Seeking Christ (Quality: Very Good)

Staplehurst - Providence - Part 49

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Nov. 22, 1995


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[0:00] As the Lord may be pleased to help me, we would direct you prayerfully to the book of Revelation chapter 3 and reading verse 20.

[0:14] The chapter 3 of Revelation and verse 20. Behold, I stand at the door and knock. If any man hear my voice and open the door, I will come into him.

[0:30] And we'll sup with him. And he with me. Oh, how we need that living faith.

[0:42] To behold Jesus Christ through the lattice of the truth. Oh, and we repeat that word of Paul's, as you've often heard me repeated.

[0:55] That I may know him. And why should you and I have such a request? If there were no life in your soul, you wouldn't desire it, would you?

[1:08] But you see, the Lord stands at the door. The door, the door, dear friend, of your heart and mine. He stands at the door.

[1:19] He knocks. He knocks you and me with our afflictions. With our trials. With our sorrows.

[1:30] With our griefs. Solemnly reminds us of our transgressions. He makes us to see the folly of our ways.

[1:41] And he causes us to repent. I stand at the door and knock as your trials and mine. Are so sanctified to you.

[1:51] Whatever it might be. Even in my new circumstance. Can have the voice of the Lord in it. Knocking. At the door of your heart. And he says, if any man hear my voice.

[2:07] And open the door. Now it's only grace, is it? Can open the door of your heart and mine. And if that grace so opens your heart and mine.

[2:19] You'll be attentive. To what the Lord's going to speak to you. By this knocking. By this trial. By this affliction.

[2:30] By this thing that seems to weigh heavily upon your heart. Or upon my own. By these things men live. Or Hezekiah's trial is very prominent in the truth, isn't it?

[2:47] And in the exercise of the child of God. I stand at the door and knock. Or has the Lord then. Been knocking upon your heart.

[2:57] Have you been pricked in the conscience? Paul you know. Had been pricked in the conscience. It's hard. He said for thee to kick against the pricks. It's hard with the child of God.

[3:08] To kick against these pricks. The messengers from Satan. That buffet you. The trials. Of your daily lives. The insults.

[3:20] And the troubles. That you might find in your pathway. And you seem to find. So little cooperation. Between others. Or so many things.

[3:30] That affect us. In our lives. That the Lord's voice is in it. He says. I stand at the door and knock. If any man hear my voice.

[3:42] And open the door. I will come in to hear him. He opens your heart. He pours in that. Wounded heart.

[3:52] That he's wounded. He wounds your heart and mind. Causes you. To feel guilty of your sinfulness. Of some.

[4:04] Sinful deed. Of some lust of the flesh. Of some pride of life. The Lord's knocking. If any man hear my voice.

[4:15] And open the door. I will come in. And so it will be the plea. From this. Soul. That is. Cricked in the conscience. To seek the Lord.

[4:28] That he would come in. That he would. Favor you. To have the eyes. Of your understanding. Enlightened. That he would.

[4:38] Unstop your deaf ears. That the blessed spirit. Would come. And cause your heart. To be opened. To receive the blessings. Of the Lord.

[4:49] That shall enrich your soul. In weaning you and me. From the world. Delivering you. From those. Lust of the flesh. Those things. May be lawful.

[5:01] That perhaps. Take so much. Of your attention. And draw you aside. From the saving knowledge. Of Christ. Because.

[5:12] Brings you in this place. Where this. Laodicean church. They were lukewarm. Neither cold. Nor hard. Now this will be an exercise. I believe.

[5:23] To the child of God. That he might give us. That grace. As he says. Here I counsel thee. To buy me gold. Tried in the fire. That thou mayest be writh.

[5:33] Rich. Because. Laodicean church said. Because thou sayest. I am rich. And increased with goods. And have need of nothing.

[5:44] No it's not. Thou art wretched. And miserable. And poor. And blind. And naked. I counsel thee. I counsel thee. By me of gold. It's buying the truth.

[5:55] With wrestling prayer. When. Jesus stands at the door. And that door dear friends. That door of mercy.

[6:07] And he stands at the door of your heart. And pricks you in the conscience. And softens your heart. By due degrees. Makes your spirit meek. And you seek that grace.

[6:18] You might hear. His voice. The voice of the. Lord Jesus Christ. In these signs. And in these wonders. That he is performing for you.

