[0:00] The words I would venture to try and make a few remarks from you will find it In the 104th Psalm Verses 15 and 16 The 15th and 16th verses of the 104th Psalm And wine that maketh glad the heart of man And oil to make his face to shine And bread which strengthens the heart of man The trees of the Lord are full of sap The cedars of Lebanon Which he hath planted One had no intention to speak from these words until a moment or two ago
[1:01] For the simple reason that what I had from my mind completely went Therefore I am God who knoweth all things Is that one that cannot do but what is right And though it may be mysterious to us There is nothing mysterious to him Therefore As we are compelled to go that way Which he leadeth and guideth We venture upon these words here before us Well we have been reading this song And how it does set forth
[2:03] Without doubt The wondrous works of God In creation In that provision is made for man and beast And there is every evidence of his truth Of his great power And might In performing all that is declared by the psalmist And all who have the eyes to see naturally Behold it But there is much more In God's world As we are enabled To see those things that come to believe the word Than just the mere surface of it And so there is
[3:03] Even in the psalms When the psalmist speaks of these things of God's mighty works There are now and then those things that we behold That are made applicable Unto the work of God In the soul of man And therefore As we read the word And desire As we should To read it with that longing That God would unfold it to us And make known unto us those things That shall be profitable For our souls Nothing short of this We know We know Will be of any value Really and truly
[4:04] For the establishment Of those things in our souls That are so vital and important If we are to If we are to enter Into heaven So we want those things Which Shall be Made known to us That shall have an enduring substance When all things are But finish Well The psalmist here Speaks of that wine That make it glad The heart of man Well This is applicable Unto the gospel The gospel That new wine Of which our Savior declared New wine Must be put into new bottles
[5:07] As that is to say That the new wine Of the gospel Will be by God Put into the new bottle That is the new man of grace It cannot Find It cannot be of any value Than to put it into the old bottle Else the bottles will boast Our Savior says And the wine Will be got But you see When that new wine Of the gospel Is put into the new bottle The new man of grace And both are preserved Not only preserved through time But preserved In eternity Therefore This new wine Of the gospel Is that which Which makes glad
[6:09] The heart of man And if you and I Have come into his house This day Cars down With many fears Troubled and tried As to our standing in Christ It will be This new wine Of the gospel That will be The only Thing that Will glad Your heart A soul That It's a wonderful Birthday If we have A case A case For God Many Many might Have a case And come To man With it We might Go without Troubles To man Doesn't mean We shall not Discuss Our troubles With one another I don't mean that But you know
[7:10] There's only one Friend One friend The friend Of sinners Whereunto We may go Without Troubles Knowing this While our Friends Cannot help us In the Delivering Of us We have A friend In Jesus Who can Deliver And will Deliver He has One That we Can go On to And while He already Knows Our condition Knows Our state He is Able To understand As he Knows All things Yet He has Said I'll be Inquietal Therefore You and I In our Trouble In our Affictions In either Body Mind Or soul Will certainly
[8:11] Wend our Way To the Latter Seat And we Shall come Under him And While we May not Be able To say Many Words But He Looketh At the Heart The Sorrowful Heart Looks At the Sorrows And prevail And the Many Advertis Are that Prevail And Also Behold Those that Are tempted Are those That may be Tempted To give up Remember Remember If there's One year Last You're not The only One Or the First One Either That's Been Tempted To give Out Jeremiah Was Tempted To give Out God And Jonah
