Christ, the Bread and Water of Life (Quality: Poor)

Trowbridge - The Halve - Part 44

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Sept. 3, 1967


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[0:00] Again, I would desire to draw your attention to the words you will find in the 104th Psalm of verses 15 and 16.

[0:13] The 15th and 16th verses of the 104th Psalm. And wine that maketh glad the heart of man, and oil to make his face to shine, and bread which strengtheneth men's hearts.

[0:39] The trees of the Lord are full of sand, the seals of Lebanon, which he hath planted.

[0:53] You will remember that we mentioned upon these words by way of the text this morning. Just a few words here to try and gather up the strength a little.

[1:07] We mentioned concerning this psalm, how that the psalmist was led to see God's wonderful works in creation.

[1:22] How the wonders he hath done in all things concerning the world as we know it and behold it.

[1:33] And all those things he hath made, and all those things that were at his command. But we did say there were in the psalms, or were in the psalms, those things which are made applicable to the soul, if the Holy Spirit leads unto them, those things that couch beneath the world.

[2:09] therefore one felt and do, does feel that these particular verses here we have read by way of the text, are those things that are made applicable unto the living soul.

[2:27] that this wine we mentioned this morning, was that wine, the precious wine of the gospel, that Christ came here on, came here on this earth, to declare and also to witness it with his own blood.

[2:55] And that, when a sinner is posed favor to partake, and as the knowledge of the gospel, may know it in their souls, then it is like wine, which gladden their hearts.

[3:23] many other things we said, but that, as a part, of those things we mentioned, concerning how the wine, the wine of the gospel, and we did mention, that this wine, must be put into new bottles.

[3:42] That is to say, into the new man of grace. else, if it was put into the old man of sin, it would leak out, and both would be destroyed.

[3:55] But having, God having caused it to be, to go into the new man of grace, is both our preserved, and will be preserved, through time, and in eternity.

[4:13] A wonderful thing, if you and I are in possession, of the new wine, of the kingdom, of the new wine, of the gospel.

[4:26] So that, we might be preserved. And then we mentioned, the corker, with regards to the oil, the oil of his grace, that grace which is extended, unto the violence of sinners, and made known, unto them, by the power of the Spirit, or how definite it is, that these things are not known, and by fleshly minds, or by any amount of study, unless, I say unless, the Holy Spirit shine, upon the word, and open it up, it will be that letter, the letter of truth of man, that never killeth, tis the Spirit, that maketh alive.

[5:25] And when the Spirit, the Holy Spirit, shines, upon the sacred world, then we see, in a different light, to what we once did, and see those things which, a God hath made known, unto man, through the word, by the revealing of the Spirit, and seal it, and by the blood of the Savior, in our hearts, so that the Trinity, the blessed Trinity, are all consumed, in this matter.

[6:12] Well, in the wine of the Gospel, and the oil of grace. And then we were speaking, before the close of the service, a little concerning the bread, which strengthens the heart of man.

[6:29] And we were speaking then, of this bread, as being the bread of life, the Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.

[6:40] He is the bread of life. We know, it's known to be, so literal, isn't it? And it's often been said, that bread is the start of life.

[6:53] You see, we can live on bread, and water, only. Water for the first, that's a wonderful truth in it. I say, water for the first, we could not live, without water, and we could not live, we are speaking without bread.

[7:14] You see, bread is vital, for the human frame. And so, it is with, so vital, with a living soul. It is the life, the light of the soul, that bread, that came down to heaven.

[7:32] Or how they took it to task. How those religious folk of the dying, the Pharisees. Or they said, we are Abraham's seed.

[7:45] And also, how they said, how can this man give us his flesh to eat? And then, how they said, but our fathers did eat manu in the wilderness, and our dead.

[8:01] Or how they took our best favorite task. Not knowing his monthly power. Not knowing that he knew their craft, and their deceit.

[8:12] And so, how he, he said, I am that living bread. Your father did eat manu in the wilderness, and our dead.

[8:23] And so, it was manu, he showed them, or told them the truth, and that he could not receive it.

[8:33] And he told them why. He said, he are your father that did you, and if works he will do. All my friends, our dear Stavis, penny trading on, have appeared into the inbuilt recesses of every human heart.

[8:49] He knows whether we are, we are genuine, human, or whether we are, are, are, alienated from them.

[9:00] So, it's no use of trying to think, if we can, if we deceive others, and we are self deceived, we cannot deceive him, who, in each race, grind into the inmost recesses of our hearts.

[9:16] We are, here, before him, who, when he were on earth, knew the hearts of all men. And it was only he that had the just right, our true saying, he are your father the devil.

[9:34] He could only judge rightly. It doesn't give us license to, to use such words to others. But, you see, he, and you, and their hearts.

[9:48] So that, they could not receive him, as that bread of life. But, we hope, that we have, that earnest desire in our hearts.