[6:31] To bring you to his feet. And to bring you to the. Calvary's tree. To look upon him. Whom you pierced. Lord how we need the spirit.

[6:44] In our day. Don't we. To unfold to us. The mysteries. Of his work. Behold. Look and see. Behold the Lamb of God.

[6:55] That taketh away. The sins of the world. I stand at the door. You know. We shall be without excuse. Won't we. When we come to the end.

[7:06] Of the journey. And. We've known nothing. Of these things. Why is that? Because the Lord. Will have seen fit. To have caused your eyes.

[7:16] To be holden. That they know not. These things. Very solemn. And though you and I. Do not receive that. That we so long for. Yet are there not.

[7:28] Those evidences. Are there not. Those things. Where. You have felt. The Lord. Speaking to you. And all you felt.

[7:40] So. Troubled. And you felt. So cast down. And burdened. Over the Lord's. Knocking at the door. Of your heart. And.

[7:51] All you've. Thought. The Lord. Would. Open your heart. And pour in. This oil. And this wine. And the gospel. To heal you. To restore.

[8:03] Unto you. The joy. Of his salvation. To bless you. With a token. Of his love. You know. The Lord. Must come.

[8:13] Mustn't he. Where you are. To stand. At the door. And you be made. Conscious of it. My presence.

[8:25] I leave. With you. My peace. I leave. With you. Not as the world. Giveth. Give unto you. Let not your heart. Be troubled. Neither let it be afraid.

[8:36] And we need the Lord. To say that. Don't we. To us. To confirm us in it. But he has promised. That where two or three. Are gathered together.

[8:47] In the midst. That there am I. In the midst. All this favor then. When the Lord. So warms. Air cold hearts. When we see Jesus.

[9:00] Through the lattice. Of the gospel. When we feel him. To be the one thing. Needful to us. The one that can resolve. All our difficulties. And all our disputes. I'm not saying disputes here.

[9:11] But those of the world. The things that you and I. Encounter. From time to time. Oh they sink your fathoms. At times. You've no might. Against this great company.

[9:22] Have you. That seem to come. Against you. But greater are those. Who are for you. Than against you friends. If the Lord Jesus Christ.

[9:34] Is your savior. And your friend. And he sticks closer. Than a brother. I stand at the door. Knock. Oh what a mercy.

[9:46] When you hear. The voice of the Lord Jesus. When he speaks to you. Through his word. When he comforts. Your troubled heart. When he whispers unto you. Peace be still.

[9:58] And if the Lord. Giveth you and me peace. Who then can make trouble. So those trying circumstances. That you and I. May continually.

[10:10] Pass through. You know. You know. We don't seem to stop. Do we. Maybe the trial. Doesn't go away. Maybe it's continually. With you. Maybe for many months.

[10:23] Maybe years. The Lord is still there. He's omnipresent. And he knocks. And if by the grace of God.

[10:33] He is knocking. At your heart and mine. Then the time comes. And when. He will exercise you. To open the door. You say.

[10:46] Here's my heart Lord. Here's my heart Lord. Take and seal it. Seal it from the courts above. That I might have that. Blessed.

[10:57] Persuasion. And assurance. That I have been loved. With an everlasting love. So he says. If any man hear my voice.

[11:07] And open the door. I will come into him. Or you don't you often feel this. Want the Lord Jesus to come.

[11:19] To come right where you are. To decide the. The doubtful case of your soul. You know the old devil is ever ready to.

[11:31] To try and undermine real religion. Ever try to undermine your little faith. And oh he drives in that wedge of.

[11:43] Unbelief so powerfully doesn't he. And so subtly. And you want the Lord to come into you. And to sup with you. You want to feel that union.

[11:56] And communion with the Lord. Lord. If thou art the mighty saviour. If thou art Jesus. The son of God. Leave me not. Neither forsake me.

[12:09] I seem to grow for the wall. Like the blind. I drift on through the wilderness world. The days come. The days go. The Lord's days come. And the Lord's days go.

[12:19] The services of the house. And still I cannot find that. That I am so looking for. And the devil still roars. And laughs me. The scorn and mocks me.

[12:30] And oh he has so many agents. He has so many agents. Doesn't he? Come the Monday morning. Come the days of the week.

