[0:00] Romans 12, verse 12.
[0:19] Romans, the twelfth chapter, the twelfth verse. Rejoicing in hope, patience in tribulation, and continuing evidence in prayer.
[0:35] We tried to inquire this afternoon whether we had such a hope that we might truly rejoice in.
[0:57] There is only one hope that can be rejoiced in. It is the Christian's hope that cannot fail.
[1:11] We try to reproduce a subject by those three questions. What is it that we hope for? Is it those excellent things, all spiritual blessings, heavenly places in Christ Jesus?
[1:31] What was the ground, the reason for our hoping and expecting and seeking these things?
[1:44] Was it on any account of the work that we can do? Or was it rather on the account of free and sovereign grace, knowing that without him we can do nothing?
[2:01] And then thirdly we did introduce that question that where? There is this good, this gospel hope. Good hope through grace.
[2:14] It will of necessity produce some inward and gracious effect. May we just try there a little to investigate those effects.
[2:31] If this hope that you have in your breast isn't God, he is the God of hope. There will be such a theme as this.
[2:43] God who, according to his abundant mercy, has begotten us again unto a lively hope.
[2:55] A living hope. And our hope, that particular feature, is it lively?
[3:07] It will be lively from two aspects. One, the exercise of it in our breast.
[3:21] It is the very opposite to a dead carnal security, which leaves the soul slumbering upon the brink of destruction.
[3:32] It is lively. The soul is aware of its necessity. It rises up from its bed. Set the soul inquiring.
[3:46] Sirs, what shall we do? What shall we do to be saved? Where are these spiritual riches to be had? Is there hope for my soul?
[3:57] The believer rises up from his slumbers. And seeks first things first. It is imperative.
[4:10] Here is life. He that is joined to all living. Have hope. A living dog is better than a dead lion. A lively hope.
[4:23] Through the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead. Here is its liveliness. Objectively. It is fed and nourished.
[4:36] By this glorious object. The resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead. For this great reason. That the resurrection does stamp the whole work.
[4:53] Of the Lord Jesus Christ with everlasting worth and validity. So that. The hope that is resting in him.
[5:05] Is a good one. A sound one. Living one. A lively one. Is that the nature of our hope? Lively in its object.
[5:16] Lively in the subject. It is lively too because. It causes the soul to rise up and follow after him.
[5:27] Jesus becomes the attraction. He becomes all in all. In due time. The altogether lovely.
[5:38] The chiefest among. Ten thousand. Saw ye him. Whom my soul loveth. It causes the man to forsake his native land.
[5:50] Like those pilgrims you read off in the depth of Hebrews. The less than 80 countries. Had they been so minded.
[6:01] In my past. Had the opportunity to return. But now. They desire a better country. That is. And heavenly. Why is that? Because Jesus is there.
[6:12] He is the object. He is the attraction. And they are pursuing him. Because.
[6:23] He has. Captivated their soul's affections. They cannot be content now. With an earthly portion. And so this hope you see.
[6:35] Operates. It is very opposite to the slothful one. The sluggard who is already. And has nothing. Who turns upon his bed.
[6:45] And says. A little more sleep. A little more slumber. A little more folding of hands. To sleep. No. This hope is lively.
[6:56] Do you find it so? Do you find it so? When your thoughts turn to the house of God. Does your soul run there. Even before you get there?
[7:07] How do you find it. When you come to the word of God. Do you find the pleasure in it. A delight in it. That man did. In the first song. His delight is in the law of the Lord.
[7:22] In his law does he meditate. Day and night. Oh what a lightiness there is there. And he should be like a tree. Planted by the rivers of water.
[7:35] His leaves should not willow. For his fruit should not wither. Whatsoever he doeth shall prosper. All this lightiness. It runs in the way of his commandments.
[7:50] It keeps the soul expecting. Watching and looking. How does your hope work? Does it work like this?
