The spirit of Christ (Quality: Good)

Choteau - Old Paths - Part 6

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Oct. 18, 2020


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[0:00] In all dependence upon the Lord for his gracious help, we direct your prayerful attention this evening to the eighth chapter of Paul's epistle to the Romans and the ninth verse.

[0:19] Romans chapter 8 at verse 9. But ye are not in the flesh, but in the Spirit, if so be that the Spirit of God dwell in you.

[0:35] Now, if any man hath not the Spirit of Christ, he is none of his. We live in a day and generation whereby government, teachers, and society at large inform us that we should not discriminate in any way.

[1:05] Because the world has forsaken God, turned their backs upon the truth, and will not be led by what is right.

[1:26] We live in a day when good has become evil, and evil has become good. In this country that was founded upon freedom of religion, one nation under God, yet today, the very principles of the founding fathers are turned upside down.

[1:59] We are a nation under judgment. God has a controversy with this people. All the blessings that have attended this nation.

[2:14] All the goodness that God has poured out upon it. And yet, man denies it. And speaks against it.

[2:26] What made this nation great was the fact that there were those who believed in God and desired to walk according to his ways.

[2:40] But I want to tell you tonight that the word of God is the greatest discriminatory book in the whole world. Because it discriminates not only between race or gender or age or any of these things, but it discriminates between eternal glory or eternal misery.

[3:07] It separates a people. It separates a people, one from the other. The sheep on the one side and the goats on the other side.

[3:21] The word of God brings before us the election of grace. God's chosen people from all eternity.

[3:32] A people that in the fullness of time should be made willing to forsake all that they might follow him.

[3:43] Now, the apostle here is preaching to the church at Rome. That church in its founding days was a glorious church inasmuch that there were many.

[4:00] But through Paul's imprisonment and through the oppositions that he met, yet nevertheless, the Lord blessed his labors and there were those that were truly converted unto the Lord Jesus Christ, became disciples and followers of Christ Jesus.

[4:22] And these are the ones whom he addresses. And he speaks to them in this light.

[4:34] But ye are not in the flesh, but in the spirit. Ye are not in the flesh, but in the spirit.

[4:46] Now, a seed change has taken place in their lives. Because there we find that change was wrought from those who once walked in the flesh.

[5:12] But the spirit of God came upon them. And this is a great distinction. And this is what we want to try and enforce this evening hour.

[5:26] That that change was not a superficial change. It was not an outward change. It was not a change that man could affect.

[5:37] Nor we could affect ourselves. It is the work of the Holy Spirit. Recognized as a third person in the Trinity.

[5:50] Now, the apostle in the fifth chapter of Galatians says, Now the works of the flesh are manifest, which are these.

[6:02] Adultery, fornication, uncleanness, lasciviousness, idolatry, witchcraft, hatred, variance, emulations, wrath, strife, strife, seditions, heresies, envyings, murders, drunkenness, revelings, and such like.

[6:28] And if ever the apostle could have characterized the spirit of the age in which we live, there it is to be found. Because all these things are not only done in secret, but now have a lawful right to attend to these things.

[6:53] Governments having introduced and passed laws which make these things legal. This is a shame upon any nation.

[7:08] But then when you see the opposite, when you see that newness of life, when you see that character that is being changed, we read this.

[7:19] The old and the new character.

[7:44] So distinguished in such an eminent fashion, such a clear distinction is made here.

[7:59] But ye are not in the flesh, but in the spirit. If so be the spirit of God dwell in you. So what are the effects?

[8:14] That we might know what that change is. Because again, in the churches today, there are many voices that are speaking.

[8:27] But are they all speaking the truth? Are there not many that are sadly deceiving the people? Blind leaders of the blind.

[8:42] How solemn it will be in that great day of God's judgment to be found a blind leader having led many a person astray.

[8:54] And how will it be for those that have been led astray? There's no recourse. One may point the finger of accusation, but it will not profit them.

[9:09] Because they were willing to be led by these things. Not inquiring into the truth. You know, a mechanic.

[9:23] There's a problem with an engine. Is he satisfied with doing something superficial to it?

[9:35] Undoing or tightening up some nut? No, he needs to know what the problem is. He needs to delve into it.

[9:45] And he cannot rest satisfied until the problem is solved. Well, we have a problem. By nature, we have forsaken God.

[9:58] We are enemies of the truth. We are rebellious to the most high. And to suggest some temporary fix will do us no good.

[10:12] We need to get to the heart of the problem. To the meat of the matter. We need to delve into these things. And so we need the Spirit of God.

