
Bethersden - Union Chapel - Part 37

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Jan. 1, 1900



Young People's Service - His name shall be called wonderful. With last hymn "As with gladness". No other details on tape box.

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[0:00] As the Lord shall be pleased to help me, I shall call your attention to a subject you will find in the book of Isaiah, chapter 9, and just one sentence in the sixth verse.

[0:22] And his name shall be called Wonderful. Chapter 9, the book of Isaiah, the center sentence in the sixth verse.

[0:42] Perhaps some of you will be saying, I've heard the pastor give an address from that subject before.

[0:54] Yes, the pastor has given an address on that subject before.

[1:07] And, to tell you the truth, two addresses with different characteristics. And it was on my mind, for this Christmas time, to give you another address from it.

[1:27] But not on the framework of either of the two addresses I have already given you on it. Years ago, when I gave you the first address, his name shall be called Wonderful, I took the letter M and spoke about a wonderful man, a wonderful message, a wonderful mercy, a wonderful might, a wonderful name with many meanings, and a wonderful magnet, all relating to Jesus Christ as the sinner's friend.

[2:11] When I took the subject again, I took the letter P. And I spoke then of a wonderful person, a wonderful privilege, a wonderful peace, a wonderful protection, a wonderful power, a wonderful pattern, a wonderful prospect.

[2:41] As the Lord shall help me at this time, I'm taking the letter R. And his name shall be called Wonderful.

[2:55] You do not need me to tell you who this is. You all know, even the little ones. He whose name shall be called Wonderful is Jesus Christ.

[3:07] And at Christmas time, we think of him especially as coming into the world and being seen among men as a babe.

[3:22] And Isaiah lived 700 years before Jesus Christ was born. But God made him a prophet.

[3:36] And he gave him a vision of when Jesus Christ should come into the world to save sinners.

[3:48] And it is wonderful wording, although I must not make a sermon of it. But I would like to find acceptable words that you, young people and children, might understand somewhat of it.

[4:06] For unto us a child is born. Unto us a son is given. And now, when it speaks of a child, that refers to Jesus Christ in his humanity, being born as a babe.

[4:31] One hymn writer, Joseph Hart, says, It is beautiful language too. Born a babe by birth mysterious. Which means, you must not argue about it.

[4:47] No reason as to how such a thing could be. But, read what the word of God says regarding it, in the details of it.

[5:01] And ask God to help you to believe it. And teach you how to appreciate it. Unto us a child is born.

[5:13] Unto us a son is given. And now, when it speaks of a son, it means Jesus Christ, the eternal Son of God. In his divine nature.

[5:26] And the government should be upon his shoulder. If the time allowed, I would turn aside and tell you what comfort there is in that blessed truth.

[5:41] For you look round the world at the present time, and you see it full of chaos and confusion. Conflict and commotion.

[5:53] And men's hearts everywhere. Hailing them for fear. As they survey the things which are coming on the earth. But, if you are helped to remember him whose name shall be called Wonderful.

[6:09] It will be a wonderful comfort to you. To remember the Lord reigneth. And while this world shows to you what looks like hell let loose.

[6:24] The word of God tells us. In this was the Son of God made manifest. That he might destroy the works of the devil.

[6:36] And so, this is a beautiful truth to contemplate. And the government shall be upon his shoulder.

[6:47] In heaven and earth and air and seas. He executes his firm decrees. And though his methods are unknown. Judgment and truth support his throne.

[7:01] And, as Jesus Christ looks down on this world. Which he with the Father and the Holy Spirit created in the beginning.

[7:14] His eyes run to and fro throughout the whole earth. And he discerns every poor sinner. Whatever age he or she may be.

[7:26] Who desires to follow him. And to find in him all their salvation. And all their desire.

[7:39] And he will never overlook any poor sinner. Whose heart longs to entertain him. No. The eyes of the Lord run to and fro throughout the whole earth.

[7:52] To show himself strong in the behalf of all them. Whose heart is perfect toward him. And now, coming to this subject.

[8:04] And his name shall be called Wonderful. I said the letter R. The first R. The first R. Stands for Revelation.

[8:15] When Jesus Christ was born a babe. When as a little babe.

[8:25] And remember. A holy babe. He laid in the manger cradle at Bethlehem. His shoulders held up heaven and earth. When Mary held up him.

[8:38] And it was a revelation of God. The angel said. His name shall be called Jesus.