[8:00] My soul waiteth for the Lord. More than they that watch for the morning. I say more. Than they that watch for the morning. We read in one of our hymns.
[8:14] About this hope. This hope. And wait long. Yes. And wait long. And bear much. Why? Because it is alive. It is invigorated.
[8:26] It is strengthened. And nourished. By him. Who was dead. But. Now he liveth. Forevermore. The begotteness gained.
[8:37] Unto a lively hope. Through the resurrection. Of Jesus Christ. From the dead. But another feature of this hope.
[8:50] And for its gracious effect. Is this. It is called an anchor. Now do you find it so? Which hope we have.
[9:01] As an anchor of the soul. Sure. And steadfast. Why is it so? Because. It is entered in. To that which is within the veil.
[9:14] Even Jesus. Whether the forerunner has entered. Does your hope find an anchor there? In the rock Christ Jesus.
[9:25] And within the veil. Have you proved this happy effect. In your heart's experience. Your poor soul. And your body.
[9:36] And your circumstances. Very much like a little bark. Exposed. To the huge waves. Going through.
[9:47] This wilderness world. Oh. How many tempests. Come against it. And haven't you sometimes wondered. And expected.
[9:57] That you should. Be submerged. And sink to the bottom. And to rise. No more. It may indeed be. That some. Are there this evening.
[10:10] Perhaps you'll say. Yes. I almost fear. I have sunk. And have you sunk. Where Jonah did. The bottom of the very mountains. But even there.
[10:22] Is anchor held. Is not shipwrecked. Completely. No. Because you see. Entered in. To that.
[10:32] That glorious person. Who is. Within the veil. And so. Jonah. He survived. Because. He had the Christians.
[10:43] Hope. Which can never fail. Now. It's yours work like that. Or. What can that. Of affliction. Of temptation.
[10:56] What stormy winds. Of error. What new doctrines. What strange things. Come against the soul.
[11:07] All to bring. To shipwreck. But no. Survives. Rises up again. The just man. He may fall.
[11:18] Seven times a day. But. He rises up again. Why is this? Because. His hope. It anchors. Within the veil. Whether. Whether. Or rather.
[11:29] His. For us. Enter. Even Jesus. Well. That's a sign. Prove. Evidence. Of this hope. Being. Of the right kind.
[11:42] You see. We believe. In. The final. Perseverance. Of the saints. Which is this. A believer. Cannot be lost.
[11:53] None of the ransom. Can ever be lost. Although. Their sorrows may swell. As the seed. Yet.
[12:03] They will persevere. That is why. Their anchor. Does not break. Because. It was given to them.
[12:14] And is maintained. By. Him. Who is. Called. The God. Of hope. Now. The God. Of hope. Fill you. With all joy. And peace.
[12:25] In believing. That ye may abound. In hope. Through the power. Of the Holy Ghost. An anchor. Of the soul. Now.
[12:36] Have you found it so. You may not be able. To rejoice. This evening. Not just now. But. If. You have. From time to time.
[12:47] Prove it's anchor. It will hold. Yes. It will hold. It will outwide every storm. And live.
[12:57] At last. But another aspect. Is this. He. That hath this hope. In him. Purifies himself.
[13:09] Even as he. Christ. God. The Holy Spirit. Is. Pure. God. How does this work.
[13:19] Then. Why. It. It has this. Greatest. Influence. Upon your soul. In that. You will. Live.
[13:30] By the teaching. Of the Holy Spirit. In some measure. As you hope. To live. Do you hope. Presently. To enter.
[13:41] Upon that. Inheritance. Of the saints. In life. Do you hope. Presently. To be. Numbered. Among. The spirits. Of just men. Made perfect. Do you hope.
[13:53] Presently. To be. Made holy. And without sin. Do you hope. Presently. To sing. The worthy praises. Of the Lamb. Do you hope.
[14:05] Presently. To serve him. As you would. And as you desire. Well then. You will do so. Here. In your measure. Your hope.