[9:14] He was Determined To give Up As it Were When he Refused To go To Nineveh We have Many Companions In the Word of God In that Sense But we Have a Greater Companion In Christ Because he's Over all He's a Companion That knows And knows All our Failures Knows all Our weaknesses Remember That we Are dust Remember That we Cannot move On hand Or foot To do Any one Good thing For ourselves Sees our Weakness And Sees us Just as We are It is The Searcher Of all Things Therefore It is Not to Come to Him As an Informer But to Come to Him As an Asker Asking Him
[10:14] For those Things That we Need Which I Already Said He knows But Since We are To inquire Of Him We are To come Under Him And Asking To Do Those Things For us Which we Cannot do For ourselves There is Of saying You know Used by The world And God Helps Things That help Themselves Well you know They've got it The wrong way Around Everything God Helps Them That cannot Help Themselves Unless And that Is a Vastly Different Thing When it Reverses Death Oh what a Mercy that He is One That comes And helps Those That cannot Help Themselves To How do you Find it
[11:14] Sinner As you Come Into God's House You know For a while That you Cannot hear Unless The Lord That the Lord Have stopped The devil You know Doing well That the Word cannot Enter Unless He May The passage For it To enter And You know Doing well That you Cannot see Unless He Opened The blind Eyes Therefore Coming In that Healthless Condition As many Did in The world When he Revealed On us How they Caved Just those Conditions The poor Blind Man Who Say The Savior Said unto Him What Grunf
[12:15] Thou I Shall Do Unto The Oh Lord That I May Receive My Sight The Way Like That He To be Blind And You Want The Lord To Open Your Eyes You Know These Need Are There You Hear And Declared You Know They Are In The World There May Be One That Can See Them Like The Other Blind Man I Wish The Savior Touched His Eyes And Asked Told To Look Out And Asked What He Saw He Says I See Men As Trees Walking In The One Like That Here You Have Some To In These Things But You See Only As If These Things In A Fog As It Were In A Mist Well Such A One Will Be Crying Out
[13:15] Under Him And If There Be Such The Time Will Come He Will Once More Touch Thine Eyes And Then As You Look Off Even Under Heaven How You Be Able To See Clearly Stolen How This Is That Wine Of The Gospel How That Gladens The Heart It Causes Us To Rejoice Within You Know There Are Times Of Rejoicing And It Doesn't Even With Rejoicing We Know Literally There Are Measures Of It And So It Is In The Rejoicing Of The Heart It Doesn't Mean We Will Get Excited Or Anything Of That Fine No This Rejoicing Of Our Heart Is That When
[14:15] We Are Humbled Before Him When We Are Brought Into A Place Where We Realize His Great Goodness And Mercy And Love Toward Us Well I Felt That This Past We Get That Is The Past Few Days How His Goodness His Wastful Care His Love His Mercy To Us Preserving Us Well All These Things Will Rejoice Our Hearts And We Shall Acknowledge His Great Goodness Toward Us And Sparing Our Sin Fultive Lions But There's Something Great To In That Through The Gospel Of The Lord And Saviour Jesus Christ There Is That Precious
[15:16] Wine That His People Are Favored To Partake Of That Wine That Flows From Calvary And That Precious Atonement All What Christian Wine This Is By To The Taste Of A Sinner It's Only Sinners That Know Sinners Who Have Felt It And Look Upon Themselves As Being Unworthy Of The Least Of His Notice Like The Poor Man That Came To Him And Said I Am Not Worthy The Church Come Over Under My Rule How Do We Feel It I Have Many Times Not Worthy He He Come Under My Rule Well You See He Came That Way And In Coming
[16:16] That Way To Him He Proved That Christ Was Compassionate Love Suffering And Tend to In Love Toward Mankind Even Those Who Came Under Him In Their Trouble And Trial Or We Can Rightly By In All Times Of Trouble And Need For He Is Our Eternal Lord He Is Our Only Savior Where Unto We Might Come And He Is To Like A Loving Father You Know As The Father Looks Upon Their Children How He
[17:16] Has Pity About His Heart Toward Them From Time To Time The Child May Not Realize It So It Is Spiritually We Do Not Always Realize The Love Those In The Heart Of The Savior Toward His Children So That There Is That Wine That Flows Through The Merits Of The Lord And Savior Jesus Christ And So When We Are Given Faith To Behold And To See His Love Toward Us In That He Came To Suffer Bleed And Down That Sure I Might Have Eternal Night Surely It Is Through His Death
