
Bethersden - Union Chapel - Part 28

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Jan. 1, 1900


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[0:00] As the Lord shall be pleased to help me, I shall call your attention to a subject you will find in the Gospel of John, chapter 10, verse 9.

[0:18] I am the door, by me, if any man enter in, he shall be saved, and shall go in and out, and find pasture.

[0:35] The Gospel of John, chapter 10, and the 9th verse.

[0:45] This is a subject which is familiar to you all. The Good Shepherd is the speaker, and a great mercy it is to be on the listen for what the Good Shepherd has to say, and to find in our hearts a concern to have a living interest therein.

[1:17] In this subject, there is one thing that is noticeable, and it is noticeable in other subjects that Jesus Christ announced in going about doing love's redeeming work and preaching his own Gospel.

[1:40] In this subject, there is an amazing simplicity. I am the door.

[1:53] People in listening to the Gospel proclamation, As men ordained of God to preach or help to proclaim it, cannot complain that the Gospel is such an elaborated scheme that they find it very difficult to understand it, because it is beautiful in its simplicity.

[2:41] What could be more simple than this subject? I am the door. By me, if any man enter in.

[2:55] Any man, irrespective of who he is, or where he is, and what is life as being, heretofore, if any man, conscious, that he is, a sinner, has a concern in his heart, to enter in, the door is open for him to do so, and the welcome guaranteed, by Jesus Christ, as the sinner's friend.

[3:34] More and more, as I go on in my life's evening time, I must say, that I do indeed delight, to see the beautiful simplicity, of the Gospel.

[3:51] And now, as the Lord your help, may I want to look at the subject, from three or four, viewpoints, of it. And, the chapter itself, is very solemn, and, searching, the opening word, is very important, verily, verily, verily, I say unto you, he that entereth not by the door, into the sheepfold, but climbeth up some other way, the same is a thief, and a robber.

[4:26] The Savior, the Savior, the Savior, was alluding, to the Pharisees, and Sadducees, and many of the Jews, who were listening, who, thought it was possible, to be saved, by the deeds of the law.

[4:47] Although, the scriptures declare, by the deeds of the law, there shall no flesh living, be justified. Yet, they, had a system, which, they tried to, keep, in their everyday lives, and thought, in doing so, they would, be found, in, the sheepfold.

[5:13] The category, in which Jesus Christ, places them, the same, is a thief, and, a robber. And now, I said the subject, was simple.

[5:28] I am the door, by me, if any man, enter in, he shall be saved, and shall go in and out, and find pasture.

[5:40] First of all, I would say a little, of, what is recorded, lower down, in the chapter, for it is still, to do with the subject, and amplifies it, and other sheep, I have, which are not, of this fold, this Jewish fold, them, also, I must, bring, and they shall, hear my voice, and there shall, be, one fold, margin, one flock, and one shepherd, down through the ages, in the church of Christ, there is a wonderful, unanimity, in the teaching, of God, the word of God, declares, and they shall be, all taught of God, and that is, irrespective, of any, denominational, label, whatever, when he, the spirit of truth, is come, he shall guide you, into, all truth, and down through the ages, millions untold, have been, born again, in accordance, with eternal purposes, and this, one flock, is increasing, every day, as time goes on, and the Lord, added unto the church, daily, such, as should be saved, and they, they are all brought, into one fold, the fold, is the church of Christ, possessing, and, they all have, one shepherd, and it is well, to keep, this thought, in our minds, dear friends, because, there are so many, schisms, and heresies, abounding, in the, so called, church of Christ, professing, that you are apt, to lose sight, of, this vision, which the word, of God, proclaims, he that is joined, unto the Lord, is, one spirit, do, ponder that, prayerfully, and it will help you, to have a well balanced, judgment, as to the mercy, of what it is, to be taught, of God, you will not be extreme, in what you believe, and ready to cut off, other people, who do not see, exactly, exactly, as you do, but, you will, realize, that, by this, shall all men know, that ye are my disciples, if ye love, one another, and so, there is this, wonderful, fold, which God, purpose, should be, should be, made manifest, in time, and as, a shepherd, when, he is building a fold, preparing it, he has a specific place, where he purposes, to do it, so,

