affliction. I may meet death. He did not count the cost. Neither count I my life dear unto myself.

[5:27] So that I might finish my course with joy. And the ministry which I have received of the Lord Jesus.

[5:38] It is a great thing. If a man has a hope in God. That he has been ordained to preach the gospel. And that he can say what the Apostle Paul said.

[5:52] Whereof I am made a minister. It is a great consideration. A great mercy. And I will tell you what else it is.

[6:05] A terrifying responsibility. The ministry which I have received of the Lord Jesus. Woe is me says Paul elsewhere.

[6:18] If I preach not the gospel. And the astonishing thing is. That he lost no opportunity. To do it at any time.

[6:29] Anywhere. As he saw an opportunity. So he brought the things of eternity. And the gospel of the grace of God. Before his fellow creatures.

[6:41] Whether they would hear. Or whether they would forbear. And now let us look at this subject. As grace is given. To testify the gospel.

[6:53] Of the grace of God. The grace of God. How wonderful it is. And how mysterious it is.

[7:07] And. How much you and I have to thank God for. If you and I can say what Paul said.

[7:20] Do see if you can. And he called me. By. His grace. Oh dear friends. I do humbly hope and believe.

[7:32] He has called. Many of us in this assembly. And it is an amazing mercy. Amazing grace.

[7:43] How sweet the sound. It saved a wretch like me. I once was lost. But now am found. Was blind.

[7:54] But now. I see. Oh. You should ever be. Earnest. And urgent. In your petitions.

[8:06] To do what the apostle Paul desired. Godly people to do for him. Brethren. Pray for us. Because. It is impossible.

[8:17] For human language. To say all. That ought to be said. Could be said. About the gospel. Of.

[8:28] The grace. Of God. Those whom God has sent. To preach his gospel. Need to be held up. Every time you listen. To any one of them.

[8:40] Like. Aaron. And. Her. Eld up. The arms of Moses. When Israel was at war. With. The Amalekites.

[8:51] You need to hold up. The arms. Of those who preach the gospel. In your supplications. That. They may be helped to testify.

[9:02] The gospel of the grace of God. That poor sinners may be wrought upon. Thereby. And prove it to be what it really is. Good tidings of.

[9:14] Great. Joy. The gospel of. The grace. Of God. And you find in the word of God. How much is said.

[9:25] About it. And yet. There is no illustration. That. Can. Say. Fully.

[9:35] What could be said. About the grace of God. There is one illustration. There is a river. The streams where off shall make glad.

[9:48] The city of God. Is Percy all right. Ruben. Excuse that interruption.

[10:03] Excuse that interruption. To testify the gospel of the grace of God. And now. Going back to the blessed source of it.

[10:16] I had just quoted. There is a river. The streams where off shall make glad. The city of God. God. And now. And now. That river.

[10:26] Has been running. As it were. With the grace of God. Since time began. And there are millions. Of redeemed spirits.

[10:37] In the realms of bliss. Who have slaked their souls thirst. In drinking of that. Wondrous river. And their souls have been made glad.

[10:49] Thereby. But that river. Is running this Sabbath afternoon. As full. As ever it was. There has been no diminution.

[11:23] Whatever. In them drinking. Thereof. The fullness resides. In Jesus our head. And ever abides.

[11:34] To answer our need. The father's good pleasure. Has laid up in store. A plentiful treasure. To give to. The poor. The gospel of.

[11:46] The grace of God. And now. Going back to the blessed source of it. There is the grace of God the father. And that grace.

[11:59] Was made manifest. When God so loved the world. That he gave his only begotten son. That whoso ever believeth in him.

[12:11] Should not perish. But have everlasting life. It was. The grace of God the father. Whereby.

[12:22] He could give. His dear. Eternal son. To do love's redeeming work. And God the father. Did it.

[12:33] So willingly. Readily. That he might. Have a people. Saved by grace. To fill heaven. With praise. Evermore. And then.

