[0:00] The Lord shall be pleased to help me. I would direct your thoughts to the prophecy of Poesia, chapter 6, verse 3.
[0:18] The prophecy of Poesia, chapter 6, verse 3. Then shall we know, if we follow on to know the Lord, his going forth is prepared as the morning, and he shall come unto us as the rain, as the latter and former rain unto the earth.
[0:58] The knowledge in our text is altogether spiritual and distinct from every other branch.
[1:14] It is so vital, so necessary, it is indispensable. A knowledge that we must have or perish.
[1:29] Solomon says in one place, also for the soul to be without knowledge is not good.
[1:40] Therefore, the knowledge in the text is exceedingly good. It is supremely good.
[1:52] It is incomparably good to know the Lord. An expression which gathers up in itself sound experience.
[2:10] An experience which will stand by us. An experience which will remain with us.
[2:21] Indeed, it is all part of that good work which Paul spoke of in writing to the Philippians.
[2:32] Being confident of this very thing, that he which hath begun that good work in you will perform it unto the day of Jesus Christ.
[2:46] Just a few more thoughts before I pass on. In what it is to know the Lord.
[2:59] It is to know the Holy Spirit as our teacher, as our convincer, as one who has opened our eyes, who has made us new creatures, where all things have passed away and all things have become new.
[3:23] He has imparted to us an understanding which we had not before. He imparts an awe of God, whereby we tremble at his presence.
[3:38] And under whose influence we cannot go on as we did. We are changed.
[3:50] Our steps are altered. We have a new bias, a fresh impetus granted to us. It is heavenward.
[4:03] The Spirit comes from above. He leads the soul to things above. If we wish to know whether we know this good spirit, we must ask, what do we feel?
[4:20] What are our thoughts? Where are our affections? Are they now in a fresh direction? Are they set on things above?
[4:31] And not so much on things upon the earth? We shall be conscious of something happening to us.
[4:43] It is said of some, because they have no changes, therefore they fear not God. And this is one of the changes.
[4:53] To be born again. To be a new creature. To be possessed of new faculties.
[5:06] Newly opened eyes. A gracious understanding. Reverence for God. Humbled under the sense of his majesty.
[5:21] A realization we have to give an account to him. We are no longer the careless, independent creatures we once were.
[5:34] We are made to realize that God is watching. God is recording. Though God seest me. There is a God consciousness.
[5:49] A God awareness. So that we cannot escape from his notice. It's all wrapped up in the 139th Psalm.
[6:01] Where the Psalmist so wonderfully expresses. The scrutiny. The penetrating gaze of God.
[6:11] Where can I go, he says. In heaven. In earth or hell. Night or day. At home or abroad. But the eye of God.
[6:24] Follows me. Follows. Now to know the spirit. Is to be made sensible. Of some of these things.
[6:36] By degrees. Here a little. And there a little. Ever advancing. God's work. Does not cease.
[6:50] Everything in his world. And of his work. Is moving. Nothing stagnant. In God's work. And so it is.
[7:02] In the souls of those. Who are born again. And are made to know him. That work. Is a perfect work.
[7:14] Perfect. In its nature. Not yet. In degree. Nor. Maturity. Plats to come. But he will perform it.
[7:26] And the question is. Do you know it? Have you felt it? Are you made conscious. Of a power at work. In your breast. Which has changed things.
[7:39] And made you feel. Know. You are a creature. Exposed. To God's eye. Amenable to. His law.
[7:49] To be brought before him. Presently. To give. An account. Are you made. To feel. You want. To be right. As you are passing.
[8:00] Swiftly. Through time. Towards eternity. Do you know. The law. The spirit. How blessed.
[8:12] Is the knowledge. Of Christ. What is it. To know him. Why. To know him. Is to believe. On him.
[8:23] To know him. Is to. Trust in him. To know him. According. To our text. Is to. Love him.
[8:35] Yes. I grant. There are degrees. You come to know. Person. By degrees. In proportion. To the knowledge.
[8:46] Is the trust. And. The love. And affection. It grows. It's capable. Of increase. But to know.
[8:57] The Lord. Jesus Christ. As he's. Revealed. In the word. And by the spirit. Will rose. Up. And create. Things.