[14:15] And your practice. Here. Will correspond. Not congress. So that. You will behave. And live. And speak. And act.
[14:26] As a pilgrim. To show. That your hope. Is beyond. This wilderness. Yes. Your ideals. Are there. Your object.
[14:37] Your expectation. Is there. Beyond. This present. Veil. Of tears. And so. Your hope. Will exercise.
[14:48] A purifying. Effect. How unseemly. It would be. To talk. Of. Hoping for heaven. Hereafter. And live. Live like a wicked man here.
[15:01] As if this world. Were your portion. The two. Cannot go together. Now. Do you find it so. In your own heart. Your mind. Or affections.
[15:13] Your pursuits. Do you behave. Like a pilgrim. Or like a native. This hope. Also. Is.
[15:24] Is said. To. Save. We are saved. By hope. The hope. That is seen. Is not hope. And if we hope.
[15:34] For that. Which we see not. Then. Do we have patience. Wait for it. Well. Does your hope save you. Which saved. From many things.
[15:44] Does this hope. Saved. From despair. Instrumentally. Of course. The Lord Jesus Christ.
[15:55] Is the great saviour. But in so far. As hope. Is reposed. And. Is fixed. In him. As its object. This will be. The happy result.
[16:07] Of it. In the breast. Save you. From your glooms. Your depressions. Your fears. Your forebodings. And your dreads.
[16:18] Will save you. As that which supports you. Why. Art thou cast down. O my soul. Wart thou disquieted in me.
[16:29] Hope thou in God. For I shall yet praise him. Who is the help of my countenance. And. My God. And.
[16:39] Says one. This I recall to mind. Therefore. I have hope. O time and again. In the experience. Of these dear saints.
[16:49] Within the Bible. And their voice. Do they prove. That their hope. Saved them. Saved them from giving way. Giving way to temptation.
[17:02] Giving way to their gloomy fears. Their carnal reasonings. Caused them to look up. And out. Of themselves. To him. Who. As Paul says.
[17:13] Is. Our hope. Rejoicing in hope. If our hope.
[17:26] Has these features. Why then. It is. Such a hope. That is. Worthy. Of rejoicing in. You may rejoice in it. You should do.
[17:37] But. Then. Not all. Have. Climbed. To that position. No. They cannot. Perhaps.
[17:48] Aspire this evening. And say. That my soul. Is now rejoicing. In hope. Well. Can you drop down. A little. And say. It is a sweet hope.
[18:00] I wouldn't part with it. It cheers me. It supports me. It is a time. Of comfortable hope. It is a hope. Which returns.
[18:11] Yea. Though it is opposed. But it returns. It bubbles up. And again. It is such a hope. As revives. So reviving hope.
[18:22] If not. A rejoicing hope. Well. Cleave to it. Bless God. For what you have. Because. It has. In the very nature. Of it.
[18:33] This rejoicing. Yes. It is a seed. Of rejoicing. The very germ. Of it. So that presently. You. That have.
[18:44] This sweet hope. Fixed in. The Lord Jesus Christ. In the faithfulness. Of God. In the. Invincible work. Of the Holy Spirit.
[18:56] This hope. Will prove. To be. A rejoicing hope. Presently. Yes. You shall rejoice. Rejoice. In hope. Of the glory. Of God.
[19:08] But now. Passing on. To this next clause. Patient. In. Tribulation. It is a very sobering thought.
[19:20] That. And truly. Unless. Unless. We have. A good hope. Through grace. We cannot. Expect.
[19:30] To. Bear up. In this manner. Under. Tribulation. Without. This hope. People. Will be. Impatient. In tribulation.
[19:41] Want to throw it off. Yea. And many. Make shipwreck in it. And go down. Because. Their hope. Could not stand. Would not hold water.
[19:53] Sprang a leak. Went down. Many. Such. There be. There is a way. Which seemeth. Right unto a man. That the end.
