Peace tried by sin, darkness and the devil (Quality:Average)

Trowbridge - The Halve - Part 42

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May 7, 1967


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[0:00] Once again I would desire to draw your attention to the words you will find in the 26th chapter of the prophet Isaiah verses 3 and 4.

[0:14] Thou will keep him in perfect peace whose mind is stayed on thee because he trusted in thee.

[0:29] Trust he in the Lord forever for in the Lord Jehovah is everlasting strength.

[0:40] You will remember that we ventured upon these words this morning. But we thought we only touched on the fringe of those things in which are contained therein.

[0:55] May the Holy Spirit be pleased and lead us a little more fully into those things which shall be profitable to our souls.

[1:13] We spoke concerning others peace. There was a peace that according to the word here is perfect.

[1:29] There was nothing that could be added to it and nothing that could be taken away. Well through our journey here below we shall often want to witness this peace though we hope we have been recipients of it in the past.

[1:55] It doesn't mean the peace has diminished. That is to say that peace which we hope we were in possession of when we were delivered from the Lord and all his domining power.

[2:18] When we were delivered from the power of darkness. So we have witnessed and proved that it has been a perfect peace.

[2:32] In the perfectness of him who is perfect. And obtained it by a perfect redemption and a perfect deliverance.

[2:44] Everything that is embodied in a precious Christ is perfect and must remain perfect as through time and in eternity.

[2:59] I thought there will be as I was saying just now. In times when we want the renewings of that peace in our souls.

[3:14] Days of darkness which we read in God's words shall be many. Do you find it true sinner? Do you find it true sinner? Can you say concerning that word that it is perfectly true in my experience?

[3:34] I thought you know as though these days of darkness may be many. I yet. I yet. I threw up a peace.

[3:47] Even Christ who brought our peace. He being that eternal and everlasting light. He will rise again with healing in his wings.

[4:01] He will shine forth again in those times of darkness. And though your pathway even now may be as dark as beamless night.

[4:19] Once as wild through dark some paths we go. We may know no reason. Yet we shall hereafter know.

[4:31] Each in his new season. Over there might be an hereafter. This very night. But some poor dark in our hits the earth.

[4:44] That this may be. There may be that light shine. Into your poor dark heart. This will be an hereafter to you.

[4:56] Won't it? That is to say after the dark night. That's a year after. Or what. A most to have these hereafters.

[5:07] In a life journey. When we prove. That he is that light. That eternal light. That light that shines.

[5:18] To put our dark path. All those many times. In our lives. When we have had to walk these dark paths.

[5:31] Long, long, long nights. Of darkness. And destitution. With a weakly body it may be. And everything in providence going against us.

[5:46] Until we seem ready to give up all. And perish. The iron Satan. Endeavoring to call us.

[5:56] To do the act. That we might perish. That are deep. My friends. The door. Do not have to walk. Quite so deep.

[6:07] But he's still the same devil. That's the same cross. And deceit. That we are not. Truth. Against his evil devices.

[6:19] But God who brings our peace. Is that one. That overthrows. All his craft. His devices to destroy.

[6:33] Oh those blessed days. Of trial. Some might say blessed days. Yes. When he comes. In the year after. When he comes.

[6:47] And causes the dark night. To flee. When it may be. Your flickering faint. Behold him. Coming over the horizon.

[7:01] I mean this. When there is just a cheek of light. Begin to arise in your heart. And you begin to feel.

[7:12] A little. A buoyancy. In your spirit. So that. You hope. It will be the day when. Or the time when.

[7:23] He will arise. Well. He does arise. And he arises. And shines. The same God then.

[7:36] That brought our peace. Is he that. Permits the darkness. To come. That sure. I might enjoy.

[7:47] Ah. That sweet peace. In our souls. At his coming. When he shines. In all his beauty. In all his glory.

[7:58] As far. As it is. As we are unable. To behold it. Like the dear disciples. Upon the mount. You know. You know. They feared. As they entered the cloud.

[8:11] But they beheld his glory. That is. As far. As they were able to bear it. For I am sure. For I am sure.

[8:21] That we in our flesh. I could not bear the sight. Of the full blade of his glory. As he is encrobed in heaven above.

[8:32] But he does. Now and then. A common shine. Into our dark hearts. And upon our chicken path.

