Christ the Rock of our salvation (Quality: Average)

Trowbridge - The Halve - Part 47

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Dec. 3, 1967


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[0:00] Again I would draw your attention to the words you will find in the 18th Psalm, verse 46.

[0:11] The 46 verse of the 18th Psalm. The Lord liveth, and blessed be my rock, and let the God of my salvation be exalted.

[0:30] You will remember we ventured upon these words by way of a text this morning. I spoke a little, for it is a very little we can speak, that is a vastness of God's word.

[0:46] But we did mention a few things concerning him that the Lord liveth. How that he liveth, that to answer prayer.

[0:58] How that he liveth in heaven above, where unto guilty sinners may approach.

[1:09] And that he liveth in the hearts of God's people. And that he ever liveth to make intercession for and on behalf of his people.

[1:24] But to pass on this evening because of the time, I will begin to speak a little concerning the rock. How that is that eternal rock.

[1:37] The rock Christ Jesus. And we would this evening venture a little beyond those things we mentioned this morning.

[1:49] To see him by faith as that rock. That is for and on behalf of his people.

[2:01] As we read in the word, he is a great rock in a weary land. As a shadow of a great rock in a weary land.

[2:13] And so it is your mercy, Ma. If we are travelling through this wilderness below. And prove it to be a barren land. And find that in this barren land.

[2:27] There is no food for our souls. And no water to quench our thirst. And that through the heat and burden of the day.

[2:41] We often feel to be withered up and barren. Well, here is this shadow. Whereunto we may approach.

[2:55] That shadow which is, I believe, also in a line with saying. The place where we may find refuge.

[3:11] So that, you see. We might also mention it as. You and Arden. May be travelling through. A sea of time.

[3:24] Coming into many a storm. And sometimes may feel to be well-nigh shipwreck. Yet you see venturing under this rock.

[3:35] Who is that shelter. Which we read in the 107th Psalm. So he brings them. To their desire to heaven.

[3:47] That is to say. Brings them. What is said in the shipping world. Under the lee shore. That is a tired place of calm.

[3:58] And safety and peace. Out from the mighty waves around them. That is literally. And so spiritually. And a sinner is favoured.

[4:09] To wend their way under this rock. The rock Christ Jesus. Then they will find. Here is their shelter. And.

[4:21] Some of us have proved it in the past. When the mighty waves have come against us. When we have felt well-nigh overcome. And though we may have cast out the wares.

[4:34] That is those things within us. And been willing to dispense with them. And yet. Blessings on his holy name. We have found. He's been our rock.

[4:47] In that he has protected us. And brought us. As safely through. In the wildest storms. Why did they not say.

[4:59] When he was here on earth. When he was here on earth. What manner of man is this. That even the waves. The wind and the waves. Obey him. And so they do.

[5:12] My friends. In the experiences. Of God's people. While they beheld him as the man. God's people. Go one step further.

[5:23] They behold him. As the man Christ Jesus. And that rock. Of defense. So is a rock.

[5:33] Of defense. As you defend them. And you'll want this defense. As you go through this time state. To defend us.

[5:45] Out from our enemies. We need to go outside of ourselves. To find them. Oh there are many enemies within us. Carly reasoning.

[5:56] Rebellion. Our thoughts of God. And pride. And soul conceit. And many others. Each of us know.

[6:08] Our enemies. For they will rise up against us daily. And will overthrow us. And will endeavor to destroy. Even the light of God in the soul.

[6:21] And will. But you know. He is our defense. The rock of our defense. As so that he defends us. That when the enemy cometh in like flood.

[6:34] He lifted up a standard against them. And whatever condition or state. God's people may be in. He is still their defense.

[6:47] You know. God's people are defenseless people. They have nothing in themselves. They have nothing in themselves. To defend themselves. Indeed they have the opposite.

[6:59] There is everything in them. To drag them down into degradation. And sorrow. As you heard me saying so many times.

[7:09] You won't find any comfort. Looking at self. You won't find any comfort. In the world. You won't find any comfort. Even.