[20:04] Thereof. Is the way. Of death. Is exceedingly. Necessary. To examine. Our hope. And our faith. And see. If God.
[20:14] Has put his stamp. Upon it. These features. That I have touched upon. Well now. Here comes the test. The fire.
[20:25] Should try. Every man's work. Of what sort it is. Patient. In tribulation. God will try it.
[20:37] Not because. He doesn't know. But because. You don't know. Because. You shall know. He'll prove you. Try you.
[20:48] And see. Whether you will serve him. Whether you will keep. His commandments. Or no. Whether. You will continue. In season.
[20:58] Out. Of season. And so comes. The trial. Patient. In tribulation. That will try things too.
[21:10] And throughout. Some poor soul. This evening. Is right in it. Tribulation. Trouble. Of all kinds. And this hope.
[21:21] That you. Have been trying to find. This afternoon. Is well nigh. Obscure. Well nigh. Submerged. You begin to say. I'm afraid.
[21:31] After all. You haven't got one. I'm afraid. I should prove. Bankrupt at last. I've come.
[21:42] Into the tribulation. Perhaps. And finding. What I believe. All God's people. Do find. They have much. Less religion. Than they thought. They had.
[21:53] Because the fire. The tribulation. The water. Doth try. A man's work. And try. A man's hope. And he has to. A jettison.
[22:04] A very great amount. Like Paul's sailors did. In order. To keep afloat. They cast out. The wheat. Various things. Into the sea. They cast out.
[22:15] Four anchors. Out of the stern. And wished. For the day. Neither star. Nor sun. Appeared. For many days. Patient.
[22:26] In tribulation. Why must there be. This tribulation. Why. There is. A needs being. And necessity. For it. Firstly.
[22:37] Because. Because of sin. Trouble came. In its train. The two are inseparable. While we are here.
[22:50] We must need. As human beings. Expected. Man. Is born. To trouble. As sure. As the sparks. Flyed upward. That's one reason.
[23:01] Why. We must. Through much tribulation. Enter the kingdom. Of heaven. But secondly. There will.
[23:12] And must be. Tribulation. For God's people. Because. They are his people. Because they are Christians. It is.
[23:23] His. A special. Design. They should experience it. Most of them have. A good deal of it. Then there is trouble.
[23:35] Because one is a Christian. In this way. Every believer. Have. Two natures. An old. And a new. The flesh. And the spirit.
[23:47] These two are contrary. One to another. And they cause. Conflict. And warfare. And consequently. Distress. That's one kind of tribulation.
[23:59] Unknown to the world. Specifically. The experience. Of. A child. Of God. It is all lined out. In Romans 7. When.
[24:12] I would. Do. Good. Evil. Is. Friends. With me. O wretched man. That I am. Who shall deliver me.
[24:23] From the body. Of this death. Is the cry. Of a man. In. Tribulation. Because. Because. He is a believer. And because.
[24:34] He has. These true. Conflictive. Natures. What can we say. To a poor soul. Bowed down.
[24:46] In tribulation. At such a time. As this. In the body. With affliction. Or distress. In the soul. Cannot see their signs.
[24:57] All is dark. Perhaps. All these things. Are against them. As they were. With Jacob. Perhaps. Enemies. Are against them. Persecure. In one way.
[25:09] Or another. And. They seem to come. To the end. Of things. How then. Can such. And one. Be patient. In it.
[25:20] There is such a tendency. To be. Impatient. In it. And say. Why. Why me. Why should I have. All this. To put up with. And so.
[25:32] There is a great tendency. To be fretful. What do we say. May we drop a few hints. Firstly. Try to remember.
[25:45] That God. Have appointed it. It is his appointment. Doesn't come by accident. It is your heavenly father. Who know it. What things.
[25:56] Ye have need of. My father's hand. Prepares the cup. And what he wills. Is. And must be. Best. Let that sink in.