[8:49] For he shall save his people from their sins. But he said also. He shall have another name. Emmanuel. Which being interpreted is.

[9:01] God with us. And so. His name shall be called Wonderful. Because. He has made known to.

[9:14] Mankind. A wonderful revelation. How God. Has devised means. Whereby.

[9:24] God and man. Can meet together. On friendly terms. And as I was thinking. About this. Revelation.

[9:36] That Jesus Christ. Has given to mankind. I thought. About the shepherds. Which you. Have known about. From baby days.

[9:47] On. And there were in the same country. Shepherds abiding. In the field. Keeping watch. Over their flock.

[9:57] By night. And lo. The angel of the Lord. Came upon them. And the glory of the Lord. Shone round about them. And they were sore afraid.

[10:10] And the angel. Said unto them. Fear not. For behold. I bring you. Good tidings. Of great joy. Which shall be to. All people.

[10:21] For unto you. Is born this day. In the city of David. A savior. Which is Christ. The Lord. There was a revelation.

[10:34] Of Jesus Christ. As to who he was. And his name. Should be called. Wonderful. And to the. Good shepherds.

[10:44] It was a wonderful. Revelation. Revelation. But then. There was yet a further. Revelation. And suddenly. There was with the angel. A multitude.

[10:55] Of the heavenly host. Praising God. And saying. Glory to God. In the highest. And on earth. Peace. Good will.

[11:05] Toward men. And now. This is what. I do so much like. And it came to pass. As the angels. Were gone away. From them into heaven.

[11:15] The shepherd said. One to another. Let us now go. Even unto Bethlehem. And see. This thing. Which is come to pass.

[11:26] Do listen. The word is revelation. Which the Lord. Hath made known. Unto us. And they came with haste.

[11:39] And. They found. Mary. And Joseph. And they saw. The dear babe. Lying. In. A manger. And now.

[11:51] What a revelation. That was. One thing. Impressed my mind. As I. Had this little picture. Hung off in it. As it were.

[12:01] Contemplating it. When the shepherds. Did go to Bethlehem. And searched out. The. Stable. And saw. The dear babe.

[12:12] In the manger. Cradle. I wonder. I say this. With great reverence. I wonder. If they. Inquired of Mary.

[12:24] If they. Could not have found. Some better. Accommodation. Than for such. A glorious. Person. As that. Dear babe.

[12:35] Really was. To be found. Cradled. In a manger. And. Sheltered. In a stable. If the question.

[12:45] Was ever. Put to Mary. The answer. Is also. Found. In the record. In. Luke's. Gospel. Fool. And it says.

[12:56] There was no room. For them. In the inn. Yes. And what do. We sometimes. Sing.

[13:08] The crowded inn. Like sinners. Hearts. Oh. Oh. Ignorance. Extreme. Had room. For all. Of various sorts. But had no room.

[13:19] For him. And now. That is not. Just a little. Piece of history. Dear young people. There is a deep. That coucheth beneath. There was no room.

[13:31] For Jesus Christ. In the inn. And in sinners hearts. As they are born. There is no room. Whatever. Not.

[13:43] The shadow of a shade. Of room. For Jesus Christ. To enter in. Until he himself. Makes room.

[13:54] By his blessed spirit. Teaching. And thinking about. There being no room. For him. In the inn.

[14:06] I have some verses here. Which I will read. Which. Will do you good. If you ponder them. In your heart.

[14:18] Written by one. Who worships under Union Chapel roof. No room in the palace. No room in the inn. No room in the kingdom of Satan and sin.

[14:33] No room. Was the cry when the Savior first came. And down to this day. Still. The cry is the same. No room for a Savior.

[14:45] Of mystery birth. To science. The holy conceptions. No work. No room for the Savior. When reason's supreme.

[14:56] No room for a faith. Which believeth in him. No room for the Savior. Yet room he has made. In Bethlehem's town.

[15:08] In a manger was laid. Despised as a man. And rejected by most. Yet worshipped by all. Of the heavenly host.

[15:19] Yes. Room he has made. For all sinners who cry. For mercy. To Jesus who reigns. Now on high. Despised and rejected.

[15:32] And then crucified. The room he then opened. Is still open. Wide. O Lord. There's no room in my heart.

[15:44] Full of sin. O powerfully enter. And cleanse me. Within. Make room Lord within me. And there ever dwell.