[9:07] In the breast. Which the natural. Person. Is a stranger. To. There will be. A search.
[9:18] A persuasion. Of his value. His preciousness. The value of his. Precious blood. To cleanse.
[9:29] And atone. For sin. That open. Fountain. That we read of. Open. For that purpose. How you will. Value it.
[9:41] How you will. Run. To it. You will see. This glorious. Christ. As a city. Of refuge. You will be. Like the manslayer. Of old.
[9:53] You will drop. Things. You will not. Hesitate. You will flee. Thither. Your theme. Will be. None but Christ. I determine.
[10:04] Not to know. Anything. Among you. Save. Jesus Christ. And him. Crucified. Oh. To know him.
[10:16] Then. Will produce. This. In your life. Flee. From the rock. To come. You will know.
[10:27] About his name. The name. Of the Lord. Is a strong. Tower. And the righteous. Runneth. Into it. And is safe.
[10:40] Running to him. Will mean. You will run away. From yourself. Your self. Dependence. Your idols.
[10:51] Your righteousness. Your wisdom. What things. Were gained to me.
[11:02] Said Paul. Those I counted loss. For Christ. Do you know him? Then you consult. Your hearts.
[11:13] Consult your experience. And see. Whether. You have fled. For refuge. To lay hold. Upon the hope. Set before you.
[11:25] In the blessed. Redeemer. Jesus Christ. To lay hold. Of him. You must leave hold. Of other things. Nothing.
[11:37] In my hand. I breathe. Simply. To. Thy cross. I came. Has it happened. In your life.
[11:48] Where are you? You must be. All creatures. Are depending. Upon something. Or other. Got some. Sort of hope.
[12:00] Some. Sort of. Expectation. But if you know. Christ. He will have the pre-eminence.
[12:12] Towards the father's intention. It should be so. That in all things. He. Might. Have. The pre-eminence.
[12:24] In every office. He sustains. He has. Three. Eminence. You have the pre-eminence. In your heart. Is he king there?
[12:37] Perhaps you have to say. Other lords. Have had dominion over us. But by thee only. Will we. Be called.
[12:49] How is that? Has he dethroned. Those idols. He says. From all your idols. Will I cleanse you.
[13:00] If you know. This Christ. This glorious person. The time must come. When you will say. Ray. Ray. Or us.
[13:11] As king. The gates are open. He's erected his throne. He sways his scepter. He writes his laws.
[13:25] He makes willing. In the day of his power. Here am I. Send. Me. What would thou have. Me. To do.
[13:35] To know him. Is to love him. To know him. To obey him. And his commandments. Will not be grievous.
[13:47] His yoke. Will become easy. His burden. Will be light. And you will say. Write. Thy laws. Upon my heart.
[13:58] Impress them deeply. There on the. Fleshy tables. Illuminate. My mind. Give.
[14:09] Me. The mind. Of Christ. To know him. What. Excellent. Knowledge. This is. Paul.
[14:19] Called it. The excellency. Of the knowledge. Of Christ. Jesus. My Lord. To know.
[14:31] The Lord. Then. Is to follow him. Tis to walk with him. Tis to speak of him. Tis to speak.
[14:42] To him. To know him as a friend. That sticketh closer. Than a brother. To know him as the shepherd. The good shepherd.
[14:54] That knoweth his sheep. Goes before them. Prepares a table. In the wilderness. Anoints their head with oil. Their cup.
[15:04] Runneth over. To know him. As your Lord. Your God. He is thy Lord. Worship. Thou him.
[15:16] Very blessed. Word. That. And he is worthy. Is he not. He is worthy. He is worthy. We speak of worship. We much lament.
[15:30] Our ignorance of the word. To worship. Worship him. A word so easily and idly used.
[15:42] But what really does it mean? To have our affections. To have our affections. Wrapped in admiration. Reverence.
[15:53] Adoration. And love to him. To esteem him as the cheapest. Among ten thousand.
[16:04] Be altogether lovely. And that for what you see in him. And know of him. That's to know him.
[16:16] That's to worship him. And then we understand what the poet meant. Worship God. Then. In his son.