[26:09] It is. My father's. Appointment. That this has come. This tribulation. Whatever its nature. It didn't come by chance.
[26:19] By peradventure. By fate. Merely. No. It is. Your heavenly father. Your covenant God. Your God in Christ.
[26:31] The father of all mercies. The God of all comforts. He has appointed this. Seek to bear it patiently. On that account. And then.
[26:43] Remember too. That there is an end. To not be forever. There is an end. A limit. Many are the afflictions.
[26:55] Of the righteous. True. But. God. Delivereth him. Out of. Them all. There. Try to remember that.
[27:07] And they've induced. And. Help you to be. Patient. Quiet. And. But. There is an end. To not go on. And on. And on. Forever. To not a portion.
[27:19] Of a wicked man. Now. Peter says. Thou for a season. If need be. Ye are in heaviness.
[27:30] Through many. Toe. Temptations. And. Again. He says. Later on. In his. Letter. After that.
[27:40] Ye have. Suffered. A wire. To tell me. A wire. And then. The beginning. Your heavenly father.
[27:52] Knows. How long it is to be. Your times. Are in his hands. And. Do you not wish them there.
[28:03] Wise. Safe. Gracious. Loving hands. Who have appointed. The measure. Of your days. And. The length. Of.
[28:13] This present. And all other. Trials. Tribulations. That are. Upon you. Do you not then. Seek. To.
[28:24] Commit. Yourself. Your soul. Your affairs. And all. Into. His gracious hands. Inscrutable wisdom. Unchangeable love.
[28:36] Divine faithfulness. Sits. Upon the floods. Patient then. In tribulation. On this account. There is an end. Which also means.
[28:49] There is to be. A full. Complete deliverance. Out of. Out of then. And of necessity. The complete.
[29:01] Possession. Of all. That you hope for. Here. Below. All those exceeding. Great and precious.
[29:12] Promises. That inheritance. Incorruptible. And unfiled. And unfiled. That faded. Not away. And all. That it means. You shall be put.
[29:23] Into possession. Of presently. When. The work. Of grace. Is done. Seek.
[29:33] Then. To view. Him. Sitting. As a. Refiner. Pure. Fire. Fire. Fire. Silver. Silver. Watching. His tie. His appointment.
[29:45] To deliver you from. And put you into possession. Of. All the blessings. You have believed in. And hoped for. Your heavenly father.
[29:59] Knoweth. And then. He also. Has appointed. The degree. The intensity. The heat. Of the fire. The depth.
[30:10] Of the rivers. All things. Are known. Unto him. That sits. Above. And so. You see. With regard. To this. Present thing.
[30:20] That you are in. Nothing. Is out. Of control. Nothing. Whatever. My. Life. Minutest.
[30:31] You often see it. But do you believe it? Minutest. Circumstance. Is subject. To his. I. Now. If we believe that. More.
[30:42] Firmly. We should be. More. Patient. In. Tribulation. How soon we forget. Our lesson. So.
[30:54] He controls. You see. Things do not get. Out of control. With him. As they do. With creatures. All men. Make machines.
[31:05] Complicated things. Which. Prove their ruin. Get out of hand. Like a firelight. Night. But not so. With him. He is a rock.
[31:18] His. Work. Is. Perfect. What a resting place. That is. Oh. That it might prove. A resting place. For your poor. Weary head. This night.
[31:30] In your. Special. Tribulation. And then. There are other things. Might be. Mentioned. For instance.
[31:44] Whatever it is. It is less than. Iniquities deserve. Can you bear. That expression. It is a scriptural one. Thou hast punished us less.
[31:56] Than our. Iniquities deserve. And if thou Lord. Shouldest mark. Mark. Iniquity. And deal out things. In strict. Equality.
[32:07] Who should stand. But now. Yours are less. The Lord. Exactive. Less of me. Than thou deserve this. They are all limited.