[8:43] And then we are unable to say. How will there be a woman. Oh. The case was so urgent. She says.

[8:54] Slap not thy face for me. And when she came to the prophet. And the question was asked. Is it well with thine husband? Is it well with the child?

[9:07] It is well. Oh. What a mercy to be able to say. It is well. In our present difficulties. Or trials. Soul trouble.

[9:19] To be able to say. It is well. Knowing that he. Who is that. One that brought our peace. Can again calm.

[9:32] And shine. A forth. Oh. To be able to say. Then it is well. I am sure. I am sure.

[9:43] We shall not be able to say it. Because there will be times when. And our trials. Or the days of darkness.

[9:55] And the uppermost. I came here this morning. I am feeling much darkness. But you know. We cannot command the light. Neither can we turn him.

[10:08] From his purpose. But he does show us. I believe in this. That when he permits. The dark nights.

[10:18] To come upon us. It is that we shall appreciate. Our moment. Appreciate his business. Appreciate his loss.

[10:30] Appreciate his mercy. Our soul. Our soul. And he. There will be those truths. Following.

[10:42] Our peace. In our hearts. It may be a long while. Coming to pass. In our experiences. But I will tell you.

[10:53] What it will do. As a living witness to it. It will subdue. Our wicked nature. It will bring down. Our haughty pride.

[11:05] It will bring down. Those things. Which once we delighted in. Or would overcome with. For his God alone.

[11:15] That subdues. Wretched nature. Overclose the rock within. And brings us. Into a place.

[11:26] Where we never expected. To come. To come. To come. To come. Oh. It is a not. One unspeakable mercy. If we have the fruits.

[11:37] Attending. The shining. The shining. Of the light. Shining into our dark hearts. And discovering. The evils.

[11:50] That we have. In our hearts. And then. Giving us. The power. Of the saint. Well.rimcred his чьil y granddaughter. And need make form. Oh, now some of us remember the bitter days, when we were in that condition, and how we used to cry unto God to be delivered, and yet could not flee from it.

[12:14] No more than we could fly for serpent. Some of us know that path, to a great degree. Sovereign mercy alone, and nothing else could accomplish, and overcome the powers, and gain the victory, and brought us peace.

[12:38] So that, when God does these things, it's a perfect peace, it's a perfect work. So that, I believe I've already stated, there's nothing to be added to it, and it's certain that nothing can be taken away.

[12:59] Oh, what a peace it is. Well then, there's not only the days of darkness, but there are the days of temptation.

[13:11] temptation. And this word temptation, can be looked at from the angle, of all our trials, and difficulties.

[13:25] Those things that come upon us, as our dear Savior, in the prayer that he, told his disciples to pray, lead us not into temptation.

[13:43] Oh, how we desire, that he will not lead us, then, into those things, that shall be, against him, or those things that shall be, to dishonor him.

[14:00] so that, we need, him to keep us, daily keep us, keep us, from this bewitching world, that have to death, ten thousand old.

[14:17] Keep us, out from, the false professors of religion, who's allowed, to have, an easier path, or attempt to get, an easier path to heaven, when it's so clear, there is no easy path.

[14:40] And such will find, if left to go on in that way, we're not judges, but if left to go on that way, at either the gate of heaven, there is no road unto hell.

[14:56] But God's people, ah, those whom he had given this peace, will find it to be a way, ah, that is true, ah, with thorns and briars, in the wind.

[15:15] You wouldn't need the shoes of iron and brass, if it wasn't so. He said, thy shoes, shall be iron and brass, and as thy days, shall thy strength be.

[15:29] And so it is, that he gives his people, ah, they are well shot, ah, to walk, in that road, which he hath appointed for them.

[15:40] ever troublesome or trying, may be to the pledge, the way they walk, cannot be wrong, for it is the way, and then he leads his people.

[15:56] For we cannot find, throughout sacred wit, one that got to heaven, in an easy path, find it, throughout the Old Testament, and abundantly clear, and anew.

[16:13] Look at the dear apostles, look at their pathway, those who proclaim, the old searching witches, of Christ, they who proclaim, them to be, their peace.

[16:30] Look at the dear, for all thou he's brought, before King Agrippal, to give an account, of himself, for how wisely, surely God, was within there.