[16:28] There is love. And there alone. Think not that he will or may. Pardon. Any other way.
[16:41] To know him. As a close familiar friend. To know somewhat. Of his love which passeth knowledge.
[16:55] Those who have tasted it. And it's little enough. Will testify. What a sweet thing it is. How it can fill the heart.
[17:08] How it can satisfy. And leave nothing wanting. You know. That I've tasted of it. Now to know him.
[17:19] Is to love him. And if you know him. Though in such a small. Measure and degree.
[17:30] It will create. A following on. The very thing. Which God uses. To bring about.
[17:42] The final perseverance. Of his saints. He set before them. His glorious objective. That when they shall awake.
[17:53] They shall be satisfied. With his likeness. Although. That life. And that love. Runs low enough.
[18:05] Yet. It works. And has a gracious influence. And has a gracious influence. I believe. To lead. The child of God. On. From strength to strength.
[18:16] From faith to faith. Until. He sees. This glorious person. Face to face. To know.
[18:27] The Lord. The Lord. Jesus Christ. Should be. The sum total. Of our desires. The central thing.
[18:38] What was it David meant? One thing. Have I desired. Of the Lord. That will I seek after. That I may.
[18:52] Behold. The beauty of the Lord. Dwell in his temple. Inquire in his temple. That's what he wanted. And Paul also said.
[19:05] This one thing I do. I follow after. I press toward. The mark. For the prize. Of the high calling.
[19:16] Of God. In Christ. Jesus. Now. Those men. They meant it. They were in earnest. There was a purpose.
[19:29] There's a vehement desire. Behind. That expression. One thing. They called a sight. By faith. Of the glory of Christ.
[19:41] And what it was. To know. Him. Whom to know. Is life. Eternal. And then it will.
[19:53] Of necessity. Include. To know. The father. And Jesus. Said. No man cometh.
[20:04] Unto the father. But. By me. The way. To the father. The father. The father. Is so blessedly. Opened up. In the new.
[20:14] Testament. Is it not. As Christ. Being. The door. And Christ. Being. The way. And the mediator.
[20:25] An intercessor. Why. It is the theme. Of the new. Testament. And the epistles. Also. To show.
[20:36] To show. That by. His finished work. By his suffering. Death. And merit. Jesus Christ. Sinner's friend. Has removed.
[20:47] Removed. Away. The obstacles. The law. The ordinances. The things that were against.
[20:59] Them. Removed them out of the way. Nailing them. To his cross. Paul opens it up. So wonderfully.
[21:09] Hebrews. Saying. By a new. Unliving way. Which he has consecrated.
[21:19] For us. Through the veil. That is to say. His flesh. Let us. Draw near. The way.
[21:30] The way. Having boldness. Therefore. Brethren. Let us draw. Near. The way is open. Let us enter. Into the holiest. Of all.
[21:41] By the blood. Of Jesus. How wonderfully. And blessedly. Is Christ. The way. To the father. By him.
[21:54] You see. Those that were. Far off. Are brought. Are brought. Nigh. The way of reconciliation. Is opened up. And peace.
[22:04] With God. Through. His dear son. To know the father. Then. Is the comment of God. By him.
[22:16] And find. That this. Heavenly father. Hath nothing. Against you. Their sins. And their iniquities. Will I remember.
[22:27] No more. Forever. A way. Now discovered. Whereby. God. And sinners. Could walk together.
[22:39] And how shall two. Walk together. Except. They are agreed. Why it is all. By and through. The precious blood.
[22:49] The satisfaction. Rendered. By the redeemer. Mercy. And truth. Now. Have met together. Righteousness.
[23:00] And peace. Have kissed. Each other. Now. There is. A proclamation. Deliver him. Deliver her. From going down. Into the pit.
[23:12] For I have. Found. A ransom. And so. In such prophecies. As Hosea. We have. The gospel.
[23:22] Set. For. God. The father. Calling. Calling his children. Because. He. Wishes. Them. To walk with him.
[23:33] To hold. Fellowship. With him. And to. Delight. In him. To know. The father. Then.
[23:44] Intimates. A most. Blessed. Relationship. To be able. To say. In truth. Our father. My father. He cares.