[12:41] And this devil is ever active. Ever ready. To undermine perhaps. That you. Sought to lay hold on. On the Sabbath day. Or in the weeknight.

[12:54] Or what a wildly powerful foe he is. But still Jesus doesn't move. He is still the same. He is still the same. Yesterday.

[13:04] Today. Forever. He still stands at the door. Knocks. And all you know. The mercy is. That he does cause his people.

[13:14] To hear his voice. And open the door. And he sets before them. As he speaks to one of these other churches. Didn't he? That he has set before them.

[13:25] An open door. And no man can shut it. These things saith he that is holy. He that is true. He that hath the key of David. He that openeth.

[13:36] And no man shut it. And shut it. And no man open it. See the Lord is there. He is omnipresent. He is without beginning.

[13:47] And without ending. Ending. He is that high priest. After the order of Melchizedek. That we read of. God. So we would bless God.

[13:57] Would we not. That he is the same. And he knows your frame and mine. Why? He must know your frame. And mine.

[14:08] Because. He created you. And he made you. After his image. We know that. Adam fell from that image of God.

[14:19] But all through mercy. There is that. Restoration. Isn't it? Of this righteousness. Through the imputed righteousness of Christ.

[14:30] Here then is your hope. And mine friends. That the Lord. Might in his sovereign mercy. Knock upon your door. Exercise you.

[14:40] To knock upon mercy's door. There might be this union. This communion. From off the mercy seat. I will come into him.

[14:53] Suck with him. You know that time. When you sit down. Under his shadow. With great delight. His fruit is sweet. To your taste. You are drawn.

[15:03] By that sweet. Resistless grace. To come to the mercy seat. You search the scriptures. The Bible. Perhaps becomes. A very.

[15:14] Blessed book to you. You become absorbed. In the language. You want that religion. To be yours. Whereas at one time.

[15:26] Perhaps. Or on occasions. There doesn't seem. Any life. In the book. Of life. Then suddenly. Through mercy. You become.

[15:37] So absorbed. With the word. As it's applied. To yourself. You. It's your meat. And your drink. Indeed. I will come into him. And will suck with him. You made.

[15:49] To hunger. And thirst. After the righteousness. Of Christ. He says. Doesn't he. He that cometh to me. Will never thirst.

[16:01] He that believeth on me. Should never hunger. And so this desire. In your soul. And mine. To feed upon the truth.

[16:12] Who's caused you. To have that desire. He stood at the door. He's exercised your soul. With that faith. That he is God.

[16:24] And that Jesus. The dear son. Is that. One mediator. Between God. And a poor sinner. And he exercises you. To hear.

[16:34] His voice. By the teaching. Of the spirit. For he's promised it. Hasn't he. And said. When he. The spirit of truth. Is come. He will guide you.

[16:45] Into all truth. It becomes. Your meat. And your drink. Indeed. Is the word of truth. You feed upon it. Or it's the truth. As it is in Jesus.

[16:58] You see. You can't. Satisfy yourself. Then. On all these. Fictional things. Can you? You want the truth. You want facts.

[17:08] Don't you? And you want the Lord. To apply those things. That you can testify. Testify. Of what the Lord. Has done for yourself.

[17:19] You can't feel. To love him. Can you? But you have a desire. To be loved. Of the Lord. And so.

[17:31] If the Lord. Has so implanted. That desire. In your soul. Is it not? Doesn't it raise. A hope. In your heart. That if you have. A real desire. To love the Lord.

[17:43] Is it not. Because he has loved you. He has stood. At the door. And not. Prick you in the conscience. Exercise your soul.

[17:53] With repentance. Giving you a desire. Often feeble. And faint. That you might have. This contact. No dear.

[18:04] Mr. Frank Gosden. Used to speak much. Must have contact. That you have a feeling. Not just a voice. And not just.

[18:15] Uttering words. Before the Lord. But. To feel the blessed. Spirit of the Lord. Upon you. Contact. Union. Communion. Your thoughts. Are drawn away.

[18:25] Heaven war. You read the word. You meditate upon it. And. Isn't there not a voice in it. At times. You see.

[18:36] You're brought into trial. And so. This rebuking. And chastening. Of the Lord. Is it not the voice. Of the Lord in it. I stand at the door.

[18:48] As many as I love. I rebuke. And chasten. Have you never had any love. And rebuke friends. And maybe through the ministry.