[16:45] And when Christ, when they bring you, before lawyers, and magistrates, take those, forth what you shall say, which will be given you, in that hour, what you shall speak, and so he was enabled, as I say, of, those things, concerning his soul, and concerning, what God has done for him.

[17:11] How there, like you and I, were designed, to come before him, witness before those, that, he was, one time, a Pharisee, of the Pharisees, brought us, brought us, at the feet of, the manial, that I understand, to be, in all the wisdom, of that religion, of the Pharisees, and yet, when the commandment, came, sin revived, his, and I died, what I thought, to be under the matter, was under death, or the death, of the mysteries, of God's truth, so that, he, having given us, eyes to see, ears to hear, earth, so then, it is that, he has spoken, we hope, through his word, to the soul, to show us, that our peace, comes by, no other channel, only through, his meritorious work, through his life, and death, and his ascension, up into heaven, there is our mediator,

[18:37] Ezro Cainte, and before the Father, here is our peace, pleading before the Father, for on your behalf, pleading that peace, that peace, that peace that he brought, that peace, and that, I was signed, sealed, and rectified, signed, by the sacred, free of eternity, sealed, and by the, precious blood of Christ, thy peace, in earth, is sealed, by the Trinity, thy peace, was signed, by the precious blood, of the atonement, blessed peace, that peace, that past, it all understanding, and, that peace, though you and I,

[19:47] I believe I mentioned, this morning, may have many bubbles, yet, he did our peace, and will overcome, our poor, and, on our behalf, well then, these are they, whose mind, is stayed, on him, their mind, is stayed, upon those things, I wish he had done, for them, and, they are, stayed, upon him, oft times, as they enter, into his earthly courts, or, when we, find that, precious freedom, that liberty, that comes through, the blood of the cross, that liberty, that liberates us, out from the shackles, that would hold us fast, that glorious liberty, that is found in Christ, where we can say, where the spirit of the Lord, is there in liberty, liberty in the soul, liberty in the speech, liberty in prayer, liberty in coming under him, here it is, they are permitted, blessedly permitted, to come boldly, unto him, at the throne of grace, not in a presumptuous boldness, but in that precious boldness, of living faith, here it is, that the invitation, that God gives in his world, is abundantly known, come unto me, or even labor, and our heavy laden, and I will give you rest, take my yoke upon you, and learn of me, for my yoke is easy, and my good night, oh, and this is obtained, only in and through, and the marriage of Jesus, and also, by that prayer, that is indicted, of the spirit in the soul, when we are enabled, to come, and ask, sinner, my I sent unto you, burdened you may be, troubled you are, there is no other outlet, but to come unto him, and ask, and ask again, and cause to you, to ask, give him no rest, until, he was of, the prayer to think, though you may, feel like the prayer, into the hands of the power, the great, the fire, the miraculous bit,

[22:55] I say again, though you, feel to me, in the hand of the power, and, he's after his prayer, O, but Christ, in his love, seeing your condition, ask him, cry unto him, that he will deliver you, from the hand of the power, he will come, according to his word, he'll rise up, the prayer to take, O, to, that it might be, the experience, of some poor, silly hearer, that Christ, might come, and claim thee, as his own, deliver thee, from the, as the prey, from his hand, though he hold thee, past, according unto your feelings, he cannot hold thee, one moment, longer, than God, hath determined, how to deliver you, all, oh,

[24:01] I believe, in those divine appointments, of God, in the deliverance, of a soul, from darkness, to give them peace, and to enable them, to trust, in him, we read in the word, trust in him, at all times, ye people, well, it is, at all times, I believe, it means, all those times, when, we are, in need of him, feel our need, I mean, we're always in need of him, but feel our need, doesn't mean, call upon him, at all times, that means, every moment, every, part of the day, for we wouldn't be fit, for our daily employments, and the daily task, that comes upon us, but even there, there'll be times, when, he'll cause us, to cry unto him, all those many times, in days past, when burned, and troubled, when, laboring for the bread, that perisheth, with edge of crime, unto him, oh, that thou, such duly, wretched nature, of mine, oh, that thou, hast destroyed, that great, and mighty, power within, when we had no, power, whatsoever, to subdue it, ah, you know,