[23:56] For me. He loves. Me. He knows. What's best. For me. He guides. Me. He measures. Out. My sorrows. And my distresses.
[24:07] He does not. Afflict. Me. Willingly. He corrects. Me. Lovingly. For my good. His intention. Being. To make. Me. A partaker.
[24:18] Of. His holiness. He is. My. Father. Everlasting. Unchangeable. The relationship. And.
[24:29] To give. Me. The spirit. Of adoption. The nature. Of a child. The affection. Of a child. The obedience. Of a child.
[24:40] This is to know. God. The father. And that there is wrought. In me. A desire to know. And to do. His will.
[24:52] To produce. In the heart. A delight. In God. The father. Surely. This. Knowledge. Is attractive. This. Knowledge.
[25:03] Is. Incomparable. For. To know. The Lord. To discover.
[25:14] As. You. Journey. On. You are brought. Into the bond. Of the covenant. Into. An indissoluble. Relationship.
[25:25] Whereby. This. Dear. Father. Will never cease. To do. You good. I know. The thoughts. That I think.
[25:37] Toward. You. Seth. The Lord. Thoughts. Of peace. Not of evil. To give. Unto you. An expected. End.
[25:49] This. Is. To know. The Lord. How attractive. It is. Looks. Beyond. Time. Death. Shall not dissolve.
[26:00] It. Nay. It will enhance. It. It will bring. Life. And immortality. To light. When. God.
[26:10] And his children. Shall be together. Once. And for all. Then indeed. Will he. Rest.
[26:21] In his love. And rejoice. Over them. With singing. And the certainty. Is. That none.
[26:32] Shall come short. They should all. Know me. Seth. The Lord. Not a hoof. Shall be left. Behind. The number.
[26:43] Is. Written. In the land. Book. Of life. God. Will know. When he. Writes up. The people. All. You'll know.
[26:55] When they're all. Gathered in. Then will his. Electing. Love. Be fully. Finally. Satisfied.
[27:06] Then. Will. The Lord. Jesus Christ. See. Of the. Travel. Of his soul. And be. Satisfied. Then.
[27:17] Will. The. Work. Of the. Holy Spirit. Be. Consummated. And. Finished. And. Perfected. We know.
[27:27] Nothing. Of a. Disappointed. Trinity. We know. Nothing. Of broken. Purposes. No. Nothing. Of a. Miscarrying. Of his. Gracious.
[27:38] Intentions. And so. To know. The Lord. Is something. Altogether. Divine. Spiritual.
[27:49] Precious. Desirable. Gay. I'll add this. Attainable. But passing on a little.
[28:01] One thought. Emerges. From the very nature. Of the text. Where he puts it. In the future text. Then. Shall. We. Know.
[28:12] Intimates. That as yet. We do not know. Know. As we wish. To know. It underlines.
[28:23] Our. Deficiency. In this. Knowledge. Has anyone. Arrived. At satisfaction. On the point. Could anyone.
[28:37] Speak. Of having. Attained. Attained. To a full. Knowledge. Of the Lord. Why know. Let Paul. Speak.
[28:47] For us. If any. Man. Thinketh. He knoweth. Anything. He knoweth. Nothing. Yet. As he ought. To know.
[28:58] And. For the benefit. Of all. Inquiring. Longing. Souls. The precept.
[29:08] In the text. Encouragement. Then. Then. Shall. We know. The way. Is open.
[29:20] And it is this way. If. We. Follow. On. Follow. On. To. Know. Let us not.
[29:31] Then. Be. Cast down. Nor. Dejected. Because. Of the. Smallness. Of our. Knowledge. For here is a way. To all.
[29:41] Inquiring. Souls. If. We. Follow. On. What does this mean? It means.
[29:55] That you. And I. We are. We are. Followers. Are blessed. With a. Following spirit. We are made. Teachable.
[30:06] We are not going to lead. We are going to follow. It means. We have a. Humble spirit. It means. There are way. We are waiting.
[30:17] His behest. Lord. We are going to follow. Lord. Show me. Lord. Lead me. Lord. Undertake for me.