[12:45] The grace. Of. God the father. Is seen. In as much. As he ordained. Before the world was built. Her time was born.

[12:57] A number. Which no man can number. Who should be called. By his grace. And. That has never failed. Down through the ages.

[13:10] And then. What shall we say. Of the grace of God the son. The dear son of God. Who came down. Into this poor. Sin cursed earth.

[13:22] To do love's. Redeeming. Work. And when. You think of. How the apostle Paul.

[13:32] Refers to it. For ye know. The grace of our Lord. Jesus Christ. And that though. He was rich. Yet for your sakes. He became poor.

[13:43] That ye. Through his poverty. Might be rich. Do you ever. Ponder these things. What grace it was. For Jesus Christ.

[13:54] The eternal son of God. In his divine nature. Dwelling in the realms. Of bliss. And yet. To be willing. To come down.

[14:05] And be seen among men. Verily man. Verily God. Let us go to Bethlehem. And see what came to pass there. And what do we see.

[14:18] There. A little babe. Cradled in a manger. Sheltered in a stable. And whom do we see. We see God.

[14:31] We see Jesus Christ. Born a babe. By birth. Mysterious. He came from the extreme of riches. As it were.

[14:42] The riches of the deity. And he came down to be made manifest. In the extreme of poverty. For he was born.

[14:53] Poor. I have already quoted to you. Ye know the grace. Of our Lord Jesus Christ. How though he was rich. Rich as verily God.

[15:04] Yet for your sakes. He became poor. As verily man. That ye through his poverty. Might be rich. And what wondrous grace.

[15:16] Did Jesus Christ bestow. Throughout his lovely life. Grace. In every characteristic of it. In his words.

[15:27] And in his ways. And in going about. Doing good. Healing all them. That had need of healing. Grace.

[15:38] To take up our responsibilities. Under the law. And to keep it. In every jot and tittle. Of its demands. And then at length.

[15:49] Grace. To go up Calvary's hill. And die. In our stead. The Lord. In the day. Of his anger. Did lay.

[16:00] Our sins. On the lamb. And he bore them. Away. He died. To atone. For sins. Not his own. The father. Hath punished.

[16:10] For us. His dear. Son. And such. Was the grace. Given. To Jesus Christ. In doing it. That he said. Lo.

[16:21] I come. In the volume. Of the book. It is written. Of me. I delight. To do. Thy will. O God. And when he died.

[16:34] In the stead. Of poor sinners. Like you. And me. He conquered. Death. By dying. That is a sweet thought. To me. Death. Of death.

[16:44] And hell's destruction. Land us safe. On Canaan's side. So that everyone. Who has the wonderful mercy. To be called.

[16:55] By grace. Will not only have grace. To live. But will not fail. To obtain grace. At the last. To die. The grace.

[17:06] Of our Lord. Jesus. Christ. And then. Jesus Christ. Having lived. Under the law. And died.

[17:17] On Calvary's cross. Rose from the dead. On that Easter morn. Long ago. And then he ascended. Up on high. Triumphant.

[17:28] Over sin. And death. And hell. And where is he. This Sabbath afternoon. He is on. A throne of grace. And he stretches forth.

[17:40] The scepter. Of his exceeding. Great and precious promises. To encourage. And to embolden. Poor sinners. To come unto him.

[17:50] As the God. Of all grace. Let us therefore. Come boldly. Unto the throne. Of grace. To obtain mercy. And to find grace.

[18:02] To help. In time of need. The grace. Of God. The Son. And what shall we say. Of the grace.

[18:13] Of God. The Holy Spirit. Whenever you open. The Holy Bible. To read it. Desiring to get. Some good. For your soul.

[18:25] Therein. Think of the grace. Of the Holy Spirit. Whereby you have. The Holy Bible. To read. God. Spake all these words.

[18:37] All scripture. Is given. By inspiration. Of God. The Holy Spirit. Is the author. Of it. That is why. It is called. Holy.

