A glorious church (Quality: Average)

Choteau - Old Paths - Part 5

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Oct. 18, 2020


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[0:00] With the Lord's gracious help, I'd ask you to turn with me to the fifth chapter of the Epistle of Paul to the Ephesians and considering verses 25 through 27.

[0:18] Ephesians chapter 5, verses 25 through 27. Husbands, love your wives, even as Christ also loved the church and gave himself for it, that he might sanctify and cleanse it with the washing of water by the word, that he might present it to himself, a glorious church, not having spot or wrinkle or any such thing, but that it should be holy and without blemish.

[1:05] I want you to consider that these are the words of one of God's appointed apostles, that he speaks as all God's servants, as one led by the Holy Spirit.

[1:27] And therefore, what he speaks is of great importance to the church of Jesus Christ from the beginning, even unto the end of time.

[1:45] This world changes, but God never changes. People speak of us living in a modern day.

[1:58] And I suppose every generation becomes a modern day. But that does not alter the word of God at all. This word is profound.

[2:10] It is to be heard. It is to be received by us. And if we are the Lord's people, it will be our delight to obey the truth.

[2:26] In this chapter, the apostle speaks of that mutual love between the husband and the wife.

[2:37] And he teaches here that the wife is to be submissive to her own husband. Of course, in the day in which we live, these things in secular society are completely overturned and overruled.

[2:56] But this is the teaching of scripture. This is the word of God to us. The wife is to reverence her own husband.

[3:08] She is to obey her own husband in the things of God. The only exception is that if he goes outside of that remit and seeks to bring her into a place which is not consistent with the word of God, she has every right to rebel.

[3:30] Now, does that mean that the husband can lord it over his wife? You'll see the wonderful balance that is put here.

[3:41] That the husband is to love his wife. And what is the example of that love?

[3:51] What is the limit? What is the bound? What is the measure of that love that he is to show unto his wife? And we have it in these words.

[4:05] Even as Christ loved the church and gave himself for it. Here then is the example.

[4:16] But really the apostle is speaking more to us. Not of that natural love, but of that supernatural love of the Lord Jesus Christ toward his own people.

[4:33] Having loved his own that were in the world, he loved them unto the end. What a standard is set before us here.

[4:46] A standard that sadly none of us can attain unto because we are but fallen sons and daughters of Adam. But that does not mean that we should not strive to walk consistently with the word of God as much as lieth in us.

[5:08] But I want to speak more this morning of the love of Christ to the church. Because Christ loved the church.

[5:20] When did he love it? Well, he loved it from all eternity. From ever before the world was made. Ever before man became part of this world.

[5:36] Christ loved the church. For it was the Father who chose a people for his only beloved son.

[5:49] And we read of Christ being in the bosom of the Father. That that means in that most intimate situation and position of love.

[6:02] A love beyond whatever we could begin to describe. The Father loved the son. This is my beloved son.

[6:13] In whom I am always ever well pleased. Christ. And so he donated. And so he donated. Unto his son a bride.

[6:24] A bride for him to love. Through a never ending eternity. Christ also. Loved. The church. What love he had.

[6:38] What love he had. Toward his people. He saw them ruined in the fall. Yet loved them. Notwithstanding all.

[6:49] He saw them in their lost estate. His loving kindness. Oh how great. The Christ. The church of Christ then.

[7:00] Is the body. Of those that believe. In the Lord Jesus Christ. Those that have received Christ. Not only into their heads.

[7:13] But also. Into their hearts. Christ loved the church. And we read. Concerning Christ.

[7:25] Beginning of this world. That when the world was made. Christ. Was the founder. Of all these things. The earth was prepared.

[7:38] In the beginning was the word. And the word was with God. And the word was God. The same was. In the beginning with God. All things were made by him.

[7:50] And without him. Was not anything made. That was made. In him was life. And the life. Was the light. Of the man. And if we have any doubt.

[8:05] As to. What is referred to. In the word. Then the 14th verse. Makes it abundantly plain. The word.