[9:15] God, in his wonderful, wisdom, his great love, his mercy, beyond words to describe, decreed, that he would have, a fold, filled with lambs, sheep, a number, which no man, can number, but, God, at that time, if I may so, word it, dwelt, before time was born, in his vast eternity, and therefore, he purposed, he would have a place, where his fold, should be built, and he ordained, what its dimensions, should be, and that brings you, to where the word of God, begins, in the beginning, God created, the heavens, and the earth, and the earth, was to be the place, where his fold, should be built, where his one flock, should be gathered, therein, where they should all, rejoice, in having, one shepherd, shepherd,

[10:37] I will set, over them, one shepherd, even, my servant, David, and that is, great David's, greater, son, it is a wonderful, consideration, that God, should have had, this, purpose, and make it manifest, interest, and what is a, very wonderful, consideration, that you, and I, should possess, a hope, and we trust, a hope, well grounded, that we have, an interest, therein, do, keep trying, to answer, one question, as you journey, on through life, who maketh thee, to differ, from another, and what hast thou, that thou, dost not, receive, when you think, of the mighty, mass of mankind, hundreds, of millions, of poor sinners, with never dying, souls, bound for an eternal, destiny, are found, on the earth, and more than half, of them, know nothing, whatever, of the things, of God, know nothing, whatever, of Jesus Christ, and him, crucified, know nothing, whatever, of the word, of God, to be able, to read it, in their own, national, tongue, and you, you were born, in the midst, of all these, privileges, and you should not, take them for granted, you should, remember, parents, native place, and time, all appointed, were, by him, so that, if you are indeed, one of, this one clock, if you do possess, some evidence, that you are numbered, therein, dear friends, your life, ought to be, a living doxology, and at no time, whatever, should you be, grumbling, and grizzling, and fretting, and fuming, because, there is this, and that, in your life, which you would like, to be otherwise, than it is, and that is what, the flesh, what you are, by nature, suggests, to you, oh, you should humble yourself, before God, and, think of the mercy, which has been bestowed upon you, that, you can say, many of you can say it, one thing I know, whereas I was blind, now I, can see, and how you come up, to worship God, at this evening hour, is another thing, that you should, say thank you, to God for, you came up, in the hope, may it be granted, that you would get, some good, for your soul, your concern, is, to obtain, help, from God, most of all, we would, see,

[14:09] Jesus, you want to be, confirmed, in your soul, that you belong, to this, one flock, and that you were shut up, for time and eternity too, in this one fold, that God has built, and is building up still, upon, the earth, I am the door, if any man, enter in, he shall be saved, surely, that is what, you are concerned about, it is the most, important concern, that can be, contemplated, by man, in journeying, through life, and that is, to be saved, or you would, be glad, some of you, if you were sure, that you were, saved, God, bless you, and grant you, that which he alone, can do, whereby, you may feel, sure, that matters, are right, between, your soul, and God,

[15:24] God, but you do, think on this, word, his name, shall be called, Jesus, for he shall, save his people, from, their sins, looking at, this fold, it was planned, in the eternal, councils, every detail, of it, is recorded, as it were, or say that, with great reverence, in the everlasting, covenant, which is ordered, in all things, and sure, God, planned it, and then, he ordained, how it should be, provided, it, and you all know, an eastern fold, is walled around, for the, security, of the sheep, at evening time, when they are, sheltered, therein, and God, does walled his, fall around, around, in that day, shall this song, be sung, in the land, of Judah, we have, a strong city, equivalent, to a fold, salvation, will God, appoint, for walls, and, bulwarks, well, might Jesus, say, fear not, little flock, for it is, your father's, good pleasure, to give you, the kingdom, oh, what, wondrous, security, there is, when you are, made, aware, that you are, inside this, fold, the church, of Christ, you sing, about it, have you, ever, sometimes, paused, to ponder, the, heaps, of words, that you sing, which are put together, to preach the gospel, to you, while you sing,