[30:28] That's the spirit. To follow on. indicates. That I'm listening. I will hear. What God. The Lord. Will say.
[30:39] Unto me. I'm watching. Watching. His hand. As the eyes. Of a maiden. Are up to the. The hand of a mistress.
[30:51] And the eyes of the servant. To the hand of his master. So. Our eyes. Are up. Unto thee. O Lord. And this. Is the way. We are following.
[31:03] On. Just a word. As to what. It is not. It is not. This spirit. Go thy way. And when I have.
[31:13] A more convenient season. I will call. For thee. It's not that. Nor is it this. The slugger. The slothful.
[31:23] Turns upon his bed. As the door. Upon his hinges. Not that. Nor is it like. The man. Who had the garden. And Solomon.
[31:34] Walked by it. And he said. I walked. By the garden. Of the slothful. And lo. I looked. I considered it well. And received instruction.
[31:45] It is all overgrown. With briars. Nettles. And horns. Complete disgrace. And so. He underlines. The plight.
[31:56] Of the slothful. His poverty comes. As an armed man. Want is coming. Presently. He should be found wanting. Not that.
[32:07] That's not following. What is it then? Following. Is the spirit. Manifested.
[32:18] When Lot. Was instructed. To go out of Sodom. The instructions. The instructions were. Flee. Stay not in all the place.
[32:31] That's the way. To follow. The man. The man. Again. Another illustration. Is that. Of the. Manslayer. He's slain a man.
[32:43] Accidentally. But he's likely. He's likely to be pursued. By the avenger. Now. How does he go? Does he dream along?
[32:55] No. His one objective. Is to reach. That city of refuge. And he will exert. All his powers. To attain.
[33:07] An open door. That he may there. Be received in. His life. Be spared. And have the. Cover. Protection. Of the city.
[33:18] Of refuge. He will flee. With all his powers. From this. Is the spirit. Of the text. That we follow.
[33:29] On. Follow. On. To know. The Lord. God. Paul. Has another figure. Know ye not. They which run.
[33:40] In a race. Run all. But one. Receiveth the prize. So run. That ye. May. Obtain.
[33:54] To have such. A view. Of the excellency. Of this. Knowledge. As. That your. Heart. Is set upon it. When your.
[34:05] Heart. Is set. Upon it. You will. Find. Ways. You will. Find. Time. To pursue it. We follow that.
[34:18] Which your heart. Is set upon. That's. A certain. Fact. If it be. Earthly. Then. Our industry. Will be devoted. To it. Now you look.
[34:28] At the world. How he rises. Early. How he. Sits up late. How he spends. His strength. Why. His heart. Is set. Upon the world.
[34:41] Upon the thick clay. He wants to gather it in. Gather it in. He's saving time. Saving more time. He may have more. Gold dust. As we say. Which presently.
[34:52] Will vanish away. But. He's an example. And a challenge. To the godly. And how stands the case.
[35:04] With us. Is our eye upon the prize. The excellency. Of the knowledge. Of Christ Jesus. My Lord. Why.
[35:15] To follow him. Is to follow him. With all diligence. To follow him.
[35:27] Is to set aside. Other things. In comparison. The soul following him. Will say. One thing is needful. And it is to know him.
[35:42] You have it in Paul. Who was the exemplar. Of the case. His epistles. They breathe.
[35:52] The same spirit. First things. Were first with him. As for the world. God forbid. That I should glory.
[36:05] Save in the cross. Of Christ Jesus. My Lord. By whom. I am crucified. Unto the world. And the world. Is crucified.
[36:15] Unto me. Here's his. Valuation. Of the two things. Christ.
[36:27] His knowledge. And the perishing world. Now to follow on. Is to feel the weight. The importance.
[36:37] Not only so. The glory. Beauty. Beauty. And majesty. Of this excellency. Of knowledge. So that you do.
[36:48] Indeed. And truth. Follow on. Follow on. To know him. In several different ways.
[37:05] Your little room. Will manifest it. And know. That you follow on. To know him. By secret prayer. Now that's a secret.
[37:15] Between you. And your God. Do you. Or do you not. Are you seldom there. If at all. Or could your little chamber.
[37:28] Speak. That you are there. At times. Alone. With God. And following on. To know. This glorious person.