[18:48] Bible. Sad and solemn. Will be the condition. Of those. Who criticize. The word of God. And seek to. Undermine.

[18:58] Its divine. Authority. Over. You see. In these. Sacred pages. The grace. Of the Holy Spirit. Whereby.

[19:10] Poor sinners. Are made. Wise. Unto. Salvation. Thy word. Is a lamp. Unto my feet. A light. Unto. My.

[19:20] Path. And so. There is. The grace. Of God. The Father. God. The Son. God. The Holy Spirit. The blessed.

[19:31] Source. Of. The grace. Of. God. And then. There is this. To be. Observed. The gospel.

[19:43] Of the grace. Of God. And now. That makes it. Plain. That. The grace. Of God. Is the power. In the gospel.

[19:53] The gospel. And as that grace. Is made known. So the gospel. Will be made. Helpful. Beneficial. And fruitful.

[20:03] In poor sinners. Lips. And lives. And will be confirmed. By signs. Following. You remember.

[20:14] The apostle Paul. Wrote to the church. At Thessalonica. Knowing brethren. Beloved. Your election. Of God. For our gospel.

[20:24] Came not unto you. In word. Only. But also. In. Power. And that power. Was the grace. Of God. In the gospel. And it made.

[20:36] The church. At Thessalonica. An outstanding. Church. And that epistle. Telling of it. Is the first epistle. To a church. The apostle Paul.

[20:47] Ever wrote. First epistle. To the. Thessalonians. And it tells. Of the gospel. Of the grace. Of God. And now.

[20:58] When man. Has to do. With power. And he does. Have to do. With power. Whatever power. Man. May. Manufacture.

[21:09] He has to. Harness it. But. In doing so. Whatever power. Man. Uses. Is always.

[21:20] Subject. To a guarantee. And a limitation. You dear. Young people. Keep that. In mind. Man. May. Make. An engine. And.

[21:30] It is. Of so much. Horse power. And that. Is its. Limitation. And. While it is. In working order. It may. Produce. The power. To do. What the engine.

[21:41] Is made. For. But. There is. A limitation. The engine. May be. Overstrained. And break down. Or. And the power. May fail.

[21:52] But now. Nothing. Like that. Can happen. With the gospel. Of the grace. Of God. The grace. Of God. Which is. The power. Of it. The gospel.

[22:03] Will never. Break down. And he. Whose gospel. It is. Will not. Fail. To do. To do. Poor sinners. Good. Wherever. The gospel. Is preached.

[22:15] And. The grace. Of God. In the gospel. Will never. Diminish. Its power. Will remain. The power. Of God.

[22:26] Unto salvation. To everyone. Which. Believeth. Much. Might be said. Along that line. Of thought. To testify.

[22:37] The gospel. Of. The grace. Of God. And referring. To the gospel. If you like. To look it up.

[22:48] When you have leisure. And you can make. A little. To do so. You will be surprised. At the many adjectives. The apostle Paul. Uses. Regarding.

[22:59] The gospel. The gospel. Of the grace. Of God. When he speaks. Of it. In his epistles. To different churches. He speaks. Of it.

[23:09] As the glorious. Gospel. He speaks. Of it. As the gospel. Of Christ. And he speaks. Of it. As the everlasting. Gospel. And he refers.

[23:21] To it. As the gospel. Of peace. And many. Such adjectives. He uses. To describe. The gospel. And now. These adjectives.

[23:32] Are not superfluous. They are. To encourage. Poor sinners. Regarding. The gospel. If God. Has given them. Ears. To hear it. And hearts. To receive it.

[23:44] And now. Why is the gospel. Called. The glorious gospel. The gospel. Is called. The glorious gospel. Because.

[23:54] It makes. Very plain. That God. Has devised. Means. Whereby. God. And man. Can meet together. Unfriendly terms. And that is.

[24:06] The glory. Of the gospel. It makes. Poor sinners. To realize. By the grace. Of God. Peace on earth.