[10:02] Not only to see him as the bread of life, but to partake. That's so vital. To partake. I believe I mentioned this morning, that he eats my flesh, and drink my blood.

[10:18] He hath no life in you. Our dear Saviour, that solemn truth he defends, when he is on earth. And like many others, are missed declarations that men could not receive.

[10:34] But you'll find, my friend, if you're rightly led. You'll receive it. Though he may make you tremble, he'll receive it in the love of it.

[10:46] Though he came from the lips of him that could not laugh. Though he came from the lips of spake, never as man spake, that is with authority.

[10:58] Being almighty God, as well as man. So then, if he has given us, a crown, at any time, of that living bread, that was came down from heaven himself.

[11:17] It will strengthen us. There's nothing strengthen, like a taste, of his love and mercy to us. That is what it means partaking of it.

[11:30] If we have partaken, of his love, his mercy and his grace, they are strengthening a time with us.

[11:47] You know, some of us have been sometimes, in those places, weary and warm and ready to faint. We've been in those places where, we have feared, that we should never, once more, have a revival.

[12:07] And we've seemed to be, that once there is all, winter time with me. I seemed to be wither, and seemed to have, nothing really baffled, in my soul.

[12:23] Well, it is the very thing that will weaken. Weaken the soul, weaken the sinner. But remember this, that it will never, according to, a wither of wine.

[12:38] He might feel withered, but, like one said, withered, that he be withered, if severed from the vine. But you know, I believe, God's people, are coming to these places, to, to, cause them to renew, their requests, with more of a, human faith.

[13:05] So make your pride. I said, make your pride. You come into a place, in, a place of, of weakness, and feel ready to find, and feel ready perhaps, to give up all.

[13:23] Well, how when you come into these places, what you need, again, and again, and again, is another taste, of the living breath.

[13:34] And when he comes, as I've still already said, it'll strengthen you. And for, for a time, you'll be able to go on your way, rejoicing.

[13:47] You'll be able to, walk in the thorny road. You'll be able to, I look at your pathway, and be able to say, as from the heart, he has done all things well.

[14:01] He has done, according unto his wisdom. And, by a hand. And, you'll be able to say, I was, warm love, but he has lifted me up.

[14:18] I was cast down. How God, he put forth his arm, and delivered me. And many, other experiences too.

[14:29] How you might feel, if I be, that you'll be weakened, through the fear of death. That often, a time when, a child of God, fears death, the wicked don't fear it.

[14:45] I mean, in the way, that you and I fear it. You see, they may, when he comes near the death, have some kind of fears.

[14:59] And there may be a deathbed, repentance as this call. They may cry it under God. But you know, my friends, when our judges here, there is a length day, a length hour, I know.

[15:14] But you see, he's by the fruit. And God, will judge, righteous judgment in all things.

[15:26] But nevertheless, I believe there'd be many a struggle, in the art of art, of death, for the fear of hell. But none of them, but with God's people, that he makes a way, you see, of truth, who, are the shade of death.

[15:47] And there, it is there, I believe, he gives them, gives them, that strength. Even there, as I go through, the stormy sea.

[16:01] Yes, although I have thought, you've heard me say it here, I know before, that I have all thought, how he's with his people, this side of the river.

[16:12] He's with them, in the midst of the street of it. And we know, if he's with them here, and with them in the, in the midst of the street of it, he'll be on the other side of the river.

[16:27] Ah, you know, that sometimes, ah, when the abudence speaks of it, when they pass through the river, ah, they may be fearful.

[16:38] Ah, but you know, there was that companion, that precious and rich, good hope to raise. Thou said, cheer up, brother, I feel the bother.

[16:57] And wine then, to make it, blood bled the heart of man, and oil to make his face to shine, and bread, and that strengthens it, the heart of man, or man's heart.

[17:12] And so it will be, these things that are made known to us, ah, will strengthen us. They'll strengthen us, through blind journey, and, ah, the few remaining days in the wilderness, ah, for, with the youngest here, it'll be just a few, few days, you know, we've been seeing others tonight, haven't you?

[17:38] They're concerning, time, what an empty vagrant is, and days, how swift they are, far-facing us, aren't they, to a never-ending eternity.

[17:50] Oh, may God, offer us to spend the, the, the few years we have allotted unto us yet, each one of us here, and to, as serve him, as, as we are enabled, and more and more.

[18:06] For my friends, ah, what, what are the things of this life, compared, ah, with the beauty, and the greatness, of the magic of him?

[18:17] Why, you see, that, he is a left pearl, of great grass, more precious, than all things else, more precious than our daily food, more precious than all our possessions.

[18:36] For, you see, a day will come, ah, when we hope, to see him as he is. As I said, only on Friday evening, at the closing of the service, when I was, I should be satisfied, when I awake, in his lightness.