[17:32] I mean, words like these, do listen, in every state, secure, kept as Jehovah's eye, it is well with them, while life endure, and well, when called, to die, this fold of God, is walled around, yes, it is walled around, by everlasting love, walled around, by, almighty power, and it is, to make plain, to us, the blessed security, of the one flock, that dwells, in the one fold, down through, all the ages, of time, changing the figure, upon this rock, I will build my church, and the gates of hell, shall not prevail, against it, then this being, walled around, is to make plain, to us, that, if you and I, are numbered, with this one flock, then God, looks to us, to evidence it, by separation, from the world,

[18:53] Jesus said, concerning his disciples, and, not only his disciples, but all disciples, indeed, they are not, of the world, even as I, am not, of the world, if ye were, of the world, the world, would love his own, but there, is this, blessed evidence, separation, from, the world, the, the wall, around the fold, shuts in, and it shuts out, shuts out, the world, and, you and I, do need grace, all sufficient, to live like that, choosing, rather, to suffer, affliction, with the people, of God, than, to enjoy, the pleasures, of sin, for, a, season, and, like the dear, psalmist, when he said,

[19:57] I would rather, be a doorkeeper, in the house, of my God, than, to dwell, in the tents, of, wickedness, and, you, will find, other scriptures, to emphasize, this separation, from the world, they shall not, be reckoned, among, the nations, all the mischief, and evil, that came into, Israel's, life, as a nation, was through, mingling, with the nations, round about, as the psalmist, tells you, they mingled, with the heathen, and learned, their works, and what is amiss, with the church, of Christ, nowadays, and I mean, the church, of Christ, possessing, is that, there is altogether, too much, of a worldly spirit, and, sooner or later, it will be sooner, the judgments, of God, will begin, at the house, of God, that those, who belong, to this one flock, dwelling in this, one fold, may be more, like what they, ought to be, according to what, they profess, to be, and they will hear, that word, come ye out, from among them, and touch not, the unclean thing, be ye separate, be ye set apart, for God,

[21:29] I am the door, by me, if any man, enter in, he shall be saved, and now, I want to look, at the door, there is much, instruction, in working out, each item, in the subject, if time allows it, and, when you think, of Jesus Christ, be in the door, I, I, in who I am, as the sinner's friend, I, in the life I lived, doing, love's redeeming work, I, in the life, I now live, on behalf, of the one flock, in heaven above, and what is that life, whereby,

[22:32] Jesus Christ, is the door, there is one God, one mediator, between God, and man, the man Christ, Jesus, whenever you try, to worship God, whether in public, or private, when you seek, to enter in, this blessed fold, and are found, before, the door, thereto, what is your plea, I can no denial take, while I plead, for Jesus sake, and how good it is, to remember, the door of thy mercy, stands open, stands open, all day, to the poor, and the needy, who not by the way, no sinner, was, ever yet, empty, sent back, who came, seeking mercy, for Jesus sake, oh, you should, ponder in your heart, this beautiful truth,

[23:40] I am, the door, mercy's door, Jesus blood, through earth, and skies, mercy, eternal, mercy, Christ, and now, there are many characteristics, to be set forth, in, in, how Jesus Christ, is proved, in our soul's experience, to be, the door, it is what, you desire to realize, as you journey on, through life, and, that is one evidence, of what it is, to grow in grace, and in the knowledge, of our Lord, and Savior, Jesus Christ, as you, prove, in your soul's experience, how he is the door, and how, you rejoice, to realize, from time to time, you are numbered, with the one flock, and you are, sheltered, in, the one, fold, and, in beginning, at the beginning,

[25:02] Jesus Christ, is the, door to life, in this same chapter, you will read, I am come, that they might have life, and that they might have it, more abundantly, more abundantly, than, people in Old Testament times, could realize it, but, under the gospel, it can be known, to the full, the gift of God, is eternal, life, Jesus Christ, is the door, to life, and, if you were found, in your heart, a longing, to, get in touch, with him, and, to realize, unto you, therefore, which believe, he is precious, that has been communicated, to you, through the door, attracting you, to the one flock, and the one, fold,