[24:16] And mercy. Mild. God. And sinners. Reconciled. Hence. It is called. Also. The gospel. Of peace. It is a peace.

[24:28] Which the angels. Proclaimed. When Jesus Christ. Was born. Peace. On earth. Good will. Toward.

[24:38] Men. And it is. The gospel. Alone. That will help you. To feel. As you want to feel. That matters. Are right. Between. Your soul. And God.

[24:50] The peace. Of God. Which passeth. All understanding. Possessing. Your hearts. And minds. Through Christ. Jesus. And the gospel.

[25:01] Is called. The gospel. Of Christ. Because. He is the sum. And. Substance. Of it. The gospel.

[25:12] Of Christ. Christ. Jesus. Came into the world. To save. Sinners. Of whom. I am chief. You will notice.

[25:23] Often. The apostle. Paul. In referring. Into the gospel. He. Gives. Illustrations. Out of his.

[25:33] Own. Experience. Of what. He had known. And felt. Of it. And when he. Quotes. That scripture. Christ. Jesus. Came into the world. To save. Sinners.

[25:44] Of whom. I am chief. He actually. States. That God. In calling. Him. By grace. Designed. To show. To all. Mankind. What the grace.

[25:55] Of God. Could do. In saving. Such an one. As. The apostle. Paul. Felt. To be. And. Every sinner.

[26:08] Who is called. By grace. When he is. Under the sweet. Influence. Of it. He will have. Somewhat. Of that. Feeling. He will be ready.

[26:19] To argue. As it were. With Paul. Of whom. I am chief. And he will feel. Who of mercy. Need despair.

[26:30] Since I. Have. Mercy. Found. There is one other adjective. Which is very helpful to me. And that is. The gospel is called.

[26:41] I said. The everlasting gospel. And now. That is to show. That whatever good you get. Under the gospel. As you listen to it.

[26:53] God having given you. Ears to hear. And hearts to receive it. Whatever good you get. Is for time. And eternity too. If you get a little help.

[27:06] A token for good. A little encouragement. If you get a blessing. Under the gospel. That is everlasting. In its nature. And they.

[27:17] Who once. Is kindness. Prove. Find it. Ever. Lasting. Love. So that. The gospel is. The everlasting gospel.

[27:28] From that viewpoint. The gospel. Of. The grace of God. You may lose. The comfort. Of what you get. Under the gospel. You go back.

[27:41] Into the world. To do. The duties. Of everyday life. And you may lose. The comfort. And the happiness. You have had. But nothing. Can undo.

[27:51] The fact. That you had it. And you had it. From God. And you had it. Before God. And it is. Everlasting. In its. Nature.

[28:03] If once. Upon our hearts. We feel. The love. Of Christ. Impressed. The mark. Of that celestial. Seal. Can never. Be erased.

[28:15] To testify. The gospel. Of the grace. Of God. And now. Looking at the subject. From another viewpoint.

[28:27] I will. Show you. Some characteristics. Which I have tried. To do. Throughout. My long ministry. But I will. Remind you.

[28:38] Of some of the. Characteristics. Of the grace. Of God. For you. Want to be. Assured. That you. Possess it. Many of you. Do possess it. But you are not.

[28:49] Always sure. About it. You would like. To be. Reassured. And sometimes. You say. Assure. My conscience. Of her part.

[29:00] In the. Redeemer's blood. And bear the witness. With my heart. That I. Am born. Of God. And now. The grace. Of God.

[29:10] Is sovereign grace. It must be so. You cannot. Earn it. You cannot. Buy it.

[29:21] You cannot. Merit it. And. If you. Possess it. It came to you. Through divine. Sovereignty.

[29:31] God. Having ordained you. Before the world. Was built. Or time was born. That you should be born. Into this world.

[29:42] And born again. To receive it. The grace. Of God. Sovereign. In its nature. You observe that. You read about it.

[29:54] In the old testament. I have. Called you. One. Of a city. And two. Of a family. And you may look sometimes.