[10:29] Notice in the early part of the verse, the apostle speaks of the Spirit of God. And in the latter part, he speaks of the Spirit of Christ.

[10:40] I don't believe there's any distinction here. For we believe in a three-one God. One God in three persons.

[10:51] In complete harmony, unity, and essence. But ye are not in the Spirit. Ye are not in the flesh, but in the Spirit.

[11:03] If so be the Spirit of God dwelling in you. So we have to ask ourselves a question. Does the Spirit of God dwell in thee?

[11:14] What are the signs and evidences of that work? I want to name one or two this evening.

[11:26] And the first one, I believe, is enlightenment. To bring us to a knowledge of the truth.

[11:36] It is amazing to me, and it ever strikes amazing, that in the days of Christ, we have the hierarchy of the Jewish nation.

[11:52] We have the high priests and the priests. The Pharisees and the Sadducees. The lawyers and the scribes.

[12:03] These educated people. And their education was in the Word of God. They studied the Scriptures. And they could, no doubt, quote many, many passages off by heart.

[12:22] It was so ingrained within them. They had such a knowledge of them. And yet they were ignorant of the vital matter.

[12:35] We have that in the Gospel of John, when the Lord Jesus Christ has an interview with Nicodemus.

[12:50] Nicodemus said, Jesus answered, Jesus answered, Jesus answered, He said, He said, I say unto thee, I say unto thee, I say unto thee, except a man be born of water and of the Spirit, he cannot enter into the kingdom of God.

[13:34] That which is born of the Spirit is flesh. That which is born of the Spirit is Spirit.

[14:12] So, So, So, So, So, So, So, So, So, They can study the Scriptures all their lives.

[14:32] So, So, So, So, So, They will come to a natural conclusion. In other words, They will remain ignorant of the true God of Israel, of the true Savior of sinners.

[14:51] They will know nothing of the pathway of salvation. They will be lost to all eternity. They will be lost to all eternity. Then it is vital that the Holy Spirit comes upon us.

[15:06] Come Holy Spirit come. Reveal the things of God. May come to us salvation known. And witness with the blood.

[15:19] The office of the Holy Spirit. Remember that the Father is the one who instigated all things.

[15:30] The Son willingly came to redeem his people. But the Spirit is the one who makes these things known.

[15:41] Who grants a revelation of the true things of God. Another example we could give is that of the eunuch. Sitting in his chariot.

[15:54] Remember, he had gone up to Jerusalem. And no doubt he had gone with the prospect. He wanted to learn the truth. He wanted to know the things of God. He had a right heart.

[16:07] And yet he comes back. One can only assume somewhat disappointed. Well, here he is. Sitting in his chariot. Reading the scriptures.

[16:18] And Philip. The evangelist is sent to him. By God. And his opening question is. Understand this now. What thou readest.

[16:30] And the man is honest. How can I? How can I? How can I understand this? Except it's revealed to me. Except someone teach me.

[16:42] Well, the Spirit had led Philip to that very spot for a purpose. To teach him. And it begins at the same scripture that the eunuch had been reading.

[16:56] And from that scripture, he reveals unto him the person of the Lord Jesus Christ. And how his eyes are opened.

[17:07] That he can now behold wondrous things out of God's law. He can see the truth of God's holy word. He can see his need of salvation through the Lord Jesus Christ alone.

[17:24] These things have been revealed to him. He is now enlightened in the scriptures. Now the whole word of God, as it were, makes sense to him.

[17:36] Perhaps you're like me. You can look back to a time in your life. When the Bible was a closed book.

[17:47] It didn't mean anything. You couldn't understand it. It was too complicated. It was too difficult. But when the Spirit comes.

[17:59] To enlighten our minds. To enlighten our souls. Then we look with new eyes. We see things that we've never seen before.

[18:12] Now the things fall into place. Now we have some discernment of the word of God. And again, if you're like me, you look back and you think, well, why couldn't I see these things before?

[18:29] They're so clear. They're so easy to understand. But the great difference was. We were yet in the flesh.

[18:42] But now in the spirit. If so be the spirit of God. Of God dwelleth in us.

[18:56] So we need that enlightenment. We need to be given understanding. We cannot through education. We cannot through any other means.

[19:08] We are wholly, utterly, completely dependent upon the Spirit of God to teach us these things. Now, one doesn't speak against natural learning.

[19:22] It's good for a country or society that men and women should be educated. This has been a great benefit in many nations of the world.

[19:38] But when it comes to godliness. The world will never bring us to Christ.

[19:50] It is the spirit. It must soften our spirit. Make us willing to learn the things of God.