[37:39] Who makes the heaven above. And who makes heaven in the soul. When he is known. One way. To follow on.
[37:50] Is secret. Prayer. Confession. Another way. To follow on. Is to search. The scriptures. Search the scriptures. He said.
[38:02] For in them. You think. You have. Eternal life. And they are they. That testify. Of me. That's where he is to be found. Christ.
[38:13] In all the scriptures. Is there. Revealed. All the glory. Is to be known. Here below. Is there.
[38:25] Couched. Beneath. In the scripture page. What does your bible say. Do you search it. Here's another way.
[38:37] To follow on. In meditation. Ah. This is more exacting. This is not just reading a chapter. And satisfying yourself.
[38:48] That that's enough for today. My meditation of him. Shall be sweet. You don't get that. Without gracious.
[39:01] Perseverance. Meditation in itself. Is an exercise. Which requires. Patient application. Meditation. Meditation. Is a revolving.
[39:13] Of thoughts. The comparing. Of things. And the considering. Of matters. With your mind. With your understanding. And best of all.
[39:23] When. When Christ. Is the subject. My meditation. Of him. Shall be sweet. How. As he is unfolded.
[39:35] To. My understanding. As I get. A perception. Of his loveliness. And beauty. And the satisfying. Savor. Of his name.
[39:46] My meditation. Of him. Shall be sweet. I will be glad. In the Lord. And as following on. Then. In that way. To know.
[39:56] Him. Not to omit. Of course. The public means. Of grace. As the following on. To know the Lord.
[40:07] In hearing. Of Christ. From the pulpit. How beautiful. Are the feet. Of those. Upon the mountains.
[40:18] Who publish. The good tidings. Tidings. Of him. Who preach. Christ Jesus. Who desire.
[40:30] To open up. His glories. His truth. His doctrines. And this is to follow on. To have an opened ear.
[40:42] Desiring the blessed spirit of truth. To anoint the preacher. To give him a door of utterance. To touch his lips with a live cold.
[40:54] To give him a warm heart. That he may indeed declare. Delightful things. Touching. The glorious king. Of kings. To follow on.
[41:05] Is to wait. On the ministry. To hear. What the Lord will say. Unto you. And when the time is right.
[41:17] And the soul. Is ready. There is a following on. In his ordinances. Is. For there. In the path of obedience.
[41:29] Has he promised. To manifest himself. And to abide with such. And to talk with such. And to entertain them.
[41:42] In keeping. Of his commands. There is great reward. It is to know. Him. In a word.
[41:54] It is to. Follow on. In every. Prescribed. Means. Of grace. Which he has appointed.
[42:05] Whether it be secret. Or public. Because you know not. At what time. At what hour. He will reveal himself.
[42:16] To you. As your God. As your. Saviour. As your own. Beloved. And he will have. All those.
[42:26] Ordinances. On it. Not one of them. Slightly. Hence. He doesn't say. In which. He will appear. He will have.
[42:38] His dear people. Wait upon him. In the public. Hearing. In the prayer. Meeting. In meditation. Upon the word. In secret.
[42:48] Reading. In secret. Prayer. And he will. And does. Bless each. And all of these. Means. From time.
[43:00] To time. And so. In the keeping. Of his commandments. That way. There is great. Reward. Now.
[43:12] Encouragement. Is. Then. Shall we know. Or. Then. We shall know. Very encouraging.
[43:24] Because it means. I said not. To the seed of Jacob. Seek. Ye. Me. In vain. And the confidence.
[43:35] Is based. Also. Upon. The promise. I mentioned. They shall all know me. Said the Lord. They shall all.
[43:46] From the least of them. To the greatest of them. And again. All thy children. Shall be taught. Of the Lord. Great. Shall be.
[43:57] The peace. Of thy. Children. Then. Shall we know. Not all. Is to be known.
[44:09] Nor yet. So much. As. Isaiah the prophet. Nor yet. So much. As the apostle Paul. Are all apostles. Are all prophets.
[44:19] No. What then. We shall know. Sufficient. For our salvation. We shall know.
[44:31] Sufficient. To endear. This God. To our souls. We shall know. Sufficient. To make. Obedience.
