
Horsham - Part 4

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Oct. 27, 1963


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[0:00] I will direct your attention once again to the 9th chapter, the Epistle to Hebrews, and the 27th and the 28th verses. Hebrews chapter 9 verses 27 and 28. And as it is appointed unto men once to die, but after this the judgment, so was Christ once offered to bear the sins of many, and unto them that look for him shall he appear the second time without sin unto salvation.

[1:07] We did try in a very poor way this morning to set forth the beginning of this text of God's divine purpose, and in his appointment that he has a set time for every soul to die, that he has a set time also when he will come and judge this world again.

[1:49] And as these things are of a certainty, so it is of the same certainty to the same degree that Christ was once offered to bear the sins of many.

[2:11] It's so Christ was once offered to bear the sins of many. Of the same then, of the same certainty that we know that we must die, that we must stand before the judgment seat, but the same thing we must stand before the sins of many. But we must stand before the sins of many.

[2:31] There is a certainty that he will work the work of grace in the heart of all his elect. of all his elect. Christ, you must remember him, know, could never, would never have done anything that was of no purpose. For he came down and shed his own heart's blood, a dew that we left, might live. For we did try and set forth a little that we cannot fulfil the Lord's demands. The only way that can be satisfied by the human soul is for that soul to be banished for ever and ever. But he had there made a new covenant with his people, this new testament. He made a sacrifice once and for all. Not of those priests who went in, year by year, into the holiest, within the veil. It was typical of Christ. But it was only by faith that that that ought to be set forth that they might look forward as we by faith look backward and see the Lord. Christ has died for you and for me. Oh, but the soul, naturally who is exercised upon these things, who has felt and known this death that is appointed unto and can fall before God and say this is just as he is right. Who does not fall out of God. Oh, he does look naturally for a way of escape.

[5:12] And there is only one way. And that is to be given that I am faith to look unto Christ. So, Christ was once offered to bear the sins of many. Oh, what a sacrifice then that might have been. We cannot fully understand.

[5:40] We cannot really comprehend that the judge, God himself, in the past, come in a man, as a man, to have the same feeling as you and I, made like unto us, yet never since.

[6:08] We cannot see. To leave his bright throne of glory. To have such love to bring him down. To ever think of condescending to come down to earth, this polluted spot, that he might offer himself a living sacrifice.

[6:36] To have such love to be a living sacrifice. It was not a living sacrifice. It was no compulsion. No. He offered himself. Oh, what love. Can you ever?

[6:48] or can or shall the other while here below get very deep into this mystery. But this we don't know, we don't believe that those who are called will get those glimpses from time to time because there is that looking for him and he does not withhold himself. He from time to time gives them some ray of hope. Oh, we would not talk of these things lightly.

[7:35] We would not, as it were, offer them that every soul might partake of. No, it is not that.

[7:46] These things can only be dispensed by the Lord himself. So Christ has once offered to bear the sins of many, unto them that look for him. Can you then say, have you got that desire within your heart that you are looking for him?

[8:18] Looking. What does that mean? Are you looking or still looking at your own heart? Are you still pondering and looking for some release within yourself?

[8:37] Oh, it is vain. But have you, by faith, been able to see, has the Holy Spirit shown you, that in yourself there is no hope?

[8:56] You fear yourself, ruin in the fall. You have sinned and come short in his sight. Have you then been brought to despair of yourself?

[9:17] And yet, is there not a glimmer of hope within you, that you might look to him?

[9:32] Does the devil tell you that there is no hope? Does he say that this is all hope?

[9:44] Think again then, sinner. Think again. Because if you have been given to see that you are a sinner, if he has shown you so, who has shown you that? Was it your own carnal, fallen reason? Was it the devil himself? No, definitely not.

[10:18] He does not. He does not. He does not. He does not. He does not. He does not bring a sinner to repentance. And definitely, our poor carnal minds do not.

[10:36] They say, most emphatically, I will not have this man to reign over me. I am not willing to fall down and be submissive to his will, to be stripped of everything.