[20:02] Secondly. It is the spirit that sanctifies. It is the spirit that sanctifies. We mentioned earlier. The word sanctification or sanctify means to set apart.

[20:18] To set apart unto a holy life. Now, because we are sinners. Because we are fallen creatures.

[20:29] Holiness is not natural to us. We are all unholy. And so again, the spirit of God.

[20:42] Reveals to us. What a pathway of holiness is. He shows it to us in the example.

[20:53] The prime example. Of the Lord Jesus Christ himself. Who lived holy. And remember that it's said of the Lord Jesus Christ.

[21:05] That he had the spirit. Without measure. The spirit of God. To enable him. To the work that the father.

[21:18] Had given him to do. And his life. Was a life. Of obedience. To his father.

[21:31] In the volume of the book. It is written of me. I come to do thy will, O God. By law. Is within. My heart.

[21:42] And so we see a holy Christ. Living in this world. Without spot or blemish. Doing those things.

[21:53] Which are pleasing unto the father. Not turning aside. From the things. Which the father had given him. To do.

[22:04] So that at the end of his days. He could say. Honestly. And faithfully. It. It. Is finished. All that the father gave me to do.

[22:16] I. Have done. And I have laid down my life. For. My friends. Then we are to seek.

[22:28] Through grace. To emulate. The Lord Jesus Christ. Jesus Christ. Now he was perfect. We. Are. Imperfect.

[22:40] We. Sadly. Feel. The fall. We know. Something of our lost condition. But is there that within us. That strives.

[22:52] To be holy. As he said. Be ye holy. As I. Am. And then we can look at the example. The apostles.

[23:04] They were not perfect men. They were men of like patterns. As we are. But nevertheless. Study their lives. See the main thrust.

[23:17] Of the life that they led. And it was to live. A holy. Godly life. life. To live in the fear of the Lord.

[23:31] To have his watchful eye upon us. To know that thou God seest me. Thou seest me altogether exactly as I am. Man can only look at the outward appearance but God remember looks at the heart.

[23:51] Man sees us when we are visible to them. God sees us at all times. We cannot hide from God.

[24:02] Some have tried. The psalmist tried. If I go to the ends of the earth thou art there. If I make my bed in hell thou art there also.

[24:15] Jonah tried to hide from the Lord by running away but he was found out. So we cannot hide from God. And it is a great mercy when we understand that God's eye is ever upon us.

[24:33] To the ungodly it must be a terrible thought. It must be so distressing to know that there's one that watches over them.

[24:45] to the man of God. To the man of God how good it is. And the psalmist could go on to say search me O God and try my ways and see if there be any wicked way in me and lead me in the way everlasting.

[25:02] but ye are not in the flesh but in the spirit if so be that the spirit of God dwell in you.

[25:18] Now the spirit of God thirdly is a comforter. We sang of that in one of our hymns the holy paraclete the comforter of God's people.

[25:32] We are walking through a hostile world. As I mentioned in prayer this is not our home this is not our rest. We are wanderers we are pilgrims and strangers here below.

[25:49] And if we receive the exaltation and walk by it come out from among them and be ye separate and touch not the unclean thing then you will find the world reject you.

[26:04] It speaks against you. Oh these are too narrow. These are too precise in their religion. They cannot bend they cannot go along with anything that's different.

[26:23] No indeed we cannot. We cannot compromise our position. And so like the Lord Jesus Christ like the apostles they met with opposition so were we.

[26:40] Because man hates religion. And you know the greatest hater of religion is a person who goes to church. A person who has a nominal profession.

[26:53] because they don't want to be reminded that their profession is not real. And so we are the off-scouring of this world.

[27:05] The world hates us. It hates all true religion. And so we need a comforter. Also as the Lord said in the world ye shall have tribulation.

[27:20] be of good cheer I have overcome the world. And so the Spirit of God reminds us that Christ gained a great victory over sin and death and hell.

[27:38] What a comfort to know that our great victor our captain the captain of our salvation has gone before us. he's made a way.

[27:49] And the Holy Spirit reminds us that Christ is sympathetic to our condition. He knows what we're passing through. He understands our cases.

[28:00] and all these things are ordered by his wise decree. Too wise to be mistaken too good to be unkind so that the dear Lord Jesus Christ can sympathize with us because he has been there before us.

[28:18] And we follow him. My sheep hear my voice and they follow me. And so we follow Christ. the Holy Spirit reminds us that the Lord Jesus Christ although he was pressed on every side yet gained that tremendous victory and entered into glory to sit upon the throne of God.