[15:56] And then. Only then. Can I say. It is well. And his name shall be called.

[16:08] Wonderful. And so. Keep that word. In your minds. Jesus Christ. As that little babe.

[16:18] Was a revelation of God. God. Seen among men. Verily man.

[16:30] Verily God. And if I can make it plain. The subject is very deep. He was wonderful in his words. Because.

[16:44] Do listen. Young people. Children and little ones. In his words. There were. There was no confusion. No hesitation.

[16:56] No mistake ever made. Jesus Christ. Never said what you and I do. Oh perhaps it was this.

[17:09] Oh I think it might have been that. For possibly. It might be this. No. No. No. He's fake. And it was so.

[17:21] Verily. I say unto you. His name shall be called wonderful. Wonderful. And you think of it.

[17:34] Mary. Never said a corrective word. To Jesus Christ. As a babe. Or growing up. As a lad.

[17:46] Or at any time. Whatever. Because there was no occasion. To do so. His name shall be called wonderful. I said he was a revelation of God.

[18:00] That God shines gracious. Through the man. Yes. But I must hasten on. To another R. The second R is refuge.

[18:13] And there. Isaiah. Himself. As a beautiful. Setting forth.

[18:24] Of Jesus Christ. As a. Refuge. And a man. Shall be as an hiding place. From the wind.

[18:35] And a covet from the tempest. As rivers of water. In a dry place. As the shadow of a great. Rock. In a weary. Land.

[18:48] A man. A hiding place. A refuge. You have joined in singing sometimes. A refuge for sinners.

[18:59] The gospel makes known. It is found in the merits of Jesus. Alone. The weary. The tempted. And burdened by sin. Were never exempted.

[19:10] From entering. Therein. But now. What does all this mean to you. His name shall be called wonderful.

[19:22] And. In Jesus Christ. Coming down into this world. To live among men. And do that great work.

[19:33] Which his father laid upon him to do. The door of thy mercy. Stands open all day. To the poor and the needy.

[19:43] Who not by the way. Do you take any advantage of it? Do you count it a privilege to prize? Do you sometimes feel.

[19:55] To Christ for help I fly. The friend of sinners lost. A refuge sweet and sure and nigh. And there. Is all. My trust.

[20:06] The value of a refuge. Consists in being. Inside it. You may live in the vicinity of it. You may know much about it.

[20:19] You may actually. In gathering together. For the worship of God. Meet with people who do dwell inside it. But you are still outside. Hey.

[20:31] But if you live and die outside. You will be lost. His name shall be called. Wonderful. All this word refuge.

[20:43] It needs many sermons. To set forth. What a wonderful refuge it is. Where poor sinners. Once they are favored.

[20:54] To be inside it. They are sheltered. From all the assaults. Of sin. And death. And hell. And they realize.

[21:07] A sweet. Blessed. Wondrous. Safety. Which is. Beyond words to. Describe. Do you ever pray this.

[21:17] When you sing it. Rock of ages. Shelter. Me. Let me hide myself. In thee.

[21:28] In thee. I can only give you hints. About these R's. For I have six or seven. To say just a little about. To show you. How his name.

[21:39] Should be called. Wonderful. From whatever viewpoint. You may view. Jesus Christ. Jesus Christ. As verily man. Verily God. The third R.

[21:52] Stands for. Remedy. And now you know. The world. Today. I mean. The commercial world. Is flooded.

[22:02] With remedies. Most of them. Quack. Remedies. Remedy. Yes. But this remedy. Is a wonderful remedy.

[22:17] Such as it would be. As this wonderful man. Provided it. I have told you sometimes. About the alchemists. Who spent their time.

[22:29] Hundreds of years ago. Trying to find out. Three things. Remedies. One. Was a power. That would transmute. Lead into gold.

[22:41] And another. Was. What they called. The elixir of life. If a man. Took a draft of it. He would. Live forever. The other was.

[22:53] A medicine. That would cure. All diseases. But they never found. Either of the things. They spent their lives. And wasted their lives. In trying to search out.

[23:04] But here is a remedy. For all. Diseases. And it is the blood. Of Jesus Christ. God's son. Which cleanseth us.

[23:16] From. All sin. Yes. You have heard the pastor. Quote sometimes. You ought to know. Many of the.

[23:27] Hymns. I have tried to quote. To you. By this time. Sinner. If thou were taught. To see. How great thy guilt. Thy misery. In every thought.

