Going with Jesus (Quality: Average)

London - Shaftesbury Avenue - Part 3

Sermon Image
Jan. 1, 1900


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[0:00] Paul Turner gave to the book of Genesis, chapter 24, reading verse 58.

[0:13] And they called Rebekah and said unto her, Will they go with this man? And she said, I will go.

[0:30] The book of Genesis, chapter 24, verse 58. And they called Rebekah and said unto her, Will they go with this man?

[0:48] And she said, I will go. As we ventured a few thoughts from these words this morning, our time was taken up with looking, in a more general sense, at the circumstances recorded in this chapter.

[1:20] The way that the Lord led that servant of Abraham, even to that place, to that spot where Rebekah should come.

[1:37] We noted how his prayer was heard and answered. And we would take encouragement from it.

[1:51] But though times have changed, many changes have been since his day. Yes, there is no change in his God, and can we say in our God?

[2:11] Time, season, circumstances, all do change. But there is no change in our God.

[2:22] He is the same yesterday, today, and forever. For this evening, as the Lord may help, we would come more to the task and would seek to enter a little into those depths which couch beneath us in this question the Laban and Bethuel put to Rebekah when the desire of that servant was to go away again unto his master that he might not be hindered in the work.

[3:11] The request of her family were that she should carry for a season. But they call Rebekah well they'll go with this man.

[3:30] And she said I will go. Now friends, there is a man a real man.

[3:47] And as the Lord may help us to look at a little this night of his walk, his way, his work as recorded in this volume of truth, then might we put the question to will they'll go with this man?

[4:11] as we may look into the chapter here even to see types we shall see as we see in all types they come short.

[4:26] They must come short. will they'll go with this man Rebekah didn't know what made before her.

[4:43] But now my friends, the Lord does give some information possession unto his people of that which lies before.

[4:54] true we read how this servant had possession of all his master's good.

[5:07] These were kind things but oh my friends what a fullness resides in Jesus our head. One sings what e'er I need in Jesus wealth.

[5:25] And can we go on with him and say and there it's wealth for me. Will they'll go with this man?

[5:38] Our friend if you answer as Rebekah did I will go I cannot stand before you to say that this will be an easy path.

[5:52] In the world ye shall have tribulation but be of good cheer I have overcome the world these are the words of this man.

[6:08] are there those today who would have us believe it's all joy it's all happiness on the road to heaven friends there are seasons of joy but there are times of sorrow times of difficulty will they'll go with this man think friend the way in which he walked what he passed through what he endured and my friends he endured it to the full you and I as his dear followers as his disciples may be called yea will be called to walk a little in this path in that path to drink of this path friends we shall never walk to the death to the fullness that he walked but will they'll go with him our mind went during the interval to those words that the prophet

[7:39] Isaiah speak when he said to this man will I look even to him that is poor and of a contrite spirit and trembleth at my word I know we often hear those words referred to as the contrite sinner returning from his way but all my friends are the depth here to this man will I look is there not a sweet and blessed reference here to the Lord Jesus to this man will I look yes God will look to him to him who is poor and oh what poverty the Lord of life and glory knew to him that is poor under the contrite spirit and he knew this brokenness of heart ring not for his own sin but for the sin of his dear people each one of that chosen race even to him that tremblest at my word how he knew this pathway to how he trembled at the word the command of his father even as he walked them out to the floor when he came even to that place where he said father if it be possible let this cut pass from me nevertheless not my will but thine be done to this man will

[9:51] I look yes and God will view his own dear people in that man friend how will it be with you how will it be with me in that last great day shall we be viewed in him to we stand there at the judgment seat of Christ arrayed in the righteousness of this dear man friend it will be solemn indeed to stand there in that last great judgment day in a covering of that earth many shall say but Lord we've done this in thy name there was thought in our streets yet shall he say he passed for

[10:52] I never knew this but day approached his friend make no mistake of it and not one can say hell not for that we might search ourselves even tonight hold my soul and ask the question am I ready to meet God will they go with this man I will go then friend he must know something of the poverty which he knew and think upon it when for a season he left his father's throne and took upon himself humanity sin accepted or what poverty he knew will sometimes save concerning this debt which he took he had nothing to call his own yet he possessed all things truly with this thought his name should be called wonderful wonderful he he had nothing of his own yet he possessed all things so weak was his friend that he used an ass to bear him up away from that command of the king who would have taken his life such was his weakness yet the government was upon his shoulder shall not his name be called wonderful and so we might go on but all the poverty that the lord of life and glory knew he had nothing of his old he was born in a borrowed stable