[26:17] I, if I be lifted up, will draw, all men, unto, me, one, one, writer, says, tis Christ, the bright, and morning star, draws, my affections, from, afar, and, you cannot, realize, like, Asaph, it is good, for me, to draw, near, unto God, only, as, your favor, to do this, if, any man, enter in, he, shall be saved, I, I, can, have, no, access, to God, but, through the merits, of, Christ's, blood, I, am, the door, and, then, Jesus Christ, is, the door, of hope, there is, one scripture, in the epistle, to the Romans, I, like, the God, of, hope, fill you, with all joy, and peace, in, believing, it, was hope, that brought, some of you, dear people, along, to worship God, at this evening hour, what did you say, are equivalent to it,

[27:33] I seek, and hope, to find, a portion, for, my soul, and here, you were being attracted, to this blessed door, I am, the door, oh, you pelt, what is the house, to me, unless the master, I can see, and the great thing, is, to enter in, yes, I am, the door, and then, it can be said, I am, the door, to communion, the hymn writer, speaks, about, sweet communion, which, charms, the soul, and, gives, true peace, and joy, and, it is, sweet communion, too, when, you are favored, to enjoy it, too often, you do not seem, to enter in, as your soul desires, you are in the vicinity, of the door, and you may look, longingly, and, your little faith, can discern, what is inside, where it is, to be observed, that God shines, gracious, through, the man, oh, there is, wondrous pasture, there is,

[29:05] Jesus Christ, revealed, as, the sinner's friend, but, you need, a little touch, from heaven, that you might, by living faith, enter in, and enjoy, that sweet, communion, you remember, it is like this, I was going to say, and I will, too often, and God, left off, communion, with Abraham, and he returned, to his own place, and sometimes, you get a little touch, a little help, a little nearness, and, your soul, is, refreshed, you taste, that the Lord, is gracious, and then, you go on, with the duties, and difficulties, of everyday life, and you find, you are back, in your own place, I to my own, sad state, return, says one, in writer, my wretched, wretched, heart, to mourn, but nothing, can overturn, the fact, that you did, get that, sweet communion, be it, ever such, a little, there is, reality, in it,

[30:23] I am the door, by me, if any man, enter in, and now, this applies, to worship, I am the door, to worship, to worship, unto him, shall the gathering, of the people, be, there is, no necessity, and I might add, no warrant, in the word of God, to make worship, elaborate, with varied, additions, to it, what is worship, I will tell you, then came she, and worshipped him, saying, Lord, help me, needs no, cathedrals, for beautiful, churches, architecture, peeling pipe organs, and surplus choirs, and additions, to worship, that when all is said, and done, cannot do the soul, any good, but only please, the natural feelings, then came she, and worshipped him, saying,

[31:42] Lord, help me, beautiful simplicity, God, God is a spirit, and they, that worship him, must worship him, in spirit, and in truth, for the father, seeketh such, to worship, him, one, him, writer, and the soul, and the soul, and the soul, and the soul, some, some, some, that good doctrine, teach, to sanctify the soul, we first, after Jesus, reach, and richly, grasp, the whole, soul, oh, if you come, with that feeling, Lord Jesus, make thyself, to me, a living, bright, reality, it will not be a question, of how, many, the congregation, numbers, be it two or three, be it two or three hundred, you will be able to, enter into, worship, in the reality, of it, all is well, if Jesus Christ, is, exalted, and extolled, and very high, in your soul's, esteem, and you lose sight, of outside things, you are dealing, with the things of God, and something must be known, and felt, within, out of the abundance, of the heart, the mouth, must speak,

[33:16] I am the door, by me, if any man, enter in, and now, Jesus Christ, is the door, to forgiveness, of sins, oh, that is a beautiful theme, through this man, there is preached, unto you, the forgiveness, of sins, and that, will be your, great concern, once you are, a sinner, born again, to have, that matter, made right, between, your soul, and God, to hear, those, wondrous words, thy sins, be, forgiven thee, and, you will not miss it, if you were found, seeking, as grace is given, to enter in, through the door, by me, if any man enter in, he shall be saved, and God has guaranteed it, whosoever shall call, on the name of the Lord, shall be saved, this man receiveth sinners, but he receives them, through this, blessed door, that he is, as the sinner's, friend, and then it might be said, that Jesus Christ, is the door, to reconciliation, with God, there is a great scripture,