[23:38] And act. In pure. The blood of Christ. Thy soul. Can. Pure. And now. Isaiah. Has a wonderful word.

[23:48] Here. The speaker. In the text. Is. This wonderful man. Of whom. I am trying. To tell you. A little. Come now.

[24:00] And let us reason. Together. Said the Lord. Though your sins. Be as scarlet. They shall be as white. As snow. Though they be red.

[24:10] Like crimson. They shall be as war. Come now. The word of God. To any poor sinner.

[24:21] Even if he is young. And hardly knows. How to put words together. To describe how he feels. The word of the Lord is.

[24:32] Come now. And let us reason. Together. Said the Lord. You. A poor sinner. Conscious. Of what. A poor. Guilty. Hell.

[24:43] Deserving sinner. You are. I have a remedy. For such as you. My precious blood. Avails for poor sinners.

[24:55] Like you. Yes. I never hardly read this word. In Isaiah. Without thinking.

[25:06] Of what I. Read many years ago. About a poor man. Who was dying. And a godly minister.

[25:17] Went to see him. And this poor man. Who was dying. In his work. He had. Been taught to.

[25:31] Dive. Claws. And worked in. That line. Of things. And. When the godly minister.

[25:42] Was trying to comfort him. As he was under conviction. Of sin. And felt his guiltiness. Before God. And that he was. Such a sinner. He could not. See. That there was any hope.

[25:54] Whatever. For such a sinner. As he felt to be. And then. The godly minister. Quoted this word. Come now. And let us reason. Together.

[26:04] Sait the law. Though your sins. Be as scarlet. They shall be. As white as snow. Though they be. Red like crimson. They shall be. As war.

[26:14] And the poor dying man. Hope sprang up in his breast. And he said. That is what none of us. Who labor in the dying.

[26:28] Works. Can ever do. Because. Red. Scarlet. Is a color. That cannot be altogether obliterated.

[26:39] From. Any cloth. Where it is found. And you dear young people. Do not need me to tell you. That is the reason.

[26:50] Why we have pink blotting paper. All the red rags. And that which cannot be. Bleached. Altogether. To a pure white.

[27:02] Goes to make. Pink blotting paper. Where it does not matter. And it is still useful. And now. This very fact. That there was a remedy. So that.

[27:14] Scarlet dyed sins. Crimson sins. Could be blotted out. And made. White as snow. Gave the poor man.

[27:26] Hope. And he died. And went to heaven. On the strength of it. His name. Shall be called wonderful. Which is a wonderful remedy.

[27:39] The next r. Is. Robe. This dear man. Whose name shall be called wonderful. Has provided a wonderful robe.

[27:52] Do you remember. You have not forgotten it. You have read it many times. In Sunday school lessons. And. Heard it too. From the pulpit. Here and. Elsewhere.

[28:03] That. When the prodigal returned. To the father's house. While he was yet a long way off. The father saw him. And ran to meet him.

[28:14] And fell on his neck. And kissed him. Made him welcome. Although he had been. So wicked in his behavior. The father. Overlooked it.

[28:27] Blotted it out. And forgot it. And that is just what. God. Will do. And God alone. Can do.

[28:39] Your sins. Your iniquities. I will remember. No more. But. When they were making the prodigal son welcome. What did the father say.

[28:51] Bring forth the best robe. And put it on him. And now that robe. Is the righteousness of God. Which is by faith in Jesus Christ.

[29:04] And dear young people. And dear old people too. And dear middle aged people. You cannot enter through the gates of Pearl without it. No. No.

[29:16] You and I. Must have this best robe to cover us. To make us meet for the inheritance. Of the saints in light.

[29:27] And it needs thinking about. Because you remember the savior. Speaks about. A man that was at a wedding feast. Without a wedding garment on.

[29:38] And that was an insult to him. Who provided the feast. And issued the invitation. Because. In the land of the Bible.

[29:48] At such times. At wedding feast. They had to don a robe. That was provided by he. Who gave the feast. In honor of him.

[30:01] Remember that. And to be there. Dressed in your own garments. And not without the over. Garment.

[30:13] Which was provided. By the head of the feast. Was a very solemn business. And the savior made it very plain. The king came in.

[30:24] To see the guests at the wedding. And he saw there. A man without a wedding garment. And he said friend. How came is thou in hither. Without a wedding garment on.

[30:35] And the man was speechless. He did not try to back answer. He might have felt like it. But he did not do it. He did not say.