[18:16] There Is Life A Deep Mystery But Had Not Christ Had Dying There Be No Life So Once Ordained Of God In The Covenant And That Our Savior As You Come And Die For The Sins Of His People Oh What A Death It Is That All The Sins Of God's People Are Swallowed Up In The Ocean Of That Christ Atonement Your Sin And Mine So Black And Foul As They Are Yet Swallowed Up In Him It Is This In This Knowledge It Is That Wine That Glidden The Heart It Cheers The Spirit It Brings Us Into Into A Path It
[19:17] Might Be With Some Which Have Not They Have Not Known Here To For I Wish Of Some More Sinner Here This Morning Or Today I May Know The Sweetness Of The Precious Wine Of The Gospel If They Have Not Known It Here To For That They May Have Some Sweet Toven In Their Soul That The Saviour Died For Them And That He Chose Them Before All Worlds And That It It Was Need To Be That He Should Come And Pay The Uttermost Cost Of That Law Of The Demand Of That Law Which
[20:18] The Father Demanded Which You And I Would Have Never Paid Well May You Any Of You May Feel Those Terrors In The Heart Of And Behold That In Jesus Our Saviour Of Mankind Has Pardoned Your Sin And That You May Know The Sweetness And The Blessed Nance Of Part Taking Of The Wine Of The Gospel And Once You Have Taken Of It Whatever Might There Be Whatever Part You In There I Can Never Never Never Reforce That Blessed State For You Have One Taste Of It God In His Old Time Of Wine I
[21:19] Will Come And Give You Another Sip Of That Precious One Over How Some Of Us We Look Back Upon Life Journey And Had To Prize Those Times And Seasons How When He Come And Glad They Are Heart And Then When This Is The Case And Your Call Upon The Trees Of The Forest To Collect Their Hands In Praise And Adoration Unto Him That Means Call Upon All Those Trees Which I Wanted To Come Into Later The Trees Of The Lord Sound God And Planting These Are Thou That Praise Him In Fact All His Works Praise Him But For This Particular Thing Here I'm Speaking Of If
[22:19] I'll Praise Him For His Precious Atonement And So That When One Is Gladden In Heart Because Of The Taste Of The Wine Of The Gospel There Will Be Those Times When They Would Desire That All His People I Might Enter Into That Praise With Him And Also There Are Times When This Wine Of The Gospel Is Made Precious To Them In Their Times Of Trouble I Mean This When You May Be Some Following Furnace Has Some Difficulty In Life's Journey Which He Has Ordained You Must Walk In Even
[23:22] In The Midst Of It When He Comes As He Does And Use Us Strength To Bear It And Also Makes A Way For Us It And In His Own Tongue Way Leads Us Out Of It Then We Are Favored To Be Able To Praise Him And Also Sometimes Praise Him In The Midst Of It I Remember On One Occasion In My Own Case And These Are Blore To Our Mind In The Midst Of Deep Trials How We Were Favored To Praise His Holy Name In The Midst Of It For One Taste Of This Precious Wine You Know It Is A Great Death To Try We Cannot Convey To Another Really But
[24:22] In A Great Death How When In The Midst Of Deep Trials He Comes Over In All Relieves The Pain And Sometimes Takes It Entirely Away For The Time Being And Gives Us To Feel His Sweet Presence And To Be Able To Feel That All Is Well And Yet Not See The End But He Knows The End From The Beginning For It Is He That Ordains Our Troubles I May Say That Rightly And It Is He That Brings Us Out Of Them And Also Makes Them Profitable We That Getting And I Can
[25:34] For the time being at least, everything else that we have to endure is outside.
[25:50] Well, this wine then england the heart of man. It glend the heart of those, I would say, just now around him.
[26:02] And then there was a dear Mary at whom he cast seven delirals. Don't you think of her heart of glad?
[26:15] How when she felt the release of her from the terrible condition she was in, she made evidence of it.
[26:25] To see how she loved her Lord and Master and how she followed him. And there will be a following him.
[26:37] Following him as we are enabled. To his devil, how to do those things he commanded. And to know something in what you've been singing.