[28:50] He says all power is given unto me both in heaven and in earth. how the disciples needed comfort in those days leading up to the crucifixion.

[29:07] Our blessed Redeemer ere he breathed his tender last farewell a guide a comforter bequeathed with us to dwell.

[29:19] If I go not away the Holy Spirit will not come but if I go then he will come and he will come to you because we need strength to be given.

[29:34] We need help in every time of need. We need the blessing of the Lord which maketh we. We need to be reminded of the ways of God lest we turn out of the way when things come heavy upon us when difficulties seem to rise on every side.

[30:00] If you pass some can experience a little of the pathway of Job of old when one trouble was coming another was on its way and the poor man was reduced he was brought low and his friends were poor comforters indeed.

[30:20] And so we find the world does not help us even those nearest and dearest may not be able to help us. We have to tread the pathway alone.

[30:32] We will have to die alone. We cannot have anyone comfort us there. But we're not alone because God has given us of his spirit.

[30:45] his spirit to dwell in us, to live in us by the word of God. And how many times perhaps we've woken in the middle of the night, or perhaps even in the workplace, or the wife at the kitchen seat, a word has dropped in, suddenly, profoundly.

[31:12] what a comfort it has been, the word of God to us. And it is as though sometimes as the Lord himself has audibly spoken that word.

[31:27] It's so real, it's so genuine, it's so vital to us. What a blessing to hear from God that he should speak even to such dead dogs as we are.

[31:44] But ye are not in the flesh, but in the Spirit, if so be the Spirit of God dwell in you.

[31:55] And it is our mercy that once the Spirit has given, he's never removed, he's with us always.

[32:07] now we may quench the Spirit, we may lose sight as it were of the Spirit, but the Spirit is ever with us.

[32:19] Because this is the gift of the dying Savior. This is a gift that was given to the apostles. You know that the apostles were gifted with special abilities to be able to perform miracles and to do many things which were for their day and generation.

[32:47] Well, these things no longer exist. As the hymn writer says, prophecy will fade away, melting in the light of day. Love will ever with us stay, therefore give us love.

[33:03] And so prophecies, miracles, these things are no longer with us, but the Spirit of God is still with us.

[33:17] And he is our guide. He is our guide to direct us. We read, and he led them forth by the right way, that they might come to a city of habitation whose builder and maker is God.

[33:38] And how many times have we needed that guidance, that direction for the Spirit, that voice behind us to say, this is the way, walk ye in it.

[33:52] Left to ourselves, what confusion our lives will become, what difficulties we will get ourselves into.

[34:04] Then to be submissive, to wait upon the Spirit of God, that which I know not teach thou me, lead me forth by the right way.

[34:16] We want to be found in that right way, in that narrow way that leads to God. What a blessing when we see God's hand, as it were, going before us, leading us forth.

[34:36] The shepherd in olden times went before the sheep and the sheep followed him. So we are to follow the Lord Jesus Christ. And we have these things written in the Word of God.

[34:52] We have that instruction that we stand in need of. Therefore, again, we need to read our Bibles more and more. We need to learn the truth of God's holy Word.

[35:07] We need to rest upon the promises of the Lord Jesus Christ. We need to wait upon our God to seek his will and purpose in all these things, rather than to go blindly on, seeking, as it were, to make our own decisions, determined to do this or determined to do that.

[35:32] How we need the Lord at times to overrule in our lives, to stop us in our mad career, to bring us to our senses that we might rest in the Lord and wait patiently for him.

[35:50] to be the Lord never is before his time, but he never is too late. His time is always right. We're always wanting to advance.

[36:04] We want tomorrow to come. We're always looking forward to certain dates and certain events that are upcoming in our lives, but all to be content to seek the Lord for today.

[36:23] For we know not what a day may bring forth or what the future holds. To know that our times are in his hands. What better hands could they be in than in the hands of omnipotency?

[36:40] But ye are not in the flesh, but in the Spirit. If so, be the Spirit of God dwell in you. Or can we answer the question then?

[36:54] Does the Spirit of God dwell in us? Because the Apostle goes on, now, or but, if any man have not the Spirit of Christ, he is none of his.

[37:15] You know, the words of Scripture are so abundantly clear. One cannot confound these words.

[37:26] If we have the Spirit of God dwelling in us, then are we Christ. And if we are Christ, we are God's. And if we are God's, we shall come to heaven at last.

[37:40] We shall be found in glory forever and forever. But if on the other hand, the Spirit of God does not dwell in us, what a solemn condition we're in.