[30:46] I did not take the trouble. To put on the robe. That was provided. I thought I would come. Just as I was. My clothes seems quite good enough. To be at any feast. No. He did not use such language.

[30:57] He was speechless. And now. What a wonderful mercy it is. That he whose name is wonderful. Has provided this.

[31:10] Wonderful robe. For poor sinners. Who were made aware. They have no righteousness. Of their own. Wherein to appear before God. Poor sinners.

[31:21] Who say. Naked I come to thee for dress. And helpless look to thee. For grace. Sometimes you sing.

[31:32] If guilt disturb thy peace. As Satan harass thee. Behold the Saviour's righteousness. Which sets the guilty free.

[31:43] A wonderful robe. And now the next R. Is a bigger word. And I should have to try and.

[31:54] Explain that. To the children and little ones. Regeneration. This wonderful man. His name shall be called wonderful.

[32:05] Because. Through. His coming down into the world. To save sinners. What do you sing in the Christmas carol. Born.

[32:17] To give men. Second. Birth. And that second birth. Is. Re. Generation. In other words.

[32:29] Dear children. Dear young people. It just means. What you have heard. Hundreds of times. Ye must be born again.

[32:39] In. And through Jesus Christ. Coming into the world. On behalf of poor sinners. Like you and me. There is.

[32:52] Who can tell. But what God. Will be gracious to you. And me. And that we might know. This second birth. Without it. We shall never be found.

[33:04] Where this man is. In the realms of bliss. You remember the. Dear Savior. Made that plain. To Nicodemus. Ye must be born again.

[33:17] And now what is it. To be born again. It means that. God. Gives to. Poor sinners.

[33:29] Whatever their age. If he deigns to give it. He gives them a new heart. A new spirit. A new nature. And perhaps I shall.

[33:42] Be helped to. Make that more simple. I was reading. About the Countess of Huntingdon. She was a very gracious lady.

[33:53] A titled lady. When she was nine years old. She attended. The funeral. Of a little girl. Her own age.

[34:04] And the effect of it. Was such. That God. Granted her. The second birth. And her eyes. Were open to see. That.

[34:17] The little one. Whose funeral. She attended. Was only nine years. Old. And the Countess of Huntingdon. Then. As a little girl. Was nine years old. Too. And.

[34:28] If the one. Nine years old. Could be laid in the grave. Who could tell. How soon. That she would be laid. In the grave. And it wrought. In her. Heart.

[34:39] And God. Blessed her. With this. Second birth. And. She became. A most.

[34:49] Noble lady. In the cause of Christ. And was the means of building. Many chapels. And helping godly men to labor therein.

[35:01] Providing them the means. To do so from her own wealth. What will interest you most. Read it before you go to bed. Or when you do. She wrote.

[35:13] One of our hymns. Nine thirty eight. I judge it is a hymn. That you dear young people. Some of you. Dare I say many of you.

[35:25] Like to sing. When thou my righteous judge. Shalt come. To take thy ransom people home. Shall I among them stand.

[35:37] And now when you get. This second birth. Wrought in you. That is just how you feel. You see. That this man. Whose name is wonderful. He has a people.

[35:51] Whom he has saved by grace. Whom he has loved. With everlasting love. And on whose behalf. He came down into this world. To live and die. And rise again.

[36:02] And descend up into heaven. Where he is. On their behalf. And you. Having this. Second birth.

[36:14] You want to be found amongst those people. And it is a great question. Shall I among them stand. And now God alone.

[36:24] Can give you the answer. To that. Regeneration. Ye must be born again. This regeneration.

[36:36] It would need. Thousands of sermons. To show. How it comes about. With people. Who are born again. Because no.

[36:46] Two people. Who were born again. Seem to be born again alike. Everyone who tells. His or her tale about it. They tell something. A little different. In detail.

[36:58] It might be. Through standing by a grave. As it was. With the countess of Huntington. Or it might be. As you listen. To your Sunday school teacher. And take in.

[37:09] What they pray. That you will take in. And never forget. Or it may be. Listening to. The gospel. People. I remember.

[37:22] Meeting. Meeting a lady. A number of years ago. And she told me. That. She believed. She was born again. When she was four years old.

[37:34] And that was when. I was preaching. At a special service in. A place far off. From here. And my subject. Was peculiar people. And she was only four years.