[8:16] The word was. Made flesh. And dwelt among us. And we. That is the apostles. Beheld his glory. The glory. As of the only begotten.

[8:27] Of the father. Full of grace. And truth. So Christ. Loved. The church. How much.

[8:39] Did he love the church. He was willing. To give himself. For it. And I want you to notice. Particularly.

[8:51] You know. Every word of scripture. Is important. And we should. Pay attention. Not only to the. Longer words.

[9:02] As it were. But also to some of the. Conjoining words. He gave. Himself. For it. He didn't give.

[9:13] Of himself. You know. We read. Of the widow. Who put her might. Into the. Treasury. And the Lord.

[9:23] Commended her. Because she gave. Of all. Her substance. We may be generous. We may give. Into the treasury. Of the church. A good son.

[9:34] And no doubt. Christ witness. Some rich people. Putting in. A good amount. But she gave.

[9:44] Her all. There. She was a type. Of the Lord. Jesus Christ. Because he came. To give. His all.

[9:56] His life. His blood. His perfect. Righteousness. For. His people. Christ.

[10:07] Also. Loved. The church. We have. The. Picture. Here. Of the husband. And wife. In mutual.

[10:18] Love. One. Toward. Another. And if. For some reason. They're parted. For a season. That love. Continues. They.

[10:30] Imagine. Perhaps. The. Husband. Is on a business. Journey. He imagines. His wife. At home. He thinks.

[10:42] Consistently. Of her. Imagines. What she is. Doing. And. Cannot. Wait. Until the time. That he can be back.

[10:54] In her arms. And her. In his. Such is. A relationship. Such is. A fellowship. In a true marriage. Between.

[11:04] Husband. And wife. How much. Greater. Is. The love. Of Christ. Toward. His people. That love.

[11:15] That knows. No limits. Nor bounds. That love. From. Eternity. To. Eternity. That love.

[11:27] Which. Changes not. We change. Our tempers. Our.

[11:40] Situations. Bring changes about. But I am the Lord. I change not. Therefore. Ye sons of Jacob.

[11:51] Are not consumed. But when did he love. Us. Well. As I've stated. He loved us.

[12:03] From. All. Eternity. But there came. A time. And there will come. A time. To all God's people. When that love.

[12:14] Shall be. Revealed. But before that. In our. Unregeneracy. What does the Lord.

[12:25] Jesus Christ. See. In you. And in me. Does he see something. To commend us. Does he see something.

[12:35] Beautiful. In us. Does he see something. That's worthy. In us. He sees the very opposite. You know.

[12:48] A young man. Is attracted. To. To. A young woman. Because he sees. Something in her. Perhaps.

[12:59] In her. The beauty of her face. Perhaps. In her personality. But there's something. That attracts him. To her. But there was nothing.

[13:12] Attractive in us. We. Are sold. Under sin. By nature. Born in sin. Shapen.

[13:23] In iniquity. In sin. Did our parents. Conceive us. We. Inherited. The nature. Of our parents. If you take that line.

[13:35] Right the way back. To Adam. Adam. By transgression. Fell. Adam. Was cast out. Of God's presence. Adam.

[13:47] Had to. Bear. The heat. And sweat. Of the day. To get his labor. We see. The effects. Of sin. All around us.

[13:58] And I suppose. Especially. In the day. In which we live. We see sin. Rising up. As it were.

[14:09] Out of the very gutters. Man. Has revealed himself. More. In this latter day. Things. Were once done.

[14:19] In secret. But now. They are. Propounded. Openly. Man. Shows. What he is. What is known. Nature is. He shows.

[14:31] That he is. A very sink. Of sin. Let us. Remind ourselves. We. Have that. Same nature. Have often.

[14:41] Said. That every. Sin. Every. Atrocity. That has been. Committed. In this world. We. Are.

[14:52] Capable. Of. That. That may. Horrify. You. To think. Of that. Very. Nature. But. Because. Of where. We were born.

[15:02] And how. We were born. And when. We were born. We've been. Restrained. We've been. Kept. From these things. But if our circumstances.