[26:51] The gas of a field of dawn. Which is an anxious light to all that's right. And a bar to all that's wrong. Or that it was an exercise more.
[27:03] I wish I had to live daily in the exercise of those words that dear heart penned. To know we're poor, failing creatures.
[27:18] And we wouldn't shelter under it, God forbid. But we'll confess it before him. That we are such. That we cannot do as we would desire from day to day.
[27:37] Well, and the wine that make it glad to the heart of man. It gladdened the heart. To...
[27:47] To... Of many that came under him. That dear woman that came behind him in the press.
[28:01] Or how many times in our experience as we come... With crowds before us.
[28:11] Crowds around us. I mean doubts, fears. And many things that hinder our approach unto Christ. But you see...
[28:25] All those things made are the more ardent. The more determined. Because if I may... I like that word may.
[28:35] If I may. But touch the hem of his garment. Watch behold. Contact. With Jesus. To be able to come...
[28:47] Behind him. While you may... Feel that our many... In the way. Have come behind him.
[29:00] And it shows us, does it not? As he was not... One of those that... Come with a presumption. All came into his...
[29:10] Rushed into his... Into his presence. As a landing horse rushes into Babel. But... Reck behind him. One said, I'll creep in.
[29:22] Behind him is a worm. Why do you know? When she came there... In that way... The idea... Somebody touched me.
[29:34] And his disciples didn't understand it. Did they? They said... There's a frog around thee. And...
[29:46] He said... Someone touched you arm. He said... Virtue has gone over me. I know he spoke to the woman. Didn't he?
[29:58] God in peace. God in faith. That made me whole. I wish that might go over some force in us. The one of the Godful.
[30:14] Thy faith has saved thee. God in peace. That will then blend the heart.
[30:27] That word spoken. And by our status. If you once receive it. I repeat. It will never, never more depart.
[30:40] Though you may have to pass through many changes. Before the end. Well then there's linen, the oil.
[30:53] The oil and... To make the face to shine. I saw that. There is the oil. The oil of his grace.
[31:05] His mercy. His love. The oil of his grace. Which is extended. Unto. A year on.
[31:18] Daily grace. Which never endure. And in our way not for that grace. That upholds us. And so his grace is extended.
[31:31] And so his grace is extended. To sinners. Extended unto those. Who deserve. To be banished forever.
[31:45] And yet. That daily grace. We have to say. Do we not often with a poet. O to grace.
[31:55] O great editor. O great editor. The day I am constrained to thee. The day I am constrained to thee. He is my heart Lord. Like a fiddle.
[32:07] Thine my wandering. Heart to thee. Nevertheless. His grace knows no change. He doesn't take away.
[32:18] His grace. Because of our. Provocative nature. And of what we are.
[32:29] By nature. Doesn't give us license. To sin. Not with some. Without with belief. Rather he brings us into an antinomian spirit.
[32:40] Enter no manism. As a. Awful thing. Detestable thing. Which some. Shower and girls. Our tools.
[32:53] Our things. That they can go on in sin. Because it will be alright at last. If they are in the covenant. As far as in the sight of God.
[33:07] Yet there are some are left in it. And we might have been there. But nevertheless. We must give these. Kindly warnings. From time to time. Lest.
[33:19] As Satan. Might take advantage. Of those things we declare. So that. There might be a clearing off.
[33:29] Of those points. So vital. And made perfectly clear. But you see. There will be. That.
[33:43] Endeavoring to do those things. That are alright. In God's sight. That we may not sin. That grace might abound.
[33:55] Our dear apostle said. God forbid. That we should sin. That grace may abound. But rather than. That we might be kept from it.
[34:06] Or how we. Think of that prayer. Dear Jabez. When he said. Oh that thou would bless me indeed.
[34:17] And large my coast. That thou would keep me from sinning. And me though. You may not breathe me. And then to have. And then to have. The precious oil.
[34:29] Of his grace may know. In the knowledge. That he granted him. His request. And so that is.
[34:41] The essence. Of his. Of his grace. When he grants. Our request. And so then. That all.