[7:21] In. In God's people really. Don't misunderstand me on that particular point. I mean when it comes. To needing. A deliverance.

[7:32] From God himself. We might have kind friends. And have. And. Do for us far more. Than we deserve. And we appreciate it.

[7:44] But. We still come back to that one point. And we cannot put any trust. In those things. For our salvation. All in God.

[7:55] Be God alone. And none other. That he may be. Our rock. Our savior. That man may have nothing. Wherein to glory.

[8:08] Well he's a rock of defense. And then he is that rock. That came here on earth. Appointed of the father.

[8:19] And that he should be the rock. And that divine justice. And should smart. And as Moses. And as Moses. Smoked the rock. In the wilderness.

[8:30] And the waters. Gushed out. And so our rock. Christ Jesus. And was struck. By the wrath. Of divine justice.

[8:41] That God came down. And God came down. And our. Blessed this is. The waters. Gushed out. Even those pure waters. And those pure waters.

[8:53] Which are sufficient. To cleanse the soul. From all sin. And those pure waters. Which are sufficient. To quench.

[9:05] Your thirst. And mine. Oh my friends. Do you thirst. After. These living waters. That those waters.

[9:16] That flow. From Calvary's cross. That flow. To cleanse. The guilty soul. Where'er these waters flow.

[9:28] Is sure to cleanse. Sinner. And never mind. How vile. Never mind. How far. A sinner of God. In sin. We have evidences of it.

[9:40] Where there have been. Those that have. Despised. God's word. Hated his people. And gone on in sin. And yet.

[9:51] We have known. Know them in the day. We live. Some of them. As we travel. A little bit. As they testify. Of the great. And mighty. Work. Of God. In delivering them.

[10:02] And from such a condition. Well. He found some of us. Wondering. Found some of us. Going on. And endeavouring to go on.

[10:13] In a way of our own. And then. He found some of us. Having. Half one. And half the other. Trying to hold.

[10:24] A false religion. In one hand. And the real. In the other. But this. We cannot do. We cannot. Serve both. Enough. We must have.

[10:36] The separation. A line. Of demarcation. Drawn. Betwixt. The false. And the real. For. We. It will be no value.

[10:47] When we come to the gate of heaven. To have a counterfeit. It must be. We must have the interest. The image of Christ. Upon it. Whatever.

[10:58] Religion. We may have. Oh. May we ever be preserved. Have a religion. How that's. Borsed up with pride. And self-conceit.

[11:10] And all that. That Satan loves to lead. One on. In. And ultimately. Prove. That they are. His servants.

[11:21] And his own lane. Isn't being religious. Or take us to heaven. Is having vital realities. In our heart. Impressed there. By the Holy Ghost.

[11:32] Those things. That shall. Be covered. Quine. And when we come. And to most need them. Then how much. We have need.

[11:43] Of the shelter. Of the rock. How much. We have need. Of this haven. Whereunto. We may come. In the wildest storm.

[11:54] How much. We have need. Of. The knowledge. Then. Of this rock. As we just. Just mentioned. As he came here.

[12:06] And when. Struck. By the God. Of divine justice. And the waters. Gushed forth. Oh. To have. A taste of it.

[12:17] Once more. Oh. To have. One more. Taste. Of that living stream. Which we hope. We have known. A little of. That stream.

[12:29] That washes away. Our sin. That beautiful. Livermines. What is that. That takes away. My sin. Just like a flood. Why.

[12:39] How he says. To his Jesus. Precious blood. There is nothing else. In us. Man can't. Take away. Your sin. Is not coming. And confession to men.

[12:51] For they need. The same God. As you. And I. To deliver them. From eternal ruin. And total darkness. At last. Oh. Then to have.

[13:02] These. These things. Renewed. In our hearts. Ah. Well. Here that rock. Then. And then.

[13:13] He hath. Said in the word. Mentioned in the song. Oh. My dove. Thou art in the cleft of the rock.