[44:42] Sweet. And attractive. We shall know. Sufficient. To make. Our afflictions. Bearable. Yea. And make them.
[44:53] Profitable. Then. Shall we know. In our measure. In that degree. According to his good pleasure.
[45:04] He is designed. For us to know. This side of heaven. No. It must be. A measure. Must be. A degree. It must be.
[45:16] But. In part. But there. It is sure. Then. Shall we know. Two other beautiful portions. Are added.
[45:27] To confirm it. For his going. For. Is prepared. As. The morning. God's preparedness.
[45:40] Literally. May be judged. From the first chapter. Of Genesis. And the evening. And the morning. With the first day. There. There's the morning.
[45:53] And ever since. The sun has gone. Making up the morning. And the evening. And it's always been prepared. Has it not? Sure.
[46:03] And certain. And unfailing. Is the morning. Now. Likewise. Spiritually. All down. Through the ages. God has been doing this.
[46:16] For his people. Weeping. May endure. For a night. But joy. Cometh. In the morning. The morning experience.
[46:28] For these followers. Of. Now. His goings. For. So beautiful. It's just to say. When that. Poor.
[46:39] Sinners. Come to himself. Like the prodigal. When he is made. Willing. Under. The chastening. Hand of his God. Made docile. And teachable. And reduced.
[46:50] Then. His God. Is prepared. To go forth. As his teacher. And his leader. And his shepherd. Yes. His goings.
[47:01] For. Are prepared. And that. I read to you. In Jeremiah. Is so apposite. I've heard.
[47:11] Ephraim. Listen to him. Be moaning himself. He's coming to himself. He's being taught. He's being broken in. And he's coming round.
[47:22] And he says. I'm chastised. And I was chastised. And I turned. And I repented. And I'm made teachable.
[47:33] And God. Is ever ready to go forth. The bowels of the Father. Are melting. And yearning to. I've heard him. I'll surely have mercy upon him.
[47:46] Says the Lord. His goings. For. Are prepared. Though art more ready. To forgive. Than I am. To reply.
[47:58] His goings. For. Are prepared. As the morning. So surely. As a sinner. Turns. Towards his God.
[48:09] His God. Is ready. To turn. Towards him. And the walk together. And he shall come to us. He shall come to us.
[48:21] As the rain. And that is. As the rain comes. Beneficially. Not as a flood. The destroying flood.
[48:33] To overwhelm the wicked. No. But what was so understandable. To the eastern. Was the former rain. For the planting time.
[48:45] And to encourage. The early growth. And set it off. And establish it. And then the latter rain. So beneficial.
[48:55] For the ripening. And. Establishing of the harvest. And the crop. And these two things. The eastern. Would know. Full well. Another godly eastern.
[49:07] Would know it better. And then. My God. Shall come to me. As the latter. And the former rain. And it carries this.
[49:20] Implication. If we get the former. We shall get the latter. And he that's begun. The good work. That's the former rain. He will perform it.
[49:32] Under the day of Jesus Christ. And that's the latter rain. Get the former. First the blade. Then the ear. Then will come the latter.
[49:45] The full corn. In the ear. They shall bring forth fruit. In old age.
[49:56] They shall be fat. And flourishing. That latter rain. Points. Very. Sweetly. To the ripening. The preparation.
[50:07] For the sickle. And the garnering in. Now you see. Those figures. Embrace. The whole. Work of God. The prophet.
[50:18] Saw it. No doubt. And said. To encourage. These returning ones. Oh come. Let us return. Unto the Lord. And he shall come to us.
[50:29] As the former. And the latter. Rain. Expressing. The completeness. Completeness. Of God's work. Nature. May fail.
[50:40] But grace. Never. You get the former. You be sure of the latter. Because. You see. His work. Is perfect.
[50:51] Now. The Lord. Enable us. Lay these things. To heart. Young and old. To follow on. To know. The Lord.
[51:02] Earthly knowledge. Presently. Soon. Will be. Finished. Laid by. And then we shall want something else. Durable riches. And durable.
[51:14] Heavenly. Knowledge. God granted. Amen. Bill. Amen.ب