[30:05] And see. People. Where there is just one. Called by grace. Sometimes it is the husband. And not the wife. And sometimes it is. The other way.

[30:16] How good it is. When. Husband and wife. Walk together. In the things of God. And feel they are joined together. By God.

[30:27] In these. Ties which are eternal. Not only. Natural love to each other. But the love of God. Which binds them together.

[30:38] In the unity of. The spirit. But. When you are trying to pray. For the children. When God has given you. You have to pray. Under this.

[30:50] Understanding. That grace. Is sovereign grace. And it is. Dispensed. According to what. God has declared. I will have mercy.

[31:02] Upon whom. I will have mercy. I will be gracious. To whom. I will. Be gracious. And you can take this. As a token for good.

[31:14] That if. God should grant you. The spirit of prayer. And liberty. In pleading. For your dear children. To be called. By his grace.

[31:25] That. Is a very hopeful. Sign. It is like. The cloud. Which. Elijah's servant. Saw. As. About as big. As a man's hand.

[31:37] That. Foretold. There was much blessing. To follow. And whatever you do. Still pray. Still pray.

[31:49] Let thy work. Appear unto thy servants. And thy glory. Unto their. Children. The gospel of the grace of God. God.

[31:59] And so. It is sovereign. And it is evidence. To be sovereign. You would never. Have thought. The dying thief.

[32:10] Would be called by grace. And yet. In life's latest. Hours. The grace of God. Singled him out. And made him meet.

[32:21] For the inheritance. Of the saints. In light. You and I. Would never. Have thought. Manasseh. Was to be called. By grace. For the word of God.

[32:31] Tells us. The truth. About him. That in his persecutions. He made the. Streets of. Jerusalem. To run with. Rivers of blood. And he looked to be.

[32:42] Just fit fuel. For hell fire. But no. No. The grace of God. Is enabled. To deal with. Manasseh. And in his affliction.

[32:53] He called on. The Lord is God. And he was made. Welcome at the throne. Of grace. And you should think. More about. What you sing. The vilest sinner.

[33:05] Out of hell. Who lives. To feel his need. He's welcome. To the throne. Of grace. The saviour's. Blood. To plead. Who can tell.

[33:15] But what God. Will be gracious. Unto you. As you think. Of the grace. Of God. It is sovereign grace. In how it is dispensed.

[33:27] And. Do you ask for it. And God in his mercy. To you. Grant it. Then. Grace.

[33:38] Is separating grace. In the nature of it. As soon as grace. Is communicated. Is communicated. To a poor sinner. He finds it.

[33:49] Makes a revolution. In his life. He can no longer. Live such a life. As he may have been living. He has been living. After the flesh.

[33:59] The things of. The flesh. But now. He finds. Another principle. At work. In his breast. And he desires. To live. Not for this world.

[34:10] But for the world. To come. To be after the spirit. The things of the spirit. He finds. He possesses. An aching void. Which this world.

[34:22] Cannot fill. And so. He can understand. Moses. Choosing rather. To suffer affliction. With the people of God. Than to enjoy.

[34:33] The pleasures of sin. For. A season. And so. Grace. Is separating grace. Sovereign grace. And then.

[34:45] It is supplicating grace. It is the grace of God. Whereby. A sinner. Desires to have to do with God.

[34:57] And get in touch with him. As the sinner's friend. What was said. Concerning the apostle Paul. To convince. Good Ananias.

[35:07] That he was indeed. Called by grace. The Lord told. Ananias. Behold. He prayeth. Do you? And that.

[35:19] Is a sign. Of the grace of God. I will pour upon. The house of. David. And the inhabitants. Of. Jerusalem. The spirit of grace.

[35:31] And of supplication. Can you go back. To when you began. To knock at mercy's door. Desiring the grace of God. That you might possess.

[35:43] Some religion. To live by. And at the last. To die by. Oh. There is this. Supplicating grace. How glad. Some of us would be.

[35:54] If we could feel it. In gracious exercise. More often. Than we. Sometimes. Seem. To do. We would not be. Prayerless.