[10:51] I am not prepared to give up. I am not prepared to give up this whole world and the goods of it, that I might win Christ. Why, it is just a dry root. To them they see no form or beauty in it.

[11:06] But have you been taught thus far by the Holy Spirit, as he convinces you of your sin? Then he will. He will never fail. Those who are of a broken and of a contrite heart.

[11:30] For once he loves those whom he wants he loves, he will never fail. He will love them to the end. It was love that first taught you then that you are a sinner.

[11:47] This must be. He is not a taskmaster. He does not come and say, I will save you in such a formal way. No. He is honour and glorious at stage. He will draw you by their irresistible love.

[12:09] He will make you feel your necessity to be saved by him. Your need of him. He will make you cry. Woe is me for I am undone. He will make you cry. Even as he did poor Peter.

[12:33] Depart from me. Depart from me. I am a sinful man. Yes. But in all that there is that precious face which he has implanted in you. That precious face. That little gem.

[12:55] One euros. planted yourself will give you that spark of hope. It still looks up as faint and as feeble as it is.

[13:11] That can never be put out. No, things may distort, may overcloud, but it is of the Lord, He has implanted it in you.

[13:27] And you, by faith, as small as it might be, are looking then for Him. You say, yes, that is so at times, but not very often.

[13:51] I cannot always feel it. In fact, it was years ago since I felt that within. We must remember that faith is what He has implanted. It is not of your own producing. And therefore, you cannot produce faith in and of yourself.

[14:24] You have no stockpile. You have no way to generate it. No. And yet, although it seems so distant, that you ever knew that looking to Him, even only perhaps a small measure, it was His work, that He will finish it. He will make that to grow. It has lightness. It has energy.

[14:56] been given that to be there until someもの. It is. So why rewriting. You are looking unto him. So Christ was once offered to bear the sins of many.

[15:12] And unto them that look for him shall he appear. Yes, he will appear. Yes, Christ has never appeared unto you.

[15:26] Some look forward to some clear deliverance, some blessed, some wonderful sight.

[15:41] But not all, I believe, are favored to the same degree. But nevertheless, has Christ ever appealed unto you?

[15:54] Have you had that going out? Oh, if only I could touch him, if only I could see him. Well, you did not produce this of yourself.

[16:09] And I feel sure, I can say on a certainty, there is great hope for you. And the time will come when he will finish this work, because he is over and omega, the beginning and the end.

[16:31] In every circumstance, in every walk, nothing happens by chance. That spark, that is within you.

[16:44] That space, you may say, that you only know of, that was years ago, it seems so distant. If that was the alpha, he will be there.

[16:56] And he will finish it. He is over and omega. And why then, if that face was so distant, why are you still looking?

[17:12] Who had maintained that looking? Was that face, that spark of hope you had so long ago?

[17:29] Just a mere looking? No. Just a mere looking? No. There is something, I believe, that counts deeper than that, is it? Was it not a ray of love divine? You felt that sweet approbation of the Lord upon you.

[17:40] For though as vile as you are, and fell yourself to the Lord upon you, you felt that sweet love upon you, you felt that love upon you.

[17:56] For though as vile as you are, and fell yourself to be, you felt that love from God. Not, he cannot look upon sin, but he looks upon you through his dear Son, through his love of God.

[18:20] And he was so often to bear the sins of many. He laid himself down to be a living sacrifice, to bleed and die.

[18:33] Yes, to bleed and die. To bear the wrath of God upon him. That worthless, or say worthless, but a wrong word to you.

[18:49] That wretched mortals might live. That he might have them to call his own, to look upon you as one of his jewels.

[19:05] That he might give you a place in that heavenly mansion above. And unto them that look for him shall he appear the second time, without sin unto salvation.

[19:30] 漂亮 ifilimu. That he live. Heavens, these glimpses, these spots, here on earth, as faint as they may seem. The degrees we cannot measure or ever compare one with another.

[19:54] in all those whom he has quickened and taught to be that they are sinners. There is then that looking to him. And there is that pouring in of that precious faith from time to time.