[15:14] Have been different. If we have been born. In the ghettos. If we've been brought up. Under corruption. Then. We will be very different people.

[15:27] But I say that. Point of sin. Is with every. Single. One of us. And so. There was nothing lovely.

[15:39] About us. As the apostle. Writes and such. Were. Some of you. He gives a catalog there. What. Some of them.

[15:50] Were. And how they have been. Rescued. Out of their lost condition. Until we recognize. Ourselves. To be sinners.

[16:02] Then. We have no need. Of. A savior. Christ. Also. Loved the church. And gave himself.

[16:14] For it. What did the Lord Jesus Christ do? He not only. He not only looked. Upon. Man's.

[16:25] Awful condition. He not only sighed. As it were. For their lost estate. But he.

[16:36] Took action. He left heaven. He left the bosom. Of his father. He left. He left the glories. Of that heavenly state.

[16:50] The worship of angels. And archangels. And seraphims. And cherubim. And he took the lowest state.

[17:03] Born of a virgin. Born in a stable. In abject humility. He came unto his own.

[17:16] And his own. Received him not. See the babe of Bethlehem. There. Worship.

[17:26] Not by kings. And princes. Not adorned. By. The. Hierarchy. Of the church. But poor.

[17:37] Lowly shepherds. Came. And witnessed. They saw. And they. Believed. Grew up.

[17:49] In somewhat. Obscurity. Making. But one. Appearance. As it were. In the temple. Speaking. To.

[18:01] Those. Who are. Knowledgeable. In the scriptures. And showed. Something. Of his. Godhead. In the answers.

[18:12] He gave. In the questions. He. Proposed. But then. At 30 years of age. He began.

[18:24] The ministry. For which he came. Into this world. To perform. There. He went about. Doing good.

[18:35] Doing good. And yet. Still. He was rejected. Still. They set him. At naught. Still. They opposed him. On every hand. Why did the Lord.

[18:48] Jesus Christ. So humble. Himself. Why did he. Take. The. Abuse of man. He loved. He loved.

[18:58] Because he loved. His church. He loved his people. And consequently. If we are one of his people. He loved us.

[19:11] And that is. A great mystery. Why. Should he love. Such a one as me. You know. I have often.

[19:23] Considered this. How. Could the Lord. Jesus Christ. Love. Such despicable. Preachers. But.

[19:35] Deuteronomy 7. And 7 and 8. Gives the answer. Really. The Lord. Did not set his love. Upon you. Nor choose you. Because you were more.

[19:46] In number. Than any people. For ye were the fewest. Of all the people. Is the answer. But because. The Lord. Loved you.

[19:59] Because. The Lord. Loved you. He would love. He loved his own. They were his. By sovereign right.

[20:10] And he came. To deliver them. From the wrath. That is to come. For that. That tremendous price.

[20:21] That had to be paid. Because the law. Had its demands. In the volume. Of the book. It is written of me. I come to do.

[20:32] Thy will. O God. Thy law. Thy law. Is within. My heart. Now. We hate. By nature.

[20:42] The law. Of God. We oppose it. On every count. We will not have. This law. To order. Our lives.

[20:54] We want. To be free agents. As the expression. Today is. We want to do. Our own thing. We don't want. To be ruled. Or governed. By anyone.

[21:06] People do not realize. That we are subject. To a master. Neither. Our master. Is Christ. And if not.

[21:18] It is. The devil. Now. Let me ask you. The question. Who is your. Master. Today. Who are you. Serving. Are you serving.

[21:29] The lusts of the flesh. The pride of life. Are you walking. In the ways. Of this world. Are you doing. Those things. Which are contrary. To the law.

[21:40] Of God. Then. Satan. Has. Control. Over you. But has there been. A change.

[21:51] That has taken place. Can you look. Back upon a time. When yes. Satan. Did rule. My life. But now. It's different. Now. A change.

[22:02] Has taken place. And it's not. Just a superficial. Change. It's a real. And we trust. A permanent. Change. Now. The whole.