[19:01] I remember preaching once. At Hanover. And a man came to me afterwards. Said I felt rebuked tonight. I didn't know dear friends.

[19:12] I wasn't speaking at anybody. And you know. What a mercy. If the Lord does. If there's a need to be. Rebuke us. And reprove us.

[19:24] Will you make you. I believe. To truly weep. When he. Rebukes you. Chastens you. You see. There'll be. Chastening. To make you.

[19:36] And me a mourner. Sorrowful things. To experience. Hard things. Bitter things. Things that. Sink your fathoms. At times.

[19:48] Oppress you. Cast you down. Overwhelm you. Drive you. As it were. Far away. And into a very. Very low place. You find yourself.

[20:00] In a solitary place. You find no rest. In the things of time sense. We heard the other day.

[20:11] Of a person. Has just lost. A relative. They're going to have. A different sort of Christmas. They're going to.

[20:24] Go to one of these. Holiday camps. Plenty of noise. Plenty of noise. And activity. For Christmas. You might say.

[20:36] To. Drown. Their sorrows. Very solemn. Isn't it? Nice people. Kind people. In the earth. And yet.

[20:48] You know. It's God. Stands at the door. In the hand of death. Doesn't he? It's appointed. It's the fulfilling. Of his word. To all mankind. Kind. But you see.

[21:00] Where there's no vision. The people perish. Or you know. We ought to be. Blessing God. And we're praising God.

[21:11] That we're not in that same sad state. Or we've known. What mourning is. Over the loss of. Those in. Dear ones.

[21:22] Haven't we? You each have. Probably most of you. But you see. You haven't gone. Have you? To the ale house. To the pleasure house. To the holiday camp.

[21:34] To drown your sorrows. Have you? Or to cover them with some. Noise. It's a noisy day. Isn't it? With the devil's music. But you've been brought there.

[21:45] I believe. If it's sanctified. But to bless God. Especially. When there's been that good hope. Of the departed. Of being with Christ.

[21:56] Which is far better. The Lord. Those that he loves. He rebukes. And chastens. But it's to exercise them.

[22:06] To be zealous. Zealous. For the truth. To repent. And believe. And behold. I stand at the door knob.

[22:17] If any man hear my voice. And open the door. I will come into him. And will suck with him. We see here. The love of Christ.

[22:28] Don't we? The compassion of Christ. Who has promised. That he will never leave. Nor forsake. His dear people. Now.

[22:40] The Lord. Doesn't give you. A fleshly zeal. It's a. God fearing zeal. You're made zealous. Of the truth. You seek that grace.

[22:52] To be steadfast. To be unmovable. Always abounding. In the work of the Lord. What is the work of the Lord? He says. To believe.

[23:03] In the Lord Jesus Christ. That's the work. That he bids you. And need work. Not the good works. Of the fleshly. Religionists. Who think.

[23:14] They'll be saved. By their good works. You see. This is the work. Isn't it? That you believe. In the Lord Jesus Christ. As he works in you.

[23:26] That faith. Faith. Which worketh by love. Faith. The offends. Without works. Is dead. That's the work. Isn't it? He worketh in you.

[23:37] Both. To will and do. Of his good pleasure. In seeking that grace. To endure. Even the chastening hand of God. To strengthen you.

[23:50] With all might. In the inner man. All that. That. That might. In the inner man. That living faith. That fear of the Lord.

[24:02] That. Nehemiah knew of. Had to look back. And say. So did not I. For the fear of the Lord. Which becomes. An unctuous lie. To all that's right.

[24:13] And a bar to all that's wrong. I stand at the door. All your chastenings then. These chastenings. Therefore prize.

[24:23] The privilege of a saint. Their hearts are hard. Who this despise. And theirs too weak. Who faint. Lord help me then.

[24:35] To wait upon thee. Lord. As thou dost knock the door. Lord do. Open the door. Put thy finger. Through the hole of the door.

[24:47] And draw near to me. And comfort me. And confirm me. And assure me. Of the reality of my religion. Little though it may be.

[24:58] A little faith. A little hope. And a little love. I will come into him. You know. The Lord has promised to come. To those that hear his voice.

[25:10] And if you've heard his voice. He doesn't just stop there. Does he? I will come into him. And you come where you are.