[34:55] I like, God, was in Christ, reconciling, the world, to himself, and you sing, in the Christmas carol, peace on earth, and mercy mild, God, and sinners, reconciled, it is a sweet, blessed experience, and it is to be known, as your help, to enter in, through the door, into this one fold, and be found at once, amongst the, one flock, therein, and then, many viewpoints, there are, of what this door, opens to, poor sinners, we must also say, that Jesus Christ, is the door, to righteousness, if guilt, disturb thy peace, for Satan, harass thee, behold, the Savior's, righteousness, righteousness, which sets, the guilty, free, oh, every sinner, seeking to enter in, through this, blessed door, what do they say, what you have said, some of you, naked,

[36:19] I come to thee, for dress, helpless, look to thee, for grace, you have been stripped, of all your fancied, meekness, to approach, the dread, I am, and you long, to know, the righteousness, of God, which is by faith, in Jesus Christ, and, if any man, enter in, he shall be saved, and as he enters in, he will be clothed, with this, blessed robe, fine linen, pure, and white, the righteousness, of God, have you ever, thought on that phrase, you think prayerfully, on it, it is an amazing, phrase, the righteousness, of God, which is by faith, in Jesus Christ, by faith, is a poor sinner, naked, undone, hell deserving, enters in, through the door, and in entering in, what does he hear, take his filthy garments off, cloth him with a change, of raiment, and there he is, made meat, for the inheritance, of the saints, in light, and as one hymn writer says, made fit, to be, the guest, of God, that, but I must hasten on,

[37:48] I am the door, and Jesus Christ also, is the door, to sanctification, that is, you want to live, unto God, live, for God, you want, to let your life, and acts express, the holy gospel, you profess, and I might add, it needs to be added, I am the door, and now, Jesus Christ, is the door, to heaven, if ever, you have known, I hope, you have known it, or if not, as yet, you will know it, ere you die, if ever, you have had, what one hymn writer says, now and then, dear Lord, bestow a drop of heaven, on worms below, you will realize, that, sweet experience, of heaven, the nature of it, the atmosphere of it, which your soul, breathes for a, little while, maybe, a few, sweet, moments, came into your soul's, experience, through this door, being opened, to you, a man can receive, nothing, except it be given him, from, heaven, and, there is one other thought,

[39:19] I have had on this subject, and that is, I am the door, and now, Jesus Christ, is the door, to witness sin, you might not have thought, about that, coming into the category, of what it is, to enter in, through the door, but, when you do, when you have some evidence, he shall be saved, when you go in and out, and find pasture, when you do indeed, taste that the Lord is, gracious, what should be your attitude, witnessing, then will I tell, to sinners round, what a dear saviour, I have found, I will point to his, redeeming blood, and say, behold the way to God, by me, if any man enter in, he shall be saved, much might be said, on that, viewpoint, of the subject, if any man, enter in, now, do you ponder this word, in your heart, you dear young people, too, and, let not Satan, confound you, he will, seek to oppose you, if you are concerned, to enter in, through the door, that Jesus Christ, is, but, neither give place, to the devil, do not credit, his lies, but, if any man, he may have been, one of the wickedest, wretches, on the earth, and there, are some people, who seem to outstrip, others in wickedness, but, even so, if, any such a man, enter in, is he to be, driven out, no, no, if any man enter in, he shall be saved, do believe, what you sing, the vilest sinner, out of hell, who lives to, feel his need, he's welcome, to the throne of grace, the saviour's, blood, to plead, how does a sinner, enter in, he enters in, by faith, with the eyes, of his faith, enlightened, in his understanding, he views, this blessed, door, and deep down, in his soul, is this concern, longing, to enter in, and enjoy, the blessedness, and benefit, of being, in that one fold, numbered, with the people of God, in that, one, flock, if any man, enter, in, and ask this man, desiring to do so, what think ye of Christ, as you are here, before this blessed door, that Jesus Christ is, we believe, and assure, thou art the Christ, the son of the living God,