[22:12] Nature. Alters. Now. We seek. Those things. That once. We hated. And hate. Those things. That once. We thought. Now.

[22:23] We want. To serve. The Lord. Christ. We want. To walk. In his. Ways. We want. To delight. To do. His. Will. It's because.

[22:35] Christ. Loved his. Church. It's because. Christ. Gave himself. For his. Church. That he. Might. Redeem. Them. That he. Might.

[22:45] Set. Them. Free. And. At liberty. God. Lord. He. And. So. We come. To the. End. Of Christ. Days. Here. Upon.

[22:55] This earth. We come. To those. Sufferings. So. Intense. That angels. Have not. Perfect. Sense. We come.

[23:05] To consider. What he. Endured. No tongue. Can. Tell. To save. Our souls. From death. And hell. There.

[23:17] In the garden. In agony. If it be possible. Let this cup. Be taken. From me. What did that mean?

[23:32] The sins. Of all God's people. Were laid. Upon him. And we have those. Remarkable words.

[23:42] Every time. I think about them. Every time. I quote them. It is. As though it sends a shiver. He was made. Sin. For.

[23:54] Us. He was made. Sin. For. Us. He took. The sinners. Part. He took. The whole load. Of the sin.

[24:05] Of the election. Of grace. Upon his own head. He became the sin. Bearer. Of. His people. And seeing that awful sight. Seeing what he must endure.

[24:18] To deliver his people. No wonder. An angel came. And strengthened him. To.

[24:31] And then. To that. False. Judgment. To carry his cross. To be nailed. To that. Accursed tree. And then.

[24:45] To witness. Being forsaken. God. And again. We cannot really. Enter into it.

[24:57] It's such a deep. It's such a profound. God. Forsaken. Of God. Eloi. Eloi. Lama. Sabachthani. My God.

[25:08] My God. Why. Has thou. Forsaken. Me. Because God. Cannot. With any degree.

[25:18] Of tolerance. Look upon sin. And we need to remember that. Oh. We can sin. Easily. We can sin lightly. Sin.

[25:28] Sin. Sin. Is innocent. All about us. But what it cost. A dear. Saviour. To pay the price. Of that sin. To make atonement.

[25:39] On behalf of his people. To bring them back to God. Here is the love of Christ. Here is the love of Christ.

[25:52] So clearly. So beautifully. So perfectly. So gloriously. Set forth. That Christ died for sinners.

[26:05] It is a faithful saying. And worthy of all. Acceptation. That Christ Jesus. Came into the world. To save sinners.

[26:16] Not the righteous. Sinners. Jesus came. To save. And do we know ourselves. To be sinners. Do we stand in the.

[26:28] Need of a saviour. Jesus save me. Or I die. Because unless we're saved. We're lost. And we're lost.

[26:41] To all eternity. What a solemn thought. In that great. Day of the Lord. That our names.

[26:52] Should be left out. When Christ. For them. The elect. Shall call. All our fair. Attendance.

[27:02] At a place of worship. All our prayers. All our readings. All our meditations. Will add up to.

[27:13] Nothing at all. Except the Lord. Seal them. In our hearts. Unless we look to Jesus.

[27:26] As the author and finisher. Of our faith. Knowing. That he. That he who for the joy. That was set before him. Endured the cross. Despising the shame.

[27:38] And is now sat down. At the right hand. Of the throne of God. And lives forever there. He gave himself for it. What a price.

[27:52] How he valued. The church. How he loved it. Greater love. Hath no man.

[28:02] Than this. That a man. Lay down. His life. For his friends. These are Christ's friends. He saw them.

[28:17] In their solemn state. But he also saw them. As to what. He would make them. The change. That he would draw.

[28:29] Within them. The glory. That should be his. Through a never. Ending. Ending.

[28:39] Eternity. That he might. Sanctify. And cleanse it. With the washing. Ending. Of water. By.

[28:49] The word. The word. Sanctify. Here. Means to. Set apart. Or to think. Of the. Vessels. That were used.