[32:19] Numbered. And they are getting shorter. And shorter. Patient. In tribulation. And close upon. The heels. Of this thought.
[32:30] Is the truth. That. By. And through. The Lord. Jesus Christ. He has removed. All the curse. And the sting.
[32:41] And the bitterness. Out of this trial. Which you may be in. It may be bitter herbs. And that's all. To do you good. To be drunk down.
[32:54] For your soul's benefit. And welfare. But no curse. Who shall lay anything. To the charge. Of God's elect. It's a curse.
[33:04] Which causes bitterness. Curse and guilt. And condemnation. Oh if that were true. You might well. Be in heaviness. You might well.
[33:14] Hear. If there were wrath. Black wrath. In your cup. It would be terrible. To bear. But look. He hath removed it all away. Where. And when.
[33:26] On Calvary's tree. That's where. When the blessed redeemer. Cried out in his darkness. My God. My God.
[33:36] Why hast thou forsaken me. He bore the bitterness then. Endured the darkness then. The wrath. The condemnation. Removing it out of the way.
[33:49] Nailing it to his cross. That you. Might now go through. The waters. And through the fires. And not take real hurt. Patient.
[34:00] In tribulation. Because. Christ. Has borne. Borne away. In his sacred body. Blessed sufferings. And victories. All that could really.
[34:11] Frighten you. And harm you. What else? Patient. In tribulation. Because. The curse.
[34:23] The curse shall prove a blessing. Oh poor David. When Shimei cursed him. How he fell under it. Said.
[34:33] Let him curse. Let him curse. For. It may be. The Lord. Requite me. Requite me. For this day's cursing. Now.
[34:45] Through. The work. And love. And grace. Of Christ. The affliction. And the curse. Shall prove a blessing. All this heavy.
[34:56] And dark. And bitter. And sharp. And painful. About your tribulation. Is going to be a blessing. Why? All for many things.
[35:11] Trials. Give you life to prayer. That's one thing. Trials. Make a promise sweet. That's another thing. Trials.
[35:23] Lay us at his feet. That's another thing. Lay us low. And keep us there. Is not that good. Wholesome. Beneficial.
[35:34] To the soul. That because. We know. That all things. Work together. For good. To them. That love God.
[35:45] To them. Who are the called. To them. Who are possessors. Of this hope. All things. All things. And therefore. This thing. This present thing. Is going to prove a blessing.
[35:58] Maybe it's already working. Yes it is. Because the apostle said. They work. Not will work. Work together. Work together.
[36:10] Yes. Harmonize. Harmonize. Dovetail. Where? In the purposes of God. Working out.
[36:20] In your poor hearts. And lives. But. Blind unbelief. Is sure to err. Scan. His work in vain.
[36:32] God is. His own interpreter. And. He will. Make it. Play. Therefore. Patient. In tribulation.
[36:43] Because. Of the fruits. God intends. Oh he intends. Fruitfulness. He said. Of the first creation. Be fruitful. And multiply.
[36:57] It was. The word of Jesus. Here in. Is my father. Glorified. That ye. Bear. Much. Fruit. And he has.
[37:08] Brought you. This way. Beloved. For this reason. Into this tribulation. You are. Passing. Now. Prove. That you might. Be a fruitful. Brow. You know.
[37:18] What Joseph was. Joseph. Is a fruitful. Bower. Even a bower. For his branches. Run over the wall. A fruitful. Bower. By a well.
[37:30] That's what he intends. You can't see. The fruit. Perhaps. Yet. Well. The budding. Isn't there. The bud. May have a bitter taste. But sweet.
[37:41] Will be. The flower. But you'll have to wait for it. That's why it says. Patient. Patient. In. Tribulation. What is this patience?
[37:54] Not putting up with. No. Not that. To. To. Voer. Saying. What can't be. Cured. Must be.
[38:05] Endured. No. That's not the text. What is this patience then? Here's an example. He was oppressed. He was afflicted.