[37:48] Of age. But evidently. She was a hearer. And she was listening. And as some things were said. About these peculiar people. This second birth took place.

[37:59] And something said inside her. I want to be found amongst them. And she began to ask God. That he would make her manifest. She did not use the word manifest.

[38:12] When she was four years old. But. The meaning is the same. That God would make her one of them. And thus she began to pray. And when I saw her.

[38:23] She was in middle life. And had made a long and good profession. Of the name of Jesus. But she was born again. Like that. You would hardly think.

[38:34] A little one. Four years of age. Was listening. To the gospel. But then. This man was doing his wonderful work. This second birth took place.

[38:46] And then. She had an ear to hear. And a heart to receive. And though the beginning was small. It was real. Some good thing in her heart. Toward the Lord God.

[38:58] Of Israel. I must hasten on. To the sixth hour. And now that. Is rest.

[39:11] His name shall be called wonderful. And there are some in Union Chapel. At this time. Who. If they were allowed to do it.

[39:21] Could tell you quite a little. About this rest. That this wonderful man. Can communicate. To his dear people.

[39:33] When trouble like a gloomy cloud. Gathers thick and thunders. Loud. You remember a great word. That dropped from this wonderful man's lips.

[39:44] Come unto me. All ye that labor. And are heavy laden. And I will give you rest. And that rest.

[39:56] Is rest inside. Peace of mind. The peace of God. What you sing about in the Christmas carol. Peace on earth and mercy mild.

[40:08] God and sinners. Reconcile. Oh beautiful is that rest. And some of us. Have felt like one in writer. When he said.

[40:21] My heart is pained. Nor can it be at rest. Till I find rest. In thee. It is a wonderful rest.

[40:33] And when you get it. You will feel then. Like one dear godly man. Who penned a beautiful history. Which. Long years ago.

[40:44] When we had our old Stephen's hymn book. We sang. Now and again. I heard the voice. Of Jesus say.

[40:55] Come unto me. And rest. Lay down thou weary one. And lay down thy head. Upon my breast. I came to Jesus.

[41:06] As I was. Weary. And warm. And sad. I found in him. A resting place. And he has made me glad.

[41:18] You will know his name. She'll be called wonderful. If you get a little of that rest. Communicated to your heart. Your conscience. And.

[41:30] The wonderful thing about this rest. If you get a little earnest of it. In journeying through life. It is an earnest. Of the. Rest that remaineth.

[41:42] For. The people. Of God. Beyond the grave. Yes. And his name shall be called.

[41:52] Wonderful. Wonderful. Wonderful. He can communicate this rest. So that although your circumstances. Are very complicated.

[42:04] You can be quiet. In the midst of it. Because Job says. When he giveth quietness. Who then can make trouble. The seas may be raging.

[42:18] All around you. But this wonderful man. Says peace. Be still. And there is a great calm.

[42:30] And it is a beautiful. Experience. To realize it. In your soul's. Experience. Rest. Rest in the Lord.

[42:43] And wait. Patiently. For him. There is another R. I must touch on. His name shall be called. Wonderful.

[42:56] And now. This R. Stands for. Responsibility. And now that is a word. That needs. Prayerfully considering.

[43:08] Responsibility. It links up. With a question. With a question. And it dropped from this wonderful man's lips too. And it still echoes.

[43:20] Down through the ages. And wherever the gospel is preached. Those whom God has ordained to preach it. They inquire. I hope. I hope.

[43:31] I am ordained to preach it. And I inquire of you. What think ye of Christ? Great is your responsibility to be where you are.

[43:43] God. God. God. What I mean is. You are under the gospel. You dear young people. Children and little ones. The great majority of you.

[43:57] Have been brought up. Under home roofs. You are under the gospel. Where godliness. God. Godliness. Is. The atmosphere. Where night and day.

[44:09] You are the subject. Of. Your godly fathers. And mothers. Prayers. And now. When you get old enough.

[44:21] To do what you like. Are you going to turn your back on it all. And say. We will not have this man. To reign over us.

[44:32] Depart from us. We desire not the knowledge of thee. Or thy ways. Or. Is there something in your heart.

[44:45] That. Is like one in writer says. We humbly. For thy coming wait. Seeking to know thee. As thou art.

[44:56] We bow as sinners. At thy feet. And bid thee welcome. To our heart. Oh. If you feel like that. The lord bless you. And if you do. He has blessed you.