[13:24] What is safe to say. For by. The church. His people. My dove. Spoken of it. The dove. The lowly dove. And.

[13:35] So that. If you and I. Are members of that one church. Then he hath placed us. In the cleft of the rock.

[13:46] You sung that hymn this morning. Did you not? Rock of age is cleft for me. Let me hide. Myself in thee. What a safe abiding.

[13:58] There is in that cleft of the rock. And Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. This endears him to us. This makes him the one thing needful.

[14:09] This makes him. Beyond all measure. That we can fathom. The great and mighty deliverer. Of you and I.

[14:21] Oh. When we behold him then as the rock. And that his people. Are placed in the cleft of the rock. What does this mean really?

[14:31] Well it means being in Christ. The hope of glory. Our being in him by eternal union. Being in him.

[14:42] Our by. A divine purpose. Of the father. And the holy ghost. To what? Three. One. Try you. Jehovah. Who to save the souls of his people.

[14:55] For all concern. Oh what a wonderful plan. Drawn up. By Jehovah. That neither men nor demons. Can change it.

[15:05] Alter it. Or add one iota. Or take one thing away from it. Oh my friends. What a great God we serve. I wish I knew more of him.

[15:16] But you know. When we make those declarations. We know. To know more of God. We shall have to know more of ourselves. And we dread to afford.

[15:28] What we might have to pass through. To know more of him. It isn't just saying it. For to know God. Is to be brought into those places.

[15:38] Aware. He will reveal himself to us. And often brings us into troubles and trials. How to prove his own work. And also to prove to us.

[15:51] How many is our rock. And they need the solid rock. The solid rock.

[16:03] That is unmovable. There is nothing that can move. This rock. You know. All rocks on earth. Are movable. We witness that.

[16:15] As we hear. The barest. Places. That have. By God's great power. Earthquakes. Here and there. As nothing can stand against an earthquake.

[16:27] You know. So that the rocks will move. And the mountains shake. At his presence. And the day will come. When. By the blast of his nostrils.

[16:38] He'll make it known of mankind. That he is the mighty God. But this rock will stand. It's an enduring rock. A solid rock.

[16:49] That shall stand. When all things else be came. When rolling worlds depart on fire. And thousands sink to hell. This covenant.

[17:00] Shall the saints admire. In all things ordered well. They'll admire the rock. Christ Jesus. They'll behold him. As he cometh. Oh my friends.

[17:12] The great. And vast. Mystery of his coming. Where he'll come. And gather all nations. From the four corners of the earth. And that he may judge them.

[17:23] According to his wise purpose. And according unto his decrees. And none. There will be able to reply. Against him. But there will justify him.

[17:35] In all those things. And that he will accomplish. And then to have. That may known to us.

[17:47] Where God speaks. He will not destroy. The righteous. With the wicked. Even in that great day. Since they are established.

[17:58] Upon the rock. The unmovable rock. Christ Jesus. So that no strange. Commotions of the earth. None of those things. We look upon the day.

[18:09] To trouble us. Give us many anxieties. Can move the rock. For he is established forever. And ever. So that is that rock.

[18:23] That omnipotent reigneth. He reigneth. In eternity. And reigneth. Upon the earth. Some might say. It doesn't appear. Though he reigneth.

[18:33] Today upon the earth. Well. Wait a minute. How God. Is a sovereign. And he permits. Men to go on.

[18:45] And we read in the word. They shall. Fill up the crop. Of their iniquity. But our God. Is not. Is not asleep.

[18:57] If I may say that. Very reverently. He looking down. Upon the inhabitants. Of the earth. And sees them. As a drop in a bucket. For he.

[19:07] You see. We cannot fathom. His omnipotence. Omnipotence. And power. So that. He reigneth. Among the armies.

[19:17] Of heaven. And the inhabitants. Of the earth. And who dare say unto him. What doest thou? Then he is our rock.

[19:29] The Lord liveth. And blessed be our rock. My rock. As so there will be. With this knowledge given. In our hearts.