[36:05] We would have out of the abundance. Of the heart. For the mouth. To speak. And there is the grace. Of God. And if I may say it.

[36:15] It is to be had. For the asking. For it. God is able. To make all grace. Abound. Toward you. And Jesus Christ.

[36:27] Said. In most simple. Beautiful language. Ask. And ye shall receive. Seek. And ye shall find. Knock. And it shall be opened.

[36:38] Unto you. For everyone. That asketh. Receiveth. And he that seeketh. Findeth. And to him. That knocketh. It shall be.

[36:49] Opened. How beautifully. The Lord Jesus. Did preach. His own. Glorious. Gospel. How we. Considered.

[37:00] I say this. With great reverence. How we considered. The little ones. The gospel. Of the grace. Of God. Oh. That you and I.

[37:11] Might know more. Of the grace. Of supplication. Not to let. God go. Until a blessing. He bestow. And not to let him go.

[37:21] Then. But to return. And say thank you. For his grace. Not only so. The grace of God.

[37:32] Is comforting. Grace. When you get a little help. In the means of grace. Whether it be. Public. Or private. Comfort.

[37:43] It is. The grace of God. Which. Helps you to realize. God is to you. The God of all comfort.

[37:55] Comfort. The angel. Talked with me. Good and comfortable. Words. You read in Zechariah. And when you get. A comfortable.

[38:05] Word. And a comfortable. Feeling. Before God. And. You feel. Separated. From the world. In possessing it.

[38:16] For a little while. Feel it is good. To draw near. Unto God. That is the grace of God. Known and felt as. Comforting grace.

[38:28] Then it is also. Confirming grace. You remember. Paul tells us. They went about. Preaching the gospel. Confirming the disciples.

[38:39] The souls of the. Disciples. And. That is what you come for. Sometimes. When you come up to worship. You want to be confirmed.

[38:50] By what you hear. In the gospel. That you are indeed. A sinner born again. That you are. One for whom.

[39:00] Jesus Christ. Died. On Calvary's cross. You want. That sweet. Blessed. Confirmation. And. The gospel of the grace of God.

[39:13] Is preached by his dear servants. That God's dear people. May be confirmed. And be encouraged. To go on their way.

[39:23] Rejoicing in hope. Of life eternal. It is confirming grace. And then. It must be said. It is supporting grace.

[39:35] You may not always feel. It is supporting grace. Yet it does support you. You. You sometimes go on. In everyday life. With its duties.

[39:46] And difficulties. And responsibilities. And you were burdened. And heavy laden. With much to. Do. And. Sometimes you can hardly tell.

[39:58] What you are. Or where you are. When you come to the end. Of the day. And yet. You will be in help. Through the day. You may not have been able. To do. All you purpose to do.

[40:09] But what you have done. You have done. By the grace of God. Known and felt. As support in grace. You have not been left. To give up. Or to go back.

[40:20] In your profession. Of the name of. Jesus. And one hymn writer says. The gospel bears my spirits up. For faithful and unchanging God.

[40:32] Lays the foundation of my hope. In oaths and promises. And blood. The gospel of the grace of God. Yes.

[40:43] Grace is supporting grace. And you know. If you told the truth. You would have to say. Having obtained help of God. I continue.

[40:55] Unto this day. Not only so. There is constraining grace. And constraining grace.

[41:07] Is known and felt like this. There may come into your life. Some event. God may lay some cross. Upon you. And what you are by nature.

[41:19] Resents it. And you feel. Like Jacob. All these things are against me. And you feel. In a wrong spirit. You cannot. Receive it.

[41:30] And yet you know. In your judgment. That whatsoever. God. Do it. It is for your good. And his glory. And you should behave.

[41:42] Like this. Shall not the judge. Of all the earth. Do right. And you may say. I will not do this. I will not endure it. Then comes another change.

[41:54] Of mind. You feel altogether. A different frame. You are now brought. Down at Jesus feet. Closed. And in a.