[38:18] He opened not his mouth. He was led. As a lamb to the slaughter. The sheep before the shearers is dumb. So. He opened not his mouth.
[38:30] No. Not in murmurings. Not in fretfulness. Not in disputings. He said. Father. Thy will.
[38:41] Be done. And another gracious pilgrim. He said. In the time of tribulation. The Lord.
[38:52] Gave. The Lord. Hath taken away. Blessing. Be the name of the Lord. You have heard. Have you not?
[39:03] Of the patience of Job. And have seen the end. Of the Lord. That he is. Very pitiful. And tender mercy. Therefore. Patience.
[39:15] In tribulation. Here is another thought. That tribulations. For God's people. Are like a tide.
[39:28] A tide which brings. And assists. The ship. Into the harbor. So. Paul says. No. Is our salvation.
[39:38] Nearer. Nearer. Than when. We. Believe. Now that's true. There are less trouble. To go through.
[39:49] Before you. Than those behind you. Every day. Sees. A few steps. Nearer. To the harbor. It's nearer.
[40:00] One has said. Has he not? Nearer. My God. To thee. Nearer. Nearer. To thee. Nearer. To thee. In the. Thee. Across. That. Raiseth.
[40:11] Me. To have this. In tribulation. In tribulation. Or I might just mention this.
[40:24] This hope. This hope. That we have been. Touching upon. It's like precious gold. That is. It's durable. Durable riches.
[40:35] You read of. Durable riches. And this gold. Is fireproof. And floodproof. That's why the Christian.
[40:46] Is hope. Should never fail. No. It can't be drowned. It can't be burnt up. To be found. Not a praise. And honor. And glory.
[40:57] At the appearing. Of Jesus Christ. What think you of these things. For so. Now in the cross. Of the way.
[41:08] Now in darkness. And heaviness. Cannot see a step. Before you. What think you of this patience. Or you say. I haven't got much. And as for my hope.
[41:20] Who shall see it. Well that's. That's how poor souls talk. When they can't see. Where they're going.
[41:31] Or where they are. But now there's one who sits above. He can see. And he knows the way. That you take. And when. You are tried. You should come forth as gold.
[41:42] And your hope. Shall be shining bright. And still be. What it always was. The hope. Of God's elect. Patient.
[41:54] In tribulation. Continuing. Instant. In prayer. All. All. What a necessary.
[42:05] Climax. To the tent. I wish I could open it. Do you want the hope. Continued. Instant. In prayer. Do you want the rejoicing hope.
[42:17] Continued. Instant. In prayer. Do you want to be patient. In your tribulation. Do you seem to be destitute. Of it.
[42:27] Continued. Instant. In prayer. All the need. For it. The very light line. Between the soul. And God. That which he has.
[42:39] Appointed. Prayer. Appointed. To convey. The blessings. God. Designed. To give. Long as they live. Should Christians. Pray. For only while they pray.
[42:52] They live. This prayer. Why it is first. An acknowledgement. Aware. Our strength lays.
[43:04] It is in God. It is an acknowledgement. That we. Have nothing. What is the ground.
[43:14] For prayer. Exceeding. Great and precious. Promises. What is the way of prayer. The new and moving way. The Lord Jesus Christ.
[43:25] Coming. In. His name. What is the manner of prayer. Continuing. Instant. Fervent. Urgent. Importunate.
[43:37] Continuously. Men. Ought. Always. To pray. They ought. And not to faint. What are the prospects.
[43:49] The prospects. The prospects. Are as sure. As the being. Of God. Faithful. Is he. That calleth you.
[44:01] Who also will. Do it. Continue then. For all you want. In the working out. Experience.
[44:12] Of this text. May it be yours. And mine. To re-venture along this year. Singly and collectively.
[44:24] Pastors. Ministers. Churches. Families. Congregations. Rejoicing. In hope. Patient. In tribulation.
[44:35] Continuously. Instant. In prayer. Amen.