[19:41] That is honor. To praise him. And that he is blessed. Blessed in all his works. Blessed in all his dominion. Blessed in all.

[19:52] That he accomplisheth. And blessed as he came here on earth. As he was. The co-equal. Co-eternal son of God. And came to accomplish.

[20:04] The work. The father gave him to do. For and on behalf. Of his people. The Lord liveth. And blessed.

[20:16] Be my rock. And let the God of my salvation. Be exalted. So he is the God of our salvation. He is that God.

[20:27] That appointed salvation. When. In eternity past.

[20:41] He drew out that plan. Which I already mentioned. Of salvation. And the son was appointed. To come. To be made.

[20:52] The propitiation. Of their sins. That they might be delivered. From their sin. Where is the God. Of my salvation. So that.

[21:05] There is no salvation. In the other. There is no use. To look other. Ways for salvation. And therefore. His people are compelled.

[21:16] To come unto him. That they might. Be delivered. Out from their sin. Or they come to him. Sometimes in their secret moments.

[21:28] And. Lisp out. It might be. A few words. Crying under him. That they will pass by. Their iniquities. Call upon him.

[21:41] Once in the day of trouble. Call upon me. In the day of trouble. I will deliver thee. And thou shalt glorify me. This is a day of trouble.

[21:53] When one feels. A sin. Lay heavy upon them. If your sin. Doesn't lay heavy upon you. Sinner. There is something wrong. There is something lacking.

[22:05] For. A sin. And to God's people. I will be a heavy burden. And. Such a burden.

[22:16] That they'll mourn. That they cannot live without it. I've often felt. Much of late. That I would love to live upon this world. Without any more sin.

[22:27] But you know. We're in this tabernacle yet. We're in this. Casket of clay yet. And. If we are looking for perfection.

[22:39] In the flesh. As I've often mentioned. You'll never find it. Our perfection is in none other. But in the rock. Christ Jesus. In he that came.

[22:51] To obtain. An everlasting. And complete salvation. So then. In his salvation. There is perfection. There is that.

[23:03] That is perfect. As for God. His way is perfect. So that. No other way. Is perfect. But the way.

[23:14] Of God. And so then. We find that. The way. That God has. Has shown us.

[23:26] Concerning this way. That is perfect. I believe. I did touch upon it. This morning. Just once. Concerning this way. I believe. Points us again.

[23:37] To the Lord Jesus. As for God. His way. Is perfect. His dear son. His way. Was perfect. There's no other way. Perfect.

[23:48] When he. Is zero. And only. I am the way. The truth. And the life. So then. That way. Of Christ. Is a perfect way.

[23:59] That we look upon him. As being the way. The truth. And the life. Well it's a wonderful mercy.

[24:10] If you and I. Have sought. Him. And his salvation. Some of us remember. Those days. When we earnestly sought it. When sin laid so heavy.

[24:23] Upon us. And he brought us. Well nigh. To the borders. Of hell itself. Everyone doesn't come. To that death. I wouldn't set up.

[24:33] As standard. God forbid. But there will be. A knowing. Of the hideousness. Of sin. As it separates us. From God.

[24:44] And from heaven. Unless. I say. Unless. That the divine atonement. Is applied to the soul.

[24:55] To wash us. Clean. And I believe. With God's people. There will be. An earnestness. In their prayers.

[25:06] Oh Lord. Wash me. Thoroughly. For my sin. And also. With dear people. Not only my feet. But my hands.

[25:17] And my head. There will be times. When. This will be renewed. Also. Through life. Due. Since we cannot. Get away.

[25:28] From sin. For the word. Declares. The thought. Of foolishness. Is sin. And which one of us. Can say. That we are. Cleaning.

[25:39] I know. What you will say. If sin. Is a burden. To you. You'll come. Like. The lepers. Came. You know. In the word. Of God. Declared. Unclean.

[25:51] Unclean. And that's. How we will often feel. So mercy. To know our uncleanness. To say. I am all. As an unclean thing. And all.