[25:43] God knows, how to make us pray, ah, and it'll be so, strange to us, he's the author of sin, I don't mean that, but he will come, and he may leave us, to go on our own way, leave him alone, but, it's a mercy, doesn't leave us alone, altogether, ah, but he sometimes, leaves us, to, struggle, in the flesh, and struggle, in those things, here below, and also, try to hold, both religion, and the world, in one hand, the time, comes when, he brings, that peace, delivers us, from the things, of the world, and all, all his enticements, all his pleasures, and all his so-called joys, oh, I've fought so many times, with the world, at the close of the day, that joys cease, but, blessed be God, there's times, when our joys, last us, sometimes, we lay our head down, upon the pillow, at night, that precious joy, in our hearts, that neither men, nor any, can give, have it gone, and sometimes, there we are aware, to exite a little joy, in our hearts, world, and all sorrow, is it, it isn't all, battling against, darkness, battling against, those things, of the flesh, he comes, and subdues them, and proves, to us, that he is able, to subdue, all things, under his feet, while we see, not yet all things, under his feet, but we see Jesus, so one will mercy, to see him, isn't it, by faith that is, we see Jesus, who is made, a little lower, of the angels, to the suffering, of death, that he might, drink many sons, unto all things, and though we see, not all things, yet put under his feet, but the day, will come, when his people, will see, all things, under his feet, solemnly behold that, yes, oh, you know,

[28:16] I often, think of those words, I will not destroy, the righteous, with the wicked, in that great day, when he, governs all nations, before the great white throne, to bring them, the judgment, I do not believe, that the righteous, will see, the destruction, of the wicked, oh, what a mercy, it is, to have, this blitted hope, within our hearts, that we may, that we shall know, something of that, peace, to the blitting, full mass, in heaven above, once, that all, what sacred joys, await them, they will see, their saviour then, they shall be, where, there shall be, no more dark nights, no more, need of, those things, here below, or how, how we have, if you read through that, and the rest of, over, or the other chapters, in,

[29:26] Ecclesiastes, as you see, there, the wisdom, of the preacher, how he sets forth, those who, have, and rest upon, the things of the world, how, but, we seek a city, a city, at our foundations, whose builder, and maker is God, and we look beyond, this long world, we look beyond, these things, that perish, under him, who now, is in heaven above, our world, and in the, fourth, fourth verse, trust in the Lord, forever, so there will be, a trusting him, forever, a true, all lives, due, in every, new trial, all say, son, that's not easy, well, it never has been easy, there is no easy way, to heaven, but, there will be, a quiet, trusting, oh,

[30:40] I remember this, when, approximately, four years, I go in hospital, that quiet, trust, trusting him, at all times, key people, that quiet, trust, that, none can explain it, only those, who receive it, are not, many words here, my friends, not, a person, out of religion, before swine here, no, cast, not, thy, world, in earth, before swine, lest they tremble them, under their feet, and turn again, and wed you, but, oh, the secrets, of the Lord, are with them, that fear him, and he comes in those places, sometimes, where we are alone, among the strangers, in the world, who know not, anything, of those things, that are going on, within, by this, quiet, trust, this passive, mass, that arises, from trusting, in him, and so, and will then, be this trusting, in him, and then, he gives us encouragement, that in every new trial, none of us know, how the future, what gloomy lines, are written for us, or what bright, seems, may rise, but this we know, that he is the same, today, yesterday, and forever, that he, that has helped us, hitherto, can help us, all our journey through, so that, and may we be, favored, and I do speak this, concerning, all those, that, are connected, with us, or we do desire, that they may know, that he speaks, for themselves, and that in their trials, and difficulties, they might trust him, and look under him, in every difficulty, and by all I say here, there's nothing too little, there's nothing too great, no matter how little, it might be,

[33:17] Satan might say, well, that's too simple, how to take to God, there's nothing too simple, whatever is troubling thee, sinner, whether it be, in providence, or in grace, in your daily employment, whatever it is, God will be your defender, he'll give you, favor in the sight, of those, who are in authority, over you, desire, of food, that they cannot, in any wise, do as they will, with you, since God, is over you, and guides you, oh, how great, is our God, how we have proved it, and I speak it, from experience, because, even in those things, are those, that trust in him, may I say here, how I know that to be true, when working in London, it was often, that I was away from work, because, of sickness, so very often, that I feared, my employer, would never endure it, and many other things, which is not, it's not the place, to speak of them, that took place, during the period, of 21 years, that I feared, but you know,