[45:08] Blessed are they. Which do hunger and thirst. After righteousness. For they shall be filled. Think again. Of this word. The lord bless you. And if you do.

[45:18] You need to think about it. There you die. Or when you do. There is this responsibility. If you say.

[45:30] I would rather live as I was born. And be in the world. And have my fling. Live after the flesh.

[45:41] The things of the flesh. Well. If you make up your mind. To do that. And live and die. In doing it. You will find your responsibility.

[45:52] Is very very solemn. Before God. Whom you will meet. When you die. He that. Rejected me.

[46:03] And my words. Hath one that judgeth him. The word that I have spoken. Here it is. In the holy bible.

[46:14] The word that I have spoken. Should judge him. At the last day. Not only what. Think he of Christ. What do you do with. The word of my grace.

[46:26] Do you look inside it. To get help by the way. And instruction. In righteousness. Or do you let the dust. Stand on it. Where. You never open the sacred.

[46:38] Pages. And you pass it by. And are more concerned. With radio. And television. And. Such things. Which. Oft times.

[46:48] Are only soul destroying. Oh you dear. Young people. I do wish you well. Think of this. Last hour.

[47:00] Responsibility. And now. There will be just. Two issues. Of your life. One or the other.

[47:12] It will either be. You will see this man. Whose name shall be called wonderful. When you die. Come ye blessed.

[47:24] Or. You will see him. Not as a savior. But a judge. Depart from me. Ye cursing. I never knew you.

[47:38] Do not think the preacher hard. Let your conscience. Let your conscience tell you. If you should hear. That. Dread word.

[47:49] I never knew you. Your conscience will tell you. You had no concern. Whatever to know him. Who is now. Your judge. Pronouncing.

[48:01] Your eternal. Do. And I just want to conclude. My address. By just quoting.

[48:13] What is very familiar to you all. I think. When I read. That sweet story of old. When Jesus was here among men.

[48:27] How he brought little children as lambs to his fold. I should like to have been with him. Then. I could wish that his hand had been placed on.

[48:39] My head. That his arms had been thrown. Around me. And that I might have seen. His kind look. When he said.

[48:51] Let the little ones. Come unto. Me. His name to be called. Wonderful. A wonderful revelation.

[49:03] Refuge. Remedy. Role. Regeneration. Rest. Responsibility. The Lord bless you.

[49:15] Dear young people. Children. Little ones. And grant you. The inestimable mercy. To have God. To be your God.

[49:27] Then come what will. Living and dying. It shall be well. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen.

[49:40] Amen. Amen.

[50:04] Now. Amen. Living on the giving price, the most gracious glory we evermore in every day.

[51:04] As in joyful senses, they come to thy lowly face.

[51:22] The blue and the leafy fall in good hands of the Lord.

[51:40] So may we with great fears, ever see by the city.

[51:58] As they all my gifts most rare, as thy cradle road and down.

[52:19] So may we with holy joy, pure and free from sins of glory.

[52:39] For our false and dreadful faith, Christ to thee, our heavenly King.

[52:59] For they Jesus every day, keep us in the narrow way.

[53:19] And where the things are far, bring our ransomed souls and lost.

[53:37] Where they keep the star to rise. Where those of thy glory high.

[53:58] In the heavenly country rise, these angels created light.

[54:17] Thou is life which draws his crown. Thou is sun which throws not down.

[54:36] Where forever may we sing, Alleluia to our King.

[54:56] Amen. You do not need the preacher to tell you there is to be a collection for the Save the Children Fund.

[55:40] And this Sunday evening I have a little extra piece of news. And that is that since we began to hold these collections for the Save the Children Fund, the collection at last month's young people's service being £20.05 took us right over the £20 mark ever since we have given collections to this fund.

[56:16] And I tell you that, not that you dear young people have all of you contributed that amount, but these are young people's services and I know several grandfathers as well as fathers who do contribute to the collection.

[56:35] But you, dear young people, have wonderfully well supported it. And I do indeed appreciate what you have done and what is more.

[56:46] I know that the Lord appreciates what is done in such a cause. And although five or six years have rolled away since we began to make the collections, alas that it should be said, the need is as great, if not greater than ever in the world as it now is, to do all that can be done as our minds should direct us to contribute still to this Save the Children Fund.

[57:20] The Lord help you to do what you feel to be right in His sight and bless you in what you do, and may He especially bless you in what you have already done.