[29:01] In the. Temple. In Solomon's temple. These were set apart. For one use only. And that was. For holy use.

[29:13] They were. Holy. Unto God. They were not. To be used. For anything else. And so. The Lord's people. Are set apart. In the service.

[29:25] Of God. They are to serve him. Day and night. In his temple. They are to walk. In the light. Of his countenance. And do his will. They are.

[29:36] To show themselves. As. The people. Of God. Not ashamed. Of the gospel. Of Jesus Christ. Who they are. Who they are. And whom.

[29:48] They serve. Are we set apart. Where are we walking. Are we walking. In the confines. Of this world. Are we walking.

[30:00] According. To the gospel. Of Jesus Christ. These things. Should rest. Should rest. Upon our spirits. These things. Should be. A weight.

[30:11] And a burden. To us. A weight. And a burden. Which we cannot carry. A burden. And so. To seek. To be delivered.

[30:23] To be set apart. By God. To be singled out. To be selected. People hate. These terms. They hate.

[30:34] The very notion. Of election. But election. Is written. Throughout the Bible. You can find it. I think. In every book. Of the Bible. Election.

[30:46] Stands clear. Read Ephesians. One and two. Perhaps. Some of the clearest. Evidence. Of election. We cannot deny it.

[30:57] Although man does. That he might. Sanctify. And cleanse it. To be made clean.

[31:09] And how is that done? By the washing of water. By the word. Washing of water. By the word.

[31:22] I think it was in one of the hymns we sang. Concerning the language. Or was it in the reading? That language which corrupts a person.

[31:36] In the early verses. He speaks. But fornication and uncleanness. Or covetous. Let it not once be maimed.

[31:47] Among the saints. Neither filthiness. Nor foolish talking. Nor chesting. Which are not convenient. For this ye know. That no whoremonger. Nor unclean person.

[31:59] Nor covetous man. Who is an idolater. Have any inheritance. In the kingdom of Christ. And of God. Now if we read. Corrupt material.

[32:10] If we walk among men and women. With corrupt language. They are likely to corrupt us. You know. If you are constantly.

[32:22] Under the sound of these things. There are workplaces. We know that there are workplaces. Throughout the world. Where filthy language.

[32:33] Is the very nature. Of the conversation. Of these things will corrupt us. They will make us blacker.

[32:45] Than so. But the word of God. Has a cleansing effect. It's like water. That flows.

[32:56] Water is often used. In the word of God. It's used in. Various senses. Sometimes it's used. For baptism. Sometimes.

[33:08] It's used. For the work of the Holy Spirit. And many other things. But here. I believe. It is. The washing. By the word.

[33:19] That word. Which. We look into. That word. Which we study. That word. Which we love to read.

[33:32] That word. Which becomes. Part of our conversation. That has. That has. That has. That has. That has. That has. A cleansing effect. Upon our nature. Because the word.

[33:43] Of God. Is pure. The word of God. Is holy. And the word of God. Is able. To make us. To make us wise. Unto salvation. And it is.

[33:55] By the word of God. That the Holy Spirit. Convicts. And convinces. A man or woman. Of their sin. And leads them. To the truth.

[34:07] As it is. In Jesus. The word of God. How great. This word of God is.

[34:19] How wonderful. That God. Has. Given us. An insight. Into his own mind. This is the.

[34:29] Will of God. Which is. Written. For our benefit. You know. God. Could convert a person. God. Made the. Angels.

[34:40] Holy. Without. Any written word. And God. Can convince. Man. Without. Word. He is.

[34:52] All powerful. He is. Able to do. All things. But it has. Pleased him. He has. Chosen. This way. That through. The word of God.

[35:03] We might come. To a knowledge. Of. The truth. We are. We are. Then. To read. Mark. Learn. And inwardly. Digest. These things.

[35:14] And parents. It is. A good exercise. To. Get your children. To learn. Portions. Of the Bible.

[35:25] Who knows. In latter times. Whether these things. Will still be. Available. To us. We think. Of some of those. That were. Put into prison. And have no.