[34:51] Causes the face to shine. So that. Whereas we may. We. Come before him. Of a sent countenance.
[35:06] And. Come before him. And cannot look up. Have on our heads. And hung down. Like.
[35:16] Like. As it were. Like a bull rush. And cannot. Feel as we would desire. Well. As times. When. He causes the face to shine.
[35:29] You know. There is nothing. To be prepared. With that holy joy. Within. That causes the face to shine.
[35:42] Because of his grace. Joy. Not all sorrows. Is it? That joy. How which emanates.
[35:53] From the. Peace. Speaking blood of the cross. That peace. Which parteth all understanding. That peace.
[36:04] How which subdues. All being. To vault. Are with him. Causes a great. Enemy. A soul. To depart.
[36:16] And then. At times. Are leaders. The soul. And Christ. And another. And another. And to come together.
[36:31] Or how close. Sometimes. As a spirit. The holy spirit. That is his world. How brings the soul. Of man.
[36:42] To Christ. All that. That is his union. Here it is. I believe. You've heard me speak about the embrace.
[36:53] Before. God. But it is here. I believe. That there is an embracing. Cause of his grace. Cause of the face to shine.
[37:04] And we are favored. To cover. And embrace him. And be able to say. This is my beloved. And then. My friends.
[37:14] It is about. 30 moment. And at those times. We hold everything. He on this earth. With a loose hand. Everything. Those times.
[37:25] When we can feel. That he's ours. And as he calls us. To rejoice with him. And it is for those few moments.
[37:37] That we can hold everything. I say again. With a loose hand. A four way power. Greater riches. Than those that are immediate.
[37:50] Greater riches. That this world can give us. Greater riches. Than all we might possess. For our thought.
[38:01] Concerning. Our Lord. In his. Great compassion. Throughout the scripture. You will find. How he prospered.
[38:11] A son. In his time stage. Sons that were in the covenant of grace. Who he had caused their faces to shine. And to know.
[38:23] Who to know his life eternal. How he prospered. And when he brought them to places. Brought them into those places. Where. They were alone.
[38:35] With Christ. In the. Looking forward. As we look back. Upon him. And therefore. There was dear Jacob.
[38:47] For how he prospered him. The capital he gave him in honor. And. And. Many riches. But you know. He had his troubles.
[39:00] When he come to Brook Jabok. He had his troubles. He feared that. He was going to be destroyed with his brother. He lost sight.
[39:12] And God for the time being. And God had promised. Promised to bring him back to Bethel. And yet that was a way back. Into Bethel. And so it was you see.
[39:25] That God blessed him there. Right in that three trouble. Caused his face to shine. Showed him his grace. And.
[39:36] Made it made known unto him. So that he was still the God of Abraham. Isaac and Jacob. And nothing should. Fail.
[39:48] What he had spoken. Of all those things. Unto. Unto. Those before him.
[39:59] Therefore it was. Even in that very place. He had to wrestle. So will you. You'll find there will be times. When you'll have to wrestle.
[40:12] Wrestle in prayer. Then you'll know the truth. Of the poet. Wrestling prayer. Cause wonders do. Bring relief.
[40:24] In deepest traits. Prayer can enhance. Forced to push it through. Iron baths. And great gates.
[40:36] Because one here this morning. Got a brazen gate. And an iron bar around them. There's only one. Who will open it. And burst asunder. And he will his own time away.
[40:50] I bet you'll find. I'll be the wrestling. I love to wrestle. In prayer. And. Like the end Jacob.
[41:01] How he wrestled. And I love that portion. Of God's words. How he wrestled. Until the break of day. And so you let go. Wrestled until the break of day.
[41:13] And though it may be. Dark as feverish night. In your wrestling. When. The eagles said. Let me go. The day break.
[41:24] How close he was. For his deliverance. At the break of day. And so he came. Into that place. I will not let thee go.
[41:36] Unless thou bless me. And he blessed him there. He did indeed. Blessed him so much so. By that. When he came to his brother.