[13:02] I use that word born as the scripture uses it he was laid in a borrowed manger he injured other men's houses he sat at borrowed table he had nothing of his own foxes have holes birds of the earth of men but the son of man has not where to lay his men and then come to that solemn clothing scene when his sacred body was taken from the cross he was laid in a borrowed tomb oh what poverty the lord of life and glory knew he was for that we might be rich in glory lord with this what they'll go with this man then we must expect in some measure this past one and then to look at this man as he grew up into years what he passed through

[14:31] I say it reverently this song recorded in the word of God of his way of his walk friend has all recorded that is needful for us to know there's more in this volume of truth than we shall ever fully understand in a lifetime but you know John says does he not at the close of his gospel if all that he said and did were written I suppose that even the world itself could not contain the book that should be written friends we don't want to go outside of the word of God there's no need for that I say there's more here than we shall ever fully have well may the

[15:35] Lord lead us into those truths that are contained in this book well they'll go to this man friend you're not called as one of his dear people as one of his followers to walk in any path or any circumstance that this dear man is a stranger to he's walked in every way that his people are called to walk in he knew the pathway of trial and temptation how he did and think of it friends he knew that pathway as a man as God yes we would not lose sight of this bless his dear name that he was a man and

[16:44] I do feel oft time when we consider those various things which he endured yes that he endured here below we tend to lose sight that he endured them as a man oh how real that temptation was to him when after those forty days and forty nights the devil said to him to mark that these doves be made for him what a temptation but oh how our captain stood that side of his head yes Satan came at him even with the words of clue oh friend what a subtle foe he is and do not you and

[17:54] I prove this our and that continually but oh what a mercy if we are brought to know this rule that he is a conquer post and so as we read as it's recorded in the word of God that temptation of Christ we see how our master stood and the devil left him for a season we don't know what other seasons there may have been of temptation which he enjoyed the devil left him for a season but our friend in that he suffered being tempted he is able to succor those that are tempted our child of

[19:01] God what temptation at times are in your past where do you rise then where do you look even to him who stood the fiery text if you look elsewhere friends it will fail if you look to your own reason to your own strength if you lean upon a creature of hell you will find it will fail our God is a jealous God make no mistake of that point he will have his people look only to him would you lean upon an arm of flesh would you put your trust in a man why the most upright is as a thorn head the best of them is as a briar

[20:04] I know there are those with whom we can walk and love to walk and to hold communion with in the way talking together of that which the Lord has done for us this is right they that fear the Lord speak often one to another and my friend the danger is here when we begin to lean upon an arm of flesh I say our God is a jealous God will they'll go with this man our friend if you will go with him you'll know something then of Satan temptation you'll know something of trials in the way and this will bring you where we know that it brought even this servant of

[21:24] Abraham this morning it'll bring you upon your knees it'll bring you to the throne of grace and as the Lord favors you hears and answers your petition you'll not be a stranger to the language of the poet trials make the promise sweet trials give new life to prayer trials bring me to his feet lay me low keep me there and you'll not be a stranger to this experience it's a contradiction to the worldly means ah but to the child of God he knows what it is to bless his God for triumph don't say you'll be found upon your knees pleading for triumph when the

[22:27] Lord sanctifies that pathway but dispensation to you I say you'll know what it is to bless him for triumph and you know where does the child of God come with these trials you'll recall most of you all of you no doubt you may have read Bunyan pilgrim you see those trials that his pilgrim had to pass through you know he'd not long set out on pilgrim before he came to that slough of this bond didn't he do you notice this concerning him he always came out of the trial beside nearest heaven and this is where it will be with you your number amongst this people you'll come out of the trial beside near this heaven are there maybe those things that you will lose in the fire our friend the

[23:51] Lord knows that which we need to purge us from those things that hinder us in the race and do we not have to own how many things there are which do hinder us you know one when the pathway was sanctified to him spoke this word and it left on record for our encouragement it was good for me that I have been afflicted them out coming for coming to walk this pathway and have echoed those words of that one now in glory you know Hedekiah could say by these things men leave well they'll go with this man yes he knew trial in the way he was a man of prayer not to enlarge now upon our thoughts we spoke on this point this morning but he was a man of prayer you witnessed those seasons he spent in that exercise will they'll go with this man you know when he had dispersed the multitude they had gone to seek rest where was the Lord Jesus he went up into the mountain that in and of itself not an easy path to rest no friend to pray to pray and oh what seasons he spent in the exercise of stress will they'll go with this man friend will you go with him by faith into that garden of Gethsemane to witness that which he endured there were those three favored disciples who did indeed go a little further than the other who couldn't go the whole way the Lord Jesus the Lord Jesus spoke a word to them carry ye here watch and pray but he himself went a little further and oh how he agonized there father if it be possible let this cut pass from me nevertheless not my will but thy bed came back and he found them sleeping yet that one who had said

[27:27] Lord I shall not do these things to thee that one who had said though all men forsake thee yet will not I forsake thee be careful Peter before the cock crow thou shalt deny me from ah my friend what cock crowing do you know in your experience oh what that was for Peter he went out and he went bitterly even as the Lord looked upon him but oh what a look that was what in his sake that look had how different to that look if he must have looked upon Judah when he kissed him no he said it was Judah wilt thou go with this man wilt thou journey by faith into the judgment hall there to see him and oh friend what he passed through there as they placed that crown of thorns upon his head as they skirt that back of his and then compelled him to carry his cross oh what suffering wilt thou go with this man think then of the way which he walked and even as he journeyed and even as he journeyed from that judgment hall unto that place called Calvary where they crucified him wilt thou go with this man friend we must know something of this pathway of crucifixion but all what was laid upon him why the sins of all the chosen race can you say it tonight friend my sins they were laid upon him behold a scene of lackless grain tis Jesus in the sinner's place heaven's brightest glory something same that rebels might adore his name they shall look on him whom they call what a scene of him and marking how for the season here he was left not only of all men he was left of his son my God my God why has thou forsaken him oh what a season it was go back for a moment friend to that time when he left heaven angels left heaven they heralded his birth they never left heaven when the Lord of life and glory died why the brightness of that star when he was born in Bethlehem now darkness covers the face of the earth all nature trembled and shook even the graves opened their mouths what a scene will you go with this man if you die faith journey with those of old who went even to the foot of the cross where Mary his mother was found to hear those sacred words to hear those sacred words falling from his lips will they'll go with this man and she said are you there?

[32:45] so we might go on time goes too well they'll go with this man friends how can you give the answer as Rebecca gave it and yet be found walking disobediently to him to that which he has said will they'll go with this man then friend you must walk in the way that he has commanded and mark it they're words of command not words of advice not words for you to consider they are words which he has commanded and mark it friend as we said a little earlier on all the ways that he commands you to go in he's gone that way before will they'll go with this man friend will they'll follow him in the ordinance of baptism which is his command we hear much today someone to stand before you in the way of controversy the intentions and non-itentities of these words friend it's my Lord's command now you see the word as he has spoken he can leave all men out of it this is the way my master went ought not his servant tread itself

[34:31] Jesus said follow me didn't say things upon it didn't say agree with it follow me the same friend in that divine ordinance of the Lord's Supper his own word is this this do in remembrance of me did you remember him friend is that desire in your heart that he would remember you he found in the heart of that tree one of them who hung beside him a sheltering how he was brought to acknowledge his sin and guilt he justly deserved this he said to his fellow that this man blessed man this man has done nothing and then he turned to him and said

[35:44] Lord remember me when they'll come into thy kingdom and oh a blessed answer that the Lord gave to him to death and shall be with me in paradise well friend has the Lord given you to know a little of that that he has done for you where does this bring you why it'll bring you into this place where your desire will be to follow him will leave all men all that they say well they'll go with this man and she said I will go don't find no wells in her answer no if no but doesn't consider those in the household there must have been a natural love with Rebecca to her parents to her brother to know considering them now will they go with this man this is the point in question and she said

[37:05] I will go our friends there's not one that you'll take this step of going with this dear man who will ever regret that I know this friend it'll bring you off times into this place where it'll be a seeking of him to uphold you still to grant you hell how you'll feel at times to come so short and the child of God does know something as a pathway of backsliding not that we've lived for one moment encouraged this path so I say it is a pathway friend yet it's known only to the people of God the world means cannot backslide to backslide means well as simple as it is put to slide back and then maybe that sliding back but the faith is still towards God the faith is not there it's a backsliding bless his dear name he will bring them back he will yet restore them and bring them again but our friends there will be those lessons to be learned in the way when he brings you back walk out of God with this man and she said

[38:47] I will go to hear a little of that which laid in store that which was laid up for her when she should come to write her but all my friends who can speak now of that which is laid up for the people of God bless his dear name he does grasp from time to time some sweet foretaste to the wayfaring pilgrims but all the best is yet to come it is he's blessing for those foretaste for those handfuls of purpose that you let forth here below for the best is yet to come in paradise within the gates and nobler entertainment ways fruit new and old laid up in store where we shall feed shall want no more friend is there with you tonight of reaching out after this and will they'll go with this man and she said

[40:11] I will go oh it might be out answered too he said this morning every man shall kiss his lips but give it a right answer I will go yes with this man this is the man the exalted man whom we unseen adore but when I don't behold this face our hearts shall love him more amen all able to see you