[35:36] Bible. With them. But they were. Able. Even to write. Upon the walls. Of their cells. Portions. Of scripture. That they had learned. As a child. That they had remembered.

[35:47] All their days. It has a quickening. Effect. Upon our spirit. That we may know. The word of God.

[35:57] By heart. Our one. Feels. As we get older. We get more forgetful. When we.

[36:09] Forget. Where. Certain texts are. Or passages. Of scripture. We need to be reminded. Constantly. Again. And again. We can never read.

[36:20] Too much. We can never learn. Too much. Of the Bible. You know. After. 35 years. In the ministry. You know. To be more.

[36:31] Ignorant today. Than I was. At the very beginning. But oh. How we love. God's word. How we love. The truth. That is.

[36:42] Set before us there. That truth. Which. The Lord has given us. Sealed it in our hearts. That it can. Never be erased.

[36:53] It can never be removed. Once that word. Is written. Upon the fleshy tables. Of your hearts. Nor. Man. Nor angel. Nor devil.

[37:04] Can take it from you. What is. Christ's purpose. What was his ultimate goal. As it were. That he might present it.

[37:15] To himself. A glorious church. Not having spot. Or wrinkle. Or any such thing. But that it should be holy.

[37:26] And without. Flemish. Well those of you. Who are. Converted. Let me ask. The question. Are you living.

[37:38] In sinless perfection. I think. Everyone. Without any hesitation. Will say no. Sin. Is still mixed.

[37:48] In all. That I think. Say. And do. Sin. Still. Has a. Solemn. And sobering. Effect. Upon my life. When I would do good.

[37:59] Evil is present. With me. O wretched man. That I am. And so we still feel. The effects. Of the fall. We would do good.

[38:12] If we could. But we find. That old nature. Rising up. Few seem to recognize. That a conversed person. Has two natures.

[38:22] Once he had one nature. And that nature was a sin. Sinful nature. But when he's converted. He has two natures. And the apostle.

[38:32] Often refers. To the old. And the new. The old man. Of sin. The new man. Of grace. He says. Things have changed.

[38:44] Things are different now. And now. We. Recognize. That there is. A conflict. Between. The two. We are always.

[38:55] Struggling. With the effects. Of sin. We would be holy. If we could. We desire. To walk in righteousness. And holiness.

[39:07] All the days of our lives. But there. Are these hindrances. But the Lord Jesus Christ. Looks beyond this. He looks to.

[39:18] His church. Triumphant. To. A glorious church. What a glorious church. It will be. When. When. We're all.

[39:29] Redeemed. And brought. To heaven. At last. Paul. Speaks. In. 1 Corinthians. 15. Of that.

[39:40] Change. That will take. Place. In the moment. In the twinkling. Of an eye. And. We. Shall. Be. Changed. And. We shall.

[39:51] Have. Bodies. Like. Unto Christ. Glorious. Body. Now. Christ. There was no spot. Or wrinkle.

[40:01] Or any such thing. There were no blemishes. Upon him. No. Our bodies. And again. As we get older. We have the marks.

[40:12] And blemishes. That age brings. Upon us. And accidents. And. Various things. Into being. And so.

[40:23] Our bodies. Are not perfect. As perhaps. Once they were. More beautiful. Than they are now. But think of that time. When we shall be changed.

[40:36] When we shall be changed. Like. Unto. Him. And again. It's something. Beyond our comprehension. We cannot.

[40:47] Fully. Grasp. The glorious. State. Of heaven. It was like. When the queen of Sheba. Came to.

[40:59] Visit Solomon. She had heard. In her own country. Wonderful things. Concerning Solomon. Of all his glory. Of all his riches.

[41:09] Of all his honor. Of all his fame. And so she took. That long journey. That she might witness it. For herself. And what did she say.

[41:21] Upon arrival. The half. Had not been told me. The half. Has not been told. You or me. Of the glory. That awaits.

[41:32] Every true believer. When. Heaven is ours. We can only think. Of those. That have gone before. Some of our loved ones.