[25:21] And we are sat with you. And he with me. There's a union. There's a communion. There's a blessing of the Lord. To enrich yourself. And you'll have that closer walk with him.

[25:35] Oh for a closer walk with God. Calm and heavenly friend. A light to shine upon the road. That leads us to the land. Now this. This vision dear friends.

[25:47] Is by the eye of faith. You look to him. He warms your cold hearts. And he makes you to feel. Although you may be.

[25:58] Sufficiently supplied. With your goods. And have need of nothing. The cupboards not bare. Your needs are supplied. You may have hardship. But you know.

[26:11] We're not poverty stricken. Are we like. Dear old John Warburton. Came home. In a. In a stale crust. Three days old. And. And he blessed God.

[26:22] As he had it. He felt the nearness. Of the Lord. Thanks. Giving up unto his God. For such a great blessing. Well.

[26:32] Do these material things. Choke the word. In our day. Or may we not be left. To be over. Serpent of time. And he was. As needful as they are.

[26:44] But know. It's not that they are. Wretched. And miserable. And poor. And blind. And naked. You see. It's vital. Isn't it. For the Lord. To knock at your door.

[26:55] And mine. Any little. Mishap in the day. It's sanctified to you. This is the Lord's doing. He knows the way I take. As he caused it.

[27:07] To come for a purpose. You know. I remember. Once going. I don't want to keep. Bringing self in tonight.

[27:18] But as the mind is led. Going to Skains Hill. With one of. One of our new cars. And hit something in the road. And a shortage of time.

[27:29] And bang. The tire went. And no one came to hell. Do you know. I thought about that. Was it the hand of God.

[27:40] Was there a purpose in him. Was it to deliver me from pride. Was it to make me more dependent. Upon him. You know. We take so much for granted.

[27:52] We. Get in the car. Turn the key. Drive off. And think we're going to get there. Without any mishap. Mercy we do.

[28:02] In many. Miles that you do. And we do. Or may we not be left. To say like this church. Where I'm rich.

[28:12] And increased with goods. And have need of nothing. But for the Lord. To so exercise their minds. As I. Don't doubt he does yours. To realize.

[28:22] To realize. To realize. That the Lord alone. Can grant you. To make. You feel. How poor. And blind. And naked. You are. Of the knowledge.

[28:33] Of himself. You know. You know. Job. You know. In all his trials. All his afflictions. He had to say. Of his friends.

[28:44] Miserable comforters. Are ye all. Oh. But when the Lord. So. Brings you here. I stand at the door. Knock. What about.

[28:57] His commandments then. What about. His voice. In. In instruction. And teaching. As you. Have your ear. Bored to the doorpost.

[29:07] You want a word. Of instruction. In waiting. Upon the Lord. That he might. Be. Merciful to you. To come into you.

[29:20] Come into your heart. Sat with you. Give you a promise. Tell you. He's pardoned your sins. And your iniquities.

[29:31] Have been. Blotted out. And he's going to. Remember them. No more forever. You can't buy it. Can you. With gold and silver. But you know.

[29:44] If the Lord. Has so bought you. With a price. Then he will. Stand at the door. And that precious. Blood of Christ. Will be the object. Of your soul. All that I knew.

[29:57] Where I might. Find him. Says Joe. All that I knew. Why was that. Because he had been born again. And if you've been born again. Friends.

[30:08] And I don't mean like these. These. Pop stars. And film stars. That say they've been born again. Christians. They wouldn't be doing the things. That they were.

[30:18] If they had been. But you see. You've been brought here. As a born again. Sinner. You've been created. And new in Christ. All that I knew.

[30:29] You haven't gone further than that. Hold fast to that. Clean the promise. The fulfilling of the. Love of Christ. In your heart. All that I knew.

[30:39] Where I might find him. You'd come to his seat. Wouldn't you? And it's often with us in prayer. Isn't it? All that the Lord. Would come. Where I am.

[30:50] Warm my cold heart. Don't leave me to be over. Servant him. With these goods. With these possessions. Which we would bless God. For the gift of them.

[31:01] And the maintenance. Of our standards of life. But oh. We want him. We want him to be. The one thing. Needful. Needful.

[31:12] We sing it on Sunday. Or may it be. The exercise of your son. Behold. I stand at the door. Knock. If any man hear my voice. And open the door. I will come in to him.