[37:55] Because if that remains to the end of our days, then we must know that we are lost to all eternity.

[38:08] Now, if any man, it doesn't matter who you are or what you are, it doesn't matter what profession you have, what denomination you belong to, what age you are, what benefits you have in this life, what teaching and instruction you have sat under, none of these things make anything right because we are lacking the one essential element, lacking the Spirit of the Lord Jesus Christ.

[38:55] If his spirit does not dwell in us, then emphatically the apostle here says, we are none of his.

[39:08] To be without God and without hope in this world, to be lost to all eternity, do you realize what that means?

[39:22] you know, we tend to live for the day. We think our lives will go on forever. But I so often remind our people that the old must die and the young may die.

[39:39] And there have been a number of cases in recent times of young people being taken suddenly into eternity. Were they ready to meet God?

[39:52] God only knows. And so we cannot rest upon the fact that we might have many more years yet to live because our life may be suddenly taken from us.

[40:09] But are we ready to meet God? Are we ready to come to the judgment seat of the Lord Jesus Christ to answer for the deeds done in the flesh?

[40:21] Are we ready for eternity? Eternity, eternity. Wherefore shall I spend eternity?

[40:32] Oh, that the Spirit of God may bring these words with divine power upon your consciences and upon your hearts. May he give you no rest until you can answer this question that if you are without the Spirit of God, that you may be led to the throne of grace.

[40:54] You may be led to plead the dear Redeemer's blood. heart. You may seek the Lord in the day when he may be found and call upon him while he is near.

[41:06] You may be stirred up in the Spirit of your minds, that you may have no rest until you know that it is well, whilst you live and well if called to die.

[41:20] Now, if any man have not the Spirit of Christ, he is none of his. And if Christ be in you, the body is dead because of sin, but the Spirit is life because of righteousness.

[41:37] We have it here again, that distinguishing factor, that we have two natures. We have that new nature, that the Spirit of God dwells in us, but we still have an old nature.

[41:55] We are still in the flesh. sin will be with us. The old man never improves. He never gets better.

[42:07] In fact, sometimes he seems to get far worse. And we will have that old nature until this body is consumed, until the worms eat this body of us.

[42:20] God will be with God. But what a mercy of like God, shall I see God, whom I shall see for myself and not another.

[42:37] Where do we stand? How is it with you or I? how long are we going to continue doubting as to our eternal state?

[42:54] How long can we pass these things off and say, well, I'm going to wait until I'm a little older. I'm going to wait for another occasion.

[43:06] I'm going to wait till the minister stirs me up again. then perhaps I'll become serious. Perhaps I'll put my mind to these things. Perhaps I will consider it in a graver life.

[43:23] Our friend, you may be too late. Remember the virgins. We read of ten virgins, five wise and five foolish.

[43:37] all had a profession. They all had their lamps shining brightly. But then they all slumbered and slept.

[43:51] Until the cry came forth, the bridegroom cometh. And those that were ready went to the marriage supper of the lamb.

[44:04] five then had oil in their lamps and in their vessels. They didn't just have the light of profession.

[44:17] They had the substance of profession. They had something real. They had something vital. Something that could not be taken away. As we have it in this chapter at the beginning, there is therefore now no condemnation to them which are in Christ Jesus, who walk not after the flesh, but after the spirit.

[44:41] And it closes that nothing can separate us from the love of God, which is in Christ Jesus our Lord. But then there were the foolish virgins.

[44:55] They had oil in their lamps, but while they slept, their lamps went out. And they had nothing to replenish them. They had no substance in their being.

[45:08] And they could not find that, so they were instructed to go and find it. But sadly and solemnly, it was too late.

[45:21] The door was closed. They were forbidden admittance. And so it shall be with countless millions. In the day of judgment, they will be locked out of heaven.

[45:33] They shall be cast into hell. Now, all I can do is exhort you. To take heed of these things, not to just let them pass out of your mind and memory, but consider them seriously.

[45:53] What about me? this we can be jealous for ourselves, to be found right before God, to have a real religion, to have the Spirit of God come upon us.

[46:11] Oh, may you be given a spirit of prayer and supplication with thanksgiving unto God and that he might appear and make the crooked thing straight and the rough pieces plain and reveal his glory unto you.

[46:31] That a change may be wrought, that you may become a new creature in Christ Jesus, following in the ways of God, those despised and rejected people, but nevertheless, the heirs of glory, the heirs of heaven.

[46:54] Oh, may we each be found upon that glorious state, as the apostle says, to be with Christ, which is far better.

[47:09] The Lord had his blessing. Amen. Amen.