[41:48] His brother's anger was appeased. Oh what a wonderful truth. And also how.
[42:01] How we see too. That God. Shows us. That time. That such times. He'll weaken. Our strength.
[42:12] Not his strength. Our strength. In the one. For he touched him. In the other response. He did it. And. If you have a joint.
[42:26] All my friends. To have. To be made. To have our treat. If we're going. If we're going. If we're going. And perhaps.
[42:38] Trying to do many things. For our souls. God knows. But if he's. Cause our. Our spine. If he had a joint. So we don't.
[42:49] Lush as much. As we did once. Weakened our strength. In the ways. Our great favour. It is indeed. Some of us. That one time. A day. We tried to make.
[43:00] Great strides. In religion. Thought we were getting on. Very well. But he comes. And weakens. Takes away. Our strength. That his strength.
[43:11] Might be made. Perfect. In our weakness. And wine.
[43:23] That maketh lend. The heart of man. And oil. To make his face. To shine. And bread. Which strengthens. Man's heart.
[43:35] And bread. As we begin to speak about this bread. John. The bread of life. Therefore.
[43:48] He is that living bread. Which we derive. Our life. That is the life of God in the soul. And that life.
[44:00] That shall never die. In everlasting life. That when. Death. Is swallowed up in the victory of Christ.
[44:13] As it was. When he rose from the dead. So. My friends. This life. The life of God. In the soul. Never dies.
[44:25] And when you and I. Our mortal. Bodies. Our place in the doom. There is that. That everlasting life. We cannot fathom.
[44:36] We are not intended. I don't feel believed to fathom it. For it is treated up. In the mind of Jehovah. Never. Nevertheless. Faith believes it.
[44:48] That there is an eternal life. A living soul. That takes its flight. To be with Christ. Forever. And ever and ever.
[45:00] Oh. How true it is. That he will not destroy. The righteous. With the wicked. And die will come.
[45:10] When we hope some of us. If not all. I will remind you. All God knows. We are not judges here. How but to have that hope.
[45:22] That when that great. A trumpet shall be blown. And all the earth. Called to assemble before the throne. That his people.
[45:35] Will never see the destruction of the wicked. I saw him.
[45:46] And that bread. That precious bread. The bread of life. Which our Savior is to us. And he said. He said. Eat my flesh. And drink my blood.
[45:59] He hath no life in you. So that. To have. Have this hope in us. That there has been one season.
[46:10] In our life. When we are home. We have been a favorite. Of a portion of this bread. And it is those seasons.
[46:22] And I have been all. I have been speaking of here this morning. Very briefly. That it is those seasons. That we are favored. To partake.
[46:35] Of the bread of life. Sweet it is. Is that. That that brain. Is that in due forever. And.
[46:46] Yeah. It strengthens something. When we are. In great weakness. And ready to faint. And feel almost on the borders of death.
[47:00] I mean in our soul's experience. It says. Then one crop. Of this living bread. Strengthens. Our heart.
[47:13] And enables us to go on. A little further. In the way. That he has appointed. Why. There's times. How when we come into those places.
[47:25] And have to say. I'm ready to hold. And see. See what we need to give up. And feel much weakness. Yes. Yet.
[47:36] It is these times. When. He comes and grants us. A little taste. Of this living bread. So. Well.
[47:47] He'll be to us. At the end of those times. Exceedingly precious. He'll be to us. More. Than anything else.
[47:57] Here on earth. It will indeed. And yet. You know. When I speak these things. It won't. It won't increase our love. For others.
[48:07] It doesn't mean that. For our loved ones. And so on. It won't. Do that sort of thing. Whatsoever. But.
[48:18] Just at those few moments. As I mentioned before. We shall be alone. Again. When we are favored of our take. Of a portion.
[48:30] Of his precious. His precious bread. Him song. Well may God grant. That you and I may know more. And more and more.
[48:41] Of these precious truths. That they may be our meat and our good. That they may be made known more and more. To us. The two remaining days.
[48:52] In the world. Amen.