[31:23] Amen. All this blessed saviour. That comes. Into our lowest state. He comes where you are.

[31:35] He blesses you with a touch. He speaks the words to your very soul. And what a mercy that the Lord does. So reign.

[31:46] In our hearts. And he's able to do. Far more exceedingly abundantly. Above all that you and I can ask. All think. And it is this mercy.

[32:01] This door of mercy. That he has. Opened all day. And so he brings you there. I will come in to him. And will sup with him. And he with me. And to him that overcometh.

[32:14] Will I grant to sit with me. In my throne. The Lord then. Draws you by that sweet. Resistless grace. He enforces you and me to come.

[32:26] To the throne of divine grace. He blesses you. With his presence. And. As we come here. One's thought goes to a.

[32:37] To a. Hymn that we have in our book. See. A form of words. Though air so sound. Can never save a soul. The Holy Ghost must give the wound.

[32:50] And make the wounded whole. Though God's election is a truth. Small comfort there I see. Till I am told by God's own mouth.

[33:02] That he has chosen me. And so as the Lord knocks on your heart. You'll be waiting upon him. For that blessed knowledge.

[33:15] That he has chosen you. Or in other words. To say to you. That he has paid the price for your sins. He has pardoned your sins. He has blotted as a thick cloud.

[33:28] Your transpression. And as a cloud. Your sins. And this is what. Real religion is isn't it. Is to be shown.

[33:38] You're a sinner by the Holy Ghost. Christ. Made tender in the fear of God. As the Lord so knocks at the door of your heart. And his voice is as the sound of many waters.

[33:53] We're told. And when the spirit comes. In whatever way it may come. And reveals to you and me in some trial.

[34:06] This is the voice of the Lord. This is the Lord's doing. As he causes you. To feel the rebukes and chastenings of his almighty hand.

[34:22] But it's the workings of grace isn't it. His everlasting love and favor towards his dear people are such. That he doesn't change his mind. And as he exercises your soul with that broken heart and contrition of spirit.

[34:38] He breaks it. And then. This is what you will desire. Lord. Do come. Do come and bless my soul.

[34:50] With some sweet assurance. That I am thine. Oh what a mercy this is. When the Lord so favors you. And me with that union.

[35:03] With the warming of your cold heart. No longer in the natural mind. Is it? It's the spiritual mind. Which is so exercised by the spirit.

[35:15] That you consider him. And he shows you. What he has done. And you know you felt lost before. You felt to be a lost sinner.

[35:27] You feel sometimes to have lost your way now. And you wonder sometimes as I said earlier. This wretched enemy comes in like a flood. And says where is now your God?

[35:40] Where is all your trust in him? Where is all the promises? Where is all the tokens? Where is all the hope? Where is all the words? That you thought you rested upon. The Lord lifts up a standard against him.

[35:56] Because he says. You know I stand at the door knock. And all you have to plead with the Lord. To drive away this devil don't you? And his agents.

[36:08] And all you are brought at times. In such a pitiful state of mind don't you? And your heart well now breaks. And you feel sometimes you can't go on any longer.

[36:20] Unless the Lord appear. And he does. Oh hasn't he done for some of you these blessings? When he has stood at the door.

[36:31] When everything seems to be on top of you. And you come to the end of all things. And yet. Is it not the voice of the Lord that comes to rescue you from all those fears?

[36:45] And blesses you to come into you. And will sup with him and he with me. You see we see it here. I will come into him and will sup with him. And he with me.

[36:57] He comes where you are. He blesses you with grace. And he gives you an ear to hear what his spirit is saying unto yourself. A voice behind you saying this is the way.

[37:09] Walk in it. When you turn to the right or to the left. And as you look to him. So you pray for clearer views of him.

[37:21] Grace that you might overcome. This body of death through the merits of Jesus. It's Christ and him crucified. We speak much of Christ and him crucified.

[37:32] Speak much of his precious blood. But it's the spirit alone. Can enlighten and enliven yourselves. And give you faith to believe.

[37:43] You see the just shall live by faith. We shall not be justified by works. No man is ever justified by works. But the just shall live by faith.

[37:55] And if any man draw back my soul shall have no pleasure in him. You know it's those that are out of the covenant will draw back. Solemn thing to have a name to live and be dead.