[26:01] My righteousness. Says. Heart is filthy. Reigns. That I have not. One claim. Of God. Nor. Is there any. Reason. Why. That he should have.

[26:12] Any thought. For what. Where he is. God. Of our salvation. He is that one. That. And knows. How. Sees our condition.

[26:24] Knows. How we. Daily. Born. For sin. Knows. How. How much. We. From time to time. Desire. To be led. To the rock.

[26:35] That is Eisenhower. Which you have been seen. Oh. To be led. To that rock. Christ Jesus. Who is our salvation. When. Sin. Depires.

[26:46] When. We. Feel. A far off. That he may. Bring us. An arm. By that. Question. I've told him that. Oh.

[26:57] How often. We feel. A far off. Sometimes. Feel. To be not. Without. The slightest. Evidence. Of. Being. A living soul. Sometimes.

[27:09] Gweld. By the wall. Like the blind. Sometimes. Be like. The physician. Laying him. Both feet. Sometimes. Feeling. That he has.

[27:19] For savorous. Sometimes. Saying. Is his mercy. Clean God forever. Will he be favourable. No more. All these exercises.

[27:31] Oh. But what do they do. For you. Do they not. Bring you. Into an exercise. Blessed exercises. Yes. If it exercises. Us. As to our standing.

[27:43] It is here. I believe. Where the trial. Of our faith. Is much more. Precious. Than a golden.

[27:54] Perish. Though it be tried. With fire. This is God. Trying his own work. In the soul. Of his people. And he'll try.

[28:06] The work. Of grace. Again. And again. And again. He will indeed. And he'll bring us. Into those places. Where. How we shall want him.

[28:16] And need him. And then. There'll be those times. When there may be. Some great mountain. Before us. We've had those seasons.

[28:27] Some others. A great mountain. Before us. And we have not been able. To say. With the. With the word of God. Who art thou. O thou great mountain.

[28:40] Before Cerebrical. Should thou be made a plain. But nevertheless. It's true. These mountains. Are made a plain. By the great heavenly. Cerebrical.

[28:50] The rock. Christ Jesus. The Lord. And Savior. He makes these great mountains. A plain. Have you got a mountain. It's not one that you can't surmount.

[29:02] Well. If you've got a mountain like that. It's no use to go. To any on earth. For deliverance. There's only one can help you. And may you.

[29:14] Be favour to. Look unto him. And to. Come to him. Who alone. Can help. He'll level the mountain. His own part of the way. He will indeed.

[29:25] We've proved it. But. How long it may be. We're not. Able to say. Because God. Had an appointed time. How to favour his people.

[29:37] Individually. As well as collectively. And so did he. Brings us. And permits these things. To come to pass. Like he did with dear Joe. A lifetime.

[29:49] Of conflict. That dear man had. Though even in the midst of that. He was unable to say. When he had tried me. I had to come for the gold.

[30:00] Yet once more. Will I look. Toward his holy temple. How to once more sinner. And. Once more. Oh how many once more.

[30:11] Smolzeret. Many many times. That we are to come. Once more. Would I look. Toward his holy temple. That is.

[30:22] You know Christ. Is the temple of his people. Is their sanctuary. Indeed. Where they may come. Venture to her.

[30:33] With all eye troubles. However deep. They may be. And whatever kind. They may be. There is nothing too small. Satan will tell you.

[30:43] You can't go with that little thing. Ah. But he doesn't say. It's a great thing to you. These little things. Made great things. Are to God's people.

[30:54] After arms. Every heart knows. His own bitterness. And so you will find it. It will be a personal way to heaven. Yet a right way.

[31:05] The way that no fowl knoweth. The borgias I have not seen it. Nor the lions wealth trod it. But the wayfaring men. Blessed wayfarers.

[31:18] Those fools. Shall not hurt again. I hope I'm a wayfarer. I hope some of us have known what it is. To come by the wayside.