[18:56] and breath, and breath, and which strengthens the heart of man. And his breath strengthens, the heart, of man.

[19:11] as so that, these visits, when he comes, and blesses the soul, enables us to go forward. And though, we may have, yet, many a trial, many a difficulty, and will only be, and through his strengthening, we should be able to stand.

[19:43] Well then, the next verse, 16 verses, the trees of the Lord, are full of sun. These are those trees, that we know God have planted.

[19:55] These are those trees, that we know God have planted. These are those planted by the rivers of waters. That precious water, which proceeds from the river, of his love.

[20:10] They are planted by these streams, of the rivers of water. And it is by these streams, that the word of his love, that flows from, out of the river, that proceeds from beneath, the throne and gone the land.

[20:32] All that love, the boundless, unmeasurable love, that my tongue has never yet been able to, and never will.

[20:43] We shall never enter into the depths of it, till we enter into it above. I've got that love, I've got that love, I've got it which is known, and it will all heal on earth.

[20:56] It is those trees of life, that are my living trees, in a living Christ, that are rooted in him, and therefore being rooted in him, they are full of stuff.

[21:15] They rise and receive all their life from him, from him, and therefore, that they, they, they, take root downward, into Christ, and then, they are, secure in him.

[21:44] And these trees too are those which, are by the grace of God, that are. that are. in Christ, they are those trees that bear fruit.

[22:06] Yes, bear fruit. It's not like a deep tree, which our dear Savior, when he came, and that found no fruit there all.

[22:19] He just cut it down. Or he, or in this case, I think I've got it just wrong there, there's another time, he just cut it down, while he covered it to the ground.

[22:31] About this particular case, it was that, and he said, be no, no fruit, grow on the ends, for forever. You know, his disciples passed by with him the next day, and they said, behold, that big tree.

[22:48] He was withered. I saw that, and you know, every tree that bringeth our fruit, his Father taketh away.

[23:09] But the fruits, and the trees that are planted in him, and abiding in him, bear fruit.

[23:25] And so he said in the word, that he had ordained them, that they might go, and bear much fruit. While these fruits, are those fruits too, which you heard me say, that will remain.

[23:37] I live to prove, that the cankered fruits of flesh, are those that do not remain. It cannot remain, for if they remain through time , for if they remain through time they'll perish in hell I say they remain in time they'll perish in hell if we're not for those who are not delivered from it are the fruits of the spirit and those fruits that emanate are from his grace in the soul are those that shall remain when he said your honour and that your fruit should remain so that is that fruit that is born for are by the trees of the Lord that are full of sand that is derived are from the Lord and Saviour

[24:49] Jesus Christ and they are planted by the rivers of water that perceive the love of God and that bear fruit well now the fruit of love is that that is made known by God and this would we pour love in our heart under him a precious fruit indeed if we have that love in our heart toward God and that with that love is in exercise and we really felt known it will be above all other loves we cannot describe can we to another even the that sense of love we have one for another whatever and whoever it may be that can't be described it's got to be false isn't it but how much greater is this love this love of God in us all we can't explain it we can't fathom it but we know we have it because there's times when we we we say around

[26:18] I all support extend my fever arms I twine you feel do you not when these fruits are made known that you love and you love all others and there are times when you do love him beyond all others he is most precious and exceedingly precious as of the soul the twigs of the Lord that are full of that the seed of the letter it seems to my mind to confirm or to convey rather that you know the seed of Lebanon were and are wonderful trees to be admired and you know how it was that the house of God there was the cedars the cedarwood that was to be used in the house of

[27:26] God that he give orders unto one to build in the oldest pensation well I see it in my mind here though I don't want to wrongly divide the word but it's that these trees of the Lord are like the seed of Lebanon in the sight of God and that he beholds them as such and that they are of mind not only as he sees them in Christ oh I believe that the Father beholds all the trees that are in Christ as being like the seed of leatherman how that they are beautiful to behold as they are pure and holy and undefiled in Christ holy men and only they walk in this blessed way of love we shall never find holiness in our souls but you know there are as the poet as also good men they are but be known that goodness proceeds from God alone and so it is my friends when I've heard it said sometimes good

[29:05] Mr. someone and good Mrs. someone else well that goodness it is Christ if they have any goodness we shall have to look beyond the old nature I don't speak that wrongly God forbid but I'll have to look far beyond my old wretched nature to find any goodness there ain't one string of it in me so of it it's in that new nature and there is that one that new man that stands completely in Christ through all these trees and God the Father looks upon them as such as they stand in Christ and he says here which he hath planted which he hath planted well they were they God the Father hath planted these trees they were planted in the time before all eternity planted in the garden which