[20:17] And if that is so, he will come the second time. Yes, he will appear then the second time without sin. Yes, he has won. He laid down his life. He's now seated at the right hand of God.

[20:45] He fulfilled that mission to the uttermost. There to plead our cause above. And he will come the second time without sin unto salvation.

[21:00] Oh, what a mercy that it will come the second time that we will be found ready for him. Why, if it is so, that he has taught you now your need of him?

[21:22] If he has given you that precious faith, he has given you that oil in your land, as that wise, as wise virgin, and you will be ready for his company.

[21:39] Are you then on your water, are you looking unto him? Are you daily concerned? Yes, daily concerned that you have that oil in your vessel, that you are ready to stand before your God through the dear Saviour, Jesus Christ.

[22:07] Or is your religion just a sandy one? How far does your religion go? Oh, is it a solemn point?

[22:21] Now, it's slightly retracement with death, but it's come to mind in speaking here. Is yours a sandy religion? Is it a religion that you inherited from your parents?

[22:43] A parent's religion? A parent's religion will never stand in eternity? Is it a religion that you have so become gospel-heartened? These things don't avail anything to you, yet you feel, well, I will pretend it looks good.

[23:10] Or is it a religion that you have so become a Christian? Or is it a necessity that you have come? Have you then? Have you then that oil in your land? Oh, we might be the so-called minister of the gospel, might be a demon, church member, or any such thing.

[23:39] Have you ever done it persist or any such thing in your satan-sizing? Have your names on the church books. It won't avail much if your names aren't written in that L Hands' Book of Life. If you haven't that spark, if you haven't that faith within, if you haven't that desire, that looking.

[24:01] Why this looking is nothing but an appetite. You had then a foretaste of his love. There has been someone in you that gave you that appetite, that thirst for him. There must have been a tasting, for you want it replenished, don't you not, that you might be found ever ready when he shall appear a second time without sin, not coming as a dying, bleeding Savior, but coming as a glorious captain, as your King, as your Lord, your mediator. Oh, what a blessed prospect that he might take each one home to himself where you might know sin no more, where this time appointed unto death will mean no more to you. It will never lose its sting then when he comes for you. For you will feel then, you will know when they are born across

[25:39] St. Jordan, that this time appointed for death is only a transformation from this thin, polluted spot to dwell with him which is far better. May the Lord have his blessing. Amen.

[26:05] Amen. Amen. Amen. . . .

[26:17] . . . . . . .

[26:29] . . In Him I live, I'll come in cause my care, He saved from death, destruction, and despair.

[26:42] Acts 167 to 177. In Him I live, I'll come in cause my death.

[27:31] In Him I live, I'll come in cause my death.

[28:01] In Him I live, I'll come in cause my death.

[28:17] From the land they keep me with faith beyond.

[28:33] The world is a world that I live, I'll come in cause my death.

[28:49] The world is a world that I live, I'll come in cause my death. The world is a world that I live, I'll come in cause my death. The world is a world that I live, I'll come in cause my death.

[29:04] The world is a world that I live, I'll come in cause my death. The world is a world that I live, I'll come in cause my death. The world is a world that I live, I'll come in cause my death.

[29:19] The world is a world that I live, I'll come in cause my death. The world is a world that I live, I'll come in cause my death. The world is a world that I live, I'll come in cause my death.

[29:34] The world is a world that I live, I'll come in cause my death. The world is a world that I live, I'll come in cause my death. The world is a world that I live, I'll come in cause my death.

[29:51] The world is a world that I live, I'll come in cause my death. The world is a world that I live, I'll come in cause my death.

[30:07] The world is a world that I live, I'll come in cause my death.

[30:28] Heart is on the tree.

[30:43] The I pray with my friends and though his will attest be.

[30:59] O Lord, do come and pardon and forgive what has been done or said to me in this thy hand.

[31:18] Do all and bless, if anything should have been to thine own glory. Do grant unto us each travelling, my heart, what over us and protect us.

[31:37] Now may the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ and the love of God the Father and the sweet communion and fellowship of the Holy Spirit, read in the Bible speech, now and forevermore. Amen.

[32:07] Amen.