[31:31] Like a poor blind man. A wayfarer. Dependent upon him. As we feel to be only by the wayside. Depending on him.

[31:43] Like a beggar. For our very life. And livelihood. Oh you know. As some of these people.

[31:54] May walk deeper into these things than others. But it is here. They prove him to be. That one that is the God. Of their salvation.

[32:06] He saves them. Saves them from their sins. And he saves them from this wicked world. And the things of it. If you are among these people.

[32:18] You will find my words to be true. It may be. In years to come. That this world. Will become less. And less. And less. And less. And less.

[32:29] It will. It will become to you. That you will see nothing. In this world. You will be like the weary dog.

[32:40] Who will find no rest. For the sole of your feet. You will be like that weary dog. Who has turned unto Noah in the ark.

[32:53] So you in your weariness. Finding no rest for the sole of thy feet. You surely return. Unto the God of your salvation.

[33:05] Who is the ark. Of the new covenant. Of peace. So then. There is. Entering into.

[33:16] That path. Of. Knowing him to be. Our only helper. At all times. Well.

[33:28] He's our salvation then. From this world. He's also our salvation. From all falseness. He'll deliver his.

[33:40] Of people. From a false way. He'll bring in the mouth. Among those. Who. Hold the word of God. In unrighteousness.

[33:51] And our enemies. To the cross of Christ. Be they. Whatever name. They may be called by men. There are the two.

[34:01] People upon the earth. There are the righteous. And the wicked. As recorded. In God's word. And there is a dividing line.

[34:13] Drawn from Genesis. To Revelation. Betwixt the two. Our men. May endeavor. To mix them up. As one. There cannot be any.

[34:24] Uniting. With the. Kingdom of Satan. And the kingdom of God. That's an impossibility. They were divided. In eternity.

[34:35] Before all worlds. Oh the depth. Of God's truth. Divided us. In eternity. When there was war in heaven. What a depth.

[34:46] Isn't it? And when that. Those. Angels. Are that. Rebelled against God. Were cast out. Of heaven. Begun to reply against.

[34:58] This God. Are you? When. Are you? When. He is that one. That has accomplished. These things. Why they are totally. Solemn to some others. And yet.

[35:10] They are embraced. Because. They are God's word. And we desire. To fall under his. Omnipotence. That we may not. Reply. Against his majesty.

[35:22] And his power. Who we desire. To say. Have done all things well. And so then. There will be salvation.

[35:33] From any. From those things. That are false. And there will be a dishonor. To come out. From them. And to. Not to touch.

[35:45] The unclean thing. But there's one warning here. It won't give us. Any kind of. A fair safe crime. Ranging up in our hearts.

[35:55] Neither shall we look. With disdain. Upon the violence. Oh no. I've often thought. And when I've seen. Recorded.

[36:06] Those. Had to go to prison. And come before. The judges of the earth. I've often thought. I've been spared that. But I might have been one of them. I might have been one of them.

[36:18] No thanks to us. You know. Because. He's made us. Dipper. Because his mighty arm. Hath held us.

[36:30] And tripped us. Therefore. In these things. I declare. There will be no. Lifting up of self. No rejoicing. Over.

[36:41] Those that have fallen. But there will be. Rejoicing in the Lord. Rejoicing in hope. Rejoicing in mercy. There will be a time.

[36:54] In our soul. In our soul's experience. When. We shall. Be able to praise. And honor. His holy name.

[37:06] As we see. And believe. His dealings with us. Some of us are forced. To believe it. Not because. We've heard it declared. By.

[37:17] God's servants even. Don't misunderstand me there. I know it's true. God's servants. These things do take place. Through the operation. Of the spirit.

[37:28] I believe that. But in some of our cases. It has been. Direct. From heaven itself. All those times.

[37:39] When you know. Childhood and youth. How that mighty voice. Which thundered from heaven. Thundered in our consciences. Lord has been guilty. Before his judgment bar.

[37:50] And there. We die. Condemned. To everlasting ruin. I know what I'm talking about. On those points. They are not what I've read. Of other men's writings. They are not what we've.