[30:15] God from time to time visits here below and so it is that he comes into the garden where he has planted them as we read in the song he comes into his garden and there he beholds those trees and his own lawn planting and there you know he too is seen in that garden and is described as the apple tree among the trees so is the apple tree among the wood so is the wood among the trees so that is as that apple tree you see among them in the wood that is so blessedly as seen by the eye of faith as he those precious fruits that he produced when on the cross salvation forgiveness and love and deliverance all embodied in a precious

[31:32] Christ as so then he comes then into his garden and there too he has come thou north wind and blow thou south upon my garden that the spices may flow forth and so there are times when the north wind blows chilly wind isn't it boisterous wind often and it looks as though it might in the winter time what we say scorch up everything appears sooner do you know what the north wind is when he comes down into his garden and causes the north wind to blow in your own experience then but you know he said come down north wind and blow thou south so there was there is the genial soft wind that he comes and blows upon these trees that he had planted and then when that is so there will be soft showers aged we will come down with showers of blessing and water these trees with the watering of these showers of blessing and they shall feel the sweetness and the blessings of it and the refreshing of it so that they are watered and then there will be those precious spices that flow forth out of their heart adoration and love unto him or does this not remind us that the birth of

[33:34] Christ how those wine men came with their presence gold frankincense and birth and so used that it will come come unto him with these sweet spices that flow forth that of your heart and your great form into singing your great form into june your goes forth and the dances of them and make merry in your heart these are the things that make merry in the heart of man peace joy love and all those things that emanate by the work of the spirit and from the mother of God shed a blood in the heart the trees of the Lord and our full of the seers of Lebanon which he hath planted has stolen is any of us here in any humble measure and they have somehow as we know something of the power try and always remember this never measure your experience with another for

[35:04] God doesn't be all in the same depths but he leaves some deeper and some not so deep but it must be genuine it must be real therefore I often feel when I declare these things that I might be left well I don't know just if I the right word left if I might go over the heads of my heroes they say well I have not enter into bad and yet I desire that there be any here that cannot enter into it as you would desire pray for it ask the Lord to lead you teach you guide you and give you some evidence sense that you are among these trees and when he gives you the evidence may you thank him for it for they are choice

[36:07] God's people are choice the exodus of the earth the world I think it so they consider us to be the house of scaring war beings cast oats what a favour gather their cards of Israel says God what a mercy to be one of their cards to be gathered to know something of the real and blessed things that God has recorded in his word and give us a little light upon them to encourage us to go forth day by day into any fresh bottle that might be out pile he said to dear Moses I will make all my goodness pass before thee in the way and he will he has made he will you whatever trial that you might have to pass through and

[37:19] I hope what love is for and from the mouth of God and Moses is if thy presence go not with me carry me not offence and there is other things too and then our God said that to him I will make all my goodness pass before thee in the way he goes before he has whatever trials in your power place and I know I shall be the same as yourselves by coming to any place trial or difficulty I shall know doubt seek low but never then has it doesn't know that God would whatever trials in the future he has said I will name all my goodness pass before as the word before in the way he goes before he makes preparation for every trial you know yes he makes every preparation and has made it already for you and

[38:26] I and he'll make all his goodness pass before us when we come to our end for he has made he has he has a kingdom which he has gone to prepare in my father's answers as many mansions with what I so have told you I go to prepare a place for you that where I am he might be also let not your heart be troubled he began that chapter he believed in God believe also in me oh what mercy it is if he if he has fallen on our behalf God has prepared a place for us and Lord I always like to think of this one thing he's going to prepare a place for us he will not come to that place as ready for us

[39:29] I believe a heavenly building is being built if I may say that behind me that is to explain myself one here and another gathered from among me and presently the final one will be gathered by then the shout will be grace grace unto it all what mercy to be among the throngs was shout of cry that and unto that topmost old grace grace be unto it where he worthy of all praise his own glory I wish we could praise him more here than I wish I often felt that much of late I wish I could thank him more for all his mercies and his goodness that he has bestowed upon us but nevertheless the one consolation we have are that he look at the heart when we poor preachers feel the lack those crazes and thankfulness in our heart he looks the heart

[40:37] I've often taught when we ask a blessing upon our food I've often had a more thankful heart when I hadn't said a word I've had to shed tears sometimes over my mules has not seen brothers but a silent one you know sometimes wiped it away for him but he did see it God saw it that's thankfulness for our daily truth my friends oh don't misunderstand me here it's quite right to do these things at all times but I believe there's those of you understand I hope when it comes and it's yours personal and you feel thankful for those things you've given the food we and the clothes we wear and a covering for our head thought so much about our dear savior foxes of old the birds of the air of nests the son of man above where lay his head or what a mercy to be a companion sometimes in heartfelt union unto him though he's given us more we deserve but to feel it and to know it and to look upon these things of life well my friends

[42:07] I must give over may the Lord be pleased to let his blessing amen