[43:01] Lord, to whom can we go, thou hast the words, of, eternal, life, yes, and that, poor sinner, realizes, nothing else, can satisfy, give me Christ, or else I die, if any man, enter in, he enters in, by faith, he enters in, by hope, he hears, the gospel preached, he hears, those who preach it, encouraging, poor sinners, to make a venture, and enter in, and something says, in the poor sinner's breast, who can tell, but what God, will be gracious, unto me, though by my sins, deserving hell, are not despair, for, who can tell, and he ventures, if any man, enter in, he shall be saved, and he, enters in, not always, with, prayers, put together, in words, but he enters in, with desire, longing, in, he enters in, with a hunger, and thirst, after the blessed, realities, that are known, by those, within, this, one fold, enjoyed, by, the one, flock, and sometimes, he enters in, by expectation, he has a feeling, the day, will dawn, when he will enter in, although, as yet, it has not been wrought, in his soul's experience, as he desires, but he has got, something, which spells, hope, my soul, wait thou, only upon God, for my expectation, is from, him, and, this is a real, entering in, through the door, by faith, by hope, by, sincere desires, by expectation, yes, it is wonderfully, comprehensive,

[45:26] I am the door, by me, if any man, enter in, he shall be saved, oh, do, ponder that word, saved, it is so big, in its meaning, that none of us, who keep trying to preach, as God enables us, to do so, can begin to tell you, a millionth part, of what it does mean, to be saved, some him writers, have tried to do it, as well as they could, and we are glad, they did, but it was only the best, they could do, and one says, he saw me ruined, in the fall, and loved me, notwithstanding all, all that I have been, all that I have done, all that I still am, which you know, every man, the plague, of his own heart, yes, and loved me, notwithstanding all, he saved me, from my lost estate, his loving kindness, oh how great,

[46:39] I have no time, to take up, the remainder, of our subject, but, it is a sweet, blessed reality, I am the door, by me, if, any man enter in, he shall be saved, and to go in and out, here is, when you realize, one scripture, to the full, where the spirit, of the Lord is, there is, liberty, ye shall know, the truth, and the truth, shall make you free, and if the truth, shall make you free, ye shall be free, indeed, go in and out, and find pasture, there is pasture, in providence, who so is wise, and will observe, these things, even they shall understand, the loving kindness, of the Lord, and remember, you must, keep, as a treasure, to be prized, every sanctified, providence,

[47:56] God has made, known to you, every trouble, which has come, into your life, and God, has made it, a blessing, overruled it, making you, to realize, afflictions, though they seem, severe, are often, mercy, sent, and, whatever enables you, to declare, it is good for me, that I have been afflicted, that I might learn, thy statutes, this is pasture, through sanctified, providences, I say again, they are to be, prized, because, you could not know, what such an experience, is, wrought in your soul, only, as, Jesus Christ, is made to you, the door, by which, these things, are known, and felt, pasture, in providence, in providence, good John,

[49:06] Flavel says, he, who would watch, God's providence, shall never lack, a providence, to watch, and, oh dear friends, what pasture, beyond words, to describe, there is in grace, the grace, of our Lord, Jesus Christ, as it is, to be known, along, life's way, and, speaking about, this one fold, and one flop, where do they find, pasture, they find it, as, they, inquire, what set, the scriptures, and, they find, in the blessed pages, of the blessed word, of God, pasture, for their, never dying souls, instruction, in righteousness, and, whereby, they grow, in grace, and, in the knowledge, of our Lord, and Savior,

[50:15] Jesus Christ, and, when rejoicing, in feeding upon, this, pasture, in providence, or in grace, and as they, search the scriptures, to get good, for their souls, what is the outcome, of all this, the Lord, is my shepherd, I shall not, want, he maketh me, to lie down, in green pastures, he leadeth me, beside, the still, waters, amen, amen, you, you, you, you, you, you, you,