[42:06] Right mind. And then. You ask God. To help you. To do. What you declared. You never would do. When you said. You would never. Brook it.

[42:17] Perhaps. There has been. Something amiss. Between you. And another. And a wrong spirit. Has been shown. And you felt. You would justify yourself. And not endure it.

[42:29] Then. This constraining grace. Has brought you down. To remember. It is enough. For the disciple. That he be. As is. Lord.

[42:40] Constraining grace. Is a beautiful grace. To be the subject of. And it. It will constrain you. To do things. That otherwise.

[42:50] You were not called upon. To do. What I mean. Is this. You would do good. To all men. And especially. They. That be of the household.

[43:00] Of faith. You will not. Shut yourself in. And say. I have got my life. To live. My family. To love. And to care for. And.

[43:12] That is as much. As I can do. But. Your heart. Will be enlarged. And. The grace of God. Will. Constrain you.

[43:23] To do good. When otherwise. You have made up. Your mind. That you would just. Live your own life. It is good. To feel this.

[43:33] Constraining grace. Enlarging our heart. Enlarging our vision. And making us. To remember. Here unto.

[43:45] Are ye called. Christ also. Suffered for us. Leaving us. An example. That ye should. Follow in. His steps. The grace of God.

[43:58] And then. This grace. Is known as. Pardoning grace. And oh. What a wonderful grace. That is. Or sins.

[44:09] Unnumbered. As the sand. And like the mountains. For their size. The seas. Of sovereign grace. Expand. The seas.

[44:20] Of sovereign grace. Arise. Pardoning grace. Say you. I wish. I could be sure. I had had it.

[44:30] I wish. God would grant me. Pardoning grace. Grace. To superabound. Over all. That I am. By nature.

[44:42] That I might. Hear. His voice. Declaring. Thy sins. Which are many. Are all. Forgiven. It is to be known.

[44:54] You are welcome. To wait upon. God. To receive it. And he encourages you. Wait on the Lord. Be of good courage. And he shall strengthen.

[45:06] Thine heart. Wait. I say. On. The Lord. Pardoning grace. Then I might mention. Waiting grace.

[45:16] For that is very scarce. As a rule. And there are some things. Which God designs. To give to his people. But he designs also. That it should be in.

[45:28] His own time. His own way. And that they must. Wait. Blessed are all. They that wait. For him. A time he has set.

[45:39] To heal up. Thy woes. A season. Most fit. His love. To disclose. Until he is ready. To accomplish. His will. Be patient.

[45:50] And steady. And wait. On him still. There is. Waiting grace. To be obtained. And may you say. As David did. I waited.

[46:00] Patiently. For the Lord. And the inclined. Is here unto my cry. And. He brought. My feet. Up out of a horrible pit.

[46:13] Out of the maury clay. And established. My goings. And I put a new song. In my mouth. Oh. Pardoning grace.

[46:25] Waiting grace. There is just one more characteristic. Of grace. If God has granted to you. And to me. Grace to live.

[46:37] Let us have sure work. About that. Wherefore. The rather brethren. Give diligence. To make your calling. And your election. Sure. And if he has granted you.

[46:50] Grace to live. Then. You can. Wait upon him. Wait for him. And be sure. When you reach. The end of life's journey.

[47:01] In that hour. When heart and flesh. Shall fail. He will grant you. Grace to die. Dying grace. Is wonderful.

[47:11] But you will not possess it. Until you really. Come down. To die. And then. You will find the bottom. To be good. In Jordan's swelling.

[47:23] And may you pass that river. Death's gold river. Telling. The triumphs. Of your king. To testify. The gospel.

[47:34] Of. The grace of God. To testify. Means. There will be a testimony. And do you dear people. Who do know somewhat. Of the grace of God.

[47:45] In your everyday lives. Be urgent. And earnest. To give a testimony. To the gospel. Of the grace. Of God.

[47:57] The Lord help you. To think. On these things. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen.