[0:00] In the book of Psalms, Psalm 145 and the 7th verse, the 145th Psalm, verse 7.
[0:18] They shall abundantly utter the memory of thy great goodness and shall sing of thy righteousness.
[0:34] They shall abundantly utter the memory of thy great goodness and shall sing of thy righteousness.
[0:51] Now this is a preparation for heaven, for in heaven it is the voice of praise that is ever paramount.
[1:07] We are told it is good to sing praises unto our God, for it is pleasant and praise is coming.
[1:22] And if that be the occupation of those who inhabit eternal bliss, then you may depend upon it.
[1:36] Then God will in his infinite grace bestow upon his people that wherein they shall daily have matter to praise him.
[1:52] The psalmist in many occasions is found in prayer. But you will always think if you are studying the psalms intently, the way he prays, it is eventually turned into the language of praise.
[2:14] God who so authorith the language of the hearts of his people in accordance with his own word and will, so meet him.
[2:29] Then to know that wherein he doth answer those requests, that he puts in tune every God of the heart, to resound his praise and his glory.
[2:47] And if you are indeed a praying soul, then your prayers will be turned into praise. If the seed of prayer is thus sown, and it germinates under the waterings of his divine goodness, there will be the springing up of that, which shall make his praise many less.
[3:15] All his works, not only in that wherein he is the creator of all things, but in that wherein he worketh within the souls of his people, is ordained unto that end, that man should glorify and praise God.
[3:37] when our Lord was here upon us, he reminds us, that he believed not me, of that same truth, that he met with ten lepers, and he told them, in answer to their prayer, to go and show themselves unto the priest.
[4:04] Now there was no entrance for the leper into the presence of the priest, save as the cleansing of the healing has taken place.
[4:19] He doth but go into the presence of the priest that he may be searched, that he may be examined, that his cure may be pronounced.
[4:33] And the Lord who cured those ten lepers, so told them to go to the priest, that the testimony might indeed abound to his praise.
[4:44] And nine of them went, nine never went, or rather nine of them went, but one returned unto the Lord.
[4:57] And he came to the Lord, in the conviction of his own cure, in the language of praise. And the Lord said, were there not ten healed?
[5:13] And were there nine? There had been no recognition in their hearts of God, like as there was in the language of that Samaritan, that stranger, who returned thanks unto the Lord.
[5:33] This is what the Lord requires of me. This is that which is due unto him, that you should abundantly out of the memory of his great goodness and sing of his righteousness.
[5:58] Not only is the very fact of praise brought before us, especially in these last five psalms, but in this psalm, we have one of the alphabetical psalms.
[6:15] Every verse begins with the letter of the Hebrew alphabet. And why is this brought before us?
[6:31] It is brought before us seven times in the psalms, in the 25th, the 34th, the 37th, and others. Because he declares, I am the Alpha and the Omega.
[6:48] In him, there is a fullness of truth. that which he is so regarding himself and made known unto us in the word is that wherein praise springs unto him.
[7:10] When we read this psalm, and one or two others of those of us seven, we do well to have that continually before us.
[7:23] That what we are speaking about and what we are singing about contains within itself the fullness of the knowledge and the wisdom of the understanding that God has concerning his people.
[7:38] And that in his word he has made a whole provision for all their needs. But this psalm is also a psalm of celebration.
[7:56] It is a psalm of celebration regarding the wisdom, the goodness, and the righteousness of God in his government of the world.
[8:10] And especially in regard unto his government concerning the positions and the cases and the circumstances of his own.
[8:24] He rules and he governs and has the dominion throughout all generations. whatever may occur in connection with any generation cannot cause any thing to arise which shall as it were injure the greatness of the truth that he reigns and holds the dominion and all things.
[8:59] when you go through the history of mankind when you go through the history that is contained of Israel and so forth as he is found in the scriptures you will find that there is one distinguishable line of truth that that which relates unto all events and all time and all that relates unto creation and all that is in regard unto Zion is all governed and controlled by him.
[9:44] And therefore in the darkest hours there is a matter for praise. And when the clouds are most thick that you cannot deserve the brightness as we have been singing of the sun but let us remember too that it hides from us the blueness of the skies and nevertheless to remember that those very clouds are the means whereby the blessings of that divine government are conveyed unto us that we may know the wonder and the glory of life beyond and above them.
[10:23] As one realizes at times in nature that wherein the thickness of the clouds seems to be so great and is made to pause and adore the wonder of the power that so upholdeth that mass of water that it cannot distribute its contents until that same government sees it.
[10:46] One is made as a word of worship in astonishment at the supreme power that so gathereth the winds in its fist that so controlleth the waters that they cannot go beyond his limit.
[11:02] yes everything is arranged and ordered in infinite wisdom and government and this is that wherein this psalm generates as it were the language of praise that he is to be celebrated continually every day and that wherein his marvelous works are to be discerned.
[11:30] Every returning mom shall bring forth praise from our hearts every night in that wherein that there is the magnificence of the vermin to reveal to us which had previously been hidden by the light now shines forth reminded us that he did it the more he know it the more by names everyone of those stars that shade in the skies all is upheld there's no mishap there's no work there is that tremendous controlling wisdom that so operated in his goodness that everything that he doeth is a righteousness is made manifest so as we speak of the glorious honor of his majesty and of his wondrous works we are reminded that the time is surely coming when men shall indeed speak of the might of thy terrible acts and it is in that wherein those terrible acts may speak the justice of
[13:05] God in that wherein he dealeth with the wicked whose way he turneth upside down that we are to declare his greatness how inconceivable God is how incomprehensible unto us there is no such enough of that which relates unto the mysterious essence he grunneth in eternity in the high and lofty place he drives in the light unto which no man can approach and yet he drows in the person of his dear son Jesus Christ and even as there is a fullness of wisdom in his son even as
[14:09] Proverbs 8 so visibly and manifestly brings him before us so there is Lord give out the divine will and the purpose of God in all that relates unto this world and especially unto his people wherein they shall be called upon to praise and to extol and exhort him I don't know if you have ever thought about it but whenever you read of the Lord Jesus Christ he always yes not not only the likeness but the very image of God you find that everything that relates to the creation until the end of time is gathered up into him in him there is a drung of the fullness of all wisdom and counsel and you know to know him is to know
[15:16] God and to know him in that revelation is to be a possessor of eternal life but to know him is eternal life this is life eternal that they might know thee the only true God and Jesus Christ whom thou hast sent and it is through him that God bestows and his little stone goodness all those gifts where he is pleased so to grant unto his people the knowledge of his favor and of his grace that they may daily resound his praise in their lives how often we forget this how often as it were we can't stick behind our back with all our complaints with all the revoltings and all the rebellions that so go on within the human heart and yet we forget that all these things are ordered and that they are all working together for our good to them that love
[16:43] God to them who are the God according to his purpose if we know anything of this we shall know the psalmist means for he knew it through that which was so contained in the teaching of the temple I will extol thee my God O King and I will bless thy name forever and ever every day will I bless thee you mark the transition here I will bless thy name forever and ever if you extol him here then thou will be the calling forth continually for thy heart of those blessings upon his name and every day will I bless thee and if
[17:44] I know what it is to bless him for all his wonder and goodness and wisdom and righteousness down here then I will praise thy name forever and ever in other words I will enter into the realization of it the reality of the truth of that which is so contained in the scriptures revealed to us in Jesus Christ the greatest Lord to be praised and his greatness is unsearchable and therefore one generation shall praise thy works to another and if they're going to praise thy works one to another they shall abundantly utter the memory of thy great goodness who shall sing of thy righteousness so you see it's not only a psalm of celebration but it's a psalm to a commemoration it's commemorating what
[18:55] God has done it's commemorating what he is unto his people it's commemorating those things which have been known in all their blessed reality by his people so looking at these words we realize that here we have said before us much cause for praise the psalmist felt it the psalmist had a rough passage through life the psalmist had known what it was to be brought to an utter dependence upon God and upon the word of promise that had been spoken to him through Jesus Christ Christ and he knew what it was having gone down into the depths what it was to rise up to the heights you know the waves of time may take us right down into the depths but you know they're bound to rise again and they're carriers along and they do business in great waters they see the wonders of the
[20:20] Lord you know how it all ends up don't you all that men will praise the Lord for his goodness and for his wonderful works to the children men now the psalmist here from his own experience and understanding of the wondrous works of God in his own life would stir up your heart my heart that we may be brought so to look back and to behold that wherein the Lord has been favorable unto us that wherein his blessings have abounded toward us that wherein we are indeed debtors unto him for his mercy for his compassion for his love for his grace God that oh he says I will do it my love shall speak the praise of the
[21:23] Lord let all flesh bless his holy name forever and ever so this psalm then incites unto that spirit of praise because there's so much cause for it and it is in its personal application then that these words belong unto us they shall abundantly utter the memory of thy goodness then obviously they have had some knowledge of it they have participated in it they have realized the wonder of it does it not have some particular implication unto your own case your needs they have been made so apparent to yourself have you not seen wherein the
[22:24] Lord has made a glorious provision for those needs even before you asked him to do it we are told in this psalm that wherein God worketh in his providence concern generations what have we read the eyes of all wait upon thee and thou didst them their meeting due season or the harvest season now and why do we have a harvest because thou openest the mine hand and satisfies the desire of every living being the seasons pass by they are all necessary unto that wearing the provision is assured unto all those whom the Lord beholdeth and you know if there be that which will eat if there be that which will eat if unto poverty it is not that wearing man can lay the blame upon the almighty the
[23:36] Lord is good to all the earth in its production so bring forth mountains and there is a sufficiency for all even wisdom there is that arrangement and order of that which relates unto its abundance that man falls down and he fails but it doesn't take away the truth that is conveyed unto us that God in the bountifulness of his mercy and his compassion has according to the due season so provided for every need of man and satisfies the desire of every living thing have you ever thought that the many living things that exist in this world not only in that which relates unto mankind but in that which relates to the brute creation and so forth they've all got their own different appetites their likings some can take this and some can't take that they all differ and yet the
[24:53] Lord has provided for each one according to his own need he satisfies the desire of every living thing now if this is true then and it is concerning that wherein God so pervaded for mankind though man is oblivious of the greatness of that God who doth daily remember him in his compassion and in his long suffering and not withstanding all the tumour and the chaos and the riotous behaviour that may so exemplify the form and state of mankind he doth not withhold his tender verses from them for his tender verses are over all his works yet how much more so unto us if we realize that even as he is faithful in that wherein he so doeth these things for them who are the ungodly of the wicked how much more so does he continually remember in his mindfulness the needs of those who are dear and precious unto him as dear and precious unto him as his own son is unto himself they shall abundantly utter yes they shall have every cause for it shall we just name here three or four things that we must abundantly utter in the presence of the
[26:51] Lord think of the innumerable blessings that have been bestowed upon you it may be in your case the blessing of birth the blessing of that wherein you have been so placed in life the blessings that have risen from that wherein you would have taken your own course and yet nevertheless the Lord has as it were so arranged matters that that which is worked out in your life not being may be a God into your own mind and nevertheless are raised out of an infinite wisdom that see at the end from the beginning and in all that which relates unto that which lies between and all the innumerable blessings of which we know nothing about the day he come to us as there is survival the drawing of our breath that wherein he so maintains us through life the blessings without number yet what do we do well we take it all for granted we take it as though it is our right as though it belongs to us and the song is here our remands us that that wherein the goodness of the
[28:30] Lord is so made known unto us shall indeed cause us to utter the memory of his goodness the many mercies that you have been the recipient of the favors that have been bestowed upon you when I thought of this my mind went to the latter part of this song the Lord is nigh unto them and to all them call upon him call upon him in truth and so forth yes temporal providential but all the wonders of those spiritual favors my friend do you deny them do you devalue them do you belittle them or do you really realize the greatness of that fact that he hath heard thy voice that he has attended unto your praise remember his greatness his majesty remember the unsearchability of it all and yet amidst all the mystery of the greatness of the eternal people there is an ear opened in and from
[30:01] Jesus Christ unto your praise and you go to certain places and spots this morning you say the Lord blessed me there you know tonight the psalmist says in effect that even if you have one or two of these may was guaranteed to you it should be a matter of praise unto God the lifting up of thy voice extolling his name yes and what about these continued mercies the mercies that come to us in the course of the day that are all arranged that all go before us we don't know what lies before us in the course of one day we do not know what demands may be laid upon us but he who controls and orders and governs all things that wherein he descended in his government unto the most minute object in the universe whether it be an insect or other more minute he is the one who know him all that is before him he is the one who has arranged for your day and its needs and he is there for life and he endued his infinite goodness that wherein you shall be made to receive the wondrous mercy of
[31:53] God towards you and you will abundantly utter the memory of his goodness yes the many you are abundant to utter the memory of his goodness and the manifold in the verses that you have been made to be the subject of think of think of the times when you got into that hole think of the times when you got into that position wherein you have given up all hope think of the times wherein you have been so hemmed in that there has been no way of escape and yet the Lord has come oh yet it all opened up sometimes it's been so evident to some of us that we've had to say it's always as though we've seen the hand of the Lord listen to see him do it and yet here is that same one who commes down unto the prisoner who is shut up and knows which way to go or where to turn and the
[33:02] Lord comes and delivers him now haven't you got none of those deliverance I can't go into the wall but surely you have those places where you can say the Lord delivered me yes then abundantly utter the memory of that goodness and not only the manifold and the verses that he has been but in that when wearing the manifested help has been given to you you said how am I going to get through it how am I going to cope what is going to be the end of it all if the Lord will let you on you are this morning still up held still supported and wonderfully as it were strengthened in your soul by that wherein his word often speaks refreshment of food unto it yes wonderful in his deliverances and wonderful too in the grace that abound amazing grace how sweet the song though you think of what a vile sinner you are remember that that which is relative to your state by nature is hell bound and behold that wherein in his marvelous wonder working salvation he gave to you and took your feet up out of a pit and out of a merry play and where he set you he set you upon a rock and he put a song into your heart even a praise unto your god yes you still feel working through that corruption you still know that sin is in this foreign nature of your good thing you do feel it because it's there for what reason why one of the reasons is this that you may magnify the wondrous grace that has delivered you from it yes it's there all right but it cannot damn it cannot destroy you it cannot bring you to God because of that where in grace so much belongs in the divine love in his gracious goodness in the valence that you have so received and you have to after abandon that which relates to the goodness of the
[36:12] Lord towards you and then think of the 75 trials are they a matter for praise all the trials from which you have instructed so much sweetness the trials which have been the means whereby he's brought you very near unto himself the trials that have separated you from yourself and everybody as it were and made you to make your confidence in God alone and God and the heart of the beauty being purified and purified thereby our faith is a gift that is in these trials that it's put to the test and what a blessing it is the faith is the result of that wherein the saving grace of
[37:14] God has operated towards you and that they operate on the basis of the ground of the love that he hath toward his own the Lord love it the righteous and so the trials are sanctified and are fruitless and the unveiling love all they shall abundantly utter the memory of thy great goodness his love never fails it knows no abatement you may feel yourself to be a greater sinner than ever that doesn't ought to the cost of his love towards you you may feel at times that you are indeed a God's thought that doesn't change the nature of that love which he hath towards you his love is always the same and at times you know that you love him you know that you love him and he comes with to you and says love is love me and you have to tell him he knows all things and he knows that you love him yes and we love him because he first loved us oh that a heart prepared to sing to God my Savior my King while with his saints I joined to sing my Jesus my Jesus has done all things well they shall abundantly utter the memory of thy great goodness their heart and their mind shall be in the employment it is from the experience of life that the memory shall indeed bring forth the others all this is given to him there's one word that delights me whenever I read it in the word of God because I know its power and I know its advocacy and I don't know where I should have got to if it hadn't been that word shall
[39:49] God says they shall yes the matter for praise is given unto them everything that constitutes praise unto God is that which is inspired by what he has done for you and in you yes yes and it is that which gusheth forth that is the meaning of the word abundance in the margin I think you'll find that it is translated boils up well the more you know of his goodness the more you're going to boil inwardly and if you boil inwardly eventually it's going to have the outlet and in the vent oh there will be enough abundance
[40:49] I would that it were so the more of us here this morning that it might so warm up as it were within our hearts that we might so be reminded of that wherein the Lord have done such great things for us that the little things that we have begun and ignored in the past may come to light in our own memories of this day and show that wherein the Lord has been needed and guiding and directing and blessing us unworthy though we are you know it will all boil up if you meditate on his works if you move there upon yes your heart will ignite a good matter they shall abundantly out of the memory of thy great goodness and shall sing of thy righteousness so a song is given unto them and the song well what is it it says they shall sing of thy thy righteousness so the song shall be all for him all about him shall find its centre in him and when I come to the book of the Revelation I find the same point so laid down before me repeatedly of how that when they worshipped him when they uttered his worthiness then they praised the Lord and we hear the voice coming out from the midst of the throne where the Lamb was found and what did the voice say praise the Lord for ye his people oh may we hearken unto that voice sing the song of righteousness because it's on him and it is because of what in his righteousness he hath done for us and it is in relation to what he will get to for us in his gracious and his saving goodness for your notice in the verse that follows you have but I make turmoil a sweet explanation of it all the Lord is courageous and he is full of compassion slow to enter and of great mercy they shall abundantly offer the memory of thy goodness may the Lord enable us so to meditate to muse upon what he has done for us that we even the psalmist may come into an individual relationship and may say yea, yea, yea and not only you but I will instow the name of the Lord and I will bless his name forever and ever
[44:39] Amen Amen Amen