[38:08] But if any man draw back my soul shall have no pleasure in him. But we're not of them that draw back to perdition. But to them that believe. Through the saving of the soul.

[38:22] You see the Lord Jesus. He binds up the broken heart. He lifts the poor beggar out of the dunghill.

[38:34] And sets him among princes. Lord it says promise hasn't he. That he will not leave nor forsake his people.

[38:44] Though you cannot feel the warmth that you once felt. Or you trusted you would feel. And some even speak of the warmth in their soul to the Lord Jesus Christ.

[38:55] But you can't believe it yourself until he tells you. With his own man. That he has chosen you. Well this is an exercise.

[39:06] I believe of a newborn soul. You desire the sincere milk of the word that you might grow thereby. And as you advance in years you want stronger meat. You want his word to be your meat and your drink indeed.

[39:22] In other words to apply some precious word to my soul. And open the eyes of my understanding. That I might understand the meaning of it.

[39:34] This standing at the door knocking. The omnipresence of Christ. Who has promised never to leave or forsake his people. That we might boldly say the Lord is my helper.

[39:48] I will not fear what man should do unto me. We're so ready to fear man aren't we. When we lose sight of the faith of God.

[39:59] And faith in Jesus Christ. But it's repentance toward God. And if the Lord has so granted you repentance and godly sorrow for sin.

[40:11] On occasions you felt broken hearted. You felt to be at the ends of the earth. Because of these trials seem to have brought you so low.

[40:22] That the Lord is able to strengthen you. Support you and sustain you. As he upholds you with the right hand of his righteousness.

[40:35] Though I stand at the door knock. Is there anything in our lives at present. Where it's the voice of the Lord. Being disobedient.

[40:46] Taking the wrong step. Acting in the wrong way. Why say these things as they come to mind dear friends. Without wielding the sword.

[40:58] The Lord knows that. And so should you do. I stand at the door and knock. If any man hear my voice. And open the door. I will come.

[41:10] Into him. Or the hearing of his voice. Lord let me hear thy voice. For thy voice is comely. O the voice of the good shepherd of the sheep.

[41:24] His voice is comely. Let me hear thy voice. Let me be favoured Lord. To know something. Of the warmth of my cold heart.

[41:36] With the love of Christ. That I might truly feel. Uh. Swallowed up. For a little season. In some exceeding great and precious promise.

[41:48] Let me hear thy voice Lord. Let me be favoured to have grace too. To be obedient to that voice. And to be enabled to speak Lord.

[42:00] By experience. Of that felt union and communion with thee. To hear by thy blessed spirit. What thou art saying.

[42:11] Unto me. That I might be one. Of those living souls. That shall at last. Be more than a conqueror. Through thee. That has loved me.

[42:22] And washed me from my sins. In thine own precious blood. Lord help me to believe. And to trust thee. For thy faithfulness.

[42:33] And. To walk worthily of thee. And all do keep my faith. That I might be preserved. Unto thy heavenly kingdom. Behold I stand at the door and knock.

[42:46] If any man hear my voice. And open the door. I will come into him. And will sup with him. And he with me. Or when the Lord favours you.

[42:58] To sit down under his shadow. With great delight. And his fruit. Is sweet to your taste. May the Lord fulfill. These few desires.

[43:10] In our feeble remarks. And get unto himself. All glory due. Unto his holy name. Amen. Let us conclude.

[43:27] In singing hymn. 894. 894. To tune. Pastor 205. The saviour.

[43:40] The saviour empties.

[43:55] Whom he fills. And quickens. Whom he slays. our legal hope he kindly kills to teach us gospel praise he wraps in frowns as well as smiles some tokens of his love and if he wounds or if he heals in both his grace we prove 894 the Savior enters whom he fails and with concern he says the legal hope he kindly kills to teach us gospel praise he wraps in frowns as well as smiles some tokens of his love let it be words hello mять more sung glori glori great glori glori

[46:14] Thank you.

[46:44] And let me hear my song.

[46:55] My evil self may change us again.

[47:11] And take my heart alone. My guilty wounds may change us again.

[47:34] And take my spirit's love.

[47:45] May the grace of the Lord Jesus Christ, the love of God the Father, the fellowship of the Holy Spirit, rest and abide with us each. Amen.

[48:03] Amen.