[38:02] Looked up. From. The word of God. Because we read. But little. Is a charm. In these things. Now. He came from heaven. Sinner. When he said.

[38:13] From above. And drew me. Out of many waters. When his voice was heard. In the conscience. And waters in guilt. He said.

[38:23] He said. In all ways. In all ways. He said. That's like that. With all I know. But. We're able to speak of that. Out of the comfort of any. That might come into that path.

[38:35] As I've said. Sometimes. We haven't any. young friends here in the true sense but when I've been among our young friends sometimes I've tried to encourage them I know some have thought I'm severe with regards to the young and the day we live I've been marked for it but you know they little know my sorrow and the yearning in my heart over them that they might be kept that they might hear the voice from heaven that they might be led into the path of righteousness that they might not listen to you turn no hear or alone there for God is that one that speaks but he'll speak through his word as it is declared by his servants and that'll do away with much activity there is in religion today but to return there Lord liveth and blessed be my rock and let the God of my salvation be exalted where he is exalted they desire that he should be exalted he's exalted upon the throne above

[39:50] King of Kings Lord of Lords preeminent over all things oh how we would desire to come come in praise and adoration under him and exalt him far above all others exalted at the right hand of the Father and there as the Father beholds that complete work that he accomplished and also sees the whole election of grace complete in him thus giving it clearly to be understood that is a complete work nothing to be added or taken away oh then that he might be exalted well he is exalted above and there are times too when he is exalted among his people in the gatherings of his people hither and hither oh

[40:57] I believe there's times when it have been and is we know not the experiences of any in this but I believe there's times when there have been those who have returned from the house of God when they have had a sweet season of that exaltation in their heart under him may be only momentary sometimes in the singing of the hymns it may be when for a moment or two his name is exalted here on earth there is nothing more blessed than when his name is exalted here on earth when we can really sing the doxology from the heart praise God for whom all blessings flow praise him his children here below praise him above the heavenly host praise Father Son and Holy Ghost ex exalting the sacred tree so there is an exalting in him here on earth when from the heart it softens and I'm sure that it will soften the heart it is here that the rocky heart is broken it is here where all things of the flesh are broken down and where he is exalted fire above all principality and power might or dominion even in their very hearts is exalted to in beholding his handiwork in creation all his works praise him that is very definite as we look upon those things he has created and of which men are trying to dive into and to find out of why and wherefore of these things and also even into the fervent as we know not as well upon it but we know that man is God becoming exceedingly wicked like it was in the days of Noah and also at the

[43:17] Tower of Babel when they said let us build a tower to heaven not knowing the mighty God could come down and confound their languages so he is the same God sinner as in those days so that while we see these things he is exalted even in creation and those things which we behold his handiwork the heavens to exalt him as we behold the sun moon and stars in the fervent which he hath placed there and while man is endeavoured to interfere with them you see I believe the day will come when they will behold his majesty but not to surmise or to venture on anything that we have not really been revealed or looked into we would not go beyond but here and to have him exalted the most vital point is in our hearts exalted the prince of peace and a savior to save us from all our sins well we desire to exalt him here as a few people for all his goodness toward us and all his love to us and all that he hath done for us surely we would return praise and exaltation unto him for all his goodness well there is nothing

[44:57] I feel as more acceptable under the father than when he behold the son being exalted for he loveth the son and he gave him to be our life here on earth our rock and our defense our surety our God and our king he did indeed well may he be that to us as we journey on the remainder of the wilderness and one day in Christ we may be among those people who will be favored to exalt him throughout the countless ages of eternity to praise him forever and ever while praises really languish on our tongues here but then you know that will be an eternal everlasting praise and that forever and no jarring note no exalt in one another now all in a blessed union that union sweet that union with the lamb forever and ever and ever well may you and I be favored to be heavenly will to be above that sacred throne at last amen don't sing− that cheg to be there to be over a a a a a and too to be a a a third going to be six in a an a a it in the it out