[34:40] I proved, I proved to me, that God was over it all, that all men's hearts, in his hands, and when in need, my dear wife, went to see, concerning, my condition, instead of expecting, to be dismissed, he gave her, five pounds, to come with, for this false sin, God is in it to know, we don't let these things, lay, forget from us, and without praying, they die, I just mention that, to show that, there is a trusting in him, in every trial, and every difficulty, and in every sorrow, although it may not be, in the depth of exercise, as we might think, but deep down, in the heart, there is a quiet, trusting, looking under him, and, thinking upon him, even, to think upon him, at those times, and to trust in him,

[35:53] I say, we might be looking, you know, for great things, but, God has not, promised us great things, only that, I want to be right here, they are great things, which he gives us, but our means, as he has promised us, here are great things, that, we might find them, to be a snare unto us, for the Lord, Jehovah, is everlasting strength, for the Lord, Jehovah, this word, Jehovah, here, signifies, a preeminence, and majesty, and power, as so that, it is embodied in him, even, that everlasting strength, as so that, in your weakness, we are, you are made strong, it is in that weakness, that he strengthens, all our strength, then, is in the Lord, and in him alone, had it not been so, we should never endure, but he does strengthen, he strengthens his people, when they are ready to faint, that wine, that he said, must be put into new bottles, not into the old man, but into the new, that means, no use to try, and put new wine, into old bottles, you know, for if it were, it would leak out, and, and a bottle, would burst, and become worse, but, you know, new wine, our dear Savior says, must be put into new bottles, and both are preserved, oh, what a mercy to have, somehow, we've tasted a little, of that new wine, of the gospel, that's been, poured into the new man of grace, born again, of the spirit, and that of the spirit, of God, so then, they are strengthened, and when he comes, in that, see them in their, fainty condition, and gives them a taste, of that wine, the wine of the gospel, where he comes, you know, like he did unto the dear man, on the way, the Jerry come, who fell among thieves, and was stripped, and left off dead, oh, how he comes to starch, he does, comes just where they are, that how you feel, you want him to come, just where you are, when he knows, where you are, you needn't tell him, or dictate unto him, or come as an informer, on any one thing, he knows it all, but you can come, and ask him, to come just where you are, and that he will come, and pour in, the oil of his grace, the wine of the kingdom, that he will lift you up, out of your condition, instead of feeling, half dead, you might be full of life, that precious life, the soul within, that you might be strengthened, by him, so that, he comes, and, and strengthens, and this is an everlasting strength, that is to say,

[39:57] Father, when one's strengthened, and will be repeated, from time to time, in the soul, and that, such will stand, out before him in heaven, in the strength of him, that have gained it for them, stand complete, out before the throne of God, O my friends, when I think, of the description, of the heavenly city, how, unspeakably blessed, it is to have, some humble hope, that when the battle's all, and victory won, we shall anticipate, that peace, that peace, which passed, with all understanding, and be able to say, now in the near on earth, when peace, like a river, attended my way, when sorrow, like sea billows roll, whatever, my Lord, thou hast taught me to know, it is well, with my soul, oh, to be able to say it, fear it, and know it, and then in the knowledge of it, thou, too, have that thirst, thou, for that heavenly city, want to not be satisfied, when I awaken thy likeness, there will be no satisfaction here, in the world, the only satisfaction, we shall have in this world, will be, when the Savior comes, and delivers us, and the time being, we shall be satisfied, with his work, in our soul, by full satisfaction, in all his blessedness, and greatness, will never be known, until we come, in the realms above, and see him as he is, he of whom we've had a glimpse, of here below, in the world, and in our own souls, a little near and there, then I say, in the world, few sorrows here, a few trials here below, a few more days, or months, or years, in this darkness, to complain, we shall be the due to fears, be the due to all those things, my friends, here atropoulos, but nevertheless,

[42:59] God is a sovereign, and he has an appointed time, for men on earth, and once is, I know the appointed time, for I wait, till my time comes, Amen.