[41:46] Now. In heaven above. Clothed. In white. A white. That no fuller. Upon earth. Could cleanse. Justified.

[42:00] Sanctified. Glorified. The glorified. Spirits. In heaven. Around the throne. Of God. Singing.

[42:10] Praises. Unto the dear. Saviour. Singing. That song. Of the redeemed. Who redeemed us. With. His precious blood.

[42:22] When we think. Of what man is. In his first estate. And what he shall be. In his last estate. We have it.

[42:34] In the prophecy. That Christ. Saw. His people. Polluted. In their blood. Cast out. As an unclean thing.

[42:46] Cast out. As worthless. And useless. And of no value. But what did the Lord say. Concerning them. When I passed by.

[42:58] He set his love upon. Upon that. Atrocious thing. Upon that. Filthy. Object. Upon that.

[43:09] Worseless creature. Yes. The Lord. Set his love upon them. Because he had always loved. Whatever state. They were in. He knew.

[43:21] He would change them. He would deliver them. He would set them free. And they would rise up. And follow him. We have in the scriptures.

[43:34] Some wonderful characters. Who were changed. By the grace of God. We've seen it through. The history books. The history of the church.

[43:45] Is replete. With many examples. Of those. That were. In the filth of sin. Who the Lord. Recovered.

[43:56] We know of it. Perhaps in our own day. We know of characters. Who were once. Walking. In darkness. And are now. Walking in the light.

[44:07] Walking in the light. Of life. That he might present it. To himself. How Christ.

[44:18] Will glory. Over his church. His church. Complete. The last elect. Vessel of mercy. Safely gathered in. And not one.

[44:29] Who left behind. All. That the father. Had given him. Having come to him. Now. He presents it.

[44:41] Now. He can say. This. Is my church. This is my. Glorious church. These are my. People. These are my. Friends. These are my.

[44:52] Loved ones. And they love me. Perfectly. In return. Gadsby says.

[45:03] In his hymn. Oh. That my soul. Could. Love. And praise him more. The very notion. Of that line. Is. That we cannot.

[45:14] Love him. As we ought. When we consider. The price. He paid. For our sins. That tremendous. Redemption. Price. All that he did.

[45:26] In giving himself. That he might. Deliver us. How can we. Praise him. How can we love him. In the night.

[45:38] Well. Heaven. Will be that place. Where we demonstrate. Our love. Toward him. Without ending.

[45:50] And here is the marvel. Of it. It is. Without ending. Eternity. Again.

[46:00] Again. We cannot. Conceive it. Newton says. In his hymn. When we've been there. Ten thousand years. Bright.

[46:10] Shining as the sun. We've no less days. To sing God's praise. Than when we first. Began. That perhaps. Gives us a little insight.

[46:23] Into it. But. To go on. Forever and ever. We read. Of the. Old saints. Who lived. Upwards.

[46:35] Toward. A thousand years. But then. It is recorded. Of every one of them. And. He died. Well. In heaven. There will be no death.

[46:46] We die. Unto sin. We live. Unto God. And we live. With him. Forever. And. Forever. Are we part.

[46:57] Of that number. May I. Numbered. With them be. Now. And through. Eternity. As the Lord.

[47:09] Looks. Upon the book. Of life. Every name. Is recorded. There. Is your name. And my name.

[47:21] Recorded there. How can we know. We can only know. By the evidence. That the Lord. Has given us.

[47:32] Whether we have been called. By grace divine. Quickened. By the Holy Spirit. And are living. A life of faith. Not perfectly.

[47:44] But nevertheless. Living. A life of faith. Through. Upon the Son of God. Husbands. Love your wives. Even as Christ.

[47:55] Also loved the church. And gave himself for it. That he might sanctify. And cleanse it. With the washing. Of water. By the word.

[48:06] That he might present it. To himself. A glorious church. Not having spot. Or wrinkle. Or any such thing. But.

[48:18] That it should be. Holy. And without. Blemish. May the Lord. Add his blessing. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen.

[48:28] Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen.

[48:39] Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen.